
Complete FAQ listing

A complete listing of all our current Frequently Asked Questions

All categories / Accessibility

Queries about facilities and services for students with disabilities or specific learning needs

All categories / Computer accounts

Registering for username / email address, additional accounts, eligibility, external charges

All categories / Computer accounts / Compliance / misuse

Topics concerning activity that contravenes the University Regulations for use of computers

All categories / Email and calendaring

Questions about using email and calendaring clients as well connecting from home or mobile devices.

All categories / Email and calendaring / Addresses

Questions about Sussex email addresses.

All categories / Email and calendaring / Forwarding, autoreplies and filtering

Automatically sending mail to another address, replying to messages when away from Sussex, processing incoming mail

All categories / Email and calendaring / Remote and mobile access

Accessing email from home, campus bedrooms, ISP accounts, abroad and from mobile devices

All categories / Email and calendaring / Spam, email abuse

Misuse of email, unwanted email, other abuse

All categories / Email and calendaring / Other email applications

Email programs other than the standard recommended clients

All categories / Email and calendaring / Other email applications / Mail and Calendar on a Mac

Using Mail and Calendar applications on a Mac with the Sussex system.

All categories / Email and calendaring / Outlook

Using Outlook with the Sussex mail system

All categories / Email and calendaring / Outlook / Calendaring

All categories / Email and calendaring / Outlook / Contacts

Contact lists in Outlook

All categories / Email and calendaring / Outlook / Folders

Use of mail folders in Outlook

All categories / Email and calendaring / Outlook / Installation

Installing and setting up Outlook

All categories / Email and calendaring / Outlook / Logging in

Logging in and authenticating to Outlook

All categories / Email and calendaring / Outlook / Options

All categories / Email and calendaring / Outlook / Sending messages

All categories / Email and calendaring / Webmail for students

Use of Webmail facility (Roundcube)

All categories / Email and calendaring / Webmail for staff and researchers (OWA)

Use of Outlook Web App webmail facility for staff and researchers

All categories / Internet

Various aspects of using the World Wide Web such as searching techniques, bookmarking, creating HTML pages, using browsers and plugins

All categories / Internet / Browsing

General information about accessing sites on the WWW using a (non-specific) web browser

All categories / Internet / Creating web pages

Personal web pages, design of web pages

All categories / IT Services at Sussex

Details of Sussex-specific aspects of the services available

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Administration

Topics such as registration, reporting faults, and booking cluster rooms

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Training

Details of IT training available and how to book places

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Using Equipment in General Teaching Space

Audio-visual equipment available in General Teaching Space

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Using Equipment in General Teaching Space / Data Projection

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Using Equipment in General Teaching Space / Video and DVD Projection

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Using Equipment in General Teaching Space / VHS/DVD Playback

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Using Equipment in General Teaching Space / PCs and Network Access

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Using Equipment in General Teaching Space / Lecture Capture

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Request Tracker (RT)

Information for users of the Request Tracker (RT) system

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Computer cluster rooms

Information about the generally available computer rooms around campus

All categories / IT Services at Sussex / Conferences

IT Services information for delegates attending conferences held at Sussex

All categories / Personally owned computers and equipment

Advice and guidance regarding your own equipment, including details of how to connect it to Sussex networks

All categories / Personally owned computers and equipment / Wired internet access

Details of the wired network in the residences and student connectivity in general

All categories / Personally owned computers and equipment / Software

Issues concerning the installation of software on personally owned equipment

All categories / Personally owned computers and equipment / Wi-fi

Queries about connecting personally-owned computers to the campus network using the wireless network

All categories / Printing

Details of printing services provided and how to pay for them

All categories / Software

Advice, guidance and help with using various software packages

All categories / Software / Databases

All categories / Software / Endnote

All categories / Software / Excel

All categories / Software / Maple

All categories / Software / Matlab

All categories / Software / Powerpoint

All categories / Software / Programming

All categories / Software / Scanning and images

All categories / Software / SPSS

All categories / Software / Microsoft Office

All MS Office applications including Word, Excel and Powerpoint

All categories / Saving and storing information

Details of the options available for storing and transferring your files

All categories / Saving and storing information / CD and DVD burning

All categories / Saving and storing information / Box

Box support and use

All categories / Saving and storing information / File management

Good practice with regard to storing, archiving and managing files

All categories / Saving and storing information / G: drive

A collection of FAQs relating to the G:drive which can be used to hold information or files common to all members of a particular school.

All categories / Wordprocessing

Advice, guidance and help with using Microsoft Word word-processing software

All categories / Unix

Details of the IT Services Unix system and facilities available on it

All categories / Viruses, malware and security

Advice on and help with protecting your computer against malicious software

All categories / Lecture capture

All categories / Corporate Information Systems

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Access

What to do when people request access to either Webforms or Oracle

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Access / Web Reports Access

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Access / Database Access

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Access / Sussex Direct Access

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Access / Study Direct

Study Direct

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Business Areas

This is where you find any project-specific FAQs eg RAE

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Business Areas / Associate Tutors

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Business Areas / Courses and Modules

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Business Areas / PCPT

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Business Areas / PG Admissions

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Business Areas / Teaching and Study

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Oracle Webforms

Errors, features, requests for new forms (NB NOT ACCESS TO...)

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / People/Person Data

Look here for answers when people ask questions about their personal web profile, membership etc

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / People/Person Data / Student

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / People/Person Data / Web Profile

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / People/Person Data / Group membership/email

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Sussex Direct

Look here for answers to the "I can't see x on Sussex Direct", "how can I do yy on SD? questions...

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Sussex Direct / Online Registration

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Sussex Direct / Student Pages

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Sussex Direct / Teaching/Convening pages

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Sussex Direct / Event Booking System

All categories / Corporate Information Systems / Cognos reports

All questions relating to web-based Cognos reports, except granting access (see Access section).

Updated on 12 November 2015