Daniel鈥檚 story

Daniel Ngg Cho

Sussex encourages academic freedom, diversity, openness and kindness – principles that really resonate with me.” Daniel Ngg Cho
Human Resource Management MSc
Chevening Scholar

‘Growing up in Samoa, I thought my future was in accounting and economics, but in my first year of university, there was a big scandal where many labourers were unfairly dismissed by their employer. Seeing so many people treated so badly really moved me, and catalysed my interest in pursuing a subject that was more people-centric.

After completing my undergraduate degree, I worked in finance and photography before moving into consumer protection. As I considered the next step in my career, I was drawn to human resource (HR) management because it felt like a field underpinned by transparency, diversity and accountability.

I then applied for a Masters at Sussex through the Chevening Scholarship programme after several friends told me about the amazing experiences they’d had in the UK: from the rich cultures they’d experienced to the beautiful architecture. I wanted to engage with global cultures and ideas, so it felt like a good opportunity. Sussex encourages academic freedom, diversity, openness and kindness – principles that really resonate with me.

The faculty of the 探花精选 Business School are also really impressive as they’re as passionate about standing up to injustice as I am. It’s humbling to know my tutors have so many accolades but are open to being approached by anyone who cares about their subject – there’s no hierarchy. They encourage you to think outside the box, and to become part of the conversation.

My experience at Sussex has exposed me to so many new concepts, and fundamentally changed the way I think. Ultimately, I want to take everything I’ve learned and make a difference by bringing people and wellbeing back to the centre of organisations. Taking care of your people means they’ll take care of your business – it’s the law of reciprocity.

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