
Photo of Ronald SkeldonRonald Skeldon
Emeritus Professor (Geography)


His research is based around issues of population, migration and development, primarily in East and Southeast Asia although, more recently has turned to Europe and the margins of Europe. In 2008, he returned to Peru to re-examine changes that had occurred since his research in the early 1970s. His work has focused on migration and development, migration and poverty, the migrations of the Chinese peoples, particularly from Hong Kong, and on irregular movements of migrants in and through Southeast Asia. Other research has concentrated on population mobility and HIV/AIDS in Southeast Asia and on questions of child labour in Asia. At the 探花精选, he was part of the core team in the DFID-funded Development Research Centre (DRC) on Migration, Globalization and Poverty (2003-2009) with the particular responsibility for the co-ordination of research on skilled migration. More recent work has focused on circular migration, linkages between internal and international migration and migration policy.