
Health and Safety

Ionising Radiation

Guidance for staff working with Ionising Radiation.

New users

All staff working with Ionising Radiation are required to attend an ionising radiation training session.

Unsealed sources

All new orders of unsealed Radioactive material are approved by the campus Radiation Protection Officer.

Orders will not be authorised without the completion of an associated risk and best available techniques assessment this is to ensure compliance with the Environment Agency Permits and Health & Safety Executive licenses.

Download the HS F005 RA Unsealed Sources Risk assessment form [DOCX].

Work with unsealed sources of ionising radiation must have a set of local rules associated with the area where the work take places.

Download a suggested local rules template for unsealed sources: HS F006 Template for Unsealed Sources Local Rules [DOCX].

Areas using unsealed sources should be monitored monthly.


All waste contaminated with ionising radiation must be sealed within a radioactive waste bag and labelled with a trefoil and isostock number before being placed in the radioactive waste store for disposal. For details of how to do so please contact your local radiation protection supervisor.

Sealed sources

All new orders of sealed sources of Radioactive material are approved by the campus Radiation Protection Officer. Orders will not be authorised without the completion of an associated risk and best available techniques assessment this is to ensure compliance with the Environment Agency Permits and Health & Safety Executive licenses.

Download the HS F003 RA Sealed Sources Risk assessment form [DOCX].

Work with sealed sources of ionising radiation must have a set of local rules associated with the area where the work take places.

Download a suggested local rules template for sealed sources: HS F008 Template for SS Local Rules [DOCX].

Sealed sources are required to be wipe tested at regular intervals.

Download a suggested wipe test form: HS F011 Wipe Test form for sealed sources [DOCX].

Results of this must be recorded on isostock. If you are unsure of a suitable monitor to use for the wipe test, contact the University Radiation Protection Officer.

Isostock system

All radioactive material on site is tracked using the isostock system. Access to this system is provided as part of the training.

Transport around site

Radioactive material moved between buildings must be double contained, labelled with an isostock number and the name of the individual moving the material. All movement must be recorded on isostock.

An assessment of doses associated with the moving of material must be included in the initial risk assessment.

Moving material off site or gifts/transfers of radioactive material

Do not accept, move or order radioactive material without approval from the ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Radiation Protection Officer.

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)

Stocks and uses of Uranium and Thorium must be recorded locally. An annual audit is carried out on holdings.

Do not dispose of Uranium or Thorium without confirming an appropriate disposal route with the School Radiation Protection Supervisor.

X-ray equipment

Advice should be sought from the Radiation Protection Officer before ordering any X-ray equipment.

All X-ray equipment should be supplied with a critical examination form from the supplier. If you have not received this form, contact your local Radiation Protection Officer

See Guidance on X-ray Equipment: HS G026 X-ray Equipment [PDF]

Prior to operating a peiece of X-ray equipment users should complete the X-ray risk assessment form: HS F009 RA X-Ray Risk Assessment Form [DOCX].

School Radiation Protection Supervisors

  • Jed mcDonald – School of Life Sciences
  • Michael Schofield – School of Life Sciences
  • Jonathan Wing – School of Life Sciences
  • Mark Roe – School of Life Sciences
  • Jan Bush – Brighton & Sussex Medical School
  • James Hunter – Brighton & Sussex Medical School
  • Cassandra Churchwell – School of Maths & Physical Sciences
  • Colin Bodie – School of Maths & Physical Sciences


View the HS P010 Radiation Policy [PDF].