
Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance

Elections 2022

2022 notice: 

The Governance Team will be running elections for School representatives, and a Professional Services representative of Senate and an Academic representative of Council this semester.

Census day: 3rd May: 

The Governance Team are holding webinars about the role of Senate and Council; these are open to all staff eligible for nomination. Please email the team if you would like to attend one of these sessions: 4th May at 10am, 6th May at 10am and the 12th May at 12pm.


Academic Staff to Council 2022 

Notice of Election of one member of academic staff to Council to serve until 31 July 2025.  

This notice is to announce the election of one member of the University’s academic staff to Council to serve from 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2025 


  • Provision is made in Regulation 5 (3) for two members of the academic staff to be elected to Council by and from the academic staff of the University. 

(NB: the other current member of academic staff to Council is: Dr Charlotte Skeet) 

In accordance with the relevant Regulations, the following members of the University’s academic staff are eligible to nominate, be nominated and vote in this election: 

Those on Teaching or Research Faculty Conditions of Service who (a) hold University appointments on the census date and (b) whose continuous service with the University will be at least one year by the end of the contract which is in force on the census date. 

The electorate will be the members of the University’s academic staff as defined above on the census date of Friday 3 May 2022. 


If you are interested in submitting a nomination for Council and would like to know more about 

the role, you can find out more by:  

  • Finding out more about Council from the governance webpages 

Election procedure 

The first step is the nomination of candidates. A Nomination Form has been published on the Governance Office website: 

Completed    forms    must    be    returned    to The Governance Officeat: Gov-Grad-Associates@sussex.ac.uk by 12 noon on Friday 1 July 2022. 

Each Nomination Form received will be acknowledged. The result of the election will be announced on the above page of the Governance Office website. 


Senate Elections 2022

Notice of Election of one member of academic staff from each of the Schools of Study to Senate to serve until 31 July 2025

Calls for Nominations beginning on 6 May 2022.

This notice is to announce the election of one member of the academic staff from each School to Senate to serve from 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2025. 


Provision is made for two members of the academic staff to be elected to Senate by and from the academic staff of each School of Studies. 

In accordance with the relevant Regulations, the following members of the School’s academic staff are eligible to nominate, be nominated and vote in this election:-

  • those on Teaching or Research Faculty Conditions of Service who (a) hold University appointments on the census date and (b) whose continuous service with the University will be at least one year by the end of the contract which is in force on the census date.

The electorate will be the members of the School’s academic staff as defined above on the census date of 3 May 2022.  

Election procedure

The first step is the nomination of candidates. A Nomination Form for each school can be found in the below table.

Nominators should check that their nominee is willing and eligible to serve. Self-nomination is permissible.

Completed forms must be returned to the governance team (gov-grad-associates@sussex.ac.uk) by 9am on 13 May 2022.

Each Nomination Form received will be acknowledged. Ballot papers will be issued if necessary after the closing date for nominations together with details of the voting procedure. The result of the election will be announced on the Planning, Governance & Compliance website.

Voting will take place between 30 May and the 10 June, with results due w/c 13 June.

These elections are to choose one member of staff from the University’s Professional Services, as well as one member of staff from each of the Academic Schools to serve on Senate for a three-year period from 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2025. 

Results of the Council Elections 2022


Outgoing member – end of tenure 31 July 2022


New Elected Member – tenure starts  1 August 2022

Voting Figures (i.e., turnout)

Academic Staff to Council 

Dr Gerhard Wolf

Prof Gordon Finlayson



Results of the Senate Elections 2022


Outgoing member – end of tenure 31 July 2022


New Elected Member – tenure starts  1 August 2022

Voting Figures (i.e., turnout)

LPS to Senate

Dr Qingxiu Bu

Dr Ben Fincham


Life Sciences to Senate

Prof Richard Layfield

Prof Richard Layfield


EngInf to Senate

Dr Romeo Glovnea

Prof Andy Philippides


Global Studies to Senate

Dr Paul Gilbert

Dr Paul Gilbert


BSMS to Senate

Prof Shahaduz Zaman

Dr Clio Berry


ESW to Senate

Jo Tregenza

Matthew Westgarth


MPS to Senate

Prof Michael Melgaard

Prof Michael Melgaard


Psychology to Senate

Dr Kathryn Lester

Dr Kathryn Lester


USBS to Senate

Dr Maria Holgado

Dr Maria Holgado


MAH to Senate

Prof Gordon Finlayson

Dr William McEvoy


Prof. Services to Senate

Mrs Gemma Harman

Mrs Gemma Harman
