


Rebecca Partos is an ESRC-funded doctoral researcher in Politics at the 探花精选, UK. She is also co-editor of the Sussex European Institute’s termly journal, Euroscope, and an associate tutor of undergraduates at Sussex. She is a former student rep for postgraduate researchers and associate tutors.


Rebecca Partos was a Junior Research Associate (JRA) scholar while an undergraduate at the 探花精选. She graduated with a First in English Literature from Sussex in 2011, while taking elective modules in Politics each term. Rebecca completed an MSc in Social Research Methods in 2012, for which she received a Distinction.


Previously, Rebecca has worked in the public, private and voluntary sectors. She has experience working for two MPs as a parliamentary researcher and a caseworker. Rebecca has also worked with widening participation schemes, focus groups and has acted as a student mentor.



Doctoral Researcher, Chair of the Postgraduate Network of the Political Studies Association, Co-editor of Euroscope




DPhil candidate Politics and Contemporary European Studies (Sussex, 2012-2016)

Social Research Methods MSc (Sussex, 2012) - Distinction

English Literature BA (Sussex, 2011) - First





Peer reviewed articles

Partos, R and Bale, T (2015) Immigration and asylum policy under Cameron's Conservatives. British Politics, vol. 10, (2) 169-184


Bale, T and Partos, R (2014) Why mainstream parties change policy on migration: A UK case study – The Conservative Party, immigration and asylum, 1960–2010. Comparative European Politics, 12, 603–619.


Bale, T, Hampshire, J and Partos, R (2011) Having One's Cake and Eating It Too: Cameron's Conservatives and Immigration. Political Quarterly, 82 (3). 398-406


Chapters in edited volumes


Partos, R and Bale, T (2015) Immigration and Housing in Beech, M, and Lee, S, The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)


Other publications


Partos, R (forthcoming) 'Reconstructing Conservatism? The Conservative party in opposition, 1997–2010' by Richard Hayton, reviewed by Rebecca Partos, Party Politics.


Hess, C, and Partos, R (2014) Towards a Joint Agenda in Migration Policy? Managing Migration in Germany and the UK. A joint publication with Aston Centre for Europe, Aston University and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.


Professional services


Chair of the Postgraduate Network of the Political Studies Association and member of Education and Skills sub-committee (2014 – on-going)

Member of the Political Studies Association (PSA)

Co-organiser, PSA Postgraduate Network 2015 Conference, ‘Critical Junctures and Turning Points’, 29 June 2015, University of Sheffield


Co-editor of Euroscope, Sussex European Institute’s termly newsletter (2012 – 2015)


Observing member of Senate, 探花精选 (2015 – on-going)


Representative on University and College Union (UCU) Executive Board, 探花精选 (2014 – on-going)

Representative for postgraduate researchers and associate tutors within the Politics department, 探花精选 (2012 – 2013)


Conducted undergraduate focus groups for Politics department, 探花精选


Mentor circle leader for doctoral researchers, 探花精选 (2014)


Mentor to Junior Research Award scholarship holder (undergraduate) within Sociology department, 探花精选 (2014)