
Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Avoidance of other forms of conflict of interest

In line with the University’s Financial Regulations updated November 2022 all members of staff must disclose any potential or actual conflict of interest which may impinge on their impartiality in any matter relevant to their duties to their Head of School or Director of Professional Service or other appropriate authority in accordance with the University’s Staff Code of Conduct and Policy on Registration and Declaration of Interests.

Members of Council are similarly required to disclose any potential or actual conflict of interest in accordance with the University’s Council Code of Conduct and Guidance on Council Code of Conduct and completion of Register of Members' Interests.

It is also a requirement of the University that Members of Council, all senior staff, staff with significant financial authority and staff with access to privileged information disclose relevant personal interests in the Register of Personal Interests. This information is collated annually by the Governance Office.