Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science

Explore the research, activities and people in the Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science (SCCS), a Centre of Excellence.

Welcome to the Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science

Our mission at SCCS is to advance the scientific and philosophical understanding of consciousness and to use the insights from this research for the benefit of society, medicine and technology.


Participant wearing waveguard EEG cap on chinrest with a TMS coil placed on her head.

Image credit: Barry Falk 2018

Centre of Excellence

As experts in the field of consciousness science, we are proud to be one of 12 Centres of Excellence at the 探花精选. Watch this video and hear from world-leading researchers from three centres, including our Centre Director, Prof. Anil Seth, each taking on impossible challenges and driving progress for our planet and its people.

Launch Event- Booking now open

We are excited to host the SCCS launch event here at the 探花精选 on Wednesday 16th October 2024 from 17:30. Come along to find our more about the Centre's research with the chance to participate in demonstrations and meet our team. Tickets are limited, !

Find out more about our Centres of Excellence.

Unlocking potential with education for all, fairer trade policy and understanding consciousness

  • Video transcript

    Professor Michael Gasiorek: When somebody says impossible to me, I always think. But is it really impossible?

    [Intro MUSIC: Light and upbeat instrumental]

    [TITLE CARD ‘Impossible until it’s done’]

    Professor Linda Morris: We just need the right approach and to ask the right questions.

    Professor Michael Gasiorek: There are usually solutions to what you might think is impossible.

    Professor Anil Seth: With dividing the problem in different ways the impossible can often be made possible.

    [MUSIC: Whooshing]

    [TITLE CARD: ‘Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science’]

    Professor Anil Seth: One of the greatest unsolved mysteries in science and philosophy

    [MUSIC: Rising mysteriously]

    Professor Anil Seth: is how conscious experiences arise from the biology of our brains and our bodies.

    [MUSIC: Boom sound effect into stirring piano score]

    [ON SCREEN TEXT: ‘Professor Anil Seth - Director, Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science’]

    Professor Anil Seth: The Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science aims to unravel this mystery. My own theory is that conscious experiences are best explained as forms of controlled hallucinations.

    [Echoes of Anil’s voice tails off “hallucinations”]

    Professor Anil Seth: We brought together researchers from many different disciplines, from neuroscience to philosophy, mathematics to psychiatry

    [Camera shutter noises as we flick through still photos of the subjects]

    Professor Anil Seth: to get new insights and helping to drive applications in technology, medicine and society.

    [Camera shutter noises as we flick through still photos of the applications]

    [MUSIC: Upbeat world influenced track]

    Professor Anil Seth: At Sussex we recently led a project called the Perception Census, investigating how we each experience a unique world.

    Professor Anil Seth: In less than two years we've had more than 33,000 people take part from over a hundred countries. The results could transform our understanding of how and why we each experience the world in our own distinctive way.

    [TITLE CARD: ‘Centre for International Education’]

    [MUSIC: Gentle piano]

    Professor Linda Morris: In the Centre for International Education, we work across six continents

    [ON SCREEN TEXT: ‘Professor Linda Morris, Co-Director, Centre for International Education’]

    Professor Linda Morris: and we work with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable communities.

    [MUSIC: Deep boom as we see a photograph of a woman holding a baby]

    Professor Linda Morris: women

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of a group of women refugees]

    Professor Linda Morris: refugees

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of a group of school children]

    Professor Linda Morris: Children who are most likely to be excluded from education. If we want a more socially just society, we have to provide education for all.

    [MUSIC: Crescendos as we see Professor Linda Morris looking over a map]

    Professor Linda Morris: When refugees arrive in new countries, there is an initial urgency to find shelter and attend to their physical needs.

    Professor Linda Morris: But there's growing recognition of the critical importance of education.

    [MUSIC: Light reverb as Professor Linda Morris looks through a pile of photographs]

    Professor Linda Morris: Our research in the Centre for International Education

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of children at school]

    Professor Linda Morris: has shown that successful integration is dependent on refugees being able to speak the native language of their new home.

    [MUSIC: Light reverb]

    Professor Linda Morris: This enables them to engage in education, to find jobs, access health care and services, really feel part of the community.

    Professor Linda Morris: Overall

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of a man and woman shopping for fresh produce at a food market]

    Professor Linda Morris: refugees with higher levels

    [Camera shutter noise as we see a photograph of a family walking along the seafront in Brighton]

    Professor Linda Morris: of language, experience better wellbeing.

    [TITLE CARD: ‘UK Trade Policy Observatory’]

    [MUSIC: Atmospheric drone]

    Professor Michael Gasiorek: The need for rigorous, innovative research and impartial analysis is greater than ever.

    [MUSIC: Swell and whoosh into dramatic string score]

    Professor Michael Gasiorek: The UK Trade Policy Observatory

    [ON SCREEN TEXT: ‘Professor Michael Gasiorek - Director, UK Trade Policy Observatory’]

    Professor Michael Gasiorek: at the 探花精选 came together the day after the referendum to leave the EU. The decision was so momentous…

    [Whoosh sound effect with camera shutter clicks as we see British monuments]

    Professor Michael Gasiorek: It involved the UK taking control of its own trade policy.Our experts, probably the biggest collection of academics in the UK working on trade,are increasing the field of knowledge and finding new results that genuinely impact on policy making.

    [Whoosh sound effect with knife slice, we see a machete cut into a piece of fruit in the jungle]

    [MUSIC: Deep brooding atmospheric score]

    Professor Michael Gasiorek: We have helped to shape thinking on UK trade policy issues like reducing carbon emissions and the Northern Ireland's post-Brexit arrangements.

    Professor Michael Gasiorek: Trade policy decisions will influence social, economic and welfare outcomes for generations to come.

    [Swelling whoosh crescendo]

    [END CARD: 探花精选 logo ‘Impossible until it’s done ’ with URL]

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