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Maurice Reckitt Archive

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1. Writings of M.B. Reckitt

a. Literary Works


The evolution of the review. 1915. Ts. ff.10. 1/1

Forms and the man. No. 1-the sixth. Ms. ff.4. Essay for school magazine. 1/2

"Lhude sing cucu". [n.d.]. Ts. ff.4. On the cuckoo in English verse. 1/3

The little archer. 1925. Ms. ff.4. 1/4

Poetry and some English poets. 1907. Ts. ff.45. In binder. 1/5

Reflections of an octogenarian. [c.1968]. Ms. ff.8.. 1/6
In notebook, with other brief notes
Ms. copy. [c.1968]. ff.6. 1/7
Ts. copy. [c.1968]. ff.7. 1/8
Ts. copy. 1971. ff.5. 1/9

The shield comes home. (Overheard in the C.A. office). [n.d.]. Ms. ff.4. On croquet. 1/10

Swiss roles: musicals in a winter sports hotel. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.5. 1/11
Ts. copy. [n.d.]. ff.5. 1/12
Court case. [n.d.]. Ts. ff.207. File includes synopsis, ts. ff.3. 1/13
Ts. copy. [n.d.]. ff.206. File includes synopsis, ts. ff.3. 1/14
[You can't have everything]. Novel II. [1969]. Ms. ff.95. 1/15
Chapters 11-21. In notebook.
[Chapter 12]. First draft of a passage for chapter twelve. Ms. ff.4. 1/16
Novel III. 1969. Ms. ff.67. 1/17
Chapters 22-29. In notebook.
[Novel II-III]. [1969]. Ts. ff.121. 1/18
Chapters 16-29.

[ ]. 1906. Ms. File contains The plot, pp.9, and Chapter 1, ff.11. 1/19

Plays, Revues, Sketches, etc.

Dec-embers: a gallimaufry for Christmas. 1969-70. Ms. ff.19. Collection of verse and prose. 2/1

Dec-embers III: a third gallimaufry for Christmas. 1972. Ts. pp.[ii], 23. Collection of verse and prose. 27/1

Embers: verses satirical and croquetical. [1960]. Ts. pp.31. 27/2

"Fancy meeting you !". The fourth annual Villars review. 1922. Ms. ff.6. Lyrics by MBR. 2/2

The girl from Grinstead. 1903. Ms. pp.8. Scene 1 of a sketch. 2/3

Helen at Troy: a classical monologue. [1906]. Ts. ff.4. File includes: C. Thomas-Stanford to MBR 1 letter 1906, and comments on monologue, ms. ff.2. 2/4

Hullo ! Berko ! [1917]. A review: Sorrow the second, ts. ff.6; Stunt the third, ts. ff.8; and various songs and choruses, ms. ff.12, ts. ff.8. 2/5

Keep sliding ! A Villars revue in four slides. 1914. Pr. pp.6. Lyrics by MBR. 2/6

The kitten on the skis. [c.1920?]. Ms. ff.4, ts. ff.2. Lyrics by various hands. 2/7

A knight errant. [c.1915?]. Ms. ff.18. 2/8

Lost ! A monologue of misadventure. [c.1910?]. Ts. ff.2. 2/9

Love thirty: a play. [c.1930?]. Ts. ff.46. With notes, ms. ff.2. 2/10

A mutual misunderstanding. 1903. Ms. ff.7. Sketch for family performance. 2/11

The vapex: a modern playlet in Shakespearean dress. [c.1928]. Ts. ff.6. 2/12

Victoria to Villars. [c.1920?]. Ms. ff.8, ts. ff.2. Lyrics by various hands. 2/13

Voices from the Villaret. [c.1920?]. Ms. ff.5. Lyrics by various hands. 2/14

Weekend at Melbury: a play. [1956].
Ms. ff.46. Draft. Has two versions of Act II. 2/15
Ms. ff.54. Fair copy. 2/16
Ts. copy. ff.42. File includes explanatory note. 2/17

[ ]. 1946. Ms. ff.5. Play in one act ? 2/18

Stories., etc.
Croakie is really nothing. (With apologies to Miss Anita Loos). [c.1930?].
Ms. ff.9. 2/19
Ts. copy. ff.10. 2/20

How many were there...? [n.d.]. Ts. ff.3. 2/21

The statue that sat down. [n.d.]. Ts. ff.9. 2/22


[Miscellaneous verses, 1905-76]. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Ms. ff.37, ts. ff.22. Includes: Votes for women, 1912, ms. ff.3; Severed - but never lost, [c.1976], ms. ff.3, with copy, ts. ff.2 (on death of sister Eva). Ms. ff.37. ts. ff.22. On two versos: C. Martin to MBR 1 letter 22.07.69, and P. Wilkinson to MBR 1 letter 07.08.69. 2/23

b. Non-Literary Works

Addresses, Lectures, etc.

"After-the-war". [c.1918]. Ms. ff.2. Outline of a talk. An apologia for the C.S.L. 1918. Ms. f.1. 3/1

Notes for a talk on the Church Socialist League. The background of gambling. 1953. Ms. ff.3. 3/2

Notes for chairman's address at Hope Hall. 3/3

Challenge and response. 1952. Ms. ff.27. On development of Christendom Group. Address delivered at conference of the Christendom Association. 3/4

The challenge to the church. 1947. Ts. ff.12. Address during Ealing Church Week in series, The church tomorrow. 3/5

The christian at work. 1951. Addresses at Moor Park College, Farnham.
The christian at work. Ms. ff.4. Outline. On versos of agenda (ts. ff.5) for conference on Courses for industry. 3/6
The christian at work. Ms. ff.3. Notes and related press-cutting. 3/7
Work in modern society. Ms. ff.9. Outline with related press-cutting. 3/8
[1]. Work in modern society. Ms. ff.12. 3/9
2. Work in the world of today. Ms. ff.8. 3/10
3. What can we do about it? Ms. ff.7. 3/11

The christian at work. 1954. Ms. ff.10. Address at Moor Park, Farnham. With notes, ms. ff.2. 3/12

A christian doctrine of work. 1960. Ms. ff.4. Notes for address in Leeds. 3/13

The christian hope and politics in our day. 1949. Ms. ff.4. Notes for lecture to Oxford Christian Sociologists. 3/14

The christian in politics. 1950. Ms. ff.4. Notes for lecture to Exeter Student Christian Movement. 3/15

The christian in the world of today. 1950. Ms. ff.10. Outline of address to Eastbourne Church Union. 3/16

Christian initiative in a post-christian society. 1953. Ms. ff.11. Outline of address at Wonersh. 3/17

The christian social conscience. [n.d.]. Ts. ff.8. Address in series, Through thirty years. 3/18

Christian sociology. [n.d.]. Ms. Outline (ff.4) and address (ff.11: lacks ff.1-2). With Questions, ms. ff.7. 3/19

Christian standards in jeopardy today. 1949. Ms. ff.16. Address to conference of Free Church Fellowship, Elfinswood. With "comprehensive extracts", ts. pp.8. 3/20

The christian way to peace. 1948. Ms. ff.2. Notes for address to Oxford University Christian Union. 3/21

Christianity and politics. 1949. Ms. ff.24. Lecture at Bristol University. 3/22

Christianity and the future of Britain. 1944. Ms. ff.6 Address at Watford. Lacks ff.6-11. With outline, Ms. f.1. 3/23

Christianity and world crisis. [c.1952]. Ms. ff.11. Part 3 (ff.32-42) of address. With related press-cutting. 3/24

The church and the atom. 1946. Ms. ff.7. Outline of address to Church Assembly. 3/25

The church and the atom. 1949. Ms. ff.2. Notes for address at Plymouth R.D. conference. With two press-cuttings, ff.8. 3/26

Church social action. 1: Our relation to secular movements. 1937. Ms. ff.18. Address to Oxford Summer School of the Church Union. 3/27

C.S.L. The new basis and the new outlook. 1917. Ms. ff.4. Outline of address on the Church Socialist League. With outline of address to C.S.L., Birmingham, Sept. 1916. Ms. ff.3. 3/28

Collectivism, syndicalism and national guilds. [c.1918]. Ms. ff.3. Notes. 3/29

The control of industry. [1914]. Ms. ff.31. Lecture on National Guild League issues. 3/30

The cultural situation. 1952. Ms. ff.4. Notes for address to West Surrey Clerical Association. 3/31

Dinner to M.B.R. 1951. Ms. ff.13. Reply to toast. On "Christendom". 3/32

Ends and means. 1942. Ms. ff.7. Outline of address to "New Areas" Clergy Group, Greenford and Northolt. 3/33

Evangelism and the laity. 1945. Ms. ff.13. Address to Guildford Clergy Group. With outline, ms. ff.2. 3/34

The expansion of the labour movement. 1920. Ms. ff.4. Notes for lecture at Kingsway Hall. 3/35
Transcript. Ts. ff.13. Chairman's introduction, lecture by MBR and questions. 3/36

Faith and society. 1955. Ms. and ts. ff.31. Chairman's summary at Church Union Summer School of Sociology, Oxford. 3/37

"Free thought ..." [c.1920?]. Ts. ff.2. 3/38

The future of property. 1922. Ms. ff.3. Notes for lecture to Letchworth Independent Labour Party. 3/39

[Future of Russia]. [c.1930?]. Ts. ff.2. Questions by MBR at lecture by J. Strachey. With Comments on M.B.R.'s Questions ... by J. Strachey, ts. ff.2. 3/40

The future of the socialist ideal. 1912. Ts. ff.16. 3/41
Ms. 1913. ff.15. With verse, ms. f.1. 3/42

Gambling. 1950. Ms. ff.7. Address at Raynes Park. With notes (for review?) ms. ff.6, and leaflet. 3/43

Guild socialism. [c.1915]. Ms. ff.2. With notes, ms. ff.3. 3/44

The historical basis of national guilds. 1920. Ts. ff.12. Lecture at Kingsway Hall. Transcript of chairman's introduction, address by MBR, and Answers to questions. With notes, ms. ff.2. 3/45
Another transcript. Ts. ff.9. 3/46

Humanism. 1965. Ms. ff.2. Notes for a teach-in at Holy Trinity Church, Roehampton. 3/47

The impact of the people of God on the world in which they live. 1952. Ms. ff.11. Address to Kelham Priests' Association. 4/1
Ts. copy. ff.14. 4/2

Into the sixties. 1960. Ms. ff.8. Outline of address at the London School of Economics. 4/3

Is society redeemable? 1955. Ms. ff.18. Address to Nottingham University Student Christian Movement. With outline, ms. ff.2. 4/4
Ts. copy. ff.18. 4/5
Galley proof. Pr. ff.4. From Church Quarterly Review. 4/6
Ms. 1960. ff.9. Outline of lecture at Leeds. With note and press-cutting. 4/7
Man and society. 1951. Ms. ff.27. Address at St Saviour's Church, Raynes Park. With: 2, The Christian doctrine of man and society, ms. ff.9. (ff.23-31); and note, ms. f.1. 4/8
Ms. ff.2. Outline of address to Guildford clergy, 30.10.51. 4/9
Ms. ff.8. Address to Guildford clergy 06.11.51. 4/10

Material for Thames Television interviews. [n.d.] Ms. ff.3. Notes on MBR's personal beliefs. 4/11

The meaning of a christian society. 1941. Ts. pp.6. Speech at Rugby School. 4/12

Meaning of "National Guilds". [c.1917?]. Ms. ff.2. Notes for a talk. 4/13

The ministry of a prophetic church. [c.1975?]. Ms. ff.6. 4/14

M.R.A. 1956. Ms. ff.8. On Moral Re-Armament. Notes for a discussion at Moor Park, Farnham. 4/15

M.R.A. report. [c.1955]. Ms. ff.5. With notes (ms. ff.3, ff.2), letter and press-cutting. 4/16

[Notes for Christendom - I.C.F. study circle]. 1959. Ms. ff.18. File contains: outlines of addresses - Church and state: the autonomy of politics, ms. ff.3; Is there an autonomy of science ? ms. ff.5; and Religion and aesthetics: is there an autonomy of art ? ms. ff.4; - and related notes, ms. ff.6. With unrelated letters on some versos. 4/17

Notes for radio programme. 1960. Ms. ff.2. On G[eorge] L[ansbury]. 4/18

The origins of the Summer School. [c.1956?]. Ts. ff.22. On the Anglo-Catholic Summer School of Sociology. 4/19

The parson and politics. 1952. Ms. ff.2. Notes for an address at St Albans. 4/20

Personal responsibility in the reconstruction of society. [c.1918?]. Ts. ff.2. Outline of an address on the doctrine of "the Kingdom". 4/21

The planes of action. 1951. Ms. ff.4. Outline of address to Christendom Association. 4/22

The political crisis - and the future. 1909. Ms. ff.42. On the political parties and social reform. 4/23

Political theory today. 1955. Ms. ff.7. Outline of talk to St Anne's Society. 4/24

Politics - and the "Christendom" tradition. 1950. Ms. ff.10. Precis of lecture to Christendom Association. 4/25
Ts. copy. ff.19. 4/26
A post-christian society. 1957. Ms. ff.15. Address at Queen Mary's College. 4/27
Summary. Ms. ff.6. 4/28

Prophecy today. 1954. Ms. ff.4. Outline of address to Christendom Association. With related press-cutting. 4/29

Prospect for christendom. 1946. Ms. pp.11. Outline of chairman's introduction to the Prospect for Christendom conference, Moreton. 4/30

The prospects of the guild idea. 1915. Ms. ff.21. 4/31

Reconstruction versus resurrection. 1917. Ms. ff.5. Outline of address at Coventry College of Clergy. With notes, 1917-18 "Reconstruction", ms. ff.2. 4/32

Religion in everyday life. 1950. Ms. ff.5. Outline of address at the Church Union diocesan conference, Clacton. 4/33

Religion in human relations. 2: National. 1956. Ms. ff.22. Address to St Paul's Lecture Society. 4/34
Ts. copy. ff.21. 4/35

Remarriage of divorced persons. 1955. Ms. ff.10. Notes for talk to British Council of Churches Social Department, Rugby. File includes related papers of the Church Union Marriage Discipline Committee, ts. ff.10. 4/36

Report on M.R.A. 1955. Ms. ff.5. Notes for address at Church Assembly. 4/37

Responsibility in industry. 1949. Ms. ff.12. Outline of speech at conference of the Social Department of the British Council of Churches. With related press-cutting. 4/38

Restoration in Christ. 1946. Ms. ff.12. Address to Lent mission, St Thomas's, Regent Street. 4/39

Romantic socialism in England - Ruskin to Gill. 1949. Ms. ff.28. Address at St Anne's House. 4/40

St Anne's Society Dinner. 1967. Ms. ff.10. Outline of address. With press-cuttings, ff.2. 5/1

Scientific management. 1917. Ms. f.1. Notes. 5/2

Servility or freedom ? 1915. Ms. ff.15. On life under capitalism. Talk to the Oxford University Fabian Society Women's Research Group. 5/3
Ms. 1917. ff.4. 5/4

Social and cultural background in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 1958-59. Ms. ff.99. Notes for lectures to candidates for the General Ordination Examination at Brasted Place, Westerham. On 1848, the Essential Victorian age, Reform and the social crisis, etc. File includes: D.C. Stewart-Smith to MBR 1 letter 25.09.58; Notes for lecturers, ts. pp.2; etc. Some notes have unrelated letters on versos. 5/5

The social implications of credit. 1921. Ms. ff.6. Outline of lecture at Labour Research Department summer school, Eddington. With note of topics, ts. f.1. 5/6

Socialism and nationalism. 1915. Ms. ff.4. Notes for speech at Coventry. 5/7

Socialism and the future. 1909. Ms. ff.20. Address to Church Socialist League. 5/8

The sociology of present day politics. 1955. Ms. ff.15. Lecture to London University Chaplaincy. 5/9

Some aspects of democracy. 1910. Ms. ff.26. Paper read to the Merlin Club, St John's College, Oxford. 5/10

Strikes in war-time. 1915. Ms. ff.5. Notes for speech in Oxford Union. File includes notes for discussion group on trade unions, [1917?], ms. ff.2. 5/11

A syllabus of twenty four lectures on the British labour movement, its origin, history and problems. 1921. Ts. ff.8. 5/12
[Additional paper] Another copy. Ms. ff.9. 27/3
A system of national guilds. [1914?]. Ms. pp.16. 5/13
Ms. 1914. pp.8. 5/14
Thoughts for a house of consolation. 1960. Ms. ff.6. Address at the House of St Barnabas in Soho. File includes agenda, annual report (1959) and prospectus (1953) of the House of St Barnabus, and letter of clerk to MBR 22.02.60, etc. 5/15
Ts. copy. ff. 8. 5/16

T.S.E. at St Anne's Society. 1958. Ms. ff.2. Chairman's introduction to address by T.S. Eliot 27.11.58. 5/17

T.S. Eliot and a christian society. 1963. Ts. ff.8. Lecture at St Anne's Society. 5/18

Towards a prophetic church. [1976?]. Ms. ff.3. On the foundation of a Christendom Trust fellowship at Sussex University. 5/19

Trade unions and the control of industry. [c.1918?]. Ms. ff.7. Outline of address. 5/20

Trade unions in war-time and after. 1915. Ms. ff.12. Address to the Church of England Men's Society, Leamington. 5/21

Trouble me not. 1976. Ts. ff.3. Sermon at St Paul's School. 5/22

V.A. Demant's eightieth birthday: to propose his health. 1973. Ms. ff.3. 5/23

A visitor's impressions of New Zealand. 1958. Ms. ff.3. Outline of talk to Walton Fellowship Club. 5/24

The vocation of England. 1941. Ms. ff.2. Outline of address at Leeds. 5/25

A war for justice and Britain's role in it. 1941. Ts. ff.12. Broadcast talk. With: Justice and the war, a synopsis, [n.d.], ts. ff.3. 5/26

What do christians mean by "the world"? 1959. Ms. ff.17. Address to Reigate Church Society. 5/27
Ts. copy ff.17. 5/28
What is happening to us. 1952. Ms. ff.2. Outline of address at Moor Park. 5/29
What are we up against? [n.d.]. Ms. ff.4. Outline of address. 5/30
What we are up against. 1943. Ms. ff.9. 5/31
Address at Roedean. Ms. 1950. ff.4. 5/32
Outline of address at Winchester Church Union. Ms. 1950. ff.2. 5/33
Notes for an address at St Francis House, Cambridge.Ms. [n.d.]. ff.4. 5/34
Incomplete (=ff.6a-6d of another version).
William Temple. [1956]. Ms. ff.30. Lecture delivered at Canterbury. 5/35
Ts. copy. ff.29. 5/36

A word from the chairman. 1957. Ms. ff.5. Address to the annual general meeting of the Christendom Association. 5/37

Articles, Essays, etc.

Anglo-catholics and the christian social movement. 1923. Ms. ff.14. 6/1

British imperial federation. 1908. Ms. ff.18. 6/2

The case for national guilds: a reply to Mr A.J. Penty, I. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.10. 6/3

Catholicism and a social conscience. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.6. Based on an address to the League of the Kingdom of God. 6/4

Challenge and response: an outline of the development of the "Christendom Group". 1952. Ts. ff.13. 6/5

The Christendom Group. 1963. Ms. ff.10. 6/6

The christian and his vote. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.7. 6/7

The christian and modern warfare. Is there a "Third Way"? [1938?]. Ms. ff.6. With note, ms. ff.1. 6/8
Ts. copy. ff.6. 6/9

A christian looks at the new year. [1951]. Ms. ff.4. 6/10

Christian politics - in Europe and at home. [n.d.]. Ts. ff.6. 6/11

Christian socialism. 1946. Ms. ff.5. With MBR to Chambers Encyclopaedia 1 draft letter [9].01.46. 6/12
Ts. copy. ff.5. With MBR to Chambers Encyclopaedia 1 letter 09.01.46. 6/13

[A christian sociology]. 1952. Ts. ff.13. Incomplete: lacks ff.1-14. 6/14

Christianity and society in Britain: 1944-1954. [n.d.]. Ts. ff.9. 6/15

The devil and the deep sea. 1912. Ms. ff.13. On socialism and the state. 6/16

Draft for L.K.G. manifesto. 1940. Ts. ff.6. 6/17

Envoi to the crisis. 1937. Ms. ff.12. On the abdication of Edward VIII. 6/18

The failure of the Labour Party. [c.1915]. Ms. ff.2. Notes. 6/19

Flight and fatalism. 1968. Ms. ff.2. With verses, Saving our BACAN, 1957, ms. f.1. 6/20
Ts. copy. ff.2. With Putney Society to MBR 1 letter 16.02.68. 6/21
The future of the guild system. [c.1920]. Ms. ff.4. 6/22
Ts. copy. ff.5. 6/23

G.D.H.C., L.R.D. and N.G.L. 1914-1924. [1924]. Ms. ff.9. On G.D.H. Cole, The Labour Research Department and the National Guilds League. File includes page proofs (pp.1-13) of introduction to G.D.H. Cole, Self-government, 1919. 6/24

The general election: a word to the church. 1951. Ms. ff.18. 6/25
Ts. copy. pp.7. 6/26

Guild socialism. [c.1918]. Ms. ff.13. 6/27

Guildsmen at the cross-roads. 1920. Ts. ff.6. 6/28

Half way round. [1969]. Ms. ff.4. On a voyage to the Far East. 6/29

Humanist illusions and human realities. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.4. 6/30

[Additional paper] Library facilities. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.6. 27/4

Memo for "Resurgence". 1971. Ms. ff.5. Advice for new journal. With note, ms. ff.3. 6/31

N.G.L. pamphlets projected at Storrington. 1915. Ms. ff.6. Draft lists of contents. For National Guilds League. 6/32

A new situation for C.L.A. 1944. Ms. ff.4. On post-war policy of the Catholic Literature Association. 6/33

On being young in an old world. [n.d.]. Ts. ff.9. With corrected galley-proof, ff.2. 6/34

On the value of a bad example. [1931]. Ts. ff.4. 6/35

Philip Mairet as I knew him. [1975]. Ms. ff.5. Obituary notice. 6/36

Prophecy and action: the future of the christian social movement. 1959. Ts. ff.13. 6/37
Ms. ff.7. Draft. Incomplete. 6/38
Riviera revisited. [1954]. Ms. ff.5. 6/39
Ts. copy. ff.5. With galley-proof, ff.2. 6/40

Servility - or freedom ? [c.1918]. Ms. ff.23. On socialism and political economy. 6/41

Sixty years on. [1967]. Ms. ff.7. On the anniversary of the Church Socialist League. 6/42

Social credit and the guild idea. [1922]. Ms. ff.5. 6/43

Social credit and the worker. [c.1920?]. Ms. ff.12. 6/44
Ts. copy. ff.14. 6/45

Socialism and a national party. 1910. Ts. ff.19. 6/46

Socialism and a national party: a reply to Mr Cecil Chesterton. 1911. Ts. ff.13. 6/47

Some notes on the origin and early days of the National Guilds League. 1919. Ts. ff.8. 6/48

The story of the Chandos Group: 1926-1966. 1966. Ts. ff.19. 6/49

Towards a "Project": the dehumanisation of homo faber. 1973. Ms. ff.3. File includes W. Reumant? to MBR 1 letter 05.07.73. 6/50

Valedictory: final editorial for "Christendom". 1950. Ms. ff.9. 6/51

The way home. [1969]. Ms. ff.4. On a visit to Australia. 6/52
Ts. copy. ff.5 6/53
When did "Victorianism" end ? [1957]. Ms. ff.8. 6/54
Ts. copy. ff.6. File includes three related letters. 6/55
Why are we here ? For J.A.P. [c.1970?]. Ms. ff.9. 6/56
Ms. ff.5. 6/57
Women in a guild socialist state. 1915. Ms. ff.25. 6/58
Ms. ff.6. 6/59

Work and the crisis of our culture. 1948. Pr. pp.28. Page-proofs with ms. corrections. 6/60

[ ]. 1918. Ts. ff.19. On the state control of industry. 6/61

[ ]. 1969. Ms. ff.2. Incomplete. For "The Spire". 6/62


Here and now; a study of the achievements and perplexity of man in a post-christian age. By MBR and others. 1961. 4 files ms. and ts. papers:

  1. Drafts of outline and some essays, with notes, and three related letters; 7/1
  2. Outline and essays by MBR (Christian fidelity in a post-christian society), G. Keable, M.P. Fogarty, P. Mairet, G.F. Thomason, D. Jones C.R., with comments by P. Mairet and MBR; 7/2
  3. Christian fidelity in a post-christian society. By MBR. Ms. ff.18. 7/3 With Note to my collaborators and Postscript.
  4. Ts. copy. ff.23. 7/4

[P.E.T. Widdrington; a study in vocation and versatility. [1961]. 3 files ms. and ts. papers

  1. Draft of chapters 1-14. Ms. ff.259. Lacks appendix and index. 7/5
  2. Drafts of outline and chapter 1 with rough notes. Ms. ff.30. File includes two photographs. 7/6
  3. Background material. Contains curriculum vitae by MBR ms. ff.8, and papers on the Russian Clergy and Church Aid Fund, the Harold Buxton Trust, etc. 7/7

Projected book on guild socialism. 1914. Ms. ff.31. Comprises Introduction (2 versions ff.9, ff.6) and chapter 1 (Wage-slavery ff.16). 7/8

[ ]. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.14. Chapter 3: Some historical illustrations of christian thought in social relationships. 7/9

[ ]. [n.d.]. Ts. ff.119. Autobiographical reminiscences. Comprises chapters 9-12 and two appendices, What do christians mean by "The World"?, and Growth towards maturity. 7/10

Reading Notes

Notes on socialist elements in French revolutionary thought (18th century). [c.1913]. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. ff.170. Includes notes on : J. Fabre, Peres de la revolution, 1910, ms. f.l, ts. ff.14; L. Gelineaud, Doctrines sociales et politiques de Mably, 1909, ts. ff.28; J. Jaures, Histoire socialiste 1789-1900, 1900-08, ms. ff.25; A. Lichtenberger, Socialisme au XVIIIe siecle, 1895, ts. ff.29; P. Louis, Histoire du socialisme francais, 1901, ms. ff.6; L. Michoud, [On Mably], [c.1910], ts. ff.8; E. Petitfils, Socialiste-revolutionnaire.. Jean Meslier, 1908, ts. ff.16; A. Reverdy, Morelly, 1909, ts. ff.35; etc. 8/1

[Additional papers] Trade unionism, 1919, etc. 1 file ms. papers. Contains notes on trade unions, ff.2, and related papers: ff.7, ff.13, ff.4, ff.7, f.1. ff.34. 27/5

[Additional papers] Miscellaneous notes. 1 file ms. papers. ff.10. Contains undated notes on Carr, ff.6, and undated unidentified notes, ff.4. 27/6

Reviews: Reviews by M.B. Reckitt of:

Baillie, J., [Belief in progress]. [1950]. Ms. ff.8. Notes. Called "A creed outworn ?". 8/2

[Additional paper] Beer, M., A history of British socialism. Vol. 1. [1919]. Ms. ff.10. With related notes, ms. ff.11. 27/7

Buber, M., [Paths in Utopia]. [1949]. Ms. ff.4. Notes. 8/3

Chesterton, G.K., Autobiography. 1936. Ms. ff.9. Called "Manalive". 8/4

Cowling, M., Nature and limits of political science [1963]. Ms. ff.4. With copy ts. ff.4 and notes ms. ff.17. File includes V.A. Demant to MBR 1 letter 10.11.63. 8/5

De la Bedoyere, M., Christian crisis. [1941]. Ms. ff.3. Notes. 8/6

Demant, V.A., Religion and the decline of capitalism. [1952]. Ts. ff.5. Called "Interpretation of our time". 8/7

Evans, S., Social hope of the christian church. [1965]. Ms. ff.4. Called "By hope ye are saved". With copy, ts. ff.4. 8/8

Figgis, J.N., Civilization at the crossroads. 1912. Ms. ff.17. Notes. Paper published in series Revised reviews in Theology, 1963. 8/9

Fuller, R., [Christianity and the affluent society]. [1966]. Ms. ff.10. Notes. 8/10

Gibbs-Smith, O.H., Message for a mission. [1957]. Ts. ff.7. Called "Mission for a message ?". 8/11

Groves, R., Conrad Noel and the Thaxted movement. 1967. Ts. ff.3. Called "Turbulent priest". With notes, ms. ff.6. 8/12

Hearnshaw, F.J.C., Social and political ideas of some great medieval thinkers. [1923].
Ts. ff.6. Called "The medieval synthesis". 8/13
Ts. ff.8. Called "The social philosophy of christendom". 8/14

Hobson, S.G., Pilgrim to the left. 1938. Ts. ff.6. Called "Guilds and the man". 8/15

Jones, P. d'A., [The christian socialist revival, 1877-1914]. [1968]. Ms. ff.8. Notes. 8/16

Kendall, G., Charles Kingsley and his ideas. [1946]. Pr. f.1. Galley-proof. With notes ms. f.l, and review by W.G. Peck pr. f.1. 8/17

Labour Research Department, Syllabus series 12 and 13. [1923]. Ts. ff.6. Called "Unitary history". 8/18

Lee, R., Religion and social conflict. [1964]. Ms. ff.25. Notes. 8/19

Lloyd, R., Church of England in the twentieth century. [1946]. Ms. ff.13. Notes. File includes R. Lloyd to MBR 1 letter 15.05.47. 8/20

Mack, E.G., Thomas Hughes. [1952]. Ts. ff.4. Called "Muscular Christian". 8/21

Martin, W., The New Age under Orage. [1967]. Ms. ff.14. Notes. 8/22

Masterman, N.C., John Malcolm Ludlow. [1963]. Ms. ff.4. With notes, ms. ff.17. 8/23

Mayer, J.P., Prophet of the mass age. 1939. Ms. ff.5. Notes. On De Tocqueville. 8/24

Mills, C.W., Sociological imagination. [1959]. Ms. ff.2. 8/25

Mounier, E., Spoil of the violent. [1955]. Ts. ff.3. 8/26

[Additional paper] O'Brien, G., An essay on medieval economic teaching. [1920]. Ms. ff.6. 27/8

Oliver, J., Church and social order..., 1918-1939. [1968]. Ms. ff.2. 8/27

[Additional paper] Another copy. Ts. ff.3. With further review by M. Jarrett-Kerr, ts. ff.3. 27/9

Pelling, H., America and the British left. [1956]. Ts. ff.3. 8/28

Prestige, G.L., Life of Charles Gore. [1935]. Ts. ff.3. Called "A prophet - and more than a prophet". 8/29

Purcell, W., Woodbine Willie. [1962]. Ts. ff.3. 8/30

Ramsey, A.M., F.D. Maurice and the conflicts of modern theology. 1951. Ms. ff.5. 8/31

Schenk, H.G., [Aftermath of the Napoleonic wars]. [1947]. Ms. ff.5. Notes. 8/32

Selver, P., Orage and the "New Age" circle. [1959]. Ms. ff.2. With copy, ts. ff.4. 8/33

Slesser, Sir H., History of the Liberal Party. [1944]. Ts. ff.9. Called "Postmortem". 8/34

Symanowski, H., Christian witness in an industrial society. [1966]. With notes, ms. ff.12. 8/35

Tannenbaum, F., True society: a philosophy of labour. [1964]. Ms. ff.2. Notes. 8/36

Tawney, R.H., Radical tradition. [1964]. Ts. ff.3. Called "Labour's inspirer". 8/37

Temple, W., [Christianity and social order]. [1950]. Ms. ff.4. Notes. 8/38

Thompson, L., Robert Blatchford: portrait of an Englishman. [1951]. Ms. ff.3. File includes Time and Tide to MBR 1 letter 29.03.[51?]. 8/39

Tucker, M.G., John Neville Figgis. [1950]. Ts. ff.8. Called "Prophet recalled". 8/40

Vidler, A.R., Prophecy and papacy. [1954]. Ts. ff.4. Called "Lost leader". 8/41

Ward, M., Gilbert Keith Chesterton. [1944]. Ts. ff.5. Called "As large as life". 8/42

Warren, M.A.C., [Missionary movement from Britain in modern history]. [1965]. Ms. ff.18. 8/43

Winnington-Ingram, A.F., Fifty years work in London. [1940]. Ms. ff.3. Called "A.F. London". 8/44

[ ]. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.82. Fragmentary notes, lists, etc. for 17 unidentified reviews. Some are written on the versos of unrelated letters. 8/45

[Additional paper] [ ] [n.d.]. Ms. ff.1. Notes for an unidentified address. 27/10

2. Works by Other Writers

Barnes, N., W.G. Peck: priest and christian sociologist. [c.1963?]. Ts. ff.145. Xerox copy. 9/1

Chesshire, C.J., Christian in politics by Maurice B. Reckitt: answers to questions provided for discussion. 1947. Ts. ff.43. File includes C.J. Chesshire to MBR 1 letter 08.05.47, and P. Derrick to MBR 1 letter [1947]. 9/2

G[ ], E.A., Appreciation of father Figgis, C.R. [19--]. Ts. ff.16. 9/3

Henson, H.H., The church and socialism. 1920. Ts. pp.3. Extracts from an article in the Edinburgh Review. 9/4

Heron, T.M., By way of dedication. 1941. Ts. ff.21. Introduction and chapter 1 of book on work. With Dorothy L. Sayers to T.M. Heron 1 letter 19.11.41. 9/5

H[eron], T.M., The way. 1977. Ts. f.1. Prayer in verse. 9/6

Kent, J., From Temple to "Slant": aspects of English political theology, 1945-1970. [c.1976]. Ts. pp.16. Xerox copy. 9/7

Lunn., A., Hullo, Villars! 1926. Ts. ff.3. Article for The British Ski Yearbook. On MBR's Villars revues. 9/8

M[artin], C.J.N., Without the walls. 1970. Ts. ff.2. On the metaphysical church. Annotated by MBR. 9/9

Matthews, F.D., Building guilds, 1920-1924. [c.1925?]. Ts. ff.91. 9/10

Symons, W.T., Diary of a flying visit to Budapest. 1939. Ts. ff.15. 9/11

Symons, W.T., Tribute to Major Douglas. [1952]. Ts. ff.4. Obituary note. 9/12

White, S.D., Anglican christian socialism in late Victorian England. 1972. Ts. ff.105. 19/13

With MBR to S.D. White 1 letter 21.11.73, and draft.

Yeo, S., Thomas Hancock, 1832-1903: "the banner of Christ in the hands of the socialists". Proofs of pp.1-60. Contents and Notes on contributors, with Foreword ts. ff.2 from For Christ and the people: studies of four socialist priests, ed. M.B. Reckitt. [1968]. 9/14

[ ]. Anglican alphabets. [1956]. Ms., ts. ff.7. 9/15

[ ], State in relation to personal and communal life. [1947]. Ts. ff.4. Report of a pre-Lambeth committee. 9/16

[ ], Syndicalism, by Pataud and Pouget. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.6. Notes. 9/17

[ ], Welfare and taxation, [by] Colin Clark. [c.1950]. Ts. ff.3. Notes. 9/18

[ ], What I mean by really loving someone. [n.d.]. Ms. ff.4. Personal reflections. 9/19

[Additional papers]. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains: Le mouvement social dans L'Anglicanisme, 1951, by P. Couturier?, ts. ff.20; Lettre de Maurice Montuclard a tous ses amis, etc., 1953, ts. pp.30; and issues of "Lettre 'Jeunesse de l'eglise'", juin 1950, and "Vers l'unite chretienne", no.98, decembre 1957. 27/11


1. Letters, etc. to M.B. Reckitt

a. 1913-1939

From Abbott, Eric (1) 01.12.38; Apps, L.C. (1) 27.09.35; Barker, Ernest (2) 1932-36; Best, Beatrice (3) 1936; Birmingham Douglas Social Credit Group (1) 13.10.36; Blizard, T.R. (1) 20.11.38; Brailsford, H.N. (1) 27.10.26; Brown, Alice V. (2) 1933; and Butts, Mary (1) 06.05.34. 10/1

[Additional letters] From Carrel, Aimee (34) 1920. 3 files. 28/1-3

From Casserley, J.V.L. (2) 1937-38; Chesterton, G.K. (1) 19.09.36; Child, Maurice (1) 15.02.28, enclosing circular letter on revision of Prayer Book; Cole, G.D.H. (2) 1929-31; Conference [... ?] (1) 10.10.36; and Currie, A.M. (1) 30.09.35. 10/2

From Davies, Geoffrey (1) 04.08.38; Deakin, Carrick R. (2) 1938; Demant, V.A. (7) 1928-39; Dunn, Ella (1) 02.01.39; Dutt, R.P. (1) 20.03.22; and Dyson, Betty (1) 02.08.[2-?]. 10/3

From Eliot, T.S. (8) 1937-38. With S. Bolshakoff to T.S.E. (1) 22.01.37. 10/4

From Elspeth, sister (3) 1939-[40?]; Elvey, G.F.H. (1) 16.10.36; and Evans, Victor (1) 31.12.39. 10/5

From Every, George (16) 1936-39. Two letters are incomplete. With J.G. Lockhart to Church Times (1) 08.01.37. 10/6

From Figgis, J.N. (1) [?].08.16; Fletcher, Joseph F. (8) 1932-39; Ford, Isobel (1) 31.12.28; and Furse, Michael B. (1) 02.06.33. 10/7

From Gisley, Dorothy (1) 04.12.28; Gladwell, R.A.L. (1) 06.03.39; Gough, H.P. (1) 03.07.17; Gould, F.J. (1) 15.10.36; and Graeme, Marjory (10) 1932-39. 10/8

From Hill, Zita (2) 1938, etc.; Hobson, S.G. (2) 1938; Hunt, T. (1) 06.04.13; and Iremonger, F.A. (2) 1936. 10/9

From Keeble, S.E. (1) 15.12.34; Kenyon, Ruth (5) 1931-36; Keyte, J. (1) 09.02.37; Lansbury, George (1) 21.01.22; Leetham Jones, R. (2 letters, etc.) 1937; Lockhart, J.G. (3) 1937, with J.G. Lockhart to P. McLaughlin (1) [30.09.37?]; and Lunt, J. (1) 28.12.37. 10/10

From Mackinnon, D.M. (6) 1939, etc. 2 letters are incomplete. 10/11

From McLaughlin, Patrick (12) 1936-39. 10/12

From Mairet, Philip (24) 1934-39. File includes J. Tuke to MBR (1) 05.07.38, with draft reply by MBR; and P. Mairet to Mrs MBR (1) 14.11.37. 10/13

From Maeztu, R. (1) 27.07.20; Maskell, Eric (3) 1938-39; Montgomery, N.[?] (1) 29.03.38; and Moultry, Bernard (1) 14.04.12. 10/14

From Noel, Conrad (1) 03.03.23. Encloses leaflet, The Catholic crusade. 10/15

From Orage, A.R. (6 letters, etc.) 1921-33. 10/16

From Peck, W.G. (17) 1926-39. Letter of 13.12.39 is incomplete. 10/17

From Pound, Ezra (2) 1935-37. 10/18

From Penty, Arthur J. (6) 1921-22; Petley, E.L.W. (2) 1937; and Purkis, Stewarat (2 letters, etc. 1916-25). 10/19

From [Rands], R.S.J. (4) 1928-38; Reade, Arthur (2) 1936, with MBR to A. Reade (1) 16.11.36; [Reckitt, Eva] (1) 28.06.38; Rees, Herbert (1) 07.08.38; Roberts, Walter (1) 23.12.39; and Rosenthal., G.D. (2) 1930-36. 10/20

From Scott, Nigel W. (2) 1939; Scrutton, Robert J. (2) 1933; Scudder, Vida D. (2) 1932, etc.; Semper, Ashley (1) 05.10.31; Side, Winifred A. (1) 19.11.16; Slesser, Sir Henry (2) 1934-39, with H. Slesser to Fr Rosenthal (1) 22.03.34; South African Native Deputation (1) [?].09.18; Spofford, William B. (1) 12.01.33; and Stacey, Paul (1) 11.11.27, enclosing P.E.T. Widdrington to P. Stacey (1) 10.11.27. 10/21

From Symons, W.T. (10) 1925-39. File includes W.T. Symons to [?]. Rice (1) 30.03.25 with memorandum on social credit, and W.T. Symons to [?]. Newsome (1) 10.11.31. 10/22

From Temple, William (1) 26.01.39; Tribe, Reginald (2) 1936; and Visser 't Hooft, W.A. (1) 08.06.34. 10/23

From Widdrington, Helen (1) 29.04.[3-?]; and Widdrington, P.E.T. (13) 1926-39, with 4 undated letters. 10/24

From Wilton, Eric (9) 1928-38. 10/25

And from unidentified writers: [ ], Herbert (5) 1934-37, etc.; K[enney?], Rowland (1) 25.01.39; R[oberts?],Carl E.B. (5) 1935-38; and R[ ], Joan C. (1) 03.10.36. 10/26

[Additional letters] From various correspondents (39) 1931. Letters of condolence to MBR on the death of his mother from V.A. Demant (2), Ruth Kenyon (1), R.S.J. Rands (1), Muriel Reeve (1), W.A. Robson (1), Paul Stacy (1), Rosalinde Wilton (1), the bishop of Winchester (1), and others. 28/4

b. 1940-45

From Abbott, Eric (1) 27.11.41; Barker, Ernest (1) 09.01.40; Barrington, Patrick (1) [194-?]; Benenson, Mira (1) 28.05.41; Bennett, H.A.T. (3) 1941; Binyon, G.C. (1) 15.06.44; Blackwell, Basil (1) 27.06.40; Bournemouth Union of Christian Thought and Action (1) 07.06.42; Buchanan, Frank (1) 06.10.41; Carlile, Edward (1) 11.09.45; Cole, G.D.H. (2) 1940-45; and Crombie, Ian (2) 1945. 11/1

From Dark, Sidney (2) 1943-45; Davey, Noel (2) 1944-45, enclosing Reprint outline no.2 of "The Christian in Politics"; Dix, Gregory (1) 18.01.41; and Downing, Dorothy (1) 16.09.41. 11/2

From Demant, V.A. (13) 1940-44. 11/3

From Eliot, T.S. (6) 1941-45. 11/4

From Elspeth, Sister (2) 1940; Every, George (8) 1940-43; Fenn, Eric (2) 1943-44; and Fletcher, Joseph F. (1) 30.04.41, with C.E. Hudson to J.F. Fletcher (1) 03.06.40 and J.F. Fletcher to C.E. Hudson (1) 17.07.40. 11/5

From Gladwell, R.A.L. (1) 17.08.43; Goodwin, Michael see "The Twentieth Century"; Graeme, Marjory (2) 1940-45; Harris, Donald (1) 30.11.42; Heron, T.M. (1) 07.11.45; and Hudson, Cyril E. (4) 1941-43, etc., with C.E. Hudson to Archbishop [of York?] (1) 22.02.41, C.E. Hudson to P.T.R. Kirk (1) 22.02.41, and notes by MBR. 11/6

From Industrial Christian Fellowship, N.W. area (1) 15.04.41; Iremonger, F.A. (1) 15.05.41; Jager, George (4) 1942; Jarrett-Kerr, Martin (2) 1940-45; Jenkins, Daniel (1) 12.09.45; and Labour Research Department (1) 08.01.43. 11/7

From Mackinnon D.M. (34) 1940-44. Seven letters are incomplete, five are fragments. 11/8-9

From McLaughlin, Patrick (23) 1940-45. With P. McLaughlin to P.E.T. Widdrington (1) 12.10.40. 11/10

From Mairet, Philip (16) 1940-45. 11/11

From Mascall, Eric (6) 1940-43; Massingham, H.J. (26) 1942-44; Matthews, W.R. (1) 17.11.44; Maxwell, F.C. (1) 11.06.42; Moberly, Gwen (1) 02.06.[4-?]; Munson, Gorham (1) 28.01.40; and Murray, Stormont (4) 1942-44. 11/12

From Noel, Miriam (1) 10.08.42; and Oldham, J.H. (1) 04.03.42. 11/13

From Peck, David (10) 1940-45. 11/14

From Peck, W.G. (26) 1940-45. 11/15

From Pepler, H.D.C. (1) 26.05.42; Perkins, Frances (1) 24.11.45; Perry[?], M.E. (1) [194-?]; and Phillips, G.L. (1) 13.11.42. 11/16

From [Rands], Betty (2) 1944, etc.; [Rands], E. (3) 1942-45; [Rands], R.S.J. (7) 1941-45; Reeve, Muriel M. (1) 19.02.41; and Roberts, Walter (1) 02.07.43. 11/17

From Sagar, S. (36) 1942-45. 11/18

From Sampson, Ashley (4) 1942-43, with circular letter on night bombing, and drafts; and Sangster, James R. (2) 1940. 11/19

From Sayers, Dorothy L. (13) 1940-45. With 3 draft letters [?].09.45 to the Archbishop of Canterbury on atomic energy. 11/20

From Scudder, Vida D. (1) 19.03.45; Skelton, H.A. (1) 17.07.42; Slesser, Sir Henry (4) 1941; S.P.C.K. See Davey Noel; Spofford [?], C. (2) 1943-44; Stacy, Paul (2) 1941-45; Symonds, W.T. (1) 23.08.42 (incomplete); Tanner, Emmeline (2) 1943; Temple, Frances (1) [?].12.44; Temple, William (1) [1942]; Thornton, Lionel (1) 21.05.44; Travers, Pamela (1) 17.01.[4-?]; and Vidler, Alec (1) 28.12.45. 11/21

From Watson, A.K. (1) 17.02.41; Wilton, Eric (2) 1940-45;

Wilton, Rosalinde (3) [194-?]; and Woods, Edward (3) 1943-44. 11/22

From Widdrington, P.E.T. (25) 1940-45. 11/23

And from unidentified writers: M[ ], R. Mansell (1) 13.02.41; and P[ ], John (1) 14.12.40. 11/24

[Additional letters] From Church Union (1) 26.07.44; Town & Country Planning Association (2) 1945; and from an unidentified correspondent [ ],C. (1) 13.07.41 28/5

c. 1946-1952

From Atkins, H.B. (3) 1946-50; Balmforth, H. (1) 18.03.49; Barlow, Sir Montague (3) [194-?]; Bennett, H.A.T. (1) 21.02.52; De Berry, O.K. (1) 03.11.49; Binyon, G.C. (1) 25.01.49; Booth-Clibborn, Stanley (1) 28.04.51; British Council of Churches, Committee on Gambling (3) 1950, enclosing memorandum on gambling; and Burstall, Beatrice (1) 09.01.52. 12/1

From Carlile, Edward (1) 08.02.48; Casserley, J.V.L. (2) 1951; Chance, Olive C. (1) 13.02.47; Church Union, Chelmsford Diocesan Committee (1) 02.05.50; Cole, G.D.H. (1) 04.08.52; Cole, Margaret (1) 09.02.52; Collins, Dorothy (3) 1950-52, with D. Collins to Time and Tide (1) 27.03.52; Crombie, Ian (1) 05.09.49; and Curtis, Richard J.S. (2) 1951. 12/2

From Dale, Betty (1) 15.11.[5-?]; Davey, F.M. (1) 24.03.49; Davey, Noel (1) 12.01.51; Demant, V.A. (5) 1947-51, with text of broadcast 18.12.51 by V.A. Demant, A working faith, ts. ff.9; Derrick, Paul (1) 06.03.47; Derrick, Thomas (1) 01.10.47; and Dockhorn, Klaus (2) 1948. 12/3

From Eaton, Wallas (1) 22.02.47; Ehrenstrom, Nils (2) 1949-50; Elliott, Mary F. (1) 08.06.46; Every, George (8) 1947-50; and Elvey, G.F.H. (2) 1952. 12/4

From Faber and Faber Ltd (1) 18.02.46; Gilbert, Gabriel (1) 08.03.47; Gill, J.C. (1) 24.10.50; Graeme, Marjory (10) 1947-49; Graham, Aelred (6) 1949-50; Hayward, Harry (1) 19.05.48; Helft, Gruter (1) 21.10.47; Hicks, Noel O. (2) 1950; Hougham [?], E.R. (1) [?].06.46; Howarth, Harold W. (2) 1949; and Hudson, Cyril E. (1) 14.03.51, enclosing C.E. Hudson to L. Watson (1) 14.03.51. 12/5

From Jarratt, Thomas (1) 01.05.46; Jarrett-Kerr, Martin (1) 26.09.51; Joy [?], Nancy (1) 10.02.51; Keable, Gladys (1) 15.12.[4-?]; [Keating], Mujie (1) 31.10.[5-?]; Keating, Pip (1) 13.01.51; Leslie, Evelyn See McFall, Evelyn; Liberty, S. (1) 22.06.52; Lloyd, J. Henry (4) 1950; Lloyd, Roger (3) 1947-50; and London League for Workers' Control (1) 24.11.49. 12/6

From McFall, Evelyn (2) 1952; and MacKerras, Alastair (1) 30.04.51. 12/7

From Mackinnon, D.M. (13) 1950-52. 12/8

From [McLaughlin], Olive (2) 1952; and McLaughlin, Patrick (19) 1946-52. 12/9

From Mairet, Philip (10) 1946-52. 12/10

From Maryon-Wilson, Percy (1) 10.12.51; Massingham, H.J. (1) 13.03.50; Masterman, Neville (12) 1950-52; Moorhouse, Clifford P. (1) 19.01.48; Morton, T? Ralph (1) 01.02.51; Muir, D.A.G. (1) 14.01.48; Munby, Denys (2) 1949-50; and Murray, Stormont (3) 1945-52. 12/11

From Norton, John (2) 1950-52; Oldham, J.H. (2) 1946-48; Ounsted, Vera (1) 24.06.46; and Parsons, Edward (1) 05.02.51. 12/12

From Peck, David (12) 1946-52. 12/13

From Peck, W.G. (51) 1946-52. 12/14-15

From Penty, Violet (1) 01.01.49; Petitpierre, Max (1) 30.05.46; [Rands], Betty (4) 1946-48; [Rands], E. (1) 16.05.46; [Rands], R.S.J. (6) 1946-52; Reckitt and Sons Ltd (1) 16.06.52; Riches, Kenneth (1) 24.08.51; Roberts, Peggie (1) 17.12.49; and Runacres, Herbert F. (1) [194-?]. 12/16

From Sagar, S. (39) 1946-52. 12/17

From Sayers, Dorothy L. (1) 21.09.48; Scott, J.W. (2) 1949; Scudder, Vida D. (1) 28.08.49; and Shackleton, Brenda (1) 18.11.52. 12/18

From Slesser, Sir Henry (23) [1946?]-52. With draft article on Lambeth Conference 194-?, ts. ff.3. 12/19

From Smith, Theodore (1) 16.10.52; Smyth, Charles (4) 1946-47; Stacy, Paul (3) 1947-51; Stoll[?], Geoffrey J.R. (1) 23.04.52; Swann, Ethel M. (2) 1948; and Symons, W.T. (6) 1948-52. 12/20

From Talbot, E.K. (1) 23.02.48; Travers, Pamela (2) 1949; Treadwell, Margaret F. (1) [195-?]; Trower, Ursula (1) 18.05.51; Turner, Beatrice (1) [195-?]; "The Twentieth Century" (2) 1952; Urwin, E.C. (1) 25.10.51; Watkin, E. (1) 14.06.46; and Welton, Violet (1) 02.02.48. 12/21

From Widdrington, P.E.T. (35) 1946-52. 12/22

From [Wilton?], Daphne (6) 1949-50; Wilton, Eric (6) 1946-51; Wilton, Rosalinde (8) 1947-50; Woodham Community Association (1) 26.02.49; and Woodifield, Robert (1) 28.11.[47?]. 12/23

And from unidentified writers: [ ], Bun (2) 1948-49; [ ], John (2) 1950-52; [ ], Julian (1) 05.12.48; [ ], Molly (8) [1949?]; and [ ], Rowland (1) 14.07.47. 12/24

[Additional letters] From Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd (1) 08.01.51; Christendom Association, Brockley branch (1) 19.01.50; Duval?, Lindsay (3) 1947; Markwick, I.C.M. (1) 29.10.52; and Moor Park College (1) 02.11.50. 28/6

d. 1953-1959

From Abson, Melvin (1) 09.07.59; Andrews, Francis (1) 30.04.53; Armstrong, M.[?] (1) 11.01.55; Atkins, H.B.(2) 1953-55; Atkinson, James (1) 28.12.54; Atkinson, V. (1) 05.01.55; Barker, Sir Ernest (4) 1953-57; B.B.C. Head of Religious Broadcasting, North Region See Hamilton, G.P.R.; Beckerlegge, J.E. (1) 20.04.56; Bethell, Leslie (1) 21.07.55; Brackenbury, Basil (1) [1953?]; Brown, C.K.F. (1) 01.04.54; Brown, Ivor (1) 17.11.55; Browning, C.R. (1) 28.04.56; and Burfest[?], Raymond (2) 1955. 13/1

From Canterbury Croquet Association (1) 16.03.58; Central Advisory Council on Training for the Ministry (1) 01.04.57; Central Council of Physical Recreation (1) 06.04.55; Charles, Helen (1) 04.02.59; Christian, Christopher (1) 23.11.53; Church Assembly Board for Social Responsibility See Weddell, Eberhard; Church Quarterly Review (1) 13.04.53; [Cole], Margaret (1) [1959?]; and Curtis, R.J.S. (2) 1953-55. 13/2

From Davey, Noel (2) 1959; "The Defendant" See Mackey, Aiden; De Hague, Dorothy (1) [1955?]; Demant, V.A. (7) 1954-59, with V.A. Demant to E.K.C. Hamilton (1) 29.09.58; De Mare, Eric (1) 07.12.55; Derrick, Paul (5) 1953-56; and De Vere, Violet (1) 01.12.55; "The Distributist" See Mackey, Aidan. 13/3

From Eliot, T.S. (1) 10.10.56; Elvey, G.F.H. (1) 25.05.54; Fellowship Club, Walton-on-Thames (1) 04.12.58; Fleming, W.L.S. (1) 17.07.59; Fletcher, F. (1) 27[?].08.57; Fletcher, Jane (1) [1957]; Fletcher, Joseph F. (1) 24[?].08.57; Gill, J.C. (7) 1956-59; Gordon, Eric (1) 12.05.54; and [Graeme], Marjory 15.05.[5-]. 13/4

From Hamilton, G.P.R. (2) 1958, enclosing B.B.C. programme outline, The ethics and justice of strike action, ts. ff.7; [Heron], Tom (1) 22.09.55; and Hicks, Noel O. (12) 1954-59. 13/5

From Highley, Hope (1) 29.10.56; Hill, Zita (4) 1958-59; Hinds, Edmond (1) 10.11.59; Honniball, V.F. (1) 26.04.56; Hudson, Cyril E. (4) 1958-59; Hunt, John (1) [195-?]; Hutchinson, Gertrude (1) 09.11.55; Jarrett-Kerr, Martin (4) 1955-57; Lintern, D.A. (1) 19.02.58; and Lobb, P.R. (1) 03.09.57. 13/6

From Mackey, Aidan (2) 1954-56; and Mackinnon, D.M. (4) 1953-56. 13/7

From [McLaughlin], Diarmid (1) [195-?]; and McLaughlin, Patrick (19) 1954-58. 13/8

From Mairet, Philip (14) 1955-59. With L. Mumford to P. Mairet (1) 06.05.58. 13/9

From Mallalieu, J.P.W. (2) 1953; Martin, Christopher (4) [195-?]; Maryon-Wilson, Percy (1) 30.11.54; Masterman, Neville (1) 03.04.53; Matthews, Felix H. (1) 29.04.59; Moberly, Sir Walter (1) 21.05.54, enclosing prospectus of St Catharine's, Cumberland Lodge; Moeller, V. (5) 1953-57; Moore, Patricia (1) 31.05.56; Nicholls, David G. (1) 14.01.56; and Paton, Grace M. (1) 18.11.59. 13/10

From Peck, David (10) 1954-59. 13/11

From Peck, W.G. (13) 1953-59. 13/12

From Perry, Mike (1) 15.09.59; Philipps, G. (1) 20.11.53; Pitt, Valerie (3) 1955; Purkis, Stewart (3) 1955-59; [Rands], R.S.J. (4) 1954-58; Reader, F.H. (1) 28.07.56; Reckitt, Charles E.H. (3) 1956; and Rudd, Julian (1) 18.01.55. 13/13

From Sagar, S. (41) 1953-59. With, Literature and politics in the 20th century - the catholic writers, ts. pp.4. 13/14-15

From St Pancras Housing Society Ltd (1) 31.12.59; St Paul's Lecture Society (1) 12.12.56; Sheed & Ward Ltd (3) 1953; and Slesser, Sir Henry (18) 1953-58. 13/16

From Speaight, Robert (1) 20.04.54; Stacy, Paul (6) 1956-59; Stewart-Smith, David C. (4) 1956-59; Student Christian Movement (2) 1953; Student Christian Movement, L.S.E. (1) 28.01.56; and Symons, W.T.(8) 1953-59, with W.T. Symons to [?] Gracie (1) 21.01.53 and W.T. Symons to T. [Heron?] (2) 1955. 13/17

From Thomas, Harold G. (2); Thompson, Max (4) 1954; Tucker, R.G. (1) 11.08.53; University of London Church of England Chaplaincy (1) [195-?]; University of Oxford Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies (1) 04.08.53; Utley, T.E. (1) 23.04.56; Vedrenne, J. (1) 10.08.56; Weatherley, Barbara (1) 09.03.59; Weddell, Eberhard (1) 02.11.59; and [Welton], Violet (9) 1955-57. 13/18

From Widdrington, P.E.T. (10) 1954-57. 13/19

From Wilson, W.G. de L. (1) 20.04.56; [Wilton], Daphne (4) 1954-59; Wilton, Eric (1) 26.12.55; Wilton, Rosalinde (3) [1954?]; Woodifield, Robert (5) 1955-59, with R. Woodifield to Church Times (1) 29.08.55 and R. Woodifield to M. Stockwood (1) 05.08.59; and Wren-Lewis, John (3) 1955. 13/20

And from unidentified writers: [ ], Ernest (1) 08.04.53; [ ], Grizelle (1) [195-]; [ ], John (2) 1955; [ ], Julian (2) 1955-57; [ ], Molly (1) 21.01.[53?]; and [ ], Muriel (1) 17.05.53. 13/21

[Additional letters] From Atkinson, J. (1) 14.04.55; Chadwick, Owen (1) 20.12.54; Church times (1) 04.03.59; Dalby, J. (1) 10.06.54; Davey, Noel (3) 1953-55; Elvey, G.F.H. (1) 15.10.54; Demant, V.A. (1) 18.10.54; Jeffrey, Marjorie (1) 03.11.55; Latimer House Ltd (1) 05.01.54; Mallalieu, J.P.W. (1) 03.06.53; Time & tide (1) 15.12.55; University of Nottingham Student Christian Movement (1) 06.06.55; World Council of Churches (1) 26.04.55; the prior of Nashdom abbey (1) 25.10.55; and from an unidentified correspondent [ ], M. (1) 30.09.54. 28/7

e. 1960-1978

From Allchin, Donald (1) 08.02.63; Barlows (1) 15.02.78; Blyth, O.L. (1) 02.11.62; Buxton, H.J. (2) 1960-61; Carpenter, Niles P. (2) 1960-65; Carry, John (1) 22.01.73; Cicely Northcote Trust (1) 21.08.78; Church Quarterly Review (2) 1965, etc.; Cole, Margaret (1) 28.09.76; Cooper, Henry (2) 1965; and Curtis, D.W. (1) 21.03.63. 14/1

From Davey, Noel (2) 1960-[66], with paper on S.D. Headlam by J.M. Price, ts. ff.9; Davies, D.S. (1) 21.05.68; Davies, H.L. (1) 08.05.62; [De Hague?], Dorothy (1) [25?].12.77; Demant, V.A. (3) 1961-[78]; Ellis, V. Spencer (4) [1960?]-76; Evans, S.H. (1) 10.12.63; and [Gill], J.C. (1) 04.11.63. 14/2

From Hargreaves, Allan (1) 13.08.70; Harland, L.W. (2) 1960; [Heron], Tom (5) 1961-77; [Hill], Zita (1) [1977]; Howell-Thomas, Dorothy (1) 01.04.78; Huddleston, Trevor (1) 02.08.62; Hunt, E.M. (1) 09.12.77; [Keating], Mujie (2) [197-?]; and Larke, Helen M. (3) 1960-61, with reminiscences of P.E.T. Widdrington, ts. ff.2. 14/3

From Mackinnon, D.M. (1) 17.10.60; [McLaughlin], Diarmid (3) 1962-64; and Mairet, Philip (6) 1963-72, with P. Mairet to T. [Heron] (1) 15.08.64 and Comments ms. ff.2. 14/4

From Martin, Christopher (3) 1968-78; [Martin], Pamela (1) 05.01.73; Matthews, Frank D. (8) 1964-66; Mayhew, Peter (1) 14.08.77; and Minney, Robin (2) 1972-76. 14/5

From O'Connor, David (1) 08.05.77; Paul, Leslie (1) 29.05.68; Peck, David (2) 1969-76; Peck, W.G. (1), 08.11.61; Perret, John (1) 29.05.68; Purkis, Stewart (1) 13.05.60; [Rands], E. (1) 17.05.68; [Rands], R.S.J. (4) 1968-76; Read, Nancy (1) 05.01.73; Rees, Herbert (1) 10.12.74; and Ross, Miceal (1) 11.06.74. 14/6

From [Sanders], Helena (1) 14.01.78; [Saunders?], Harry (1) 15.12.72; Scarfe, Janet (1) 06.04.72; Seaver, George (3) 1964; Slesser, Sir Henry (1) 04.10.61; Smith, H.P. (1) 06.12.66; Solomon, J.W. (1) 24.01.63; and Steer, Francis W. (1) 01.01.62. 14/7

From Tarasoff, Donald (1) 02.08.[7-?]; Towler, Robert (3) 1976; Townsend, Daphne (1) 07.08.64; Van Vuuren, Nancy (5) 1969; Wand, William (1) 29.11.62; Weatherley, Barbara (2) 1960-61; Welton, Violet (2) 1973; [Wilton], Daphne (1) 20.12.77; Wyke, Peter R. (1) 17.01.61; and Yeo, Stephen (4) 1971-73, with S. Yeo to R. Minney (2) 1972-73. 14/8

And from unidentified writers: [ ] (1) 26.08.60; [ ], Anne (1) 03.11.75; [ ], Bobby (1) 02.11.76; [ ], Bryan (2) 1963-68; [ ], Cynthia (1) 21.12.77; [ ], Jack (1) 15.02.63, with note by MBR; [ ], Joan (4) 1977; [ ], John (2) 1978, etc.; [ ], Peter (1) 25.05.64; [ ], Sookey (1) 20.12.77; K[ ] M. (1) 12.09.60. 14/9

[Additional letters] From Churches' Council on Gambling (1) 27.03.61; Friends of William Temple College (1) 11.04.61; Hurst Court (1) [-].03.61; Moeller, V. (2) 1961; S.P.C.K. (1) 19.05.61; and Trollope & Winckworth (1) 01.11.60. 28/8

f. [Further additional letters]

From McLaughlin, Patrick (15) 1937-69. With Patrick McLaughlin to : I. Caputo (1) 02.02.69; L. Goonewardena (1) 16.01.69; Q.J. Gwyn (1) 17.03.69; and C.O. Prickett (1) 28.02.69; with 3 related press-cuttings. 28/9

From Widdrington, P.E.T. (5) 1937-50, etc. 28/10

2. Letters, etc. from M.B. Reckitt

To Barker,[Ernest] (1) 11.03.15; Editor, Church Times (2) 1946; Editor, Colosseum (1) 01.04.38; [Davey], Noel (1) [?].05.59, with list of contents and introduction to MBR's proposed life of P.E.T. Widdrington, ms. ff.9; Editor Frontier (1) 13.04.51, with note on gambling, ts. ff.3; Gough, H.P. (1) 09.07.17; Hill, Zita (2) 1935-44; Hobson, S.G. (1) 30.12.38; Jones, B. (1) [?].10.09, ts. ff.10 (on socialism); Labour Research Department (1) 05.01.43; Lay electors in the diocese of Guildford (1) 1953; Editor, New Age (1) [1926?]; Niebuhr, R. (1) 12.12.36; [Noel], Conrad (1) 30.01.37 ; and Scott, N.W. (1) 03.08.39. 15/1

[Additional letters]. To Every, George (1) 04.01.40; and Moeller, V. (1 incomplete) 19.05.53. 28/11

[Additional letters] To McLaughlin, Patrick (170) 1933-69:
1933-35 (4). 28/12
1936 (14). 28/13
1937 (14). 28/14
1938-39 (15). 28/15
1940 (23). 28/16
1941-43 (13). No letters from 1942 or 1944. 28/17
1945-47 (30). 28/18
1948-49 (27). 28/19
1950-59 (13). 28/20
1960-69 (14). Includes photograph of portrait of MBR. 28/21
Undated letters (3) and fragments, ff.2. 28/22
To Widdrington, P.E.T. (346) 1915-54: 1915-29 (26). File includes outline of projected books, This world for God (ts. ff.3) and Essays in English catholicism (ts. ff.2), with notes, 1924. 15/2
1931 (8). 15/3
1932 (27). Two letters are incomplete. 15/4
1933 (16). 15/5
1934 (12). 15/6
1935 (19). 15/7
1936-39 (10). 15/8
1940 (34). 15/9-10
1941 (14). 15/11
1942-43 (20). 15/12
1944 (23). 15/13
1945 (19). With MBR to Helen Widdrington (2) 1945. 15/14
1946 (24). 15/15
1947 (16). 15/16
1948 (23). 15/17
1949-50 (35). 15/18
1951-54 (20). 15/19

And to unidentified addressees: [ ], (1) [n.d.]; and Editor [ ], (1) 01.03.76, draft. 15/20

3. Letters, etc. between Other Correspondents

Bentley, G.B. to Theology (1) 04.11.48; Carpenter, Niles P. to F.L. Allen (1) 21.09.45; Cousens, Hilderic to N. Egerton Swann (1) [192-?]; Demant, V.A. to Sir Henry Slesser (1) 12.09.48; Demant, V.A. to P.E.T. Widdrington (1) 09.01.40; Eliot, T.S. to W.T. Symons (1) 01.10.58; [Ellis], V. Spencer to P.E.T. Widdrington (1) 15.07.40; Gill, [J].C. to [ ] (1) 11.10.52; Hadkins, V.R. to Peter Mayhew (1) 08.03.75; Kenyon, Ruth to P.E.T. Widdrington (7) 1939-41; Sagar, S. to [J.C.?] Gill (1) [1945?]; Symons, W.T. to T.S. Eliot (1) 24.09.58; Tawney, R.H. to P.E.T Widdrington (1) 17.08.[4-?]; Widdrington, P.E.T. to Ruth Kenyon (1) 19.08.[4-?]; and Widdrington, P.E.T. to R.H. Tawney (1) 19.08.[4-?]. 15/21

And from unidentified writers: [ ] to [V.S. Ellis] (1) 04.08.37; [ ]I to J.H. Oldham (1) 28.09.36; [ ] to [?] Urwin (1) 14.03.51; and [ ] to P.E.T. Widdrington (1) 20.09.48, fragment. 15/22

[Additional letters] Shaw, Gilbert to P. McLaughlin (10) 1934-50. With G. Shaw to B. Jellicoe (1) 07.08.34; [G. Shaw?] to bishop of London (1) 12.10.42, enclosing draft, St Anne's House, Soho, ts. ff.5; [P. McLaughlin?] to bishop of London (2) [1938]-44; [P. McLaughlin?] to M. Petitpierre (1) [12.01.38?]; [P. McLaughlin?] to G. Shaw (1) 18.09.37; and W. Hannah to P. McLaughlin (1) 28.08.44. 28/23

[Additional letters] Widdrington, P.E.T. to P. McLaughlin (4) 1947, etc. 28/24


1. 1910-1919 (with some related later papers)

Building Guilds, c.1919-23. 3 files ms., ts. and pr. papers.
Leaflets, pamphlets. 11 documents. Include: Memorandum on industrial self-governments, by M. Sparkes, pp.28; Building guild, its principles, objects and structure, pp.24; Building guild in London, pp.29; Organised public service in the building industry, pp.12; and prospectuses. 16/1
Memoranda. 6 documents. Include memoranda on organisation and finance of the Building guild, with Memorandum on ... the National Building Guild, by MBR, ms. ff.2, ts. ff.2. 16/2
Periodicals, press-cuttings. 25 documents. Include Building guildsman v.1 no.1-4 1921-22, building issues of the Guildsman no.39 and 42 1920, and 19 press-cuttings. 16/3

Church Socialist League, 1909-19. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains: annual conference agendas; manifestos for general and municipal elections; accounts 1913-14; list of members, 1909; prospectuses; memorandum on Sunday Protection Act; pamphlets - The message of the CSL for the National Mission (drafted by MBR), 1916; Christianity and socialism, a syllabus, 1916; Christianity and industrial problems, 1919; The trials and troubles of a socialist vicar; The heavenly vision and the earthly work; A litany, 1918; Intersession leaflets, 1915-21. File includes Extracts from a letter from J.T. Murphy to Tom Mann, 1918, ts. ff.6 (on shop steward movement); etc. 16/4

Fabian Research Department, 1917-18. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Includes annual reports, draft revision of rules and amendments to the constitution. 16/5

Life and Liberty Movement, c.1916-18. 1 file pr. papers. 9 pamphlets and leaflets: The National Mission message to the Church Socialist League, pp.16; Life and liberty, by William Temple, pp.12; policy statements, subscription requests, prayers, etc. 16/6

National Guilds League, 1915-19. 3 files ts., pr. and ms. papers.
Memoranda, discussion papers, etc. Contains: Guild socialism, ff.11 (draft manifesto by MBR and others); report on 1917 annual meeting, ff.77 (with contributions by MBR); syllabuses for discussion groups on trade unionism, education, guild problems; Memorandum, by A.R. Orage and W. Mellor, 1917, ff.6; syllabuses for N.G.L. local groups; and Some notes on the origin and early days of the N.G.L., by MBR, 1919, ff.6. 16/7
Pamphlets and leaflets. 19 documents. Include: N.G.L. Pamphlets 1-4; Leaflets 2-5; National guilds or Whitley councils, pp.20; syllabuses, membership applications, etc. 16/8
Letter. N.G.L. to Lord Robert Cecil 1 letter [1919], ts. ff.4. With draft by MBR, ms. ff.4, and press-cutting. On industrial organisation. 16/9

Oxford University Fabian Society, 1912-15. 1 file pr. papers. Contains membership cards and Syllabus of socialist educational classes 1914-15, pp.24. 16/10

Oxford University Socialist Society, 1915-21. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains membership cards, rules, draft provisional constitution. Includes three Bulletins of the University Socialist Federation and Report ... on reorganisation after the war, 1916, ts. ff.5, etc. Bulletin of 1921 includes The case against communism, by MBR. 16/11

Trade Union Survey, 1917-18. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains 9 documents issued by the Fabian Research Department on T.U. survey, and Syllabus of 9 lectures on The history and problems of trade unionism, by MBR, 1918, ts. ff.8. 16/12

[War: conscription and pacifism], 1915-20. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 6 pamphlets, etc.: Rex v. Bertrand Russell, 1916, pp.23; Some reflections of a soldier., 1916, pp.8; Absolutists' objection to conscription, pp.30; Trade unionism in war-time, by G.D.H. Cole and W. Mellor, pp.14; Shall we go on? by A.R. Orage, 1918, pp.20; and The tribunal, 08.01.20. 16/13

2. 1920-1929 (with some related later papers)

The Auxiliary Movement, 1923-32. 1 file pr. papers. 10 pamphlets and leaflets. Includes statements of aims, circulars to members, study outlines, leaflets on India, and housing, and The book of Fellowship: report of conference. With Auxiliary Movement to MBR 1 letter 26.03.30. 17/1

Catholic Social Guild, c.1927-28. 1 file pr. papers. 9 pamphlets, leaflets, prospectuses, circulars, etc. 17/2

The Chandos Group, 1928-33. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains: memoranda presented to the group - Application of new economic principles to the financial system of Yugoslavia, by C.M. Hattersley, [1928], pp.16, and The philosophy of social credit, by H. Cousins, 1931, pp.16; and Report of conference, 1923, pp.29; etc. 17/3

Church Socialist League, 1920-23. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 26 leaflets, etc.: annual conference agendas and papers, 1920-23; aims and objects of C.S.L.; manifestos, notices of meetings on unemployment and industrial morality, 1921; Social credit and christian values, by MBR, Paul Stacy and N.E. Egerton Swann, 1923; statement on lock-out in mining industry, 1920; C.S.L. Papers nos.4 and 5; leaflets by P.B. Bull on Christ or anti-Christ, by J. Adderley on Answers to Christian fears about socialism, Socialism and the seven sacraments, Bible texts quoted against socialism, Why are you a Christian?, and by Paul Stacy on A rhythm to the Holy Ghost, etc. 17/4

[The Church's social purpose, c.1923-34]. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 17 pamphlets and leaflets on Christianity and social issues by Christian Social Crusade, Friends' Industrial and Social Order Council, COPEC Research Group, The Servants of the Church, League of Faith and Labour, Liberal Catholic Union, Crusader League, The Brotherhood of the Way, Student Christian Movement, Christian Socialist Movement, etc. Includes a syllabus of lectures by Bishop Gore, and The Christian conduct of industry, by B.S. Rowntree, 1930, pp.8. 17/5

COPEC Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship, 1923-28. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 7 pamphlets, etc. Includes COPEC, by S.E. Keeble, pp.19. With COPEC to MBR 1 letter 06.07.26. 17/6

COPEC League of Youth, 1927. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 8 leaflets and pamphlets: Aids to study, Bulletins, etc. With COPEC to MBR 1 letter 18.01.[27?]. 17/7

Fellowship of Reconciliation, [c.1921-29]. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 6 pamphlets, etc. on the labour movement, the christian use of property, a "Christian international", and refugee children. 17/8

Finance Enquiry Petition Committee, 1926. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 7 leaflets: open letters, petition, etc. On the economy, the coal strike, and the government's financial policy. MBR was Joint Hon. Secretary. 17/9

Guild Housing Ltd, [1922-26]. 4 files ts. and pr. papers.
Correspondence with stockholders. Guild Housing Ltd to MBR 13 letters 1922-24. With enclosures on aims, policy, progress, etc. 17/10
Financial and legal papers. 7 documents 1924-26 relating to liquidation of G.H. Ltd in the High Court of Justice. 17/11
Printed papers. 8 leaflets, brochures, etc. Includes Rules of G.H. Ltd and prospectuses of projects. 17/12
Bibliographies. Ts. ff.4. 17/13

[The Guild Movement, c.1921-25]. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 7 leaflets and pamphlets: statements and manifestoes by the Furniture and Furnishing Guild, Guild of Clothiers, Guild of Engineers, a little proposed Co-operative Colony, The Company of English Merchants; statement and report of conference of the Coventry Engineering Guild committee; advertisement for The journeyman; and A call to trade unionists by Workers' Control League. With W.C.L. to MBR 1 letter 11.09.25. 17/14

Labour Research Department, 1918-24. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 7 leaflets, pamphlets: Report by the Executive Committee on the future of the L.R.D., pp.4; Labour's need for research, by J.H. Thomas and R.P. Arnot, pp.7; The milk trust and the community, by R.W. Postgate and A.L. Bacharach, pp.8; Labour and capital in parliament, pp.12; British labour movement, a syllabus, by G.D.H. Cole, pp.30; etc. Includes article Guild socialism and the Labour Research Department, pp.6. 18/1

League of the Kingdom of God, 1923-29. 1 file pr. papers. Contains leaflets, brochures, etc. Includes: Notes on matters to be considered at the retreat conference ... 1923, pp.31; List of members, 1926; Leaflet no.l; and, A simple syllabus on social righteousness, [n.d.], pp.12. 18/2

National Guilds League, 1920-23. 3 files ms., ts. and pr. papers.
Conference papers, etc. Include: agendas and reports, statement of finances, circular letter; advertisements of public lectures; press-cuttings. 18/3
Memoranda. Include: Resolutions submitted to the Executive by MBR, ms., ts. ff.4; Credit inquiry, interim report, ts. ff.10; Douglas credit scheme, final reports, pr. pp.4; Memorandum ... by G.D.H. Cole., ts. ff.6; Outline of a scheme for providing for the unemployed ... by G.D.H. Cole, ts. pp.3. 18/4
Pamphlets. Include pamphlets on League policy (draft), Trade Union Guild Council and the furtherance of industrial control, Unemployment and industrial maintenance, Education and the guild idea, Guilds and the salary earner, Towards a postal guild, Guild socialism - a syllabus, Agriculture and the guild system, and apprenticeship in modern industry; with some proofs. 18/5

["New Standards"], 1924. 1 file ts. papers. Contains two unidentified papers relating to the "New Standards" account; cash statement for Sept. 1924, and related letter of J.P. Bedford? 04.10.24. 18/6

New Town Trust Limited, 1921-26. 2 files pr. and ts. papers.
Correspondence. New Town Trust Ltd to MBR 6 letters 1921-25. 18/7
Printed papers. Include annual reports and balance sheets, advertisements of meetings, prospectuses, brochures, applications, etc. With list of documents by MBR. 18/8

Parliamentary Election 1922: Saffron Waldon Division. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 5 leaflets, etc.; manifestoes of Labour Party. One is initialled P.E.T.W. 18/9

Social Council of the Churches, 1928-38. 1 file ts. papers. Contains papers of the Joint Sub-Committee of COPEC and the Stockholm Continuation Committee, the Research Subjects and Arrangements Sub-Committee, and the Social Council of Churches Research Section relating to the proposal to found an Institute of Practical Christian Sociology: agendas, minutes, draft plans, etc. File includes memoranda - C.S.C. Research Committee, its work and its future, by MBR ts. ff.3, and A Council on the Christian Faith and the Common Life ts. ff.17; and correspondence - V.A. Demant to W.T. Symons 1 letter 05.01.28; M. Spencer to ? Bartlet 1 letter 20.06.28; and MBR to M. Spencer 1 letter 16.11.36, to V.A. Demant 1 letter 16.11.36, and to J.H. Oldham 1 letter 15.03.38. 18/10

Social Credit Movement, 1921-25. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains: papers relating to 1925 annual conference (report, from members privately and in New Age); statement of accounts for 1925; leaflet of questions and notice of public lectures; articles on The Douglas scheme by N.E. Egerton Swann and The Douglas-New Age heresy by A.J. Penty; cuttings mainly on social credit in relation to unemployment, coal, the economy in general, 1921-22; syllabus for study, and open letter from the Sheffield Group, 1925; etc. File includes S.G. Hobson to W.A. Young 1 letter 17.10.21. 18/11

Summer School of Sociology, 1924-28. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains: agendas, minutes, and reports of committee and associated meetings of the Anglo-Catholic Summer School of Sociology. File includes: Anglo-Catholic Summer School of Sociology 1925, introductory papers, pp.40; and Catholicism and property, an introductory statement, 1927, pp.10. 18/12

[Additional papers, 1926-34]. 1 file pr. papers. Contains preliminary notices, programmes, syllabuses, time-tables, etc. of 2nd-10th meetings of the Anglo-Catholic summer school. 27/12

3. 1930-1976

Ad Hoc Committee on the Triple Revolution, [1964]. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains: The Triple Revolution, open letter to President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964, pp.15; and, Comments on "The Triple Revolution", 1964, ts. ff.22. 19/1

Anglican Wartime Group, 1939-40. 3 files ts. papers. Contain agendas, minutes, and related papers. Include reports on Evacuation and the christian family, Qualified non-co-operation, Religion in the forces, Federal Union, Assessment of wartime literature, education, Reprisals, and The ethics of reprisals, by MBR, ff.9. Several papers are annotated by MBR.
1939 19/2
1940 19/3-4. File 3 includes P.T.R. Kirk to MBR 1 letter 19.04.40.

Chandos Group, c.1955. 1 file ts. papers. Contains notes of meetings and memoranda: Food and material resources, by P. Mairet, ff.4; Is there a christian sociology?, by T.M. Heron, ff.4; and, There is a christian sociology, by P. Mairet, pp.4. 19/5

The Chesterton Society, 1975-76. 1 file, ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contains: correspondence - Louis Schroeder (treasurer) to MBR 3 letters 1975, and Ian Boyd (editor of Review) to MBR 6 letters 1975-76; Occasional newsletters, prospectuses, index to Review (vols.1-2). 19/6

Christendom Association, [c.1950]-57. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains leaflets setting out aims and objects and appealing for support; pamphlet, After thirty years, by W.G. Peck, 1954, pp.18; circular letter to members concerning proposal to amalgamate with I.C.F., 1957; and Draft of course of lectures on policy, ts. ff.5. 19/7

Christendom Group, 1941-47. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains: P.E.T. Widdrington to MBR 1 letter 15.04.41, with agenda for conference; draft conference programme with attendance list and circular letter concerning MBR's Prospect for christendom, 1946; Outline and main headings for manifesto, 1947, ff.3; Crisis and reality, a christian judgement offered to church and people, 1947, pp.8. File includes issue of Crucible (Oct. 1963) with article by MBR, The Christendom Group, pp.115-20. 19/8

Christendom Trust, 1971-76. 1 file ts., pr. and ms. papers. Contains: offprint from Theology on An interpretation of the Aims of The Christendom Trust, by V.A. Demant, 1971; 4 letters between R. Minney, S. Yeo, C. Martin, and MBR 1972-73, on future policy; papers circulated by the secretary for a trustees' meeting, comprising A letter to the trustees, by V.A. Demant, and notes on The hope of christendom authentic?; Christian hope and the para-political, with R. Minney to MBR 1 letter 22.03.73; M. Jarrett-Kerr to R. Minney 1 letter 28.02.73; auditor's report 1973; agenda for trustees' meeting, June 1974. File also contains comments by R. Towler (chairman) on the M. Reckitt Research Fellowship, 1975; brief report on conference at the 探花精选, 1976; draft and printed copy of A short summary of the development of the C.T. and the essence of its purpose, by MBR, 1976; 2 applications for research grants, 1974; report by D. Howell-Thomas on preparation of a gazetteer commissioned by the trustees on current socio-theological studies, 1974; and, suggested basis for a research project on work done in Parracombe, 1974. 19/9

Christendom Trust. Consultation, 1973. 1 file ts., pr. and ms. papers. Contains papers relating to a conference at Dartmouth House 27-29.07.1973: agendas; preparatory memoranda - The development of the christendom group, by MBR, ts. ff.9; Towards a project, the dehumanisation of homo faber, by MBR, ts. ff.3, with notes, ms. ff.4; The problems that faced the group in 1945 and the situation today, by R. Minney, ts. ff.6; What has happened to the church? 1930-1970, by D.G. Peck, ts. ff.4; papers resulting from the consultation - The secretary's compendium of the issues raised, ts. ff.9; The appointment of a full-time research fellow, and advertisement for the proposed fellowship, with amendments by MBR, ts. ff.4; agendas and outlines of projects for further meetings, ts. ff.4. File includes: R. Minney to MBR 1 letter 21.06.73, V.A. Demant to MBR 1 letter 31.07.73, and Barclay Trust to MBR 1 letter 12.07.73. 19/10

[Additional papers] Christian Social Council, 1929-38. 1 file pr. papers. Contains annual reports 1929-33, 1935-38/39, The Christian Social Council : its history, constitution, aims and methods, 1929, pp.8, and explanatory leaflet, 1929, pp.4. 27/13

Church Union, [c.1946]-47. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains: Christian Realm leaflets nos. 1-3; Christian Realm papers nos. 1 and 3; "A Christian Realm" (3 issues, 1 with notes by MBR); leaflets on Satisfaction in work, data for a christian sociological inquiry, and questionnaire; draft questionnaire on young people's satisfaction in work, ts. ff.3; notices of an exhibition on The family of today and tomorrow, 1938, and of a branch meeting on Faith and society [n.d.] - speaker MBR; and C.U. membership form. 19/11

Church Union Housing Association, c.1935. 1 file ts. papers. Contains 5 memoranda on housing policy: The policy of the C.U. Housing Association; Memorandum on future policy of the Housing Association; What shall the C.U. Housing Association do next?; and 2 papers on housing in Stockton-on-Tees. 19/12

[Common ownership in industry], c.1962-65. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains nos. 5-8 of Demintry News Letter on common ownership, edited by Paul Derrick; pamphlets by Paul Derrick on Economic crisis and common ownership, The company and community, and A socialist incomes policy; The profit in worker-ownership, by Nigel Farrow; Two issues of The Christian Socialist with articles by Paul Derrick on christian socialism in relation to industry. Includes Paul Derrick to MBR 2 letters 1965, etc. 19/13

Distributist League, [1936]. 1 file ts. papers. Contains: Report of the Executive Committee to the 9th Annual General Meeting 16.05.1936, ts. ff.5. 20/1

Douglas Redidivus, 1959?. 1 file ts. papers. Contains: memorandum, Douglas Redidivus, by W.T. Symons, ts. ff.17; leaflet, A simple outline of Douglas social credit, by R.S.J. Rands, pp.4; and correspondence - W.T. Symons to R.S.J. Rands 6 letters 1959 (letter of 16.01.59 encloses comments on Douglas Redidivus), R.S.J. Rands to W.T. Symons 3 letters 1959, W.T. Symons to MBR 1 letter 20.01.59, and R.S.J. Rands to MBR 1 letter 03.02.59. 20/2

The Employee Partnership Institute, New Zealand, 1938. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains: H. Valder to MBR 1 letter 20.01.38; Towards economic partnership (pamphlets nos. 5, 6, 8 and 12); leaflets, Basic principles for a new order in industry, A new plan for industry from New Zealand, and Employee partnership in New Zealand. File includes pamphlet, Wanted!! a practical solution to Britain's industrial problem, by F. Harty and H. Valder, [1926], pp.32, and Specimen circular for shareholders of a company. 20/3

Industrial Christian Fellowship
Papers 1935-48. 3 files ts. and pr. papers. Files 1-2 include: study group outlines on unemployment, christianity and crisis, gambling, revolution, the church's concern with the social order, the coal industry, and international relations. Studies on Religion and social purpose, and The universalization of leisure are based on books by MBR. Religion and the social crisis (full and shortened versions) is issued by The Christian Social Council. File 3 includes minutes of I.C.F. council 29.06.48, reporting in full talks prepared by members on the purpose of work; a bibliography of christian sociology; two papers (on unemployment, and study questions on Christianity and industrial problems); a discussion pamphlet Towards the conversion of England; I.C.F. Broadsheet no.2; extract from I.C.F. Review 1938; and a study scheme in St Albans Diocese. 20/4-6
Correspondence 1942-60. 1 file ts. and ms. papers. Contains: [ ] to P.T.R. Kirk 1 letter 27.01.42; I.C.F. to MBR 2 letters 1956-57?; Mrs G. Sanders to MBR 5 letters 1959-60, etc.; Alice Charles to MBR 2 letters 1960; British Council of Churches to MBR 1 letter 30.01.59; and MBR to T.[M. Heron?] 1 letter 05.01.60. 20/7
Research Committee study of unemployment 1959-60. 1 file ts., ms. and pr. papers. Contains: agenda and minutes of a working-party, 03.01.59, with preparatory memoranda by MBR, T.M. Heron, C.T. Saunders, etc.; minutes of Research Committee, 13.02.59 and 03.03.59; minutes of Executive Committee-, 24.09.59, with report by MBR, ts. ff.6, drafts and notes; agenda for Research Committee, 30.11.59, with list of members of I.C.F. committees; and draft, Trust deed of I.C.F. with terms of reference. 20/8

League of the Kingdom of God, 1930-48. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains: circular letters; manifestoes, 1931 and 1939; agenda and report of conference on The rediscovery of catholicism, St Leonards, 1932, ts. ff.6, ff.4; occasional papers, 1933-44; list of preachers, 1934; and resolution to reincorporate L.K.G. in the Christendom Association, 1948. File includes P.E.T. Widdrington to MBR 1 letter 31.03.[32]. 21/1

League to Abolish Poverty, 1934-5. 1 vol. pr. papers. Contains cuttings from the national and provincial press reporting meetings of the L.A.P. 1934-35, with pieces on poverty, social credit, and Lloyd George's "new deal". 21/2

[Miscellaneous institutions]. 1 file pr. papers. Contains publicity material collected by MBR on the Friends of Chichester Theological College, William Temple College, etc. 21/3

[Additional papers] [Miscellaneous institutions]. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains 3 bulletins (nos. 33, 34, 103) from the press department of the International Federation of Trade Unions, and 2 papers from the Venice in Peril Fund. 27/18

Summer School of Sociology, 1933-67. 2 files ts., ms. and pr. papers. Contain papers of the Anglo-Catholic Summer School of Sociology Church Union School of Sociology).

  1. Minutes. Minutes of committee meetings, 1933-38, 1942, 1956-65. 21/4
  2. Papers. Brochure, 1954; papers presented in 1955 - Faith and society by A.M. Ramsey pr. pp.8, Faith and society by MBR? ts. ff.17, The act of faith and social responsibility by G. Phillips ts. and ms. ff.21, and sermon by A. Farrer ms. ff.6; report of 1959, Work and its reward pr. pp.12; note on Subjects and principal speakers 1945-57; M. Jarrett-Kerr to MBR 1 letter ?.02.67; and notes by MBR. 21/5

[Additional papers, 1935-70]. 4 files pr. papers. Contain preliminary notices, programmes, syllabuses, time-tables, etc. of the 11th to 42nd Church Union summer school.

  1. 11th (1935) - 18th (1942). 17 documents. 27/14
  2. 19th (1943) - 24th (1949). 19 documents. 2715
  3. 25th (1950) - [42nd] (1970). 26 documents. Set lacks documents from the 28th, 29th and 36th meetings. 27/16
  4. Press-cuttings. Contains 9 pieces, 1945-52, from Church observer, Church times, Guardian, etc. 27/17


1. Books

As it happened. [Dent, 1941]. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains agreement to publish, J.M. Dent to MBR 11 letters 1940-49, invoices and accounts, ff.10, etc. 29/1

The Christian in politics. [S.P.C.K., 1946]. 1 file pr. papers. Contains royalty agreement and financial statements, ff.2. 29/2

A Christian sociology for today. [Longmans, 1934]. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains Longmans, Green to MBR 6 letters 1934-36 and accounts, ff.14. Relate to abridged edition of Faith and society. 29/3

Christianity and the crisis. [Gollancz, 1933]. 1 file ts. and ms. papers. Contains accounts, ff.5, and V. Gollancz to MBR 1 letter 25.07.38. 29/4

The church and society. [Longmans, 1956?]. 1 file pr. and ts. papers. Contains agreement to publish, ff.7 29/5

The church and the world. 3 vols. [Allen & Unwin, 1938-40]. 3 files ms., ts. and pr. papers.

  1. Agreement to publish. 29/6
  2. Correspondence. Contains: C.E. Hudson to MBR 6 letters 1937-40, C.E. Hudson to Stanley Unwin 3 letters 1939-[48], Allen & Unwin to MBR 1 letter 28.04.48, Stanley Unwin to C.E. Hudson 3 letters 1937-40, and Stanley Unwin to MBR 6 letters 1937-48. File includes specimen letters, ff.6, and lists of quotations, ff.11. 29/7
  3. Accounts, ff.28. 29/8

Croquet today. [Macdonald, 1954]. 1 file ts. papers. Contains agreement to publish, ff.3, Macdonald to MBR 2 letters 1954-58, and accounts, ff.13. 29/9

Faith and society. [Longmans, 1932]. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains Longmans, Green to MBR 3 letters 1933, and accounts, ff.7. 29/10

The French Revolution in political thought. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains agreement to publish, and correspondence: Methuen to MBR 6 letters 1919-24, G.D.H. Cole to MBR 1 letter 05.02.20, and Stevens & Sons to MBR 1 letter 13.01.21. Not published. 29/11

G.K. Chesterton: a Christian prophet for England today. [S.P.C.K., 1950]. 1 file ms. and pr. papers. Contains agreement to publish, and accounts, ff.7. 29/12

Maurice to Temple. [Faber, 1947]. 1 file ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contains agreement to publish, accounts, etc., ff.31. 29/13

Militant here on earth. [Longmans, 1957]. 1 file ts. papers. Contains accounts, ff.6, and Longmans, Green to MBR 1 letter 05.12.57. 29/14

P.E.T. Widdrington. [S.P.C.K., 1961]. 1 file ts. papers. Contains agreement to publish, pp.7. 29/15

Prospect for Christendom. [Faber, 1945]. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains agreement to publish, pp.3, and accounts, ff.29. 29/16

Religion in social action. [Bles, 1937]. 1 file ms. papers. Contains accounts, ff.3. 29/17

The return of Christendom. [Allen & Unwin, 1922?]. 1 file ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contains agreement to publish, accounts, ff.15, and Allen & Unwin to MBR 1 letter 25.03.35 29/18

The vocation of England. [Longmans, 1941]. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. Contains agreement to publish, accounts, ff.17, and Longmans to MBR 1 letter 02.07.41. 29/19

The world and the faith. [Faith Press, 1954]. 1 file ms. and pr. papers. Contains agreement to publish, and accounts, ff.5. 29/20

2. Articles, Reviews, Broadcasts

B.B.C. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains receipts etc. 1936-69 for talks given by MBR, ff.16. 29/21

Time & tide. 1 file ts. papers. Contains accounts, ff.40, for notices, reviews, etc. by MBR published in Time & tide. 29/22

Miscellaneous. 2 files ms. and ts. papers.

  1. Accounts, etc., ff. 36. Some have notes by MBR on verso. File includes letters to MBR from B.W.B [ ] [n.d.], J. Edwards 01.09.53 and M.J. Halford 11.06.49, and from E.L. Mascall to Smyth 04.12.41. 29/23
  2. Correspondence. Letters to MBR from Chambers Encyclopaedia 08.07.47, V.A. Demant 29.10.48, Faber (2) 1941-48, C.E. Hudson 30.04.48, "London churchman" 24.09.57, Nicholson & Watson 05.03.42, O.U.P. (2) 1940-57, and T. & T. Clark, 12.06.42. 29/24


1. Reviews, etc., mainly by M.B. Reckitt

a. In Named Journals

Church Quarterly Review, 1962-67. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 17 proofs of reviews, some corrected in ms. On the christian and society, socialism, ecumenism (Vatican II), etc. 22/1

The Church Socialist, 1912-20, 1959. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 15 issues. Some have articles, editorials or reviews by MBR (Aug. 1913, Sept. and Oct. 1915, May, June and Aug. 1916, Jan., Feb. and Apr. 1917, June and July 1919, Jan., Feb., Sept. and Oct. 1920, and March 1959). On guild socialism, dictatorship, workers in wartime, etc. 22/2

The Church Times, 1928-55. 1 file pr. papers. Contains 10 cuttings, principally letters, on tolerance within the church, etc. 22/3

The Commonwealth (including L.K.G. Quarterly), 1922-28. 1 file pr. papers. 22 cuttings: reviews, articles, addresses and letters, etc., by MBR, on social credit, christian social action, leisure, etc. 22/4

G.K.'s Weekly (including The Weekly Review), 1925-43. 2 files pr. papers. 49 cuttings: reviews, articles, letters, by MBR and others, on distributism, social credit, and trade unions. Include verses and a short story. 22/5-6

The New Age, 1922-28. 1 file pr. papers. 11 cuttings: articles, reviews, letters, on guild socialism, workers in wartime, Adler's psychology, etc. 22/7

New English Weekly, 1932-49. 3 files pr. papers. 76 cuttings: reviews, articles, letters, by MBR, on social credit, industry, abdication of Edward VIII, wartime issues, etc. Include review of Idea of a christian society by T.S. Eliot and related published correspondence. 22/8-10

b. In Various Other Journals

Miscellaneous articles, reviews, letters, 1916-76. 1 file pr. papers. 19 cuttings, 8 issues: Church Observer, Cosmos, Criterion, Frontier, Journal of Religion, Man Today, New Statesman, Philbeach Quarterly, Physical Recreation, Purpose, Society of the Faith Quarterly, Southwark Diocesan Newsletter., Theology, Time and Tide, etc. 22/11

2. Reviews, etc. by Other Writers

a. On Miscellaneous Subjects

Christian social subjects. 3 files pr. papers.
Miscellaneous cuttings. 70 cuttings etc. principally from the British national press, 1910-78. 23/1
Fifteen Talks by V.A. Demant. 23/2
From The Listener, 1944-51. ff.36.
Eleven Articles by various contributors. 23/3
From The Living Church, 1944-51. ff.25.
Obituaries, memoirs, appreciations, of friends and associates of MBR. 3 files pr. papers.
Various persons, c.1940-77. 32 cuttings etc. on H. Belloc, G.K. Chesterton, T.S. Eliot, V. Spencer Ellis, J.N. Figgis, M.B. Foster, Fr St J.B. Groser, C.E. Hudson, P. Mairet, W.G. Peck, Charles Record, William Temple, and R. Woodifield. File includes obituary of Eva Reckitt. 23/4
A.R. Orage, 1934. 8 cuttings, special issue of New Democracy, 15.12.1934, etc. 23/5
P.E.T. Widdrington, 1954-59. 3 cuttings, 1 leaflet and a special issue of Dunmow Deanery Magazine (July 1955). 23/6

References to M.B. Reckitt, 1915-73. 1 file pr. papers. 17 cuttings concerning writings, thought, speeches of MBR. 23/7

[Additional paper]. 1 file pr. papers. Contains Church Observer, 02.03.1951. Includes Men of the moment: Maurice B. Reckitt. 27/19

Soviet Russia, 1919-31, etc. 1 file pr. papers. 25 cuttings on developments in Soviet society and politics. 23/8

b. On Books by M.B. Reckitt

As it happened, and other writings, 1941-53. 1 vol. pr. papers mounted. Reviews from national and provincial general and specialist press with some commonwealth pieces. Concern As it happened, an autobiography (1941), Christian in politics (1946), G.K. Chesterton - a prophet for England today (1950), Politics and the faith (1953), and Vocation of England (1942); and 2 books with contribution by MBR - Church looks ahead (1945) and War and christian ethics (1940). Volume includes cuttings referring to speeches, letters, etc. of MBR. 24/1

Faith and society, and other writings, 1932-41. 1 vol. pr. papers mounted. Reviews from national and provincial general and specialist press, with some American pieces. Concern Christian sociology for today (1934), Church and the world (1938-40), Faith and society (1932), Religion and social purpose (1935), and Religion in social action (1937); and two books with contributions by MBR - Christianity and the crisis, 1933, and Faith that illuminates (1935). 24/2

For Christ and the people (1968). 1 file pr. papers. 28 cuttings: reviews from national and diocesan church press, etc., 1968-69. 24/3

Maurice to Temple, and other writings, 1947-58. 1 vol. pr. papers mounted. Reviews from national and provincial general and learned press, with some Canadian and Indian pieces. Concern Croquet today (1954), G.K. Chesterton - a prophet for England today (1950), Maurice to Temple (1947), Militant here on earth (1957), P.E.T. Widdrington, a study in vocation and versatility (1961), and World and the faith (1954); and of one book with a contribution by MBR - Our culture, its Christian roots and the present crisis (1948). 24/4


[MBR Diary] Last diary, 1972-76. 1 vol., 7in. x 6. Ms. personal diary of engagements, etc. and address-book. 25/1

[MBR] Greetings on 80th birthday, 1968. 1 file. Contains 14 telegrams and cards. 25/2

[MBR] Memorandum book, c.1975. 1 vol., 6in. x 4. Contains ms. jottings, lists for games, notes for speeches, etc. 25/3

MBR [Personal notes], 1926. 1 file ts. papers. Contains notes of offices held by MBR, 1926, ff.3, and a bibliography 1919-25 of his publications, ff.3. 25/4

Meetings, etc. addressed or attended by MBR. 15 files pr., ts. and ms. papers. Contain lists of lectures, membership cards, programmes, and publicity leaflets of various religious, political or academic organisations promoting their activities:
Various organisations, [1913?]-39. 48 pieces. 25/5
Various organisations, 1940-60. 53 pieces. 25/6
Various organisations, undated. 28 pieces. 25/7
Named organisations:
Church of England Men's Society, 1915-22. 6 pieces. 25/8
Church Socialist League, 1913-19, etc. 14 pieces. 25/9
Church Union, 1934-50, etc. 17 pieces. 25/10
COPEC, 1925-28, etc. 6 pieces. 25/11
Fabian Society, 1915-16. 3 pieces. 25/12
Industrial Christian Fellowship, 1923-43, etc. 6 pieces. 25/13
Labour Party/I.L.P. 1920-25. 5 pieces. 25/14
League of the Kingdom of God, 1925, etc. 4 pieces. 25/15
Moore Park Conference, 1951-56. 3 pieces. 25/16
National Guilds League, 1915-17. 2 pieces. 25/17
St Anne's House, 1943-51. 6 pieces. 25/18
Workers' Educational Association, 1914-19. 5 pieces. 25/19

Plans. 1 file ms. papers. Contains diagrams of croquet settings, ff.9. 25/20

Publishers' advertisements, etc., c.1920-60. 1 file pr. papers. 48 leaflets, cards, etc. Leaflet advertising Christendom has an essay on Christian sociology by MBR. 25/21

Publishers' review slips, etc., 1920-60. 1 file pr. papers. 51 pieces. 25/22


1. Index to Letters outside B. General Correspondence

a. Letters, etc. to M.B. Reckitt


Allen & Unwin Ltd; (1) 25.03.35. 29/18, (1) 28.04.48. 29/7

[Askwith], Wilfred (1) 03.07.60. 4/18

Auxiliary Movement (1) 26.03.30. 17/1

Barclay Trust (1) 12.07.73. 19/10

Barclays Bank Ltd (2) 1969. 8/45

Bedford [?], J.P. (1) 04.10.24. 18/6

Bibler, L. (1) 15.05.56. 9/15

Boyd, Ian (Chesterton Society) (6) 1975-76. 19/6

British Council of Churches (1) 30.01.59. 20/7

Buchanan, L.H. (1) 15.06.57. 5/5

Carpenter, Niles P. (1) 20.12.49. 8/3

Chambers Encyclopaedia (1) 08.07.47. 29/24

Charles, Alice (2) 1960. 20/7

Chesshire, C.J. (1) 08.05.47. 9/2

Chesterton Society See Boyd, Ian

Church Social Action (1) 12.10.45. 8/45

Churches' Council on Gambling (1) 11.04.61. 8/45

Clark, (T. & T.) (1) 12.06.42. 29/24

Cole, G.D.H. (1) 05.02.20. 29/11

Coleman, F.P. (2) 1959. 4/17

Collins, Edith M. (1) 21.05.59. 4/17

COPEC (1) 06.07.26. 17/6, (1) 18.01.[27?]. 17/7

Cunningham, E. (1) 18.12.58. 5/14

Daubney, R.H. (1) 12.05.50. 8/38

Dawson, Christopher (1) 23.07.57. 6/56

Demant, V.A. (1) 29.10.48. 29/24, (1) 10.11.63. 8/5, (1) 31.07.73. 19/10

Dent, (J.M.) Ltd (11) 1940-49. 29/1

Derrick, Paul (1) 10.12.64. 8/36, (2) 1965, etc. 19/13, (1) [1947]. 9/2

Douthwaite, A.H. (1) 13.04.59. 8/45

Edwards, J. (1) 01.09.53. 29/23

Encyclopaedia Britannica (1) 24.04.59. 8/45

Every, G.F.H. (1) 28.12.49. 8/3, (1) 09.01.50. 8/45

Faber & Faber Ltd (2) 1941-48. 29/24

Family Welfare Association (1) 21.05.69. 1/16

Gardner, L. See COPEC

Gasser, V.C. (1) [1958?]. 5/5

Gill, J.C. (1) 11.04.59. 8/45

Gollancz, V. (1) 25.07.38. 29/4

Gray, J.L. (1) 23.02.58. 5/5

Guild Housing Ltd (13) 1922-24. 17/10

Halford, M.J. (1) 11.06.49. 29/23

House of St Barnabas, Soho (1) 22.02.60. 5/14

Hudson, C.E. (6) 1937-40. 29/7, (1) 30.04.48. 29/24

Industrial Christian Fellowship (2) 1956-57. 20/7, (1) 02.12.59. 7/1

Jarrett-Kerr, M.B. (2) 1960-61. 7/1

Jesu[?], J. (1) 17.12.49. 8/38

Keable, Gladys. (1) 15.01.[61?]. 7/1

Kemp, E. (1) 10.11.57. 5/5

Kindall [?], John (1) 08.02.55. 4/18

Kirk, P.T.R. (1) 19.04.40. 19/3, (1) 24.03.53. 5/5

Lloyd, Roger (1) [15.5].47. 8/20

London Churchman (1) 24.09.57. 29/24

Longmans, Green Ltd (3) 1933. 29/10, (6) 1934-36. 29/3, (1) 02.07.41. 29/19, (1) 05.12.57. 29/14

Macdonald & Co. (2) 1954-58. 29/9

Martin, Christopher (1) 22.07.69. 2/23

Methuen & Co. (6) 1919-24. 29/11

Minney, R.J. (1) 19.01.73. 19/9, (1) 21.06.73. 19/10

Moor Park College (1) 21.04.59. 8/45

New Town Trust Ltd (6) 1921-25. 18/7

Nicholson & Watson (1) 05.03.42. 29/24

Noel, O.H. (1) [1960?] 8/45

Oxford University Press (2) 1940-57. 29/24

Stevens & Sons (1) 13.01.21. 29/11

Peck, David (1) [1958?]. 5/5

Public Opinion (1) 17.02.50. 8/45

Purkis, Stewart (1) 08.06.59. 4/17

Putney Society (1) 12.01.65. 8/36, (1) 16.02.68. 6/21

Rands, R.S.J. (1) 03.02.59. 20/2

Reumant[?], Winifred (1) 05.07.73. 6/50

Rolle Hotel, Budleigh Salterton (1) 13.06.69. 1/16

Rolls, Colin (1) 03.01.50. 8/3

Sanders, Helena (5) 1959-60. 20/7

Schroeder, Louis (3) 1975. 19/6

Soddy, Frederick (1) 29.04.43. 5/29

Stewart, L.F. (1) 25.11.59. 5/5

Stewart-Smith, D.C. (1) 25.09.58. 5/5

Symons, W.T. (1) 20.01.59. 20/2

Thomas-Stanford, C. (1) 10.12.66. 2/4

Time and Tide (1) 29.03.[51?]1. 8/39

Town and Country Planning Association (1) 22.11.44. 8/45

Townsend, L.S. (1) 10.11.58. 5/5

Trollope and Winckworth (1) 16.03.60. 7/1

Universities' Mission to Central Africa (1) 01.05.61. 8/45

University of Buffalo. School of Social Work (1) 10.10.44. 8/45

Unwin, Stanley (6) 1937-48. 29/7

Valder, H. (1) 20.01.38. 20/3

Victorian Studies (1) 15.07.57. 6/56

Wedell, Eberhard (1) 25.02.59. 7/1

Widdrington, P.E.T. (1) 31.03.[32]. 21/1, (1) 15.04.41. 19/8

Wilkinson, Paul (1) 07.08.69. 2/23

Workers Control League (1) 11.09.25. 17/13

And from one unidentified writer: B[ ], B.W. (1) [n.d.]. 29/23, B[ ], G. (1) 23.07.57. 6/56

b. Letters, etc. from M.B. Reckitt


Chambers Encyclopaedia (1) 09.01.46. 6/12

Demant, V.A. (1) 16.11.36. 18/10

[Heron], T.[M]. (1) 05.01.60. 20/7

Minney, R.J. (1) 31.12.72. 19/9

Oldham, J.H. (1) 15.03.38. 18/10

Spencer, Malcolm (1) 16.11.36. 18/10

White, Stewart Dale (1) 21.11.73, with draft. 9/13

c. Letters, etc. between Other Correspondents

Demant, V.A. to W.T. Symons (1) 05.01.28. 18/10

Hobson, S.G. to W.A. Young (1) 17.10.21. 18/11

Hudson, C.E. to Stanley Unwin (3) 1939-[48]. 29/7

Martin, Christopher to V.A. Demant (1) 03.02.73. 19/9

Mascall, E.L. to [ ]. Smyth (1) 04.12.41. 29/23

National Guilds League to Lord Robert Cecil (1) [1919]. 16/9

Rands, R[eggie] to W.T. Symons (3) 1959. 20/2

Sayers, Dorothy L. to T.M. Heron (1) 19.11.41. 9/5

Spencer, Malcolm to [?]. Bartlett (1) 20.06.28. 18/10

Symons, W.T. to R. Rands (6) 1959. 20/2

Unwin, Stanley to C.E. Hudson (3) 1937-40. 29/7

Yeo, Stephen to R.J. Minney (1) 20.10.72. 19/9

[ ], [ ]. to [P.T.R.] Kirk (1) 27.01.42. 20/7

2. Index to Letters, etc. as Enclosures in B. General Correspondence listed under Other Writers

Bolshakoff, Serge to T.S. Eliot (1) 22.01.37. 10/4

Collins, Dorothy to Time and Tide (1) 27.03.51. 12/2

Demant, V.A. to E.K.C. Hamilton (1) 29.09.58. 13/3

Fletcher, Joseph F. to C.E. Hudson (1) 17.07.40. 11/5

Hannah, W. to P. McLaughlin (1) 28.08.44. 28/23

Hudson, Cyril E.
to Archbishop [of York?] (1) 22.02.41. 11/16
to J.E. Fletcher (1) 03.06.40. 11/5
to P.T.R. Kirk (1) 22.02.41. 11/16
to Sir Henry Slesser (1) [?].09.45. 11/20
to Lewis Watson (1) 14.03.51. 12/5
Lockhart, J.G.
to Church Times (1) 05.12.38. 10/6
to P. McLaughlin (1) [30.09.37?]. 10/10

[McLaughlin, P.?] to Bishop of London (2) [1938]-44. 28/23

[McLaughlin, P.?] to M. Petitpierre (1) [12.01.38?]. 28/23

[McLaughlin, P.?] to G. Shaw (1) 18.09.37. 28/23

McLaughlin, P. to P.E.T. Widdrington (1) 12.10.40. 11/10

Mairet, Philip
to T.[M. Heron] (1) 15.08.64. 14/4
to Mrs M.B. Reckitt (1) 14.11.37. 10/13

Mumford, Lewis to Philip Mairet (1) 06.05.59. 13/9

Reckitt, M.B.
to Ernest Barker (1) 11.03.15. 15/1
to Sir Henry Slesser (1) [?].09.45. 11/20
to Helen Widdrington (2) 1945. 15/14

[Shaw, Gilbert?] to Bishop of London (1) 12.10.42. 28/23

Shaw, Gilbert to B. Jellicoe (1) 07.08.34. 28/23

Slesser, Sir Henry
to New Age (1) [1926?]. 15/1
to [?]. Rosenthal (1) 22.03.34. 10/21
Symons, W.T.
to Mrs [?]. Gracie (1) 21.01.53. 13/17
to T.[M. Heron?] (2) 1955. 13/17
to [?]. Newsome (1) 10.11.31. 10/22
to [?]. Rice (1) 30.03.25. 10/22

Tuke, J. to M.B. Reckitt (1) 05.07.38. With draft reply by MBR. 10/13

Widdrington, P.E.T. to Paul Stacy (1) 10.11.27. 10/21

Woodifield, Robert
to Church Times (1) [29.08.55]. 13/20
to Mervyn Stockwood (1) [05.08.55]. 13/20

Yeo, Stephen to R.J. Minney (2) 1972-73. 14/8

3. List of papers relating to St Anne's Society (Correspondence in this section is not indexed in G. Appendices above)

Administrative correspondence, 1957. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains correspondence (22 letters) of John W. Lawrence, Chief Executive, on general administration and staff matters, with related drafts. Includes letters from Leslie Paul (3), Dr E.L. Mascall (1), Owen Barfield (3), Edward Carpenter (1), Dorothy L. Sayers (2), F.W. Dillistone (1), and Alec Vidler (1). 26/1

Administrative correspondence, 1958. 2 files ms. and ts. papers. Contains correspondence of A.E. Saunders, Hon. Secretary, John W. Lawrence, and other officers, on general administration (188 letters, etc.). Files include letters from John Wren Lewis (3), Julian Huxley (1), Nevill Coghill (1), Eberhard Weddell (1), V.A. Demant (1), Leslie Paul (1), Kenneth Ingram (1), Derek Pattinson (1), Baroness Ravensdale (1), etc. 26/2-3

Administrative correspondence, 1959. 1 file ms., ts. and pr. papers. Contains correspondence of A.B. Saunders, Hon. Secretary, F.V.A. Boyse, Director, and other officers on administrative business (93 letters, etc.): membership, meetings, requests for information, finances, advertising and other matters. 26/4

Administrative correspondence, 1960. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains the correspondence (35 letters, etc.) of F.V.A. Boyse, Director, on general administration: meetings, membership, etc. 26/5

Book stall, 1957-58. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. File contains correspondence of John W. Lawrence, Secretary: letters (9), booklists and publishers' invoices. 26/6

Constitution, policy, etc. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. File contains 32 letters, etc., 1959-60, concerning the draft of a new constitution and the appointment of F.V.A. Boyse as Director. Includes letters from V.A. Demant (2), Fr St J.B. Groser (2), Alec Vidler (1), Donald Mackinnon (1) and Norman Sykes (1). 26/7

Correspondence, 1964-72. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. File comprises letters from A. Calder-Marshall (1), Arthur Koestler (1), Christopher Booker (1) and M.B. Reckitt (1) to Gerard Irvine, Secretary? in reply to invitations to take part in the Society's work; and from Stella Randell (1) to D. Hutt concerning membership. 26/8

Council minutes, 1957-75. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. File contains agendas, minutes and some reports of council and A.G.M.s etc. Includes Bishop G. Bell's resolution in Canterbury Convocation, 1957, on adult religious education, and outline of the Society's resulting study; and notification of the final A.G.M. in Westminster Abbey, 1975. 26/9

Finance, 1957-60. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. File contains letters (59), statements of account, etc., comprising correspondence of J.S.F. Parker, Treasurer, John W. Lawrence, Secretary, and other officers. Includes Dorothy L. Sayers to J.W.L. 1 letter 16.12.57. 26/10

Lists, c.1958-59. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. File contains Secretary's working lists of events, mailing lists, etc. 26/11

Programme of courses, 1952-73. 1 file ts. and printed papers. File contains 28 pamphlets and leaflets. Includes leaflet on aims and methods, lecture by Fr M. Jarrett-Kerr, 1965 (ts. ff.10), and interview with T. Driberg (ts. ff.11). 26/12

Questionnaire on membership, c.1972. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains 57 completed questionnaires concerning membership, subscriptions and interest in the Society. With MBR to D. Hutt 1 letter 24.04.72 and D. Whitlamsmith to D. Hutt 1 letter 24.04.72. 26/13

Representation on London Diocesan Council for Voluntary Religious Education, 1958-59. 1 file ts. and pr. papers. File relates to L.D.C.V.R.E.'s invitation to S.A.S. to appoint a representative to the Adult Committee. Correspondence comprises J.M. Henderson., Secretary of Committee, to A.B. Saunders, Honorary Secretary, S.A.S. (3 letters, with enclosure) and A.B.S. to J.M.H. (3). File includes L.D.C.V.R.E. pamphlet and committee reports, memoranda, lists of speakers, notice of conference, agenda and minutes of Adult Committee, etc. 26/14

Miscellaneous papers. 1 file ms. and ts. papers. Contains Statement by Miss Dorothy L. Sayers (ts. ff.5), Synopsis of lectures 1944 (ts. f.1), and rough notes by M.B. Reckitt. 26/15



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