
Health and Safety

A to Z of health and safety

Browse the options below for information on specific hazards and where to get help if you need it.

Actions and Interventions

HS G063 Actions and Interventions for Health & Safety Non-Compliance and Breaches Guide

This guide outlines what action can be taken within the University for health and safety (H&S) non-compliance and/or breaches. 

Administration of Medicines to Visiting Children or Young People

As part of its work with the wider community and engagement with schools and colleges, there are occasions where children/ young adults (under the age of 18) may be brought onto campus for day visits or to attend residential summer schools. Some of these children/ young adults may have medical conditions that, if not managed, could impact their ongoingcomfort and wellbeing and/or have life threatening risks. To enable them to have equal access to the university, staff may need to support them by administering medication.

The following guidance and template documents support university staff that carry out administration of medicines activities for such visiting children and young people:

HS G069 Administration of Medication for visiting Children Young People Guidance

HS G069 Administration of Medication for visiting Children Young People Template Documents

Please note the University is not in ‘loco parentis’ for registered students under the age of 18 residing in university managed accommodation, and therefore this guidance does not apply to them. There is a separate, ‘Under 18s Housing Policy’ available on the Student Accommodation web page that considers the medical capacity/care protocols and procedures for these students.


Asbestos Management

Due to the original construction of our campus there is asbestos present in some of our buildings. When contained asbestos does not pose a risk to health. Problems can arise when asbestos dust is released due to uncontrolled works or accidental damage.

Asbestos risks are managed by Sussex Estates & Facilities on behalf of the University Estates, Facilities and Commercial Services division.

Works and Construction

Even drilling into a wall to put up a shelf can result in a release of asbestos.

Prior to carrying out any work likely to release asbestos by yourself or contractors you should ensure that the asbestos register has been checked.

This can be done by emailing the details of the proposed work to Sussex Estates & Facilities (SEF) Service Desk ServiceCentre@sef.fm.

Suspected Accidental Release

If you suspect that damage to a building has resulted in a potential release of asbestos please call the Sussex Estates & Facilities (SEF) Service Centre and report details of the incident.

Service Centre number 01273 877777

Policies and guidance documents


Asphyxiants, Pressure Systems, Gas Cylinders, Cryogenics and Explosive Atmospheres

The Hazard

Most asphyixiants have no smell or odour and can go undetected. They are commonly used and if they reduce the oxygen concentration in an area without an alarm it can result in loss of consciousness and death.

Common asphyixiants

  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Dry ice (Carbon dioxide also has other hazardous properties)
  • Inert pressurised gases e.g. argon


  • Laboratories
  • Welding
  • Theatre productions


  • Where ever possible asphyixiants should be used and stored outside in a well ventilated space.
  • If used and stored inside they should be in a well ventilated space.
  • Warning signs should be in place and the area should be secured to prevent unauthorised access.
  • Detectors and alarms should be fitted if asphyxiation calculations show a foreseeable risk of asphyxiation.
  • Should form part of area or activity risk assessments.
  • Training, information and instruction must be provided.

Effects of reduced oxygen concentration.

O2 concentration

Volume %

Effects and symptoms



Normal level of oxygen in the atmosphere


Minimum safe level of oxygen

< 18

Potentially dangerous.

< 10

Risk of unconsciousness followed by brain damage or death due to asphyxia is greatly increased.

< 6

Immediate loss of consciousness occurs.


Inhalation of only 2 breaths causes immediate loss of consciousness and death within 2 minutes.

Emergency First Aid

WARNING: Do not hurry to help without thinking. The risk is that you will become the second victim.

Only adequately trained personnel should attempt rescue using the correct equipment such as:

  • Self-contained breathing equipment
  • Safety belts/harnesses and winches
  • Personal monitors
  • Resuscitation equipment.

Where this equipment is not available, a rescue should not be undertaken.



Policies and guidance documents

Audit and Inspection


Inspection is a range of approaches and techniques used for a number of reasons. These include:

  • To monitor and maintain health and safety standards.
  • To improve health and safety standards.
  • To improve other areas of performance such as resource usage, pollution control, and quality of work.
  • To improve culture and include staff in supporting the organisational goals to improve their work place.


There are three basic techniques which can be used in different ways to monitor performance. These are:

  • Visual inspection (can include physical measurements e.g. occupational health monitoring such as noise level measurements).
  • Talk to people (sometimes referred to as interviewing but this implies quite a formal technique, when in fact a conversational style can be effective).
  • Review documents (can include looking at simple on device records such as affixed test records).

Examples of approaches to measure performance

Simple check list. Can be repeated several times a day and can be as simple as an initialled checklist. Used for toilet checks or food temperature checks. Does need a process to escalate and deal with any issues found. Simple area check, as seen in catering facility toilets, and a temperature record as used in food storage areas. These can be adapted for other uses e.g. initial area check or for checking a guard on a high hazard piece of equipment.

Simple check list with more detailed recorded. Examples include:

  • The function of an interlock guard on a guillotine.
  • The contents of a first aid kit.
  • Can be used to record weekly statutory tests such as water flows of rarely used outlets, or weekly fire alarm checks.

Periodic area or activity checklists. These are the most common inspection forms and processes used when a new area starts an inspection programme. High hazard area template shows a recently implemented form that was used within a laboratory area. Low hazard area template can be used for office envrionments for example. These can be adapted for specific areas. This form also allows progress tracking over a period of time to enable progress to be measured and trends to be identified.

HS F031 Health Safety Termly Inspection - High hazard area template

HS F043 Health Safety Termly Inspection - Low hazard area template



There are many views and definitions of what constitutes a health and safety audit. It is sometimes described as an expert assessment of an organisation’s health and safety policies, systems and procedures, and should address:

  • Are current procedures and systems correct and delivering the expected outcomes?
  • Is the organisation protecting the wellbeing of the workforce and complying with the relevant regulations?

In the University Sector HASMAP (Health and Safety Management Profile) is a management standard developed for use in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) by the Universities Safety & Health Association (USHA) is a standard that forms the basis of more in depth audits.

Please add a link to document in Audit file



  • Managing for health and safety (p50)
  • Inspections of the workplace


  • Managing for health and safety (p56)
  • Auditing and reporting
Bad Weather Plans for Campus

Bad Weather on Campus


Hot Weather Guidance

yellow and orange shining sun during the heatwave

Biological Safety, Genetically Modified Organisms and Human or Animal Tissue

Biological Safety Policy

Anyone working with human tissue, genetically modified cells/organisms and/or biological agents should ensure they are aware of and comply with the University’s Biological Safety Policy: HS P003 Biological Safety Policy.

Work with human tissue

Work with human tissue is regulated under the Human Tissue Act so as to ensure that appropriate consent has been given to any work.

See guidance on work with human tissue: HS G003 Work with Human Blood Products and other Human Tissue Specimens .

Work with human tissue at the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ is overseen by the Human Tissue Coordination Group, who should be contacted if you require further information.

Work with genetically modified cells or organisms

See guidance on work with Genetically Modified Cells or Organisms (GMOs): HS G002 Genetic Modification.

Prior to working with GMOs approval for your project must be approved by the Biological Safety Advisory Group. If you are starting a relevant project please submit the relevant risk assessment form below to safetyscienceschools@sussex.ac.uk. These cover working with:

.For more information, contact either your School Biological Safety Officer or the Health & Safety Team.

Working with biological agents

Prior to working with biological agents in hazard group 2 or 3 approval for your project must be approved by the Biological Safety Advisory Group. Working with hazard group 4 biological agents on campus is not permitted. If you are starting a relevant project submit a HS F032 Bioagent risk assessment form  to safetyscienceschools@sussex.ac.uk so it can be reviewed by the Biological Safety Advisory Group. The following links provide guidance on risk assessing or pathogens, as well as details of their assigned hazard groups.  In addition, ED 008 Local Rules for the Control of Biological Agents (SOP) contains more specific guidance on local practices regarding working with biological agents.

For more information please contact either your School Biological Safety Officer or the Health & Safety Team.

 Further guidance

Guidance notes are provided below on the following topics:

Chemical Safety and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Handling Chemicals

Chemicals can have the potential to cause diseases or ill-health, damage the environment or create dangerous environments (e.g. fire). When individuals handle chemicals they must be fully aware of the hazards associated with every chemical and how to manage that hazard so that harm does not occur.

Managing chemical risks involves:

  • Removing the potential for being exposed to airborne dusts, vapours and controlling anticipated spillage situations
  • Removing the potential of accidental gas or solvent releases and ignition
  • Controlling waste disposal
  • Good housekeeping, safe storage and best available laboratory techniques to minimise incidents whilst working with chemicals


When using chemicals on campus, the activity must be risk assessed prior to commencing and risk assessment stored for an appropriate length of time. For example, if carcinogens are being handled, the risk assessment should be stored for 40 years.

To ensure constant safe working spaces, housekeeping should be checked monthly by lab users, and identified actions followed up by Group leads, Principle Investigators or Supervisors.

Novel Chemicals

Novel chemicals have not been tested and have no safety information, however, in many cases hazards can be anticipated from understanding the structure.

Physical hazards

Explosive and flammability hazards can be predicted by predicting the physical properties and comparing with known tested similar compounds. Researchers should always use these predictions cautiously, until the novel chemical has been tested.

Health hazards

Chemicals with no health hazard rating should be regarded as being toxic, and appropriate controls should be put in place when handling the chemical to prevent inhalation, ingestion and absorption.

Environmental hazards

Chemicals with no environmental hazard rating should be disposed of by laboratory liquid and solid waste streams, rather than being put down the sink and being released into the environment.

Toxins and poisons

Toxins and poisons are substances which can be fatal to humans. At all times, they must be kept secure in a locked cabinet, and minimum quantities held.

If you wish to purchase a toxin or poison, contact your School Biological Safety Officer or the Health & Safety Team

Policies & Guidance Documents

Children / Young People and Work Experience

The university can offer an exciting opportunity for work experience students, and this section provides an overview of the health and safety considerations needed to ensure the safe planning and running of a work experience placement.

The University has a responsibility to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of its employees, and this duty extends to children and young people whilst on work experience at the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡. A young person is anyone under the age of 18, and a child is anyone who has not reached ‘minimum school leaving age’ (school year at which they turn 16 years old). For the purposes of this guidance, both are referred to collectively as ‘young people’.

Employers have a legal duty of care to protect young people from risks to their health and safety due to their lack of experience, absence of risk awareness or lack of maturity. As they are also likely to be new to the workplace and unfamiliar with work-related risks, sufficient induction, instruction and training, and higher levels of supervision than would be expected for adults is essential. Any young person on work experience should be supervised at all times during work activities.

Work Experience

Planning is key to ensure a placement is appropriate and safe for a young person, and early engagement with the School / Organiser is recommended. Whilst there will be general workplace risks that need to be considered, the individual needs of the student must be considered, therefore any essential personal information (e.g. neurodiversity, medical condition or special needs) about the student must be provided by the School / Organiser prior to the placement to ensure their welfare whilst at the University.

Each work experience student needs to have a member of staff assigned to them as a ‘Work Experience Supervisor’. The Supervisor can be any grade where there is a supervision element to the role, but they need to have the time and capacity to give them a full induction, supervise the student and be able to give them access to / provide all the necessary information and instructions they need to remain safe and well on placement.

The student must be inducted and have all necessary information to ensure they are safe and well whilst on placement, and feel able to ask for support if they need it. It is strongly recommended that they also have a mid-placement review and an end of placement evaluation / feedback meeting.

Health and Safety Work Experience Toolkit

Follow the for your placement planning, and make use of the resources provided below to plan for and support the placement:

Risk Assessment

A written risk assessment must be in place before any placement begins, and a copy provided to the School / Organiser and shared with all relevant staff that will be engaging with the work experience student.

Risk assessments need to recognise ‘what more is needed’ to allow for existing controls to be extended to meet additional / changed working arrangements needed to ensure the safety of the young person. Ether existing risk assessments need to be reviewed and amended to consider young people, or separate ‘young person’ risk assessments should be written.

The risk assessment(s) must:

  • Consider any risks to their health or safety which are a consequence of their lack of experience, or absence of awareness of existing or potential risks or the fact that young persons have not yet fully matured and may therefore overestimate their own capabilities.
  • Give detail of the risks they may be exposed to during their work experience placement and the protective and preventative measures put in place to control and reduce those risks.
  • Cover the level of supervision to be provided.
  • Consider any known neurodiversity, disability or pre-existing medical condition, relevant to their health, safety and welfare whilst on placement.

Generic ‘Work Experience Risk Assessment for Office Working’ and ‘Activities on Campus Risk Assessment’  are available and must be adapted to address local hazards, additional controls and any specific individual requirements of the student.

Prohibited Activities

Whilst most areas at the University can offer work experience, when planning the placement, no work must take place where:

  • The work is beyond their physical or psychological capacity,
  • It involves harmful exposure to agents which are toxic or carcinogenic, or which in any other way chronically affect human health,
  • It involves harmful exposure to radiation,
  • It involves the risk of accidents which it may reasonably be assumed would not be recognised or avoided by young persons owing to insufficient attention to safety/ lack of experience or training,
  • It exposes them to a risk to health from extremes of heat or cold, noise or vibration.
  • They are left unattended to work with or around any equipment or materials which could be considered to give rise to significant risk.


The University, as a higher education provider is not subject to the same legal safeguarding duties as schools, further education colleges, local authorities, and care providers. However, as part of creating a safe environment for its community and aside from its legal disclosure and barring obligations, it has a moral and ethical responsibility to help safeguard the welfare of children and adults at risk by reporting any such concerns.

To safeguard both the young person on work experience, and the staff working with them, consider how to prevent or reduce lone working with the young person - as a responsible adult, staff will need to be aware of the potential risks and the practical steps which can be taken to minimise safeguarding risks. Please see the University Safeguarding pages for guidance and links to ‘Safeguarding Essentials Training’ which is strongly recommended for staff undertaking the ‘Work Experience Supervisor’ role.

Authorisation of Work Experience Placements

Work experience placements must be agreed by the relevant Line Manager of the team or service hosting the placement. In high-risk areas, or where the research is sensitive or has intellectual property rights implications, additional authorisation may be required from the Head of School.

Further Support

The University Health and Safety team can be contacted for general advice on placement health and safety: healthsafety@sussex.ac.uk, and the Science Schools Health and Safety team for placements related to Science or Engineering: safetyscienceschools@sussex.ac.uk,

Confined Spaces

A confined space is defined as:

“Any space of an enclosed nature where there is a risk of death or serious injury from hazardous substances or dangerous conditions (e.g. lack of oxygen)”.

Whilst some plant room areas on campus fall into this category, there is the potential for confined spaces to be created during incidents, related to how the rooms are used and activities done in them are performed. For example:

  • Unventilated or poorly ventilated rooms, if there is the potential for substances to be released
  • Unventilated underground rooms or open-topped chambers
  • Sewers and enclosed drains

The dangers associated with confined spaces arise from:

  • A lack of oxygen; resulting from oxygen being consumed biologically or chemically or carbon dioxide or other gas being released
  • Hazardous gases, vapours or fumes building up in the space, creating a harmful breathable atmosphere
  • Space being filled by solids or liquids, displacing breathable air and trapping occupants
  • Risk of fire and explosions if solvents or flammable gases have been released
  • Heating, leasing to a dangerous increase in body temperature of occupants

If you recognise that your work area or an area you need to access might be classified as a confined space, contact the Health & Safety Team prior to attempting entry into the area.

If you suspect that during an incident (e.g. large spillage or gas release) your area might become a confined space:

  1. Identify the conditions and circumstances where this situation is a possibility
  2. Identify the control measures you need to put in place to ensure that this situation will not occur
  3. Write it down as a risk assessment
  4. Contact the Health & Safety Team and your Health and Safety Coordinator to verify that appropriate measures are in place prior to starting work on the activity.
Controlled and Scheduled Drugs

Controlled Drugs

A Controlled Drug (CD) is any drug, therapeutic agent or chemical which is held under strict control as specified in law. They are usually substances with potential for abuse or addiction. They are classified into five schedules according to the different levels of control attributed to each schedule. To determine the Schedule of any compound you wish to order please check the list 


The ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ operates and an exemption for research that enables work to be undertaken with Schedules 2-5 compounds subject to suitable controls being in place. These controls include a single register for relevant substances entering site, records of use and controlled destruction. For details of these controls, SOP’s for work with Scheduled Drugs, and the Life Science Policy, please contact the or the Senior Technical Manager.

The synthesis of Scheduled drugs and the use of schedule 1 substances for research is not permitted without an individual researcher holding a license from the UK Government. If research objectives necessitate a license, researchers should in the first instance contact the School Technical Services lead and the Science Schools Health & Safety team.

To operate under the exemptions stated above the use of Controlled Drugs in humans or Animals (research or teaching) must be approved by the relevant University Research Ethics Committee, and the use of any controlled or scheduled drugs should be indicated on project approvals submitted to research governance.

Prior to attempting to order or otherwise obtain Schedule 2 & 3 drugs or applying for a Schedule 1 license you should receive training in the suitable receipt, storage and disposal arrangements. Please contact the Science Schools’ Health and Safety Team to discuss training requirements.

Novel Psychoactive substances

A Psychoactive Substance is defined as any drug capable of producing a psychoactive effect in a person who consumes it. New compounds that have not been assigned a Schedule that are created with the intention of having a Psychoactive effect are covered under the Psychoactive Substance Act 2016.

The synthesis of novel Psychoactive Substances is permitted for research purposes only and must be approved by a suitable University Ethics committee. A check against the current list of  under the Misuse of Drug Regulations must be carried out prior to synthesis of any psychoactive compound to ensure it is not a drug which has already been assigned a Schedule.

For additional guidance on this please contact the .

Drug Precursors

Licenses are required to hold specific drug precursors based either on their or the volume/weight required.

A list of compounds and their catagories can be found

  • Category 1 precursors require a license
  • Category 2 precursor above the amounts specified by the require a license
  • Catagory 3 license only required for exports and imports
  • Catagory 4 specific medical products


Contact School technical services in advance of applying for any licenses that may be required.

Legislation and external guidance

Construction and Contractors

HS ED015 Management of Contractors Policy

HS F044 Contractor Health and Safety Induction Checklist and Record


Covid-19 Health & Safety resources

For general updates and information please see the Covid-19 Health and Safety page. This includes information on

  • Vaccinations
  • Covid testing
  • Ventilation
  • Teaching/office space guidance, cold weather guidance and all archived guidance


If you believe you have identified an issue with regards to a ventilation system please complete a Covid Ventilation Review Request Form and a member of the Health & Safety team will review the area promptly.

Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR)

The DSEAR policy applies to you if you work with substances that could cause harm to people as a result of fire, explosion or corrosion to metal. They are found in nearly all workplaces and include such things as solvents, paints, varnishes, flammable gases, wood dusts and pressurised gases. The policy applies to any area of the University where a dangerous substance is, or is liable to be, used or present in connection with work. It covers dangerous substances that are purchased and those that are produced as part of a work process.

The policy ensures a consistent approach to looking after everyone's health and safety, by ensuring that those who work with dangerous substances carry out a risk assessment, put measures in place to control and mitigate the risk from dangerous substances, and carry out hazardous area classification where required. The policy ensures that these arrangements are communicated to those involved in the work, or who may be affected by it, and that training in DSEAR is provided. It details the requirement to ensure there are emergency procedures in place for responding to a DSEAR related incident or accident.

HS P015 Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Policy

HS G070 DSEAR Guidance

The ‘Large Inventory’ DSEAR risk assessment template is suitable for any work areas and work processes that use or store a number of dangerous substances.

HS F050 DSEAR Risk Assessment Template (Large Inventory)

The ‘Single Substance’ DSEAR risk assessment template is suitable for assessing things such as Uninteruptible Power Supplies (UPS).

HS F051 DSEAR Risk Assessment Template (Single Substance)

The University has adopted a DSEAR Standard that can be applied to science laboratories where flammable substances are handled. If you are responsible for a science laboratory and you put measures in place to meet the requirements of the Standard, it is unlikely you will also need to carry out a full DSEAR risk assessment. If you are not able to meet the requirements of the DSEAR Standard, please contact the Science Schools Health and Safety Team to discuss this. Alternatively, you can contact us in the University Health and Safety Team.

HS G078 DSEAR Standard

Where you need to carry out a DSEAR risk assessment of your work area or work process, you first need to identify the dangerous substances that are present or liable to be present. To help with this you can use the Dangerous Substances Identification Sheet below. You may also need to identify potentially explosive atmospheres and carry out hazardous area classification. If this is the case, you will need to use the List of Equipment for Area Classification (LEAC) to record equipment within the identified zones. If you are unsure as to whether you need to carry out hazardous area classification in your work area or for your work process, please contact the University Health and Safety Team.

HS F052 Dangerous Substances Identification Sheet

HS F053 List of Equipment for Area Classification (LEAC)


Equipment Decontamination
Prior to having equipment serviced or disposed of users of the equipment should make sure that the equipment is in a safe state and complete the following form to detail what actions they have taken.

HS F004 Equipment Decontamination Form [DOCX 298KB].

Drones and Autonomous Vehicles

On campus

Operators of Drones on the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Falmer Campus must gain permission from the Estates, Facilities Management & Commercial Services Division. Approval will only be granted to operators that have confirmed that they comply with the on operating Drones and Unmanned Aircraft.

Off campus

Members of the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ operating Drones off campus must comply with the on operating Drones and Unmanned Aircraft.

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and Assessments

DSE Assessments are carried out locally within Schools or Divisions.

Please complete the self assessment form available below

HS ED 005 DSE Workstation checklist 

After you have completed the self-assessment, we would advise that you contact the departments DSE Assessor if:

  • You are left with any questions
  • It has identified a change needed in the equipment or furniture you are currently using
  • You are aware of any health problems potentially related to your workstation.


The DSE assessor will then meet you at your usual work station to assess your needs and make recommendations.

If you do not know who your local DSE Assessor is, please contact your Health and Safety Coordinator who will be able to advise you of the local process and assessor. If you struggle to find a DSE Assessor through your HSC, please do contact the H&S team

To train as a DSE Assessor please see the training section

Policies and guidance documents

Electrical Safety

On campus different types of electrical hazards require management. These are:

  • The use of portable electrical equipment (e.g. laptops, kettles & heaters)
  • The use of electricity or electrically powered equipment in research activities
  • The creation of electrical circuits and components
  • New technologies including the use of batteries and DC currents

Portable Equipment

All users of electrical equipment are responsible for the safe use of the equipment. This involves ensuring Portable Appliance Tests (PAT) have been completed, stopping the use of devices that have failed PAT, or if damage is noticed, taking out of service and getting the item electrically checked. Items must be turned off at the end of each working day, as this minimises both the fire risk and University’s energy consumption. To request a PAT test, please contact the SEF Service Centre: ServiceCentre@sef.fm.

Hard wired, 3-phase or electricity generating research equipment

Equipment must be sourced from reputable insured suppliers, manufactured to relevant safety standards (EN or BS standards). Manufacturer’s recommendations on their installation and use must be considered.

The installation of these units should be planned to ensure that any changes to the facility’s electrical distribution system, including appropriate isolations and earthing points can be installed. Installation must be completed by a competent person, any alterations to the facility’s electrical distribution system must be completed by a qualified electrician, under a permit to work.

The equipment must be risk assessed and users trained in operating the equipment.

Creation of electrical circuits and components

Research activities may involve designing, building and testing electrical circuits and components. Individuals conducting this activity must have undergone appropriate training by their School, and appropriate supervision until they have been verified as suitable to work without supervision.

Equipment must be checked using methods which minimise the risk of harm if the unit fails (e.g. shorting or arcing), with appropriate fusing in place to ensure the facility’s electrical distribution system is not impacted.

Policies & Guidance Documents

Event Safety and Bookings

The following types of event require approval

  • Outdoor events
  • Large events within School and Divisional areas (more than 100 attendees)
  • Overnight events within buildings on the Falmer Campus
  • Events with the potential to cause disruption to University activities

Members of Staff

Staff wishing to hold an event on campus should complete the event management plan below.

HS F033 ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Event Management & Planning [DOCX]

This should be submitted to the Sussex Estates and Facilities Service centre 2 weeks prior to the event to enable sufficient time to provide any support required

Service Centre email: ServiceCentre@sef.fm.

Final approval for events comes from the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Estates, Facilities Management and Commercial Services Division.

Student Union Events

Students, clubs or societies wishing to host events on campus should contact events@sussexstudent.com

Events arranged via the Students Union must be submitted to Sussex Estates and Facilities Service centre 2 weeks prior to the event to enable sufficient time to provide any support required

Final approval for events comes from the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Estates, Facilities Management and Commercial Services Division.

External groups

External groups interested in holding an event on our Falmer Campus should contact Helen Power-Hosking (Head of Commercial Services) at


Sussex Estates & Facilities (SEF) Support for Events

As part of your event you may identify the need for additional cleaning, grounds support or porter assistance. There is a great number of services you can book through SEF to support your event. In the first instance, please discuss your requirement with the Service Centre who will be able to provide you with an up-to-date list of services and costs.

External Speakers Policy

Please see the external speakers policy and free speech code of practice


To arrange catering for an event please contact our on campus caterers


Eye Test and Vouchers

an eye test chart and a pair of glassesEye health is very important.

If it is not managed, it can lead to both short and long-term health conditions, including increased eye strain and headaches.

You can get a free eye test and basic glasses for screen work through the University.

Find out more about how to request a free eye test.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety Policy

HS P008 Fire Policy [PDF]

Fire Assembly Points Falmer Campus

HS G016 UoS Map Fire Assembly Points [PDF]

Weekly Fire Alarm Bell Testing

April 2021 - Fire Alarm Bell Weekly Testing Schedule

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

What is a PEEP?

A PEEP is an individual’s escape plan for those who may require extra assistance in the event of an emergency building exit. In order to evacuate rapidly and safely to a place of relative safety, the individual may require help, guidance or special equipment.

Who requires a PEEP?

Students and staff who have mobility, hearing, sight or cognitive impairments and/ or would have difficulty quickly and safely exiting the building or making their way to a relative place of safety require a PEEP.

A temporary PEEP may be necessary for those with short term conditions, e.g. a broken leg or those in later stages of pregnancy.

What is included in a PEEP?

The PEEP details:

  • The individual’s main buildings and rooms on campus
  • The personalised evacuation procedure
  • Methods of assistance (guidance, procedures etc.)
  • Equipment required (including means of communication, use of Evac-chairs etc.)

PEEP documentation [DOCX] following an individual’s PEEP is produced, and reviewed when something changes or at the start of the next academic year.

Who to contact if I or someone I know requires a PEEP?

Please contact the Health and Safety Team if you/ someone you know requires a PEEP. The Health and Safety Team will make contact with the individual and their School or Directorate to discuss a PEEP which covers an academic building.

If the individual also has residential accomodation, one PEEP will be discussed with the individual and School or Directorate.

Email: healthsafety@sussex.ac.uk

Telephone: 01273 87 7116

Further support

Fire Evacuation Drawings

Fire Evacuation drawings are posted in buildings along escape routes. Electronic copies are available .

Fire Extinguishers

HS G017 Fire Extinguisher Provision Strategy

Fire Alert Pager

The University is now covered by a Fire Alert Paging system for student and staff who are deaf or have a hearing impairment. If you are a staff or student and have completed a PEEP, you will be issued a personal Fire Alert Pager and charging station (these are configured not to alert when you leave campus).

If you are a visitor or somebody who is responsibile for a visitor to the University, a visitor Fire Alert Pager is available from the Library reception, Student Centre reception or Sussex House Health & Safety Team. These pagers will be provided as a loan device which need to be returned at the end of each day. If inadvertently a visitor pager is taken off campus it will automatically go into alert in order to prompt its return back to one of the 3 locations it was issued from. 

All pagers are issued with comprehensive instructions and are simple to use. All our non-residential buildings are configured to activate the pagers. An example would be 'Fire Sussex House'. Clearly if you are in Sussex House you will need to evacuate. You may pick up alerts from neighbouring buildings so make sure you read the message before you act. 

For both visitors and personally issued pagers you are responsible for the devices and at the end of loan of the return period they must be returned or you may be charged for a replacement device. 

First Aid

First Aid Kits

The Health and Safety Team will provide first aid kits across the university campus for standard provision. Schools and Directorates should consider first aid within their activity risk assessment, and if they identify a need for further first aid provision (training or equipment) additional to the University First Aid Policy, they will need to procure these locally.

Standard first aid kits can be refilled or procured by contacting the Health and Safety Team.

The Health and Safety Team is currently completing a review of first aid kits across the University campus to complete a full inventory. If you would are a Health & Safety Coordinator who would like to be involved in this review please contact healthsafety@sussex.ac.uk. 

  • Bramber House- Eat Central (ground floor - kitchen entrance)
  • Freeman Centre (main entrance vestibule area)
  • Jubilee (Atrium opposite reception - ground floor)
  • Library (Reception - ground floor)
  • Shawcross (IT Service Desk Reception - ground floor)
  • Sports Centre (Reception - ground floor)
  • Sports Complex (Reception - ground floor)
  • MRT Vehicle (Call 3333)
  • Security Vehicle (Call 3333)

There are some additional machines which can be used but are not owned by the University:

  • CISC
  • Falmer Station
  • Friston Building (Reception)
  • BSMS Research Building (1st Floor stairwell)

First Aider Training

To arrange First Aider Training please see the training section of the Health & Safety Website

First Aid Guidance

For further information on first aid provision consult the guidance document linked below.

HS G008 First Aid Guidance

HS G051 First Aid Needs Assessment Tool

HS F048 First Aider Poster for Safety Coordinators

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste is classified by the Environment Agency as needing specific control and disposal routes.  Hazardous wastes are generally regarded as hazardous to the environment, and in many cases hazardous to human health.

The management and disposal of hazardous wastes are subject to a specific regulatory framework. Other wastes are regulated, but have a different set of requirements and tend not to be hazardous to health.

HS P021 Hazardous Waste Policy


As part of their New Starter Induction, each member of staff should recieve a health and safety induction when starting the University or when moving to a new Division / School. The University Health and Safety Induction document showing current health and safety arrangements is linked below.

HS G061 University Health and Safety Induction

Visit the Organisational Development New Staff webpages for further induction information: New staff : Organisational Development : Schools and services : ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.

Insurance Engineering Inspection Process

What are Engineering Insurance Inspections?

Engineering Inspections are a vital part of our risk management approach to keep machinery and equipment in full working order, so that it is safe to use and to allow critical work, research and general activity to continue throughout campus. Through our insurers, inspections are carried out regularly by a competent engineer to highlight safety concerns or areas of non-compliance, which the university can then address through repair, or replacement. They are legally required for:

  • Lifts (passenger or goods), lifting equipment
  • Pressurised boiler systems
  • Compressors and pressure systems
  • Electrical installations Items involving wires, chains, ropes and hydraulics

 Process Map

The process map outlines the arrangements for Insurance inspections, and has been developed to ensure consistency across schools and departments on site, and to set a clearer understanding of what is required by:

  • Describing the owners of assets and their responsibilities, and the inspection process.
  • Outlining the process for ‘missing’ assets, adding new assets or removing/disposing them.
  • Showing a clear escalation process for safety risks/non-compliance, and taking assets out of use.
Insurance Engineering Inspection Process Document


Additions, Removal and Disposals

Where a new asset has been identified, or needs to be removed or disposed of, please complete the Insurance Capture Form and email it to financeservicedesk@sussex.ac.uk. The Insurance Manager will then inform our insurance Inspection Engineers to ensure it is added to their program of inspections, or, in the case of removal/ disposal, to inform SEF to make the arrangements.

Legionella Control and Water Risk Assessments

ED014 Legionella Safety Management Procedure [PDF]

ED 001 Water Safety Plan Estates, Facilities and Contract Management Division [PDF 595KB]

Lone Working

HS P009 Lone Working Policy [PDF]

HS G022 Guidance on Lone & Out of Hours Working [PDF]

Machinery and Workshops

Mechanical Hazards and Workshop Safety

It is important to maintain a safe working environment in workshops and with mechanical equipment as often they contain hazards which are not normally present in domestic or office environments. These hazards are associated with:

  • Manual handling, lifting operations and lifting equipment resulting from interacting with heavy equipment or moving heavy items
  • Machining equipment, potential for crush, entrapment, entanglement, impact, injuries from compressed air sources, swarf generation and chemical and biological risks from greases, fluids used in machining processes and degreasing agents
  • Respiratory hazards from spray painting and coating, sand blasting, grinding and wood work
  • Fire risks from using oil based products, creating sawdust and working with flammable equipment, against the ignition risk resulting from welding, sparks, friction and heat being generated by machining equipment

To ensure the safety of all using the workshop areas, it is necessary to ensure that each activity is risk assessed, individuals undertaking activities have been trained, certified as competent and are familiar with the equipment and the local emergency procedures. Each activity must be assessed using the hierarchy of control:

  1. Eliminate the hazard where possible
  2. Substitute the hazard with a less hazardous alternative
  3. Reduce the quantity that will be used, or reduction of hazard e.g. vibration
  4. Use of engineering controls, e.g. extracting fumes, guarding and interlocks
  5. Use of procedure controls, e.g. written instructions how to operate the machinery safely
  6. Use of PPE as a barrier between the worker and hazardous substances e.g. dust mask or gloves

Maintaining a good housekeeping standard, is essential for minimising fire risk and preventing harmful breathable air (from mists, dusts and vapours). Appropriate use of PPE and personal hygiene is necessary for minimising health effects from the substances being used and created. Housekeeping must be checked by the team working within the workshop on a monthly bases, and any identified actions must be implemented.

Policies and guidance documents

Pressure Systems

A pressure system is a closed system which holds steam at any pressure, any fluid or fluid mixture at greater pressure than 0.5 bar above atmospheric pressure or a gas dissolved under pressure in a solvent.

 Pressure systems can range from steam-generating commercial coffee machines to large boilers. 

The use of pressure systems and equipment at work are covered by the .

The regulations ensure that the University and SEF appropriately maintain pressure systems to prevent serious injury or damage to property resulting from stored energy being released from a failed pressure system or component.

Staff members working with pressure systems must follow the HS G037 Pressure Systems Procedure.

Lifting Equipment

Lifting equipment can be defined as work equipment for lifting and lowering loads, including any accessories used in doing so (such as attachments to support, fix or anchor equipment).

Lifting equipment is covered under the .

LOLER requires the University to undertake thorough periodic inspections of their lifting equipment by an independent, competent person, alongside user checks. For the University the independent inspector is Zurich.


All lifting equipment must be inspected by an insurance engineer every 6 months or 12 months.  This is summarised as:

•          6 months Lifting equipment that lifts people

•          6 months Lifting accessories, including shackles, hooks, chains etc.

•          12 months All other lifting equipment, including cranes and loading equipment

Technical Teams should have access to the insurance data base (Crimson).  Please contact the H&S Team or Insurance Manager if access is required.

 The insurance tags on lifting equipment for the past 12 months:

  • EARLY 2021: BLUE
  • LATE 2020: WHITE
  • EARLY 2020: PURPLE

 Untagged, or incorrectly tagged, lifting equipment should not be used (unless status verified via Crimson).

Staff members working with lifting equipment must follow the HS G011 Lifting Equipment Procedure.

Management of Health & Safety (Guidance for Managers)

A range of tools and information are provided to line managers here on how to fulfill their legal and ethical health and safety obligations to people under their supervision. These include but are not limited to

Manual Handling

HS P011 Manual Handling Policy [PDF]

HS ED 004 MAC Score Sheet [PDF]

New and Expectant Mothers

This guidance document, appendix and risk assessment is aimed at new and expectant mothers, and their managers. It outlines helpful information and the University risk assessment process.

Specific laws relating to new and expectant mothers at work are mainly contained in:

  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW) which require employers to protect the health and safety of new and expectant mothers.
  • The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.
  • The Equality Act 2010.

What sort of risks might a new or expectant mother expect:

They may be at risk from processes, working conditions or physical, biological and chemical agents and these risks will vary depending on their health, and different stages of pregnancy. Some of the more common risks might be:

  • Lifting/carrying heavy loads;
  • Standing or sitting still for long lengths of time;
  • Exposure to infectious diseases;
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals;
  • Work-related stress;
  • Workstations and posture;
  • Exposure to radioactive material;
  • Threat of violence in the workplace;
  • Long working hours;
  • Excessively noisy workplaces.

These will be assessed as part of the risk assessment process.

HS G015 New and Expectant Mothers at Work Guidance
HS A015 New and Expectant Mothers at Work Appendix
HS F015 New and Expectant Mothers at Work Template Risk Assesment

Being exposed to loud noises or high sound levels can damage an individual’s hearing. Damage can be caused in two ways.

  • Short duration of very loud noise or sound
  • Repeated exposure to elevated noise or sound

The damage is caused by the sound waves over-exciting the detecting fibres in the cochlea, and can be irreversible. As listening to sound or being exposed to noise is a common feature of modern life, individuals are advised to not ignore elevated sound levels to best preserve their hearing throughout their working life.

How much noise is too much?

As a rough guide; there are some tests which individuals can do when equipment is being used and the sound or noise is being emitted, these are:

  • Is the noise or sound level intrusive for most of the working day? (e.g. like a busy street, a vacuum cleaner or crowded restaurant)
  • If 2 individuals standing 2 metres apart need to raise their voices to have a normal conversation.
  • Do you use noisy powered tools or machinery for over half an hour a day?
  • Do you work with noisy equipment routinely?
  • Is noise generated because of mechanical impactions (e.g. hammering, pneumatic impact tools or explosive sources e.g. cartridge operated tools or destructive pressure testing)
  • Do you have muffled hearing at the end of the day, even if it is better by the next morning?

If you answer “yes” to any of test questions this is a good indicator that the sound is a hazard in the working space.

To identify how individuals can be best protected, it is necessary to conduct a noise monitoring survey. This can be organised through contacting the Health & Safety Team. If a noise monitoring survey has already been done in a room, and the equipment or function of the room significantly changes, the survey will need to be repeated.

What can be done to reduce the sound levels in my area?

Sound and noise are often produced by moving equipment. Often the levels alter when the equipment experiences wear and increased vibration of the mechanical parts. A hierarchy of control exists to minimise noise levels within work spaces. The most effective control is to stop sound or noise being generated at source. The hierarchy is:

  1. Purchase low noise level equipment (quiet operation models)
  2. Conduct regular maintenance, replacing worn parts to minimise mechanical vibration
  3. Build in noise minimisation equipment into the equipment set-ups e.g.
    1. Sound absorbing casing
    2. Vibration absorbing matting
    3. Sound baffles in duct work
    4. Soft furnishings (where appropriate) to absorb rather than reflect sound waves in a room
    5. Reduce the quantity of time the equipment is operating for (emitting sound), or restricting the exposure time of individuals (for example job rotations)
    6. Increase the distance between the item generating sound and the individual e.g.
      1. If the equipment does not require direct supervision, people leave the work area
      2. People work away from the source of noise
      3. Using PPE. Different PPE options protect from different sound levels and sound frequencies. To ensure that the correct PPE has been selected, it is necessary to have completed a noise monitoring survey. It is also essential to fit PPE properly to ensure there is an adequate barrier to the sound waves and the PPE will provide appropriate protection.

Early symptoms of hearing loss

There are a few early signs of hearing loss. Hearing loss is generally gradual and in many cases by the time individuals have noticed the symptoms, their hearing has already been affected. The best protection is to prevent damage from occurring. If you are exposed to sound or noise and notice the symptoms listed below:

  • Conversation becomes difficult or impossible
  • Your family complains about the television being too loud
  • You have trouble hearing the telephone
  • You find it difficult to differentiate sounds like “t”, “d” and “s”, so you confuse similar words
  • Permanent tinnitus (ringing, whistling, buzzing or humming in the ears) can also be caused.

Contact the University Occupational Health Service

Policies and guidance documents

Occupational Health

For support from Occupational Health please ask your line manager to submit a management Referral.

See occupational health information on the HR web pages

Permit to Work System

A range of contractors come to site to complete a whole range of tasks from routine servicing of office equipment such as printers through to contractors engaged in complex and high hazard activities such as access to confined spaces to complete inspections or repairs.

Control of contractors

Contractors should have a site host who can provide support, guidance and information to ensure the contractor works safely and does not adversely impact University operations. For higher hazard areas e.g. laboratories, the local controls must be increased to commensurate with the risk.

This is a complex area of health and safety management and expert advice should be taken to ensure competent contractors are engaged and appropriate planning and supervision takes place. Most activities will be completed by SEF or Estates and Facilities.

Permit to work (PTW)

PTWs are generally issued by SEF as part of their operations. Other specialists may also issue and use PTWs on site e.g. work associated with high voltage switching.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)

(RPE) should be used as a last resort. There are many different types of RPE and it is necessary to understand the material and approximate particle size needing to be filtered as well as confirm the mask creates a seal round the individual’s face. If RPE is selected, management processes need to be put in place to ensure that the mask continues to provide adequate protection for the duration the user requires. If you are intending to use RPE, please contact the Health & Safety Team for information about what is needed.

Prescription Safety Spectacles

If you require prescription safety glasses for a risk assessed activity that is part of your work please complete the following
Prescription Safety Spectacles Request Form

Prescription Safety Spectacles

If you need safety spectacles to do you work and they require a prescription, you can request these.

You will need permission to place a request.

View the prescription safety spectacles request form.

Radiation (Ionising, Non-Ionising, Lasers & Electromagnetic Fields)

Ionising Radiation

For information on working with Ionising Radiation including;

  • Unsealed Sources of Ionising Radiation
  • Sealed Source of Radiation
  • X-ray Equipment and X-ray Generators
  • Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
  • Radon

See the Ionising Radiation web page.

Artificial Optical Radiation

For information on working with Artificial Optical Radiation including:

  • Lasers
  • Broad Beam Optical Sources
  • Ultra Violet

See the Artificial Optical Radiation guidance.


The ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ is undertaking Radon monitoring in several buildings around campus. This is part of due diligence activity to ensure suitable measures are in place to protect public health.

Additional information and answers to frequently asked questions is available here.

Risk Assessment

HS F001 General Risk assessment template [DOCX] 

HS F001 General Risk assessment template (excel)  - Excel version

HS G034 Risk Assessment Guidance

HS F001 Health and Safety Risk Assessment Matrix


Generic Risk Assments (Requires modification to accuratly potray the risks associated)

Generic Office Risk Assesment 

Safety Signage

The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 provide requirement for the University to provide safety signage where there is a significant risk to health and safety.

Safety signs are to warn people of remaining significant risk which has not been removed or controlled otherwise. They help to further reduce the risk but are not substitute for other control measures.

Using the correct symbol, colour and shape ensures that safety signage can be universally understood.

Common types of Safety signage

Prohibition signage- A sign which prohibits behaviour likely to increase or cause any danger, e.g. ‘no access for unauthorised persons’

No unauthorised access signage

 Warning signage- A sign providing warning of a hazard or danger, e.g. ‘danger- electricity’.

electricity signage 

Mandatory signage- a sign prescribing specific behaviour, e.g. ‘eye protection must be worn’.

Eyewear is mandatory sign

 Emergency escape or first-aid signage- a sign giving information on emergency exits, first aid or rescue facilities, e.g. emergency escape route’.

fire escape signage

 Fire fighting signage- a sign providing information on fire fighting equipment and fire alarm activation points, e.g. fire extinguisher

fire extinguisher sign

For support on safety signage please contact the Health & Safety Team.


Safety signs and signals The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996                                   

Travel on University Business and Off-Site Working

Travel on University Business and off-site working

This page contains information on how to approach a range of staff and student travel scenarios including guidance for specific work, template forms and a list of what is considered a hazardous activity.

This applies to research, work and teaching undertaken for the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ and not an individual’s annual leave or holiday time.

Other Divisions requirements

Links to required processes relating to ethics approval, expenses and insurance are provided below.

Ethics approvals

Research projects that are submitted for ethics review and require international travel will be asked to submit an Overseas Travel Safety and Security Risk Assessment (OTSSRA form see below) as part of the ethics application. This is to ensure that safety concerns have been addressed during the planning stage. The OTSSRA form for travel to higher risk areas (see below) will still need to be approved by the Head of School.

Applications undertaking hazardous activities (see below) should also submit a risk assessment.


Prior to travel it is imperative that you review the Universities travel insurance information. It is best practice to do so as early as possible to ensure that there is time prior to the trip to secure insurance. Travel should not be undertaken without university insurance in place.


Details on finance and expenses can be found here


E-Scooter and E-Skateboards

E-scooters and E-skateboards are not permitted on campus or in UoS buildings (inclusive of UoS residential accomodation. Please refer to HS G042 Safety Concern guidance below as to the legal and safety reasons as to why they are not permitted. 

 HS G042 E-Scooter Safety Concern Guidance

Electric Bikes (E-Bikes) in Residential Housing 

Electric bikes use large lithium-ion batteries which can present a risk of serious fire or explosion in certain circumstances. While these can be used safely, there have been several incidents and tragic fires in homes involving lithium-ion batteries in these devices.

The position of the University is that these devices are NOT PERMITTED anywhere within residential buildings due to the increased risk these pose to safe storage, charging, and evacuation in an emergency.

Transport of Dangerous Goods

See HS G040 Transport of Dangerous Materials [PDF]

Ventilation: Room and Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)

HS G023 Ducted Local Exhaust Ventilation Procedure 

HS G024 Recirculating Fume Hoods (Ductless) LEV Procedure

Waste (Water and Equipment)

Waste Water (Disposal Via Sinks) and Trade Effluent

The UoS must not put down the sink anything that may:

Damage the sewers

Damage water treatment works

Cause a health hazard to sewerage workers or the public

Harm the environment

Please ensure a sink poster [PDF 121KB] is displayed above the sink in any relevant laboratory or workshop

Waste water trade efluent

Waste equipment from laboratory areas

Prior to being handed to technical services or removed from a laboratory for disposal the owner of the equipment should complete an equipment decontamination form. This specifics if the equipment could have become contaminated with a hazardous substance and if so what steps have been taken to clean the equipment prior to disposal.

Prior to disposing of equipment consult the operators instructions and check for

  • Gas cylinders
  • Sealed sources of radiation (Do not remove, contact site radiation protection officer)
  • Hazardous chemicals in pipework and or holding tanks
  • Mercury bulbs


Equipment cannot be disposed of as Waste Electrical Equipment with these present

If you find any of these contact your local technical services team or the health and safety office

HSF004 Equipment Decon Form

Wellbeing and Mental Health

Factors impacting mental health

Multiple factors within a workplace can contribute to mental health including:

  • Organisational factors – how the work is organised and the workplace culture
  • Job factors – including the working environment, an individual’s job role, how much control they have over their role, what their job involves doing, their colleagues and students
  • Individual factors – whether the individual has been able to form working relationships with colleagues and whether their work life balance is appropriate for them.

An individual’s home life and circumstances will contribute to their mental health and how they manage the challenges they face.

In order to support members of the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ the follow resources are available.


̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ staff can access the Employee Assistance Program.

Organisation Development provide training and resources to support staff mental health. See information for line managers.

Staff can also contact their Human Resources Business Partners for more details on what support is provided. Find your Human Resources Business Partner.


̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ students can access services through the .

These services include access to ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Counseling Service.

Email counsellingreception@sussex.ac.uk

Phone 01273 678156


All members of the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ can take advantage of the support provided by the Chaplaincy services including meditation and mindfulness sessions can be found here

Reporting an incident

If you or someone else has experienced behaviours such as bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination, you can let us know using this 

Working at Height


Working at height remains one of the commonest causes of fatalities and serious injuries in the UK. This page outlines the key standards and guidance documents available at the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.

There are simple rules for work at height:

  • AVOID work at height if you can - If you don't need to go up there, don't!!
  • If work at height cannot be avoided- PREVENT falls by selecting and using the right access equipment.
  • If you cannot prevent falls- MINIMISE the impact of any fall. Where you cannot eliminate the risk of a fall, use work equipment or other means to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall, should one occur.
  • Steps and ladders can be used when the above methods not appropriate.
  • Always check for fragile roofing materials, these must be protected.

Who can use access equipment on ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Premises?

Type of equipment

General use

Authorised UoS  staff e.g. engineers or ACCA

SEF and Specialist contractors

Typical controls

Library stools


Library steps


A-frame steps





Tower scaffolds and MEWPs


Contact Health and Safety if required

PASMA or IPAF qualification



Access only


Lanyard and Harnesses


Contact Health and Safety if required

Fixing points and running lines must be certified


̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Documents 


Health and Safety Executive -

For Advice and Assistance, contact the Health & Safety Team

Workplace Environment

A safe work place

This page outlines some of the key aspects of maintaining a safe work place. The focus is on general workplaces with additional or in some cases different controls for specialist areas.

Workplace maintenance

Your workplace should be:

  • In good repair and maintained so that it is safe and works efficiently.
  • Provided with enough space for safe movement and access.
  • Maintained to ensure floors, corridors and stairs etc. are free of obstructions, e.g. trailing cables.
  • Provided with good drainage in wet processes


The facility should be provided with lighting which:

  • Is good light – natural light where possible and measures to avoid glare.
  • Includes local lighting at workstations where necessary.
  • Includes suitable forms of emergency lighting.
  • Ensures well-lit stairs and corridors
  • Ensures well-lit outside areas – for pedestrians and to help with work activities such as loading/unloading at night.

Safe movement around the premises

Measures will include:

  • Safe passage for pedestrians and vehicles – separate routes may be necessary.
  • Level, even floors and surfaces without holes or broken boards.
  • Hand-rails on stairs and ramps where necessary.
  • Safely constructed doors and gates.
  • Floors and surfaces which are not slippery.
  • Minimisation of risks caused by snow and ice on outdoor routes, e.g. use salt or sand and sweep them.

Maintaining a clean workplace

Workplaces will be maintained to ensure:

  • Floors and stairs are clean, with effective drainage where necessary.
  • Premises kept clean, including furniture and fittings.
  • Containers for waste materials.
  • Dirt, refuse and trade waste are regularly removed.
  • Spillages are promptly cleaned up.
  • Internal walls and ceilings are kept clean.

Glazing, windows and sky lights

Measures include:

  • Safety glass where necessary
  • Windows capable of being opened can be opened, closed or adjusted safely.
  • All windows and skylights are designed and constructed so that they may be cleaned safely.

Hygiene and welfare

Provisions include:

  • Clean toilets and hand basins, with running hot and cold or warm water, soap and towels or another suitable means of drying.
  • Drinking water.
  • Somewhere to rest and eat meals, including facilities for eating food which would otherwise become contaminated.
  • Accommodation or hanging space for personal clothing not worn at work (and somewhere to change if special clothing is worn for work).
  • Rest facilities for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Comfortable working environment

Work environments will be:

  • A reasonable working temperature within workplaces inside buildings (usually at least 16 °C, or 13 °C for strenuous work, unless it is impractical to do so, e.g. in certain temperature controlled laboratories).
  • Local heating or cooling where a comfortable temperature cannot be maintained throughout each workroom (e.g. hot and cold processes).
  • Good ventilation – a sufficient supply of fresh, clean air drawn from outside or a ventilation system.
  • Heating systems which do not give off dangerous or offensive levels of fume into the workplace
  • Enough workspace, including suitable workstations and seating.

Working at height

The following controls will be put in place:

  • Precautions to prevent people or materials falling from open edges, e.g. fencing or guard rails.
  • Fence or cover floor openings, e.g. vehicle examination pits, when not in use.

Reporting issues

Any issues should be reported to the SEF Service Centre
