
Photo of Kwame AkyeampongKwame Akyeampong
Honorary Professor (Education)


  • Educational Change and Policy Analysis in Low Income Countries
  • Teacher Education Research
  • Educational Assessment and Evaluation
  • Classroom Teaching and Learning in low-income countries
  • Youth and Skills Development
  • Learning to teach mathematics 

 Key Notes and Addresses

  • Keynote address at the Regional Conference of Mathematics and Science Education in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya 15-17th March 2016. Topic: Relevant Maths and Science Education in the Transformative Shift of Africa
  • Keynot address at the International Conference on Education Research for Development in Africa (ICERDA), University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. Topic:
  • Keynote address at the Parliament Offices in London on 'Fifty years of Educational Progress and Challenge in Ghana'.  Event organised by the Council for Education in the Commonwealth: 13th November 2007
  • Keynote address at British Council, Accra, Ghana on 'Educational Expansion and Access in Ghana: Reviewing fifty years of challenge and progress': 13th December 2007 
  • Rapporteur at the World Bank sponsored ministerial conference on Secondary Education in Africa (SEIA) on March 2007 in Accra Ghana. Reported on the theme 'Financing Frameworks for Secondary Education in Africa'

Major Research Projects and Consultancy

  • Senior Policy Analyst - UNESCO Global Monitoring Report Team - Paris (2012-2013)
  • Principal Investigator - Speed Schools Project in Ethiopia - Funder: Geneva Global Inc. USA (2011-2017)
  • Principal Investigator - Teacher Preparation in Africa (TPA) Research Project - Funded by Flora & Hewlett Foundation, USA
  • Consultant for Rwandan Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research(MINEDUC). This one-year consultancy service (Feb 2004 - Feb 2005) was in support of the Government of Rwanda's plans to move from 6 to 9 year Basic Education system. It involved reviewing Rwanda's primary and lower secondary school system to develop a costed restructured school system that would ensure all Rwandan children receive free primary education by 2010 and significantly improve access to a further 3 year lower secondary education for the vast majority of primary school leavers. Three reports and four commissioned studies were produced from this consultancy.
  • Co-researcher/consultant - DFID funded research project April 2004- October 2005 "Teacher Motivation and Incentive in Developing Countries - Study of 12 countries in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Peer Reviewer: "Books, Buildings & Learning Outcomes - An Impact Evaluation of World Bank Support to Basic Education in Ghana" (2004) World Bank Operations Evaluation Department (OED). 
  • Member of a team commissioned by the Ghana Ministry of Education charged with developing a new Education Bill for consideration by the Ghanaian Parliament. Drafted sections on a new teacher certitification and credentialling system for Ghana (January 2003 - November 2003).
  • Contributed Paper on 'Whole School Development in Ghana" for 2005 EFA Global Monitoring Report: The Quality Imperative. UNESCO.
  • Consultant for World Bank study on Financing Secondary Education in Africa - Produced report on the cost and financing of secondary education in Ghana () (March 2003 - September 2003)
  • Consultant for World Bank Commissioned study on "Learning to Teach in the Knowledge Society" - A Case Study of Ghana: September 2003 - May 2004. This empirical study examined teacher educators', teachers and education professionals conceptions of learning to teach.
  • Consultant for USAID/CARE International Research Project : "Reaching underserved populations with Basic Education in deprived areas of Ghana: Emerging Good Practices (September 2002 - January 2003).
  • Consultant for International Development Center of Japan (IDCJ) for "A study of the Characteristics and Effectiveness of Japanese Technical Cooperation in Ghana" May - August 2002. This consultancy involved evaluating the impact of two Japanese technical assistance programmes in Ghana: (a) the Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) teacher education programme, and (b) an Agriculture Irrigation programme in the Ministry of Agriculture. The two reports from the consultancy was used in producing the document: "Capacity Development and JICA's activities - cooperation for promoting partner country ownership Feb. 2003 ()
  • Consultant for Ministry of Education, Ghana. Preparation of Education Strategic Plan (2003-2015) for the Ministry of Education, November - December 2002
  • Researcher - World Bank Project on Vocationalisation of Secondary Education in Ghana. Part of a three case study report of TVET in sub-Saharan Africa. Completed in 2002
  • Multi-site Teacher Education Research Project "MUSTER" on Primary Teacher Education in Ghana (1998-2001) - British DFID project; Lead Researcher for Ghana. MUSTER involved four other countries, Trinidad & Tobago, Malawi, Lesotho and South Africa.
  • Principal Researcher for JICA Baseline study of Science, Mathematics and Technology (STM) project in Ghana; Completed in 2000.
  • Sub-Consultant for World Bank funded Final Evaluation of Ghana Primary School Development Project (GPSDP) Ghana Ministry of Education (January - March 1999).