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Helmut Pappe Papers Catalogue

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1.  Correspondence

This first section of the catalogue deals with Helmut Pappe’s correspondence with family, friends and colleagues. Correspondence in every box is arranged alphabetically by recipient and chronologically. Where recipients appear in more than one box, it is to preserve (as far as is possible), the original order in which the collection was arranged.


Box 1

Folder of “mottos”, quotes and citations from many writers including Hobbes, Eskermann, Bergiat and Kant 1/1

Correspondence concerning Helmut Pappe’s establishment/ settlement in New Zealand (1939), and the employment of Lutz Kreig in New Zealand (1940-1944) 1/2

Some of notes and letters belonging to Helmut Pappe’s wife, Wera. (1950)
Helmut Pappe and Wera Pappe’s German passports and papers
Copies of Pappe’s CV’s and school report 1/3

Miscellaneous correspondence 1932-1968 and undated 1/4

Correspondence with Professor Peter Russow 1946-1956 1/5

Correspondence with The Hebrew University, The Jewish Agency for Palestine and the New Israel Fund (1936-1997) 1/6


Box 2

Letters of recommendation - FILE EMBARGOED 12/03/09 2/1

Correspondence from Lutz Krieg 1966-1970 2/2

Correspondence from Dr Fritz K Pappe 1961-1967 2/3

Correspondence with Christof Andritzky 1946-1961 (see box 10 for correspondence dated 1961-1972) 2/4

Correspondence concerning publication of various articles 1955-1961 (Christesen, Cofoland, Crawford, Emge, Hart, Heimann, Ogburn, Packe, Serle, Stout, Taylor-Cole) 2/5


Box 3

Birth certificates of Helmut Pappe and wife Wera Pappe (Nee. Krieg) 3/1

Folder of national savings, income tax and personal accounts 1948-? 3/2

Dissertation by J. E. Rupert “Robert Owen: An Early English Socialist” September 1966 3/3

Folder containing letters for an Academic post in Australia and England 1949 -1951 3/4


Box 4

Correspondence from doctors and hospitals concerning Pappe and Wera’s health (1979-1993) 4/1

Reviews of Pappe’s early work especially Methodische Stromungen in der eherechtsgeschichtlichen Forschung (Methods of approach to the legal history of marriage), copies of Pappe’s early CV, letters of recommendation to 探花精选 (1953) and letters from Asa Briggs recommending Pappe for a research post in Switzerland (1967). 4/2
Letters from various charities Pappe supported. 4/3

Review of Pappe’s accounts by Asa Briggs 4/4

Correspondence with Trevor Pateman on Mill 1971-1980 4/5

Correspondence with Stelling Michaud 1979-1980 4/6

Correspondence with Paul Waeber 1974 4/7

Miscellaneous correspondence 1939-1995 (and undated correspondence) 4/8


Box 5

Box of postcards and letters  1960-1997 5/1

Correspondence with Professor Peter Aiter and Professor Peter Hennock regarding Pappe’s contribution to Out of the Third Reich: Refugee Historians in Post War Britain 22/11/95-19/9/97 5/2

Letters of condolence after the death of Vera and photographs 25/06/97-24/7/97 5/3


Correspondence with Asa Briggs 1961-1966 (See box 10 for correspondence 1961-1971) 5/4

Correspondence surrounding Helmut Pappe's paper on Wakefield and Marx (2 copies of the article one long (full length), one much shorter (amended for publication) 5/2/49-4/10/53 5/5

John Passmore’s paper on A. Hagerstrom’s Sociology of Law and Pappe’s notes 5/6


Box 6

探花精选 correspondence - internal and external 6/1

Collection of writings on Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, journal form, all German. 6/2

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy - draft of book, The Heuristic Principal of Science : The Division of Labour for Progress. (English) 6/3

Copies of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy essays, Religious Philosophy and the Language of Thought, The Scientific Grammar of Michael Faraday’s Diaries and The Tripartation in the Life of Theophastus Paracelsus. 6/4

Two different outlines of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy’s life and work. 6/5

Correspondence with Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (Emeritus Professor of philosophy at Dartmouth College, Vermont, both English and German 6/6


Box 7

J.R. Godley, copies of his correspondence, Pappe’s notes on Godley and transcripts on Godley’s lectures 7/1

Booklet- Report of New Zealand Convention on International Relations, 1954
Newspaper clippings detailing the address given by Pappe on the contributions of NZ to the present and future of post war United Nations. 7/2

Copies of 2 speeches (1 total, 1 synopsis) given at the convention.
Pamphlet by Pappe on the future on UN and draft speech? handwritten 7/3

Copies of The Listener (1955), The New Statesman and Nation (1955), The Times Literary Supplement (1968), The Economist (1952) 7/4

Notes on Rousseau (Emile), Yeats, Coleridge, Shelly, Popper, Hobbes, Durham Lecture notes/plans 7/5

Correspondence between Pappe and Leicester Webb (1941-1952) 7/6

Extensive notes on books and journal articles, political science, sociology, philosophy, history, economics (all theory based) 7/7

Correspondence arranging Pappe’s mother’s trip to NZ 1947-1950 7/8


Box 8

Correspondence ordered alphabetically by surname and chronologically 8/1


Box 9

Encyclopaedia of Philosophy correspondence (1962-1966) 9/1

Correspondence with institutions in Geneva discussing Pappe’s translation of Sismondi’s Statistique du Departement du Leman (1968-1972) 9/2

Box 10

Correspondence with family and friends. Correspondence ordered alphabetically by surname and chronologically - alphabetical by surname of recipient. Amongst others…

Cristoph Andritzky 1961-1976 (see box 2 for correspondence 1946-1961) 10/1

Rolando Anzilotti (1966-1970) 10/2

Asa Briggs 1961-1971, (see box 5 for correspondence 1961-1966) 10/3

Burchard (1961-1970) 10/4

Peter Copley (1966) 10/5

Harry Court (1964-1967) 10/6

Max Gluckman (1960-1961) 10/7

Peter Munz (1944-1960) 10/8

R. Jones (1962-1966) 10/9


Box 11

Correspondence with Professor Phillips concerning the Historical School paper (1949) 11/1

Notes for the Historical School paper 11/2

Copy of the Historical School paper 11/3

List of citations for Historical School Paper 11/4

Copy of the Marx and Wakefield Paper 11/5

Correspondence with the Modern Law Review on the possible publication of Helmut Pappe’s article “On the Validity of Judicial Decisions in the Nazi Era” 11/6

Correspondence concerning the possible publication of Helmut Pappe’s article “Manufacturing in New Zealand” (1945-1957) 11/7

Notes for article “Manufacturing in New Zealand” 11/8

Notes on Hannah Arendt, Anti-Semitism, Sociology and Pappe’s article “On the Validity of Judicial Decisions in the Nazi Era”     11/9

Folder and bundle  of letters and academic notes, English, German, French, Italian, titled “Old Letters” by Pappe, (1938-1957) 11/10


2. Academic Boxes

The second section of the collection deals with Helmut Pappe’s academic work. The majority of this part of the collection is formed of research, notes, draft lectures, essays and drafts of books. Any correspondence is strictly scholarly and is chronologically ordered.


Box 12

Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Helmut Pappe’s contribution titled “The Enlightenment” 12/1

2 handwritten drafts of Helmut Pappe’s “The Enlightenment”, 8 typed/photocopied copies (of same), 1 incomplete copy (of same) 12/2

Handwritten notes, photocopies of relevant articles -definition of Enlightenment from the Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences by Robert S. Smith, Italian definition of Enlightenment (Illuminismo) source unknown, Robert Darnton essay In Search of the Enlightenment 12/3


Box 13


Kings College (Cambridge). International conference on Classical Influences on Western Education, Philosophy and Social Theory, AD. 1650-1870. 27 - 31 March 1977. Helmut Pappe gives paper on The English Utilitarians and Athenian Democracy. Correspondence concerning attendance and accommodation at the conference. Programme and Transcript of Helmut Pappe’s paper. (1st, 2nd and final drafts), and background notes. Summaries and/or transcripts from 3 other speakers at the same event. K. Schaller (The Life and Works of Cornelius- between Didactics and Politics), M. Fuhrmann (Nationalism and the German Classicism), C. Vasoli (The Influence of the Hermetic and Cabbalistic traditions in the Century of Reason). (See box 19 for further papers regarding the essay by Pappe) 13/1

Australian National University - Medieval Studies Conference. October 1959. Correspondence regarding conference. Revised list of those to be invited to speak. Basic plan, 2 drafts, list of citations and final draft of Helmut Pappe’s paper on The Scope and Opportunity for the Study of Medieval Law in Australia. A summery of a paper given by a M. Gibbs from Melbourne University on Medieval European History: A synoptic view. 13/2

Conference on Freedom and Social Order 2-10 September 1969, held at the Grande Theatre in Geneva. Helmut Pappe attended. Invitations, programme, letters organising attendance and accommodation. Handwritten notes on some of the papers given. Summary of lectures by Marcuse Liberty and the Imperatives of History, by Ricoeur The Philosophy and Political Problems with the Question of Liberty. Newspaper clippings reviewing the event. (All French). 13/3

Freedom of Thought and Expression in the History of Ideas (The International Society for the History of Ideas - Fourth International Conference - September 28 to October 3, 1975). Istituto Cini, Venice. Helmut Pappe speaking on Sismondi’s System of Liberty. Programme. Correspondence organising Helmut Pappe’s attendance, paper topic, accommodation and post conference arrangements to publish many of the papers including Pappe’s. Summaries/abstracts of papers given -  Introductory remarks (Phillip P. Wiener), Ancient Greek Dialectic as Expression of Freedom of Thought and Speech (Enrico Berti) x2, Licence and Licensing : To the Presse or to the Spunge (Tony Tanner), Free Speech in the Literary Theory of the Enlightenment in France (Jean Starobinski), Eloquence and Liberty (Jean Starobinski as before - given to Helmut Pappe to read through not a paper given at conference)?, Aspects of Freedom of Writing and Expression in Hegel and Marx (Shlomo Avineri), The Meaning of Freedom in French Post-war Ideologies (Francois Bondy). Helmut Pappe’s notes for his own paper. Correspondence regarding the publication of papers given at the conference. 13/4

Conference on “Sismondi and his Times” in Geneva 13-30 September 1973 (organised for Sismondi’s bi-centenary). Numerous programmes and programmes of references. Full copy of Helmut Pappe’s paper The formation of Sismondi’s socio-economic thought: Sismondi and Adam Smith (in French). Reviews in Newspapers and journals of the conference and Helmut Pappe’s contribution. Correspondence from fellow academics which Helmut Pappe sent the Sismondi paper to for their consideration. 13/5

Conference on “Subjectivity and Objectivity: Subject and Object”, Stuttgart January 1969. Helmut Pappe’s notes, programme and draft of a lecture. Also correspondence confirming details, all German. 13/6


Box 14

Entries for the Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. Notes, Drafts, Selected Bibliographies

  1. Rothacker (social and cultural philosopher concerned with the     social sciences, national and individual character and tradition and individual character). 14/1
  2. Sombart (economic and political thought). 14/2
  3. Gehlen (anthropologist and philosopher) 14/3
  4. Junger (German intellectual, sociological and economic thought) 14/4

Entry for the Encyclopaedia of Philosophy - “Philosophical Anthropology” - definition, the crisis of science, theory of knowledge, methodology, the self image of man, bio-anthropology, cultural political anthropology, psychological political anthropology, theological political anthropology, critique of society, history of political anthropology, bibliography.
The Listener article of David Hume’s place in philosophy (June 21st 1962).
1st draft of “Philosophical Anthropology” (handwritten)
4 more drafts including final draft. 14/5

Folder of notes for encyclopaedia entry including extended bibliography, 3 more copies of the final piece and notes for the entry, handwritten in English. 14/6


Box 15

Paper by Helmut Pappe Sociological aspects of Natural Law and Obedience to Law: Some Recent Trends 15/1

Copy of Ilmar Tammelo’s book review of Juristische Logik by Ulrich Klug 15/2

Published works by many of Helmut Pappe’s friends and colleagues. S.J. Tonsor The Historical Morphology of Ernst Von Lasaulx, W. Krieg Griechenland und der Orient, J. Starobinski Rousseau and the Origins of Language, E.J. Bloustein The First Amendment and Privacy: The Supreme Court Justice and the Philosopher, F.J. Brecht Die Wirtschaft, das Geld und das Denken, H. Marquand (edited) International Institute for Labour Studies report, M. Vermang Conflict and Compromise in Belgian Politics, Z. Barbu Chosisme - A Socio-psychological Interpretation, M. Andeitzky Kunst und Management Der Theaterintendant - ein Berufsbild, B.R. Pollin The Significance of Names in the Fiction of William Godwin, C. Andritzky Theater und Rathaus, W.G Runciman What is Structuralism? 15/3

Copies of book reviews by Helmut Pappe. Reviews: A.C. Crombie (ed) Scientific Change: Historical Studies in the Intellectual, Social and Technical Conditions for Scientific Discovery and Technical Invention, from Antiquity to the Present and M.L. Clarke George Grote: A Biography 15/4


Box 16


Handwritten manuscript, English, 86 pages only (pages 14-17 missing). 16/1

Folder of printed work (journal articles, reviews, conferences), which Helmut Pappe has written or collaborated on. The Significance of the ‘Raccolta Sismondi at Pescia for the interpretation of Sismondi’s life and work, Some notes on Sismondi’s tableau de l’agriculture Toscane, review of The earlier letters of Stuart Mill, A Prelude to Greatness: An early work of Sismondi, a review of The Discovery of Time, Mill and Tocqueville, review of Scientific Change, review of The early draft of John Stuart Mill’s Autobiography, On Philosophical Anthropology, Rocking the cradle of Erewhon, On the validity of Judicial decisions in the Nazi era, Studies in the Sociology of Law, The Mills and Harriet Taylor, The United Nations - Present and Future, Wakefield and Marx, Some notes on Mr Eliot’s Culture, Manufacturing in New Zealand and The Rise of the Nazis. 16/2

Typed draft of Helmut Pappe’s translation of Sismondi’s Statistique du Departement du Leman. 16/3

Handwritten draft of Statistique du Departement du Leman (translation, introduction etc). English, full length (pages 105-128 missing). 16/4

Folder with complete MS of Statistique du Departement du Leman 110 pages (typed). Corrected by hand. 16/5


Box 17


Continuation of (typed) Statistique du Departement du Leman pages 111- 218 17/1

Helmut Pappe’s notes on Sismondi. Mainly handwritten in English, some typed French. 17/2

Typed copy of Helmut Pappe’s translation of Sismondi’s Statistique du Departement du Leman in its entirety, 218 pages hand corrected.  17/3


Box 18


Articles by Helmut Pappe on Sismondi, Helmut Pappe’s notes on Sismondi (esp. in reference to other writers). 18/1


Box 19

Some short works by Helmut Pappe

Typed draft of Pappe’s paper Rocking the Cradle of Erewhon (Samuel Butler/ Anthropology/ NZ). Handwritten notes on the topic (all English). 19/1

4 copies of an essay titled The Museum and the Garden: Echoes of Burke in Modern German thought. Covering letter promising to send one of the drafts to a friend for inspection. 19/2

The English Utilitarians and Athenian Democracy (4 copies). Correspondence between Pappe and Dr Bolgar/ Mr Wilkinson from Kings College organising the possibility of Pappe contributing to a book on a similar topic to be edited by Dr Bolgar. Paper given by Helmut Pappe at international conference on Classical Influences on Western Education, Philosophy and Social Theory - March 1977 - (see box 13). Helmut Pappe’s handwritten notes for this paper. 19/3


Box 20

Handwritten notes by Pappe, the majority are in English (some French), poor/questionable legibility.

Max Weber 
Quotes on/by Weber and influences/precursors to his thought
Notes for a potential paper on Max Weber and J.S. Mill
Notes on H.H. Brunn’s book/essay? Science, Values and Politics: Max Webers’s methodology- some references to J. S. Mill
Notes on Comte and Weber
Notes on J. Winkelmann on Weber
Note on Weber/ Jasper on politics
Notes on Weber’s Sociology of Knowledge, focus on ethics and religion
Notes on Sociology of Knowledge focus on politics
Notes on Alfred Weber
Notes on E. Fleischmann From Weber to Nietzsche 20/1



Notes on Vico and Contemporary Thought: Problems of Interpretation -I. Berlin et al
Notes on E.B. Vico - life
Notes on reviews of Vico’s work, notes on Natural Law Theory 20/2


Sociology and aspects of Popper

Notes on Popper, possible draft lecture
Notes on Popper and the sociology of knowledge
Notes on sociological theory, references to the Popper-Hemple formula, wide ranging sociology notes 20/3


Notes on Bentham
Notes on a letter - Bentham to Voltaire
Notes on Bentham and Ethics
Notes on H. L. A. Hart’s Bentham: Laws in General, Parekh’s Bentham’s Political Thought, C. K. Ogden’s Bentham’s Theory of Fiction,  Mark’s J. Bentham: An Odyssey of Ideas and notes on the authors of the above books,
notes on the limits of Bentham’s work 20/4


Notes on and translation of Diary of Louis Waldenburg inventor of the angiometer (1837-1881)?
(See Box 28 for research into Waldenburg’s life and works including Waldenburg’s original Diary) 20/5

H. H. Richardson and J. P Jacobson

Essay by Helmut Pappe on Henry Handel Richardson and Jens Peter Jacobsen, 2 copies, 1 handwritten draft, some handwritten notes, list of citations 20/6



Box 21

Two copies of The Rise of the Nazis address delivered by Helmut Pappe to the Historical Association on the 4 June 1957. Also includes two typed drafts, and notes/research 21/1

Notes by Helmut Pappe for his Wakefield and Marx paper, including letters to Leicester Webb detailing some of the Wakefield research Helmut Pappe had undertaken 21/2

Copy of Ethics, international journal of social, political and legal philosophy. October 1955, volume 66, number 1, part 2. “The Foundations of Democracy”. Notes on this article by Helmut Pappe (possibly for review) 21/3

Article from Time Magazine, 6 July 1953 on conservative minds in philosophy.
Quotes (in Helmut Pappe’s hand) taken from Charles McKinley’s “The Constitution and the Tasks Ahead” (printed in the American Political Science Review, Volume 49, December 1955, number 4 21/4

Notes made by Helmut Pappe on democracy and political theory all handwritten, mainly in English 21/5


Box 22

Notes and book reviews by Helmut Pappe. Catalogued by topic.

Simone de Beauvoir The Second Sex, Ernst Campbell Mossner Bishop Butler and the Age of Reason, Milton Friedman The Fragility of Reason and Arnold Brecht Political Theory: The Foundations of Twentieth Century Political Thought. 22/1

Hume 22/2

Adam Smith 22/3

Notes on Schleiermacher’s work on The Worth of Socrates as a Philosopher 1851 22/4

Romanticism 22/5

Notes on Friedrich Meinecke and his book Historicism and the Rise of a New Historical Outlook 22/6

Notes on positivism in England 22/7

Friedrich Albert Lange 22/8
Burke 22/9
General economic theory. 22/10

Grote 22/11
Feudalism and Capitalism, the Victorians and Ancient Greece, The origins of Economic ideas, History of Economic Theory, Economic theory in retrospect 22/12

Kant and Hegel 22/13

Smart on Industrial Cycles 22/14

R. Welleck 22/15
Dilthey 22/16
Comparison of Kant and A. Smith 22/17
Hermeneutics 22/18

Skinner, Pocock and Dunn  22/19

Political Economy 22/20

Social Markets 22/21
Hoffding A History of Modern Philosophy, Erdman A History of Philosophy, Windelband A History of Philosophy 22/22

Frank E. Manuel The New World of Henri Saint-Simon 22/23
Letter to Peter Butler from Pappe outlines on how to teach the Sociology of Knowledge 22/24
Montesquieu and Tocqueville 22/25

J. B. Say Olbie on Essai sur les Moyens de Reformer les Mours d’une Nation
Essay by Pappe Against Marx’s Notion of Evolution/Revolution and on his Lack of Originality 22/26

Abel-François Villemain 22/27

Historicism and Positivism theories of Ernst Troeltsch - in German 22/28

W. J. Fox 22/29
Technology and Culture 22/30

French Economy 1790-1815 22/31
Dorothy Marshall Industrial England 1776-1854 22/32

G. Myndere Value: Social Theory and The Political Element: The Development of Economic Theory 22/33

Sovereignty 22/34

Goethe 22/35

A. E. Cherbuliez’s Du Socialisme et de Quelques Autres Maladies du Corps Social en France 22/36

Gibbon 22/37

Democracy - Ancient and Modern 22/38

E. R. Hughes The Great Learning and the Mean-in-Action 22/39

Lorenzo de Medici 22/40

Coudillac ou la joie de vivre 22/41

Comte, Mill and Sociology 22/42

George L. Nesbitt The First Twelve years of the Westminster Review 1824-1836 22/43

Gerhardt Preyer 22/44

Anthropology, Sociology and Culture 22/45

A. V. Dicey Law and Public Opinion 22/46

Economy of France and England 1740-1820 22/47

A Piece of Britain 22/48

J. Martin - Madame de Stael Biography 22/49

E. Halevy 22/50

R. G. Collingwood and Croce 22/51



Box 23


Notes on John Stuart Mill 23/1

Helmut Pappe’s notes on John Stuart Mill on George Grote’s A History of Greece 23/2

Helmut Pappe’s notes titled ‘The John Stuart Mill Problem’ 23/3

John Stuart Mill on Schiller, Humbolot and Goethe 23/4

Helmut Pappe’s lecture outline “Mill and Weber” 23/5

Book review by Helmut Pappe. G. Himmelfarb’s On Liberty and Liberalism: The Case of Mill vs. Mill 23/6

Essays by Helmut Pappe The Good Mill and the Bad and One Mill or Two 23/7

Bentham and John Stuart Mill 23/8

John Stuart Mill on Knowledge 23/9

Notes from a seminar on John Stuart Mill by Nassau? 23/10

Becker on John Stuart Mill 23/11

John Stuart Mill on Logic (notes in German) 23/12

Ancient Greece, influence of Plato and Aristotle on John Stuart Mill and notes on John Stuart Mill’s essay on Platoism 23/13

John Stuart Mill on liberty, democracy and socialism, logic, the spirit of the age 23/14

Notes on John Stuart Mill’s life 23/15

John Stuart Mill on liberty, interests and rights 23/16

John Stuart Mill debating society days 23/17

The Mills and Harriet Taylor copy of an essay by Helmut Pappe 23/18

Review of the philosophy of John Stuart Mill by R. P. Anschutz 23/19

Comte’s Influence on John Stuart Mill (Potential Paper) 23/20


Box 24


Notes for lectures/ seminars and lecture outlines given by Helmut Pappe, arranged by topic 24/1

John Stuart Mill - Some problems of Modern Politics: in the light of a re-examination of John Stuart Mill 24/2

“The Development of Social Science” 24/3

“The Inadequate History of Sociology” 24/4

“Disenchantment of the World” 24/5

“The Social Sciences and the Enlightenment” 24/6

“On Roles in Society”  24/7

“On the Enlightenment” 24/8


Box 25

Helmut Pappe’s notes on James Mills’ The History of British India (1817) and Pappe’s notes around the topic as a whole 25/1

Also correspondence with Temple University Press concerning a possible publication of an abridged version of The History of British India written by Helmut Pappe. Copy of Helmut Pappe’s proposed introduction.  25/2


Box 26

Complete collection of short works (articles, papers, book reviews etc.), by Helmut Pappe – title and where printed or delivered as speech (if known)

“Rocking the Cradle of Erewhon”, 6 copies. All reprinted from Historical Studies, Vol. 10, No. 37, November 1960 26/1

“Wakefield and Marx”, 5 copies. All reprinted from The Economic History Review, Series 2, Vol. 4, No 1, 1951 26/2

“The Mills and Harriet Taylor”, 3 copies. All reprinted from Political Science, Vol.8, No 1, March 1956 26/3

“Mill and Tocqueville”, 3 copies. Reprinted from the Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 25, No 2, April-June, 1964 26/4

Studies in the Sociology of Law, 1 copy. The Australian National University, Canberra, 1961 26/5

“On the Validity of Judicial Decisions in the Nazi Era”, 1 copy. Reprinted form the Modern Law Review May 1960 26/6

Henry Handel Richardson and Jens Peter Jacobsen, 1 copy. Unpublished. 26/7

“Manufacturing in New Zealand: A Specific example” 1 copy. Reprinted form the New Zealand Geographer, Vol. 2, No 2, October 1946 26/8

“The English Utilitarians and Athenian Democracy” 1 copy in R.R.Bolgar, ed., Classical Influences on Western Thought A.D. 1650-1870 (Cambridge University Press 1978) 26/9

“On Philosophical Anthropology” 4 copies. All from Australian Journal of Philosophy, May 1961 26/10

“Some Notes on Mr Elliot’s Culture 1 incomplete copy. Landfall, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1950 26/11

La Formation de la Pensse Socio-Economique de Sismondi: Sismondi and Adam Smith 1 copy. (no source cited) 26/12

“Sismondi’s System of Liberty” 1 copy. Reprinted from Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. XL, no. 2, April-June 1979 26/13

“Some Notes on Sismondi’s Tableau de l’Agriculture Toscane” 1 copy. Etudes de Philologie et D’Histoire (1969- exact date unknown/ no source cited) 26/14

“The Significance of the ‘Raccolta Sismondi at Pescia for the Interpretation of Sismondi’s Life and Work - Prolegomena to a New Biography” 1 copy.  Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura, No. 818, 1973 26/15

Review of “The Anthropology of Science” by A.C. Crombie. 2 copies (date unknown/ no source cited) 26/16

Review of “The Earlier letters of John Stuart Mill 1812-1848” by F. E. Mineka. 7 copies (MIND, Vol. LXXVI, No. 303, July, 1967) 26/17

Review of “The Discovery of Time “ by Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield. 6 copies (December 1965 - exact date unknown/ no source cited) 26/18

Review of the early draft of John Stuart Mill’s Autobiography, edited by Jack Stillinger. (The Journal of English and Germanic Philosophy, Vol. LXI, No 3, July, 1962) 26/19

Review of “Poetry and Experience: Selected Works vol. 5” by William Dilthey. 1 copy (British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol.27, No 2, Spring 1987) 26/20

Review of “George Grote: A Biography” by Martin Lowther Clarke. 1 copy. (September 1963 - exact date unknown/ no source cited) 26/21

2 newspaper articles for The Press “Symptom of Aggressive Egyptian Militarianism” 18/9/1956, “International Bodies Offer No Sure Ground” 21/9/1956. 26/22

Dictionary and Encyclopaedia entries. Dictionary of the History of Ideas “The Enlightenment” 1 copy. Encyclopaedia of the History of Ideas “Ernst Junger” 3 copies, “Werner Sombart” 1 copy, “Arnold Gehlen” 5 copies, “Philosophical Anthropology” 3 copies. (See box 1 and box 3 for further reference) 26/23


Box 27


Typed draft of Helmut Pappe’s book on Sismondi’s system of liberty. 27/1

Articles by all participants at Pescia conference (all on Sismondi),  plus guide book 27/2

Photocopies of the Sismondi’s Statistique du Departement du Leman 27/3

Handwritten draft and typed draft of Helmut Pappe’s translation of the Statistique du Departement du Leman 27/4

Pappe’s notes contributing towards his essay Sismondi’s Weggenossen 27/5


Box 28

The life and works of Louis Waldenburg: Pappe’s research on the German physician;1837- 1881

Newspaper cuttings, original letters and photographs, photocopies of Waldenburg’s writings
Correspondence between Pappe and University of Sussex librarian A. Peasgood concerning Pappe’s research relating to the Waldenburgs.
Waldenburg’s diary.
Also research surrounding wife Lilli Waldenburg, daughter Emma Waldenburg, and work associates Max Jaffe and Ernst Miller. All in German 28/1


3. Personal

The third part of the collection consists of only one box. The majority of Helmut Pappe’s archive could easily be divided into correspondence, academic work and documents from his time at the University of Sussex. This one box deals with his life in New Zealand and his work at C. W. F. Hamilton & Co. Ltd before Helmut Pappe travelled to England and took the post of Lecturer at the University of Sussex.

Box 29

Sales information/ pamphlets detailing C.W.F. Hamilton & Co. Ltd products, (Industrial, Agricultural and Hydraulic equipment). Handwritten P & L/ Balance sheets by Pappe. 29/1

Newspaper clippings and pamphlets detailing the launch of the “Jet Boat” by C. W.F. Hamilton & Co. Ltd.
(for additional information surrounding the C. W. F. Hamilton & Co. Ltd launch of the Jet Boat see The Jet Boat: The Making of a New Zealand Legend by Anne and Les Bloxham) 29/2


4. University of Sussex 

The last four boxes in the collection contain correspondence and documents from Helmut Pappe’s time at the 探花精选. All documents ordered chronologically. (Any documents dated with only a year are ordered before those with a full date for that same year).


Box 30

Student Matters – Correspondence with students (all undated), internal correspondence dealing specifically with individual student issues, marking sheets for students who were Helmut Pappe’s tutees, reports on student achievement, forms from students confirming their module options for the coming academic year, drafts of essays and essay plans from students (all arranged chronologically) 30/1


Box 31

Personal/external – mainly correspondence with academics and/or institutions outside of the 探花精选.  The majority deal with possible visits, guest lecturing, invitations to seminars and the publication of various works by Helmut Pappe (all arranged chronologically) 31/1


Box 32

Teaching Material - Copies of exam papers, reading lists, set essay questions, vacation work and course handbooks written by Helmut Pappe for the 探花精选. Also copies of exam papers from other universities (used as guidelines). Handwritten notes made by Helmut Pappe as preparation for lectures and typed up lecture plans. Vast majority of documents concern Helmut Pappe’s teaching of the social sciences and intellectual history.  32/1

Box 33

Personal/internal – internal correspondence (official letters, memorandums, handwritten notes). Vast range of subject matters. Teaching methods, meetings, students, rules/regulations/guidelines, matters regarding Helmut Pappe’s pay scheme, informal invitations from other lectures for drinks/dinners, comments on other 探花精选 academics scholarly work. (Arranged chronologically – any prolonged correspondence on a specific topic are ordered together from the date of the first letter) 33/1



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