Terms and conditions

Find out about our terms and conditions for our summer school, or if you're studying abroad at Sussex for a semester or year.

Two students on laptops in falmer house common room

Study Abroad Semester/Year terms and conditions

If you are studying at Sussex for a semester or year, see our terms and conditions.

Summer School terms and conditions 2024

Our terms and conditions are part of the contract between You and the University and include areas such as:

  • fees
  • changes to Your programmes and modules
  • facilities and services 
  • policies and procedures

The 探花精选 Summer School Terms and Conditions Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Contract Information

    1. Interpretation

    In these Terms and Conditions the following expressions have the meaning below:


    means a clause in these Terms and Conditions.


    means the Terms and Conditions, Supplementary Documents, Offer, and Prospectus.


    means the fee of £250.00 paid to the University to secure your place on the Summer School.

    Early Acceptance Deadline

    means 1 April 2024

    Early Acceptance Discount

    means a discount of 20% off the Tuition Fees for students who pay the Deposit on or before the Early Acceptance Deadline.


    means the completion of Registration by arriving on campus and submitting Your passport and arrival documents, (which include but are not limited to Your boarding pass or visa stamp page in Your passport) to check Your visa details.


    means Your prospective or registered module or modules at the University Summer School.


    means any offer letter from the University’s Summer School team made by the University to You for a place on the Summer School.

    Our Website

    means the Summer School website at /study/summer-school.

    Programme Fees

    means all the fees for attendance on the Summer School including (but not limited to) Tuition Fees, accommodation and social activities as stated on Our Website and set out in Your Offer.


    means the online information for the Summer School as at the date we make an offer to You.

    Registration Period

    means the pre-enrolment period between 30 May and 13 June 2024 when You are asked to confirm details and pay the remaining Programme Fees. See Our Website for more information.

    Relationship Agreement

    means an enforceable agreement between the University and Your 探花精选 University detailing terms for Your nomination to the Summer School and the payment of Your Programme Fees.

    Supplementary Documents

    means the University’s regulations and all University policies (such as health and safety policies), additional agreements (such as accommodation licenses) codes of practice or any other document referred to throughout the Terms and Conditions, all of which are reviewed by the University and may be amended from time to time.


    means one session of study at the Summer School.

    “Student”, “You” or “Your”

    means Summer School students; applicants or students to either the Physics Undergraduate Summer School or the Undergraduate Summer School.

    Summer School

    means the 探花精选 Summer School within which the Undergraduate Summer School and Physics Undergraduate Summer School run.

    Summer School Period

    means the period of 1 July to 23 August 2024 within which the Summer School modules run.

    Terms and Conditions

    means this document.

    Tuition Fees

    means the amount of fees detailed on Our Website that relate to the teaching and assessment components of the Programme Fees.


    means the 探花精选.

    2. The Contract

    By accepting Your Offer, You agree to be bound by the terms of the Contract from the date You accept Your Offer and for the duration of Your registration and enrolment at the University.

    The Contract takes effect from either the first day of the Summer School or Your acceptance of any Offer made by the University, whichever is earlier.

    3. Right of cancellation

    As the Contract between You and the University is made exclusively by means of distance communication, You may withdraw Your application, cancelling this Contract, by informing the University in writing to summer@sussex.ac.uk within fourteen (14) days of accepting the Offer (‘the Cooling-off Period’). We will then provide You with a full refund of the deposit and any other Programme Fees which You have paid, subject to the provisions of Clause 3.2 below (if applicable).

    If within the cooling-off period, You have moved into University accommodation and/or attend classes on Your Module or You withdraw or cancel the Contract outside the Cooling-off Period but before 1 July 2024, any refund will be subject to our Summer School Refund Policy.

    If You withdraw or cancel the Contract on or after 1 July 2024, a refund of Programme Fees will only be made in extremely limited circumstances detailed in our Summer School Refund Policy.

    4. Provision of Information and qualifications

    The Offer the University makes is subject to You satisfying the academic and language requirements for admission to the Summer School as set out at Entry requirements on Our Website. It is Your responsibility to ensure that your level of English proficiency and Academic ability is at a suitable standard for Summer School study.

    You must provide full and accurate academic and personal information to the University for application, admission and enrolment on the Summer School and will inform the University of any changes to this information.

    As soon as reasonably practicable, You will inform and continue to keep the University informed of any changes to the information You disclose under Clause 4.2.

    The University may require You to provide satisfactory evidence that You have met all the requirements to be able to study on the Summer School at the University. We will verify the authenticity of documentation required to evidence Your academic and personal information prior to admission as appropriate.

    Failure to provide such evidence when requested, or if you withhold relevant information or are dishonest in the information you provide, the University may withdraw Your application, Your Offer or terminate this Contract and withdraw you from the Summer School and the University.

  • Your Application

    5. International Students

    When You apply to study at the University, You will need to demonstrate, at the point of Enrolment, that You have a valid immigration status to undertake the proposed studies. This refers to an appropriate visitor or student visa where necessary. If You fail to demonstrate that You have a valid immigration status the University reserves the right to prevent You from enrolling on the Summer School resulting in You not being able to attend any classes for Your Module until the situation is resolved. You will also be asked to leave the UK at the earliest opportunity in order to obtain the correct visa upon re-entry. If your visa is revoked for any reason you will not be able to continue studying at the University and the University will remove you from the Summer School.

    On occasion, the University will need to contact the UK 探花精选 Office to clarify details on visas and visa applications and previous immigration history. By accepting these terms and conditions, You consent to the University contacting the UK 探花精选 Office on Your behalf and the UK 探花精选 Office releasing such information to us.

    6. Fees

    Your Programme Fees for Your chosen Session or Sessions at the Summer School will be as set out at Fees on Our Website.

    There may be other related costs and expenses for some Modules, which are in addition to the Programme Fees, such as lab fees and travel costs. Where possible these will be kept to a minimum and You will be notified in advance if there are any additional costs for Your Module. Please see our Undergraduate Summer School Module pages for information on the modules to which additional costs may apply.

    If You are offered a place on the Summer School You will be asked to pay the non-refundable Deposit of £250 within four weeks of receiving Your Offer or by 31 May 2024, whichever is sooner. If You do not pay the Deposit by this date Your place on the Summer School is not confirmed and we will not be able to process Your application further. This does not affect your right to cancel under clause 3 of these Terms and Conditions. 

    If You pay the Deposit to secure your place on the Summer School on or before the Early Acceptance Deadline the Early Acceptance Discount will be applied to your Tuition Fee portion of the total Programme Fees as set out at Fees on Our Website. No discount shall be applied to accommodation charges, or any other additional costs.

    Your remaining Programme Fees must be paid during the Registration Period. If You have outstanding Programme Fees at the time of Enrolment, You will not be able to attend classes until all outstanding Programme Fees have been paid.

    Your rights of cancellation and refund are subject to Clause 7 of these Terms and Conditions and the Summer School Refund Policy. Any request for a refund in accordance with these terms and conditions shall be made to summer@sussex.ac.uk.

    If any error is made in Your Offer, the Programme Fees due and payable will be as stated on Our Website. Any errors will be notified to You as soon as possible.

    Clauses 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 do not apply if Your attendance on the Summer School is supported under the terms of an extant Relationship Agreement which includes a provision for payment of Your Programme Fees to the University by your 探花精选 Institution.

    Subject to eligibility, only one discount can be applied at any point to the Programme Fees, Tuition Fees or any other costs of charges from any discounts available from time to time or under the terms of an extant Relationship Agreement. If you are in receipt of any other discount or fee reduction, you will not be entitled to receive the Early Acceptance Discount. 

    7. Course/Module changes

    The Offer refers to the offer of a place on the University Summer School. Your Offer will indicate the provisional Module that You have been allocated but the University does not guarantee that the provisional Module will be the Moduel allocated to you. Final Module allocation will be confirmed as soon as possible prior to Registration.

    The University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver Your Module as described and to ensure that any changes to Your Module are kept to a minimum. However, circumstances may change and it may be necessary to make minor variations to Your Module including (but not limited to) in response to student feedback, updating the syllabus (including in response to academic research), timetabling requirements or alterations required due to a dependency on specific expertise.

    It may also be necessary for the University to make material changes to Your Module including (but not limited to) a change to course title, a significantly different structure, mode of delivery or assessment. Changes may also be needed because of circumstances outside the reasonable control of the University, including (but not limited to) unanticipated staff changes, responses necessary to meet the latest requirements of the UK government or a regulatory body.

    If the University needs to make any material changes to Your Module we shall bring these to Your attention as soon as possible.

    Circumstances may lead us to withdrawing Your Module and this could include low enrolment numbers, staff unavailability and major curriculum change. If this happens, we will endeavour to notify You as soon as possible and automatically allocate Your second choice module for Your Session, where possible, as stated on Your application form.

    7.6 If:

    You reasonably believe that proposed material changes as notified to You in clause 7.3 will prejudicially affect You; or

    You are unhappy with the replacement module provided under clause 7.5, or if the University is unable to provide a suitable replacement module under clause 7.5; or

    None of Your module preferences as stated on Your application form are available You may cancel the Contract and withdraw Your application.

    If You withdraw your application and cancel this Contract in line with Clause 7.6 You will be entitled to a refund of the Deposit and all Programme Fees paid to date (even if this occurs on or after 31 May and after the Cooling-off Period has expired). We recommend that You do not incur any non-refundable expenses, such as flights, until Your Module has been confirmed. These costs will remain Your responsibility and are not covered by these Terms & Conditions.

    8. Accommodation

    All Students who have accepted their Offer on the Summer School will be automatically allocated a single room in our East Slope on-campus residences (“University accommodation”). The cost of University accommodation is included in the Programme Fees.

    A standard fee applies to all our on-campus rooms irrespective of facilities and is included in the Programme Fees for the Summer School.

    Details of Your University accommodation will be provided in advance of arrival.

    In the event that East Slope accommodation is not available, then suitable alternative on-campus University accommodation will be provided.

  • Obligations

    9. University Obligations

    The University will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver Your Module and the services at the University with reasonable care and skill and in accordance with the description in the Prospectus, and the University shall explain the academic requirements for the Summer School to You via the Summer School website. If there is a change to Your Module, Clause 7 of these Terms and Conditions will apply.

    The University shall provide You with access to the necessary equipment and facilities in order for You to undertake Your Module but you are required to provide personal items that you need to study, such as a laptop.

    If you have additional support needs due to a disability, you are encouraged to let the University know at the earliest opportunity. Please contact Disability Advice at disabilitysupport@sussex.ac.uk prior to accepting your Offer for confidential advice and information on what support is available.

    Student Obligations

    Criminal Convictions

    To enable the University to discharge its safeguarding obligations, your Offer is subject to a satisfactory criminal convictions disclosure by You. You must immediately disclose any relevant “unspent” criminal convictions by contacting selfdeclare@sussex.ac.uk. You will also be required to declare at Registration whether You have any “unspent” criminal convictions. For further information on “unspent” criminal convictions and the University policy please see www.sussex.ac.uk/study/apply/criminal-convictions. Processing of your personal data will be carried out in accordance with Our data protection policies and privacy notice, the links to which are set out at Clause 12 of these Terms and Conditions.

    The University’s Criminal Convictions Panel will consider any relevant unspent conviction disclosed to the University. Certain criminal convictions may result in Your Offer being withdrawn or conditions being imposed to allow You to take up Your Offer or continue on Your Module at the University.

    Failure to disclose an unspent criminal conviction may result in Your Offer being withdrawn. If you have already registered at the University disciplinary action may be taken and your Contract with the University could be terminated, resulting in removal from your Module and the Summer School.

    Other Obligations

    You will act in accordance with the Contract. On arrival at the University You must meet the University’s expectation that You will maintain a good standard of conduct in line with the University’s regulations, which is available at www.sussex.ac.uk/ogs/govdocuments/regulations. If You do not, the University may take disciplinary action against You under the regulations for student discipline contained in the Supplementary Documents. One of the possible outcomes of such an action is that Your Contract with the University may be terminated resulting in You being removed from the Summer School.

    If, prior to Your first day of tuition at the University, it comes to the University’s attention that You have acted or threaten to act in a way which threatens the health or safety of any other member of the University, its employees or other students, or threaten to do any illegal acts (such as dealing controlled substances, or causing physical damage to anyone or thing), the University will withdraw Your Offer and admission.

    You must meet the academic requirements of the Summer School, including but not limited to: submission of coursework and other assignments, attendance at examinations and attendance at lectures, seminars, supervisory meetings and any other such teaching.

    If You do not submit the required coursework for Your Module or do not turn up for the required examinations or in-class tests there will be no opportunities for re-sits/re-submissions; nor are there opportunities for re-sits/re-submissions in the event of a low pass or failed grade for any Module taught as part of the Summer School.

    You agree to uphold the University’s standards of academic integrity and to comply with the University’s policy on Academic Misconduct as published in the .

    You will pay all Programme Fees as and when they fall due, in accordance with Our Website, Your Offer and these Terms and Conditions unless your attendance on the Summer School is supported under the terms of an extant Relationship Agreement which includes a provision for payment of Your Programme Fees to the University by your 探花精选 Institution.

  • Liability

    11. Limitation of Liability

    Nothing in this agreement will limit the University’s liability for:

    death or personal injury caused through the University’s negligence; or

    any fraud or for any sort of other liability which, by law, cannot be limited or excluded.

    The University will not be liable for any injury sustained which was caused by another student or by any person who is not an employee or authorised agent of the University.

    The University will not be liable for any loss or damage to Students’ personal property (including computer equipment and software), including any financial or other consequential loss where such loss or damage is a result of theft, fire, flood, computer virus or any cause related to our computer facilities, or any other cause, except where such loss or damage is caused by our negligence. It is recommended that You insure personal property against such risk of loss and damage.

    Neither You, nor the University, will be liable for failure to perform any obligations under this Contract if the failure arises from circumstances that are beyond that party’s reasonable control. In the case of the University, circumstances beyond its reasonable control include but are not limited to, acts of, or implementation of action required by, local government, the UK government or a regulatory body; closure of part or all of the University for health and safety reasons; power failure; acts of terrorism; industrial action or similar action by University staff. Both You and The University must take reasonable steps to ensure that the consequences of failure to act in accordance with the terms of this Contract, due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control, are kept to a minimum.

    To the fullest extent permitted under the law of England, the University excludes liability for any losses suffered by You as a result of circumstances beyond the University’s reasonable control. Subject to clause 13.1 and any restrictions in statute or at common law, the aggregate liability of You and the University (however arising including (but not limited to) contract and negligence) shall not exceed the total of the Programme Fees paid and due to be paid by You in relation to the Summer School Modules.

    12. Your Data

    The University will process Your personal data in accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation, and our data protection policies contained in the Supplementary Documents.

    We may share Your data with third parties, which we will do in accordance with our policy on data protection and privacy notices . Once You are registered as a Student the University is required to collect and provide information to certain external agencies including the Higher Education Statistics Agency (or any replacement body from time to time), whose data protection notice can be found at . After You complete Your studies, we will retain basic registration details, results and Your address, and any information that may be required in relation to matters that are still outstanding. Basic information will also be passed to our Development and Alumni Relations Office to create an alumni database. The remaining information will be destroyed.

    13. General

    In the event that the provisions of these Terms and Conditions conflict with or there is any inconsistency with the Supplementary Documents, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

    The headings in these Terms and Conditions are for ease of reference only; they do not affect its construction or interpretation.

    A reference in these Terms and Conditions to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as amended, extended or re-enacted from time to time and includes  all subordinate legislation made from time to time under that statute or statutory provision.

    The Contract, including these Terms and Conditions, constitute the entire agreement between You and the University, and supersedes all previous agreements between You and the University, whether written or oral.

    With the exception of clause 6 (Fees) the terms of the Contract shall not be enforceable by any party who is not a party to it. Nothing in this Contract shall limit the right of the University to take proceedings against You including for recovery of Programme fees or other debts or enforcement of the terms of Clause 6 (Fees) in any other court of competent jurisdiction, nor shall the taking of proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions preclude the taking of proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not, to the extent permitted by the law of such other jurisdiction.

    Parking at the University is restricted, and managed in line with parking policy. If you are disabled and need to park at the University, you should contact Disability Advice at disabilitysupport@sussex.ac.uk with details of your requirements.

    If any provision of this Contract is deemed unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any court or competent authority, the remainder of the Contract shall continue in full force and effect.

    Nothing within this Contract shall be construed as annulling or amending the University’s Instrument and Articles of Government.

    The Contract and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

    14. Concerns and Complaints

    If You have a complaint or concern about your application or whilst studying at the University, or any academic or personal circumstances arise that You consider prevent you from continuing on the Summer School, You are advised to contact the Summer School Office (summer@sussex.ac.uk) at the earliest possible stage.

Contact us

If you are studying at Sussex for a summer and have questions, email summer@sussex.ac.uk.

If you are studying at Sussex for a semester or year and have questions, email sussexabroad@sussex.ac.uk.

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