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Questions and answers

Is there Cognos report which shows me X?

IT Services are not generally the authors of web reports and owing to the large number of reports provided, we cannot be sure whether the report you are looking for already exists.
Please use the search facility in Cognos. On login you will find the quick search facility at the top left of the screen. The search box will autocomplete as you type or you can hit enter to search your keyword(s). A list of report(s) matching your criteria will be returned which can be filter using the filter icon at the top right of the search window.
If you do not find what you are looking try speaking to the department responsible for the reporting area or a colleague more familiar with Cognos.

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This is question number 2134, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Helen Moore on 4 December 2007 and last updated by Russell Walkden on 13 July 2022