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Note on the on-line catalogue

The printed Travers catalogue includes extremely detailed bibliographical information regarding the format, collation, numeration, illustrations, type, references, contents, bindings, and provenance of books listed in the collection. However, because of the shortcomings of HTML as a means of describing rare book material, it has been necessary to omit certain parts of this information from the on-line version of the Travers catalogue. Hence, the HTML catalogue lists title, imprint, bindings, provenances, and notes of matters of interest, but does not include the more specialist bibliographical information regarding format, collation, numeration, illustration, and type. The full details on each book can be obtained by contacting Special Collections. In the entries for Book Nos. 140, 227, and 268, titles using the Greek alphabet have been transliterated. Again, full details of the original catalogue entry can be provided on demand.

1. JACOBUS, de Voragine
Legenda Aurea.
Venetijs, per Christophorum Arnoldum, (1478).
232mm vellum rebacked. Labels on green paper German gilt.
a. inscription S[anct]i Bernardini Burgi Novi d.i4.
b. ex Quaritch 1956.

2. TURRECREMATA, Johannes de
Questiones super evangelia de tempore.
...Impresseque Nuremberge per Fridericum Creussner, 1478.
289mm 15th cent. German calf on wooden boards; rebacked; with 2 clasps (replacements).
a. MT 1968.
Usually found with Questiones Evangeliorum de Sanctis, which has a separate colophon of the same year, described with it in most repertories, but is to be found separately, and is clearly a volume which can stand on its own.

3. JOHANNES, de Tambaco, O.P.
De consolatione theologie.
[Strasburg, Georg de Spira, not after 1479].
310mm wooden boards, rebacked in leather (20th cent.), 2 clasps and catches wanting.
a. inscription Hospitalis Sancti Anthonij Isenheim cat[alogus] Insc[riptus].
b. bookplate removed. inscription This was Walter Arthur Copinger's copy and had his dated bookplate 1892 (pencil note by:)
c. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
d. ex Quaritch.

4. NICOLAUS, de Auximo
Supplementum Summae Magistrutiae seu Pisanellae; [& other works].
Venetiis, cura atque diligentia Leonardi Uuild de Ratisbona, (14[7]9).
214mm contemporary Italian wooden boards, ½ leather (repaired), 2 clasps missing; vellum ms pastedown; title in ms on upper cover.
a. inscription Ex bibli[othe]ca Altemps[ia]na.
b. Sotheby 8 July 1907 lot 19 to Leighton for £1.16.0.
c. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
d. ex Quaritch.
The first work is a revised and augmented version of the alphabetically arranged Summa de casibus conscientiae of Bartholomaeus a Concordia, an early 14th cent. Dominican who lived in Pisa (hence Pisanellae).
The Consilia-counsels against money-lending Jews-is the first printed totally anti-semitic text.

5. TORTELLIUS, Johannes
De Orthographia. Edited by Hieronimus Bononius.
Vicentiae ... per Hermanum Lichtenstein, (31 Oct. 1480).
301mm 18-19th cent. calf, gilt spine and border decoration of rules and chain motif, marbled endpapers, and edges.
a. inscription [? Ex libris monasterii ..] washed
b. inscription e. a. Basset, with bibliographical references. (18th cent.)
c. old press or inventory mark
d. armorial bookplate Robert Proctor, with press mark
e. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
f. ex Quaritch.
A reprint with minor variants and the addition of a register, from the first printed edition from Koblinger's press in Vicenza the previous year.

6. BALBUS, Johannes
[Strasburg, Georg Husner, not after 1482].
438mm 19th century English red calf heavily gilt.
a. manuscript marginalia
b. inscription Collegij Societatis Jesu Ratisbonae. 1587
c. bookplate removed from fly leaf
d. pencil price erased £8-10-6
e. ex Quaritch 1956.
The new information on dating makes this very probably the first book from the press of the printer of Jordanus de Quedlinberg named after the author of the edition around which the others were grouped typographically. Since that early stage of modern study of incunabula the printer has been identified as Georg Husner.

7. HIGDEN, Ranulphus
Polychronicon. [Books 1-7 edited by William Caxton from John of Trevisa's translation from the Latin. Book 8 Continuation 1358 to 1460 by William Caxton.]
[Westminster, William] Caxton, [1482].
280mm ¼ red morocco with oak boards, gold and blind tooled with two clasps, by Douglas Cockerell, with his initial monogram and date 1904, boxed.
a. early ms notes in red (cropped)
b. signature Richard Middletone (fol(76b and 283a))
c. signature Jhon Middleton
d. inscription Hunc libellus [;] medletonij et Amicorum (fol(114b))
e. inscription Robert Milforte (fol224b)9
f. signature R. Robert (fol(141b))
g. inscription naming Iohn Inglis (fol (279a))
h. Sotheby 6-14 May 1885 lot 812 'Earl of Jersey, Osterley Park Library', £66 [to:]
i. B. Quaritch
j. 2 December 1901 lot 403 'property of a gentleman'; £349 [to:]
k. J. Bayley
m. James Tregaskis [with slip from unidentified catalogue, item no.206 inserted to:]
n. armorial bookplate Charles William Dyson Perrins (gold stamped green leather)-De Ricci no.36 [to his sale part 4:]
p. Sotheby 9 June 1947 lot 785 (with slip pasted in) [to:]
q. Maggs Brothers
r. Sotheby 21 April 1958 lot 275 (with slip pasted in) [to:]
s. ex Quaritch (with catalogue slip inserted).
This record is based on Seymour de Ricci A census of Caxtons Oxford. 1909 no.49 copy 36 and copy 88. Inclusion of h. and i. from his copy 82 are tentative since its whereabouts have not certainly been traced since the sale. The page size agrees and the difficulties of cataloguing perhaps explain the differences in the sale catalogue's record of imperfections (wanting all before ff.(10; 178, 179), and all after (377). It is also quite possible that some of these lacunae were made good before the Cockerell binding.

8. ALBERTUS, Magnus, Saint
[Strasburg, Martin Schott, after 23 Aug. 1483.]
300mm original wooden boards, ¼ leather blind tooled, probably German about 1490 (tools not in Kyriss); the single clasp and catch missing.
a. inscription ad Bibliotheca P.P. Francisce Amberge.
b. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
c. ex Quaritch.

9. HUGO, de Vinac, de Prato Florido
Sermones dominicales super Evangelia et Epistolas per totum annum.
[Basel, Michael Wenssler, about 1485].
310mm early 16th century German blind tooled calf over wooden boards; rebacked and some repairs, 2 clasps.
a. some marginalia, underlinings and deletions (? censorship)
b. inscriptions on titlepage blotted out, including 'Lutherus'
c. inscription Monachij ad FF Francis[c]anos pro Bibl.
d. German bookseller's catalogue entry item 78
e. [F.S. Ferguson] shelf mark 53 and bibliographical notes
f. ex Quaritch.

10. CORONA beate Marie uirginis.
[Strasburg, Georg Husner, c. 1487].
289mm 20th century ½ vellum.
a. F.S. Ferguson with his collation initials, and in pencil, shelf mark circled 62
b. bookseller slip post 1964
c. ex Quaritch.

Opera, commentaries by Servius Maurus Honoratus, Aelius Donatus and Christophorus Landinus; & Continuation of the Aeneid by Maphaeus Vegius; & Priapeia; & Catalecta. Edited by Demetrius Chalcondylas.
Florentie, [Bernardinus Nerlius,] (15) cal. aprilis 1487.
290mm 20th century dark brown morocco, vellum thumb tags remaining from earlier binding.
a. inscription F[rater] Conradus T Leontorius uulgar Leonberger Mulbron[ens]ij R[everendissi]mi D[omini] Cistercie[ns]ij Secretarius: Florentie Comparauit 1489: (below large coloured coat of arms and motto Spes mea Chrystus fol [92b])
b. inscription F[rater] Symon Lindenfels Brackenheim professus Mulbron[ens]ij (1510). (twice)
c. inscription Melchior Macrinus usui suo comparauit Anno 1521 (and marginal notes in the same humanist hand)
d. inscription Est Nicolaij (Fir)sij Anno 1565
e. inscription Ad usum Vrsi Rüterhensli emptun [sic] anno 1573 constat 10 bl.
f. ex Appleton 1968.
First publication of the commentaries of Christophorus Landinus.

12. JOHANNES, Nivicellensis, Abbas
Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum.
[Basel, Nicolaus Kesler, c. 1488].
303mm 16th century blind tooled pigskin on wooden boards, clasps missing with 4 (?later) brass edge guards, the first two works named in ink ms on front edge.
BOUND with (2) BASILIUS. 1531 no. 181 q.v. (3) MARTINUS [STREPUS]. 1493 no. 17 q.v.
a. ms notes in all three works
b. ex Edelmann, Nürnberg 1972.

13. ANGELUS CARLETTUS, di Clavasio
Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae, [with additions by Hieronymus Tornieli].
Venetijs, impressa per Georgium de arriuabenis, (4 June 1492).
182mm Italian c.1495-1500 brown goatskin on wooden boards, blind tooled, 2 clasps wanting, vellum fly leaves (last wanting) and endpapers, author's name on front edge.
a. inscription Ex libris Hieronimo ...
b. slip from a German bookseller's catalogue
c. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
d. ex Quaritch.

14. ANTONINUS, Florentinus, Saint
Argentine, impressa per Martinum Flach, (1492).
199mm reversed hide; edges red, front edge titled in ink.
a. early manuscript underlinings and marginalia slightly cropped
b. early manuscript notes including details of purchase at the fair in Medina [del Campo]
c. inscription Soi dela libreria del carmen de Toledo.
d. a German bookseller's catalogue entry no. 206
e. [F.S. Ferguson with initials]
f. ex Quaritch.

15. OVIDlUS NASO, Publius
Epistolae heroides. Commentaries by Ubertinus Clericus and Antonius Volscus.
Venetiis, per Bonetum Locatellum. Mandato ... Octauiani Scoti, (19 Oct. 1492).
328mm 20th century 1 cloth and marbled paper. (? for provenance b.)
a. pencil note bibliographical reference ? 19th century Spanish
b. label James Mavor, University of Toronto.
The Commentaries, which surround the text in conventional scholastic form, have not been conflated, but are printed alternately and, while that by Antonius appears first, the text by Ubertinus sometimes runs over from the previous page.

16. SENECA, Lucius Annaeus
Tragediae Senece cum commento [by Gellius Bernardinus Marmita].
Venetiis, per Lazarum Isoarda de Sauiliano, (12 Dec. 1492).
BOUND (2) after TERENTIUS AFER. 1494 no. 20 q.v.
Marmita's commentary was first published by Antonius Lambillon and Marinus Saracenus in Lyons on 28 November 1491, the whole amounting to 240 leaves. Soardi is much more economical, taking only 140 leaves. The admonitory line in the colophon was printed separately after the rest had been completed, perhaps being hand-stamped, suggesting that he started work before applying for the copyright privilege.

17. MARTINUS [STREPUS], Polonus, O.P.
Margarita decreti seu tabula martiniana decreti.
Argentine, [Printer of the Casus Breves Decretalium? Georg Husner,] (1493).
An index to the Decretales of Pope Gregory IX.
BOUND (3) after JOHANNES. 1488 no. 12 q.v.

18. AUGUSTINUS, Aurelius, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
De civitate Dei. Commentary by Thomas Valois and Nicolas Triveth.
... in friburga, [Kilianus Piscator,] (1494).
315mm contemporary blind tooled pigskin over oak boards with two clasps.
BOUND with (2) AUGUSTINUS De trinitate. 1494 no. 19 q.v.
a. early marginalia books 2, 11-14
b. catalogue slip item 94
c. ex Quaritch 1974 (with catalogue slip inserted).

19. AUGUSTINUS, Aurelius Saint, Bishop of Hippo
De trinitate.
[Freiburg im Breisgau, Kilian Fischer,] (1494).
BOUND (2) after AUGUSTINUS De civitate Dei. 1494 no. 18 q.v.

Comoediae ... cum commentis, videlicet Donato et Guidone [and in part by Joannes Calphurnius]. Edited by J. Badius Ascensius.
Venetiis, per Simonem papiensem dictum beuilaqua. Impensis ... Lazari de isoardi, (20 Feb. 1494).
Badius' work was first printed in Paris in 1492. Curiously it printed Terence as prose. Badius made some improvements including printing the text correctly as verse when it was printed by Trechsel in Lyon the following year in a copiously and conscientiously illustrated edition. On 15 February 1493/94 Soardi obtained an exclusive privilege to print and sell Terence with the commentaries of Aelius Donatus and Guido Juvenalis (= Gui Jouenneaux) throughout the Venetian territories, so blocking the import of the edition printed by Trechsel which he used as his copy text. It was sufficiently successful for Soardi to reprint it later that year and twice
more before the end of the century.
315mm German, about 1500, goatskin on wooden boards, blind stamped, author's name in ink on top edge; rebacked (tools not in Kyriss).
BOUND with (2) SENECA Tragediae. 1492 no. 16 q.v.
a. few notes in a neat humanist script-in both volumes
b. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
c. ex Quaritch.

21. ANTONINUS, Florentinus, Saint
Summa theologica. Pars 2, 3 & [5] Repertorium.
Johannis cleyn vulgo schwab, Lugduni, (10 Oct. 1500).
297mm contemporary red goatskin (?Venetian), blind stamped, 4 ties lacking, rebacked and corners repaired; endpapers of early 14th century vellum manuscript.
a. inscription obliterated
b. inscription Iste liber est monasterij s ... de arn / Canonicu regularijs ordinis f[ratr]is augustinij ... [?inscriptus f.460]
c. a few marginalia in two early hands
d. ex Florence 1974.
According to Baudrier, Klein was to reprint the work several times, the last in 1521.

22. BERNARDUS, Claravellensis, Saint
Sermones super Cantica Canticorum. [Edited by Gregorius Britannicus.]
per Angelum Briannicum, Brixie, (28 January 1500).
87 Sermons, the last not in contents list.
188mm early Italian vellum.
a. early marginal notes, some correcting readings
b. inscription hic liber est ... (crossed through)
c. signature Alex. de Pazzis
d. inscription Ad usu[m] f[rat]ri Aloitij Mr. de Bononie Ordinis Pred[icatorum].
e. old press mark Kf.11.
f. partly erased booksellers' pencillings
g. ex Quaritch.
Reprinting the text printed in Pavia in 1482 Britannicus took over the colophon amending it to include his name in place of Ioannes de Ripa.

23. CLAUDIANUS, Claudius
Opera. [Edited by Thaddaeus Ugoletus.]
Impressit Venetiis, (Christ)oforus de pensis, (23 May 1500).
206mm red edges modern vellum for MT.
a. humanist marginalia, particularly to book 1 of De raptu ...
b. inscription (deleted)
c. inscription Ad usum Maffei Farsetti Veneti Patricij
d. ex Sotheby 24 April 1972 lot 56 via Quaritch commission.

24. PONTANUS, Ludovicus, de Roma
Consilia et allegationes ... ex multis locis in unum congesta.
Venetijs, per Bonetum Locatellum ... Mandato et expensis ... D. Andree Turresani, (18 Sept. 1500).
Index compiled by Bernardinus ex Capitaneis de Landriano.
424mm original unlined vellum and ties, bottom edge lettered in ink with title. Incorrectly bound: the first sheet of signature t follows second.
a. ex Sotheby 2 December 1968 lot 238 (executors of J.I. Davis)-incorrectly catalogued as 1518-via Quaritch commission (collation mark).
This is an extremely rare incunable correctly described in Hain, but not recorded in any major union catalogue.

25. AUGUSTINUS, Aurelius, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Sermones ad heremitas et nonnulli ad sacerdotes suos et ad aliquos alios. Et primo de institutione irregularis vite.
Venetijs, per Ioannem Baptistam Sessa, (22 Jan. 15[0]1). [Printed by Otinus de Luna?]
256mm. 17th century vellum on boards.
BOUND with (2) LORENZO [GIUSTINIANI]. 1502 no. 37 q.v.
a. inscription S. Capucinorum Scapellani (?)
b. bookseller's catalogue entry (?c. 1910)
c. armorial bookplate Ex libris Ratcliffe College. (initialled A.B.J. [19]36)
d. some erased pencil numbers
e. (probably Sotheby 2 December 1968 lot 20 (executors of J.I. Davis) [to:]
f. ex Traylen. 1972. Catalogue item 70.

26. EPHREM, Syrus, Saint
Sermones beati Ephrem per Fratrem Ambrosium [Traversarium] de greco in latinum conversi.
Venecis [sic], per Christoforum de pensiis, (21 March 1501.)
204mm modern half vellum.
a. modern bookseller's catalogue slip
b. ex Olschki catalogue, Florence, 148, 1971, item 94.
The 19 sermons were first published in this translation in Florence in 1481.

27. GRAPALDI, Francisco Mario
De partibus aedium. [Lib. 2.].
[Parma, Angelus Ugoletus,] (Mai Kal.) 1501.
220mm contemporary Italian 1 leather goatskin, oak leaf blind stamped decoration, beech wood boards, three clasps; title inked on lower board within a wreath; red edges.
a. neat contemporary marginalia
b. inscription dated 1718, [price] 4.-
c. ex Quaritch, 1968 (catalogue 876, 1967, item 112 slip inserted).

28. HAEMMERLEIN, Thomas à Kempis
[De Imitatione Christi] Ioannis Gerson De contemptu omnium vanitatum mundi. [Lib. 4].
Venetijs, per Io. Baptistam Sessa, (1 December 1501). [type of O. de Luna].
155mm modern Italian vellum.
a. Italian bookseller's catalogue entry item 110
b. ex Olschki, Florence, May 1971.
The text is the De Imitatione Christi which was wrongly ascribed to Jean Charlier de Gerson and was one of the most successful contemplative mystical texts of 15th century monasticism which has been many times printed and translated. Sessa also had printed an Italian translation the following year.

29. PACIFICO, da Novara
Summa confessionis intitulata pacifica conscientia.
Per Bonetum Locatellum Bergomensem impressum, (23 Dec.) 1501 expletum est Venetijs.
158mm recent (?Italian) vellum
a. 16th cent. marginalia; fly leaf inscriptions washed in repairs
b. inscription Hic liber est ... [washed]; on title page
c. Italian bookseller's slip 163
d. ex S. May 1971.
Either the casting off of copy for simultaneous composition was done very badly or the blank pages were left for illustrations which were not ready at the vital moment. The number of abbreviations and other space-saving devices varies in different parts of the text, so it is not certain.

30. RIGALDUS, Joannes, Bishop of Tréguier
Compendium sacre theologie pauperis: Sancti Bonaventure doctoris seraphici.
Basel, Jacobus [Wolff] de Pfortzen, 24 Dec. 1501.
223mm early 16th century Parisian blind stamped calf on oak boards two clasp-holders remaining on lower board. Described in G.D. Hobson Bindings in Cambridge libraries. Cambridge 1929 p56. 2 vellum reinforcement strips of French text (a chanson de geste, by Lenis de Losane?); and freed lining leaves (proof sheets of a Paris printed Psalter c. 1500).
a. early ms notes, marginalia on back end paper and lining leaves
b. inscription Liber Richardi Pembertoni
c. inscription Non est mortale quod opto Ambrose Withypoll.
d. bookplate Ely Cathedral; old press marks 9 15; H-E-10; D-K.13 (all deleted); F.1.2; and on paper labels on spine E.2.5. [to:]
e. ex Sotheby 9-10 March 1972 lot 97 via Quaritch commission.

31. SOMNIA Salomonis Regis Filii David.
Venetiis, Arte & impensa Ingeniosi Iohanni Baptiste Sessa, (16 Oct. 1501). [? printed by Jacobus Pentius de Leuco].
215mm modern parchment for MT.
a. a few marginal notes in an early hand
b. signature David Sanclarus (?16th cent.)
c. inscription Ide voisin / Deu me facere uoluntatem tuam / quia Deus meus es tu
d. inscription Ex bibliotheca majoris Carmeli parisiensis
e. S. S[ ]. (?19th century)
f. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 676 via Quaritch commission.

32. [another copy]
212mm 19th century Spanish black leather, artificial graining, gold tooling, monogram, arms and name of Gomez de la Cortina (provenance b).
BOUND WITH manuscript notes (provenance a).
a. small number of 16th century marginalia in the same hand as additional notes in Italian and Latin on additional 10 pages before and a further 16 pages after the printed text in two hands
b. armorial label (leather), gilt binding stamp of named arms J. Gomez de la Cortina, with motto Fallitur hora legendo. The book appears as item 8700 in the published catalogue of his library, Madrid 1859 tom 5. The manuscript notes are not however recorded in the description.
c. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 709 via Quaritch commission.

33. THOMAS, Aquinas, Saint
Quodlibetales questiones.
Venetiis, per Bonetum Locatellum ... sumptibus heredum quondam ... Octauiani Scoti, (8 idus April 1501).
315mm ½ vellum and paper covered boards, red edges (late 19th century Italian?)
a. inscription Liber iste e[st] Mon[a]s[teri] paradisi.
b. inscription Fratris eusebij de castro plebis ordinis Eremitarum Divi Augustini [over another name].
c. inscription Con[ven]tu d[e] S. Aug[usti]ni Ciuitati Plebis

34. AUCTORITATES Aristotelis, Senece, Boetii, Platonis, Apulei
Affricani, Empedoclis, Porphirii et Gilberti porritani.
Impressum Parisius, per magistrum Petrum Le dru, (4 July 1502). (Device of Iean Petit).
Le Dru had already printed an edition of this text in the 1490s. He worked on commission for several publishers, and this was not his first commission from Petit.
138mm modern paper lined stiff vellum.
a. a few early manuscript notes
b. ex Sotheby 2 March 1971 lot 235 via Quaritch commission.
A very popular collection of sentences. The compiler is unknown.

35. DIONYSIUS, Areopagiticus, Saint
Caelestis hierarchia; Ecclesiastica hierarchia; Divina nomina; Mystica theologia; Undecim epistolae [translated from Greek into Latin by St. Ambrose of Camaldoli]. Ignatii undecim epistolae [edited and translated from Greek into Latin by Jacobus Faber Stapulensis]. Polycarpi Epistola una.
In inclyta ciuitate Venetiarum, per Ioannem tacuinum de Tridino, (21 Nov. 1502)
320mm (probably Italian) original wooden boards wormed and cracked, lacking clasps, with early rebacked vellum spine, 3 raised bands, relined. Title in ink on lower cover.
a. marginalia in early hand
b. inscription Ad ... [deleted]
c. old library number 2287.
d. armorial bookplate Revd George Akers, M.A.
e. ex Sotheby 26 October 1970 lot 6 via Quaritch.

36. LACTANTIUS, Lucius Coelius Firmianus
Opera; [& other works by other authors. 2 parts]. Edited by Ioannes Petrus Valerianus Bellunensis.
Venetiis, mira arte & diligentia Ioannis de tridino cognominati Tacuinus, (3 Jan. (9 Jan.) 1502.)
308mm early vellum with blind fillets, rebacked in calf with gilt decoration. First and last leaves reinforced.
a. early marginalia in Greek and Latin
b. later 16th cent. ms notes
c. inscription (overlaid): Pauli Mauri gramatici de S.Vitale (?) Xonae ...
d. ex Olschki, Florence, 148, 1971, 126.
Tacuino reprinted the works in 1509.

Institutiones uite monastice mortalibus uniuersis ad bene beateque uiuendum anhelantitus quoque utilissime.
Impressum Brixiae, cura & impensis Iacobi Britannici, (4 ides May 1502).
BOUND (2) after AUGUSTINUS Sermones. 1501 no. 25 q.v.

38. TURRECREMATA, Johannes de
Expositio in Psalterium.
Venetijs, per Lazarum de Soardis, (26 Jan. 1502).
163mm original unlined vellum, leather ties.
a. inscription (? ...) Bernard ... d ... (erased)
b. inscription Es del dr .d. Blassio Peyna/do de Santaella.
c. Sotheby 14 March 1967 lot 64
d. ex Sawyer.

39. VALLA, Giorgio
Commentationes in Ptolomei quadripartitum, inque Ciceronis Partitiones & Tusculanas questiones, ac Plinii naturalis historie librum secundum. [2 parts].
Venetiis, In officina Simonis Bivilaquae, (3, 10 Nov 1502).
300mm modern vellum, red edges.
a. ex Hammond.

[Opera] Tria P. Vergilii Maronis opera. [Aeglogae; Georgica; Aeneis]; with the prefatory epistle of Filippo Beroaldo, and commendatory verses.
Lugduni, Impressum per Nicolaum uuolff, (30 Aug. 1502).
142mm early blind stamped calf with flap covering fore edge, laid down and repaired.
a. signature Iohannes Arfveilh (in capitals)
b. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 776 via Quaritch commission.

41. BUSTI, Bernardinus de
Mariale ... de singulis festiuitatibus beate virginis per modum sermonum tractans.
Nuremberge, per Anthonium Koberger, (15 April 1503).
290mm contemporary probably Augsburg blind tooled leather on wooden boards with clasps: Kyriss plates 161-62. Spine has been painted white with early lettering in black.
a. inscription 1668 Ego Sebastianus bauer pro tempore/Vicarius in Is[ic;] Emi hunc librum a Martino Ebner predecessore meo ib:
b. inscription Ex libris Clementis Lampertinij [ ] 1682
c. ex Sotheby 29 November 1971 lot 9 via Quaritch (with slip inserted).

42. CALENTIUS, Elisius
Romae, per Ioannem de Besicken, (12) Dec (1503).
fol ADAMS C 201 ff[109, 1 blank]. Isaac 12036.
a. a few marginal notes in a humanist hand
b. ex Sawyer 1967 (from Sotheby 7 February 1967 lot 519).

De die natali liber aureus: olim mutilatus: nunc adiectis quatuor integris capitibus. Edited by Tristanus Calchus; & other works.
[Milan, Joannes Angelus Scinzenzeler, for Ioannes Iacobus et fratres de Legnano,] Aug. 1503.
1 Cebes Thebanus: Tabula; Latin translation by Ludovicus Odaxius.
2 Plutarch: De differentia inter odium et invidiam.
3 St. Basil: Oratio de invidia, Latin translation by Nicolaus Perottus; and Epistola de vita solitaria, Latin translation by Franciscus Filelphus.
4 Dio Cassius: Lives of Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian; Eruption of Mount Vesuvius; Latin translation by Georgius Merula.
208mm ½ red morocco, marbled paper, 20th century. Early ms in ink arabic numeration of text leaves mostly cropped from top edge, so the Tabula is largely unusable.
a. monogram J.C. (on titlepage)
b. ex Sotheby 29 October 1968 lot 279 via Quaritch commission.

Iustinus hystoricus. Iustini historici in Trogi Pompei historias exordium; & Lucii flori gestorum romanorum epithoma. Edited by M.A. Sabellicus and Philippus Beroaldus.
Venetiis, per Bertolomeum de Zanis de Portesio, (3 Feb. 1503).
289mm 17th century Italian vellum.
a.?ex Olschki, Florence.
The original work by Trogus Pompeius is lost. For later editions see nos. 57 and 148.

45 . MARTIALIS, Marcus Valerius
Epigrammata cum duobus commentis [by] Domitius Chalderinus & Georgius Merula.
[Venetijs,] impressit volumen hoc Iacobus Pentius de Leuco, 23 Dec. (1503).
312mm wooden boards, 2 clasps, rebacked in old style modern blind stamped goatskin, lower board with ink title.
a. inscription Sanctis ... (?Prim ... Pisciensi).
b. inscription Hic liber est m[agist]ri ...(deleted)
c.? repeat of b (deleted) hic liber est ... Zenonis Pistoriensis
d. inscription Ad usum Juliani Pisciensis amicorumque suorum. With neat humanistic marginalia recalling notes of Philippus Beroaldus
e. ex A. G. Thomas catalogue 22 1969 item 429 (with slip inserted).

46. PETRUS, Comestor
Historia scholastica.
Argentine, [Georg Husner,] (16 Dec. 1503).
290mm late 18th-early 19th cent. 2 leather with grey paper over wooden boards.
a. copious early marginalia
b. armorial bookplate [Duke of Sussex] printed by Perkins and Heath; with press mark T.e.3 added in ms.
c. armorial bookplate Hellier R.H. Gosselin, Bengeo Hall, [Hertford]; and signature
d. ex Howes, Hastings, 1969.
For a later edition see no. 166.

47. ALBERTUS, Magnus, Saint
De apprehensione.
Venetijs, impressus per Simonem de Luere ... 13 Sept. 1504.
BOUND (2) after PLINIUS SECUNDUS Historiae naturalis. 1507 no. 69 q.v.
a. a few ms notes on the back free end paper ? Latin verse.
The first leaf contains only the single line Albertus Magnus de apprehensione forming what would today be called a half title. Its purpose was not only immediate identification of stored unbound copies but with the blank last leaf, to protect the text before binding. Early owners in times when paper was both expensive and in short supply would have been inclined to utilise such leaves for memoranda as in this copy, so their survival is relatively rare. Collectors have traditionally preferred clean copies so even if they remained in the book to give an insight into the life and community of readers, they may well have fallen prey to book trade efforts to match the tastes of their purchasers.

48. ALBERTUS, Magnus, Saint
Postilla super Ioannis Euangeliare.
Impensis ... Joannis Rynman de Oringaw archibibliopole: In officina Industrij Henrici Gran: Ciuis Imperialis opidi Hagenaw, (1504 Aug. kal 9).
BOUND (2) after ALBERTUS Super Matthei Evangeliare postilla. 1505 no. 54 q.v.
Early marginalia.

49. ANGELUS CARLETTUS, di Clavasio
Summa angelica.
Venetijs, impressa per Georgium de Ariuabenis mantuanum, (23 May 1504).
175mm 18-19th century paper covered boards.
a. inscription Ad usum fr[atr]is Sebastiani / De Cuxte[ ] de Roma
b. booksellers' pencillings
c. signature fr[ater] gironimo mo[n]te Zion(?)
d. label (by Reynolds Stone) Lloyd Kenyon; inscription Kenyon. Magdalene College Cambridge. Jan. 28th. 1938.
e. ex Quaritch.

50. CONSTITUTIONES legitime seu legatine regionis Anglicane, cum ... interpretatione ... Johannis de Athon. With summaries by Jodocus Badius Ascensius; reorganised and annotated by Johannes Chappuys.
Parisijs, (arte Magistri Wulfgangi hopilij: impensis eiusdem: et ... Ioannis confluentini,) (1504) ad idus Semptembris [sic].
275mm early 18th century polished calf, with later label. First 2 gatherings wormed.
a. some marginal notes and underlinings, said to be the hand of Maurice Johnson
b. armorial bookplate (initialled G[eorge] V[ertue]) M[aurice] Johnson ... 1735 [to sale:]
c. Sotheby 24 March 1898 lot 1045 to Leighton for £1.10.0.
d. booksellers' pencillings erased
e. ex Sotheby 23 March 1970 lot 92 via Quaritch.
Usually catalogued under the name of William Lyndwood (variously Lyndewode), Bishop of St. David's, but this text is not his.

51. SACCHI, Bartholomaeus, de Platina
Platynae hystoria de Vitis pontificum periucunda: diligenter recognita (P2: Dialogi, & other works).
Venetiis, impressum a Philippo pincio, (22 August 1504).
318 mm early 19th century calf, blind stamped border; five raised bands on spine, gold tooled flower between; endpaper watermarked Hennessy Hulpe.
a. some marginalia in a 16th century hand
b. signature J. Chiffletius med.
c. note in French attributing manuscript notes to Chifflet
d. bookplate Ex bibliotheca Michaelis Chasles, Acad. Scientiar. Socii. (design signed L. Bennard), and manuscript notes [to post mortem sale:]
e. A. Claudin & G. Bouland, Paris, auction 27 June 1881 lot 60, 82 francs
f. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 592 via Quaritch.
For later editions see nos. 59, 92, 93.

52. VOCABULARIUS breuiloquus, cum arte diphthongandi, punctandi, et accentuandi.
Argentine, [Georg Husner,] (7 Sept. 1504).
215mm 17th century English dark calf with blind stamped block, front edge titled in ink, wanting ties. Rebacked.
a. some marginal notes in a secretarial hand
b. inscription The Right Honourable Lord Powis, (Powis Castle, to:)
c. Sotheby 21 March 1967 lot 378
d. ex Sawyer, 1967.

53. AEGIDIUS, Corboliensis (Gilles de Corbeil)
[De cognoscendis urinis et pulsu] Carmina de urinarum iudiciis. Commentary by Gentile de Fulgineo. Edited by Avenantius de Camerino.
Lugd[uni], per Franciscum fradin, (15 Nov. 1505).
156mm modern vellum, some margins cropped at an angle with loss of ms notes.
a. some ms marginalia cropped
b. rubber stamp encircled monogram E.B.

54. ALBERTUS, Magnus, Saint
Super Matthei Evangeliare postilla.
Impressum ... expensis ... archibibliopole Ioannis Rynman de Oringaw: in oppido Imperiali Hagenaw: Industrij Henrici Gran, (16) Kal. Aprilis (1505).
318mm 16th cent. Hungarian calf blind tooled including roll as on plate 39 Èva Sz. Koroknay Magyar Reneszánsz Könyvkötések Budapest 1973.
BOUND with (2) ALBERTUS Postilla super Ioannis Evangeliare. 1504 no. 48 q.v.
a. few early marginalia, including deletion of note on Cap. X (ff 192b)
b. signature R.P. Almusi (?)
c. inscription Conventus Nitriensis
d. old inventory (?) number N.33.

55. BIBLE. Old Testament. Job
Thomae Aquinatis in Librum beati Job expositio [with text]. Edited by Nicolaus Methonensis.
Venetijs, per Simonem de Luere, studio et opere Alexandri Calcedonij, (5 May 1505).
278mm early stiff vellum, later spine title label
a. inscription Ex lib. Joannis Costa Canonici & Curati de Turvillis
b. pink label De la Bibliothèque de Jules Salers, avocat à Moissac, Tarn-et-Garonne
c. ex Sotheby 16 February 1971 lot 325 (property of T.V. Reed) via Quaritch.

56. CLAUDIANUS, Claudius
De raptu Proserpinae. Edited with commentary by A. Janus Parrhasius.
[Venice, Albertinus Rubeus? c.1505.]
312mm ¼ parchment paper and German marbled paper boards, gilt title label and another with (?) initials D.F.M.T.
a. manuscript financial calculations on end flyleaf
b. armorial bookplate Trevisani
c. German bookseller's slip item 137, with pencil bibliographical references
d. English bookseller's slip
e. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
f. ex Quaritch.

Justinus historicus, una cum L[ucio] Floro [epitomata] a Philippo Beroaldo correctus.
Bononie, impressit accuratissime et emendatissime Benedictus Hectoris Bononiensis Bibliopola ... (June 1505).
303mm (?early 17th century) Italian vellum. Author's name inked on bottom edge; modern endpapers.
a. copiously annotated in humanist manuscript to lib (23) fol (44) and occasionally thereafter, slightly cropped
b. a few notes in a later 16th century hand
c. inscription erased (? ecclesiastical library)
d. inscription ... Dm: Philip ... (erased)
e. inscription Ex libris Christophori Rossii j[uris] c[onsul]ti.
f. ex de Graaf.
For an earlier edition see no. 44; for a later edition see no. 148.

58. PIUS II, Pope (Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini)
Epistole et varii tractatus. Edited by Ambrosius Archintus and Joannes Vinzalius.
Venundantur Lugduni ab Stephano Gueynard: Impresse ... per Johannem de vingle, (8 Nov. 1505).
260mm modern Italian calf.
a. inscription Est Baptiste ... (cropped)
b. another washed
c. a third overwritten by now faded name dated 1744
d. another illegible, written over yet another on the last page Finis operis
e. photograph of entry from Italian bookseller's catalogue
f. ex Olschki, Florence, January 1971
The printer had previously produced this text (first published in Milan in 1496) in 1497.
Another reprint came from the Lyonese presses in 1518. This edition not in Baudrier.

59. SACCHI, Bartholomaeus, de Platina
Platinae hystoria de vitis pontificum [2 parts with the additional lives of Popes Sixtus IV-Pius III by Raphael Volaterranus, and a life of the author].
Parrhisijs, impensis honesti Francisci regnault, (8 idus Oct. 1505) [printed in the types of Antoine Bonnemere].
175mm 16th century German ½ pigskin blind stamped roll decoration, wooden boards, lacking clasps; with modern wrapper and box.
a. inscription (deleted) Conventu ad S. Barbaram Herbipolensis (?), [*Würzburg]
b. manuscript marginalia in an early hand
c. signature Marcus Eller 1558. 1 Iunij.
d. inscription Joannes Neu%3bich me uendicavit Norimbergae in foro scrutario A[nn]o recup[er]atae salutis 1590
e. inscription Berks
f. ex Sotheby (Hodgson's) 4 November 1971 lot 274 via Quaritch.
The author of the additional lives is not named, but see no. 92 below.
For an earlier edition see no. 51: for later editions see nos. 92, 93.

60. SONCINAS, Paulus
Questiones metaphysicales.
Venetijs, sumptibus heredum quondam Octauiani Scoti ... per Bonetum Locatellum, (2 May 1505).
305mm modern Italian vellum.
a. marginalia in an early hand
b. inscription hic liber est fra[tri] d[omi]nici ... patauii Carolenis [;] (deleted)
c. Italian bookseller's slip item 167
d. ex Olschki, Florence.

61. AMBROSIUS, Saint, Bishop of Milan
Omnia opera. Edited by Conradus Leontorius.
Basilee, per Joannem petri de Langendorff, (30 May 1506).
219mm French about 1510, calf, blind stamped roll decoration. Rebacked with new end papers for MT.
The first fly leaf at the end of v.2 has an offset of part of the titlepage of an 18th century edition of Dictionary by Mr Bayle.
a. a few secretarial marginalia
b. inscription Eccl. Cath. Roffen [Rochester Cathedral] ... old press mark E.7. (v.2 E.8.) [to:]
c. ex Sotheby 17 June 1971 lot 193a via Quaritch commission.

62. AUGUSTINUS, Aurelius, Saint, Bishop of Hippo
[Works. Pars 11]. Undecima pars librorum ...
Basileae, Ioannes tres, Amorbachius, Petri & Froben, (22 Jan. 1506).
This is the concluding volume of the first collected edition of St. Augustine. It contains those short works, usually described as in letter-form (as opposed to book-form) which the author had not himself reviewed in Retractiones, a survey amounting to an auto-bibliography. It is
followed by Possidonius de vita Augustini. 330mm original blind stamped calf on wooden boards, rebacked spine laid down, lacking two clasps. Rolls of wyvern, lion and portcullis (Oldham ANg(1)), and pineapple stamp (B3) used in London about 1510.
a. armorial bookplate A. Gifford, D.D., of the [British] Museum, with press mark [bequeathed to:]
b. label (by J. Ackland) Library [of] Baptist College, Bristol. [sold:]
c. Sotheby c.28 November 1961 lot 301 [to:]
d. ex Quaritch.

63. FILELFO, Francesco
Phorce, in aedibus Thomae Anshelmi. Impensisque prouidi Conradi Hist ciuis Spirensis, (Dec. 1506).
232mm 16th century German wooden boards with 2 clasps, ½ vellum blind stamped roll decoration, fore edge titled.
a. copiously annotated in early secretarial hand
b. inscription Hic liber [est] Cartusiensium In bono lapide, [and ?old press mark] B106 [Guterstein]
c. contemporary hand Latin verses on the months, with author's name Antonius Mancinelli [died 1505].
d. Christie, Duke of Norfolk Library 8 March 1967 lot 144 [to:]
e. ex Sawyer, 1967.

Opera. Edited by Jodocus Badius Ascensius.
Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano gueynard ... (Finis ... fragmentorum ... a Johanne de vingle ... coimpressorum), (1506 sexto calen. Nouembris).
A reprint of the Badius edition Paris 1504.
250mm 19-20th century vellum boards, gilt title.
a. signature Emile Chelard, 1846 Jena.
b. bookplate Ex Libris Dr. Lanselle.
c. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 677 via Quaritch.

65. SENECA, Lucius Annaeus
Tragoediae. Edited by Benedictus Philologus.
Florentiae, studio et impensa Philippi de Giunta Tertio, Nonas Aprilis (1506).
161mm South Germany about 1510, with tool of flowering tree (the arms of Augsburg) blind tooled reddish brown calf on wooden boards rebacked; brass catches, lacking clasps,
a. verses in 16th century hand, on end papers, by Martial on back one
b.?German bookseller's pencillings.

66. CHRONICA delle vite de Pontefici et Imperatori Romani composta per M. Francesco Petrarcha, alla quale sono state aggiunte quelle che da tempi del Petrarcha insino alla eta nostra mancavano.
Venetia, per maestro Jacomo de pinci da Lecco, 3 Dec. (1507).
Not written by Petrarch; continuation to 1503.
184mm old vellum 16th century marginalia cropped.
a. label (by Reynolds Stone) Lloyd Kenyon; inscription Kenyon Magd[alene] Coll[ege] Camb[ridge], 6.vj.[19]36 Bowes. £15-0-0, and collation mark
b. ex Quaritch.

67. JOHN, of Damascus, Saint
De Orthodoxa Fide liber: interprete Iacobo Fabro Stapulensi. [Edited by Josse Clichthove].
Parisiis, per Henricum Stephanum, (15 April 1507).
192mm 19th century ½ red calf and marbled paper (?French), wrongly dated on spine.
a. few marginal notes
b. white ticket (inside top cover, upper left) 642
c. MT 1957.

68. PEROTTUS, Nicolaus, Archbishop of Siponto
Cornucopiae, seu commentariorum linguae latinae, ... Cum textu Martialis longae castigatius ... cum commentariis seu expositionibus in Caii Plynii secundi proemium ... Edited by Pyrrhus Perottus, revised by Ludovicus Odaxius.
Parisii, impressum per Vdalricum Gering & magistrum Berchtoldum Rembolt socios, (28 May 1507).
Apparently a reprint of the edition published by the same team of 1504 (Adams P 718) with which it accords in collation.
347mm 17th century English polished calf; freed from binding at end, a leaf (signed iii ij) set in 81G with more than 77 lines per column: a legal text with marginal numbers and notes.
a. signature Andrew Orford
b. inscription Tho[mae] Emersoni liber ex permutatione cum m[agist]ro Johanne Poure 8 Sept[emb.] An[no] 1[6]33.
c. inscription Joshua Hill his book
d. inscription John Hill his book
e. armorial bookplate Rolle (Huntly. sc. 74 Bond St.); old press mark I 4.3.
For later use of woodcut titlepage ornaments see no. 75.
See also edition of 1514 no. 108,
another edition no. 104.

Historiae naturalis libri (37). Edited by Alexander Benedictus.
[Venetiis,] per Ioannem rubeum & Bernardinum fratresque Vercellenses, (16
Jan. 1507).
332mm 16th century German pigskin on wooden boards, blind tooled decoration including the arms of Peter Falck (provenance b) remnants of clasps, title inked on spine. Gathering 'e' misbound, the third sheet being reversed.
BOUND with (2) ALBERTUS De apprehensione. 1504 no. 47 q.v.
a. 16th century humanist marginal notes, (and amateur rubrication in red fol 20a only)
b. inscription Petri falch & amicorum; ink coat of arms and signature Petrus Falck 1516, and a few notes on endpaper
c. bookplate Ex libris F. Raisin, Advoc. Genevensis
d. inscription Forell (in pencil)
e. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 597 via Quaritch commission (with collation).

70. [another copy]

296mm 17th century English plain calf, 20th century rebacking, wanting last blank leaf.
a. marginalia ?16th century
b. marginalia ?17th century includes fol 86a reference to Halley Philos. Transact. 1691. Jul.
c. ex Sotheby 25 October 1971 lot 135 via Quaritch commission (with catalogue slip of a different copy pasted in).

71. STELLA, Johannes, Venetus
Vite ducentorum et triginta summorum pontificum: a beato petro apostolo vsque ad Julium secundum modernum Pontificem. [Woodcut].
Basilee, per Michaelem Furter, (Sept. 1507).
195mm 19th century blind tooled calf, all edges gilt.
a. bibliographical notes pencilled on flyleaf verso (?French)
b. ex Sotheby (probably 2 March 1971) 277.

72. ARRIANUS, Flavius
De rebus gestis Alexandri regis. Translated from Greek into Latin by Bartholomaeus Facius. Edited by Ludovico Odaxio.
Opera & impensa Hieronymi de Soncino ... Impressus est Pisauri, (9 June 1508).
292mm 20th century (?Italian) brown calf (faded) and marbled paper, gilt
a. bookseller's catalogue slip
b. ex Olschki, Florence, June 1972.

73. CICERO, Marcus Tullius
Illustria monimenta ... de Diuina natura: et [P2] Diuinatione a Petro Marso reconcinnata: castigata et enarrata. An. Sal. M.D.VII [& P3 Orationes Marsi].
Venetiis, per Lazarum Soardum, (29 Nov. 1508).
319mm modern red morocco, gold tooled and gold edges.
a. signature Jacob. Malasp[in]a 1636.
b. slip from bookseller's catalogue in French pasted in
c. ex Sotheby 4 May 1970 lot 238 via Quaritch.
For later use of the woodcut border, first used in the Malermi Bible 1493, see below, PLAUTUS 1511 no.91.

74. FORESTI, Jacobus Philippus, Bergomensis
Supplementum: Supplementi de le Chroniche Uulgare nouamente dal venerando patre frate Jacobo Philippo del ordine heremitano primo auctore agionto & emendato: el qual comenza da principio del mondo insino al anno ... (1503) & diligentemente vulgarizato per miser Francesco C. Fiorentino.
Venetia, per me Georgio de Rusconi Milanese, 7 Aug. 1508.
315mm 19th cent. papered boards (tree calf design) with red label gold lettered.
a. stamp in oval, monogram MD*
b. bookplate Rinaldo Cenni
c. armorial bookplate Ex Libris Liechtensteinianis, with stamp on title verso
d. (?English) bookseller's slip. May precede above.
e. ex holiday visit to Florence 1974.

75. HUGO, de Sancto Charo, Cardinal
Divina expositio in altos quattuor euangeliorum apices. Edited by Johannes Amerbach.
Impressa parrhisij, Expensis Udalrici gering. Et Magistri Berchtoldi Rembolt sociorum.
In sole aureo vici Sorbonici, (20 October 1508).
The text commented upon includes the traditional prologues of St. Hieronymus (Jerome) and St. Augustine.
370mm original binding, Cambridge about 1510, blind tooled calf on wooden boards lacking both clasps, author's name lettered in upwards on front edge, rebacked, with replacement end papers. Oldham H-13(a) with stamp used by the 'lattice binder' (84).
a. early ink marginalia
b. inscription partially erased
c. inscription deleted
d. inscription ... est verus possessor huius codice
e. inscription E.C. [of Edward Cary of Torre Abbey] and designation Cl[ericorum] Ang[lorum]
f. ex Sotheby (Hodgson's) 25 February 1972 lot 254 via Quaritch.
For earlier use of woodcut titlepage ornaments see no. 68.

76. OVIDIUS NASO, Publius
Fasti. Commentaries by Antonio Constantio Fanensi and Paulo Marso piscinate.
Text with commentary.
330mm Italian wooden boards, rebacked, 4 original clasps and catches (2 lacking).
a. (erased and washed inscription)
b. initialled pencil note vi. 1951 (rubbed out)
c. ex Sotheby 6 May 1970 lot 518 via Quaritch commission.

77. SILVATICUS, Matthaeus
Opus pandectarum medicine ... cum quotationibus omnium auctorum in locis proprijs et cum Simone Ianuensi. Edited by Baptista Sardus.
Papie, per Jacob de Paucisdrapis de Burgofrancho, impensis Aloysij de Castello, 12 Feb. 1508.
295mm 20th cent. vellum boards.
a. ex Sotheby 6 May 1970 lot 660 via Quaritch commission.

[De anima] Commentaria Fratris Thomae de Vio Caietani ... in libros Aristotelis de anima.
Florentiae, in officina Bartholomei Francisci de Libris Sumptibus Federici Strozae, (15 March 1509).
315mm modern ltalian vellum.
a. ex Olschki, Florence, May 1971.

Diui Hieronimi in Vitaspatrum percelebre opus ... [Lugduni,] Impressis [sic] per Stephanum balam, (29 Jan. 1509). [With the S.V. monogram device of Simon Vincent].
a. inscription d[omi]n[u]s Rushdon est possessor
b. note This is an incomparabile old Booke ut dicit Jurat Testaturque J.S.
c. inscription Tho[mas] Brett liber, and motto non est mortale q[uo]d opto.
d. label From the library of George Dunn of Woolley Hall near Maidenhead
e. his sale Sotheby 4 February 1914 lot 1193
f. label ex libris E.PH. G[oldschmidt], with his shelf ticket at end
g. armorial bookplate [Albert Ehrman], and initialled note on rarity of printer, with his accession number R1328 in ball point on back pastedown (purchased for £12 from an unidentified Sotheby auction using McLeish as agent).

80. LUCANUS, Marcus Annaeus
Pharsalia. Commentary by J. Sulpitius.
Opera Ioannis Prüss, chalcographi Argentini, XVI. Kal'. April'. (16 April 1509).
222mm contemporary German brown blind stamped sheepskin, over oak boards with early rebacking in pigskin (tools not in Kyriss); 2 clasps. Offset of removed ms lining on inside boards.
a. inscription Cart. Buxheim; armorial black oval stamp BIBL. BUXHEIM:
b. pressmark (in red on label at base of spine) S./154.
c. pressmark (pencil bottom titlepage) LB.226397; top right: 4o 30647.
d. Hugo Philipp Graf von Waldbott-Bassenheim [to sale:]
e.?auction by Carl Förster, Munich, 1 September 1883
f. ex Sotheby 29 Novemer 1971 lot 18 via Quaritch.

81. SIMONETA, Bonifacius
De christiane fidei et Romanorum Pontificum persecutionibus.
Basilee, per Nicolaum Kesler, (Dec 1509).
War damaged in 1941 : waterstained and with a piece of glass embedded in the lower cover.
319mm late 19th century heavy vellum, (stamped) by H.F.S. Webb, Stationer & Bookbinder, 89 St. James's Street, Portsea.
a. inscription Ex libris M. Michaelis Emmerlingij [? ... en] and press mark
b. inscription ad Bibliothecam ffr. Min. Pedeponti.
c. stamp Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis [Royal Library Munich presumably disposed of as a duplicate]
d. bookplate of Virtue and Cahill Library No. 8350 overprinted with authorisation by Roman Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth for disposal 1967
e. ex A.G. Thomas catalogue 23 1969 item 395.

82. BIEL, Gabriel
Sermones. 3 parts.
Impensis Joannis Rynman de Oringaw archibibliopole: in officina industrij Henrici Gran in oppido imperiali Hagenaw, (10 July 1510).
P3 De passione: Prima pars maior historialis; secunda pars minor recapitulativa acerbitatum per modum epilogi; tertia finalis est mystica: passiones domini exponens tropologice seu moraliter ...
P1 Sermones [25] de festivitatibus gloriose virginis marie.
P2 Sermones [48] de sanctis.
230mm modern vellum.
a. erased ownership inscription and quotation
b. inscription (deleted)
c. ex Sotheby 27 March 1972 lot 120 via Quaritch commission.

83. GISLANDIS, Antonius de
Opus aureum ornatum omni lapide precioso ... super euangelijs totius anni. [2 parts].
Impressa Lugduni, per Johannem de vingle, (23 Nov. 1510). (Venundantur ... Stephano gueynard prope sanctum Anthonium).
157mm 18th century French marbled sheep gold tooled.
a. inscription Frater Clemens Nargauld religioso Bullioni a[n]no 1542
b. inscription Ad usu[m] fr[atroru]m Capucinorum [...] s[anc]ti andrea Lugd[unensi] Cat[alo]g[us] Inscriptus ex dono d[omini] ... urdel (?) diuionie [;]
c. ex Sotheby 10 April 1972 lot 59 via Quaritch commission.
Etienne Gueynard commissioned an edition from Jannot de Campis in 1509; and again from Jean de Campis in 1522, so it was a steady seller. (Baudrier 11, 215-16 note).

84. [another copy] imperfect, wanting leaf S1 (fol 345) supplied in facsimile, and last ?blank.
166mm 16th century speckled sheep.
a. inscription Iste liber meus Stephanus ... de ... custos montes ... Continues copiously on last leaf and titlepage, some Latin and some French includes date 1 September 154-
b. inscription al usus e dej capucin[orum] de Rodes (smudged)
c. inscription Ad vsum patris Tiburtii de Copiac concionatoris Capucini Tholosae recepti an[no] 1654. die 16 Junu-.
d. pink label De la Bibliothèque de Jules Salers, avocat à Moissac, Tarn-et-Garonne
e. ex Sotheby 16 February 1971 lot 293 (property of T.V. Reed) via Quaritch.

85. JOSEPHUS, Flavius
De antiquitatibus ac de bello Judaico. Translated from Greek into Latin by T. Ruffinus.
Venetiis, excussit Gregorius de gregoriis, (29 Oct. 1510).
309mm modern vellum (from Choral missal text, rubricated in red and blue), modern palimpsest with labels.
a. inscription Ale(...) Capuccinorum [washed out]
b. old press marks 24/14
c. ex Hertzberger, 1968.

86. MEDER, Johann, O.F.M.Obs.
Parabola filii glutonis profusi atque prodigi ... pro totius anni quadragesime sermonibus accommodata ..
Basilee, per Michaelem furter, (13.kal. Sept.1510).
155mm modern vellum, for MT.
a. inscription 16-17th century memoranda in Italian beneath colophon
b. ex Sotheby via Quaritch commission.
Furter printed the work in 1494, again in 1495 and 1497, as Quadragesimale de filio prodigo. This was the first edition to name the author, and was produced presumably to keep a steady seller in print. The blocks are closely copied from the 1494 edition. The date in the colophon reads M.D.CCCCCx.xiij. kal' septembris. Furter ceases to be active in 1517 so it cannot be understood as 1523.

87. SPIERA, Ambrosius
Liber sermonum quadragesimalium de floribus sapientie.
per ... Jacobum Phorzensen [sic] ... Basilee, (26 July 1510).
300mm oak boards, ½ calf, traces of blind stamping worn; 2 clasps one missing; early label on front cover lacks horn guard.
a. inscription Monasterij Ranshouen
b. initials or pressmark. I.r.
c. armorial bookplate E. J. Gallichan
d. ex Maggs.
Apparently reprinted 8 June 1516, no. 120.

[Vitae Caesarum] Commentationes conditae a Philippo Beroaldo in Suetonium ... Tranquillum ... Caii Suetonii vita per [M.A.] Sabellicum. Cum commento eiusdem Philippi Beroaldi vita per Bartholomeum Blanchinum ...
Venetiis, per Philippum Pincium Mantuanum, (18 Feb. 1510).
315mm early 18th cent. vellum, gilt title.
a. Some notes in a 16th century hand at end
b. paper strip pasted over a deleted inscription
c. signature Pauli Franchij (deleted)
d. old library pressmark i 46
e. bookplate Soli Deo Honor et Gloria in Scla Sclor
(engraved by Harry Soane sc. 1907)
f. ex Sotheby 2 March 1971 lot 280 via Quaritch (with slip pasted in).

89. CORPUS Juris Canonici. 4 parts. Edited by Jean Chappuis.
P1 [Decretales] Sexti libri materia cum capitulorum numero. Notes by Helie Regnier and Additions by Johannes Andrea. [P2] Clementinarum materia. Additions by Johannes de Imola. Notes by Johannes Andrea [P3] Extravagantes (20) of Pope John XXII. Commentaries by Zenzelinus de Cassanis. Annotation by Franciscus de pavinis. [P4] Extravagantes communes.
Lugduni, per Nicolaum de Benedictis, (20 Nov. 1511) P2 Mense octobris circa finem (1511) P3 (16 Dec. 1511) P4 (20 Dec. 1511).
227mm 16th century Italian dark calf over wooden boards, blind tooled, metal pieces at corners (one missing), of two clasps one catch only remaining; rebacked reversing boards so titling in blind on lower board is upside down; modern red leather label gold tooled Bonifacii Decretalium.
a. some passages of commentary heavily crossed through (in censorship rather than updating?)
b. marginalia in 16th century hand
c. inscription Conuentus S[anc]ti Dom[ini]ci fulgine[n]sis
d. ex A.G. Thomas catalogue 24 1969 item 429 (with slip inserted).

90. JUSTINIANUS, Flavius Anicius, Emperor
[Corpus Juris Civilis. Pandects] Infortiatum quod (14) continens libros pandectarum est medium. Commentary by Franciscus Accursius. Edited by Celse Hugues Descousu. peruigili Magistri Andree boucard chalcographi ... sumptibus autem Johannis petit et Johannis bonhomme atque Thielmani keruer bibliographorum in famatissima parrhisiensi accademia, (13 Feb. 1511).
230mm modern old style calf on old boards (? for MT).
a. (blue crayon) Vente Nou ...
b. pink label De la Bibliothèque de Jules Salers, avocat à Moissac, Tarn-et-Garonne
c. ex Sotheby 16 February 1971 lot 302 (property of T.V. Reed) via Quaritch.
The titlepage lists the contents of the book with a subtitle of which the initial letters printed in red form the acrostic word Medium to emphasise the special features of the edition. Lawyers were the last to make the move from folios to portable volumes and the use of Roman letters. This shows the first steps in size reduction. The frontispiece of Justinian in Council is reproduced in Mortimer (French) no. 152 which records earlier use of the cut.

91. PLAUTUS, Titus Maccius
Comoediae (20). Commentaries by Bernardus Saracenus and Petrus Valla.
Venetiis, per Lazarum soardum, (14 Aug. 1511).
320mm English sprinkled calf, with blind roll decoration. Rebacked and cornered.
a. humanistic marginalia washed
b. pencil note Huth 5842
c. ex Sotheby (Hodgson's) 10 October 1969 lot 429 via Quaritch.
This edition exists in a variant issue with the titlepage set in Roman type: see Rhodes (Soardi) no. 78. This is variant B. It is illustrated and discussed by Mortimer (Italian) no. 387 which also traces the technical model of the illustration to the edition printed by Johann Gruninger at Strasburg in 1496. For earlier use of the woodcut border see no. 73.

92. SACCHI, Bartholomaeus, de Platina
[Vitae pontificum] In hoc volumen hec continentur Platyne de vitis maxi. Ponti. historia ... Raphaellis volaterrani historia de vita quattuor maxi. ponti. [etc.; & other works].
Venetiis, a Philippo pincio, ([P1] 29 October 1511; [P2] 7 November 1511).
329mm 16th century 2 blind tooled pigskin, (probably German), wooden boards, wanting one of two clasps, some repairs, with new endpapers.
a. inscription Sem[inar]ij Salisb[urgens]is.
b. label (on front cover) Priesterhaus-Bibliothek, Historia (with pressmark added in ink XII.A.3/1).
c. ex Maggs.
For earlier editions see nos. 51, 59: see also next entry.

93. [another copy]
330mm 17th century vellum covering ½ leather wooden boards; lower edge inked with pressmark p.6.
a. ex Sotheby 21 November 1971 lot 593 via Quaritch commission.

94. ARCULANUS, Joannes
Ioannis Herculani expositio in primam Fen quarti canonis Avicenne.
Venetijs, per Philippum Pincium Mantuanum, 23 Junij 1512.
320mm modern Italian vellum.
a. 16th century marginal notes, mainly on text passim, concerning fevers
b. signet monogram covered by pasted on fragment of a printed text
c. ex Olschki, Florence (with slip inserted).

95. BIBLE. Latin. Vulgate
Biblia cum Concordantijs veteris et noui testamenti et sacrorum canonum: necnon et additione in marginibus varietatis diuersorum textuum ac etiam canonibus antiquis quattuor euangeliorum insertis: summa cum diligentia reuisa correcta nuperrime emendata.
Lugduni, per Nicolaum de Benedictis, (30 Jan. 1512) (Venduntur ... a stephano gueynardi alias pineti prope sanctum anthonium)
280mm 16th century blind tooled calf on wooden boards with later border roll, and rebacked in inferior leather; 2 clasps and catches wanting.
a. inscription deleted (below colophon)
b. inscription (illegible) above colophon
c. inscription Aegidius Mari[n]us Saline[n]sis me suum fecit legitimo pretio (end of Interpretationes)
d. Sotheby 8 October 1970 lot 147 [to:]
e. ex A.G. Thomas catalogue 26 1971 item 386.
By the end of the 15th century the Latin Bible translated by St Hieronymus (Jerome) had acquired a substantial study apparatus of glosses, annotations and commentaries introduced by mnemonic verses listing names of books, classification of books, diagrammatic summary of contents and table of chapter headings, the layout of which was well established for different formats. For a later edition see no. 100.

96. CYPRIANUS, Saint, Bishop of Carthage
(Parrhisius,) Vigiliis & sumptibus Bertholdi Rembolt & Iohannis vvaterloes, (13 Nov. 1512).
197mm modern calf in antique style with centre piece blind stamped.
Marginalia in two early hands, some cropped in previous binding.
a. inscription Su[m] Tho[mae] Fra[n]ck (twice)
b. ex Quaritch.

97. OPUSCULUM multarum bonarum rerum refertum ut sunt: Diui Augustini meditationes & eiusdem Soliloquia, & Manuale. Bernardi Abbatis [Meditationes &] Epistola [de perfectione vite] non vulgaris & unicus eius sermo de passione domini. Petri Damiani sermo. Anselmi meditationes sunt. Carmina. N. fratris ordinis praedicatorum in quibus suprascriptorum opusculorum per optime commendantur. Pii pont. Max. & carmina. Maphei uegii carmen in laudem sancte Monice. Item qui totum concludit Agmen. Vincentii de spirituali uita. Et nuper cum summa diligentia recognita.
Venetijs, per Petrum de Quarengijs Bergomensem, 6 (March) 1512.
Also published with the title Meditationes Sanctorum cum aliis piis opusculis. Reprinted by the same printer in 1516 (NUC). The Meditationes are not now ascribed to St Augustine.
167mm contemporary dark calf, blind tooled roll, gold panel showing madonna and child (repeated on lower board), gold tooled flowers, rebacked with (?German) title label, lacking clasps.
a. bookplate (initialled H.B.). Ashton-Gwatkin Barton Library Pagham
b. ex Sotheby 16 December 1971 lot 12 via Quaritch (with slip pasted in).

98. PONTANUS, Johannes Jovianus
Venetiis, per Johannem Rubeum & Bernardinum Vercellenses, (8 Nov. 1512)
310mm late 19th century stiff vellum.
a. a few marginal notes in a humanist hand
b. ex Sotheby 2 December 1968 lot 237 (executors of J.I. Davis) via Quaritch commission (with slip inserted).

[Vitae Caesarum] Commentationes condite a Philippo Beroaldo adiecta paraphrastica. M.A. Sabellici interpretatione in Suetonium Tranquillum ... Philippi Beroaldi vita per Barptolemaeum Blanchinum composita ... Edited by Ioannes Kierherus. [2 parts].
Parrhisiis, opera Ioannis Philippi, impensis Lodouici Hornken & Godofredi Hittorpii, (1512).
324mm 19th century ¼ leather and brown buckram.
a. inscription on title page erased
b. Sotheby (Hodgson's) 23 July 1971 lot 366 via Quaritch.

100. BIBLE. Latin. Vulgate
Biblia cum concordantiis ... et additionibus ;, (necnon et iuris canonici: ac diversitatibus textuum ... per ... Albertum castellanum ... revisa, correcta et emendata ;) ... per Jacobum Sacon Lugdunensem impressa. Expensis Anthonij Koberger de Nuremburgis, (4 September 1513).
349mm modern ¾ calf
a. inscription ;liber Edmundi Strickland (secretarial hand)
b. inscription Memorand[um] that [ ] and [?Bostall] Stratford wer taken vagabondes here the xixth of August. The[n] Thomas Gorland was taken the xxviijth of August
c. inscription Jonas. Strickland. Hunc Debet librum. Non est mortale quod opto: spes meus deus est. Qui quod vult habere,
Cupit quod potest habere (humanist hand of 16th century) and some marginalia in same
d. ex Sotheby 7 July 1971 lot 237 via Quaritch commission then rebound.
The 2nd Bible for Koberger. For an earlier edition with the traditional apparatus see no. 95.

101. FILELFO, Francesco
Epistolarum Francisci Philelphi libri sedecim ;; cum oratione divi Ambrosii vignati Sabaudiensum legati; et Alani Aurigi de bello gallico et de miseria curialium et de egressu Caroli Regis ex urbe Parrhisia ... Parisii, per Guillelmum Le Rouge. Expensis ... Dionysii Roce librarii ... (1513).
166mm modern vellum.
a. framed oval stamp of ecclesiastical library SPBCN [Napoli*]
b. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 588.

102. JOSEPHUS, Flavius
Opera. Translated from Greek into Latin by T. Ruffinus. 3 parts.
P1: Antiquitates Judaicae ... P2: De bello Judaico; & Josephus contra Appionem; P3: Egisippus [i.e. Hegesippus] De bello Iudaico, translated by St. Ambrosius.
Mediolani, apud Alexandrum Minutianum Ludovico Hornk id in primis suadente, (10 January 1514: 1513).
363mm modern 1 vellum (?Italian) recasing, gold titled red label.
a. motto* in ink ms: Gaude Virgo Maria qui ab Angelo (on titlepage)
b. copious marginalia in humanist hand
c. a few later 16th century marginalia
d. inscription (deleted) Capucinorum S. Victorij Mediolani
e. ex Olschki, Florence, catalogue 91 1971 item 88.

Orationes horum rhetorum. 3 parts.
P1 Aeschinis, Lysiae, Alcidamantis, Antisthenis, Demadis, Andocidis, Isaei, Dinarchi, Antiphontis P2 Orationes infrascriptorum rhetorum: Lycurgi, Gorgiae, Lesbonactis, Herodis, Item Aeschinis uita, Lysiae uita. P3 Isocratis orationes. Alcidamantis contra dicendi magistros. Gorgiae de laudibus Helenae. Aristidis de laudibus Athenarum, eiusdem de laudibus urbis Romae [compiled by Aldo Pio Manuzio].
Venetiis, Apud Aldum, & Andream Socerum, (P2 April, P3 ... in aedibus ..., 4 nonarum maii 1513).
318mm 2v (P1 & 2 bound together): a set made up uniformly in the early 19th century: recased in vellum on heavy boards, backed in sheep, gold tooled lines on spine and labels, upper covers blind stamped with arms and name as provenance (a). v1 edges sprinkled in blue and red, v2 bottom edge lettered 'Orat. Isocratis g c o [ ]ald. 1513' Page size 10 x 8 mm smaller than v1. P3 fol. 89 imperfect - a hole (?ink corrosion).
a. armorial stamp Hon. George M. Fortescue
b. ex Christie 24 March 1971 lot 40 via Quaritch (with slip pasted onto front pastedown).

104. PEROTTUS, Nicolaus, Archbishop of Siponto
Cornucopiae siue linguae latinae commentarij; [& other works].
Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Soceri, (May 1517; November 1513).
305mm 2 marbled sheep, marbled papered boards (?Italian).
a. old library press mark, last end paper VV.25.
b. G.M. Fortescue [to sale:]
c. ex Christie 24 March 1971 lot 42 via Quaritch.
Col. 1054 (misnumbered 1064) ends with the colophon date May 1517. The following page contains Aldus' anchor device only. Copies are known containing the date September 1513.
The text thus far presumably went out of print while copies of the rest of the book remained, whether by accidental destruction of stock or because the print run of the original was increased during production is a matter of conjecture.
For other editions see nos. 68 and 108.

Historiae naturalis, libri (37). Edited by Alexander Benedictus.
Venetiis, per Melchiorem Sessam, (20 Aug. 1513).
326mm German c.1515-1520 calf on wooden boards, blind tooled. Wanting clasps. Rebacked. On upper cover the centred Virgin and Child decoration, the library label - paper lozenge with red letter capital M of the monastery library. 2 leaves of vellum reinforcement lining freed - 14th cent. notarial document mentioning Diocese of Cologne and Liège.
BOUND with (2) OROSIUS. 1536 no. 164 q.v.
a. inscription (black ink) Comparatus est hic Plinius per me Joannem Cincinnum de Lippia, in insigni monasterio Werthinensi commorantem. pro. 24. alb [..] ro [...] Anno salutis humane. 1514. (beneath device on title); with initial monogram and date
1514 (above device on title); some marginalia and a quotation following the text, in the same hand, closeness to margins suggests predates the binding
b. armorial bookplate [of Arenberg], Nordkirchen
c. ex Dawson (catalogue 162, 1966 with errors).

106. FASANINI, Filippo
Philippi Phasianini Bononiensis Oratio in Gymnasiarchatu Noui Rectoris habita.
Impressum Bononiae, per Hieronymum Platonidem de Benedictis, (12 Oct. 1514).
205mm wrappers of French snail marbled paper, in folder.
a. white label De la Bibliothèque de Jules Salers, avocat a%1 Moissac, Tarn-et-Garonne
b. ex Sotheby 16 February 1971 lot 315 via Quaritch (property of T.V. Reed) then disbound.

107. LUDOLPHUS, de Saxonia, Carthusiensis
In Psalterium expositio.
Venundatur Parrhisiis, in vico diui Jacobi a mag[ist]ro Bertholdo Rembolt et Iohanne paruo. (per Bertholdum rembolt ... impensis Ioannis parui, uniuersitatis librarij iurati ... (10 March 1514)).
223mm 16th or 17th century vellum over boards.
a. inscription F. Jodocus a Louanie, ordinis f. Praedicatorum Con[ven]tus Tralectensis inferiorus ... (with motto) 'Suffer et vinces, Premor non Opprimor'.
b. inscription Arnoldus de Witte Calcanensis huius librum in publica officina emit a[nn]o 1598
c. inscription Christophorus Wittius Rotterodamus hunc librum Tylae emit in officina Gosvijni van Duyn. [17th cent.]
d. ex Quaritch.
For a later edition see no. 149.

108. PEROTTUS, Nicolaus, Archbishop of Siponto
Cornucopiae, seu commentariorum linguae latinae. Vna cum textu ipsius in quem scripserat Martialis, & commentariis seu expositionibus ipsius ... in Plynii secundi proemium summa diligentia emendatum.
Parisiis ... Per magistrum Bertholdum Rembolt, (12 July 1514). (Venundatur ubi nuper impressum est ... ad Jacobum sub Sole aureo: et ab Iohanne paruo.)
344mm 17th century sprinkled calf and red edges, some worming with loss of text.
a. inscription at bottom of titlepage cropped
b. inscription Dedit Lud[ovicus] De Thesut Pater 28. octob. 1605.
c. inscription Car[olus] Ben. de Thesut, with motto 'Chi non puo quel che uuol quel che puo uoglia'
d. inscription Henry Cochin. Ce livre provient de la Bibliotheque de St. Benin d'Azy.
e. bookseller's collation mark
f. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 576 via Quaritch.
Notwithstanding Moreau's note that it follows the Aldine edition of 1513 (no. 104 above), it appears to be a reprint of the Paris text. See also no. 68.

109. PETRUS, Lombardus
Sacratissima sententiarum totius theologie quadripartita uolumina. Cum resolutissima Nicolai Gorichen celeberrimi theologi expositione. ([Et] cum conclusionibus Henrici Gorichem [sic] et concordantijs biblie ac canonum: necnon in principio singularum distinctionum vtilimis summarijs).
Venetiis, per Gregorium de Gregoriis, (7 Ap. 1514).
320mm pale yellow buckram recasing for MT; with title and shelf number 106 inked on fore edge.
a. marginal notes in two 16th cent. hands
b. ex Sotheby 16 February 1971 lot 314 (property of T.V. Reed) via Quaritch.

110. PETRUS, Lombardus
[Sententiarium libri IV] Textus Magistri sententiarum in quattuor sectus libros partiales.
... sumptibus (Bibliopolarum alme vniuersitatis Parisiensis) Gaufridi de Marnef et Francisci Regnault, (11 May 1514).
Notwithstanding title contains only books 1 and 2.
141mm 18-19th century calf, blind tooled.
a. 16th century marginalia washed and cropped
b. oval stamp King's Inns Library, Dublin, press mark tooled on spine W. 10.59. [to:]
c. ex Sotheby 24 April 1972 lot 175.

111. PONTANUS, Joannes Jovianus
Urania, seu de stellis. Libri (5.)
Florentiae, ex officina Philippi de Giunta Florentini sumptib. suis, (June 1514).
166mm vellum, red sprayed edges, spine and red label gilt.
a. a few marginal notes, (cropped)
b. old library label 6865 (top of spine)
c. ex Olschki, Florence.

112. BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. Latin.
Quincuplum psalterium: Gallicum, Romanum, Hebraicum, Vetus, Conciliatum. Edited by Jacques Le Fevre d'Etaples.
[Rouen,] Arte et industria M. Petri olivier Impressoris ... et expensis Michaelis angier, universitatis Cadomensis librarij et ligatoris ... (15 May 1515).
290mm modern calf recasing for MT.
a. inscription on titlepage deleted; a few 16th cent. marginalia
b. armorial stamp Ex Bibliotheca J. Richard D.M. (in capitals)
c. ex Quaritch.
First published in Paris 1509. For a detailed account of the publishing and influence of this work see A. Renaudet Préréforme et humanisme à Paris 2. éd. Paris 1953.

113. GELLIUS, Aulus
Noctium Atticarum, libri undeviginti. Edited by Ioannes Baptista Egnatius.
Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, Sept. (1515).
170mm early vellum, wanting ties, rebacking wormed, upper edge lettered in capitals Decis. Gr. ma. (?)
a. 19th cent. Italian bookseller's slip
b. ex Olschki, Florence.

114. HUGO, de Sancto Charo, Cardinal
Brevis et magistralis explicatio misse & omnium que in ea fiunt ... Oppenheym, per Iacobum Kobel, (1515).
200mm ¼ brown morocco and linen boards by Sangorski and Sutcliffe.
a. Asher, Berlin [to:]
b. stamp British Museum 19 JU [18]62; stamp Transferred as a duplicate 1889 [to:]
c. Toynbee Hall
d. ex Quaritch October 1971 (with catalogue slip inserted).

115. QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius
De institutione oratoria. Edited by Nicolaus Angelius.
Florentiae, opera et sumptu Philippi Iuntae ... (Oct. 1515).
173mm ¼ vellum, marbled boards (?Italian).
a. ex Quaritch.

116. SCRIPTORES rei rusticae.
Libri de re rustica a Nicolao Angelio ... recogniti et typis excusi, cum indice & expositione omnium dictionum.
Florentiae, opera & impressa Philippi Iuntae, (July 1515).
207mm 18th century red goatskin tooled in gold, rebacked with inferior leather, gilt edges.
a. old press mark. a.2812
b. inscription Imì à M' [overlaid with reinforcing strip].
c. stamp Museum Britannicum (oblong black; in capitals); old press marks 8Bl; 5Hg; red stamp 1831 Duplicate for Sale:
d. Mr Sotheby & Son (auction 2nd day) 25 February 1831 lot 440, with previous lot 3/6
e. inscription Heber Drury, Harrow. From the British Museum [...] June 26, 1834 [erasure] quite perfect.
f. inscription J. Clements. e coll: Oriel December 5 1838; and later armorial bookplate Jacob Clements
g. ex Appleton, Brighton.

117. GRECORUM sapientum volumina quedam, aureis sententiis refertissima, apud raros vulgata. [Pythagoras Aurea verba; Socrates Symbola; Pseusippus (=Speusippus) de Platonis definitionibus; Xenocrates de morte; Aristoteles Secretum secretorum de plantis, & magna moralia; Franciscus Taegius Oratio de excellentia naturalis philosophiae].
Jacob Pulchridrapensis de Burgofrancho ... In ... Civitate Papiae, (12 March 1516).
298mm 18th century Italian vellum: using a document written in a clear humanist hand in the name of the Archbishop of Capua licensing Iacobus Antonius de Bouiensia as a notary, attested and confirmed by Maianus de Ciprianis with his notarial stamp, 1625.
a. marginalia in early 16th century hand
b. marginalia in later 16th century hand
c. a few pencil notes
d. Quaritch collation.
Three copies only recorded in G.P. Tinazzo 'Il tipografo-editore Iacopo Pocatella' Atti e memorie dell'Accademia patavina di scienze, lettere ed arti, classe di scienze morali, lettere ed arti v70 1958 p154 listing the work no. 71 supplies alternative title Aureum [opus] graecorum sapientium for the collection.

118. PATRIZI PICCOLOMINI, Agostino, Bishop of Pienza & Montalcino
Rituum ecclesiasticorum siue sacrarum cerimoniarum S.S. Romanae Ecclesiae. Libri tres ... Est & in fronte operis ... Corcyrensis Archiepiscopi Christophori Marcelli ... epistola.
Gregorii de Gregoriis Excussere ... Venetiis, (21 Nov. 1516).
313mm contemporary Italian blind tooled sheepskin, rebacked and mounted.
a. marginalia in 16th century hand
b. inscription Est ... (erased)
c. signature Andree Michaellis nuccj
d. inscription In Roma: a preso Gulio [sic] Cesare (in capital letters)
e. circular stamp Seminario Vescovile di Volterra
f. Italian bookseller's catalogue entry, item 173 (? Olschki, Florence).
Pope Innocent VIII asked Agostino Patrizi, his Master of Ceremonies, for this book about 1488. Marcellus's claim to authorship was bogus: he was no more than a bad editor and falsified important portions of the text. When the truth became known representations were made to Pope Leo X to whom Marcellus Archbishop of Corcyra had dedicated it, and he ordered that it should be vigorously suppressed. Copies survived and it went through many editions despite the ban placed upon it.

119. RICHERIUS, Ludovicus Caelius, Rhodiginus
Antiquarum lectionum commentarios reparavit.
Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri, (Feb. 1516).
323mm recent (?Italian) vellum recasing, fore edge inked "COLIVS'. Some worming with loss of texts.
a. marginalia in a humanist script
b. old library shelf mark Inscrip[tus] Catal[ogo], /S.E.G./I/IV-25
c. ex Olschki, Florence, 148, 1971, 197.

120. SPIERA, Ambrosius
Liber sermonum quadragesimalium de floribus sapientie.
Basilee, per Jacobum Phorzensen [sic], (8 June 1516).
285mm contemporary blind tooled sheep (?) on wooden boards, rebacked and repaired with (?late 19th cent. pastiche) brass studs and clasps added; endpapers removed revealing vellum strip of 2 col. devotional text, overlaid with offset of music.
a. fore edge press mark L.15.
b. inscription Ex. Biblioth. Vlzenensi; a blue stamped oval, of 19th century Ministerial-Bibliothek Uelzen.
c. Quaritch collation
d. English bookseller's slip
e. ex Sotheby 29 November 1971 lot 28 via Quaritch.
Apparently a reprint of and collating as the same printer's edition of 26 July 1510 (Adams S 1588), no. 87.

121. BIEL, Gabriel
Sacri canonis misse: tum mystica tum literalis expositio ... Industria et impensis Iohannis Cleyn alemanni chalcographi atque bibliopole in Lugdunensi emporio impressa, (1 Kal. June 1517).
308mm (?German or Swiss)contemporary blind roll tooled calf, on wooden boards; wanting clasps and centre and corner pieces. Freed endpapers of 14-15th century (?French) cursive text in Latin ?canon law.
a. early marginalia
b. inscription Pro Bibliotheca P.P. Franciscanorum ad S. Hippolytum
c. old library press mark In cista c.col:3.
d. slip from bookseller's catalogue, English, with illustration
e. ex exchange.

122. LICHETUS, Franciscus O.Min.Obs.
Commentaria in Quolibeta Scoti super sententias.
Impressa per Paganinum de Paganinis, Sallodii, (8 May 1517).
315mm modern (?Italian) plain vellum on boards.
a. Sotheby 5 May 1970 lot 471 via Quaritch commission (with collation mark).

123. RICIUS, Paulus
In Apostolorum simbolum juxta peripateticorum dogma dialogus.
Papie, per Bernardinum de Garaldis, (16 Nov. 1517).
215mm modern vellum; lettering on bottom edge being incomplete indicates that it formed part of a volume of tracts.
a. ex Sotheby 21 June 1972 lot 649.
The text ends with the subscription of the copy text, the edition printed in Augsburg Pridie Nonas Apriles (1514), of which edition there is a copy in the British Library.
The presence new to this edition of a Prefatory recommendation by Pietro Pomponazzi may, after he became subject to the attentions of the Inquisition, explain the comparative rarity of this edition. The BL copy is printed on blue paper.

Argonauticon. Edited by Bernardus Fontius and Benedictus Philologus.
Florentiae, sumptu Philippi Iuntae Florentini, (Feb. 1[5]17)
161mm Italian blind tooled black goatskin, traces of 4 ties.
a. inscription Hieronimj de baccellis et amicorum (twice)
b. old press mark T.1z2 - (ink)
c. inscription anno autem 1740 Mense Junij in Joachimi Barchi Clerici Eugenianii dominium translatus est
d. bookplate Sigurd & Gudrun Wandel
e. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
f. ex Quaritch.

125. BIGI, Luigi (Lodovico Pictorio da Ferrara)
Omiliario quadragesimale, fondato de verbo ad verbum su le Epistole e Evangelij si como corrono ogni di secondo lo ordine de la Romana Giesia.
Stampata in Venetia per Bernardin di Vidali Venetian, (22 Dec. 1518).
322mm wrappers; bottom edge numbered in ink: 6; rebacked.
a. erased bookseller's pencilling
b. pencil monogram S on larger L, in oval
c. ex Olschki, Florence.

126. IRENICUS, Franciscus
Germaniae exegeseos volumina duodecim, ... eiusdem oratio protreptica, in amorem Germaniae. Vrbis Norinbergae descriptio, Conrado Celte enarratore.
Hagenau, typis Thomae Anshelmi, sumptibus Ioannis Kobergii, (Aug. 1518).
304mm contemporary German blind tooled pigskin on wooden boards, with clasps; thumb tags; rebacked, with new end papers.
a. inscription Liber presbiterorum et clericorum domus (...) prope et extra muros ciuitatis ...
b. a few marginal notes
c. slip from bookseller's catalogue
d. another
e. ex Howes, Hastings.

127. JOHANNES, Climacus, Saint
Triginta gradus scale celestis: noviter emendati: ac impressioni traditi.
Venetiis, a Philippo Pincio Mantuano impraessi, (7 Madii 1518).
140mm contemporary limp vellum, with shelf mark inked on lower board.
a. inscription Cong[regation]is Oratorij Genue
b. signature Arethi Serafini.
c. signature Vin[cen]zo Morandi
d. ex de Graaf November 1971.

128. OVIDIUS NASO, Publius
Amorum libri tres, de medicamine faciei libellus; et Nux ... cum Marii Nigri veneti ... enarrationibus, addito indice ... His insuper accedunt Puler et Philomela, licet falso Nasoni adscribantur.
Venetiis, In Aedibus Ioannis Tacuini de Tridino, Jan. (1518)
315mm modern dark calf in antique English style, with blind centre lozenge.
a. ex Quaritch (perhaps from Sotheby 10 November 1969 lot 300 then rebound).

129. PLATO
Opera, a Marsilio Ficino traducta: adiectis ad eius vitae & operum enarrationem Axiocho ab Rodulpho Agricola : & Alcyone ab Augustino Datho tralatis.
[Parisiis,] impressa solertiore cura in aedibus Ascensianis, (28 May 1518).
Venundantur ab Ioanne Paruo & Iodoco Badio.
367mm untrimmed in paper boards; with modern brown calf backstrip, by Mr Robbins, Head Binder at the Royal College of Art for MT.
a. humanist manuscript marginalia ff(1 -34)
b. signature Antonij Ceruini, and manuscript notes ff(61-passim) [16th century]
c. bookplate (by T. Willement?) monogram VVV with motto Vernon semper viret
d. Christie's 14 February 1967 122 [to:]
e. ex Sawyer 1967.
Badius printed the work again in 1522.

[Vitae parallelae. Italian] Le vite di Plutarcho vulgare, novamente impresse, et historiate. Part 1. Translated by Baptista Alexandro Giaconello da Rieti.
Venetia, per Georgio de Rusconi & Nicolo Zopino e Vincenzo compagni, (2 March 1518).
212mm German 16th century blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards.
2 clasps (one missing), with thumb index tags; rebacked.
a. Italian marginalia cropped
b. signature (16th century)
c. inscription A. S. Pretio nei [... erased]
d. English bookseller's catalogue entry inserted
e. ex Marlborough Books.

Psalmista secundum consuetudinem Romane Curie.
Venetiis, per Jacobum Pentium de Leuco impensis Melchiori Sesse et Petri de Rauanis, (26 May 1518)
166mm red edges, rebacked in modern parchment for M T. First four leaves paper crudely repaired earlier.
a. ex Sotheby 8 March 1972 lot 791 via Quaritch.
The auctioneer's description notes title leaf is from a shorter copy, but this is no longer apparent as recaser has trimmed to uniformity.

Salustio con alcune altre belle cose: volgareggiato per Agostino Ortica della Porta Genovese.
Vinegia, per Bernardin Vinitiano di Vitali, (23 April 1518)
With Venetian Copyright privilege dated 21 March 1518.
221mm contemporary Italian limp vellum, with flap; with author's name and shelf mark 50 inked on spine.
a. inscription Di Niccolo di Camillo Useppi da San Gem[igna]no. Die Dominico quinta Martii Volaterris haec Scripsi Notario Francisci de Sostegnis Capitanei ano domini (1541) [+ Telos + (in Greek)]
b. inscription Ill[ustrissi]mo ... [illegible, ? 17th century ecclesiastic]
c. old library press mark N6-T-16
d. bookplate (signed Thos. C. H. Jones '07) Bache Matthews [to:]
e. post mortem auction Hodgson's 10 June 1949 lot 616 (with an unnamed item) [to]
f. pencil note McLeish £2/10/- (erased)
g. inscription Arthur M. Woodward Oct. [19]49; with a letter to him dated 14 Aug. 1962 from Dennis E. Rhodes, Department of Printed Books, British Museum, replying that in ignorance of the rules for granting privileges it was not possible to explain how privilege to print the same work had been granted 3 days later to G. de Rusconi [to:]
h. ex Sotheby 29 January 1970 lot 346 via A.G. Thomas commission.
Rusconi's edition of this text bearing an identically worded exclusive privilege dated 3 days later is also in the collection: see next entry.

133. [another edition]
Salustio con alcune altre belle cose, volgareggiato per Agostino Ortica de la Porta Genovese.
Vinegia, per Zorzi di Rusconi Milanese, (23 April 1518).
With Venetian Copyright privilege dated 24 March 1518 (see previous entry).
141mm late 17th or 18th century plain English calf.
a. signature on titlepage deleted
b. monogram T F M
c. signature A.M. Woodward [to:]
d. ex Sotheby 29 January 1970 lot 346 via A.G. Thomas commission.

In Ciceronis Orationes Commentarii; [&] George Trapezuntius de artificio Ciceronianae orationis pro Q. Ligario. Edited by Antonius Francinus.
Florentiae, per haeredes Philippi Iunta, (1519).
168mm early paper boards, rebacked.
a. old press mark or sale lot 41-817
b. ex Olschki, Florence, March 1974 (with catalogue entry inserted).

135. BIBLE. Latin. Vulgate
Biblia cum concordantijs veteris et noui testamenti et sacrorum canonum ...
Venetiis, mandato & expensis ... Luce antonij de giunta, 15 0ct. 1519.
161mm contemporary Venetian blind stamped goatskin, four ties (wanting), clasp added.
Paper reinforces lower part of fol[2]a where inscription erased.
a. manuscript notes; Psalms 1-25 and Romans 1 and 2 heavily annotated, some papered over, slightly cropped
b. inscription erased
c. inscription fr[atrum] Hieronimum (twice, once partly erased)
d. inscription Antonius ...
e. inscription Pertinet ad locum s[anc]ta Maria de lauro; inked on top edge: D.S.M. dell'lauro:
f. ex Maggs.
T.H. Darlow and H.F. Moule Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture v2 London 1919 p919 notes that this is the earliest edition to bear this printer's name and reports that it is said to follow an edition by J. Sacon and may have been pirated at Lyons, with the false inprint Venice. The binding on this copy indicates a Venetian origin however. For an earlier edition with traditional apparatus see no. 100.

136. GELLIUS, Aulus
Noctium Atticarum libri XIX [i.e. XX].
Basileae, Apud Andream Cartandrum [sic], Mense Septembri Anno (1519) Sumptu Lodovici Hornken Bibliopolae.
Cratander's address to the reader states that it is based on the Aldine edition.
His acknowledgement of other work does not indicate the extent of his dependence.
310mm 16th century blind tooled calf, possibly Swiss; 2 clasps and corner guards (pastedowns on boards from 14-15th century manuscript on vellum, much contracted script, a pious text in Latin) fore edge titled.
BOUND with (2) JUSTINUS Trogi Pompeii Historia. 1520 no. 148 q.v.
a. inscription (in red paint on back fly leaf) fr[ater] Henricus Fuer
b. few neat 16th century notes in both volumes
c. inscription Canonicorum Regularium Noueriensium
d. armorial bookplate [of Arenburg] Nordkirchen, with paper label on spine ink numbered 1352
e. Sotheby 29 November 1971 lot 13 via Quaritch.

Oratio de bello fugiendo & pace seruanda, ad populum Atheniensem, Petro Mosellano Protegense interprete.
Basileae, apud Io[hannem] Frobenium, (Sept. 1519).
195mm modern 3 vellum and paper covered boards.
a. ex ?Olschki, Florence.

138. PETRARCA, Francesco
Li Sonetti, Canzone, Triumphi. Commentaries by Francesco Filelfo and B. Lapini. 2 parts.
Venesia [sic], (1519), [P1] per Gregorio de Grigorij, (May); [P2: Triomphi] Bernardino Stagnino (June).
210mm 20th century olive green morocco, all edges gilt.
a. ex Sotheby 6 May 1970 lot 536 via Quaritch.

Libri Epistolarum. Commentary by Johannes Maria Cataneus. Venetiis, per Ioannem Rubeum Vercellensem, (15 Dec. 1519).
310mm late 18th century calf, blind tooled, rebacked for MT.
a. inscription Liber M[agist]ri Gybbys ex dono m[agist]ri Barc[ ] de Northperette cuius anime propitietur deus
b. inscription Liber Thomae Morley ex dono m[agist]ri Freke
c. inscription Liber Adami Wilson ex dono Thomae Morley vicarij de montague: Som
d. inscription This book was presented to the Libra[ry] of Rochester Cathedral by Charles Spence[ ] Union St. Troy Town in 1840. John Price Alcock, Librarian
e. armorial bookplate of Rochester Cathedral endorsed : Released ... 22 December 1969, for:
f. ex Sotheby 17 June 1971 lot 266 via Quaritch commission.

[Vitae parallelae] Parallhla Plutarchi quae vocantur parallela. Hoc est vitae llustrium virorum graeci nominis ac latini. Edited by Franciscus Asulanus.
Venetiis, in Aedibus Aldi [Manutii], et Andreae Soceri, Aug. (1519).
307mm mid-17th century French polished calf, gold tooled fillets, fleur de lys, crowned monogram and edges.
a. inscription Franc. Amb[r]osius gesuiti (washed out)
b. ms notes on contents page relate to the work of Jacques Amyot (edition of Plutarch 1st printed 1519)
c. binding stamp monogram unidentified
d. inscription Ex libris Ben Burton Ex dono Sam Burton
e. armorial bookplate William Burton
f. ticket Ex libris Leonis S. Olschki Bibliopolae Florentini., N.Inv. [number added in ink] 46329
g. pencil note in French of esteem of the edition (by f.?)
h. ex Olschki, Florence, 148, 1971, 180 (with catalogue slip inserted).

141. TACITUS, Publius Cornelius
Historia augusta actionum diurnalium: additis quinque libris noviter inventis. Edited by Andrea Alciati. [&] De situ, moribus et populis Germaniae ... dialogus: an sui seculi oratores antiquioribus, ... Gn[aei] Iulii Agricolae vita ...
Basileae, apud Ioannem Frobenium, Aug. (1519).
343mm 16th century German pigskin on wooden boards (lacking clasps), blind stamped roll decoration, and Maria stamp, black stamped flower, and central coat of arms, fore edge lettered in capitals: Ligurius de gestis gottor[um] et antiquitates agri Maguntini; rebacked.
a. binding coat of arms, ecclesiastical
b. inscription (deleted: p380)
c. inscription Gregorius ... Wurmensis / ..., overlaid with paper bearing:
d. motto Tendit in ardua virtus
e. black stamp Bibliotheca Oenipontana (in capitals, with Austrian eagle within circle; of Innsbruck)
f. oval stamp Bibliothek [ ]ms [ ]ms [ ] (in capitals)
g. German bookseller's catalogue entry and reproduction
h. ex Germany, probably Mainz 1974.

[Argonauticon] Commentarii Pio Bononiensi auctore : cum codicis poetae emendatione ex antiquo exemplari Dacico additis libris tribus, qui desiderabantur: et Orpheo Latino. [2 parts].
[Bononia,] Excussore Hieronymo Platonico [de Benedictis] Bonon., (May 1519).
302mm 17th century Italian vellum.
a. old library pressmark R725.
The text was popular in Bologna, being printed there as early as 1474. This edition was based on a manuscript belonging then to the King of Hungary, Matthias Corvinus, and is the first printing of the commentary by G.B. Pio. Pio's work was neither original nor imbued with any evident critical sensibility. It was however reprinted in Strasburg in 1525 and in Paris in 1532.

143. ALIGHIERI, Dante
[Divina Comedia] Dante col sito, et forma dell'Inferno. [?Edited by Pietro Bembo.]
P.Alex.Pag. Benacenses F.Bena.V.V. [,Tusculanum, c.1520]
Various dates by cataloguers, several entries in the NUC accordingly, now recognised as an imitation of the Aldine edition of 1515.
158mm modern plain blue morocco all edges gilt; spine dates edition as 1506.
a. ex Sotheby 5 May 1970 lot 268 via Quaritch.
The colophon includes what can be recognised as the name of the printer Alessandro Paganini Benacense, who worked later in Venice. The rest of the imprint is variously expanded.

144. ARISTOTLE [Organon. Posteria Analytica.]
Apolinaris super posteriora. Expositio in Primum Posteriorum Aristotelis librum. Cum questionibus ... per ... Joannem [Host de] Romberch de Kyrspe O.P. denuo recognita.
Venetijs, mandato et expensis ... Luce antonij de Giunta, 2 Aug. 1520.
318mm 20th century Italian vellum boards.
a. a few early underlinings and marginalia
b. ex Olschki, Florence, catalogue 91 1971 item 72 (with slip inserted).

145. BOCCACCIO, Giovanni
Ameto ... con le osservationi in volgare grammatica sopra esso di Hieronimo Claricio.
Milano, nella officina Minutiana a ispesa di Andrea Caluo, (10 June 1520).
215mm 17th-18th century calf, gold tooled spine, marbled endpapers.
a. booksellers' pencillings rubbed out
b. ex Sotheby 10 April 1972 lot 107 via Quaritch commission.

146. CAVICEO, Jacopo
Libro del Peregrino, nouamente impresso e redutto alla sua sincerita, con la vita dello auctore ..., Jacomo Caviceo, [per Georgio Anselmo].
Venetia, per Bernardino de Lisona Vercellese, (9th March 1520).
Dedicated to Lucretia Borgia. The life of Caviceo by Georgio Anselmo is dedicated by him to Pyramo di Pepuli.
215mm 16th cent. gauffered edges; early 19th century ¼ calf gilt tooled, paper over boards, marbled endpapers.
a. booksellers' notes, some erased; inscription cut out, paper replaced
b. initials I.G. (red ink)
c. Pencil note on fly leaf that Pyramo Pepuli was an ancestor 'of the present Marquis Pepoli, the chief of the Provisory [sic] Government of Bologna', written therefore c. 1831 about Carlo Pepoli?
d.?press mark L.C.
e. bookplate monogram of F[rancesco] O[razio] B[eggi]
f. label From the Library of Ch[arles] Fairfax Murray
g. Sotheby 2 December 1968 lot 77 (executors of J.I. Davis) [to:]
h. ex A.G. Thomas catalogue 22 1969 item 460.

147. ERASMUS, Desiderius
Paraphrases in epistolas Pauli apostoli ad Rhomanos [sic], Corinthios & Galatas, quae commentarij uice esse possunt.
Basileae, apud Ioan[nem] Frob[enium], (Jan. 1520).
162mm 16th cent. German goatskin on wooden boards, blind tooled, brass rims, 5 bosses on each cover, and clasps, rebacked. The tools reproduced in Kryiss plate 60 belonged to the Celestine Monastery at Obyin in Saxony during the period 1463-91, and they may have survived there to be used about 1525. Title lettered on top edge.
a. some hand colouring and marginalia in red
b. inscription monogram initials HK (?same hand as marginalia)
c. signature Johan.Kirchoff
d. inscription Sum ex libris Johannis Fried: [ ] Lembergii
e. bookplate Ph. J. Van Alfen (gilt on white)
f. ex Sotheby 29 November 1971 lot 12 via Quaritch.

Trogi Pompeii Historia per Iustinum in compendium redacta (: & Flori in Livium; & Sexti Ruffi Epithomas).
Mediolani, Ex Minutiana officina, (pridie Kal. Aug. 1520).
BOUND (2) after GELLIUS. 1519 no. 136 q.v.
a. A few 16th century marginalia in Latin.
The editor is not named. For earlier editions see nos. 44 and 57.

149. LUDOLPHUS, de Saxonia, Carthusiensis
Ludolfi Carthusiensis qui et auctor fuit vite Christi: in Psalterium expositio; [& other works; edited by Jakob Wimpheling].
Venundatur Parrhisijs ... Impressum per Claudium Cheuallum, iij Nonas Julias (1520). [Device of B. Rembolt].
For an earlier edition, of 1514, with the same contents see no. 107. The composite
border uses the same pieces rearranged with a new device.
262mm contemporary French blind tooled calf on wooden boards, wanting clasps, rebacked.
a. ex Quaritch.

150. CATULLUS, Caius Valerius
Alexandri Guarini Ferrariensis in C.V. Catullum Veronensem per Baptistam Patrem emendatum expositiones cum indice.
Venetiis, per Georgium de Rusconibus, (11 May 1521)
203mm 19th century (?English) vellum.
a. ms quotation from Robinson Ellis' [19th century] Commentary on Catullus
b. signature F.J. Norton
c. ex Sotheby 10 April 1972 lot 16 via Quaritch.

151. CYPRIANUS, Saint, Bishop of Carthage
Opera. Edited by Desiderius Erasmus.
Apud Inclytam Basileam, ex officina Frobeniana, (1521. Nov.)
187mm 17-18th century sprinkled calf, gold tooled spine compartments (?Dutch).
a. a few early marginalia
b. inscription Romae Martirio Coron ... [cropped]
c. inscription Hunc librum gratia et Muneri [sic] Reverendissimi ac illustrissimi D D. Comitis de Zeill Decani metropoliticj debet Anianus II Praepositus in Höglwerd
d. pencil note Sotheby 17/Nov/[19]37, i.e. Sotheby 17 November 1937 lot 588 (post mortem sale of Prof. E.W. Watson) to Bumpus 10s.
e. Sotheby 27 July 1966 lot 339 (property of Charles Newman) [to:]
f. ex Quaritch, with collation mark.

152. LUCIAN, of Samosata
Saturnalia; [& other works]. Translated, edited and commentary by Desiderius Erasmus, additional commentary by Thomas More.
Basileae, apud Ioannem Frobenium, (Aug. 1521).
320mm Cambridge roll stamped calf about 1525. Oldham tools ANh(1a) with RCa(2) and FLd(1), rebacked and cornered, with paste-down lining freed; author's name inked on fore edge.
a. ms annotations in a humanist and a secretarial hand
b. ex Maggs 1958.

153. ISOLANIS, Isidorus de
Summa in quatuor secta partes, de Donis Sancti Ioseph sponsi beatissimae virginis Mariae ac patris putativi Christi Iesu Dei immortalis.
Papiaeque impressa apud Iacob Paucidrapium. (1522) tertio cal. Sept.
185mm modern paperboards (2 colour 16th century choral missal).
a. inscription Collegij Lugdunen[si] Societ[atis] Jesu, catal[ogus] inscript[us] SS. Trini[tati]
b. ex de Graaf.

154. UBALDIS, Baldus, de Perusia
Super feudis. Additions by Andrea Barbacia, and others. Edited by Johannes de Gradibus.
Lugduni, in officina Jacobi Myt, (10 May) 1522.
210mm ¼ vellum, mottled paper boards (?19th century); author's name and title inked on bottom edge.
a. signature George Fraser
b. ex Hammond.

155. ERASMUS, Desiderius
In Evangelium Lucae paraphrasis.
Basileae, in aedibus Ioan[niis] Frobenii, (1523). (Colophon: 1524).
Preface is dated (10) Calen. Sept. (1523). Dedicated to King Henry VIII of England.
172mm contemporary calf blind tooled, with panel. Dutch about 1525 ms linings freed; ties lacking; fore-edge titled. The panel was used in the Southern Netherlands and later appears in England.
a. a few early marginal notes
b. (?)initials I.S.R. (?)
c. inscription (?) pretiu[m] xd. 1611
d. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson
e. ex Quaritch.

156. PIETRO, da Lucca [Pietro Bernardini]
Arte Noua del ben pensare e contemplare la passione dil nostro Signor Giesu christo benedetto.
Bologna, per Girolamo di Benedetti, (31 Oct. 1523).
207mm contemporary vellum (ties gone) with old ms lining (?14th century ms rules)
a. inscription Concesso ad uso di Suor Marta nel monasterio di Sancto Hieronymo di Montepulciano nel 1539
b. inscription Ad usum fr[atr]is matthei de s ... [erasure]
c. early scribbles and pen trials
d. inscription Di Antonio Javu [;i]
e. ex Olschki, Florence, catalogue 91 1971 item 104 (with slip inserted).
The border had been used several times before, see Mortimer (Italian) no. 11.

Continentur hoc volumine Georgii Trapezuntii Rhetoricorum libri V. Consulti Chirii Fortunatiani libri III. Aquilæ Romani de figuris sententiarum, & elocutionis liber. P. Rutilii lupi earundem figurarum è Gorgia liber. Aristotelis Rhetoricorum ad Theodecten Georgio Trapezuntio interprete libri III. Eiusdem Rhetorices ad Alexandrum à Francisco Philelpho in latinum uersa liber. Paraphrasis Rhetorica Hermogenis ex Hilarionis monachi Veronensis traductione. Priscianus de Rhetorica praexercitamentis ex Hermogene. Aphthonii declamatoris rhetorica progymnasmata Io[anne] Maria Catanao tralatore.
Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Asulani soceri, (April 1523).
285mm old vellum on boards, early reinforcing backstrip, an oval (? arms) erased from centre of boards, fillets, 3 arabesque corner pieces, oxidised silver remaining.
a. marginalia in an early hand cropped
b. bookplate with crest Thomas Ashby Junr.
c. booksellers' pencillings, including $20.-
d. probably ex Sotheby 2 March 1971 (property of a gentleman) lot 273.

158. HIERONYMUS, Saint
Opera. Edited by Desiderius Erasmus.
Apud inclytam Basileam, ex accuratissima officina Frobeniana, (Aug. (1524)-(Feb. 1526).
355mm 17th century calf with gold tooled double fillet on boards, with modern rebacking, volumes incorrectly numbered.
a. inscription Arth[ur] Yeldard ex dono d[o]m[i]ni Thomae Popae militis
b. note With MS notes by Arthur Yeldard, the first Fellow & afterward the second President, of Trinity College, Oxon, to whom, this book was presented by Sir Tho[mas] Pope, the founder of that College. Wm H[ ] Oct. 9, 1805
c. old press marks deleted
d. slip from bookseller's catalogue pasted in e. ex Quaritch.

159. BOCCACCIO, Giovanni
[Amorosa Fiammetta] La Fiammetta ... per Messer Tizzone Gaetano di Pofi novamente revista.
Venegia, per Gregorio de Gregorii, Nov. (1525).
BOUND (2) after BOCCACCIO Ameto. 1526 no. 162 q.v.

160. LUCANUS, Marcus Annaeus
Pharsalia diligentissime per G[erardum] Versellanum recognita. Cum commentariis: Ioannis Sulpitii ..., Philippi Beroaldi ..., Iodoci Badii ..., cumque ad castigationem adnotatis ab [Marco] Anto[nio] Sabellico, Iacobo [à Cruce] Bononiense, [Iohanni] Baptista Pio, et quibusdam aliis. (Venundatur ad signum sancti Petri) Mediolani Impressum per Io[hannem] angelum Scinzenzeler, (24 Dec. 1525).
310mm 20th cent. Italian vellum boards; top and bottom edges lettered in ink before resewing.
a. ex Sotheby 5 May 1970 lot 468 via Quaritch commission.

161. MUNSTER, Sebastian
(Makirei Daridkai) Dictionarium Hebraicum, ex Rabbinorum commentariis collectum, adiectis ijs Chaldaicis uocabulis quorum in Biblijs est usus: ... emendatum.
Basileae, apud Io[hannem] Frob[enium], (Nov. 1525).
174mm blind tooled pigskin on wooden boards, German (possibly Wittenberg), about 1530; thumb tags and hebrew letters on fore edge; one clasp lacking.
a. inscription Colleg. Soc. Jesu Vien[ensis]
b. circular armorial stamp, initials LVD
c. matching ink stamps (once in black, once in violet) Biblioteca Leontina Antikariense Pontificia (oval); D[edit] Dr Josephus Benavides Antistes Domus Pontificiae
d. old press marks S.3.0.6; 749/30; 88
e. bookseller's pencillings erased
f. ex Olschki, Florence, 1970.

162. BOCCACClO, Giovanni
Ameto, over comedia delle nimphe fiorentine.
Vinegia, per Gregorio de Gregori, (May 1526).
Dedication by Nicolo Zopino à Giovanni Serristori Patritio fiorentino.
160mm 17th century (?Italian) vellum over boards, gilt titled red label.
BOUND with (2) BOCCACCIO [Amorosa Fiammetta]. 1525 no. 159 q.v.
a. bookplate R.S. [of Lord Robert Spencer]
b. ex Sotheby 19 November 1970 lot 26.

163. DIODORUS, Siculus
Delle antique historie fabulose [Lib. VI].
Firenze, per liheredi [sic] di Philippo di Giunta, (Oct. 1526).
Books 1-6 only, the translator is not identified.
166mm 19th century vellum, blue marbled endpapers fly leaf watermarked Gior[gi]o Magnari, spine and red leather labels, gilt.
a. bookplate removed
b. pencil lot or item numbers 247 21; 13
c. bookplate 'Ashton-Gwatkin, Barton Library Pagham' - a Bishop blessing seal rampant; initialled HB, (20th century)
d. ex Sotheby 16 December 1971 lot 107 via Quaritch commission (with collation with slip inserted).

164. OROSIUS, Paulus
Adversus Paganos historiarum libri septem. Edited by Gerardus Bolsvinge.
[Cologne,] Eucharius Ceruicornus excudebat (:impensa & aere M. Godefridi Hydorpii Ciuis Coloniensis), (June 1526).
BOUND (2) after PLINIUS SECUNDUS Historiae naturalis. 1513 no. 105 q.v.
It is sometimes claimed that this 5th century hotch potch of human miseries was the first attempt to write the history of the world as a history of God guiding humanity. It was particularly popular in the earlier middle ages, and in Britain was influential through a translation by Alfred the Great.

165. PEREZ DE VALENTIA, Jaime, Bishop
D. Iacobi Perem de Valentia ... Expositiones in centum et quinquaginta psalmos Dauidicos.
Venetijs, exactissimi Calcographi d[omi]ni Bernardini Stagnini de Tridino sumptibus excussa fuere, 1526. Die 26 Maij.
195mm 17-18th century sprinkled calf, gilt spine compartments.
a. inscription 'of Daly's sale'
b. Sotheby 3 November 1969 lot 23 [to:]
c. ex A.G. Thomas catalogue 24 1970 item 450.
A reprint of the edition printed in Paris by Badius Ascensius in 1518, as indicated by the unaltered preface.

166. PETRUS, Comestor
Historia scholastica.
Lugduni, per Joannem crespin, (20 March 1526).
185mm dark leather on wooden boards, blind stamped Dutch panel with surrounding legend, ms lining freed (14th century legal text rubricated in red and blue); clasps and catches wanting; spine repaired.
a. signature Raph Ironside (16th century)
b. memoranda in English secretary on endpaper, and a few marginalia
c. signature H[enr]y Lucas Bean.
For an earlier edition see no. 46.

Simplicii commentarii in octo Aristotelis physicae auscultationis libros cum ipso Aristotelis textu.
Venetiis, in Aedibus Aldi, & Andreae Asulani Soceri, Oct. (1526).
317mm early 18th century calf, gilt spine (rebacked and laid down).
a. early Latin and some Greek marginalia
b. ex Quaritch.

168. CICERO, Marcus Tullius
Epistolae ad T. Pomponium Atticum. (& Epistola ad M. Brutum). Edited by Johannes Baptista Pio. Bononie, Per Me Benedictum Hectoris Quondan [sic] De Phaelis. (in Aedibus Io. Baptistae: et Benedicti fratris quondam Hectoris de Phaellis, Pridie Kal. Februarias (1527)).
315mm 20th cent. Italian recasing, using vellum leaf (from a 15th cent. Antiphonal, rubricated in red and blue). Title lettered on bottom edge.
a. titlepage cartouche containing hand coloured arms with motto* Virtute Vivam
b. inscription Hic liber emptus fuit in [erasure] Heredibus. S. Hyeronimi
c. inscription Franci. Antonij Ciaransi Congri Or[ator]ii ... Sacerdotalis.
d. ex Olschki, Florence, catalogue 91 1971 item 79 (with slip inserted).

169. GIOVIO, Paolo, Bishop of Nocera
Pauli Iovii Novocomensis libellus de Legatione Basilij magni principis Moschouiae ad Clementem VII ...
Basileae, [Johann & Hieronymus Froben], (1527).
202mm stiff vellum, blindstamped centrepiece, lines and flower.
a. erased inscription
b. old library number 188
c. erased pencil note £16 - 0 - 0
d. label 'The Property of the Honorable Society of King's Inns, Dublin (Sold by Order of the Benchers)'; with library stamp twice [to:]
e. ex Sotheby 24 April 1972 lot 117 via Quaritch commission (with slip inserted).

170. LIVIUS, Titus
[Historia Romana] Historici clarissimi rerum ... Lucii Flori Epitome ... Edited by J. Badius Ascensius. Commentary by M. Antonius Sabellicus.
[Parisiis,] Venundantur ab Ioanne Paruo Bibliopola, (imprimebat Petrus Vidouaeus, April (1527)).
328mm modern antique calf, blind stamped border, old end papers replaced.
a. neat secretarial marginalia at beginning of text (?French 16th cent. hand)
b. inscription (erased) Ad me Gulielmum Mandy. (16th century)
c. signature Johannes Fanard p[res]b[y]t[e]r
d. inscription Pere La Farre prieur des jesuiste a Pignerole 1678
e. inscription Collegii Regii Pineroliensis Societat[is] Jesu catalogo inscriptus 1684
f. ex Quaritch.

171. MUNSTER, Sebastian
(Aruch) Dictionarium Chaldaicum.
Basileae, Apud Io[annem] Fro[benium], (1527).
208mm 20th century 2 purple morocco.
a. inscription or signature (in hebrew) Eugenius (smudged)
b. marginalia in early hands, cropped
c. motto Combattre le bon Combat
d. inscription deleted
e. inscription Ab ipso emit Johannes fern..us ..bus possessor(?)
f. inscription Petri Bombanj 1638, with 'Et amicorum' formula in Greek
g. inscription (deleted) Emi ab Innocentio Massicault bibliopola ... [?nostro] ... Lausann. [ ] Junii 1601. 4 [fl]
h. label Mr F. Spurrell (19th century)
i. armorial bookplate David Solomon Sassoon
j. ex his sale Sotheby 1 March 1971 lot 316 via Quaritch commission.
The early inscriptions may be more correctly combined or rearranged.
The titlepage woodcut border was first used in 1516 by Froben. It had an immediate impact on book decoration, being directly copied very quickly in several places and inspiring yet more designs.

172. SCHADE, Petrus, Mosellanus
Petri Mosellani, in M. Fab. Quintiliani rhetoricas institutiones annotationes.
Basileae, Apud Adamum Petrum, (Aug. 1527).
BOUND (2) after SCHADE Annotationes. 1533 no. 185 q.v.

173. TUDESCHIS, Nicolaus de, Cardinal, Abbas Panormitanus
Repertorium super Lecturis Panormitani [nec desunt ea que alijs editionibus ex Antonio Corsetto inserta sunt].
Impressum Lugduni in edibus Antonij du Ry, sumptibus ... Jacobi quondam Francisci de Giuncta Florentini, ac sociorum ... (May 1527).
255mm original limp vellum with leather ties; bottom edge lettered Abb Reperto (in capitals).
a. ex Sotheby 10 March 1969 lot 60 via Quaritch commission.
Published as Tomus Octavus of an edition of the works, described by Baudrier. It can be used as the key to other editions as well, since reference is to a division of the text, not pages, and may have been purchased separately to be used with an earlier edition, or was retained when a later edition superseded the main text.
The 2 page Vita enables the printer to draw attention to the additional volume of 9 Consilia which Trittenheim did not see and which was incorporated for the first time in this edition.

174. ULPIANUS, the Rhetorician
Commentarioli in olynthiacas, philippicasque Demosthenis orationes. Enarrationes saneque necessariae in tredecim orationes Demosthenis. Arpocrationis dictionarium decem Rhetorum.
Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi, et Andreae Soceri, (June 1527).
320mm early 19th century (?)English vellum. Sheepskin strip repairs bottom of boards; ink lettering of the author's name in Greek on bottom edge.
a. 2 guard leaves at each end heavily annotated in Greek and Latin
b. oval stamp of an ecclesiastical library (erased)
c. an explanation of the significance of the symbols used in the marginal annotations is followed by the note: Dalla mano si cognosce che fu Francisco Patricio Dalmata persona dotta nella lingua graca e philosophia Platonica. This note is supplied with a reference to a study of Patricio in the same 19th century hand as:
d. inscription Questo esemplare d'Ulpiano fu ritrovato fra I libri di Monsig[no]r Gaetano Marini, Archivista, e Bibliotecario Vaticano, all'occasione, che vendette la sua libreria al Sig[no]r Mariano de Romanis nel 1814 da cui l'accquistai
e. blind stamped armorial oval Hon. George M. Fortescue, pencil note, 'I bought it from De romanis in 1820 for 10/-'; [to:]
f. ex Christie 24 March 1971 lot 97 via Quaritch (with catalogue slip inserted).

175. BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. Latin
Liber hymnorum sive psalmorum.
Lugduni, Per Ioannem Clein, 1529,
BOUND with (2) BIBLE. O.T. Proverbs-Ecclesiasticus. Latin. 1529 no. 178 q.v. (3) BIBLE. O.T. Chronicles. Latin. [c.1529] no. 177 q.v.
a. signature on titlepage heavily crossed through
b. ex Olschki, Florence, 1971 (with catalogue 91 item 90 slip pasted in).

176. BIBLE. Old Testament. Chronicles. Latin
Libri Paralipomenon.
[Lugduni, per Ioannem Clein, c.1529]
103mm Venetian about 1530 brown morocco. Initials A :F: R C :D: A on both covers in gold, arabesques and flowers in blind; upper boards ecclesiastical arms lower cover Archangel Michael slaying the dragon. Holes for 4 ties on boards.
BOUND with (2) BIBLE. O.T. Esdras-Job. Latin. 1529 no. 179 q.v.
a. binding of ?religious foundation
b. bookplate E. Ph. Goldschmidt, and shelf ticket
c. Martin Breslauer list 38, 1966, item 9, plate III reproducing upper cover
d. ex Sotheby (unidentified sale) lot 227.

177. [another copy]
BOUND (3) after BIBLE. O.T. Psalms. Latin. 1529 no. 175 q.v.

178. BIBLE. Old Testament. Proverbs-Ecclesiasticus (Wisdom).
Proverbia Salomonis. Ecclesiastes. Cantica canticorum. Liber Sapientiae. Ecclesiasticus.
Lugduni, Per Ioannem Clein, 1529.
Ecclesiasticus = Liber Iesu filii Sirach = Wisdom.
BOUND (2) after BIBLE O.T. Psalms. Latin. 1529 no. 175 q.v.

179. BIBLE. Old Testament. Esdras-Job. Latin
Libri Esdrae prophetae. Liber Tobiae. Liber Iudith. Liber Hester. Liber Iob.
Lugduni, Per Ioannem Clein, 1529.
BOUND (2) after BIBLE. O.T. Chronicles. Latin. 1529 no. 176 q.v.

180. STEUCHUS, Augustinus, Bishop of Chisano
Recognitio Veteris Testamenti ad Hebraicam veritatem.
Venetiis, in Aedibus Aldi, & Andreae Soceri, (1529).
216mm 19th century russia, all edges gilt, 2 gold fillets.
a. blind armorial stamp Honbl George M. Fortescue
b. Christie 24 March 1971 lot 102 via Quaritch (with slip inserted).

181. BASILIUS, Magnus, Saint
Opera quorum catalogum in sequenti pagella deprehendes, [&] Monodia Gregorij Nazianzeni (in Magnum Basilium; per Raphae%3llem Volterranum conuersa). Interpretes: Johannes Agyropilus, Georgius Trapezuntius, Raphaël Volaterranus, Ruffinus [Aquileiensis] presbyter.
Colonie, ex officina Eucharij (Ceruicorni, aere & impendio M. Godefridi Hittorpij, Feb.) 1531.
BOUND (2) after JOHANNES. 1488 no. 12 q.v.
a. with some early ms marginalia.

De varia historia, libri tres.
Venetiis, in aedibus Lucae Antonii Iuntae Florentini, (20 Jan 1531).
Dedicated by the author to Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, dated Patavii (Padua) Calendis Februarijs (1531).
168mm original unlined vellum.
a. inscription Ex lib[ris] Fran[cis]ci Aluerzi, I[uris] V[triusque] D[octoris]
b. armorial stamp (in black, circle) Sigillo della Regia Città di Padova
c. ex de Graaf.

183. ZANCHIUS, Joannes Chrysostomus
De origine orobiorum, sive cenomanor, libri tres.
Venetijs, per Bernardinum Vitalem Venetum, (Oct. 1531).
155mm modern old vellum, for MT.
a. an early hand adds a line to f79a
b. paper repaired (ownership torn off top of title page)
c. initials at bottom of titlepage B.S.
d. ex A. G. Thomas catalogue 29 1970 item 460.
The Italic and Greek types give the appearance of a product of the press of Aldus Manutius.

184. GELLIUS, Aulus
[Noctium Atticorum] Libri undeuiginti (nam octauus praeter capita desideratur) pluribus locis restitutis quam antehac integriores cum [Iodocis Badiis] Ascensianis scholiis collectis fere ex annotatis ... Aegidii Maserii.
Parrhisiis, in typographia Iodoci Badii Ascensii, (September 1532).
Badius says he makes use of the work of the textual critic Petrus [Schade] Mosellanus.
335mm 20th century sprinkled calf with gold tooled red label.
a. notes and marginalia in secretarial hand (cropped)
b. signature G. Mount (on titlepage)
c. armorial bookplate The Most Honourable Iohn Marques of Tueeddale [i.e. Tweeddale], Earle of Gifford, Viscount Walden, Lord Hay of Yester &c. [18th century copper engraving]
d. old press mark D.8.1
e. pencil number 32963
f. bookseller's slip
g. ex Christie 17 June 1970 lot 71 via Quaritch commission.

185. SCHADE, Petrus, Mosellanus
Annotationes Petri Mosellani in Auli Gellij Noctes Atticas.
Coloniae, Ioannes Soter, excudebat ... (July 1533)
155mm contemporary stiff vellum, guard leaves of a 15th century psalter (4 leaves).
BOUND with (2) SCHADE In Quintiliani Rhetoricas. 1527 no. 172 q.v.
a. inscription [initials?] Ro[;] : 1704.
b. old press mark Outer H4-24.
c. Christie 14 February 1967 lot 236. Earl of Shaftesbury from St. Giles, Wimborne, Dorset
d. ex Sawyer 1967.

186. APIANUS, Petrus and Bartholomaeus Amantius
Inscriptiones sacrosanctae vetustatis.
Ingolstadii, in aedibus P. Apiani, (1534).
330mm early 20th century calf, gilt with painted overlays, all edges gilt, marbled end papers.
Pencil note 'Bound by Birdsall, Northampton'.
a. humanistic marginalia
b. inscription Ex libris Societatis Jesu Bruxellis 1638. M.B. oron.
c. inscription Su[m] Antonii Scohouii. Ex auctione Schonouii Guarini emptus 8 solidis gr.
d. ex Dawson.

187. PETRARCA, Francesco
De remediis vtriusque fortunae Libri (2).
Venetiis, per ... Bernardinum Stagninum de Tridino Montis ferrati, (1536).
106mm modern parchment for MT.
a. old press mark C.1a.228
b. ex Sotheby 4 November 1971 lot 272 via Quaritch commission (then rebound).

188. OVIDIUS NASO, Publius
Heroides ... Commentatores autem sunt: Ant[onius] Volscus, Ubertinus Cres[centinas], A[ulus] I[anus] Parrhasius, I[odocus] B[adius] Asce[n]sius, N[icolaus] Scoelsius, Luttareus Barrolitanus; [&] ... Domitius Cald[erinus] in Saphus epistolam; In Ibin. Domitius Cald[erinus &] Christophorus Zaroto. [&] ... Annotationes Io[annis] Bap[tistatis] Egnatii, Ang[eli] Politiani [Ambrogini] & Georgii Merulae. Additis qua[m]pluribus Carminibus, & graecis quae ubiq[ue] in aliis deera[n]t; Necnon utilissimis apostillis, aptissimisq[ue] Figuris. Cum accuratissimo & copiosissimo Indice ...
Venetiis ... Ioannes Tacuino [sic] de Tridino, (5 June 1538).
302mm early limp vellum.
a. erased bookseller's pencilling on endpaper
b. ex ?Sotheby lot 90 (unidentified sale).

Opera quae quidem Graece extant omnia ... in Latinam linguam conversa. Translations by Francesco Filelfo, Romolo Amaseo, Wilibald Pirckheimer, Cardinal Ioannes Bessarion, Leonardo Bruni, Omnibonus Leonicenus, Raphaele Maffei of Volterra, Joachim Camerario, Desiderius Erasmus, & Joannes Ribittus.
Basileae, Apud Michaelum Isingrinum, 1545.
170mm contemporary limp vellum lacking ties.
Isingrin undertook publication of the complete works in Latin translations, re-editing the established editions of Aldus, Venice 1503 and Giunta 1516 and 1527 and adding 4 recently discovered fragments. He asked Conrad Gesner for translations but he was too busy, amongst other things with bibliography, and he entrusted the task to Joannes Ributtus. The results were unsatisfactory: the translation deplorable and of the Republic of Athens he produced no more than a piece. Sebastian Castellion noticed this and undertook to do the job properly. His edition came out later the same year from the Basel press of Brylinger.

190. GIOVIO, Paolo, Bishop of Nocera
La vita di Ferrando Davalo, Marchese di Pescara ... tradotta per M. Lodovico Domenichi.
In Fiorenza, Appresso Lorenzo Torrentino, (1551).
151mm modern yellow recasing buckram for MT.
a. 16th century ms notes pp88-96, badly cropped
b. inscription or stamp cut out of titlepage paper replaced
c. inscription Idibus May 1708., and ?pressmark (colophon page)

191. GUIDO, delle Colonne
The auncient historie and onely trewe and syncere Cronicle of the warres betwixte the Grecians and the Troyans ... wrytten by Daretus a Troyan and Dictus a Grecian ... digested in Latyn by the lerned Guydo de Columpnis and sythes translated in to englyshe verse by John Lydgate Moncke of Burye ...
London ... by Thomas Marshe, (1555).
279mm modern brown recasing buckram.
a. armorial bookplate Harold Marshall, endorsed 411.
The text is a very free translation of the 13th century Latin fake presentation of the Trojan case.

192. CAESAR, Caius Julius
[De Bello Gallico. English] The eyght bookes of Caius Iulius Caesar, conteyning his martiall exploytes in the realme of Gallia and the countries bordering uppon the same, translated oute of latin into English by Arthur Goldinge G[ent].
London, Imprinted by Willyam Seres, 1565.
143mm 19th century Russia, chopped and repaired with, bound in at end, 2 leaves of pastedowns from ?previous binding.
a. signature John Hunte ... 1567 (partly written over by b)
b. signature Edw[ard] Fulham pretium.1.
c. initials E.G
d. signature erased
e. MT 1955.

Index librorum prohibitorum, cum regulis confectis per Patres a Tridentina Synodo delectos, auctoritate ... Pij IIII Pont. Max. comprobatus.
Coloniae, Apud Maternum Cholinum, (1568).
150mm contemporary paper lined vellum, lacking ties.
a. MT 1955.

Index librorum prohibitorum.
Antuerpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, (1570).
BOUND (2) after PHILIP II. 1570 no. 195 q.v.

195. PHILIP II, King of Spain, etc.
De librorum prohibitorum catalogo obseruando.
Antuerpiae, Ex officina Christophori Plantini, (1570).
Text in French, Dutch and Latin.
170mm old style plain lined vellum.
Index librorum prohibitorum. 1570 no. 194 q.v.

196. ASCHAM, Roger
Toxophilus, the schole, or partitions of shooting contayned in .ij. bookes, written ... 1544, and now newlye perused ...
London, Thomas Marshe, 1571 .
180mm sprinkled calf, with black label gold tooled by R.E. Parkes 1985.
Posthumously published revision of edition of 1545 (STC 837).

197. BIBLE. New Testament. Gospels. Anglo-Saxon
The Gospels of the fower Evangelistes translated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin into the vulgare toung of the Saxons, newly collected out of Auncient Monumentes of the sayd Saxons, and now published for testimonie of the same. [Edited by John Foxe].
London, Printed by Iohn Daye, 1571.
188mm 19th century parchment (previously cross stitched).
a. manuscript note (on the preparation of the edition) initialled A[dam] C[larke] Title page bears his ascription 'By ... Matthew Parker'
b. manuscript note (resolving initials A.C. as noted above) by Ja[me]s Wardell. Leeds 31 May 1849.
c. inscription Amicae suae doctissimae Mabel Daye c. Anglo-Saxonica lingua erudita. D[ono] D[edit]. Israel Gollancz. 25.xii.1926
d. ex H. Karnac.

198. CALVIN, Jean
The Psalmes of David and others. With M. John Caluins Commentaries. [Translated by Arthur Golding. 2 parts]. Imprinted at London by Thomas East and Henry Middelton: for Lucas Harison and Gorge [sic i.e. George] Byshop, (1571).
200mm 2 calf and grey paper boards for MT.
a. inscription (?) precij 166 (deleted)
b. perhaps ex Christie 28 February 1968 [Verdin*] lot 43 (to MT) but the catalogue gives the date as 1621.
Formerly also STC 2389.

199. GUICCIARDINI, Francesco
[L'historia d'Italia. English] The historie of Guicciardin, conteining the warres of Italie and other partes, continued for many yeares under sundry Kings and Princes ... twenty bookes: and also the Argumentes, with a Table ... Reduced into English by Geffray Fenton.
Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier ... 1579.
285mm early 17th century dark calf, spine with gold tooled compartments containing a crest of a cock.
a. inscription 1579 Dio, et non fortun[a] / James Cressy [cropped]
b. [signature] cut off top of title page, ?leaving, old library pressmark Burgie E-6-4
c. signature Alex[ander] Brodie
d. ex Quaritch 1974, with collation

Index expurgatorius librorum qui hoc seculo prodierunt, vel doctrinae non sanae erroribus inspersis; vel inutilis & offensiuae maladicentiae fellibus permixtis, iuxta sacri Concilij Tridentini decretum: Philippi II ... (1571). ... & praefatione auctus ac regij diplomatis interpretatione.
[Heidelberg], Apud Ioannem Mareschallum Lugdunensem, (1586).
121mm original parchment, lacking 2 ties; recent endpapers.
a. ownership marks cut out of titlepage and last leaf, paper repaired
b. oval stamp The Allan library (p100)
c. embossed stamp London Library (p179).
Although Jean Maréschal began his printing career in Lyons, he fled to protestant Heidelberg where the reprint of the Index (Antwerp 1570, see no.194) was probably produced. The place of publication would have been deliberately omitted in the hope that it might deceive the Roman Catholic authorities it had been printed in Lyons and was therefore duly licensed.

201. COMITOLO, Paolo, Perusino
Catena in beatissimum Iob absolutissima, e quattuor & viginti Graeciae Doctorum explanationibus contexta ... e graeco in latinum conversa ... Adiecto indice rerum & verborum uberrimo.
Venetiis, apud Iolitos, (1587).
226mm contemporary German blind stamped pigskin on wooden boards, 2 catches, 1 clasp lost, stamped with arms (provenance a) decorated with paint in red, black and oxidised silver.
a. armorial stamp on binding of Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn, Prince Bishop of Würzburg 1573-1617
b. inscription Denna book tillhõrer Carl Joh[an] Sjöstedt Lar..hes Holmae 19 Aprill 1769.
c. signature Gustaf: Leopold Gjers. 1775.
d. old press mark: st. class. 4. no 20
e. inscription William and Margaret Pamplin.

202. LE ROY, Louis
[De la vicissitude ou variete des choses en l'univers. English] Of the interchangeable course, or variety of things in the whole world; and the concurrence of armes and learning ... to this present. Moreoever whether it be true or no, that there can be nothing sayd, which hath not bin said heretofore: and that we ought by our owne inventions to augment the doctrine of the Auncients; not contenting ourselves with translations, expositions, corrections and abridgments of their writings. Written in French by Loys le Roy called Regius: and translated into English by R[obert] A[shley].
London, Printed by Charles Yetsweirt ... 1594.
286mm 19th century polished calf, gold tooled border and spine; marbled edges.
BOUND with (2) COMINES. 1601 no. 208 q.v. (3) MACCHIAVELLI. 1595 no. 203 q.v.
a. signature W. Cowper 1718 [cropped]
b. armorial bookplate (? from earlier binding), with motto Tuum est [2nd Earl Cowper]
c. ex Quaritch.
French original first published, Paris, 1576.

203. MACCHIAVELLI, Niccolo
[Historie Fiorentine. English] The Florentine historie, written in the Italian tongue by Nicholo Macchiavelli ...and translated into English by T[homas] B[edingfield].
London, Printed by Thomas Creede for William Ponsonby, 1595.
Woodcut titlepage border.
BOUND (3) with LE ROY. 1594 no. 202 q.v.

204. LOMAZZO, Giovanni Paolo
A tracte containing the artes of curious paintinge, carvinge & buildinge ... by Io. Paul Lomatius. [Bks 1-5 only.] (Translated by Richard Haydocke.)
Oxford, Joseph Barnes for R. H[aydock]; 1598.
257mm contemporary spotted polished calf, end papers lifted; with early paper labels; red edges.
a. old library press mark B.3.12.
b. armorial bookplate The Most Honourable Iohn Marques of Tueeddale [i.e. Tweeddale], Earle of Gifford, Viscount Walden, Lord Hay of Yester &c. [18th century copper engraving]
c. c[ollated] c[omplete] PM 19.7.[19]57 (pencil top left on bookplate)
d. ex Francis Edwards, 1958.
Dedication to Thomas Bodley dated 'From S. Marie Coll (commonly called New
Coll:) in Oxford, August the 24. Anno Dom. 1598.' Colophon contains arms of the University with fleurons, imprint, and the arms of New College between initials of W[illiam of] W[ykeham].
Haydocke comments that he Englished the 1585 edition which was a reissue of the 1st edition Trattato dell'arte pittura (Milano 1584). F. Maddan Oxford books v1 Oxford 1895 no. 185.

205. TACITUS, Publius Cornelius
The Annales of Cornelius Tacitus: The description of Germany. [Translated by Richard Greneway].
Printed at London by Arn[old] Hatfield, for Bonham and John Norton, (1598).
282mm old calf rebacked.
a. marginal notes in ink (17-18th century) add Chapter numbers according to Buxhornius Division [i.e. M.Z. Boxhorn], with some readings
b. marginal notes in pencil noting amongst other matters Latin of difficult words
c. booksellers' slip inserted
d. ex Maggs.

206. TACITUS, Publius Cornelius
The ende of Nero and beginning of Galba: fower bookes of the Histories of Cornelius Tacitus: The life of Agricola. The second edition. [Translated and with copious notes by Sir Henry Savile].
Printed at London by Edm[und] Bollifant, for Bonham and John Norton (1598).
Following the translator's annotations:
p207 A view of certaine militar[y] matters, for the better understanding of the ancient Roman stories; with (p213) copper engraving of the Roman manner of encamping according to Polybius.
p224 The explication of a place in Polybius ...
p226-7 Translations of the marginall Greeke. Issued and bound after The Annales. 1598 no. 205 q.v.
a. ms quotation from B. Johnson [sic]. 796 on title in pencil (erased) and in ink.
The notes were reprinted with later editions on into the 18th century. The translation was first published in 1591.

207. PERCYVALL, Richard
A dictionarie in Spanish and English ... now enlarged ... All done by Iohn Minsheu ... hereunto ... is annexed an ample English Dictionarie alphabetically set downe with the Spanish words ... (and [P2] A Spanish grammar ... [revised by] Iohn Minsheu; and [P3] Pleasant and delightfull dialogues in Spanish ... by Iohn Minsheu).
Imprinted at London by Edm[und] Bollifant, 1599.
280mm original plain calf, rebacked, early ms titling label still in place on fore edge.
a. armorial bookplate Middleton Park, [Earl of Jersey], with old press marks E.J.3 (E deleted); v6
b. ex Dawson, 1967.

208. COMINES, Philippe de
The historie of Philip De Commines Knight, Lord of Argenton. [Translated from the French by Thomas Danett. 2nd edition].
London, by Ar[nold] Hatfield, for I[ohn] Norton, 1601.
BOUND (2) after LE ROY. 1594 no. 202 q.v.

[Historia naturalis. English] The historie of the world, commonly called, the Naturall historie ... Translated into English by Philemon Holland. The first (- second) Tome.
London, Printed by Adam Islip, 1601.
Wanting first blank.
330mm original speckled calf, rebacked.

210. VALERIANO BOLZANI, Giovanni Pierio
Ieroglifici, overo commentari delle occulte significationi de gli Egittij, & d'altre Nationi ... per ... Giovanni Pierio Valeriano da Bolzano di Bellune. Accresciuti di due libri dal Sig. Celio Augustino Curione ... da varij ... tradotti, & ... con bellissime Figure illustrati.
In Venetia, appresso Glo [sic = Giovanni] Antonio, e Giacomo de' Franceschi, (1602).
320mm original vellum, some modern replacement, wanting 2 ties.
a. signature Antonio Paulini, Prete Sanese. 1640 -. il 22 Iuglio
Hieroglyphica, sive de sacris Aegyptorum aliarumque gentium literari commentarij Basel 1556 was enlarged by Curione for the edition Basel 1567.

211. MONTAIGNE, Michel de
The essayes or morall, politike and millitarie discourses of Lo[rd] Michaell de Montaigne, ... [3 books] ... now done into English ... by John Florio.
London, by Val[entine] Sims for Edward Blount, 1603.
290mm original calf with neat repairs
a. signature W. Walter 1603
b. signature Robert Baikie
c. signature James George Graham his hand of ... 1772
d. signature Captain Charles
e. Quaritch, slip (1930) item 1241
f. ex Quaritch 1957.

212. STOW, John
A Survay of London ... increased ...
[London,] Imprinted by Iohn Windet, 1603.
181mm contemporary calf, rebacked by R.E. Parkes 1985.
a. marginalia and underlinings
b. inscription James Guthrie, with various memoranda, dated 1671, 1683, 1692
c. inscription Jos. Archer
d. signature Henry Cook.
An expanded reprint of the 1598 edition. For differences see the edition by C. L. Kingsford, Oxford 1908.

213. ACOSTA, José de, S.J.
The naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies ... Written in Spanish by Ioseph Acosta, and translated into English by E[dward] G[rimstone].
London, Printed by Val[entine] Sims for Edward Blount and William Aspley, 1604.
183mm 18th century panelled calf.
a. (17th century) pret. s8-
b. signature George Wilmott 1696
c. signature Will: Gossip. 1744.
d. bookplate Randall Hatfeild. (19th century)
e. ex Dawson.

214. MEXIA, Pedro
The historie of all the Romane Emperors beginning with Caius Julius Caesar, and successively ending with Rodulph the second now raigning ... First collected in Spanish ;, since enlarged in Italian by Lodovico Dulce, and Girolamo Bardi, and now englished by W. T[raheron].
London, Printed [by F. Kingston] for Matthew Lownes. 1604.
299mm contemporary polished calf with gold and some blind fillets, gilt centrepiece, crown over fleur de lys at corners, and lozenge shaped flower on spine; spine repaired.
a. underlining, and marginal notes (pp32, 33, 840, 880) in early hand
b. signature John Alchorn (secretarial hand)
c. inscription (in titlepage cartouche) John: Mary Alchorn 1682
d. ex Quaritch 1968 (possibly from Sotheby 24 April 1967 lot 297).

215. SERRES, Jean de
A general inventorie of the history of France, from the beginning of that Monarchie, unto ... 1598 ... by Jhon [sic] de Serres, and continued unto these times out off [sic] the best authors ... Translated out of French ... by Edward Grimeston ...
Imprinted at London by George Eld, 1607.
332mm 17th century polished calf, gold tooled fillets (some blind), centrepiece, acorn and spine decorations; wanting ties; spine repaired.
a. inscription Herbert Aubrey Senior his Book (17th century?)
b. old press marks
c. armorial bookplate [Edward William Harcourt*] with old press marks
d. ex Sotheby 13 February 1968 lot 276 via Quaritch.

216. DOWNAME, John
The Christian warfare: wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall enemies of our saluation, Satan and his assistants the world and the flesh; with the meanes also whereby the Christian may withstand and defeate them ... By I. Dovvname ... The second edition, corrected and much enlarged ..
At London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Elizabeth Burby, widow ... 1608.
190mm contemporary limp vellum wanting ties, gilt acorns lines and fleur de lys, fleurons between spine bands, modern end papers.

217. GRIMESTON, Edward
A generall historie of the Netherlands: with the genealogie and memorable acts of the Earls of Holland, Zeeland and West-Friseland, from Thierry of Aquitaine the first Earle successively unto Philip [III of Spain] continued unto this present yeare ... out of the best authors.
London, Printed by A. Islip, and G. Eld, 1609.
337mm original calf, with gold tooled English arms (of Queen Elizabeth), and a spine decoration, recornered.
a. signature E.A. Sanford, Aug. 4 1851
b. ex Quaritch 1968, with collation.
Chiefly translated or compiled from the works of J.F. Petit, Emmanuel Demetrius, Sir Peter Manwood, Sir Roger Williams and others, but principally from the first, and translation of the Preface to which is included.

218. JOSEPHUS, Flavius
[Works. English] The famous and memorable workes. Translated from Latin and French into English by Tho[mas] Lodge.
(London,) Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for G. Bishop, S. Waterson. and Tho[mas] Adams, 1609.
327mm contemporary dark calf, rebacked.
a. ex Quaritch 1968, with collation mark (possibly from Sotheby 25 July 1966 lot 122).

219. MARCELLINUS, Ammianus
[Rerum gestarum. English] The Roman historie ... Digested into 18 Bookes, the remaines of 31: now translated ... wherunto is annexed the Chronologie ... together with compendious annotations and coniectures upon such hard places as occur ... done by Philemon Holland ...
London, Printed by Adam Islip, 1609.
Dedicated to the Right Worshipfull, the Major and his Brethren the Aldermen &c of the Citie of Coventrie.
294mm 17th cent. sprinkled calf, with blind lines and (?early 19th cent.) gilt bands, flower and label.
a. ex Maggs 1958.

Indices expurgatorii duo; testes fraudum ac falsationum pontificiarum; ... (1571 [sic = 1584]). Posterior editus iussu D.D. Gasparis Guiroga ... additus ... Index Librorum Prohibitorum .. [3 parts].
Hanoviae, Apud Guilielmum Antonium, (1611).
[P 1] General introduction, Index expurgatorius
[P 2] p[253, Q7a] Index librorum expurgatorum, D.D. Gasparis Quiroga [sic] ... editus; with separate titlepage
[P 3] (a1a) Index librorum prohibitorum, with separate titlepage.
160mm disbound. Titlepage laid down.
a. MT 1955.

221. MAYERNE, Louis Turquet de
The generall historie of Spaine, containing all the memorable things that haue past in the Realmes of Castille, Leon, Nauarre, Arragon, Portugall, Granado, &c. and by what meanes they were united, and so continue vnder Philip the third ... now raigning; written in French by Lewis de Mayerne Turquet; unto the yeare 1583: Translated ... and continued unto these times by Edward Grimeston.
London, Printed by A. Islip, and G. Eld, 1612.
332m contemporary calf with blind and one gold fillet compartment borders, wanting two ties.
a. armorial bookplate. Hugh Cecil, Earl of Lonsdale; with old press marks T:10 (deleted); G-7
b. MT 1958.
Mayerne's text originally published as Histoire generale d'Espagne Lyons 1586.

222. DALLINGTON, Sir Robert
Aphorismes civill and militarie: amplified with Authorities, and exemplified with Historie, out of the first quaterne of Fr. Guicciardine. [2 parts].
London, Imprinted for Edward Blount, 1613.
287mm contemporary vellum rebacked, lacking ties.
a. ex Quaritch, with collation.

223. SENECA, Lucius Annaeus
Opera omnia. Edited by Justus Lipsius. 2nd edition.
Antuerpiae, Ex Officina Plantiniana, apud Viduam et Filios Io. Moreti, (1615).
373mm contemporary German blind tooled pigskin, a roll includes profiles of reformers; wanting 2 ties, blue edges.
a. inscription covered by:
b. armorial bookplate Henry George Impey Siddons.
The engravings are all after Peter Paul Rubens, whose original of the Seneca portrait hangs in the Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp.

224. SPENSER, Edmund
[The works] The Faerie Queen: The Shepheard's Calendar; together with the other works of England's arch-poet ... collected into one volume and carefully corrected.
[London,] Printed by H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Mathew Lownes, 1611 [?1615].
278mm modern calf, antique style.
a. signature (?) Tho[mas] Sewell. (erased)
b. ex Quaritch.

225. HOMER
The whole works of 探花精选r; Prince of poetts, in his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke, by Geo[rge] Chapman ... [2 parts].
London, printed for Nathaniell Butter. (Imprinted at London by Rich[ard] Field for Nathaniell Butter), [1616].
293mm original plain calf, rebacked, wrapper, in box.
a. inscription Joh[ann]es Spark liber empt Cestric Ash [ ] 1616 pretij xj s
b. signature Tho[mas] Hanmer 1663
c. armorial bookplate Sr Thomas Hanmer of Hanmer, in Com. Flint. Baronet 1707
d. ms quotation From the Edinburgh Review (early 19th century)
e. bookplate Albert Parsons Sachs
f. Quaritch collation 20/6/[19]21
g. red label Louis H. Silver [post mortem purchase by:]
h. Newberry Library, Chicago, sold:
i. Sotheby 8 November 1965 lot 158 [to:]
k. ex Dawson.
On the titlepage engraving see M. Corbett and R. Lightbown The comely frontispiece. London 1979 pp112-18.

226. JONSON, Benjamin
The workes of Beniamin Jonson.
London, Printed by William Stansby, 1616.
286mm 17th century calf rebacked.
a. signature [John] Evelyn
b. bookplate DK, endorsed with pressmark B K.2
c. ex Quaritch, 1968, with collation.

227. MINSHEU, John
Hgemwn eiV glwsaV id est, Ductor in Linguas: the guide into tongues ... in these eleven languages, viz. 1. English; 2. British, or Welsh; 3. Low Dutch; 4. High Dutch; 5. French; 6. Italian; 7. Spanish ... 8. Portuguez; 9. Latine; 10. Greeke ... 11. Hebrew &c [& P2] (Vocabularium hispanicolatinum et Anglicum ... : A most copious Spanish dictionarie, with Latine and English (and sometime other Languages) ... ). By the Industrie, Studie, Labour, and at the charges of Iohn Minsheu
Published and Printed, Anno 1617 ... Londini, ... And are to be sold at Iohn Brownes shop a Booke-seller [Printed by William Stansby and Melchisadec Bradwood] [P2] And are to be sold at Iohn Brownes shoppe a Bookebinder in little Brittaine in London.
410mm 18th century tree calf, polished, rebacked using old label; titlepage mounted.
*ms quotation from John Bull 26 July 1845 p471 col.2 tipped in to supply comment upon entry for the word 'Converse'.
a. ex Quaritch 1972.
The complicated printing and publishing history of this work was examined by Franklin B. Williams in 'Scholarly publication in Shakespeare's day : a leading case' in Joseph Quincy Adams memorial studies Washington 1948 pp755-73. He identified 10 issues of the Catalogue of names. STC added two more; this is a hitherto unrecorded one which has been assigned the number 4A and will be so listed in the forthcoming supplementary volume.

228. MORYSON, Fynes
An itinerary, written by Fynes Moryson first in the Latine tongue and then translated by him into English: containing his ten yeeres travell through the twelve dominions ... Divided into (3) parts ... The I Part Containeth a Journall through all the said twelve Dominions ... The II Part Containeth the Rebellion of Hugh, Earl of Tyrone ... The III Part Containeth a Discourse upon severall heads ...
At London, Printed by John Beale ... 1617.
333mm later 19th century old style dark calf.
a. signature Robt: [ ... ] 17th cent. cropped
b. signature Charles Leonards (erased)
c. label W.H. Duignan, Rushall Hall.

229. SELDEN, John
The Historie of Tithes ...
[London,] (1618).
184mm 19th century ½ black calf and marbled boards.
a. early ink ms marginalia (cropped)
b. signature Rich[ar]d Butler
c. armorial bookplate Geoffrey C. Hobbs
d. bookplate Robert S. Pirie.
e. ex Quaritch April 1976.

230. DRAYTON, Michael
Poems, collected into one volume with sondry peeces inserted neuer before imprinted.
London printed for John Smethwick.
London, Printed by W. Stansby for John Swethwicke [sic i.e. Smethwicke] and are to be sold at his Shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleet-streete vnder the Diall. [1619].
257mm contemporary speckled calf, gold tooled spine
a. bookplate, Cirencester, with cypher EB in garter [of 3rd Earl of Bathurst]; and old library press mark 2 5 T
b. ex Dawson.
The bibliographical history of this work was studied in preparation for the edition of Drayton prepared by J.W. Hebel published Shakespeare Head Press, Oxford 1941. For the corrected edition, Oxford 1961, B. Juel-Jenson extensively revised and re-wrote the Bibliography published in vol. 4, discussing the different states of the edition on pp288-91. This copy agrees with First edition, second issue but neither Aa2 nor Aaaa2 are missigned, p296 is correct. The engraved titlepage is ascribed to Hole.

231. SALUSTE DU BARTAS, Guillaume de
Du Bartas his Diuine Weekes and Workes with A Compleate Collection of all the other most delight-full Workes Translated and written by the famous Philomusus, Iosvah Sylvester Gent:
London, Printed by Humphray Lownes on Bread-street Hill, 1621.
277mm recased in modern calf blind tooled in antique style, gold lettered red label; edges blue and red marbled.
a. inscription F; ex libris Johannis - (deleted) -
b. ex Dawson (?)

232. HOOKER, Richard
Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie : eight bookes; ([&] Certayne divine tractates, and other Godly sermons).
London, Printed by William Stansbye, 1622.
Prefatory 'To the reader' signed J S.
W. Speed Hill Richard Hooker: a descriptive bibliography of early editions 1593-1724 Cleveland (Ohio) 1970 no. 14.
296mm 17th century polished calf, red edges.
a. signature cut off top of titlepage
b. early price 6s 6d (back fly leaf)
c. label Ex libris F.S. Ferguson, with a few bibliographical notes
d. ex Quaritch.

233. ALEMAN, Matheo
[Guzman de Alfarache. English] The rogue: or the life of Guzman de Alfarache. Written in Spanish by Matheo Aleman, [and translated by James Mabbe]. [2 parts].
London, Printed (by G[eorge] E[ld]) for Edward Blount, 1623.
280mm, rebound using the contemporary calf boards. Some underlining and marginal indicators
a. inscription Fran: Keck p[ret] £0. 15sh.-0d.
b.?initials T I
c. ex Quaritch 1968 (perhaps from Hodgson 30 March 1967 lot 308).
Translation of Primera y segunda parte de Guzman de Alfarache 2 parts 1st published together in Burgos 1619. The Dedication to Juan Estrangwayes is in Spanish. It is signed Don Diego Puede-Ser, the translator behind 'May-be' a play on words characteristic of the period.

234. EADMER, the Monk, of Canterbury
Historiae novorum sive sui saeculi libri VI: Res gestas ... sub Guilielmis I & II & Henrico I Angliae Regibus, ab anno (1066-1122) ... In lucem ex Bibliotheca Cottoniana emisit Ioannes Seldenus, & notas porro adjecit & Spicilegium.
Londini, Typis & Impensis Guilielmi Stanesbeij, (1623).
319mm modern half sheep and marbled boards.
a. inscription (?) Woodward p[ia] -: 56-: feb. 1633.
b. ex A.G Thomas catalogue 32 1974 item 111.

235. BOCCACCIO, Giovanni
[Il Decamerone. English] The modell of wit, mirth, eloquence, and conversation. Framed in ten dayes, of an hundred curious pieces, by seven honourable ladies, and three noble gentlemen ... , by John Boccacio ... translated [from the Italian]. [2 parts]
[London,] Printed by Isaac Iaggard, for Mathew Lownes, 1625. (P2 London, Printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1620).
295mm early 19th century calf, Etruscan style, blind tooling, 2 gold fillets, rebacked.
a. inscription 'From the collection of Bishop Heber's brother', with literary notes in pencil
b. ink notes on text
c. pencil notes
d. inscription Francis Darby [Darly?] to his much valued friend Philip Corbet 1837
e. armorial bookplate John Willm Cole
f. inscription Purefoy of Shalstone (on Cole bookplate)
g. signature J. Lyons
h. ex Quaritch
Translator not identified.

236. RANDOLPH, Thomas
Aristippus, or the joviall philosopher: demonstrativelie prooving, that quartes, pintes, and pottles, are sometimes necessary Authours in a Scholers library. [A play:] presented in a private shew. To which is added The conceited pedlar.
London, Printed by Thomas Harper for John Marriot, and are to be sold by Richard Mynne ... (1630).
177mm modern ½ red morocco signed Stoakley Cambridge (?for Greg)
a. Author's own copy: 'by Thomas Randolph' added to title, in his hand as testified by the entry in Trinity College Cambridge Admission Books reproduced in The Library series 4 v20 1939-40 p160.
b. signature W[alter] W[ilson] Greg. River 1948, with his ms notes collating against variant (a)
c. his sale Sotheby 28 March 1960 lot 51.
Published anonymously.

237. OVIDIUS NASO, Publius
[Metamorphoses. English] Ovid's Metamorphosis englished mythologiz'd and represented in figures, [&] An essay to the translation of Virgil's Æneis by G[eorge] S[andys].
Imprinted at Oxford, by Iohn Lichfield, (1632).
331mm original sprinkled calf, with centred blind stamped initials I S (provenance b), laid down and rebacked.
a. 17th century ms notes at beginning and end, Latin and English, some verse
b. inscription Johannes Sheppard pretiu[m] 12s 6d Anno Domini 1633 februar. 2
c. inscription Gulielmus Gorges pretium - 12s 6d Anno domini 1633
d. signature E A Sanford, Nynehead 1851
e. ex Quaritch.

238. GABRIEL, Sionita
Arabia, seu Arabum vicinarumque gentium Orientalium leges, ritus, sacri et profani mores, instituta et historia: ... [&] varia per Arabiam itinera, in quibus multa notatu digna, enarrantur [& excerpts from other works].
Amstelodami, Apud Ioannem Ianssonium, 1633.
107mm 17-18th century calf, blind and gold lines, red leather label, blue edges.
a. armorial bookplate William Charles De Meuron, Earl Fitzwilliam; titlepage endorsed with initials, and note 'bought'; old library press marks
b. MT by part exchange.

239. GERARD, John
The herball or generall historie of plantes ... very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson.
London, Printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, 1633.
342mm modern calf.
a. ex Quaritch 1968.
Most of the blocks were procured by John Norton, the King's printer, from Frankfurt where they had been used in Eicones plantarum ... of Jacob Theodorus Tabernaemontanus (1590).

240. BÉTHUNE, Philippe de, Comte de Selles et de
The Counsellor of estate ... considerations serving for the managing of Publicke Affaires ... Written in French by one of the Ancient Counsellors to the ... Kings [of France; i.e. Philippe de Bethune]. Translated by E[dward] G[rimeston].
London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1634.
192mm contemporary plain calf.
a. Numerous marginal notes, and memoranda on fly leaf, in an early hand
b. ex Dawson 1957.
Published anonymously as Le conseiller d'estat ... Paris 1632.

241. GODWYN, Thomas
Moses and Aaron: civil and ecclesiastical rites, used by the ancient Hebrewes; observed, and at large opened, for the clearing of many obscure texts thorowout the whole Scripture. ... what customes the Hebrewes borrowed from heathen people: ... The fifth Edition.
London, Printed by Iohn Haviland, in the Old Baily over against the Sessions House, 1634.
BOUND (2) after GODWYN Romanae historiae. 1638 no. 244 q.v.

242. EUSEBIUS, Pamphili, Bishop of Caesarea
[Works. English] The ancient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hundred yeares after Christ, Written in the Greek Tongue, by three learned historiographers, Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius ... Whereunto is annexed Dorotheus ... faithfully translated out of the Greek Tongue, By Meredith Hanmer ... Last of all, herein is comprised a brief Chronographie collected by the said Translator, with a copious Index ... The fourth Edition corrected and revised. Hereunto is added [P2 translated by Wye Saltonstall] Eusebius his life of Constantine ... with Constantines Oration to the Clergie [& Eusebius his oration in praise of Constantine].
London, Printed by George Miller, and are to be sold by Michaell Sparke at his house in Greene-Arbour, (1636) (P2: London, Printed by Thomas Cotes, for Michael Sparke, and are to be sold at the blue Bible in greene Arbour, 1637.)
295mm contemporary calf with blind tooled lines, rebacked for MT.
a. (?) initials on titlepage
b. ex Heath.

243. FEATLEY, Daniel
Clavis mystica: a key opening divers difficult and mysterious texts of Holy Scripture, handled in (70) sermons ...
London, Printed by R. Y[oung] for Nicolas Bourne, 1636.
305mm 17th century calf, blind tooled lines.
a. inscription (contemporary hand) Do[c]tor Donn[e]'s Sermons foll[io] Do[c]tor Featlie Sermons follio which I will make the n[umbe]r parfiet if theay waintte aney thing and the last eddition, I will make it perfet. William Butter
b. signature, and inscription (substituted for name at head of previous inscription a.) Sould to Arthur Watts
c. initials (?) deleted below motto: Scripta probant doctum Te tua, Facta probum, and Luce veritatis, Fruge utilitatis excellit. And in the same hand verses Sint casta delicia mea Scriptura tua o Deus nec fallar in vis, nec fallam ex ijs.
d. signature E.A. Sanford Aug. 4. 1853
e. ex Quaritch (inserted catalogue slip, with errors).

244. GODWYN, Thomas
Romanae historiae anthologia recognita et aucta: an English exposition of the Roman antiquities, wherein many Roman & English offices are paralleld, and divers obscure phrases explained. For the use of Abingdon Schoole. Newly revised and inlarged ...
Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield, for Henry Crypps, 1638.
183mm contemporary calf, blind lines.
BOUND with (2) GODWYN Moses and Aaron. 1634 no. 241 q.v.
a. Armorial bookplate Bruce of Kinnaird, No. 477 [to:]
b. Christie 23 March 1965 lot 143 (with another item)
c. ex Quaritch, with collation mark.
F. Madan Oxford books v1 Oxford 1895 no. 889 notes that this edition is a reprint of the edition of 1614 and was a popular work also printed in London in numerous editions.

245. DONNE, John
(80) Sermons.
London, Printed for Richard Royston ... and Richard Marriot, (1640).
348mm contemporary dark calf red edges
a. signature Thomas Warren
b. armorial bookplate Walter Kerr Hamilton, D.D., Bishop of Salisbury 1854
c. armorial bookplate Sarum Theological College 1860, and
d. label Salisbury Theological College, with press marks
e. ex Quaritch 1968.

246. JONSON, Benjamin
The works of Benjamin Jonson.
London, Printed by Richard Bishop, and are to be sold by Andrew Crooke ... 1640.
298mm contemporary plain calf, rebacked, vellum reinforcing strips released accounts, or inventory in secretarial hand. Volumes 2 and 3 bound together as is common.
a. old library press mark: Inner M2-3.
b. ex Quaritch, (with collation mark), 1968.
On the titlepage engraving see M. Corbett and R. Lightbown The comely frontispiece London 1979 pp144-50.

247. GUALDO PRIORATO, Galeazzo, Conte
An history of the late warres and other state affaires of the best part of Christendom, beginning with the King of Swethlands entrance into Germany [1629], and continuing to the yeare 1640. Written in Italian by the Count Galliazzo Gualdo Priorato: and in English by ... Henry [Carey,] Earle of Monmouth ...
London, Printed by W. Wilson and are to bee sold by Iohn Hardesty, Thomas Huntington, and Thomas Jackson ... (1648).
290mm contemporary dark calf, with gold tooled lines, centrepiece and initials RS and AS all edges gilt. Vellum guard freed (?from 16th cent notarial document.)
a. R.S.; A.S. (on binding)
b. bookplate destroyed
c. ex A.G. Thomas catalogue 3 1958 item 835.
Historia delle guerre first published Venice 1640, according to its title covers the period from 1630, so this may not be a straight translation of that text. The translator is said to have been a voluminous author, though Horace Walpole remarks that we have scarce anything of his own composition.

248. HERBERT, Edward, Baron Herbert of Cherbury
The life and raigne of King Henry the Eighth ...
London, Printed by E.G. for Thomas Whitaker ... 1649.
290mm old sprinkled calf with red edges, rebacked and recornered with spine laid down.
a. signature A. Fletcher [of Andrew Fletcher of Saltoun 1655-1716]
b.? price note 2 gul: 2 st:
c. ex Sawyer 1967 (?from Sotheby 2 August 1967 lot 532a, with pencil collation note 3.8. [19]67).

249. FULLER, Thomas
A pisgah-sight of Palestine, and the confines thereof, with the history of the Old and New Testament acted thereon.
London, Printed by J.F. for John Williams, (1650).
331mm early 19th cent. polished calf, neo-classical decoration of blind stamped roll, flowers, and gold tooled fillets, and stag (passant gardant) over crest ribbon.
a. inscription A very fine copy - Plates of arms of Fuller's patrons, & the engraved Title which are frequently wanting. The Browsholme copy.
b. armorial bookplate Frances Mary Richardson Currer [to:]
c. Sotheby 30 July 1862 lot 1020 to Willis for 7s
d. ex Maggs.

250. HOBBES, Thomas
Leviathan, or the matter, forme, & power of a Common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill.
London, Printed for Andrew Crooke, 1651.
285mm contemporary sprinkled calf, rebacked, with replacement front fly leaf.
a. marginalia (chapter 1 only) in a 17th-century hand
b. armorial bookplate George Simon Earl Harcourt
c. inscription W.V. Harcourt d[ono] d[edit] E.W. Harcourt, Nuneham, Xmas 1884; two letters from Sir William Harcourt to ?Rawnsley and Rev J. Bateman inserted
d. ex Sotheby (Hodgson's) 25 May 1972 lot 104 via Quaritch.

251. LOISEL, Antoine
Divers opuscules tirez des memoires de M. Antoine Loisel ... ausquels sont joints quelques ouvrages de M.M. Baptiste Du Mesnil ... ; de M. Pierre Pithou ... ; & de plusieurs autres ... Le tout recueilly ... par M. Claude Ioly ...
A Paris, De l'imprimerie de la Veufue I. Guillemot ... et Chez. I Guignard ... (1652).
236mm contemporary parchment.
a. armorial bookplate, of unnamed cleric [Michel Le Masle] front and back, front damaged and overlaid with armorial bookplate (c)
b. circular stamp Bibliothèque de Sorbonne.
c. armorial bookplate with motto: Nihil Amanti Durum [of Pickering].
d. pencil price 2.2-0.

252. DIGGES, Sir Dudley
The compleat Ambassador: or two treaties of the intended marriage of Qu[een] Elizabeth ... comprised in letters of negotiation of Sir Francis Walsingham ... with the answers of the Lord Burleigh, the Earl of Leicester, Sir Tho[mas] Smith, and others ...
London, Printed by Tho[mas] Newcomb, for Gabriel Bedell [sic] and Thomas Collins ... 1655.
320mm 17th cent. sprinkled calf gilt spine, lacking label.
a. booksellers' pencillings erased
b. armorial bookplate Baron Northwick (H. Hays. sc. 168 Regent St. [London]).
c. ex Sawyer 1967.

253. COWLEY, Abraham
Poems [4 parts].
London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, (1656).
290mm contemporary sprinkled calf, spine gilt, rebacked and cornered.
a. inscription Robert Cotton Bruce (italic); Robert Cotton (pseudo-Chancery); Robert Cotton (pseudo-secretary)
b. inscription September the 4th (Sir) Robert Cotton his book 1669
c.?Robert Cotton's library auctioned 18 April 1733 p.13 no.81.

254. VERE, Sir Francis
The commentaries ... being diverse pieces of service, wherein he had command ..., published by William Dillingham.
Cambridge, Printed by John Field, Printer to the famous University, (1657).
288mm contemporary mottled calf.
a. armorial bookplate Esher
b. inscription F. Holbrooke 1937.

255. MAGNUS, Olaus, Archbishop of Uppsala
A compendious history of the Goths, Swedes, & Vandals, and other Northern Nations.
London, Printed by J. Streater, and are to be sold by Humphrey Mosely, George Sawbridge, Henry Twiford, Tho[mas] Dring, John Place and Henry Haringman, 1658.
280mm original calf, 19th century rebacking and endpapers
a. signature Jo[hn] Hopkinson
b. signature Henry Hallam (twice 'Henrey' in the earlier hand).

256. RETZ, Jean Fran鏾is Paul, Cardinal
France - no friend to England, or the resentments of the French upon the success of the English, as it is expressed in a ... remonstrance to the King of France, upon the surrendring of the maritime ports of Flanders into the hands of the English, wherein much of the private transactions between Cardinal Mazarin and the late Protector Oliver [Cromwell] are discovered. Translated out of French.
London, Printed in the Year, 1659.
180mm 19th century 3 calf and dull purple cloth by Wells & Co. 18 Sherborne Lane, King William Street, City (with yellow ticket).
a. ex Dawson 1957.

257. CARTER, Matthew
Honor rediviuus, or an analysis of Honour and Armory. [2nd edition].
London, Printed for Henry Herringman, 1660. And Are to be Sould by Henry Herringman at the Ancker on the lowest side of the New Exchange.
164mm red edges modern yellow linen buckram recasing for MT, c. 1965.
The Bodleian copy (Wood 447(2)) contains an additional plate, of the Duke (facing p.56). In the 1673 edition (Bodleian Douce CC 194) the plates were reused, and augmented in number, and in altered locations.

258. FULLER, Thomas
The history of the worthies of England.
London, Printed by J.G.W.L. and W.G, (1662).
338mm 17th cent. panelled calf rebacked.
a. few ms notes
b. old pressmark 272:213.
c. armorial bookplate William Borrer.
d. Sotheby 22 February 1921 lot 210 (with another work) to McLeish for £5.10.0
e. label From the library of Lindsay Fleming, Aldwick Grange, Bognor Regis, Sussex, with initialled pencil note 'Lacks Table of Contents issued many years later in the 18c, but sometimes bound in. July 1949'.
f. Sotheby (Hodgson's) 23 March 1972 lot 206 (property of J.M.D. Fleming from the library of Lindsay Fleming, Aldwick Grange, Bognor Regis, Sussex)
g. Quaritch collation 30.3.[19]72.

259. WILSON, Joseph
Nehushtan: or, a sober and peaceable discourse, concerning the abolishing of things abused to superstition and idolatry ...
London, Printed in the Year 1668.
Published without the author's name but with a list of other works by him.
163mm contemporary plain leather, crudely rebacked and cornered, boards reversed.
a. armorial bookplate (upside down on back end paper) William Jacobson.
b. initials ?C.J.IB. (?20th century).

260. SPINOZA, Benedictus de
Tractatus theologico-politicus continens: Dissertationes aliquot, quibus ostenditur Libertatem Philosophandi non tantum salva Pietate, & Reipublicae Pace posse concedi: sed eandem nisi cum Pace Reipublicae, ipsaque Pietate tolli non posse.
'Hamburgi, Apud Henricum Künraht [sic]' [= Amsterdam, Jan Rieuwertsz], 1670.
Printing sometimes ascribed to Christopher Conrad.
First edition, first issue, as indicated by spelling of fictitious printer's name.
205mm ¾ vellum with marbled boards, boxed.
a. oval stamp (blue ink) E libris P.H. Ritter.
A copy of the third issue, with imprint corrected to Künrath bound with the Opera posthuma [no place, but Amsterdam] 1676, from the Library of Harold Foster Hallett is also in the University Library; and a recent addition De Nagelate Schriften 1677 presented in 1982.

261. JUVENALIS, Decimus Junius
Decimus Junius Juvenalis and Aulus Persius Flaccus, translated and illustrated, as well with sculpture as notes, by Barten Holyday ...
Oxford, Printed by W. Downing, for F. Oxlad Senior, J. Adams, and F. Oxlad Junior ... 1673.
300mm contemporary calf, rebacked.
a. signature J. H. Reynolds, and a quotation from 'Julius Caesar'.
b. ex Quaritch.

262. GUALDO PRIORATO, Galeazzo, Conte
The history of France. Written in Italian, by the Count Gualdo Priorato. Containing all the memorable actions in France, and other neighbouring kingdoms. The translation whereof being begun by ... Henry [Carey], late Earl of Monmouth; was finished by William Brent.
London, Printed for William Place ... Thomas Basset, Thomas Dring and John Leigh, (1676).
Covers the years 1648-54.
319mm contemporary calf, rebacked and cornered.
a. label removed
b. ex Howes, Hastings.

Lettres ecrites sur une dissertation d'un voyage de Grece, publié par Mr. [Jacob] Spon; avec les remarques sur les medailles, ... & une Carte des Detroits de Constantinople, selon les nouvelles Decouvertes de l'Antiquaire.
A Paris, chez Estienne Michallet ... (1679).
158mm contemporary English calf rebacked.
a. inscription (erased)
b. armorial bookplate Mark Cephas Tutet. with pencilled press mark
c. post mortem sale by J. Gerard, Lichfield St., St. Anne's Soho, [London], Fourth day Saturday 18 February 1786 lot 425 ... 'avec le response. Lyons c.1679', to Southgate for 2s 6d
d. booksellers' pencillings
e. pencil note Dobell T.Wells Feb. 1956 (erased)
f. ex Sotheby 29 January 1970 lot 346 via A.G. Thomas.
In 1675 the author published Athènes ancienne et nouvelle under the nom de plume S[ieu]r de la Guilletière. It was challenged by the antiquary Jacob Spon. This is the counter attack. There were subsequent exchanges.

264. MOELLER, Alhard
Praxis epistolica denuo adauctata, Das ist: Eine neu- und viel-verbesserte Anleit- und Unterweisung welcher Gestalt ... herausgegeben von Alhardo Mollero [i.e. Alhard Möller].
Franckfurth an Màyn, Verlegts Simon Beckenstein Vater und Sohn, Druckts Johann Haass, 1679.
165mm original blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards, wanting 2 clasps, catches, and ties, edges sprinkled.
a. early pen trials on fly leaves.

The two first books ... concerning the life of Apollonius Tyaneus. Written originally in Greek, and now published in English; together with philological notes upon each chapter, by Charles Blount.
London, Printed for Nathaniel Thompson, 1680.
322mm contemporary panelled calf.
a. signature Jeams Longwood his book (on front board)
b. signature Fowler Comings (deleted)
c.?old press mark L-c;(?)price 4/9.
d. inscription P: Rob[er]t Webb. Tue[sday] 10. May. 1842.
e. bookseller's pencil collation mark dated [18]59.

266. MORE, Sir Thomas
Utopia: Written in Latin ... Translated into English [by Gilbert Burnet].
London, for Richard Chiswell ... (1684).
187mm contemporary sprinkled calf, with red sprinkled edges and label.
a. ex A. G. Thomas catalogue 19 1968 item 240.
First edition of the second translation.

267. DU BUISSON, Monsieur (pseud. i.e. Gatien de Courtilz, Sieur de Sandras)
The history of the life and actions of ... the Viscount de Turenne ... Translated into English by Ferrand Spence.
London, Printed by J.B. for Dorman Newman & R. Bentley ... 1686.
182mm contemporary sprinkled calf, later gold tooled label.
a. inscription (library press mark) Case 2-Sh14-No.i (?of Coke)
b. bookplate with crest: Wenman Coke Esqr.
c. ex W. Smith, Reading.

268. VARILLAS, Antoine, Sieur de Bonair
Anendota eterouiana or, the secret history of the House of Medicis ... Made English by Ferrand Spence.
London, Printed by R.E. for R[ichard] Bentley and S. Magnes ... 1686.
182mm contemporary speckled calf, gilt spine and red label.
a. inscription (library press mark) Case 3-Sh5-No.23 (?of Coke) crossed through.
b. bookplate with crest: Wenman Coke Esqr.
Published at 4s. 6d.
Les anecdotes de Florence, ou l'histoire secrète de la maison de Medicis published in The Hague 1685. The title page agrees with that in ULC Acton d.29.66. In another in that library and others elsewhere, there is a variant bearing also the approbation 'This may be published. Dec.12.1685. ROGER L'ESTRANGE.' This work may have been printed before the end of the year and postdated in an earlier issue.

269. LOCKE, John
An essay concerning humane understanding. In four books ...
London, Printed for Tho[mas] Basset, and sold by Edw[ard] Mory ... (1690).
328 contemporary sprinkled calf.
a. inscription Jos. Onions 1717.
b. old library press marks Front Libr E3 (deleted); Front Libr I.2 (E32 deleted)
c. inscription J. Richer-ad (?)
d. ex Dawson, 1968.

270. BUNYAN, John
Grace abounding to the chief of sinners ... The seventh edition, Corrected, with the Remainder of his Life and Character, by a friend since his Death ...
London, Printed for Robert Ponder ... 1692.
153mm contemporary plain dark brown leather.
a. inscription John Baily his Book, February 8th 1807, repeated, with notes.

271. JONSON, Benjamin
The works of Ben Jonson, which were formerly printed in two volumes, are now reprinted in one. To which is added a comedy, called The New Inn. With additions never before published.
London, Printed by Thomas Hodgkin, for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, T. Bassett, R. Chiswell, M. Wotton, G. Conyers, (1692).
352mm contemporary speckled calf, red edges, gilt lines and title label.
a. ex Quaritch 1968.

272. WALLER, Edmund
Poems, &c. Written upon several occasions, and to several persons: by Edmond [sic] Waller. The sixth edition; with several additions, never before printed. [2 parts].
London, Printed for H. Herringman, and sold by Jacob Tonson ... 1694.
190mm original calf, rebacked.
a. signature (?)Hen Sherwood, (deleted); p[rice]. 4s
b. signature W[illia]m Elvins
c. ex Bredon, 1967.

273. BOETHIUS, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boetius [sic], of the consolation of philosophy. In Five Books. Made English and Illustrated with notes by ... Richard, Lord Viscount Preston.
London, Printed by J.D. for Awnsham and John Churchill ;; and Francis Hildyard Bookseller in York, (1695).
191mm contemporary sprinkled calf, rebacked, corners repaired, edges red sprinkled.
a. 20th century blue ink marginal notes
b. ex Hammond.

274. An ACCOUNT of the Societies for reformation of manners in London and Westminster and other parts of the kingdom ... London, Printed for B[rabazon] Aylmer ... (1699).
198mm early 18th century panelled calf.
a. signature Thomas Pike [E]aston his Book September (deleted) ye 3 1762
b. signature Sally Noyes.

275. VAIRASSE, Denis, Sieur d'Alais
Histoire des Sevarambes, peuples qui habitent une Partie du troisième Continent, communément appellé la terre Australe ... Prémiére [-seconde] Partie.
Amsterdam, Aux dépens d'Estienne Roger, Marchand Libraire, chez qui l'on trouve un assortiment général de toute sorte de Musique, (1702).
146mm. 2v bound together. Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt (continental?).
a. signature Dubruit
b. name deleted from titlepage
c. ex R. T. Mitchell, Malmesbury. 13 Dec. 1956. £1.16.0.
The author's name appears as anagrams of the alleged author, one Captain Siden and the place Sevarias.
As this is not stated to be Nouvelle édition, revue & corrigée ... it is apparently a different printing from that used (p185) by Geoffroy Atkinson The extraordinary voyage in French Literature before 1700 New York 1920; from which the attribution is taken; see
For a later edition see no. 281 and for an English translation see no. 290.

276. HICKES, George
[Institutiones grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae et Moseo-Gothicae. Excerpts] Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, ex Hickesiano Linguarum Septentrionalium Thesauro excerpta.
Oxonia, E Theatro Sheldoniano, (1711).
205mm papered boards with reinforcing parchment backstrip.
a. some marginal notes, in two hands
b. signature John Roberts. [price] 5d.
c. ex Karnac.
Institutiones first published Oxford 1689.

277. BRUNO, Giordano
Spaccio della bestia trionfante, or the expulsion of the triumphant beast. Translated from the Italian of Jordano Bruno, [by William Morehead].
London, 1713. [Printed for John Humphreys].
190mm 18th century calf, rebacked, with original label, edges sprinkled red.
BOUND with (2) A LETTER ... [c.1713] no. 279 q.v.
a. label Peter Bardon M.D. [18th cent]
See note on next entry.

278. [another copy] wanting A1 (titlepage) supplied in photocopy.
203mm modern buckram, red edges, by John Plummer for MT.
a. inscription author, title and date supplied at head of p1 and note: 'I.B. mark'd £1-1s-0d in Gyles's Sale 1730'
b. ex Edwards, 1956.
Italian text first published in London by John Charlewood in 1584 with the false imprint Parigi, STC 3940.
According to the DNB this translation was made for Anthony Collins Toland. 50 years after Morehead's death, Toland had at his own expense 50 copies printed by John Humphreys; this presumably means arranged for printing since although known as a publisher he does not seem to have owned a press himself. The woodcut on the titlepage is known in a book (A. Furetiere's Dictionnaire universel...;) printed at The Hague in 1727 by Pierre Husson, Thomas Johnson and others (copy in British Library), but it seems probable that the book was printed in London.

279. A LETTER from an Arabian physician to a famous professor in the University of Hall in Saxony, concerning Mahomet's taking up arms, his marrying of many wives, his keeping of concubines, and his paradise.
[London, c. 1713].
Text ends: Paris, June 14. 1706. of the Christian Ara.
BOUND (2) after BRUNO. 1713, no. 277 q.v.

280. HAMILTON, Anthony 'Count'
Memoirs of the life of Count [Philibert] De Grammont: containing, in particular the amorous intrigues of the Court of England in the reign of King Charles II. Translated from the French by Mr [Abel] Boyer.
London, Printed, and are to be sold by J[ames] Round ... W[illiam] Taylor .., J. Brown ..., W[illiam] Lewis ..., and J[ohn] Graves, 1714.
195mm contemporary panelled calf, red title label.
a. initials and armorial bookplate Blayney Townley Esqr
b. (?price) 3.6.
Memoires de la vie du Comte de Gramont, 1713 with the false imprint A Cologne, Chez Pierre Marteau (?for Leyden) incorporates some of de Gramont's reminiscences. He was not known as an author though he was renowned as a brilliant talker; it was in fact the work of his brother-in-law. Hamilton makes use of his own intimate knowledge of the English court (some from time when Gramont was in France), and presents his sister in a most favourable light in contrast both to the discreditable supposed author (cheating at cards) and the other women of the Court. The translation of what has been regarded as a masterpiece of French literature is careless, and coyly substitutes dashes for names spelt out in the original.

281. VAIRASSE, Denis, Sieur d'Alais
Histoire des Sevarambes, peuples qui habitent une Partie du troisième Continent, communément apellé la terre Australe ... Tome Prémier [-II], Nouvelle Edition, corrigée & augmentée.
A Amsterdam, Chez Pierre Mortier, Libraire, (1715).
169mm contemporary speckled calf, gilt spine and red label.
a. armorial bookplate Chateau de Montrevost, with pencilled 1825 g 6
b. signature M. Pierre (20th cent. - in ball point)
c. ex Quaritch 1957.
For an earlier edition see no. 275 and for an English translation see no. 290.

Halieuticks of the nature of fishes and fishing of the ancients in (5) books. Translated from the Greek [Books 1 & 2 by William Diaper, Books 3-5 by John Jones; edited by John Jones], with an account of Oppian's life and writings, and a Catalogue of his Fishes.
Oxford, Printed at the Theater, (1722).
237mm contemporary panelled calf spine gold tooled and red label.
a. subscriber's copy Jo: Browne Schol: on fly leaf 'Mr. Browne Sch. of Baliol Coll.' listed on Ii 1a.

283. SELDEN, John
Opera omnia, tam Edita quam Inedita. In tribus voluminibus. Collegit ac Recensuit Vitam Auctoris, Praefationes, & Indices adjecit David Wilkins. [3 vols in 6 tom].
Londini, Typis Guil[ielmi] Bowyer, impensis J. Walthoe, G. Conyers, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. & B. Sprint, D. Midwinter, A. Bettesworth, B. Lintot, J. Tonson, R. Gosling, W. & J. Innys, J. Osborn & T. Longman, R. Robinson, T. Woodward, F. Clay, B. Motte, A. Ward, T. Wotton, & Executorum Richardi Sare, (1726)
v2 Typis S. Palmer, impensis J. Walthoe [etc consortium as v1 with the order of Gosling and Innys reversed], 1726
v3 Containing his English tracts. London: Printed by T. Wood for J. Walthoe [etc consortium as v2], (1726).
407mm 18th century polished calf, spine and labels gold tooled laid down, rebacked, some repairs, red edges.
a. armorial bookplate 'The Right Hon.ble Charles Viscount Bruce of Ampthill (Son and Heir Apparent of Thomas Earl of Ailesbury) and Baron Bruce of Whorleton 1712'. Also old press marks [Not named amongst the subscribers]
This publication was a very substantial undertaking. A note at the end of the list of subscribers announces These three volumes contain 804 sheets, which were proposed to Subscribers, viz.
The smaller Paper at 2d. per Sheet amounting to 06 14 00
Received for the first Payment 02 02 00
Remain to pay 04 12 00
The large Paper at 3d per Sheet, amounting to10 01 00
Received for the first Payment 03 03 00
Remain to pay 06 18 00
The consortium of booksellers used three printers perhaps according to their abilities to deal with particular difficulties. The second volume would have been the most demanding because of the greater number of illustrations and text containing a substantial amount of arabic, greek, hebrew and red printing. There must have been a general plan, but as far as numbering is concerned it was interpreted differently: the treatment of blanks and half titles is not consistent and none of the printers is faultless. The errors of Wood (v3) are consistent with simultaneous setting and printing on more than one press.

284. COMAZZI, Giovanni Battista
[La morale de' principi osservata ... &c. English]. The morals of Princes: or, an Abstract of the most remarkable passages contain'd in the history of all the Emperors who reign'd in Rome. With a moral reflection drawn from each quotation. Written originally in Italian, by Count John Baptista Comazzi ... done into English by William Hatchett, Gent.
London, Printed for T. Worrall ... (1729).
107mm contemporary marbled calf, spine and borders gilt, edges red sprinkled
a. early ms footnote p205
b. old library press mark label on front pastedown.
The Italian original was printed in several editions Vienna 1689, Venice 1699 and Trento 1715, being recorded in the NUC.

Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera. vol.I[-II].
Londini, Aeneis tabulis incidit Iohannes Pine, (1733 [-1737]).
291mm neo-classical straight grained red morocco, gold tooled, rebacked with spine laid down, all edges gold.
a. signature (v2 fly leaf) John S. Worthy from FF 1819.
b. armorial bookplate Edward Montagu Stuart Granville, Earl of Wharncliffe [after 1880].

286. The KORAN, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated into English immediately from the Original Arabic; with explanatory Notes taken from the most approved Commentators. To which is prefixed a preliminary discourse by George Sale, Gent ...
London, Printed by C. Ackers ... for J. Wilcox, (1734).
249mm contemporary tree calf, deeply pitted.
a. inscription Francis Kitson his book March 29 1734 (twice)
b. manuscript notes passim.
Details of the printing have survived in the printer's day book: A ledger of Charles Ackers;
edited by D. F. McKenzie and J. C. Ross Oxford 1968. On 11 Sep 1733 he noted as due from Wilcox, a total of £138. 11. 6. 1,500 copies were produced of which 50 were on fine and 1,450 on coarse paper.
It sold for 18s. In their description of the British Library copy (Appendix I, no. 240) McKenzie and Ross record cancels of B4 and C4. Neither of these is evidently a cancellans in this copy however.
It was advertised in the London Magazine (which Ackers also printed) in November 1733.

287. DU HALDE, Jean Baptiste, S.J.
The general history of China ... Done from the French [by Richard Brookes]. Volume the first [- fourth].
London, Printed by and for John Watts ... (1736); v4 and sold by B.Dod, (1741).
194mm 4v contemporary panelled calf; rebacked (? in 19th century).
a. signature [ ].W. Hearne (on tp vvl & 2 only, shaved at top)
b. purple ticket H. Setchel & Son, Booksellers & Stationers, No. 23 King Str. Covt. Garden (v1 only).
Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique et physique de l'Empire de la Chine ... Paris 1735. The third edition of the translation being called for so soon testifies to the popularity of the work.

288. HUBER, Marie
The world unmask'd: or the Philosopher the greatest cheat; in twenty-four dialogues [and 2 letters] ... [&] The State of Souls separated from their bodies: being an epistolary treatise ... in answer to a treatise, entitled An Enquiry into Origenism. Together with a large introduction ... Translated from the French.
London, Printed for A. Millar ... (1736).
203mm contemporary speckled calf, gilt spine and red label, red edges.
a. armorial bookplate Thomas Philip Earl de Grey.
Anonymous translations of anonymously published works of Marie Huber: Le monde fou préféré au monde sage, augmentée de deux lettres 1733, published, as was the 1st edition of 1731, in Geneva with the false imprint Amsterdam; Le système ... des anciens et des
modernes, &c ...
Amsterdam 1731 (presumably also false); and Suite du sistème des anciens et des modernes. This last is a reply to Abraham Ruchat's Examen de Origenisme Lausanne 1733), itself a reply to Le système ... Works by her were also published in French with the (?false) imprint Londres.
According to ESTC the ornaments are those used by Henry Woodfall.

289. PALLADIO, Andrea
[I quattro libri dell'architettura. English] The four books of ... architecture: wherein, after a short treatise of the five orders, those observations that are most necessary in building, private houses, streets, bridges, piazzas, xisti, and temples are treated of. [Translated from the Italian by Isaac Ware].
London, Published by Isaac Ware, (1738).
405mm 19th century 2 red calf and cloth.
a. signature A.I. Scott 1895
b. ex Sawyer (?from Sotheby 6 Februrary 1967 lot 170).

290. VAIRASSE, Denis, Sieur d'Alais
[Histoire des Sevarambes. English] The history of the Sevarambians: a people of the South-Continent. In five parts. Containing an account of the Government, Laws, Religion, Manners and Language of that Nation. Translated from the Memoirs of Captain Siden, who lived fifteen years amongst them.
London, Printed for John Noon ... (1738).
210mm contemporary sprinkled calf, blind fillet, gold tooled, with badge of the golden fleece, and title label.
a. armorial bookplate The Honble George Baillie Esqr one of the Lords of the Treasury. 1724. (A Iohnston Sculp).
b. initials E.H.C.
c. old library press marks 0:4:1 (deleted); Dd.5.21.
For editions of the French original see nos. 275 and 281.

291. JOLYOT DE CRÉBILLON, Claude Prosper fils (1707-1767)
Le Sopha: conte moral. Premier [-Second] volume.
A Gaznah, De l'Imprimerie du Très-Pieux, Très-Clément & Très-Auguste Sultan des Indes, L'an de l'Hegire M.C.XX [?i.e. London, c. 1742].
169mm 2v in one. ½ leather and marbled paper, rebacked.
a. signature Westmeath; unnamed armorial bookplate including date 1783, of Thomas, 6th Earl of Westmeath
b. ex Quaritch 1968.
A. Tchemerzine Bibliographie d'éditions originales et rares d'auteurs français des XVe, XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles v4 Paris
1930 pp192-93 records other editions.

292. COLUMELLA, Lucius Junius Moderatus
[De re rustica. English]. Of husbandry. In twelve books; and his book concerning trees. Translated into English, with several Illustrations from Pliny, Cato, Varro, Palladius, and other antient and modern authors.
London, Printed for A. Millar, (1745).
258mm contemporary mottled calf (scuffed). Spine gold tooled with titled red label.
a. book label Minto (with old library shelf numbers)
b. pencil note Dup[lica]te
c. ex Appleton, Brighton.
The translator is not named, nor is the editor. In continuing the Loeb edition of Columella, Edward S. Forster thanks the Duke of Devonshire for loan of a copy from the Chatsworth Library (1961 reprint pxi.). His citation supplies the name [M. C. Curtius], but offers no clue as to the authority for this ascription.

293. HILL, John
Arithmetick, both in the theory and practice, made plain and easy in all the common and useful rules ... as also the tables and construction of Logarithms, ... With a preface by H. Ditton. The Eighth edition, accurately Revised, Corrected and improved by Mr. E[dward] Hatton, and others.
London, Printed for R. Ware, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Hodges, S. Austen, J. and J. Rivington, J. Ward, and M. Cooper, (1750).
189mm contemporary calf; rebacked with new end papers, gold tooled decoration and lettered label, by R.E. Parkes 1985. ESTC (BL) has editions 2-7, 9-11.

294. JOHNSON, Samuel
A Dictionary of the English Language: in which the Words are deduced from their Originals, and Illustrated in their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are prefixed, A History of the Language, and An English Grammar ... In Two volumes ... Vol.(1) [(2)].[9 lines of Horace].
London, Printed by W. Strahan, For J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, (1755).
430mm ½ pigskin with gold lettering and fillets, and marbled paper by John Plummer.
a. ex Sotheby 5 March 1972 lot 518 via Quaritch.
The signatures show that the printing of volume 2 began before volume 1 was completed, and that volume 2 was printed in 4 sections, some or all of which were in progress concurrently.

295. ABELARDUS, Petrus
Letters of Abelard and Heloise. To which is prefix'd a particular account of their lives, amours, and misfortunes: extracted chiefly from Monsieur [Pierre] Bayle. Translated from the French by ... John Hughes. The Eighth Edition.
London, Printed (by Assignment from Mr. Watts) for T. Lownds, at his Circulating Library in Fleet Street, (1759).
165mm contemporary speckled calf, gilt spine and red leather label.
a. signature Eliz. Ashby 1761
b. armorial bookplate Alfred H. Tarleton, with signature
c. monogram? NL (top left of front paste down).

296. BUTLER, Samuel
Hudibras. In three parts ... Corrected and amended: with additions. To which are added, annotations and an exact Index to the whole. Adorned with Cutts, designed and engraved by Mr. [William] Hogarth.
London, Printed for D. Browne, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Shuckburgh, G. Hawkins, J. and R. Tonson, M. Cooper, B. Dod, R. Baldwin, E. Dilly, J. Richardson, T. Lowndes, and C. Bathurst ... (1761).
168mm original sheep, with gold tooled double fillet; rebacked by R.E. Parkes 1985.
a. inscription Catherine Barlow Book 1797
b. inscription James Barlow
c. inscription Mary Barlow's
d. inscription Mary Barlow Kelly.

297. FOURNIER, Pierre Simon le jeune
Manuel typographique, utile aux gens de lettres ... Tome 1 [-2].
Paris, Imprimé par l'Auteur ... et se vend Chez Barbou ... (1764). v2 (1766).
8o v1 Engraving, some illustrations folding. [* ] 8+1, **8; A-S8T8+8 [ ]1, V8+7X4 Pp (32 Avertissement préliminaire), 323, [1 errata, 1 Approbation, 3 Privilege du Roi].
Frontispiece 'L'Art typographique. H. Gravelot inv. et del. St Fessard sculp. reg. ac. Bib. et Parm[ens]is Acad. sc..' placed after half title. 16 folding plates inserted between pp296 and 317.
168mm contemporary English sprinkled calf, gold tooled spines and labels.
a. label Bramshill [of Cope], and old library press mark T. vii. 3
b. MT from a friend in 1950.

298. THOMSON, James
The seasons.
Edinburgh, Printed by A[lexander] Donaldson, (1768).
172mm plain polished calf 5 gilt bands on spine, blue edges.
a. MT 1959.

299. WALLER, Edmund
The works ... in verse and prose. To which is prefixed the life of the author by Percival Stockdale.
London, Printed for T. Davies, (1772).
158mm sprinkled calf ESTC t124620.
a. signature R. Ryder 178[ ]
b. bookplate Hugh S. Toynbee / 20 Church Hill / Walthamstow (beneath (c))
c. bookplate H. S. Toynbee / Six Woodnook Road / [London] S.W. Sixteen.

300. A CODE of Gentoo Laws, or Ordinations of the pundits, from a Persian translation made from the original, written in the Shanscrit language; [edited by Nathaniel Brassey Halhed].

London, Printed in the Year, (1776).
295mm publisher's grey papered boards with calf back strip, gilt lined, red title label gilt lettered.
This first collection of Hindu laws in a western language created a lot of interest and appeared in an 8o edition in 1778 (in the 探花精选 Library as part of the Jersey Collection) and translated into French in the same year.

301. L'ENCLOS, Ninon de
The memoirs, with her letters to Monsr. De St Evremond, and to the Marquis de Sevigné. Collected and translated from the French, by a lady. 2 vols.
London, Printed for J. Dodsley ... ... J. Wilkie ... and E. Johnston, (1776).
175mm contemporary tree calf, gilt spine and labels.

302. ABELARDUS, Petrus
Letters of Abelard and Heloise. To which is prefixed a particular account of their lives, amours & misfortunes. By the late John Hughes. Together with the Poem of Eloisa to Abelard, by Mr. [Alexander] Pope. And, (to which is now added) the Poem of Abelard to Eloisa, by Mrs. Madan.
London, Printed for W. Osborne and T. Griffin ... and J. Mozley, in Gainsbrough, (1785).
175mm contemporary soft calf, gilt lettered red spine label.
a. Remains of black leather spine label gilt lettered HOOKH[AMS] / LIB[RARY] / [N] o 1[47] / NEW [BOND] / ST[REET] /, traces of label removed from front cover and end-paper
b. inscription 2242; on front pastedown
c. signature S. Hare
d. signature Sarah Saunders 1804.

303. MADAN, Martin
Thoughts on executive justice with respect to our Criminal Laws, particularly on the circuits ... By a sincere Well-wisher to the Public. Second edition.
London, Printed for J. Dodsley, (1785).
161mm contemporary calf rebacked.
a. signature Horn Morris 1796
b. inscription Westminster / from Mont[ ] M. Sharpe / 1915.
Both this and the first edition, which came out earlier the same year, were issued anonymously.
An ink note on the titlepage supplies the name Mr. Madden, but the name is more usually spelt Madan. It is recorded amongst his works in the DNB from which it is evident that most of his writings were issued anonymously. Although he was already better known as a preacher when this book was published he had been a practising lawyer when inspired by Wesley to change his life. The book occasioned Sir Samuel Romilly's Observations on a late publication, intituled 'Thoughts on executive justice' London 1786 which together showed a move towards humane and rational penology, although reform of the law along the implied lines was not to come about until much later.

The Cabinet-maker and upholsterer's guide; or repository of designs for every article of household furniture, in the newest and most approved taste: displaying a great variety of patterns ... with a scale to each, and an explanation in letter press ... the whole exhibiting near (300) different designs, engraved on one hundred and twenty-six plates: from drawings by A. Heppelwhite and Co ...
London, Published by I. and J. Taylor, at the Architectural Library ... (1788).
360mm contemporary calf with gilt title label.
a. pencilled accounts sums
b. inscription Jasper Wills ejus liber (several times) (18th century).

305. CONWAY, Henry Seymour
False appearances, a comedy, altered from the French: and performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury Lane. By the right Hon. General Conway.
Dublin, Printed in the Year, (1789).
BOUND (3) after REYNOLDS. 1792 no 313 q.v.
An adaptation of Louis Boissy's Les dehors trompeurs, first published Paris 1740 and subsequently reprinted. Allardyce Nicoll A history of English drama 1660-1900 v3 Cambridge 1955 p248.

306. KARL, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel
Memoirs relative to the campaign of 1788, in Sweden. By his serene highness Prince Charles of Hesse ... Translated from the French, with thirty-three vouchers.
London, Printed for R. Baldwin ... (1789).
216mm contemporary polished calf, spine lines and label gilt.
a. initials (?) JY (cropped at top of half title).

307. WHITE, Gilbert
The natural history and antiquities of Selborne in the County of Southampton: with engravings and an appendix.
London, Printed by T. Bensley; for B. White and Son, at Horace's Head, Fleet Street, (1789).
260mm contemporary polished tree calf, gold tooled borders and red title label.
Benjamin White advertised the book as available in 3 styles of binding at 21s boards, 24s neatly bound, and 29s elegantly bound by Kalthoeber. (This may be one of these elegant style bindings). Quoted p311 by Claude A. Praunce 'Some uncollected authors (43): Gilbert White 1720-1793', The Book collector v17 1968 pp300-21.
a. traces of removed bookplate beneath:
b. ticket red monogram M[argaret] W[illoughby] de B[roke]; and Baron's coronet, within oval
c. inscription Robert Ap H. Williams, Given him by me Margaret Willoughby de Broke, July 1873
d. label Owen J. Williams
e. ex Sawyer.

308. MERCIER, Barthélemy, Abbé de Saint-Leger
Notice de deux anciens catalogues des éditions d'Alde Manuce, par M. [Barthélemy Mercier] l'Abbé de Saint-Léger. [text dated : Paris, 29 Mars 1790].
BOUND (2) after SERIE dell'edizioni Aldine. 1790 no. 311 q.v.

309. O'KEEFE, John
Fontainbleau, or, our way in France. A comic opera. In three acts. As performed at the Theatres-Royal in Covent-Garden and Smock-Alley. Written by J. O'Keefe, Esq; The Music Selected and Composed by William Shield.
Dublin, Printed and sold by the Booksellers (1790).
BOUND (5) after REYNOLDS. 1792 no. 313 q.v.
According to Allardyce Nicoll (cited in no. 305) p.293, 1st produced Covent Garden Theatre 16 November 1784. Printed in Dublin the following year and reprinted again there in 1791.

310. PILON, Frederic
He would be a soldier. A comedy in five acts. As performed At the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Written by Frederic Philon [sic]. The Fifth edition.
Dublin, Printed for and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, (1790).
BOUND (4) after REYNOLDS. 1792 no. 313. q.v.
First performed at Covent Garden on 18 November 1786. Previously published in Dublin in 1787 (Allardyce Nicoll (cited in no. 305) p298).

311. SERIE dell'edizioni Aldine per ordine cronologico ed alfabetico [di Antonio Cesare Burgassi]
In Pisa, Presso Luigi Raffaelli, (1790).
185mm modern yellow buckram for MT, edges sprinkled blue.
BOUND with (2) MERCIER. 1790 no. 308 q.v.
The esteem in which Aldus Manutius was held by bibliophiles and the utility of this list is indicated by the existence of a quick succession of editions until the 4th 1803 each acquiring additional notes from various hands.

312. STARKE, Mariana
The sword of peace, or, a voyage of love; a comedy in five acts. First Performed at The Theatre Royal, in the Hay-Market, On Saturday, August the 9th, 1788. [By Mariana Starke].
Dublin, Printed for and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, (1790).
BOUND (2) after REYNOLDS 1792 no. 313 q.v.
The author is not named, but see Allardyce Nicoll (cited in no. 305) p308, where an edition in 12o [Dublin] 1790 is noted.

313. REYNOLDS, Frederick
Notoriety: a comedy. By Mr. Reynolds.
Dublin, Printed by P. Byend ... 1792.
175mm contemporary plain calf, yellow edges, rebacked.
BOUND with four other Dublin plays:
(2) [Mariana STARKE] The sword of peace. 1790, no. 312 q.v.
(3) Henry Seymour CONWAY False appearances. 1789 no. 305 q.v.
(4) Frederick PILON He would be a soldier. 1790 no. 310 q.v.
(5) John O'KEEFE Fontainbleau. 1790 no. 309 q.v.

314. DUMOURIEZ, Charles François Dupérier
Memoirs of General Dumourier [sic]; translated by John Fenwick. [2 parts.]
London, Printed for C. and G. Kearsley, (1794).
217mm ½ calf and marbled boards with sprinkled edges.
a. armorial bookplate Sir Edmund Antrobus.
The Mémoires du général Dumouriez was published in 'Hambourg et Leipzig', and 'Londres' (twice) in 1794. A different translation into English by J. P. Beaumont also appeared in London in 1794. Fenwick's also appeared in Philadelphia that year.

315. The GREEN Room songster, a select collection of the choicest and most approved songs and airs. Now singing at the Theatres Royal, and other convivial and polite assemblies.
London, Printed by and for J. Roach, 1795.
Songs [etc] ... in the Opera of the Mountaineers; favourite songs &c The Prisoner, The Pirates; the curse of Gowrie; words by Mr Vint.
154mm 2 black calf, marbled paper.
BOUND with (2) The BUCK'S delight. 1798 no. 319 q.v.
a. some 19th century pencil contents notes on back pastedown.

316. CARLYLE, Joseph Dacre
Specimens of Arabian poetry, from the earliest time to the extinction of the Khaliphat, with some account of the authors. Cambridge, printed by John Burges ... and sold by W.H. Lunn and J. Deighton, Cambridge, T. Payne & Son, ... B. & J. White, ... R. Faulder, ... and J. Sewell ..., London; and Fletcher & Cooke, Oxford, (1796).
233mm contemporary tree calf, oversprinkled with green, except for central ovals. Rebacked. Top board leather wormed.
a. bookplate Frederick J. O. Montagu.

317. HERVEY, James
Meditations, and contemplations ... Two volumes in one. Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings.
London, Printed for C. Cooke, [1796]. (Cooke's edition of the sacred classics).
146mm ½ leather, front cover detached.
a. MT pencil notes supply from 10th edition, 2v, 1753 subscriptions to prefatory poems and indicate omissions.
Dated [1796] on the evidence of the plates. The text was many times printed, but copies scarce, as is often the case with small popular books. The British Library acquired in 1862 a later edition catalogued as [1799], the ascription deriving from a so-dated engraved plate.
That edition compresses and reorders the text necessitating alteration of placing and references on the 1796 plates otherwise as above.

318. KANT, Immanuel
The principles of critical philosophy, selected from the works of Emmanuel Kant ... and expounded by James Sigismund Beck ... translated from the German by an Auditor of ... (the University of Halle).
London, Sold by J. Johnson, W. Richardson. Edinburgh, P. Hill, Manners and Miller.
Hamburg, B.G. Hoffmann, 1797.
216mm contemporary ½ calf and marbled boards.
a. ex Edwards ? 1945.

319. The BUCK's delight; or, Pills to purge melancholy: (for 1799.) Being a choice collection of comic songs, by the greatest wits of the present age. To which is added, a collection of new toasts and sentiments ... Price sixpence.
London, Printed by and for J. Roach ... [1798].
Authors named: Mr Anderson, T[homas John] Dibdin, J[?ames] Boaden, J. Grubb, R[ichard] B[rinsley] Sheridan, J[ohn] Rannie, G[eorge] Colman, J[ohn] C. Cross, Mr Fox, A Lady, M[atthew] G[regory] Lewis, C.F. Barrett, Mr Hawkins, Mr Ross, Mr Upton, John Smith, W[alley] C[hamberlain] Oulton.
Continuing the model established by Thomas D'Urfey Wit and mirth, or pills to purge melancholy ... London 1719.
BOUND (2) after The GREEN Room songster. 1795 no. 315 q.v.

320. DAVY, Sir Humphry
Elements of agricultural chemistry, in a course of lectures for the Board of Agriculture.
London, Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. ;; for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown ... ; and A. Constable and Co. Edinburgh, [1813*].
279mm contemporary ½ calf, blind and gilt tooled
a. *inscription and publication date erased from titlepage
b. bookplate removed
c. ex Quaritch.

321. COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor
Christabel: Kubla Khan, a vision; The pains of sleep.
London, for John Murray ... by William Bulmer, 1816.
218mm ½ leather; front end paper watermarked Curteis & Sons, 1794, in capitals back, only date 1823.
a. MT 1955.

322. JOHNSON, Samuel
A diary of a journey into North Wales, in the year 1774; edited, with illustrative notes, by R. Duppa.
London, Printed for Robert Jennings ... by James Moyes ... (1816).
204mm publisher's boards with back strip in blue cloth and paper label.
a. inscription To S.D. with I.K.M.'s love.
b. ex Harrison Hughes, 1948.

323. SINGER, Samuel Weller
Researches into the history of playing cards; with illustrations of the origin of printing and engraving on wood.
London, Printed by T. Bensley and Son for Robert Triphook ... 1816.
284mm contemporary straight grained violet morocco, gilt tooled, with burgundy endpapers, all edges gilt.
a. Inscription: Lewis, the Bookbinder's subscription copy - bound by and bought of him 1816, coll[ated] & per[fect] ... (?) old press mark
b. pencil name: [Lt-Col.] Moss
c. bookseller's slip.

324. OVIDIUS NASO, Publius
Metamorphoses in usum scholarum excerptae; quibus accedunt notulae anglicae et quaestiones. Studio C[harles] Bradley. Editio secunda.
Londoni, in aedibus Valpianis. Veneunt apud Longman et Soc., Law et Soc; Baldwin et Soc., 1818.
175mm publisher's sheep, upper board wanting.

325. CAMPE, Joachim Heinrich
Polar scenes, exhibited in the voyages of Heemskirk and Barenz to the northern regions, and in the adventures of four Russian sailors at the island of Spitzbergen. Translated from the German ... Illustrated with 36 copper-plate engravings.
London, Printed for J. Harris and Son ... [by S. & R. Bentley], 1821. (Harris and Son's Original Juvenile Library).
167mm Worn calf backstrip, variant title page on upper board, series title on lower board. A used copy with foxing.
The British Library's earliest (which has wrappers bound in) was not acquired until 1942.
It is the second edition printed for Harris and Son by H. Bryer, 1822. Apart from having the plates hand coloured it is apparently a straight reprint, without in this used copy the advertisement leaf. Campe was a most influential writer of educational texts for children of which this translation of Gemälde des Nordens was the most popular. The copy of the 1st edition recorded in the NUC, 'some plates handcoloured', also has pp71-2 damaged: the heart-rending exemplary account of self-sacrificing risk to save wounded companions on breaking ice was apparently too much for more than one 19th century child.

326. EGAN, Pierce
Life in London; or, the day and night scenes of Jerry Hawthorn, Esq. and his elegant friend Corinthian Tom accompanied by Bob Logic, the Oxonian, in their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis ... Embellished with (36) scenes from real life designed and etched by I.R. & G. Cruikshank; and enriched also with numerous original Designs on Wood, by the same artists.
London, printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1821.
236mm contemporary ½ green calf and marbled boards.
Cruickshank's etchings (coloured) ensured the success of this entertaining book which popularised Tom and Jerry as an inseparable pair. It was frequently reprinted and several times imitated.

327. FARADAY, Michael
Chemical manipulation; being instructions to students in chemistry, ...
London, printed and published by W. Phillips ... 1827.
219mm publisher's grey papered boards, brown linen back strip. Black leather titled label.
a. white ticket E & F.N. Spon, 16 Bucklersbury, London
b. signature ?J. N. Harland, 1861.
c. press mark L.8 (blue pencil)
d. MT 1945.

328. COBBETT, William
Rural rides ... with economical and political observations ...
London, published by William Cobbett, 1830.
181mm contemporary ½ leather with marbled paper boards.
a. Signature on titlepage cropped to illegibility. Dated 18[3-?]. Some pencil notes.

329. FARADAY, Michael
Experimental researches in chemistry and physics. Reprinted from the Philosophical transactions of 1821-57; The Journal of the Royal Institution; The Philosophical Magazine, and other publications.
London, Richard Taylor and William Francis, 1859.
224mm publisher's green cloth.
a. MT 1945.

330. DARWIN, Charles
On the origin of species by means of natural selection ... Third edition, with additions and corrections (seventh thousand).
London, John Murray, 1861.
205mm Publisher's green cloth. Ticket Bound by Edmonds & Remnants London (at end). Some marginal foxing, corners bumped.
a. ex Dawson, 1950.

331. DARWIN, Charles
The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. In two volumes ... with illustrations.
London, John Murray, 1871.
194mm Publisher's standard green cloth, black endpapers.
a. signature ½ titlepages: W. Allin Thompson, Oxford. 1871
b. v1 blue ticket Frederick R. Jones, 'Adwell', Torre, Torquay. And at 20 Victoria Parade, Beacon Quay
c. v2 yellow ticket Sold by Slatter and Rose, Oxford.
The first edition of 2500 copies, sold at £1. 4s. (£1.20) came out in February 1871. A further 2000 copies were issued at the same price in March when the opportunity was taken to correct errors at two points in the text. The work is the first to use the word evolution.

332. TUER, Andrew White
History of the horn-book, with three hundred illustrations.
London, Published by the Leadenhall Press, 1897.
260mm Publisher's yellow cloth, red leather label titled in gilt.

333. JACOLLIOT, Louis
Untrodden fields of anthropology: observations on the esoteric manners and customs of semi-civilized peoples; ... by a French Army-Surgeon. 2nd enlarged and revised edition. [Edited by Charles Carrington [i.e. Paul Ferdinando]]. 2 vols.
Paris, Librairie de Médecine, Folklore et Anthropologie, 1898. (Documents on medical anthropology)
Limited edition. No 618 of 1000 copies for England and America.
255mm ½ red morocco, top edges gilt; author named on spine as Dr Jacobus X.
French edition Paris 1893. English translation published Paris 1896. Author not named in the book, supplied from BM catalogue.

The golden Haggadah: a fourteenth-century illuminated Hebrew manuscript in the British Museum [Add Ms 27210]. Introduced by Bezalel Narkiss.
London, Eugrammia Press Ltd. & the Trustees of the British Museum, 1970. 2v. British National Bibliography 70-15343 ISBN 85232 005 1.
No. 45 of 520 copies (of which 20 unnumbered ones were not for sale).
Introduction Pp x.86.
Exact size colour facsimile reprint ff[120].
Printed by Louis Van Leer & Co. Ltd., Amsterdam.
Paper specially made by Tullis Russell and Co. Ltd. of Markinch, Fife; supplied by Lepard and Smiths Ltd.
Colour transparencies by Peter Parkinson.
Gold blocking by Ace Display Blocking from brasses made by T. Mackrell using gold supplied by George M. Whiley Ltd.
With two copies of one prospectus and one copy of another, and a postcard inserted.
254mm, v2 253mm Zaehnsdorf of London in calf tooled to facsimile the original.
The XIVth century manuscript executed in North-Eastern Spain or Southern France is 'the finest and perhaps one of the earliest of surviving illumunated Sephardi Haggadoth ... only about a dozen remain' (Introduction).

335. AUDUBON, James John
[The birds of America. Selection.] The birds of America: from original drawings ... A selection of landscape plates facsimile volume two.
Leipzig, Edition Leipzig; London, The Ariel Press, 1973. ISBN 0 900074 25 6.
Elephant sheets. Pp [2 blank, 1 Facsimile of the engraved titlepage of the original work (London: Published by the Author, 1827-38), 1 blank, 2 titlepage, 1 List of plates, 1 blank, 2 Introduction, 20 Plates each preceded by a leaf with plate title and on verso text facing the plate, 2 blank].
Number 727 of the Great Britain and Commonwealth edition limited to 250 copies numbered 501 to 750 ... taken from a total of one thousand copies. Signed by the Director of The Ariel Press. Reproduced from the original in the Meiningen State Museum. Printed in Bodoni-Romain Type by Grafischer Grossbetrieb Völkerfreundschaft, Dresden, German Democratic Republic. Editor and Introduction by Dr Gottfried Mauersberger, Berlin. Translated into English by Alisa Jaffa, England. Texts on the individual plates by Howard Ginn. Art Consultant Professor Albert Kapr, Leipzig.
Contains reproductions of the following plates (32) Black-billed cuckoo: Coccyzus Erythrophthalmus
(72) Swallow-tailed hawk: Falco furcatus
(191) Willow grous or Large ptarmigan: Tetrao Saliceti
(217) Louisiana heron: Ardea Ludoviciana
(249) Tufted auk: Mormon Cirrhatus
(255) Red phalarope: Phalaropus Platyrhynchus
(256) Purple heron: Ardea rufescans
(262) Tropic bird: Phaeton aethereus
(276) King duck: Fuligula histrionica
(297) Harlequin duck: Fuligula histrionica
(307) Blue crane or heron: Ardea coerulea
(321) Roseate spoonbill: Platalea ajaja
(327) Shoveller duck: Anas clypeata
(361) Long-tailed or Dusky grous: Testrao obscurus
(371) Cock of the plains: Tetrao Urophasianus
(386) White heron: Ardea alba
(387) Glossy ibis: Ibis falcinellus
(392) Louisiana hawk: Buteo harrisi
(397) Scarlet ibis: Ibis rubra
(429) Western duck: Fuligula stelleri
Original plates engraved, printed and coloured by Robert Havell senior and junior, published by the author.
989mm 'Bound in half linen boards with metal spine by VOB Kunst- und Verlagsbuchbinderei Leipzig.'
a. purchased new in 1973.
Volume 1 published in 1972, contains a selection of plates taken from the whole work. Although described as Volume 2, this is a further selection which likewise stands complete by itself.







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