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Geoffrey Gorer Archive

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This, the main section of the handlist, is a chronological catalogue of material from all phases of GG's working life. As well as drafts of most of his books, it includes texts (mainly in typescript) of works never published and relevant background documents. The sequence covers GG's student career at Charterhouse and Jesus College, Cambridge, early belles lettres, anthropological writings of the 1930s, wartime work in the US and finally the period of his major studies of English life and culture (1955-1970).

Normal bibliographic conventions are followed in the citation of individual titles, i.e. titles of published books and journals are italicised, whereas titles of chapters or articles are enclosed in quotation marks. Titles of all unpublished works, including drafts of works subsequently published in book form, are enclosed in quotes.


1. Charterhouse 1

1 box ms and pr papers:

a. Exercise books:

(i) Early verse and prose writings.

(ii) Greek and Latin exercises, notes (3 books).

(iii) Medical and scientific notes.

(iv) Notes on Malebranche.

b. Essays, examinations, etc.

1 folder containing:

(i) Examination question papers 1913, 1919. Pr pp.6.

(ii) French essay on Huysman's A rebours. Ms pp.10.

(iii) Greek exercise. Ms f.1.

(iv) "On school stories". Essay. Ms pp.4.

2. Cambridge 2

1 box ms, ts, pr papers:

a. Notebooks:

(i) Ancient history.

(ii) French.

(iii) Greek.

(iv) Latin.

(v) Tragedy (2 books).

(vi) Medical notes not by GG.

b. Notes (loose):

2 files ms papers.

c. Other:

1 file ts, pr papers containing:

(i) Character sketches of three types of undergraduate (aesthetic, purseproud, rowing). Ts ff.3.

(ii) "Go to bed, Cambridge". Ts, corrected, ff.2.

(iii) Examination question papers (6) for the Annual Classics examination 1924. Pr pp.11.


1. Fiction

a. Novel 3/1-7

1 box ms, ts papers:

"Roderick Cantilever: his travels and adventures"

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections. pp.376.

Final ts with minor ms corrections. 2 vols. Bound in paper covers. pp.452, 3.

b. Short stories: 4/1

2 folders ms, ts papers:

(i) "The barrow". Ts with ms additions and corrections pp.11.

(ii) "The dead cannibal, or, Cannibals by night". Ts with minor ms corrections. Submitted to Ann Watkins, New York. pp.10.

(iii) "Elderly fairy". Ts with minor ms corrections pp.6.

(iv) "Maid to Mrs Parker". Ts with minor ms corrections pp.9.

(v) "Malaise". Ts pp.19.

(vi) "Mary Ann Donovan". Ts with ms amendments pp.28. 4/2

(vii) "The mask". Ts with ms corrections. Entered for Manchester Guardian ghost story competition. pp.7.

(viii) "No politics please". Ts with ms corrections pp.5.

(ix) "Rosel". Ts pp.21.

(x) "A touch of the sun". Tss with ms corrections. Three versions. Submitted to Pearn, Pollinger and Higham. pp.28, 24, 24.

(xi) Notebook containing drafts of short stories. Begins "Oh my darling, my darling". pp.15. 4/3

(xii) Untitled fragments. pp.23. 4/4

c. Occasional pieces 4/5

Parodies, translations, etc.

1 folder ts papers:

(i) "Decomposition as expurgation". pp.4.

(ii) "Imps of hell". 2 versions. p.l, pp.2.

(iii) "Grand Italian phenomenon". p.1.

(iv) "John Banting", etc. pp.4.

(v) "The white peril in dancing". pp.7.

2. Plays

3 boxes ms, ts papers:

a. "Clean sweep: a light comedy" 5/1-7

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections pp.26, 25, 22.

Ts submitted to Pearn, Pollinger & Higham pp.399 35, 31, 11.

Final ts. 3 vols. Bound in paper covers pp.39, 35, 31, 11.

b. "Death at Geneva: a play" 5/8-9

Ts draft with ms amendments. pp.70.

Final ts with minor ms corrections. Bound in paper covers. pp.75.

c. "The idealist: a comedy in three acts" 5/10-11

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections. pp.70.

Final ts submitted to Pearn, Pollinger & Higham. Bound in paper covers. pp.71.

d. "The lure of the yellow man" 5/12

Ts with ms corrections pp.4.

e. "Madame Sesostyris: a comedy of credulity" 6/1-8

Ts draft with ms corrections. pp.22, 27, 22.

Ts with minor ms corrections submitted to Pearn, Pollinger & Higham. pp.33, 39, 33, vi.

Ts with minor ms corrections submitted to A.D. Peters. 3 vols bound in paper covers. pp.33, 39, 33.

Final ts. Bound in paper covers. pp.26, 33, 27, vi.

f. "Mr. Briscoe: a comedy in five scenes" 6/9-14

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections. pp.90.

Final ts submitted to Pearn Pollinger & Higham. Bound in paper covers. pp.iv, 125.

g. "The people's friend: a play" 7/1-5

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections. pp.66.

Ts draft of a version of a scene, incomplete. ff.13.

Final ts with minor ms corrections. Bound in paper covers. pp.79, 54, 50.

h. "Relapse: a play in one act" 7/6

Ts pp.9.

i. Titled fragments: 7/7

1 file ts papers. Contains: "Behind the scenes" ff.3; "Men must fight" ff.3; "Merrily we roll along" ff.2; "The portrait of Venus" ff.8; "The pure in heart" f.l; "The world waits" f.1.

k. Untitled fragments, notes: 7/8

1 file ms, ts papers. pp.30.

3. Verse

a. Loose leaf verses 7/9

1 folder ms, ts papers. ff.20.

b. Notebook containing verses, etc. 7/10

Begins "The growing corn the sickle will respect". pp.21.

c. Album of verses with accompanying photographs. 7/11

May not be by GG.


1. The revolutionary ideas of the Marquis de Sade

2 boxes ms, ts and printed papers:

a. First edition (London: Wishart: 1934)

Notebook containing preparatory notes. ff.29. 8/1

First ts draft with ms additions and corrections. Incomplete (lacks pp.41-46, 83, 133-5, 219). pp.ix, 257. 8/2-6

Second ts draft with ms additions and corrections. Omits chapter 1 of first ts draft. pp.ix, 41-240. 8/7-14

Insertions. ff.4. 8/15

Foreword by J.B.S. Haldane. Holograph version ff.4; ts draft with ms corrections ff.4 + carbon. 8/16

Final ts with ms and ts amendments and corrections. Bound in blue linen covers. pp.ix, 257. 8/17 File also includes publisher's agreement dated 25.01.34. Ts ff.3. 8/18

b. Revised and enlarged edition (London: Peter Owen: 1953)

Ts draft of foreword and inserts, with ms corrections. pp.32. 9/1

Two copies of the first edition (1934) with GG's ms corrections and amendments for the revised edition. 9/2-3

Ts draft with ms corrections of GG's additional chapter (Chapter IX) "Twenty years after". 2 versions. ff.26, 29. 9/4

Publisher's galley proofs lacking early pages. Corrected. With pp.2 GG ts notes. 9/5

Copy of the revised edition (1953; reprinted 1962) with ms corrections and amendments by GG (for a projected new edition?) and with ms notes f.1 inserted. 9/6

Copy of the Panther paperback of the revised edition (1964) with ms corrections by GG and with list (part ms, part ts) of "Misprints in Panther edition" ff.1 inserted. 9/7

c. American edition (New York: Norton: 1963)

The life and ideas of the Marquis de Sade

Textual additions, corrections, etc. Ts carbon ff.42. 9/8

Ts draft with ms corrections of Chapter 1. pp.73. 9/9

d. Miscellaneous:

1 file reviews of The revolutionary ideas of the Marquis de Sade (press cuttings). 8 pieces. 9/10

2. Africa dances

2 boxes ms, ts papers and photographs:

a. First edition (London: Faber: 1935)

Notebook containing GG's West African field notes. ff.33. 10/1

Ts journal-letter 05.05.34 - 02.08.34. 2 versions (pp.62, 62): one version contains only journal sections. 10/2-3

"Black world: a book about West African Negroes". Ts draft with corrections and amendments, some in ms. pp.346. ["Black world" was GG's working title for Africa dances.] 10/4-5


1 box containing:

(i) Three albums of photographs (one with extensive ts annotations).

(ii) Pages of plates from the U.S. edition (1935) of Africa dances (3 sets).

(iii)Various loose prints.

Agreement between GG and Faber & Faber Ltd. for the publication of "Black world", dated 12.12.34. 10/6

b. US edition (New York: Knopf: 1935)

Agreement between GG and Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. for the publication of Africa dances, dated 03.04.35 (2 copies).

c. French translation (unpublished?) 10/7

Preface to the French translation of Africa dances. Ts draft pp.6. Dated August 1936.

d. German edition (Berne: Scherz: 1950)

Agreement between GG and Albert Scherz Verlag (Berne) for the publication of a German translation of Africa dances, dated 06.03.50.

e. Italian edition (Milan: Garzanti: 1953)

Agreement between GG and Aldo Garzanti (Milan) for the publication of an Italian translation of Africa dances, dated 06.06.50.

f. Spanish translation 10/8

Agreement between GG and Penguin Books Ltd. on behalf of Editorial Lautaro (Buenos Aires) for the publication of a Spanish translation of Africa dances, dated 01.07.47.

g. Revised edition (London: Lehmann: 1949) 10/8

Agreement between GG and John Lehmann Ltd. for the publication of Africa dances, dated 29.12.47.

"Foreword - 1948". Ts (carbon) draft with ms corrections. pp.3.

h. New edition (New York: Norton: 1962) 10/9

"Africa dances - introduction 1962". Ts (carbon) draft. ff.8.

i. New edition (Harmondsworth: Penguin: 1983) 10/10

Letter from Penguin Books Ltd. accompanying advance copy of Penguin Travel Library edition.

j. Miscellaneous: 10/11

1 file & 1 album of reviews of Africa dances (press cuttings). 40, 53 pieces.

3. Bali and Angkor: or, Looking at life and death (London: Michael Joseph: 1936)

3 boxes ms, ts and pr papers and photographs:

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections probably submitted to Michael Joseph. pp.222. 12/1

Photographs: 2 boxes containing: 13-14

(i) Four albums of prints.

(ii) Various loose prints, contact prints and negatives.

Agreement between GG and Michael Joseph Ltd. for the publication of Bali and Angkor, dated 15.11.35. 12/2

Photocopy of first edition (1936). pp.240. 12/3

Agreement between GG and Little, Brown & Co. for the U.S. publication of Bali and Angkor, dated 12.03.36. 12/4

Letter from Little, Brown & Co. dated 19.08.36 with enclosures.

1 file reviews of Bali and Angkor (press cuttings). 3 pieces. 12/5

4. Nobody talks politics (London: Michael Joseph: 1936) 15/1

Agreement between GG and Michael Joseph to publish Nobody talks politics, dated 15.11.35.

5. Hot strip tease (London: Cresset Press: 1937) 15/2

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections of section 1, section 2 (2 versions), section 5. pp.25, 34, 34, 23.

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections possibly submitted to Cresset Press. pp.5-159. 15/3

Agreement between GG and Cresset Press for the publication of Hot strip tease dated 03.11.36. 15/4

1 file reviews of Hot strip tease (press cuttings). 16 pieces. 15/5

6. Himalayan village

5 boxes ms, ts, and printed papers, and photographs:

a. First edition (London: Michael Joseph: 1938)
(i) Writings from the field: 16/1

Ts journal-letter 08.12.36 - 14.03.37. ff.36 + carbon copy of journal sections. ff.35.

Ms field notes, Lingthem, 12.03.37 - 18.05.37 in 11 pocket diaries. 16/2

Ts field notes, with ms corrections and additions. ff.555 in 4 sections; with ts index pp.19. 16/3-15

(ii) Drafts:

"The Lepchas of Sikkim". First draft. Ts (carbon) draft with ms corrections. 2 vol. bound in paper covers. pp.iii, 557, [37]. "Copy 4". 17/1

"The Lepchas of Sikkim". First draft. Ts draft with ms corrections. ff.325. Incomplete. 17/2

Miscellaneous drafts. Ts with ms corrections. ff.119. 17/3

["The Lepchas of Sikkim" was GG's working title for Himalayan village.]

(iii) Photographs: 18

One album of prints.

One box containing: Various loose prints, Contact prints, Negatives.

For a detailed list of these photographs see Himalayan village: photographs from the Gorer Bequest. (探花精选 Library 1986). (Copy stored with photographs.)

(iv) Miscellaneous notes: 19/1-4

4 files of ms and ts notes on anthropological and other topics, including Nepali and Lepcha vocabularies. ff.23, 87, 47, 40.

(v) Other related material:

GG's copy of Percy Brown, Tours in Sikhim (3rd ed., 1934). 19/5

Agreement between GG and Michael Joseph Ltd. for the publication of Himalayan village, dated 11.01.38. 19/6

Letter from Robert Lusty of Michael Joseph dated 02.09.38.

1 file reviews of Himalayan village (press-cuttings). 14 pieces. 19/7

Review of Himalayan village by Margaret Mead. Offprint from Oceania 9(3), March 1939, pp-344-53. 19/8

1 file containing ts draft of article "The Lepcha of Sikkim" by Charles & Cherry Lindholm. pp.20; accompanying letter from the authors dated 19.06.80. f.l; pr papers. ff.7. 19/9

b. Second edition (London: Nelson: 1967)

Copy of first edition of Himalayan village (1938) with GG's ms corrections and amendments for the second edition, and with ms notes ff.9 inserted. See BOOK SEQUENCE for book. 19/10

"Introduction". pp.6; "Corrections and emendments" [sic] (3 versions, pp.3, 4, 6). Ts with ms corrections.

Letter to Thomas Nelson Ltd. from a Lepcha correspondent, dated 16.05.72.

c. [New edition] (Gloucester: Sutton: 1984)

"Literals and corrigenda". Ts (carbon) with ms corrections. pp.3. 19/11

7. "What is human nature?: an attempt at a social psychology"

(c.1938). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.130 + carbon. Unpublished. 20/1

8. Rockefeller Foundation research project on mass communications, 1939

1 box ts & mimeographed papers, comprising:

Miscellaneous notes and working papers. 7 files. 21/1-7

"A report on movie and radio in the United States with particular reference to certain special projects" (August 1939). Ts draft pp.120 (2 copies). 21/8-9

Certain hypotheses with regard to movies and radio (September 1939). Mimeographed pp.50 (4 copies). 20/2

"Research on motion picture audiences" (November 8, 1939). Ts pp.39 ff.16. 21/10

Public opinion and the emergency (November 1, 1939). Mimeographed pp.67. Memorandum produced jointly by members of the Rockefeller Foundation Mass Communications Group. 21/11

9. Miscellaneous papers of the late thirties and early forties

2 boxes ms, ts and mimeographed papers on social science subjects, including notes and papers of C.L. Hull's psychology seminars, Yale University, 1941, which GG attended. 22-23


1. Handbook of psychological leads for ethnological field workers 23

(Institute of Human Relations[?], Yale[?]: 1940 [?] )

"Introduction" (by A.I. Hallowell) pp.59; "Exhibit B" (by Ruth Benedict) pp.5; "Exhibit C" (by Hortense Powdermaker) pp.6; "Exhibit D" (by Stanley Newman) pp.8. Mimeographed.

"Tentative outline" (by Ruth Benedict). Ts draft f.1.

"Life cycle: birth to marriage". Ts draft ff.28. Possibly (probably?) not by GG.

"Life cycle II: puberty to death" (by GG). Ts draft in 2 versions ff.25, pp.40.

"Social organisation" (by GG). Ts draft pp.12.

"Intellectual concepts" (by GG). Ts draft pp.26.

"Culture contact" (by GG). Ts draft pp.6 (2 copies).

"Aggression". Ts draft pp.19. (Not by GG?).

"Religion". Ts draft pp.12. (Not by GG?).

2. "The world of Tom Malden: a psychoanalytic and sociological study of schizophrenia"

By Earl Zinn and Geoffrey Gorer (194-). Unpublished.

3 boxes ms, ts papers:

a. Research and background material 24/1-4

4 files containing: Letters (14) 25.09.40 - 31.10.41 between the authors and the Wheldon family (mainly carbon copies); lists of persons, topics, etc. ff.76; miscellaneous notes including extracts of hospital records. ff.95; copies of letters for Supplement. ff.47.

b. Ts draft, heavily amended, with second ts draft of chapters 1, 4. 24-25
c. First carbon of chapters 6-12,, bibliography, with ms and ts additions, amendments.

Second carbon. Complete.

d. Final ts with minor ms additions and corrections

Agent's copy submitted to Ann Watkins, New York. ff.493. 26

Box also contains 1 file of correspondence between GG and Earl Zinn concerning publication difficulties. 6 tls 12.03.46 - 05.11.48.

3. "India and the British" (1941)

1 box ts papers:

Outline. Ts with ms corrections. 4 versions, pp.5, 6, 6, 6. 27/1

GG's curriculum vitae. Ts (carbon) f.1. 27/2

"Assistance required for projected book on India". Ts (carbon) with ms corrections. 2 versions, pp.3, 4; with letter from Angus [Hilder?], British Library of Information (New York).

"India - Hindu caste". Ts pp.2 + carbon.

"Draft of proposed introduction by the Ambassador". Ts with ms corrections. 2 versions, ff.l, 2. (Both versions appear to be by GG.)

Ts draft of chapters 1-3, 5-6 with ms corrections. ff.119 + carbon. 27/3-4

4. "Germany diagnosed" (1941) 27/5

Ts draft with ms corrections (not in GG's hand). ff.227 in various pagings.

(This ts, by an unidentified psychiatrist [possibly Richard Brickner], was "rewritten" by GG in the autumn of 1941. See GG's letter to E.C. Olsen, 30.10.41. It is not clear whether the ts is the original or the rewritten version.)

5. Japanese character structure and propaganda. 28

Prepared for the Committee on National Morale and the Council on Human Relations. 1 box ms, ts and printed papers:

a. First edition (1942)

Ts draft with ms corrections. 2 copies. ff.66, 65.

Mimeographed final version. pp.37. "Comments and additions" (pp.3) by Professor Douglas Haring inserted as appendix. Ms note: "Author's copy" With letter to GG from Capt. N.C. Willmott, Ministry of Defence, dated 07.09.56.

Carbon copy of the above wanting title page.

Three further copies of final version, incomplete in various respects. One copy handstamped "From the papers of Ruth Benedict" includes corrections and additions (in Benedict's hand ?) subsequently incorporated in the 2nd ed.

b. Second edition (New York: Institute for Intercultural Studies: 1942)

Mimeographed. pp.30 [i.e. 31: includes 2 pages numbered 24]. "Not for publication". 45 copies. One copy handstamped "From the papers of Ruth Benedict".

As above but with pp.25-31 renumbered. 4 copies.

c. Miscellaneous related material in three files:

Ts and ms notes of interviews on Japanese childhood training. ff.92 + cutting from New Haven register 23.11.41 containing article on Clara D. Loomis (one of GG's informants).

Ts and ms notes from various published sources. ff.103.

Correspondence on Japanese subjects. ff.97.

6. Burmese psychology 29

a. Burmese psychology (1943).

Ts carbon pp.63. 2 copies: pp.56-63 wanting from second copy.

b. Burmese personality (Office of War Information, Bureau of Research and Analysis, July 13, 1943)

Ts carbon pp.48. "Copied February 1944, incorporating pencilled corrections by the author." Handstamped "Confidential". Corrected version of Burmese psychology with a new final section.

c. Burmese personality (July 13, 1943, copied and corrected 1945).

Mimeographed. pp.50. Omits final section of the 1944 version. "Restricted". 3 copies.

d. Letter from Margaret Mead, 28.8.52.

Relates to a possible reprint of Burmese personality. With GG's reply, 06.09.52, enclosing an outline of a projected preface.

e. 1 file ts, ms notes on Burmese subjects. ff.31.

7. The Greek community and the Greek child

a. The Greek community and the Greek child, from the viewpoint of relief and rehabilitation (1943?)

Ts carbon pp.41. Written by GG with Dorothy Demetrocopolou Lee.

b. The Greek community and the Greek child, from the viewpoint of relief and rehabilitation.

Mimeographed pp.41. Displays minor differences from the above, including authorship statement ascribing the work to GG alone. Ms note: "G. Gorer/personal copy".

c. Incomplete ts draft of the above with ms corrections. ff.10.
d. 1 file related material, including to and as notes of interview with Greek respondents.

8. Miscellaneous papers from the period of World War II 30-31

2 boxes ts, mimeographed and pr papers related to GG's wartime work on national character, including research papers 3-7 of the Research Project on Totalitarian Communication (New York, 1942-43).

9. Documents relating to GG's association with the War Office, and subsequently with the German Personnel Research branch Intelligence group, Control Commission for German (British Elements). 1946. 32

1 box ts and printed papers, comprising:

a. 1 file mimeographed papers reporting a conference on Germany after the War, called by the Joint Committee on Post-War Planning and held at Columbia University in 1944.
b. 1 file War Office papers, including mimeographed reports (4) on psychiatric topics and correspondence (4 pieces) between GG and Lieut.-Colonel G.R. Hargreaves.
c. 1 file letters and papers relating to GG's prospective appointment as Chief of the Social Analysis Department of the G.P.R.B., Jan-Feb 1946. ff.8.
d. Mimeographed G.P.R.B. publications, 1946, and associated papers and memoranda.


1. The Americans: a study in national character 33

7 files of papers relating to GG's book The Americans published in the UK by Cresset Press and in the USA as The American people by W.W. Norton & Co. Inc. in 1948.

a. Correspondence

2 files of ts papers with ms additions:

(i) Correspondence with publishers and a letter to Cresset Press relating to corrections to the typescript; includes various miscellaneous ts pages of draft outline for the book.

(ii)Various letters and copies of contracts with publishers including contracts for the Swedish, Swiss and Italian editions. Also includes GG's "Professional data sheet" and Curriculum Vitae.

Ts review of The Americans by Margaret Mead (undated) ff.4.

Letter from Arrow Books Ltd about the paperback edition, 1960.

b. Press cuttings

2 files of pr papers:

(i) Reviews of The American people from the US press.

(ii) Reviews of The Americans from the British press.

c. Typescripts

3 files of ts papers:

(i) Bound ts draft copy of The Americans with ms amendments, pp.315.

(ii) Ts copies of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 and chapter entitled "Minorities in America and lesser breeds".

(iii) Ts "Foreign matter: Supplement to The Americans, fifteen years after, 1963". ff.19 (2 copies).

d. Miscellaneous

Copy of the Norton edition of The American people (1948) with ms corrections by GG.

2. The people of Great Russia: a psychological study

by GG and John Rickman

1 box ms, ts and pr papers:

a. First edition (London: Cresset Press: 1949)

Ts draft of contents page, introduction, complete section "The psychology of Great Russians" and Appendix I, "The development of the swaddling hypothesis"; all with ms corrections. f.l, pp.1-169 101-200. 34/1

Ts draft of complete book, with ms corrections. pp.259, 15. Bound in paper covers. 34/2

1 file ts, ms inserts, corrigenda and miscellaneous drafts. 34/3

Agreement between GG and John Rickman regarding their respective authors' rights in The people of Great Russia, dated 07.01.49. 34/4

Agreement between GG and John Rickman and the Cresset Press Ltd. for the publication of The people of Great Russia, dated 12.01.49.

Letter from Cresset Press dated 02.05.49.

"Blurb about the authors". Ts draft pp.2 (2 copies). Letter from The Free Press (Glencoe, ILL.) dated 22.06.49 regarding a possible U.S. edition. 34/5

1 file ts notes and correspondence relating to The people of Great Russia. Contains comments by Margaret Mead. 34/6

1 file "Extra Russian material", including earlier versions of Rickman's "Russian camera obscura"', correspondence and notes on Russian subjects, notes on books and extracts from The New York Times, 22.1.48. 34/7

1 file containing 3 sketches by John Rickman: "A Bolshevik commissar" (ts draft pp.7); "A political episode" (ms draft ff.5); "Sunrise in the Far East" (ts draft pp.4). The first two were included in The people of Great Russia. With covering letter from Rickman to GG dated 13.01.49. 34/8

1 file containing 3 pamphlets (1917-19) on Russian subjects by John Rickman. 34/9

1 file reviews and other published material relating to The people of Great Russia (press cuttings). 44 pieces. 34/10

b. Norton library edition (New York: Norton: 1962) 34/11

"The people of Great Russia. Introduction - 1961". Ts draft with ms corrections pp.12 (2 copies). One copy has attached comments by Rhoda Metraux pp.2.

"Corrections to The people of Great Russia". f.1.

3. [National character] (c.1950) 34/12

Ts draft pp.65 + carbon. Unpublished. GG seems to have intended to reprint some of his earlier essays on national character as an appendix to this work (see p.17 of the draft).


9 boxes ts, pr papers

1. General 35/1

1 file ts, pr papers

"Columbia University Research in Contemporary Cultures", by Weston La Barre. f.1. Reprinted from The scientific monthly 67 (3) Sept 1948, p.239.

"People and projects", by Margaret Mead. f.1. Reprinted from Human organization 8 (1) Winter 1949.

"Report on the Projects inaugurated by Ruth Benedict and continued by Margaret Mead: Columbia University Research in Contemporary Cultures, American Museum of Natural History: Studies in Soviet Culture, and Studies in Contemporary Cultures, A and B". (1953) Ts paper ff.4. Includes bibliography.

2. Columbia University Research in Contemporary Cultures

a. General 35/2

General information on the project, including organisational diagram. ff.5.

Progress reports 01.09.47 and 01.12.47. pp.4, 4, 1.

Summary pp.2 and Detailed record pp.6 of First Meeting of Conveners' Group, 17.11.47.

Minutes of General Seminars 1-11, 27, 18.09.47 -

03.02.49. ff.55 in various pagings.

b. Project reports 35/3

"Explorations in Chinese culture", by Ruth Bunzel (1950). pp.231, xi-xii. Appendices 1-2 wanting (RCC - PR 3).

"Some hypotheses about French culture" (1950). pp.236 (RCC - PR 4). 35/4

"A working paper on interviews and other selected materials" (1950). pp.84 (RCC - PR 5). 35/6

c. RCC Manual 35/7

(Note: An abridged version of this manual was published as The study of culture at a distance, edited by Margaret Mead and Rhoda Metraux. Chicago: University of Chicago P., 1953.)

Memorandum from MM to RCC members 15.11.50. pp.18. (RCC - Man. Memo 1).

GG's memorandum to MM 18.08.51 re: Introduction to RCC Manual. pp.4.

Letters from GG to Rhoda Metraux 24.11.51 ff.2 and 03.12.51 f.1 re draft manual.

"National character: theory and practice" (1952?) pp.157-195. GG's introduction to Section A: National character. 9 copies.

Memorandum from Rhoda Metraux to RCC members on revised table of contents for manual 12.12.52 [i.e. 12.11.52 ?]. pp.5.

d. French Group
(i) General 36/1

1 file ts papers by or assembled by GG, originally in ring binder labelled "Own French". Comprises:

"French culture: foreword" [by GG]. ff.2.

"Notes on the image of the father in French culture" [by GG ?]. pp.2.

Interviews by GG with assorted French respondents. ff.77 in various pagings.

Book abstract [by GG]. p.1.

Book extract. pp.6.

Notes on a French film. pp.2.

Minutes of French Group Meetings 1-9, 30.10.47 - 10.02.48. ff.115 in various pagings.

Minutes of French Group Meeting 04.03.49. pp.30. [This last item was not in the binder mentioned above.]

(ii) Hypotheses on French culture (1949?) 36/2

"French culture - preliminary hypotheses". Draft version with ms corrections pp.14 (2 copies). Second version pp.13 (7 copies). Paper by GG summarising the conclusions of the French Group.

"Introduction to the French hypotheses". Followed by sets of hypotheses prepared by GG and Rhoda Metraux respectively. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.43.

Commentary on the above and on other concerns of the French Group, in part by Rhoda Metraux [and in part by GG?]. ff.33 in various pagings.

(iii) Themes in French culture: a preface to a study of French community 36/3

(Note: A work under the above title by Rhoda Metraux and Margaret Mead and drawing on the material listed below was published by Stanford U.P. as No.l in Series D of Hoover Institute Studies, 1954.)

"Some themes in French culture" (Feb 1952) pp.82, ii, accompanied by memorandum from Rhoda Metraux to Dr D. Lerner, memorandum from MM to Dr Lerner, letter from Rhoda Metraux to GG and the latter's response.

"Themes in French culture" (1952). Annotated copy of "Some themes..." (above), together with "Text revisions for chapter Themes in French culture" (July 1952) pp.28 and letter dated 30.09.52 from Rhoda Metraux to GG.

Introduction to Themes in French culture, by MM (26.12.52). pp.10.

e. Russian Group

1 file ts minutes of meetings of the Group, May 1947 - Jan 1948. ff.164 in various pagings. 37/1

1 file miscellaneous Russian Group papers, including RCC - R 203, R 220-229, R 231. ff.151 in various pagings. Also second copy of R 227, R 228. 37/2

Memorandum from GG to MM dated 14.03.49 proposing topics for a study of the Ukraine. pp.2 (2 copies). 37/3

1 file ts notes on interviews with Russian respondents, book abstracts and other material. Originally in ring binder labelled "Own Russian". [All appear to be by GG.] 37/4

1 file ts notes on Russian cultures vocabulary, etc. Originally in ring binder labelled "Other Russian". 37/5

"Psychology of Great Russians". Ts draft with ms corrections pp.14. [By GG]. 37/6

"Psychology of the people of Great Russia: preliminary hypotheses", by GG. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.41 plus carbon. Also another version pp.34. 37/7

"Addendum to Psychology of the people of Great Russia" f.1 [by GG]. 37/8

f. Russia - Georgia 37/9

1 file ts papers

Group papers RCC - R.G. 1-7. ff.57 in various pagings.

g. Chinese Political Character Group 38/1

1 file ts papers

Minutes of meetings of the CPC Group 06.03.51 and 27.04.51. pp.19, 28.

CPC papers. ff.160 in various pagings (RCC - CPC 13-35). Also second copy of RCC - CPC 25.

h. Polish Group 38/2

1 file ts papers

"Psychology of the Polish peasant". Memorandum to Dr Sula Benet. Ts paper pp.12 plus carbon. [By GG].

"Patterns of thought and behavior in the culture of Poland: a study of national culture", by Sula Benet (1952). Ts paper pp.139 (RCC - P 125).

i. Syrian Group 38/3

1 file ts papers

"Notes for the Syrian Group". Ts paper p.1 plus carbon. [By GG].

"Syrian culture" (RCC - SY 99). 3 versions pp.25, 25, 22, representing successive drafts of a summary of the Group's findings. [By GG].

"Discussion between Dr Mead and Mr Geoffrey Gorer, 2 February 1949". pp.10.

j. Working Group on Human Relations [subsequently Working Group on Human Behavior ?] 38/4

1 file ts papers

"Tentative outline of national character", by MM (19.12.50). pp.9 (RCC - WGHR).

"A report on national character". Prepared by Columbia University Research in Contemporary Cultures, February 1951. pp.213 (RCC - WGHB).

3. Studies in Soviet Culture. Project co-ordinated by the American Museum of Natural History under contract with Project Rand

a. Project reports

"Progress report on Studies in Soviet Culture. American Museum of Natural History under contract with Project Rand" (1949 ?). ff.45 in various pagings. With "Draft inserts for revised Rand report" (1950) pp.18. 39/1

"Soviet child-training ideals and their political significance", by Elena Calas (1949). pp.21, 42, 22, 5. 39/2

"Leadership in Soviet agriculture and the Communist Party", by Herbert S. Dinerstein (194-). pp.146. 39/3

"Some Soviet attitudes towards authority", by N. Leites and MM (1949). pp.150, 11. Appendices A, B and D wanting. With memorandum by MM dated 16.10.49. 39/4

"Soviet conduct models and deviations" (1949). pp.152, ff.42. With ts comments by GG pp.2. 39/5

"The postwar Soviet image of the United States" (1950). ff.227 in various pagings. 39/6

"Three trials of Old Bolsheviks, 1936-1938: a study of Soviet elite motivations", by Elsa Bernaut and Nathan Leites (1951?). pp.404. 39/7

b. Miscellaneous SSC papers, March 1949 - July 1951. 40/1

1 file ts papers, including memoranda, minutes of seminars, and interviews.

c. Minutes of SSC meetings,F53/1 40/2

1 file ts minutes of meetings, April 1948 June 1949 (incomplete).

d. Miscellaneous SSC related papers 40/3

"Sam Welles, conversations with Russian children, Russia, spring 1947". pp.2.

"Psycho-cultural considerations of Soviet Russian behavior in international negotiations", by John W. Orton (1950). pp.103. MA thesis, Columbia University.

e. SSC Papers by GG 40/4

"Notes on S.S.C. documents 2, 3, 8, 9, 9A, 10, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 24A, 25 & 40" (1949). pp.6.

"Analysis of documents in Studies in Soviet Culture" (1949). 2 versions pp.25 (2 copies), 27 (SSC 41).

"Preliminary hypotheses concerning the relationship between national character and culture on the one hand and the composition of extreme parties in opposition, whether legal or illegal" (1949). pp.15 (2 copies). With transcripts of 4 GG interviews with a Polish respondent pp.58, 32, 25 plus carbons. Also letter from John Rickman dated 28.03.49.

"Grandparents in ped.[agogical] lit.[erature]" (1949). pp.2 (SSC EC). Comment by GG on "Annotations from literature to pedagogical material", by Elena Calas (SSC 84) .

f. SSC papers, numerical series 41-42

SSC 50, 52-53, 55-58, 60-93, 94A-121, 123-128 (1949-1950).

4. Studies in Contemporary Cultures. Project co-ordinated by the American Museum of Natural History. Director MM 43-44

Note: From September 1951 this project was reorganised, SSC-A concerning itself with Soviet studies and SSC-B with studies of Germany.

a. SSC-A papers

SCC papers, numerical series SSC-A 5-70, 72-78, 80-81 (1951-1952).

1 file ts minutes of SSC-A meetings, May 1951 - Feb 1952.

Final report (first draft) (1952). ff.406 in various pagings.

Miscellaneous papers: 1 file ts papers comprising a revised version of MM's paper "Oral communication in the Soviet Union" (written for the SSC final report) pp.31, and papers commenting on other sections of the draft final report. Also 2 proformas.

b. SSC-B papers

"German national character: a study of German self-images", by Rhoda Metraux and Nelly Schargo Hoyt (1953). ff.253 in various pagings.


1. Modern types (London: Cresset Press: 1955) 15

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections. pp.83. 15/6

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections of Modern types IV: Miss Francesca. pp.4. 15/7

Published versions of 12 of the Modern types from Punch 26.08.53 - 02.03.55. 15/8

Publisher's galley proofs. Corrected. 15/9

Title-page proof incorporating a Ronald Searle caricature 15/10

1 file reviews of Modern types (press cuttings). 18 pieces. 15/11

2. Exploring English character

42 files of papers relating to GG's study of the English character plus a further 39 boxes of unfiled completed questionnaires. The study began with an article by GG in the People newspaper, 31.12.50, inviting readers to take part in "The People Social Survey". The publishers of the People, Odhams Press, distributed over 14500 questionnaires.

GG wrote eight articles based on the survey which were printed in the People in September 1951, and his book, Exploring English character, was published in the UK by Cresset Press and in the USA by Criterion Books in 1955.

The questionnaire asked for full biographical information about the respondents and for their attitudes to the following: crime and "fiddling", superstition, mascots, the police, fortune-telling and horoscopes belief in ghosts, morality, falling in love, affairs, premarital sexual experience, sexual love in marriage, sex and friendship, social occasions, religious beliefs and practices, shyness, qualities of a good wife/husband, child-rearing: punishment and toilet-training, pocket money, Sunday School and contact with other children.

a. Printed material/background research

2 files of pr papers:

(i) Duplicated ts "The Sex Life of the British Male", Social Survey Publications, undated but c. 1955, and a printed pamphlet: "Your Life in the Police", a Police careers publication with ts notes by GG.

(ii) Offprints and related printed material by GG.

b. Press cuttings

4 files of pr papers:

(i) Article in the People by GG recruiting respondents for the survey: "The Secret You", 31.12.50.

(ii) Reviews of Exploring English character in the UK press, 1955.

(iii) Reviews as above from the US and Canadian press, 1955.

(iv) Eight articles (some duplicates) in the People, August - September 1951, by GG based on the survey.

c. Correspondence

4 files of ts, ms papers:

(i) Letters between GG and staff at Odhams Press, December 1950 - August 1951 and one letter from Cresset Press about publication, 1955 (2 files).

(ii) Letters from readers of the People in response to GG's first article, December 1950/January 1951.

(iii) Letters from respondents to the questionnaire, and one letter from a reader of Exploring English character, 1964.

d. Survey material

18 files of ts papers and 39 boxes of printed papers with ms additions.

(i) Vols I-IV of "The Gorer Social Survey": bound tss of tables of the survey results. Duplicate copies of Vols I, III and IV (7 files).

(ii) Ts extracts from the questionnaire replies, by question or group of questions (11 files).

(iii) 39 boxes of completed questionnaires.

e. Typescripts 14 files of ts papers:

(i) "Tentative Outline...English Character", GG's proposal for a book.

(ii) Articles for the People: various drafts.

(iii) "Exploring English Character", bound with cord in two volumes (unfiled).

(iv) Various drafts of Exploring English character (10 files).

3. Television and the English (1957-58)

19 files of papers relating to a study of television viewing habits, "The Sunday Times Leisure Survey", commissioned by the Sunday Times (Kemsley Newspapers Ltd.) and resulting in a series of articles by GG published in the Sunday Times. The fieldwork was carried out by Mather & Crowther Ltd in liaison with GG and covered both adult opinion and behaviour and the leisure patterns of schoolchildren. The schools research took place in January 1958. 291 children were interviewed in grammar schools, secondary modern schools and primary schools selected from all parts of the country.

a. Printed material/background research

1 file of pr papers: Contains pamphlets, offprints and press cuttings from the UK and USA; includes 2 letters from Margaret Mead listing references; communications with Dr Michael Young, Director of the Institute of Community Studies, and with Dr William Belson, Senior Psychologist in the Audience Research Department of the BBC.

b. Press cuttings and printed material

3 files of pr papers:

(i) Contains articles by GG for the Sunday Times: "Television in our lives" (13.04.58), "Television in our lives 2: Is it a drug - or a stimulant ?" (20.04.58), "Television in our lives 3: 探花精选 life, habits and hobbies" (27.04.58) and "TV and the growing child" (04.05.58).

(ii) Press reports on television research.

(iii) Correspondence in The Times and the New Statesman on television research including letters from GG and reports on the Parliamentary debate on advertising breaks in which GG's research was cited, March 1959.

(iv) "La Television a-t-elle changé le mode de vie des anglais ?", by GG, in Etudes de Marches par la méthode des Sondages, No.4, Decembre 1958.

c. Correspondence

4 files ms, ts papers:

(i) 12 letters from the public responding to the series of articles in the Sunday Times including one from William Empson and two from Enid Blyton.

(ii) Correspondence (August 1957 - March 1958) between GG and Sunday Times staff and between staff at Mather & Crowther Ltd concerned with the design of the questionnaire, types of interviews, group discussions, schools research, informal work via the Institute of Community Studies, costs of the survey, questions of honesty about the Sunday Times's sponsorship, results of pilot studies, and the interpretation of the results from 2000 questionnaires. Photocopies of tables of results are interfiled with the correspondence as are ts proofs of the articles. The letters also cover proposals for publication of the same data in a book for Cresset Press which did not materialise (2 files).

(iii) Correspondence relating to the establishment of the project and GG's access to schools. Correspondents include Professor Ben Morris, Director of the Institute of Education, University of Bristol, and other senior education administrators whose areas participated in the survey.

d. Survey material: Schools Research

5 files ts, ms papers:

(i) Ts notes on the school research results: "Children and TV sadism", "Schools - church", "Adolescents and bedtime". "The mechanical tranquillizer". Includes notes and columns of figures and drafts of questionnaires.

(ii) Extracts from the schools interviews.

(iii) Interviews with children, duplicated in batches by school (3 files).

e. Survey material: Adult Research

3 files of ts papers and one unfiled batch of photographs:

(i) Copies of questionnaires used in the Leisure Survey including drafts and ms notes.

(ii) Transcripts of group discussions about television watching and the role it plays in everyday life carried out with housewives in London (16.08.57) and Birmingham (21.08.57) and with men in various occupations in London (28.08.57).

(iii) Extracts from interviews/questionnaires with adults.

(iv) 200+ photographs of statistical tables of results, assorted sizes.

f. Typescripts: Articles by GG

2 files of papers with ms amendments, drafts:

(i) "Television and the English", top copy and carbon copy, ff.167.

(ii) "TV and daily life", "Abstainers and addicts or the mechanical tranquillizer" and "TV and the growing child" (carbon copies).

g. Typescripts: Research Reports

1 file of ts duplicated papers:

A series of ts reports summarising the schools research written by interviewers from Crowther and Mathers: "Leisure Survey (Schools Interviews) - January 1958" dated 06.02.58.

Seven "Personal Assessment Reports" on individual schools, January 1958.

4. Institute of Community Studies (1957-72) 45-50

6 boxes (28 files) of papers relating to GG's work with the Institute of Community Studies in Bethnal Green, London. The major part of the collection comprises tss sent to him in his capacity as a member of the ICS Advisory Committee.

a. Printed material

One file containing ts Constitution of the Institute with list of staff and publications, November 1967; file also includes a selection of ICS reprints (nos 14-16 and 18-26).

b. Correspondence

One file of letters between GG and staff at the Institute (chiefly Michael Young, the Director, and Peter Willmott, Deputy Director) from August 1957 until October 1972. Includes carbon copies of GG's comments on the ICS draft tss; also includes some duplicated circulars and minutes of the Advisory Committee.

c. Typescripts

26 files of drafts of ICS publications, usually duplicated and unbound, arranged in chronological order.

5. Does pornography matter ? (London: Routledge: 1961) 50

GG contributed one essay to this collection, which was edited by C.H. Rolph.

1 file press cuttings (reviews and general articles). 21 pieces.

6. Psychoanalysis observed (London: Constable: 1966)

GG contributed one essay to this collection, which was edited by Charles Rycroft.

2 files ts, pr papers comprising:

a. "Psychoanalysis in the world"

Ts draft pp.33. Letter from Charles Rycroft dated 01.05.66.

b. Press cuttings (reviews). 15 pieces.

7. The danger of equality and other essays (London: Cresset Press: 1966)

2 boxes ms, ts and pr papers

Preliminary material. 1 file containing: letter 19.10.65 from GG to his agent proposing the book; letter 17.12.65 from Cresset Press to GG agreeing to publish; contents list; notes to typist; published GG articles for inclusion, etc. 51/1

Ts draft with ms additions and corrections. Incorporates published articles of GG for inclusion in final text. pp.301. 51/2-5

Ts draft with minor corrections of Chapter 2 ("The concept of national character"). pp.18. 51/6

Ts with ms corrections used by Cresset Press. pp.334. 52/1

Ts carbons (2) with minor ms corrections. Each differs from previous version. pp.334, 334. 52/2-3

Proof copy, corrected, in sections. pp.263. 52/4

1 file reviews of The danger of equality (press cuttings). 14 pieces. 52/5

8. Death, grief and mourning in contemporary Britain

31 files of papers resulting from GG's preparations for the publication Death, grief and mourning in contemporary Britain, which was published by Cresset Press in Britain and by Doubleday & Co in the United States in 1965. The field work was carried out by Research Services Ltd in April and May 1963 and the longer interviews by GG and Mr David Tomlinson later the same year. An article by GG also appeared in the Sunday Times, 15.11.64.

a. Printed background material

1 file pr and ts papers: Offprints with related correspondence on secondary sources. Includes letters from Anna Freud and John Bowlby, March-April 1964.

b. Press cuttings

1 file pr papers: Reviews of Death, grief and mourning in the UK and US press.

c. Correspondence

5 files ts, ms papers:

(i) Letters between GG and D.M. Monk, Director, Research Service Ltd, about the field work (2 files). Includes copy of the interviewing schedule.

(ii) Letters from readers of the Sunday Times in response to GG's article.

(iii) Letters from readers of Death, grief and mourning.

(iv) Letter from American publisher, 1966, and letters from Cresset Press with annotated galley proofs ff.3.

d. Survey material

18 files ts, ms papers:

(i) Ts notes by GG based on in-depth interviews with bereaved people (3 files).

(ii) Copies of the completed questionnaire (10 files).

(iii) Statistical tables of results (4 files).

(iv) Cards with names and addresses of respondents.

e. Typescripts

6 files ts papers with ms additions:

(i) Various working tss.

(ii) Outline of proposed book.

(iii) Various ts drafts of book and a proof copy of the Cresset Press edition (4 files).

9. Sex and marriage in England today

24 files of papers relating to GG's preparation for a series of articles in the Sun and the Sunday Times and for the book, Sex and marriage in England today (London: Nelson: 1971). Opinion Research Centre was commissioned by the Sunday Times to carry out the fieldwork and analysis of results in collaboration with GG. The research was concerned with the contemporary sexual attitudes and behaviour of the under-45s; areas covered include sex education, early sexual experience, marriage and marriage breakdown, infidelity, homosexuality and sexual morality, etc.

a. Press cuttings

2 files of pr papers:

(i) GG's article in the Sunday Times, "The Sunday Times Report on Sex and Marriage, Part One: The Potent People", 15.03.70.

(ii) GG's articles in The Sun: "The truth about sex and marriage today" (3-page special) 25.10.71, "Forget those old wives' tales" (centre page spread) 26.10.71, "Don't stray" 27.10.71, "The breaking of the English marriage" 28.10.71 and "The secrets of young lovers" 29.10.71.

b. Correspondence

4 files of ts and ms papers:

(i) Letters between GG (carbons) and staff at the Sunday Times; includes letters from the Editor, Harold Evans, concerning the proposed series.

(ii) Letters between GG (carbons) and staff at ORC; includes report on the pilot study, notes and advice from GG on the survey and on interviewing, drafts of the questionnaire, and the analysis of results.

(iii) Photocopies of letters from the public and from academic researchers in response to the Sunday Times series. Includes a letter from the Market Research Society about the possibility of survey respondents being identified in the articles.

(iv) Letters between GG and staff at Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd relating to the preparation of GG's ts for publication. Includes correspondence with ORC on statistical tables and photocopies of reviews after publication.

c. Survey material

14 files of ts and ms papers:

(i) Three spiral bound exercise books with ms notes.

(ii) Ts extracts from the questionnaire answers with ms notes by GG appended (6 files).

(iii) Tabulation sheets used in the analysis of results.

(iv ) Draft copies of statistical tables with ms notes.

(v) Photocopies of tables.

(vi) Folders of computer print-out: results of the survey (4 files).

d. Typescripts

4 files of ts papers:

(i) Annotated bound proof copy of Sex and marriage in England today with 2 pages of ts corrections.

(ii) First draft (carbon) ff.418 complete with copy of questionnaire and introductory note.

(iii) First draft (top copy) ff.400.

(iv) Various draft chapters.


1. Dated

a. 1963.

The new Europe and the United States (United States National Commission for UNESCO). Chicago, October 23-26

4 files ms, ts and printed papers:

(i) Letters (9) between GG and organisers 28.05.63 - 11.06.63. 53/1

(ii) List of participants; programmes. 53/2

(iii) GG paper "Cultural community and cultural diversity of the North Atlantic nations". 2 versions. Ts pp.23 + carbon, pp.27. 53/3. File also includes papers by Francois Bondy and Uwe Kitzinger.

(iv) Ephemera, leaflets, newscuttings, etc., collected by GG during his trip. 53/4

b. 1967

Death, grief and bereavement. University of Minnesota, 16-19 May. Postponed.

3 files ms, ts and printed papers:

(i) Letters (18) between GG, organisers and contributors 19.07.67 - 06.06.68; programmes. 53/5

(ii) GG paper "Children and death". Ts pp.18 + carbon. 53/6 File also includes related notes, reviews, etc. ff.13.

(iii) Tss of conference papers of George Devereux, Earl A. Grollman, Heller Moller, Martha Wolfenstein (2). 53/7

c. 1967

British Medical Association 135th Annual Meeting. University of Bristol 6-14 July

3 files ms, ts papers:

(i) Letters (10) between GG and organisers 13.12.66 - 06.07.67. 53/8

(ii) GG paper "Bereavement: an anthropological approach". Ts with ms corrections pp.13. With incomplete carbon copies (2). 53/9

(iii) GG paper "Death grief and mourning: an anthropologist's approach". Ts with ms amendments pp.25. 53/10

d. 1968

Some problems associated with death (Christian Teamwork Institute of Education). London 14 March 53/11

1 file ts papers. Contains: Letter 08.01.68 to GG; list of participants f.l; ts summary of GG paper "Bereavement: an anthropological approach". pp.2.

e. 1970

Ethnic identity: cultural continuity and change (Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research) Burg Wartenstein, Austria, 5-13 September

5 files ms, ts and printed papers:

(i) Background information, guest list, timetables, travel documents, etc. 54/1

(ii) Letters (9) between GG and organisers 16.08.69 - 13.05.70. 54/2

(iii) GG paper "The vicissitudes of English identity over time and empire". Ts draft with ms corrections pp.33; final ts pp.34; conference version with GG ms amendments, small format pp.33. 2 copies. 54/3 File also contains ms notebook of GG and 1 tls 02.09.70 from Peter Willmott to GG commenting on the conference paper.

(iv) Conference papers by: G.D. Berreman, George Devereux, Laila El Hamamsy, W. Hiroshi, R. Hsien, Margaret Mead, M.J. Meggitt, Czeslaw Milosz, Gananath Obeyesekere, A.F. Poussaint, F.H.M. Raveau, L.R. Schwartz, Theodore Schwartz, Fatou Sow, Victor C. Uchendu (2 files). 54/4-5

f. 1971

Conference on urban and human renewal. Sweden, Romania, etc.

17 June - 8 July

1 file printed paper: Conference report pp.15 (2 copies). 54/6

2. Undated

a. Institute of Directors Retirement Conference

1 file duplicated ts papers. Contains: Conference papers of: Andrew M. Atkinson, C. Bartlett, Geoffrey Gorer, L.M. Hubbard, H.A. Jones, Roger A. Sawtell, L.C.P. Scaife, M. Tetley, A.T. Welford. GG's paper was entitled "An anthropologist considers retirement". pp.7.

File contains 2 corrected ts drafts of the paper, pp.23, 16. 54/7

b. Symposium on social psychology

1 file ms, ts papers. Contains: GG paper "Fundamentals of social psychology". Ts draft (2 copies, one with ms amendments) pp.16.

Accompanying envelope has ms notes. 54/8


1. 1964. China 55

7 files ms, ts and printed papers, photographs:

(i) Itineraries (2), map, air timetable. 55/1

(ii) Diaries/notebooks (3) (3 files). 55/2-4

(iii) Photographs, picture post-cards (79). 55/5

(iv) Souvenir brochures (13). 55/6

(v) GG's "Notes on a journey to China, June 1964". Ts with corrections pp.110. Submitted to David Higham Associates. File also includes "Impressions of China 1964" by GG in Waverly Times October 4th 1965. Duplicated ts pp.8. 55/7

2. 1965. Iran. With Margaret Mead.

3 files ms, ts and printed papers, photographs:

(i) Letters (17) 04.04.65 -06.10.65 establishing the tour. Correspondents include Sir Arthur Elton, Martin Herz, Mahmoud Sanai, and officers of the travel company. 55/8

(ii) Itineraries (2), travel documents. 55/9

(iii) GG notebook ff.12.

(iv) Photographs (8), souvenir brochure. 55/10


1. Studio portraits, passport photographs of GG:

1 file b.& w. photographs. Contains:

[c.1924] Hills & Saunders, Cambridge. 2 poses.

1926 Stearn & Sons, Cambridge. 2 poses.

[c.1930] Unsigned passport photograph.

[c.1930] Self-portrait ?

[c.1934] Reprograph Studio, London.

1936 Jerome, London. 1 passport photograph.

1936 Carl Van Vechten, New York. 5 poses.

1942 Cullen Photo Co., Washington.

1947 Baron, London. 5 poses.

[c.1947] Josen Stoffels, Essen. 8 poses.

1965 Zoe Dominic, London. 1 proof.

2. Group photographs, snapshots including GG:

3 files b.&.w photographs:

a. Early snapshots of family groups including parents, servants, pets (22).
b. Cambridge 1923-27. Granta Committee 1926; dramatic society personalities and productions (7).
c. 1930s - 1970s (19).

3. Other:

1 file b.&.w photographs containing:

Garden snapshots (35); unidentified persons (15); nude schoolboys (9); W.S. Maugham (1).

4. Gorer art collection:

1 file b.&.w. photographs.

Photographic record of drawings, paintings, sculpture, jewellery and furniture owned or of interest to GG. Artists include Duncan Grant and Pavel Tchelitchew. 31 photographs.


4 files ms, ts and printed papers

1. National Trust Gardens Cruise 1959. 1962, 1965.

Brochures, itineraries, etc. 57/1

2. Autumn Tour of Belgium 1972. Brochures, itineraries, etc. 57/2

3. Royal Horticultural Society Rhododendron and Camellia Group.

Constitution and rules; GG ms notes, etc., on rhododendrons. 57/3

4. Miscellaneous. Article, guides, horticultural estimates, purchases, etc. 57/4


1. Antiquities, architecture, art

3 boxes post cards, reproductions, etc. 1920s - 1970s. 58-60

2. Music, theatre

1 box printed papers containing London concert and theatre programmes

1928-30, 1961, 1965; German concert and opera programmes 1927-31. 61

3. Personalia

2 boxes ms, ts and printed papers 62-63

Contain: Address lists; curricula vitae; domestic notes and brochures; drawings, sketches; financial papers including fee and royalty statements; graduation certificate; journal fragments; letters of introduction; memberships; notebooks; travel insurance; will, etc.

4. Mexican photographs

1 box loose prints and reels of negatives; 1 album mounted prints 64

Photographic record of a visit to Mexico and other American locations by GG and friends (1939?). Processed by Movie Service, New York.

5. Unsorted papers

1 box ms, ts and pr papers of various dates and on assorted subjects. 65


This section of the handlist brings together GG's miscellaneous contributions to journals and newspapers, together with various shorter unpublished writings. The arrangement is approximately chronological, though in many cases dates can only be established by inference: documents which can only be allocated to a decade rather than to an individual year are listed before other documents from the same decade. Publication details are given where known. Finally, brief content summaries are supplied for the majority of entries.

8 Boxes 66-73:

66 1927-39

67 1940-47

68 1948-49

69 1950-51

70 1052-56

71 1957-61

72 1962-65

73 1966-

A. Before 1930


"The movies" (1927?). Ts draft pp.19. + tp. General essay on the development of cinema.


"The film story" (1928?). Ts draft pp.6. Essay on the role of narrative in film.

B. 1930-1939

"Foreign policy and peace - Prosperity at home - Housing and town-planning - Rent - The countryside - Wages - Education..." (193-) Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8. Draft manifesto of the People's Front [?].

"The People's Front: the charter of the people's rights" (193-). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. "The committee of the People's Front submit to you the charter of the Peoples [sic] Rights...".


"Spacious grounds" (c. 1932). Ts draft with ms corrections ff.6. Discussion of spiritualism, with particular reference to Mrs G.O. Leonard's My life in two worlds (1931).


"For my private satisfaction and in an attempt to elucidate my private problems..." (1934?). Untitled ts draft pp.18. Discusses the roles of the artist and intellectual in twentieth century society.

"West African nights" (1934?). Ts draft pp.9. Apparently a reminiscence of GG's 1934 visit to West Africa.


"Francis [sic] Hodgkins has fresh eyes..." (1935?). Untitled ts draft with ms corrections p.1. Discusses the work of the painter Frances Hodgkins.

"The black art" (1935). The Listener, 14.08.35, p.270. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5 + tp; press cutting. Discussion of West African art.

"The white artists" (1935 ?). 2 ts drafts with ms corrections, each pp.6 + tp. Two articles on twentieth century western art. Apparently a companion to GG's "The black art".


"Magic" (1936?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10 + tp. Speculative article on the paranormal.

"Men and books" (1936). Time and tide, 17.10.36, p.1449. Press cutting. Mainly a discussion of F.R. Leavis's Revaluation (1936).

"Science and culture. I. Science and culture. II. Anthropology and Marxism. III. Anthropology and Freud" (1936?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.21; tp with ts note addressed to Pearn, Pollinger & Higham (GG's agents). Three linked articles.

"Short synopsis of preface to 'Animal drawings' by John Skeaping" (1936?). Ts draft pp.2. Appears to be an outline for a projected preface.

"Spring has come. The cuckoo and the ballet are with us again..." (1936). Untitled ts draft pp.9. Commentary on ballet and other subjects.

"West African modes" (1936?). Ts draft pp-5 + tp. Article on West African dress.


"Men and books" (1937?). Time and tide. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Mainly a discussion of John Dollard's Caste and class in a Southern town (1937).

"Outline for suggested article (about 4,000 words): I lived with lamas" (1937). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; letter from GG to [?] Van Alen [of Harper's ?] dated 23.10.37. Popularised account of GG's experiences in Sikkim (of. Himalayan village).

"Outline for article with eight accompanying photos.: Life in a lamaist monastery" (1937?). Ts draft f.1.

"The art of Frances Hodgkins" (1937). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.


"Lev" (c.1938). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10 + tp.. Reminiscence of a visit to Leningrad in 1936.

"Sacrifice to the gods of Kanchenjunga.." (1938). Illustrated London News, 13.08.38, pp.270-1. Press cutting. Illustrated feature based on GG's book Himalayan village (1938).

"The mastery hypothesis & comradeship: an essay in social psychology" (c.1938). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.66 + tp (3 copies). Postulates the existence of a biological "urge to control the environment" as a determining factor in human behaviour.

"There can be few subjects about which our knowledge has increased so much in the last ten years as it has about anthropology..." (c.1938). Untitled ts draft pp.9. Incomplete. Historical survey of the development of social anthropology.


"Aymara psychology" (c.1939). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.27. Discusses the social psychology of the Aymara people of Bolivia and Peru. With ts notes and book abstracts ff.17.

"California social organization" (c.1939). Ts draft ff.133 in various pagings. Notes on nine tribal societies in Northern and Central California.

"Himalayan spring - spring festivals: the Lepchas of Sikkim" (1939 ?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.11 + tp; photographs (6); communication from Hogarth Press signed J.L. (John Lehmann) dated 12.09.39: "Sorry to have kept this so long - I'm afraid N.W's [i.e. New writings] future doesn't look too rosy now the war is here".

"Some considerations on the possibility of investigating the peculiar contribution of Yale University to...its students" (c. 1939). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. Appears to be a response to an approach to GG by Yale. Discusses a potential research project and GG's possible role in it.

"Some notes on Irish character structure" (c. 1939). Ts draft pp.6. "Not for publication or communication to unauthorized persons".

"The myth in Jane Austen" (1939). American Imago, Vol.2, No.3 (1940), pp.197-204. Offprint. Psychoanalytic approach to the themes of Jane Austen's novels. Originally published in Life & Letters Today, May 1939.

"The pagan tribes of North Luzon" (c.1939). Ts draft pp.93; map. Study of Phillipine culture. With ts notes and book abstracts ff.41.

"The people of Haiti" (c.1939). Ts draft pp.27.

"Use of graphic arts for cultural interpretation" (1939?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; ts draft (another version, pp.6). Analyses the popular imagery of various countries as a key to the interpretation of national character. Second version has title "Use of graphic materials".

C. 1940-1949

"Observation of children" (194-?). Ts draft (2 versions pp.13, 12); separate ts draft of section III, "Details to be observed", pp.9; letter from Donald Monro dated 23.06.48 thanking GG for use of paper. Guide for field workers.


"Society as viewed by the anthropologist" (1940). Published in: C.F. Ware (ed.), The cultural approach to history (Columbia U.P., 1940). Offprint ff.8.

"The dangers of democracy" (1940?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.15 + tp. Comment on the nature of democracy and on the dangers threatening democratic institutions in the United States.


"A book for English boys and girls who are coming to the United States to stay" (1941?). Ts draft pp.23 + tp and contents page. Advice on American mores for young English expatriates.

"A proposed study of symbolism" (c.1941). Ts draft with ms corrections (2 versions, pp.4, 3). Discussion of the place of symbolism in communication.

"Content classification" (c.1941). Ts draft pp.8. Theoretical discussion of the nature of communication.

"For English women who are coming to the United States" (1941?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.18. Booklet of advice for English wartime expatriates. Title added in ms.

"Peace between the sexes ?" (1941?). Ts draft pp.15 + tp. Discusses the future of sex roles in the light of wartime changes in the role of women.

"Ritual and anxiety: an essay in a behavioral theorem sequence" (c.1941). Ts draft pp.8; ts draft with ms corrections (another version, ff.6).

"Skeleton outline of a behaviourist theory of aesthetics" (c.1941). Ts draft ff.10 + carbon.

"Theories of signs" (1941). Mimeographed text pp.11; ts draft with ms corrections pp.26; ts notes ff.7. Paper on language acquisition in childhood, delivered to the Monday Night Group, Institute of Human Relations, Yale University, 08.12.41.

"Youth and morale" (1941?). Ts draft pp.9 + tp. Discusses the emergence of the term "youth" as a description of a social category, and the socio-political phenomena which its use implies.


"Background to India" (1942?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.15 + tp; letter from Frances Pindyck of Leland Hayward Inc. (literary agents) dated 11.09.42. General article on Indian history and culture.

"Categories for the codification of communications" (1942?). Ts draft pp.12. Notes for a research project on wartime attitudes ?

"The control of aggression in primitive society" (c.1942). Ts draft pp.22. Mainly an analysis of Lepcha society (of GG's Himalayan village, 1938).


"National traits making for peace and war" (c.1943). Ts draft pp.8.

"The special case of Japan" (1943). Public Opinion Quarterly, Winter 1943. Offprint pp.567-82. Assesses prospects for the rebuilding of Japan after World War II.

"Themes in Japanese culture" (1943). Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences Ser.II, Vol.5 (1943), pp.106-24. Offprint (2 copies); reprint in unidentified essay collection pp.273-90 (2 copies). "...a condensation of my memorandum Japanese character structure and propaganda".


"Anthropology and psychoanalysis" (c.1944). Ts draft ff.13.

"Communism and marxism" (c.1944). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.14. Outline history of the development of communism.

"The function of different dance forms in primitive African communities" (1944). Published in: The function of dance in human society (New York, 1944), pp.19-34. Published proceedings pp.52. Lecture delivered to a seminar directed by Franziska Boas at the Boas School, New York.


"Impressions of Germany (British Zone)" (1946). Fortnightly, December 1946, pp.381-7. Ts draft with ms corrections ff.13; offprint (11 copies). Title of published version: "The British Zone of Germany".


"America and the world: a psychological survey" (1947). Cornhill Magazine, Autumn 1947, pp.401-16. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ts draft (another version, pp.11); complete issue of journal.

"Anthropologists are in general agreement..." (1947?). Untitled ts draft with ms corrections pp.17. Study of national character from an anthropological viewpoint.

"Cities of words: New York - Washington - Los Angeles: outline for an article.." (1947?). Ts draft p.1. Argues that the leading "commodity" offered by immigrants to these three American cities is "their skill in using, manipulating or interpreting words".

"Images of America" (1947?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.11; ts outline pp.2 + carbon. Discusses European images of the United States in the twentieth century. Outline has pencilled note: "Send to Life [?] in xpanded form".

"Learning theory and 'internal population'" (1947). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8 + carbon. Discussion of Clark Hull's writings on learning theory. Carbon has ms date 10 July 1947 and ms marginal notes (the latter not in GG's hand).

"National character - a developing science: outline for an article.." (1947?). Ts draft p.1.

"National character - the Americans" (1947). Mimeographed script pp.6. "Transcribed from a telediphone recording. Tuesday, 5th August, 1947. 22,00. 探花精选 Service".

"National character and strategic intelligence: outline of an article.." (1947?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; ts draft with ms corrections (another version, pp.2) + carbon endorsed "Civilian version". Discussion of the influence of national character on approaches to warfare, with particular reference to Germany and Japan. Version 2 has three alternative titles: "National character - a new science for war and peace"; "Knowing one's enemy - a new science.."; "National character - a guide to politics and strategy".

"Remembering Frances Hodgkins" (1947?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Incomplete.

"Sidelights on national character: extracts from a series of BBC. broadcasts" (1947). Mimeographed script pp.4; letter from Pearn, Pollinger & Higham, dated 08.01.48. Includes section "The Americans" by GG and one paragraph from GG's further talk summing up the series.

"The American character" (1947). Life, 18.08.47, pp.95-112. Offprint. Consists of extracts from GG's The Americans (1947).


"American fraternities" (1948?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Discusses initiation rituals of American college fraternities.

"Americans at home" (1948). Other people's lives (Contact Publications, 1948), pp.65-70. Complete volume.

"Are we Uncle Sam or enlightening liberty ?" (1948). New York Times, 22.02.48, p.10. Press cutting ff.4. Discusses American attitudes and their effect on foreign policy.

"Exploritory [sic] study of the validity of analysis of the dreams of primative [sic] peoples" (1948?). Ts draft ff.51. Study based on 149 dreams collected by R.L. Sharp from an Australian Aboriginal group. The paper incorporates some material by Sharp.

"Henry Wallace: the last isolationist or the first American Fuhrer" (1948). New English review, August 1948, pp.107-111. Ts draft with ms corrections (2 copies, pp.8, 8) + ts of pp.l, 2, 4; complete issue of journal.

"Justification by numbers: a commentary on the Kinsey Report" (1948). American Scholar. Offprint pp.280-86. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"Man a machine ? - some American trends" (1948). New English review, April 1948, pp.360-367. Complete issue of journal. Discussion of some aspects of American national character.

"Migrations inside America" (1948). Published in: A.G. Weidenfeld (ed.), People on the move (1949), pp.39-42. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8; published volume.

"Notes on the South" (1948). Georgia review, Fall 1948, pp.263-272. Complete issue of journal. Originally prepared as an appendix to The Americans (1948).

"Political behavior in the human female" (1948). New York Times, 30.05.48, p.14. Press cutting. Discusses the likely influence of the woman's vote on the forthcoming U.S. Presidential election.

"Psychology of the people of Great Russia" (1948). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.11 + carbon; various ts drafts ff.7; ts transcript of discussion pp.10 (2 copies); letter from Royal Institute of International Affairs; agenda. Lecture delivered at a private discussion meeting at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 13.04.48.

"The American dilemma" (1948). Ts draft pp.5. Discusses America's racial problems, with particular reference to Gunnar Myrdal's An American dilemma (1944).

"The myth of the frontier" (1948?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7 + carbon (2 copies). Discusses responses to GG's The American people (UK title The Americans).

"United States..." (1948). United Nations World, November 1948, p.52. Complete issue of journal. Analysis of the American political system in the context of the 1948 Presidential election.


"American tragedy" (1949). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Discussion of American personality characteristics, with particular reference to Arthur Miller's Death of a salesman (1949).

"Casanova" (c.1949). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6.

"Frances Hodgkins" (1949?). Ts draft pp.4.

"Hen-pecked husbands" (1949?). Ts draft pp.4. Discussion of sex roles within marriage.

"Margaret Mead" (1949). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5.

"Problem case" (1949?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4 + carbon. Discussion of the novels of James Hadley Chase.

"Problems of English character" (1949). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.14.

"Publishing a book People of Great Russia next month.." (1949) Untitled ms draft f.l; ts draft pp.2; letter from Hon. Secretary of Taunton Book Club dated 05.07.49 inviting GG to lecture. Notes for a lecture on Russian national character.

"Rally of the French people" (1949?). Ts draft pp.2. Discusses the political crisis in France and its implications for the future of Europe. Incomplete.

"Some aspects of the psychology of Great Russians" (1949). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.19 (2 copies). Paper read before a group of social psychologists in London, November 1949.

"Some aspects of the psychology of the people of Great Russia" (1949). American Slavic and East European Review, Vol.8, Oct. 1949. Ts draft pp.16 + biographical data f.l; offprint, pp.155-66 (75 copies). "...first report from the Russian section of the Columbia University project, Research in Contemporary Cultures...".

"The Calvert report: subway behavior in the human male" (1949?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4 + carbon. Burlesque review parodying aspects of the Kinsey report. Top copy has ms note. "MUST be anonymous" (not in GG's hand).

"The Duchess of Malfi: an opera in three acts adapted from the tragedy by John Webster..music by Humphrey Searle" (c.1949). Ts draft with ms corrections ff.11; ts summary pp.4. Outline of a libretto.

"The English family" (1949). Evening Standard, 01.01.50. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; press cutting.

"The functions of American fraternities" (1949). Panorama: the Cambridge magazine, Winter 1949, p.3. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; complete issue of journal; offprint.

"The world of the infant" (c.1949). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8.

D. 1950-1959

"A tentative outline of a book of about 80,000 words on national character" (195-). Ts draft pp.2 + carbon. Not proceeded with [?]. No clear relation to GG's unpublished monograph on national character.

"Anthropology and psychology" (195-?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8 + carbon. Argues for the recognition of anthropology and psychology as companion disciplines.

"Art of the Khmer" (195-). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Discussion of the architecture of Angkor Wat.

"Espry de flores; or, Flower derangement" (195-). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. Satirical article on flower arranging.

"Family in cross-cultural perspective" (195-?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.14 + introductory section ff.2 + carbon.

"From the anthropological point of view, honours.." (195-?). Untitled ts draft with ms corrections pp.2. Argues for the retention of the honours system as serving "both the individuals honoured and the society as a whole".

"In your garden, by V. S-ackv-11--W-st [sic]" (195-). Ts draft pp.2; another version (ts draft pp.2) with title "Sunday culture in your garden, by V. S-ckv-11- - W-st", "Observer parody competition".

"Sunday breakfast, by Jean Vitelle (No connection, of course, with Jean Conil of the S-nd-y T-m-s)" (195-). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2 + carbon. Parody [?].

"The Western family" (195-). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6.

"There was a man dwelt by a churchyard" (195-). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6. Discusses children's attitudes to death.

"True or false?: the iron bell" (195-). Ts draft pp.6. An incident from GG's 1934 visit to Dahomey.


"America's blind spot" (1950). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Diagnoses the absence of respect for others' positions as a deficiency in American character and foreign policy.

"American symbolic realism" (1950). The Listener, 03.08.50, p.172. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ts (carbon) letter from GG to the editor of Harper's magazine objecting to a comment on his Listener article. Discusses trends in American painting of the 1940s.

"California magic" (1950?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6. Discusses the popularity of southern California as a retirement centre.

"Common language" (1950). English-speaking world, October 1950. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letters (2) from the Director-General of the English-speaking Union requesting the article. Discusses the strains which differences in linguistic usage place upon Anglo-American relations.

"Crime and the man" (1950?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10 + tp; ts draft (another version, pp.12 + tp) + carbon copy ; letter from Pearn, Pollinger & Higham dated 12.05.53; letter from GG to Dr [?] Tanner dated 03.03.55. Discussion of W.H. Sheldon's Varieties of delinquent youth (1949).

"Last ten years become student of national character..." (1950?). Untitled ts draft pp.3. Notes for a lecture describing the inception of Exploring English character (1955).

"National character - theory and practice" (c.1950). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.42 + tp; ts "Comments by [Dorothy Denetrocopolou?] Lee" pp.10; ts draft (another version, 2 copies with minor differences, pp.38, 33).

"National students" (c.1950). Ts draft ff.4 + carbon. Autobiographical fragment; incomplete.

"Politics and human motives" (1950). World Review, September 1950, pp.17-21. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8; offprint. Argues that political parties and their programmes embody "views of human nature and hypotheses about what men's chief motives are".

"Pursuit of happiness" (1950). Leader Magazine, 10.06.50. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7; press cutting. Discusses differing conceptions of happiness in various cultures.

"The concept of national character" (1950?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.22.

"The concept of national character" (1950?). Ts draft with ms corrections ff.12 + carbon. Substantially different from the paper cited above, though with some shared material.

"The erotic myth of America" (1950). Partisan Review, July-August 1950, pp.589-94. Complete issue of journal. Discussion of sadistic fantasy in American popular literature. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"The next fifty years" (1950). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6. Mid-century prediction regarding social trends in the period to 2000.


"Bread and circuses" (1951). World Review. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8; offprint pp.4. Discusses the incidence of sadism in public life.

"Dirge for the novel" (1951?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.15. Argues that the social conditions which gave rise to the novel "have disappeared or are disappearing and that consequently the novel is likely to disappear also".

"Every child learns to speak the language of the society into which he or she is born.." (c.1951). Untitled ts draft pp.9. Lecture on national character.

"Family life" (1951). Mimeographed script pp.6. Broadcast talk in the series "Western outlook", London Calling Asia, Monday 17 September 1951.

"Hate America; or, How to be a radical in one easy lesson" (1951). Public opinion, 30.03.51, p.4. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; press cutting. Discussion of anti-Americanism among young people.

"I speak for myself" (1951). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Autobiographical account of GG's life and writings to c.1950, broadcast in the series London calling Asia, 26 September 1951.

"Kurma the Lepcha" (c.1951). Ts draft (2 copies, each pp.35); miscellaneous ts drafts, notes, etc. ff.23. Article based on, and including extracts from, GG's Himalayan village (1938).

"Mixed marriages" (c.1951). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5.

"No offence i' the world" (1951). Public opinion, 16.02.51. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; press cutting. Discusses popular entertainment, with particular reference to current radio comedy shows. Published under the title: "Does the BBC think this funny ?"

"Speaking as a social anthropologist..." (c.1951). Untitled ts draft -pp.4 + additional draft material ff.2. Notes for a lecture on international relations.

"Spies aren't important" (1951?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6. Argues that anxiety about spies is a symptom of paranoia.

"Swaddling and the Russians" (1951). New Leader, 21 May 1951, p.19. Press cutting. Rebuttal of Bertram D. Wolfe's criticism of GG's "swaddling hypothesis", with Wolfe's response.

"The age of modern art" (1951). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Discusses "modernism" in art as a historical phenomenon.

"The limitations of national thinking and feeling" (1951). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.24 + carbon; letter from the College of Preceptors thanking GG for delivering the lecture; ts draft abstract f.1. Lecture delivered before the College of Preceptors, December [?] 1951. Discusses the constraints which membership of a society places on thinking and feeling.

"The struggle of Britain's middle classes" (c.1951). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.9. Discusses changes in the class structure of British society.

"Ungracious living" (1951). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Discusses the situation of middle-class women in post-war England.

"Why dig up the past ?" (1951). Mimeographed script pp.20. Discussion of the science of archaeology between Jacquetta Hawkes and GG, broadcast in the series "London dialogues" by the BBC World Service, 31 July 1951.

"Young England" (1951). Vogue, August 1951, p.60. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; offprint. Discussion of adolescence in British society.


"Foreword [to] Robert Medley: paintings, drawings and watercolours (1952). University of Durham, 1952. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; exhibition catalogue pp.6; letter dated 28.11.52 from Lawrence Gowing, Department of Fine Art, University of Durham, thanking GG for his foreword and contributions to the exhibition.

"Influence, pressure and corruption" (1952). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5 + carbon. Analyses American attitudes to probity in public life.

"Nanny transformed" (1952). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5 + carbon. The changing role of the nanny as reflected in P.L. Travers' Mary Poppins stories. Probably unpublished. See letter accompanying GG's article "De Sade reconsidered" (1953).

"Why marriages fail" (1952). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6 + drafts ff.3.


"De Sade reconsidered" (1953). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.30 + carbon. letters from Pearn, Pollinger & Higham (2) dated 01.04.53 and 31.08.53 regretting inability to find a publisher. Described in accompanying letter as "the last chapter of your book on De Sade".

"Do we want more home-grown food ?" (1953). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6. Discusses sources of conflict between the interests of agriculture and those of walkers, dog-owners, etc., with particular reference to GG's experience of farming.

"English attitudes to sex" (1953). Encounter, December 1953, pp.45-55. Ts draft pp.42 + tp.

"Eye opener" (1953). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Observer review of the ICA exhibition "Wonder and horror of the human head" (1953).

"On the summary of: Sexual behavior in the human female, by Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey" (1953?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4 + carbon.

"Self-criticism and corruption" (1953). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Discusses tendencies to corruption in modern bureaucracies.

"Waiting for Kinsey" (1953?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. Anticipates the findings of Kinsey's Sexual behavior in the human female (1953).

"What English men expect from their wives" (1953?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

"What English wives look for in their husbands" (1953?).Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

"Women and ladies" (1953). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Historical treatment of the role of women in society, centred around Carroll Camden's The Elizabethan woman (1952) and Janet Dunbar's The early Victorian woman (1953).


"Humour: a note on Anglo-American contrasts" (1954). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3 + carbon. Appears to be related to GG's articles on "Privilege and fun", "Words and character" and "Time perspectives". The series may have been delivered as a talk or lecture.

"Notes on the translation of Nature, science and Dr. Kinsey - Erreurs et merites du docteur Kinsey" (1954?). Ts draft p.1. Notes (apparently for a publisher) on the French translation of GG's article "Nature, science and Dr. Kinsey" , published in Encounter in 1954.

"Privilege and fun: an Anglo-American contrast" (1954). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6 + carbon; concluding section f.1. Appears to be related to GG's articles on "Humour", "Words and character" and "Time perspectives". From the concluding section it appears that the series was delivered as a talk or talks to a live audience.

"Teenagers and teddy boys. I: Fine feathers. II: The disc devotees. III: Lasses and lads. IV: Idle hands" (1954). Daily Sketch, 17.05.54 - 20.05.54. Ts drafts with ms corrections pp.4, 4, 4, 5; press cuttings (4).

"The name of Alfred C. Kinsey.." (c.1954). Untitled ts draft with ms corrections pp.2. Obituary of Kinsey, apparently written for file.

"The New Yorker story: Grand-pop was a cut-up when I was a child.." (1954). Punch "N*w Y*rk*r" supplement, 07.04.54. Ts draft pp.3. Parody of a typical New Yorker, contribution.

"Time perspectives: an Anglo-American contrast" (1954). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8. Contrasts English and American attitudes to time. Appears to be related to GG's articles on "Humour", "Words and character" and "Privilege and fun". The series may have been delivered as a talk or lecture.

"Words and character: an Anglo-American contrast" (1954). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Appears to be related to GG's articles on "Humour", "Privilege and fun" and "Time perspectives". The series may have been delivered as a talk or lecture.


"English character" (1955 ?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.21 + carbon. Lecture "for British Institute".

"Facts about English religious life" (1955). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Based on the data gathered for GG's Exploring English character (1955).

"Modification of national character: the role of the police in England" (1955). Journal of social issues, Vol.11, No.2, pp.24-32. Ts draft pp.12 + 4 additional ts leaves; offprint.

"People in charge of cars" (1955?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10. Anatomises the behaviour and attitudes of car drivers.

"The key to successful marriage in England" (c.1955). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

"The pornography of death" (1955). Encounter, October 1955, pp.49-52. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8. Discusses the replacement of sex by death as an "unmentionable" subject in polite society.


"Letters from England I-III" (1956). Ts drafts with ms corrections pp.4, 4, 4 + carbons; letters (2) from Punch, one signed Malcolm [Muggeridge?], declining publication. Satirical articles contrasting African tribal mores with those of Europe. Cancelled title: "Letters from B'Wang'We".

"On the English national character" (1956?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. "(for RIAS)" [Rundfunk im Amerikanischen Sektor Berlins].

"Prosperity and the working class" (1956). Spectator, 08.06.56, p.784. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Compares British and American attitudes to social mobility.

"Self-policing" (1956). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6. Argues for the essentially law-abiding nature of twentieth-century British society. "G.O.S. [BBC General Overseas Service] Series: 'Our Way of Life'".

"Sigmund Freud 1856-1956", (1956). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5 + carbon. Centenary article on Freud's influence.

"Social anthropology and national character" (1956). Ts draft with ms corrections (2 versions; pp.23, 20).

"The Berliner Ensemble presents Storm over Caliban by Bxrt Brxcht, adapted from The Tempest by Bill Shakespeare" (1956?). Ts draft with ms corrections -pp.4. Parody of Brecht.

"The Englishman's religion" (1956 ?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.19 + carbon.

"The insider, by Pudd'nhead Wilson" (1956). Punch, 11 July 1956 p.33. Ts draft with ms corrections -pp.4; press cutting. Parody of Colin Wilson's The outsider (1956).

"The remaking of man" (1956). Encounter, November 1956, pp.72-76. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10 (pp.6-9 wanting). In large part a discussion of Margaret Mead's New lives for old (1956). Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).


"Dionysus and the welfare state" (1957). Encounter, September 1957, pp.50-53. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8. Analyses rock and roll as a Dionysian response to the "Apollonian" characteristics of modern mass society. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"Lecture for Joint Concealment Centre" (1957). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10 + carbon. Discussion of Russian national character. Includes ts transcripts of three of GG?s interviews with Russian respondents, 1947, pp.6, 4, 6.

"Police and populace" (1957). London calling, 11 April 1957 p.23. Offprint. BBC General Overseas Service broadcast in the series "Our way of life".

"Poor honey: some notes on Jane Austen and her mother" (1957). London magazine 4 (8), August 1957, pp.35-48. 1 file containing: ts draft with ms corrections pp.15 (p.1 wanting) + carbon (complete); offprint pp.14; correspondence between GG and R.W. Chapman, 1956-57; ts notes. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"Some American characteristics" (1957). Daily Telegraph, 22.07.57. Ts draft with ms corrections -pp.6; press cutting. Contribution to a "Daily Telegraph United States supplement". The published version ("The kind of people they are...") is substantially rewritten.

"The perils of hypergamy; or, The bright boys' dilemmas" (1957). New Statesman, 04.05.57, p.566. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Anthropological approach to post-war fiction and drama. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).


"Eyes and ears" (1958). Ts draft pp.4. Discussion of the nature and influence of television. Dated in ts 16.02.58.

"Fiction as fact" (c.1958). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Novels as a source of social information.

"Introduction & Postscript to 'The decline of the American male'" (1958). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.9 + carbon; ts draft with ms corrections (another version, pp.5, 5). A "Look" publication (Random House, 1958).

"Remarks on television for the National Council of Social Service" (1958). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.12. Appears to be a contribution to a symposium.

"Trauma" (1958). Ts draft pp.4 + carbon. Applies the psychoanalytic concept of trauma to various social and political events. Dated in ts 18.06.58; ts draft pp.2 + carbon comparing the impact of the Depression on American and British society, dated in ts 17.06.58, subjoined.


"Answers to questions from Paul Moxon" (1959?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8; with Moxon's ts questionnaire pp.2. Questionnaire relates to the subject of national character.

"Books of the fifties - sociology" (1959). Observer, December 1959. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; press cutting. Discusses influential books of the decade such as The lonely crowd, The organization man, and The hidden persuaders. Third article in a series entitled "The face of the fifties".

"George[sl Bateille: L'érotisme" (Editions de Minuit) (1959). Ts draft pp.3; letter from Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. dated 05.03.59 requesting report. Report on Bateille's book.

"Immorality and treason" (1959). The Listener, 13.08.59. Press cutting. Letter to the editor of The Listener responding to a comment on male homosexuality as a danger to the state.

"Is Ivy Wodehouse P.G. Compton-Burnett ?"" (1959). Vogue- Press cutting. Humorous article comparing the novels of Ivy Compton-Burnett and P.G. Wodehouse.

"National character" (1959). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.12 + carbon; ts introductory comments f.l; ms notes on verso of agenda and list of members attending Monthly Talk Dinner, 04.05.59. Lecture delivered at a London club (unidentified).

"Pride, shame, and guilt: notes on a Montenegrin memoir" (1959). Encounter, April 1959, pp.28-34. Offprint pp.7. Discussion of Milovan Djilas's autobiography Land without justice (1958). Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

E. 1960-1969


"Do floating voters exist ?" (1960). Daily Express[?]. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; exchange of correspondence (2 pieces) with the Daily Express regarding a point of fact; ts draft with ms corrections (another version, pp.5). Argues that "floating voters" are few in number and exert only a minor influence on the results of British General Elections.

"Motives - explicit and inexplicit" (1960). Ts draft pp.8. Argues that the scientific description of behaviour cannot avoid imputing motives to the subjects whose behaviour is being described.

"Possible themes for a short parody series" (c.1960). Ts draft p.1.

"The inventions of man: a reply to Sir John Lomax" (1960). Twentieth Century, December 1960. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10; offprint. Rebuttal of the argument developed by Lomax in his article "Why we like war" (Twentieth Century) that the human species has innate aggressive characteristics.

"The pleasures of fatherhood" (c.1960). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; alternative version of p.4. Discusses post-war changes in relations between fathers and children.


"A reconsideration of the functions of class distinction" (1961). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.22. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"Anti-Americanism" (1961?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10; also "Insert for Anti-American Attitudes" ts draft ff.4.

"By Freud obsessed" (1961). New York Times magazine, 30 July 1961, p.5. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.9; ts letters (7) from New York Times; carbon copy of ts letter from GG to New York Times; corrected galley proof with additional material on ts slip; offprint. Discussion of the influence of Freudian theory in the U.S. Published under title "Are we 'By Freud Obsessed'?".

"Do they like America ?" (1961). Christian Science Monitor, 21 April 1961. Press cutting. Brief contribution by GG to a symposium on European attitudes to the United States.

"In Dr. Elizabeth Hoyt's very interesting review of the concepts of Integration of culture..." (1961). Untitled ts draft with ms corrections pp.2 + carbon (p.1 only); galley proofs; communication from Current Anthropology; offprint (3 copies). Written in response to a request from the journal Current Anthropology for comment on Hoyt's article "Integration of culture" (1961).

"Increase in V.D." (c.1961). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Appears to be a contribution to a symposium.

"Memoirs of a Bengal civilian. John Beames" (1961?). Ts draft p.1. Brief notes on Beames' book.

"Nile cruise - December 1960" (1961). Review of the Society for Hellenic Travel, Vol.l, Dec 1961, p.50. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; letters (3) from Society for Hellenic Travel relating to the article; complete issue of journal; ms and ts notes ff.10; printed itinerary.

"Outline for an article of about 2,500 words under the working title 'Woman's place'" (1961). The Observer. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; correspondence (6 pieces) between GG and John Ardagh for The Observer; ts draft introduction with ms corrections f.1. Outline article on the role of women in different societies. Expanded version published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"Teenage morals" (1961). Teenage morals (Councils & Education P.), 1961 pp.11-13. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; complete pamphlet (2 copies); Daily Mail comment (press cutting). GG's article originally appeared in the journal Education.

"The middle classes: I. What makes a middle class ? II. The professional man. III. Middle class ladies" (1961?). Ts drafts with ms corrections pp.7, 6, 7.


"Common Market symposium" (1962). Encounter, December 1962, p.61.. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; letter from Encounter signed by Stephen Spender and Melvin J. Lasky requesting contribution. Contribution to an informal symposium on Britain's prospective entry into the Common Market.

"Homo sapiens" (1962). Punch, 22.08.62, p.270. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8; ts draft curriculum vitae f.l; press cutting. Compares the human species with other mammals.

"The concept of national character" (1962). Ts draft pp.15 + carbon. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"The Marquis de Sade" (1962). Encounter, April 1962, pp.72-78. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.12.

"The Marquis de Sade: sadomasochism and theatricality" (1962). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.33 + additional material ff.4; ts draft abstract and curriculum vitae f.1. The Menninger Lecture, written for the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Texas. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"The new Bowdlers" (c.1962). Ts draft f.1. Outline of an article on attempts to curb violence in TV and films.

"Winter effects in a Sussex garden" (1962?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.


"A bob each way; or, Gambling and the British" (1963). New York Times magazine, 01.09.63, p.10. Ts (2 versions, pp.12, 11) + carbon of version 2; letters (2) from New York Times relating to GG's article; press cuttings (2). Published under title: "British life - it's a gamble". Reprinted in New York Times international edition, 07.09.63, p.5.

"Adolescence and culture" (1963?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.15 + earlier version of p.14.

"Notes on Rhododendron Handbook 1963" (1963?). Ts draft p.1 + carbon. Incomplete.

"Race relations in the U.S.A." (1963). Evening Standard[?]. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; letter from Evening Standard dated 19.07.63 thanking GG for the article, "which I will be glad to use next time there is a major flare-up".

"The Anglo-Saxons" (1963). New Statesman, 27.09.63, pp.390-392. Press cutting. Comments on Charles de Gaulle's concept of "Anglo-Saxons" as a distinct racial group.


"A contemporary masterpiece" (1964?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.9 + carbon. Discusses Sir George Sansom's three-volume History of Japan (1958-64): see also GG's article "A history of Japan" (below).

"A history of Japan" (1964?). Encounter, May 1965, pp.52-55. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.12; corrected galley proof (2 copies); ms notes. Discusses Sir George Sansom's History of Japan (3 vol., 1958-64).

"Envy and justice" (c.1964). Ts draft pp.4 + carbon (the latter with ms corrections); additional text ff.4. Comment on British social attitudes.

"Impressions of China 1964" (1964?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. Article deriving from GG's tour of China in June 1964.

"Outline for an article on continuity in China" (1964?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3 + carbon. Analyses the Chinese Communist, regime's attitude to the Chinese past.

"Outlines of 800 word articles. I. British motoring. II. Poor families and the population explosion. III. Envy and justice" (c.1964). Ts draft pp.3.

"The British way of death" (1964). Sunday Times, 15.11.64, p.41. Press cutting pp.2 (2 copies). Summary of the main findings of GG's book Death, grief and mourning (1965).

"The inverted racialists" (1964). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4 + carbon. Discussion of the BBC television series "Not so much a programme...".


"Adolescence in different cultures" (1965). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.21 + duplicate material ff.2. Published in book form in The danger of equality (1966).

"An American nightmare, by Norman Lessmail" (1965?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3 + carbon. Parody of Norman Mailer's An American dream (1965).

"Britain and the new immigrants" (1965). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.11 + carbon; additional text f.1.

"British gambling" (1965?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.9.

"Country, region, nationality" (c.1965). Ts draft f.1. Outline for possible research project [?].

"Listening to the interesting remarks of Dr. Thapar..." (c.1965). Untitled ts draft with ms corrections pp. 4. Comments on the decline of English religion. May be part of a radio script.

"Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist" (1965?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.9. Review of Mead's life and work.

"Pornography and privacy/Pornography and the consequences" (1965?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.22. Informally phrased rebuttal of [George?] Steiner's arguments on censorship.

"Professional associations" (c.1965). Ts draft f.1. Outline for possible research project [?].

"Siting rhododendron species" (1965?). Ts draft pp.3.

"The British working class; or, The dangers of innovations" (1965?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.13; additional text ff.2.

"The English ARE shy, shy in the presence of all strangers.." (1965). Untitled ts draft pp.14; letter from Richard Hooper, Producer, BBC Further Education (Sound), dated 19.03.65. Apparently a broadcast talk.

"The population explosion and the tender-minded" (1965). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. Discussion of political attitudes to population control.

"The transitional object and cultural regularities" (c.1965). Ts draft with ts and ms corrections pp.2. Note on child-rearing in different cultures.


"English character in the twentieth century" (1966). Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, March 1967. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.15 + carbon; ts summary and autobiography f.1 + carbon; ts "Prelims" pp.2; ts draft with ms corrections (another version, pp.14); correspondence, etc., with AAPSS (ff.14); complete issue of journal (4 copies); offprint (91 copies).

"Outdoor camellias, 1966", (1966). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

"Precocity of rhododendrons, 1966" (1966). Royal Horticultural Society year book [?]. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; letter from Royal Horticultural Society dated 24.05.66 thanking GG for contribution.

"Social anthropology study of people living in a specific society.." (1966). Untitled ts draft pp.3 + carbon; letter from London Overseas Students Centre, The British Council dated 07.06.66. Notes for a lecture delivered at the Centre on 19.06.66 on the general subject of "Exploring English character".

"The joy of killing" (1966). New York times magazine 27.11.66, pp.47-.Ts draft with ms corrections pp.13; "additional copy" pp.2; letters (3) between GG and New York Times London Bureau; ms notes; press cutting; memo signed Henrietta M. Poynter; reprint of article in Survival Education Kit No.3 (New York: Student Forum, 1970). Discussion of the roots of aggression, from an anthropological standpoint. Published version has title "Man has no 'killer' instinct".


"How people use animals" (1967). Sunday Times magazine, 03.09.67, pp.10-13 under title "Them and us". Ts draft with ms corrections pp.11; ts corrections f.1 with compliments slip from Thomson Newspapers Ltd; letters (2) between GG and Sunday Times representative; ms notes; press cutting.

"Mrs E. Harrison [horticulturist]" (1967). The Times, 09.08.67. Press cutting. Obituary.

"Notes on Ceylonese character" (1967). Ts draft pp.4. Personal observations during a tour of Ceylon, Feb 1967.


"Foreword to Love and death" (1968). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letter from Jonathan Cape Ltd, dated 26.03.68. signed Nathaniel Tarn; ms notes. Foreword to a projected reprint of G. Legman's book (apparently not published).

"Heinrich Racker * Transference and countertransference" (1968). Ts draft f.1. Report on Racker's book.

"The anatomy of anti-Americanism" (1968?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Sixties attitudes to the United States discussed and deplored.

F. 1970-1976

"Stewartias as plants for the garden" (197-). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.


"The problem of fatherhood" (1970?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.13 + carbon.

"Visit to Conrad Lorrenz [sic], September 18th, 1970" (1970). Ts draft pp.3. Notes on animal behaviour.


"Death, grief and mourning - an anthropologist's approach" (1971). Yearbook of the International Association for child psychiatry..., Vol.2. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.26 + replacement page 1; ts draft with ms corrections (another version, pp.25); offprint (22 copies). One of GG's two contributions to the yearbook (see also "Transcultural approaches to the experience of death"). In file with correspondence, drafts, etc., relating to the yearbook.

"The congruent society" (1971). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.18; corrected proof with compliments slip from Tavistock Publications Ltd. Lecture on culture as a determinant of social values, delivered to the Psychotherapy and Social Psychiatry Section of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association.

"The setting of flower buds in some rhododendron species" (1971). Ts draft with ms corrections pp-3.

"Transcultural approaches to the experience of death: introduction" (1971). Yearbook of the International Association for child psychiatry..., Vol. 2. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; offprint (22 copies). One of GG's two contributions to the yearbook (see also "Death, grief and mourning - an anthropologist's approach"). In file with correspondence, drafts, etc., relating to the yearbook.


"I wonder how many of your older readers..."(1974?). Untitled ts draft f.1. Apparently a draft letter to a newspaper commenting on fascist overtones in demonstrations against Edward Heath's government.


"On growing Malesian rhododendrons" (1976?). Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.


This section of the handlist covers GG's activities as a reviewer, principally for such journals as The Listener, The Observer and the New Statesman. Almost 350 book reviews survive in the collection, mainly in the form of corrected carbons of the author's typescripts. These are listed in chronological order (based on year of publication of the book reviewed), and within each year alphabetically by author. Correspondence, galley proofs, notes, etc., associated with the reviews are mentioned where appropriate.

3 Boxes: 74-76

74 1925-56

75 1957-62

76 1963-

A. Before 1930


Garnett, D. The sailor's return. The Granta, 23.10.25, p.42. Press cutting.


Munro, C.K. The mountain. The Granta, 04.06.26, p.438. Press cutting.

B. 1930-1939


Bateson, G. Naven. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5.

Brahms, C. (ed.). Footnotes to the ballet: a book for balletomanes. Time & Tide, 13.06.36. Press cutting.


Lynd, R.S. & H.M. Middletown in transition

New Statesman, 11.09.37, p.378.

Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; letter from New Statesman requesting review; press cutting.

GG's title: "Erewhon revisited".



Embree, J.F. The Japanese nation. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Embree, J.F. A Japanese village, Suye Mura.


Embree, J.F. A Japanese village, Suye Mura. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Embree, J.F. The Japanese nation.


Elwin, V. The Muria and their ghotul. New Statesman, 22.01.49, p.83. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso. GG's title: "Bachelors' halls".


"Anomaly". The invert and his social adjustment. New Statesman, 21.05.49, p.535. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. Reviewed with: Schwarz, O. The psychology of sex. GG's title: "False directions".

Kinsey, A.C. Sexual behavior in the human male. New York Herald Tribune weekly book review, 01.02.48, p.4. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; press cutting.

Kinsey, A.C. Sexual behavior in the human male. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10. GG's title: "Kinsey Report".

Klein, M. Contributions to psychoanalysis 1921-1945. New Statesman, 05.02.49, p.132. Photocopy of published review; letter from New Statesman dated 02.12.48.

Waugh, E. The loved one. The Observer. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; letter from The Observer requesting review; galley proof.


Berne, E. The mind in action. New Statesman, 18.06.49, p.648. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Reviewed with: Lorand, S.(ed.). Psychoanalysis today. GG's title: "The mind of man".

Butler, E.M. Ritual magic. The Listener, 13.10.49, p.645. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Freud, S. An outline of psychoanalysis. New Statesman, 16.07.49, p.76. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Freud, S. Three essays on the theory of sexuality. GG's title: "Last words".

Freud, S. Three essays on the theory of sexuality. New Statesman, 16.07.49, p.76. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Freud, S. An outline of psychoanalysis. GG's title: "Last words".

Gould, L. The way to be happy. Ts draft p.1.

Hsu, F.L.K. Under the ancestors' shadow. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Kluckhohn, C. & Murray, H.A. (eds). Personality in nature, society and culture. New Statesman, 20.08.49, p.200. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "What is man ?"

Koestler, A. Insight and outlook. The Listener, 30.06.49, p.1129. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "Philosopher's stone".

Lorand, S. (ed.). Psychoanalysis today. New Statesman, 18.06.49, p.648. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7. Reviewed with: Berne, E. The mind in action. GG's title: "The mind of man".

Mead, M. Male and female. Leader Magazine, 14.01.50, p.31. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.15; press cutting.

Puner, H.W. Freud. New Statesman, 24.12.49, p.760. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip. GG's title: "The low-down on Freud".

Reik, T. The inner experience of a psychoanalist. New Statesman, 29.04.50, p.496. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; letter from New Statesman signed T.C. Worsley requesting review. GG's title: "Last survivor".

Schwarz, O. The psychology of sex. New Statesman, 21.05.49, p.535. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. Reviewed with: "Anomaly". The invert and his social adjustment. GG's title: "False directions".

Steinbeck, J. A Russian journal. New Statesman, 25.06.49, p.683. Ts draft pp.2. GG's title: "Press gang".

The psychoanalytic study of the child, Vols III/IV. Ts draft pp.2.

D. 1950-1959


Bower, U.G. Naga path. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso. GG's title: "Miss Sahib".

Chase, S. The proper study of mankind. New Statesman, 20.05.50. p.584. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "Salvation through works".

Churchill, R.C. Disagreements: a polemic on culture in the English democracy. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "The class conscious Englishman".

Comfort, A. Sexual behaviour in society. Ts draft pp.2.

Cooke, A. A generation on trial: U.S.A. v. Hiss. The Listener, 07.12.50, p.703. Press cutting. Reviewed with: Toledano, R. de & Lasky, V. Seeds of treason.

Ellis, H. The genius of Europe. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip with note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley) on verso.

Freud , S. Collected papers, volume V. Ts draft with ms corrections p.1.

Furnas, J.C. Anatomy of paradise: Hawaii and the islands of the South Seas. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "American empire".

Lasswell, H.L.D. & Kaplan, A. Power and society. Public Opinion, 12.01.51, p.17. Press cutting.

Overstreet, H.A. The mature mind. New Statesman, 01.07.50, p.22. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "Synthetic bromides".

Patterns of British life (Hulton Research). New Statesman, 15.04.50, p.433. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. GG's title: "Fascinating figures".

Reed, B.H. Eighty thousand adolescents. The Listener, 25.05.50, p.927. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5.

Sartre, J.-P. What is literature ?. The Listener, 22.06.50, p.1073. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; letter from The Listener signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley). GG's title: "Pompous pilot".

Sharpe, E.F. Collected papers on psycho-analysis. New Statesman, 25.11.50, p.518. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; press cutting; letter from D. & M.K. Sharpe dated 01.01.51. GG's title: "Ella Freeman Sharpe".

Smith, L. Killers of the dream. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2. GG's title: "Southern tragedy".

Toledano, R. de & Lasky, V. Seeds of treason. The Listener, 07.12.50, p.703. Press cutting. Reviewed with: Cooke, A. A generation on trial: U.S.A. v. Hiss.


Brierley, M. Trends in psychoanalysis. The Listener, 26.04.51, p.679. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley). Reviewed with: Jones, E. Essays in applied psychoanalysis

Campbell, R. Light on a dark horse. The Listener, 31.01.52, p.191. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Chaudhuri, N.C. The autobiography of an unknown Indian. The Listener, 01.11.51, p.749. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Chesser, E. Cruelty to children. The Listener, 10.07.52, p.71. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Elwin, V. The tribal art of Middle India. The Listener, 13.12.51, p.1033. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Ferguson, T. & Cunnison, J. The young wage-earner. The Listener, 05.06.52, p.929. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

Fleming, C.M. (ed.. Studies in the social psychology of adolescence. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip.

Jones, E. Essays in applied pschoanalysis. The Listener, 26.04.51, p.679. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley). Reviewed with: Brierley, M. Trends in psychoanalysis

Lawrence, T.E. The essential T.E. Lawrence. The Listener, 12.04.51, p.591. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with, on verso, brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley) and ms notes.

Money-Kyrle, R.E. Psychoanalysis and politics. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Powdermaker, H. Hollywood: the dream factory. The Listener, 11.10.51, p.615. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Slater, E. & Woodside, M. Patterns of marriage. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Smith, M.B. The Single woman of today. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; draft sheets ff.10. GG's title: "Unwilling virgins".

Stokes, A. Smooth and rough. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Stypulkowski, Z. Invitation to Moscow. The Listener, 17.05.51, p.807. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; postcard from The Listener signed J (J.R. Ackerley) with ms notes on verso.

Wills, G. White traveller in black Africa. The Listener, 07.02.52, p.235. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.


Burlingham, D. Twins. The Listener 05.02.53, p.231. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; communication from publisher with ms notes on verso.

Butler, E.M. The fortunes of Faust. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Connolly, C. The missing diplomat. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; compliments slip from The Sunday Times.

Deren, M. Divine horsemen: the living gods of Haiti. The Listener, 30.04.53, p.733. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley).

Fairbairn, W.R.D. Psychoanalytic studies of the person. The Listener, 12.03.53, p.443. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ts correspondence (ff.9) resulting from GG's review.

Ferguson, T. The young delinquent in his social setting. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Ford, C.S. & Beach, F.A. Patterns of sexual behavior. The Listener, 20.03.52, p.475. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; publisher's slip; brief note signed J (J.R. Ackerley).

Gervis, P. Sierra Leone story. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Heyerdahl, T. American Indians in the Pacific. Ts draft (2 versions, pp.4, 3); communication from publisher with ms notes on verso; corrected galley proof. GG's title: "Magnificent obsession".

Highfield, M.E. & Pinsent, A. Survey of rewards and punishments in schools. The Listener, 28.02.52, p.354. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

Hughes, P. Witchcraft. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "Miching mallecho".

Kefauver, E. Crime in America. Ts draft pp.4; ts draft with ms corrections (another version, pp.3). GG's title: "The business of crime".

Lewis, R. & Maude, A. Professional people. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

Oppenheimer, F. Frankish themes and problems. The Listener, 17.9.531 p.475. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Oppenheimer, F. The legend of the Sainte Ampoule.

Ottley, R. No green pastures - the Negro in Europe today. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Riesman, D. Faces in the crowd. The Listener, 30.10.52, p.731. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letter from David Riesman dated 30.12.53.

Sansom, G. Japan in world history. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip.

Warner, W.L. The structure of American life. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letter from The Spectator signed Derek Hudson. GG's title: "Class work".

Westwood, R. Society and the homosexual. Encounter, May 1961, pp.73-79. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.


Campesino, El (Valentin Gonzalez). Listen comrades. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Einsiedel, H. von. The shadow of Stalingrad.

Chambers, W. Witness. The Listener, 23.07.53, p.151. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

De Zoete, B. The other mind: a study of dance and life in South India. Books of the Month. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

Einsiedel, H. von. The shadow of Stalingrad. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: El Campesino. Listen comrades.

Franklyn, J. The Cockney. Daily Telegraph. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso. GG's title: "No mean city".

Klimov, G. The terror machine. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley); publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Milosz, C. The captive mind. The Listener, 29.10.53, p.737. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Miner, H. The primitive city of Timbuctoo. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Oppenheimer, F. The legend of the Sainte Ampoule. The Listener, 17.09.53, p.475. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Oppenheimer, F. Frankish themes and problems.

Sandburg, C. Always the young strangers. The Listener, 10.12.53, p.1015. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Spinley, B.M. The deprived and the privileged: personality development in English society. The Listener, 05.11.53. p.781. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Taylor, G.R. Sex in history. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

Tracy, H. Mind you, I've said nothing: forays in the Irish Republic. The Listener, 12.11.53, p.823. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley).

Trowell, M. & Wachsmann, K.P. Tribal crafts of Uganda. Ts draft p.1.

Wheeler, M. The Indus civilization. The Listener, 03.06.54, p.977. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.


Abrahamsen, D. Who are the guilty ?. Ts draft pp.3; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with letter signed J (J.R. Ackerley).

Bellotti, F. Fabulous Congo. The Listener, 17.06.54, p.1063. Ts draft p.l; communication from BBC with brief note signed J (J.R. Ackerley).

Bowen, E.S. Return to laughter. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ts draft with ms corrections (another versions pp.3); publisher's slip. GG's title: "Experience of Africa".

Cohen, E.A. Human behaviour in the concentration camp. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; communication from The Times requesting review (ms notes on verso); further letter from The Times signed Arthur Crook.

Freud, S. Origins of psychoanalysis: letters to Wilhelm Fliess. The Listener, 09.09.54, p.407. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Gaisseau, P.D. The sacred forest. The Listener, 26.08.54, p.330. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Langdon-Davies, J. Sex, sin and sanctity. Times Literary Supplement, 10.09.54, p.578. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; memorandum from TLS requesting review, with ms notes on verso.

Murray, M. The divine king in England. The Listener, 04.02.54, p.229. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5.

Pitt-Rivers, J.A. The people of the Sierra. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes. GG's title: "Andalusian village".

Potter, D.M. People of plenty: economic abundance and the American character. The Listener, 17.03.55, p.489. Ts draft with ms corrections (two versions, pp.296); compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed J (J.R. Ackerley); ms notes.

Rose, A.G. Five hundred Borstal boys. The Listener, 10.03.55, p.447. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Spencer, T. Fair Greece, sad relic. The Listener, 27.05.54, p.935. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley) and with ms notes on verso.

Wagner, G. Parade of pleasure: a study of popular iconography in the U.S.A. The Observer, 19.09.54. Press cutting; ts letter from Geoffrey Wagner thanking GG for review.

Wechsler, J.A. The age of suspicion. The Listener, 01.04.54, p.581. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed J (J.R. Ackerley).


Berger-Hamerschlag, M. Journey into a fog. Ts draft pp.2.

Bettelheim, B. Symbolic wounds: puberty rites and the envious male. The Listener, 09.06.55, p.1037. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed J (J.R. Ackerley) and with ms notes on verso; press cutting. GG's title: "Mothers maketh men".

Cole, G.D.H. Studies in class structure. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Danielsson, B. Work and life on Raroia. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Freud, S. The interpretation of dreams. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with note signed J (J.R. Ackerley).

Furer-Haimendorf, C. von. Himalayan Barbary. New Statesman, 15.10.55, p.481. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip. GG's title: "Beyond the Subansiri".

Jones, E. Sigmund Freud: life and work. Vol. II - The years of maturity 1901-1919. The Listener, 6.10.55, p.565. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; compliments slip from The Listener with note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley); letters from Ernest Jones (4) & Meyer Fortes (1); carbon of letter from GG to Ernest Jones. GG's title: "Genius at work".

Pear, T.H. English social differences. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; ms notes.

Stewart, K. Pygmies and dream giants. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "Philippine pagans".

Stoetzel, J. Without the chrysanthemum and the sword: a study of the attitudes of youth in post-war Japan. Times Literary Supplement, 26.08.55. p.491. Ts draft with ms corrections p.l; compliments slip from TLS.

Van der Post, L. The dark eye in Africa. The Observer, 23.10.55. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; postcard signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley) referring appreciatively to the review; press cutting. GG's title: "African tangle".

Wertham, F. Seduction of the innocent. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip.


Bauer, R.A., Inkeles, A. & Kluckhohn, C. How the Soviet system works. Ts draft with ms corrections (2 versions, pp.3, 3); publisher's slip; ms notes.

Bentley, E. The dramatic event. Ts draft p.1.

Breuer, J. & Freud, S. Studies on hysteria. Ts draft p.1.

Chesser, E. Sexual, marital and family relationships of the English woman. Medical World 86 (1), Jan. 1957, pp.50-7. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.10; complete issue of journal; offprint. GG's title: "Labour lost: a criticism of 'The Chesser Report'".

Cohen, A.K. Delinquent boys. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip.

Cory, H. African figurines. Ts draft with ms corrections p.l; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Dennis, N., Henriques, F. & Slaughter, C. Coal is our life. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; letter from the Daily Telegraph requesting review, with me notes on verso. GG's title: "Yorkshire miners".

Evans-Pritchard, E.E. Nuer religion. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Ferguson, T. & Cunnison, J. In their early twenties. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Firth, R. (ed.). Two studies of kinship in London. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip.

Ford, R. Captured in Tibet. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip.

Freeman, K. T'other Miss Austen. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Ginsberg, M. On the diversity of morals. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Reviewed with: works by Cardwell, D.S.L.; Aron, R.; Shils, E. GG's title: "A new library of sociology".

Ginsberg, M. Reason and unreason in society. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Reviewed with: works by Cardwell, D.S.L.; Aron, R.; Shils, E. GG's title: "A new library of sociology".

Greene, G. The quiet American. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3 + carbon. Review of the Viking ed. of Greene's novel. GG's title: "Innocent abroad".

Hollis, G. A study of George Orwell. Ts draft p.1.

Huxley, F. Affable savages. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso. GG's title: "Friday's nation".

Mannheim, K. Essays on the sociology of culture. Ts draft p.l; publisher's slip.

Marcuse, H. Eros and civilization: a philosophical inquiry into Freud. Ts draft pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Mayne, P. Saints of Sind. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Menen, A. The abode of love. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2. GG's title: "A worldly snigger".

Mogey, J.M. Family and neighbourhood. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Panofsky, D. & E. Pandora's box. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Parsons, T. & Bales, R.F. Family, socialization and interaction process. The Listener, 28.06.56, p.898. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; press cutting.

Richards, A. Chisungu. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Scott, J.D. Life in Britain. The Spectator, 31.08.56. p.299. Ts draft pp.2; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley) and with ms notes on verso; ms notes (separate). GG's title: "British institutions". A further review of Scott's book, anonymous but almost certainly by GG, appeared in The Listener, 06.12.56, p.909.

Seeley, J.R., Sim, R.A. & Loosley, E.W. Crestwood Heights. The Listener, 14.03.57, p.449. Ts draft with ms corrections (2 versions, pp.4, 4); publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; ms notes on separate card; press cutting. GG's title: "Progressive suburb".

Smith, R.T. The Negro family in British Guiana. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Steiner, F. Taboo. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Thistlethwaite, F. (ed.). The Americans: ways of life and thought. Ts draft p.l; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed J (J.R. Ackerley).

Wadham, J. The case of Cornelia Connelly. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Wildeblood, P. A way of life. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Williams, W.M. The sociology of an English village: Gosforth. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4.

Wilson, E. Red, black, blond and olive: studies in four civilizations: Zuni, Haiti, Soviet Russia, Israel. The Observer, 17.06.56. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; letter from The Observer requesting review, with ms notes on verso; press cutting. GG's title, "Coloured glasses".


Aron, R. German sociology. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Reviewed with: works by Ginsberg, M.; Cardwell, D.S.L.; Shils, E. GG's title: "A new library of sociology".

Bailey, F.M. No passport to Tibet. Ts draft p.1.

Brew, J.M. Youth and youth groups. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Campbell, R. Portugal. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Cardwell, D.S.L. The organisation of science in England: a retrospect. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5. Reviewed with: works by Ginsberg, M.; Aron, R.; Shils, E. GG's title: "A new library of sociology".

Carstairs, M. The twice-born. Encounter, Feb. 1958, pp.74-79. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.12; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley); letters (2) from M. Carstairs. GG's title: "Personality of Hindus". The Listener review was eventually written by E.M. Forster.

Clark, J. Hunza: lost kingdom of the Himalayas. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Groslier, B. & Arthaud, J. Angkor: art and civilization. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Hardie, N. In highest Nepal. Ts draft with ms corrections p.1.

Hubback, J. Wives who went to college. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; letter from Medical World requesting review.

Jones, E. Sigmund Freud: life and work. Vol. 3 - The last phase 1919-1939. The Listener, 10.10.57, p.575. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; page proof; ts letter from Ernest Jones dated 10.10.57.

Mair, L.P. Studies in applied anthropology. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Metraux, A. Easter Island: a stone age civilization of the Pacific. The Observer, 05.05.57. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; press cutting. GG's title: "Easter Island".

Morris, T. The criminal area: a study of social ecology. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Narain, D. Hindu character. Ts draft with ms corrections p.l; ms notes; letter from D. Narain dated 14.06.58.

Packard, V. The hidden persuaders. The Listener, 05.12.57, p.943. Press cutting.

Rickman, J. Selected contributions to psycho-analysis. The Listener, 17.10.57, p.597. Ts draft pp.2; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley).

Rose, R. Living magic. Ts draft p.1.

Shils, E. The torment of secrecy. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso. Reviewed with: works by Ginsberg, M.; Cardwell, D.S.L.; Aron, R. GG's title: "A new library of sociology".

Taine, H. Taine's notes on England. Ts draft p.l; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Warren, R.P. Segregation. Ts draft p.1.

Worsley, P. The trumpet shall sound: a study of 'Cargo' cults in Melanesia. The Observer, 22.12.57. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; press cutting. GG's title: "Melanesian apocalypses".

Young, M. & Willmott, P. Family and kinship in East London. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, May 1958, p.198. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes.


Cotgrove, S.F. Technical education and social change. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Frank, B. Not guilty. Ts draft p.1.

Heyerdahl, T. Aku-aku. The Observer, 06.04.58. Ms draft pp.4; ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; letter from The Observer signed Terence Kilmartin requesting review; press cutting. GG's title: "Heyerdahl's luck".

Himmelweit, H.T.. Oppenheim, A.N. & Vince, P. Television and the child. The Listener, 25.12.58, p.1080. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; compliments slips (2) from The Listener, one with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley); publisher's slip; ms notes; corrected galley proof.

Kerr, M. The people of Ship Street. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Lockwood, D. The blackcoated worker. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with ms notes on verso.

Macdonald, M. Angkor. Ts draft p.1.

Marris, P. Widows and their families. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes.

Modupe, Prince. I was a savage. The Listener, 29.01.59, p.221. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Nelson, B (ed.). Freud and the twentieth century. Encounter, Nov. 1958, pp.82-84. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4. GG's title: "Freud's influence".

Tanner, J.M. & Inhelder, B. (eds.). Discussions on child development. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip.

Taylor, G.R. The angel-makers: a study in the psychological origins of historical change 1750-1850. Encounter, June 1958, pp.80-82. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; corrected galley proof. GG's title: "The fashion in heroines".

Titmuss, R.M. Essays on 'The Welfare State'. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Van der Post, L. The lost world of the Kalahari. The Observer, 09.11.58. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; press cutting (2 copies). GG's title: "Noble bushmen".


Banton, M. White and coloured: the behaviour of British people towards coloured immigrants. The Listener, 10.09.599 p.403. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Birch, A.H. Small town politics: a study of political life in Glossop. The Listener, 26.02.59, p.385. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; compliments slip from The Listener.

Briffault, R. The mothers. Ts draft p.1.

De Bisschop, E. Tahiti-Nui: by raft from Tahiti to Chile. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip; letter from The Observer signed Terence Kilmartin with ms notes on verso. GG's title: "Polynesian obsession".

Erikson, E.H. Young man Luther. The Listener, 29.10.59, p.746. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; ms notes (separate); press cutting.

Fortes, M. Oedipus and Job in West African religion. The Listener, 23.04.59, p.727. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed J (J.R. Ackerley) and with ms notes on verso.

Fromm, E. Sigmund Freud's mission. Encounter, July 1959, pp.57-58. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes. GG's title: "Howls the sublime".

Harrisson, T. World within: a Borneo story. The Listener, 12.03.59, p.476. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Joe (J.R. Ackerley); press cutting. GG's title: "Inside story".

Hays, H.R. From ape to angel: an informal history of social anthropology. The Observer, 07.06.59. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; press cutting. GG's title: "The proper study".

Henriques, F. Love in action. The Listener, 04.02.60, p.232. Ts draft with ms corrections p.l; press cutting.

Jones, E. Free associations: memories of a psycho-analyst. The Listener, 12.11.59, p.840. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; compliments slip from The Listener; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso.

Mead, M. (ed.). An anthropologist at work: writings of Ruth Benedict. The Listener, 26.03.59, p.561. Press cutting.

Metraux, A. Voodoo in Haiti. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; letter from The Observer signed Terence Kilmartin with ms notes on verso. GG's title: "Guinea and Rome".

Motley, M. Devils in waiting. The Listener, 15.10.59, p.647. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso. GG's title: "Horror comic".

Opie, I. & P. The lore and language of schoolchildren. Encounter, Jan. 1960, pp.80-82. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; ms notes. GG's title: "Latency in Britain".

Opler, M.K. (ed.). Culture and mental health: cross-cultural studies. British Medical Journal, 15.10.60, p.1138. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes; printed slip from British Medical Journal requesting review; press cutting.

Read, M. Children of their fathers: growing up among the Ngoni of Nyasaland. The Listener, 05.05.60, p.810. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes; press cutting.

Salisbury, H.E. The shook-up generation. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; letter from the Sunday Times requesting review. GG's title: "The kids in the rumble".

Winter, E.H. Beyond the mountains of the moon. The Listener, 24.12.59, p.1127. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed KWG; press cutting.

Wootton, B. Social science and social pathology. The Twentieth Century, June 1959. p.615. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso; ms notes; press cutting.

E. 1960-1969


Bendix, R. Max Weber: an intellectual portrait. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes. Reviewed with: Weber, M. The city. GG's title: "Max Weber".

Brinnin, J.M. The third rose: Gertrude Stein and her world. The Listener, 26.05.60, p.942. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; press cutting. GG's title: "Spells poems".

Campbell, J. The masks of god: primitive mythology. The Listener, 30.06.60, p.1145. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes. Reviewed with: Hertz, R. Death and the right hand.

Courlander, H. The drum and the hoe. Ts draft pp.2.

Courlander, H. The drum and the hoe: life and lore of the Haitian people. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, July 1961, p.193. Ts draft pp.2; communications (2) from the AAPSS; ms notes. No relation to the review of the same book listed above.

Elliott, O. Men at the top. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Harrington, A. Life in the 'Crystal Palace'.

Field, M.J. Search for security: an ethno-psychiatric study of rural Ghana. The Listener, 01.09.60. p.353. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; press cutting.

Firth, R. Social change in Tikopia. The Listener, 17.03.60, p.507. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting.

Glass, R. Newcomers: the West Indians in London. The Observer, 09.10.60. Ts draft with ms corrections (2 versions, pp.5, 4); publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting. Reviewed with: Institute of Race Relations. Coloured immigrants in Britain. GG's title: "Black books".

Harrington, A. Life in the 'Crystal Palace'. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. Reviewed with: Elliott, O. Men at the top.

Hertz, R. Death and the right hand. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with ms notes on verso. Reviewed with: Campbell, J. The masks of god.

Institute of Race Relations. Coloured immigrants in Britain. The Observer, 09.10.60. Ts draft with ms corrections (2 versions, pp.594); publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting. Reviewed with: Glass, R. Newcomers. GG's title: "Black books".

Kinkead, E. Why they collaborated. Ts draft with extensive ms corrections pp.4 + carbon; ts draft of another version of the review, with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes; publisher's slip. GG's title: "The crack-up".

Lamming, G. The pleasures of exile. The Listener, 280.7.60, p.160 Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Muensterberger, W. & Axelrad, S. (eds). Psychoanalytic study of society, vol.1. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.8; ms notes.

Packard, V. The status seekers. The Listener, 21.01.60, p.141. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Rovere, R. Senator Joe McCarthy. The Listener, 03.03.60, p.413. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3. GG's title: "Rogue's progress".

Searles, H.F. The nonhuman environment. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5.

Tanner, J.M. & Inhelder, B. (eds). Discussions on child development. Vol. IV. The Listener, 29.09.60, p.526. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener.

Weber, M. The city. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes. Reviewed with: Bendix, R. Max Weber: an intellectual portrait. GG's title: "Max Weber".

Wells H.K. Pavlov and Freud: Vol.1 Ivan P.Pavlov; Vol.2 Freud: a Pavlovian critique. The Listener, 02.02.61. p.234. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with note signed Ken; ms notes; press cutting. (Vol.1 published 1956.)

Westwood, G. A minority: a report on the life of the male homosexual in Great Britain. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.11; publisher's slip; me notes; letter to GG from the author dated 27.07.60. GG's title: "Man to man".


Bainbridge, J. The super-Americans. The Listener, 13.09.62, p.401. Ts draft pp.3; ms notes.

Bettelheim, B. The informed heart: the human condition in modern mass society. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5 + carbon pp.4 (incomplete); publisher's slip; letter from The Observer signed Terry Kilmartin requesting review; ms notes. GG's title: "Freedom under pressure". Earlier title "To preserve integrity" cancelled in ms.

Comfort, A. Darwin and the naked lady. The Listener, 14.09.61, p.395. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3.

Devereux, G. Mohave ethnopsychiatry and suicide: the psychiatric knowledge and the psychic disturbances of an Indian tribe. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.9; ms notes.

Goodman, P. Growing up absurd. The Listener, 02.03.61, p.402. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Laing, R.D. The self and others: further studies in sanity and madness. The Listener, 29.03.61, p.568. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Ken; ms notes; press cutting.

Laski, M. Ecstasy. The Listener, 14.12.61, p.1040. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Levi-Strauss, C. A world on the wane. The Observer, 09.04.61. Press cutting.

Lienhardt, G. Divinity and experience: the religion of the Dinka. The Listener, 24.08.61, p.288. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting.

Lissner, I. Man, god and magic. The Listener, 26.10.61. Press cutting.

Money-Kyrle, R.E. Man's picture of his world. The Listener, 16.03.61, p.497. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with note signed Ken; ms notes. GG's title: "Mrs Klein's connexion".

Packard, V. The waste makers. The Listener, 13.04.61, p.668. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes.

Smith, M.W. The artist in tribal society. The Listener, 25.01.62, p.187. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; ms notes; compliments slip from The Listener with note signed Ken; press cutting.

Szasz, T.S. The myth of mental illness. The Listener, 21.06.62, p.1082. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener; ms notes; press cutting.

The trial of Lady Chatterley: Regina v. Penguin Books Ltd. New Statesman, 03.02.61. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; ms notes; ms memo from Walter Allen (New Statesman); press cutting. GG's title: "Your wife or your servants".

Turnbull, C.M. The forest people. The Listener, 30.11.61, p.934. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting.


Braithwaite, E.R. Paid servant. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; ms notes.

Campbell, J. The masks of god: oriental mythology. The Listener, 27.12.62, p.1101. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes.

Canetti, E. Crowds and power. The Observer, 09.09.62. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "Shallow depths".

Dalai Lama. My land and my people. The Listener, 12.07.62, p.69. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; press cutting (2 copies).

Evans-Pritchard, E.E. Essays in social anthropology. Ts draft with ms corrections p.l; compliments slip from The Listener signed A.T.; ms notes.

Hagen, E.E. On the theory of social change. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes.

Huxley, A. Island. Encounter, July 1962, pp.83-86. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.9. GG's title: "There is a happy land..".

Lewis, O. The children of Sanchez. The Listener, 12.04.62, p.649. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Anthony Thwaite; press cutting.

Loth, D. The erotic in literature. The Listener, 26.04.62, p.743. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

McLuhan, M. The Gutenburg galaxy. The Listener, 08.11.62, p.776. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2.

Montagu, A. The humanization of man. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes.

Sprott, W.J.H. Sociology at the Seven Dials. Ts draft p.1.

Washburn, S.L. (ed.). The social life of early man. The Listener, 25.10.62, p.689. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "Ancestral tree".


Foss, B.M. (ed.) Determinants of infant behaviour II. The Listener, 14.05.64, p.809. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes.

Macdonald, D. Against the American grain. Ts draft pp.3. GG's title: "Words, words, words".

Malinowski, B. Sex, culture and myth. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letter from The Observer requesting review; publisher's slip; ms notes. GG's title: "Pragmatic anthropology".

Matthiessen, P. Under the mountain wall. The Listener, 05.12.63, p.944. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting.

Newson, J.&E. Infant care in an urban community. The Listener, 30.05.63, p.929. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's abstract; compliments slip from The Listener signed Anthony Thwaite; ms notes. GG's title: "Nottingham mams".

Peter, Prince, of Greece and Denmark. A study of polyandry. Current Anthropology, February 1965. p.91. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4 + carbon; ts draft pp.3 corrected by Current Anthropology's copy editor; correspondence between GG and representatives of Current Anthropology ff.5; ms notes; offprint (5 copies).

Turnbull, C.M. The lonely African. The Listener, 14.11.63, p.803. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener with note signed Anthony Thwaite; ms notes.


Bachelard, G. The psychoanalysis of fire. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; ms notes.

Furer-Haimendorf, C. von. The Sherpas of Nepal: Buddhist highlanders. American Anthropologist 67 (1965), p.126. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes; communication from American Anthropologist requesting review.

Hagen, E.E. On the theory of social change. Offprint (19 copies). Source of offprint unknown.

Lawrence, P. Road belong cargo. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes. GG's title: "A remarkable Melanesian".

Lewis, O. Pedro Martinez: a Mexican peasant and his family. The Observer, 26.07.64. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "Aztec peasant".


Beach, F.A. Sex and behavior. American Anthropologist 68 (1966), p.1315. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; communications (2) from American Anthropologist requesting review; ms notes.

Peristiany, J.G. (ed.). Honour and shame: the values of Mediterranean society. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes; corrected galley proof. GG's title: "The supreme values".

Salome, L.A. The Freud journal of Lou-Andreas. Salome. Ts p.1 plus carbon.

Schofield, M. Sociological aspects of homosexuality: a comparative study of three types of homosexuals. The Observer, 17.10.65. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letter from The Observer requesting review; galley proof; publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "Are homosexuals different ?".

Sinclair, A. The better half: the emancipation of the American woman. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; ms notes. GG's title: "American suffragettes".


Levi-Strauss, C. The savage mind. The Observer. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; compliments slip from The Observer; letters (2) from The Observer signed Terry Kilmartin; ms notes; corrected galley proof. GG's title: "Natural systems of thought".

Magee, B. One in twenty: a study of homosexuality in men and women. Ts draft pp.2; ms notes. GG's title: "Guys and dolls".

Turnbull, C.M. Wayward servants: the two worlds of the African pygmies. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes. GG's title: "Children of the forest".


Ardrey, R. The territorial imperative. Encounter, June 1967, p.66. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.13; letter from Jeanne Hirsch, 03.01.67; letter from GG to Ardrey, 28.01.67; communication from Encounter signed M.J.L. (Melvin J. Lasky), 09.0.67., ms notes.

Briggs, K.M. The fairies in tradition and literature. The Listener, 31.08.67, p.280. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; publisher's slip; letter from The Listener signed Derwent [May] requesting review; ms notes. GG's title: "Little people and sylphs".

Dance, F.E.X. (ed.) Human communication theory. Man n.s. 3 (1968), p.162. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; compliments slip from Royal Anthropological Institute; ms notes.

Dicks, H.V. Marital tensions: clinical studies towards a psychological theory of interaction. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; ms notes; offprint (16 copies). Source of offprint unknown.

Foucault, M. Madness and civilization: a history of insanity in the Age of Reason. The Observer, 23.04.67. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; letter from The Observer requesting review; ms notes; corrected galley proof; press cutting. GG's title: "French method and madness".

Freud, S. & Bullitt, W.C. Thomas Woodrow Wilson: a psychological study. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; publisher's slip; letter from The Observer signed Terry Kilmartin requesting review; pages from The New York Review of Books comprising E.H. Erikson's review of the same book; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "The great betrayal".

Lewis, O. La Vida: a Puerto Rican family in the culture of poverty - San Juan and New York. The Observer, 17.09.67. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; letters (2) from The Observer; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "Poverty and prostitution in Puerto Rico".

Malinowski, B. A diary in the strict sense of the term. The Listener, 07.09.67, p.311. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes. GG's title: "The loneliness of the anthropological field-worker".

Marcus, S. The other Victorians. The Listener, 19.01.67. p.101. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; letter from The Listener signed Derwent May; ms notes; press cutting (2 copies). GG's title: "Victorian nether world".

Mumford, L. The myth of the machine: technics and human development. The Listener, 04.01.68. p.21. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; compliments slip from The Listener; ms notes; corrected galley proof; press cutting. GG's title: "The origin of the state".

Reuck, A. de & Knight, J. (eds). Caste and race: comparative approaches. The Listener, 06.04.67, p.469. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; compliments slip from The Listener with brief note signed Derwent May; ms notes; press cutting (2 copies).

Siiger, H. The Lepchas: culture and religion of a Himalayan people. Part 1. Man n.s. 3 (1968), p.685. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; communication from Royal Anthropological Institute requesting review; ms notes.


Labby, D.H. (ed.) Life or death: ethics and options. Ts draft with ms corrections p. 1 ; ms notes.

Lifton, R.J. Death in life: the survivors of Hiroshima. The Listener, 29.08.68. p.276. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; ms notes; galley proof; compliments slip from The Listener with note signed D (Derwent May); letter from The Listener signed Derwent May; press cutting. GG's title: "Surviving the A-bomb".

Packard, V. The sexual wilderness. The Observer, 03.11.68. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; ms notes; letter from The Observer signed Penelope Phillips; corrected galley proof; press cutting. GG's title: "Blimp on sex in universities".

Rycroft, C. Anxiety and neurosis. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes; corrected galley proof. GG's title: "Responding to danger".

Storr, A. Human aggression. The Observer, 30.06.68. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes; publisher's slip; galley proof; press cutting. GG's title: "The tragic paradox".


Lifton, R.J. Revolutionary immortality. The Listener, 20.02.69, p.243. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "The fears of Chairman Mao".

Milner, M. The hands of the living god. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 51 (1970), p.531. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; ms notes; carbon copy of ts letter from GG to Marion Milner dated 25.10.69; offprint (41 copies).

F. 1970-1976


Ardrey, R. The social contract: - a personal inquiry into the evolutionary sources of order and disorder. The Observer, 08.11.70. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; publisher's slip; ms notes; letter from The Observer thanking GG for reviews signed Terry Kilmartin; corrected galley proof; press cutting. GG's title: "What the bones foretell".

Downie, R.A. Frazer and the Golden Bough. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes. GG's title: "Strange customs and survivals".

Hampden-Turner, C. Radical man. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letter from publisher (Duckworth) signed Colin Haycraft; ms notes. GG's title: "Psycho-social Manichaeism".

Lewis, O. Anthropological essays. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.7; communication from New York Times Book Review requesting review; ms notes.


Balogh, P. Freud: a biographical introduction. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; ms notes; corrected galley proof. Reviewed with: works by Wollheim, R.; Rycroft, C. GG's title: "Distillations".

Castaneda, C. A separate reality: further conversations with Don Juan. The Listener, 28.10.71, p.587. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.2; letters (3) from The Listener signed Derwent May; publisher's slip and letter from publisher to Derwent May; ms notes; press cutting.

Rycroft, C. Reich. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; ms notes; corrected galley proof. Reviewed with: works by Balogh, P.; Wollheim, R. GG's title: "Distillations".

Wollheim, R. Freud. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; ms notes; corrected galley proof. Reviewed with: works by Balogh, P. ; Rycroft, C. GG's title: "Distillations".


Gardiner, M. (ed.) The Wolf-Man and Sigmund Freud. The Observer. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; publisher's slip; ms notes; corrected galley proof; press cutting. GG's title: "Sigmund and Sergei".

Morgan, E. The descent of woman. The Listener, 26.10.72, p.554. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letter from The Listener requesting review signed by Derwent May; ms notes; corrected galley proof; press cutting. GG's title: "Feminids".

Parkes, C.M. Bereavement. The Observer. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; letter from The Observer signed Terry Kilmartin requesting review; letter and abstract from Tavistock Pubs; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "The symptomatology of grief".

Taylor, G.R. Rethink: a paraprimitive solution. Sunday Times. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; letter from Sunday Times requesting review signed J.W. Lambert; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "Civilization and its discontents".

Tiger, L. & Fox, R. The imperial animal. The Observer, 18.06.72. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes; galley proof; press cutting. Also letter from The Observer with galley proof of authors' reply and ts rejoinder by GG. GG's title: "Hunting ancestors".


Lukes, S. Emile Durkheim: his life and work. The Observer, 11.02.73.Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes; corrected galley proof (2 copies); press cutting. GG's title: "Homage to an intellectual ancestor".

Schreiber, F.R. Sybil. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; ms notes. GG's title: "Multiple personalities".

Turnbull, C.M. The mountain people. The Observer. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; letter from The Observer signed Terry Kilmartin requesting review; press cutting. GG's title: "The earthly purgatory".

Wilson, B.R. Magic and the millenium. Ts draft with ms corrections p.l; ms notes; galley proof.

Young, M. & Willmott, P. The symmetrical family: a study of work and leisure in the London region. Ts draft with ms corrections (2 versions, pp.4, 4); publisher's slip; letter from The Observer requesting review; ms notes. GG's title: "Togetherness".


Furman, E. (and others). A child's parent dies: studies in childhood bereavement. Times Literary Supplement, 18.07.75, p.798. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.5; letter from John Gross (Editor, TLS) requesting review; ms notes; press cutting.

Marris, P. Loss and change. The Guardian. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; communication from The Guardian requesting review; ms notes; press cutting.


Doob, L.W. Pathways to people. Times Literary Supplement, 30.01.76. p.120. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; letter from TLS requesting review signed John Gross. GG's title: "Getting to know you".

Inglis, B. The forbidden game: a social history of drugs. The Guardian, 20.03.75. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; ms notes; communication from The Guardian requesting review; press cutting.


Ardrey, R. The hunting.hypothesis. New Statesman, 16.07.76, p.84. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip; ms notes. GG's title: "Simply killing".

Benet, M.K. The character of adoption. New Statesman, 07.05.76. p.616. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; ms notes; press cutting. Reviewed with: works by Daly, A.; Hammer, S.; Green, M. GG's title: "Llhasa and the ladies lavatory".

Bettelheim, B. The uses of enchantment: the meaning and importance of fairy tales. Times Literary Supplement, 01.10.76. p.1245. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; publisher's slip; compliments slip from TLS; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "That magic ingredient".

Carstairs, G.M. & Kapur, R.L. The great universe of Kota: change and mental disorder in an Indian village New Statesman, 23.04.76, p.546. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; publisher's slip with brief note signed Claire Tomalin; ms notes; press cutting. GG's title: "Psychiatric symptoms in South India".

Daly, A. Mothers: their power and influence. New Statesman, 07.05.76, p.616. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; ms notes; press cutting. Reviewed with: works by Hammer, S.; Green, M.; Benet, M.K. GG's title: "Llhasa and the ladies lavatory".

Green, M. Goodbye father. New Statesman, 07.05.76, p.616. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; ms notes; press cutting. Reviewed with: works by Daly, A.; Hammer, S.; Benet, M.K. GG's title: "Llhasa and the ladies lavatory".

Hammer, S. Daughters and mothers, mothers and daughters: the relationship explored. New Statesman, 07.05.76, p.616. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; ms notes; press cutting. Reviewed with: works by Daly, A.; Green, M.; Benet, M.K. GG's title: "Llhasa and the ladies lavatory".

Laing, R.L. The facts of life. The Guardian, 18.11.76. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.3; publisher's slip; communication from The Guardian requesting review; ms notes; press cutting.

Pinkus, L. Death and the family: the importance of mourning. Times Literary Supplement, 26.03.76, p.341. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; letter from TLS signed John Gross; ms notes. GG's title: "Love and death in N.W.3.".

Roazen, P. Freud and his followers. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.4; ms notes. GG's title: "Warts and all".

Sharpe, S. Just like a girl: how girls learn to be women.New Statesman, 07.01.77. Press cutting.

Shorter, E. The making of the modern family. Times Higher Education Supplement, 11.06.76, p.17. Ts draft with ms corrections pp.6; publisher's slip; ms notes; correspondence from THES (2 pieces); press cutting.

G. Miscellaneous related material

One file ms, ts & pr papers comprising notes on individual books, some on compliments slips (chiefly from The Listener) and publishers' slips. Most of these were found in books of which no review by GG, published or unpublished, is known to exist.


The correspondence comprises an estimated 10,000 letters arranged alphabetically by writer in one sequence occupying 32 pamphlet boxes. GG's letters to correspondents are filed with the correspondent.

The correspondence has been listed into four sections. Sections A, "Letters to GG: by writer", and C, "Letters from GG: by recipient", are arranged in the same alphabetical sequence as the letters themselves. The periods of the correspondence and the number of letters received and sent by GG are indicated for each correspondent; enclosures are indicated but not specified. Sections B, "Letters to GG: by date", and D, "Letters from GG: by date", permit a chronological approach to the same material. Sections B and D have not been included in this handlist, but are availble on request.

Note: The note 'to LM 8/87' indicates correspondence sent to the lawyer of the Gorer estate in August 1987 and not returned to the archive. It is not, therefore, available. The terms of Gorer's will specify that "no letters from living people shall be made available without the written consent of the correspondent".

A. Letters to GG: by writer

ABERCONWAY, Charles Melville McLaren 3rd baron 2 letters. 1974. With 1 letter from GG

ABRAHAMS, Peter 1 letter. 1953

ABRAHAMS, William 1 letter. 1963

ABRAMS, Mark 4 letters. 1957-1964

ACADEMIC BOOKS 1 letter. 1968. Encl.

ACKERLEY, Joe Randolph 210 letters, pcs., notes. 1935-1967

ACWORTH, Alys: see under married name RICKETT

ACWORTH, Edna: see under married name DAKEYNE, Edna Ellen

ADAM, Ruth 3 letters. 1963-1966

ADAMS, Mary 2 letters. 1965, 1970

ADAMS, Walter 2 letters. 1970

ADLER, Max 1 letter. 1950

AGATE & CO. 1 letter. 1972

AIYAPPON, A. 2 letters. 1960

ALDISS, Brian W. 1 letter. 1971

ALEXANDER, Simone 1 letter. 1960

ALEXANDER-SINCLAIR, John 6 letters, pcs. 1961-1976

ALLAN, Dorotheen 3 letters. 1958

ALLEN, David Elliston 4 letters, pc. 1968. With 1 letter from GG

ALLEN, Margaret L. 1 letter. 1954

ALLEN, W.H. & CO. 1 letter. 1970

ALLISON, Sherard Falkner, bishop of Chelmsford 1 letter. 1955

ALLSOP, Kenneth 1 pc. 1967

ALLSOP & CO. 2 letters. 1976. With 1 letter from GG

ALLWOOD, Martin 2 letters. 1955




AMERY, Joyce 3 letters. [n.d.]

AMIS, Kingsley 1 letter. 1954

ANDERSON, Rachel 1 letter. [1974]. With 1 letter from GG

ANGUS, Alan 5 letters. 1957-1964


ANGUS, Jean 46 letters, pcs. 1955-1982

ANTHONY, E. James 1 letter. 1972. Encl.


ARDREY, Robert 4 letters. 1966-1972. Encl.. With 1 letter from GG

ARGYLE, Michael 4 letters. 1966-1967

ARMSTRONG, Neville 1 letter. 1960. With 1 letter from GG


ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN 3 letters. 1959-1974

ASSOCIATION FOR CULTURAL EXCHANGE 3 letters. 1963. Encl. With 1 letter from GG


ASTLEY, George 1 letter. 1971

ATHENAEUM 11 letters. 1958-1980. Encl. With 2 letters from GG

ATKINS, John 1 letter. 1958

AUBREY SMITH, Josepha: see SMITH, Josepha Aubrey

AUDEN, Wystan Hugh 33 letters, 2 pcs. 1948-1971. Encl. include: photographs, verses. With 1 letter from GG


AVALLON, Mathilde 6 pcs., telegram. 1973-1974

AYLING, H.G. 1 letter. 1965

BAGBY, Trudy 1 letter. 1970

BAILEY, Donald C. 1 letter. 1956


BAKER, Charles 5 letters. 1961-1966. With 1 letter from GG

BALDWIN, G.I. 1 letter. 1979

BALMER, Peter H. 1 letter. 1959

BALOGH, Penelope 3 letters. [196-]-1968

BANNISTER, T. & CO. 8 letters. 1951-1958. Encl. With 3 letters from GG

BANTON, Michael 2 letters. 1973. With 1 letter from GG

BARBER, Bryan 2 letters. 1966-1975. See also: MOORE, STEPHENS & CO.

BARBER, Peter 10 letters. 1957-1968

BARBER, Sadie 1 letter. 1975

BARBETTE, V. 1 letter. 1950

BARCLAYS BANK LTD. 2 letters. 1949, 1956. With 1 letter from GG

BARFORD, John 8 letters. 1968-1971

BARKLA, D.M. 2 letters. 1966

BARLOW, Nora 4 letters, pcs. 1956-1966

BARNES, Cynthia 6 letters, pcs. 1966-1978

BARNES, Egbert 2 letters, pc. 1974-1975

BARNOUW, Victor 1 letter. 1963

BARR, John 1 letter. 1966

BARRETT, Clarence 1 letter. 1968

BARRIE, Jay Michael 1 letter. 1979

BARRIE & ROCKLIFF 2 letters. 1967. With 1 letter from GG

BARRY, Elizabeth 4 letters. 1952-[196-]

BARTON, G. 2 letters. 1936

BASIC BOOKS 1 letter. 1966

BATCHELOR, Moira 1 letter. 1961

BATCHELOR, Richard 1 letter. 1961

BATES, Marston 1 letter. 1967

BATESON, Mary Catherine (Cathy) 37 letters, pcs. 1950-1980. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

BAUBON, Olisbos 1 letter. 1969

BAUM, Doris 1 letter. 1955

BEACH, Stewart 1 letter. 1951

BEALES, B.J. 2 letters. 1979-1980. With 1 letter from GG

BECKETT, G. 1 pc. 1979

BELDER-KOVACIC, Jelena de 5 letters. 1974

BELL, Richard H. 1 letter. 1959. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

BELOFF, Max 1 letter. 1967

BENEDICT, Arthur ('Benny') 23 letters, pcs. 1947-1982

BENEDICT, Ruth 3 letters. 1938, 1947. With 2 letters from GG

BENET, Sula 1 letter. 1950. Encl.

BENGA, Feral 2 letters. 1935. Encl.

BENTLEY, Nicolas: see DEUTSCH, Andre

BERMAN, Lorna 3 letters. 1963-1972

BERTHOUD, Roger 1 letter. 1967

BEVER, Marion 13 letters. 1963-1982

BILLINGS, Augusta 9 letters. 1949-

BIRLEY, Rhoda, Lady 4 letters. 1978

BLACK, Henry Stuart 4 letters. 1967-1969

BLACK, Michael 17 letters. 1968-1972. With 1 letter from GG

BLAIR, Eileen (Mrs George Orwell) 2 letters. 1937

BLAKER, May 4 letters. 1948-1961. With 1 draft letter from GG

BLIXEN, Karen 2 letters. 1948

BLUMN, [?] 1 letter. 1932. Forename unknown

BLUNDELL, K. 1 letter. 1974

BOAS, Franziska 3 letters. 1970

BOAS, Louise Schultz 1 letter. 1954 (Letter relating to GG but not addressed to him)

BOCA, Bernardino del 1 letter. 1969

BODE, Carl 2 letters. 1957

BOLAND, E.R. 2 letters. 1961. Encl.

BOLLAND, Christopher 3 letters. 1973

BOLLAND, Lolie 11 letters, pcs. [n.d.]

BOLTON, A.R. 2 letters. 1947-1948

BOND, Peter B. 1 letter. 1968

BONHAM-CARTER, Violet 4 letters. 1953-1960

BOORSTIN, Daniel J. 2 letters. 1979

BOOTH, John A. 1 letter. 1950

BORDE HILL GARDEN LTD. 1 letter. 1971. See also: CLARKE, M.G.

BOSANQUET, Theodore 1 letter. 1938

BOSCAWEN, Anne 8 letters. [197-]-[198-]

BOSCAWEN, Edward 2 letters. 1976, 1977

BOSWELL, [?] 1 pc. 1955. Forename unknown

BOURDILLON, Pamela 1 letter. 1961

BOWLBY, John 6 letters. 1959-1972. With 1 letter from GG

BOWYER, Mary 1 letter. 1972

BOXER, Mickey 2 pcs. 1951, 1969


BOYLE, James Le B. 1 letter. 1949. Encl.

BRADFORD. City Police 2 letters. 1954


BRADLEY & VAUGHAN 13 letters. 1955-1972. With 1 letter from GG

BRADLY, Tom 1 letter. 1956


BRANSFORD NURSERIES 3 letters. 1973-1975

BRANT, Charles 1 letter. 1953

BRAYBROOKE, Neville 8 letters. 1969-1972

BRERETON, Geoffrey 1 letter. 1953

BRERETON, Jane 1 letter. [n.d.]

BRETON, André 1 letter. 1937

BRIEN, Alan 1 pc. 1960


BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION 21 letters. 1947-1978. With 2 letters from GG

BRITISH COUNCIL 8 letters. 1959-1971


BRITISH MUSEUM (Natural History) 1 letter. 1951


BRITTAIN, F. 1 letter. 1950

BRITTAIN, Muriel 1 letter. [1971?]

BROCKWAY, J.M. 2 letters. 1979. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

BRODBECK, Arthur J. 1 letter. 1957

BROGDEN, H. 1 letter. 1953

BROOK, Peter 1 letter. 1964

BROOKE, Jocelyn 24 letters. 1950-1966

BROOME, Phoebe M. 3 letters. 1957-1973

BROTHERTON, Philip 1 letter. 1961

BROWN, Betty 24 letters. [n.d.]

BROWN, Suzanne 1 letter. 1972

BROWNELL, Sonia: see under better known name ORWELL, Sonia

BRUMELL, Mary 3 letters. 1968-1980. With 1 letter from GG

BRUNSGAARD, Nick 5 letters, pcs. 1946-1958

BRYARS, Peter D.A. 1 letter. 1965

BULLARD, Arthur 1 letter. 1955

BUNZEL, Ruth L. 3 letters. 1975

BURRY, Hugh C. 1 letter. 1972. Encl.

BUZZARD, E.M. 3 letters. 1966

CAFFERY, Jamie 3 letters. 1950-1972

CALAS, Nicolas 2 letters. 1954, [n.d.]


CALDER & BOYARS 3 letters. 1967



CAMPBELL, George I. (Sir) 2 letters. 1962

CAMPBELL, Ilay 6 letters. [196-]-1972

CANDOLLE, Roger de 1 letter. 1975

CARDEN, Lucy T. 1 letter. 1969

CARMICHAEL, Jeannette 1 letter. 1975

CARSTAIRS, G.M. 4 letters. 1958-1966

CARTER, Oscar M. 2 letters. 1952


CASAGRANDE, Joseph B. 3 letters. 1957. Encl. With 2 letters from GG

CATROUX, Diomede (father) 57 letters, pcs. 1946-1982. Encl.

CATROUX, Diomede (son) 13 letters, pcs. [197-]-1979

CATROUX, Nicolas 27 letters, pcs. [196-]-1982

CATROUX, Raffaella ('Lelly') 100 letters, pcs. 1968-1982. With 1 letter from GG

CATTELL, Raymond B. 3 letters. 1951. Encl.

CAYME PRESS 1 letter. [193-]


CHALLANS, Mary (Mary Renault) 1 letter. 1953

CHANDOS, John 1 letter. [1961]. With 1 letter from GG

CHAPMAN, Derek 4 letters. 1960

CHAPMAN, Freddy 1 letter. [n.d.]

CHAPPELL, Peter 4 letters. [197-]

CHARKHAM, Fiona 1 letter. 1977. Encl.

CHARKHAM, Marie 1 pc. 1977

CHARLES-ROUX, Fanny 23 letters, pcs. [n.d.]

CHARLES-ROUX, Francois 1 letter. 1982

CHARTERHOUSE. School Appeal 1 letter. 1961. Encl.

CHELMSFORD, Allison, S.F., bishop of: see ALLISON, Sherard Falkner, bishop of Chelmsford

CHETHAM, Barbara 1 letter. 1961

CLARK, C.D.L. 1 letter. 1959

CLARK, Ronald W 3 letters. 1979-1980

CLARKE, Becky 2 letters. [n.d.], 1970

CLARKE, Herbert W.S. 10 letters. 1977-1982. Encl.

CLARKE, M.G. 1 letter. 1977

CLEMENTS, Julia 1 letter. 1956


CLIFTON, Paul 1 letter. 1961

CLINTON, Farley 1 letter. 1965

CLOGSTOUN-WILLMOTT, Nigel 8 letters. 1967-1976

CLUNIES-ROSS, Edward 2 letters. 1957

COATS, Peter 2 letters. 1974

COBB, Edith 12 letters. [n.d.]. Encl.

COGGAN, Annie 5 letters. 1951-1954. With 1 draft letter from GG

COGGAN, Jim 6 letters. 1958-1975

COHEN, Philip 2 letters. [n.d.]

COLEMAN, R.E. 11 letters. 1954-1962. Encl. With 7 letters from GG

COLEMAN, Ursula 4 letters. 1955-1980. With 1 letter from GG

COLES, Siglinde Ann 1 letter. 1966

COLLIER, K.G. 1 letter. 1952. Encl.

COLLINGBOURNE, Rachel 1 letter. 1975. Encl.

COLLINS, John 1 letter. 1954

COMFORT, Alex 1 letter. 1957

COMPTON-BURNETT, Ivy 1 pc. 1967

CONNOLLY, Cyril 1 pc. 1972

CONNOLLY, Deirdre 2 letters. [n.d.]


COOK, Ken 1 letter. 1950

COOPER, Christopher J. 2 letters. 1963

CORBETT, Cherry C. 2 letters. 1958

CORKE, Jack 20 letters, pcs. 1955-1977

CORNER, Frank 3 letters. 1955

CORNER, Lynette 19 letters. 1955-[198-]

CORRIN, Stephen 3 letters. 1961-1962

CORY, Wm. & SON 8 letters. 1968-1975. Encl. With 2 letters from GG

COSENS, F.R.S 1 letter. [n.d.]

COULES, Anne 1 letter. [n.d.]

COUNTY OF BEDFORD. Principal Medical Officer 3 letters. 1971-1972

COUNTY OF SOMERSET. County Archivist 2 letters. 1975

COWAN, May 1 pc. 1960

COWARD, Eric J.H. 1 pc. 1959

COX, Peter A. 32 letters, pcs. 1956-1980

CRAIG, Alec 2 letters. 1954. Encl.

CRANKSHAW, Clare 1 letter. 1956

CRANKSHAW, Robert 1 letter. 1949

CRANSTON, Maurice 3 pcs. 1957

CREAGH-COEN, Terence B. 95 letters, pcs. 1943-1969. Encl.

CREEDY, F. 2 letters. 1956, 1961

CRESSET PRESS 6 letters. 1964-1966. Encl.

CREVEL, Rene 2 letters. [n.d.]

CRICK, Bernard 2 letters. 1976-1978. Encl.

CROSLAND, Margaret 4 letters. 1953-

CROWN ESTATE OFFICE 20 letters. 1962-1976

CRUMPS, Edgar 1 letter. 1978

CUCKFIELD COOKS (caterers) 1 letter. 1978

CUCKFIELD URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL 6 letters. 1950-1959. With 3 letters from GG

CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY 6 letters. 1961-1964. With 1 letter from GG

CUTHBERT, Aidan 1 letter. 1982. Encl.

DAILY HERALD 1 letter. 1961

DAKEYNE, Edna Ellen 32 letters, pcs. 1945-1982. Encl.

DANIELOU, Alain 1 pc. [193-]

DANKS, Megan 1 letter. 1967

DAVIDSON, William D. 1 letter. 1971

DAVIES, C.J. 4 letters. 1954

DAVIES, G. & SON 2 letters. 1957

DAVISON, Arthur 17 letters, pcs. [196-]-1970

DAVISON, Rita & Etheldreda 13 letters, pcs. 1971-1981

DAWES, C.R. 26 letters. 1953-1963

DAWES, Tony 2 letters. 1963


DEBENHAM, W.W.J. 2 letters. 1952. With 1 letter from GG


DE GRAY-JONES, Ellie 1 letter. 1960

DE HEGEDUS, Adam 1 letter. 1954

DELIN, Jean Leroy: see LEROY DELIN, Jean

DENNIS, Nigel 6 letters. 1955-1969

DE PINNA, Rita 1 letter. 1946. Encl.

DERN, Emile 1 letter. 1972

DESAI, A.R. 1 letter. 1968

DEUTSCH, Andre (firm) 3 letters. 1953-1965. With 1 letter from GG

DEVEREUX, George 98 letters, pcs. 1962-1982. Encl. With 4 letters from GG

DICKS, Adrian 1 letter. 1961

DICKS, Anthony 21 letters, pcs. 1958-1982. Encl.

DICKS, Henry 30 letters, pcs. 1955-1975

DICKS, Maud 10 letters. 1959-1977

DICKS, Vicki 2 letters. 1976

DILL, Nancy 1 letter. [n.d.]

DILLON, Wilton S. 80 letters, pcs. 1952-1982. Encl.

DINGWALL, E.J. 2 letters. 1959

DIRENZO, Gordon J. 1 letter. 1974

DISHER, Eve 46 letters, pcs. 1969-[198-]

DODDS, E.R. 1 letter. 1953

DODSON, Owen 5 letters, pcs. 1954-1967. Encl. include: verses and a play

DOLLARD, John 5 letters. 1936-1937

DOLTO, Boris & Francoise 3 letters, pc. 1949-1958

DOMINIC, Zoe 6 letters. 1965-1973

DOUBLEDAY & CO. 6 letters. 1965-1977. With 1 letter from GG

DOUGLAS, Penelope 1 letter. [n.d.]

DOWNS, George 1 letter. 1977

DREW, Jane B. 4 letters. 1967

DRIBERG, Tom 1 pc. 1966

DUCKWORTH, GERALD & CO. LTD. 1 letter. 1971

DUKES & OCKENDEN LTD. 2 letters. 1957, 1968

DUMAVEN, Nancy 1 letter. [n.d.]

DUNCAN, Ethel 1 letter. 1959

DURANT, Henry 1 letter. 1954

DURRANT, Charles 3 letters. 1958. With 2 letters from GG

DUVIVIER, David 1 letter. 1969

DUVIVIER, Ellie 6 letters, [n.d.]

EAGLE, Vernon A. 3 letters. 1963

EASTMENT, R.W. 1 letter. 1955

EDGAR, Logan A. 1 letter. 1977

EDGAR, Maureen: see GORER, Maureen


EDWARDS, Belle 1 letter. 1968

EICHELBERGER, Marie E. 43 letters. 1966-1982. Encl.

ELBORN, Geoffrey 5 letters. 1978

ELLIS, A.G. 1 letter. 1962

ELLIS, C.H. 1 letter. 1949

ELLIS, G.A. 11 letters. 1971-1980. Encl. With 10 letters from GG

ELLIS, Olive 2 letters. 1980. With 1 letter from GG

ELLIS, Vivian 1 letter. 1949

ELTON, Arthur 10 letters, pc. 1961-1972

EMANUEL, Claire 11 letters. 1963-1973

EMANUEL, Elliott 10 letters, telegram. 1961-1979. Encl.

EMANUEL, Louise 3 letters. [197-]-1980

EMPSON, William 2 letters. 1951-1953


EUROPEAN MOVEMENT 1 letter. 1971

EVANS, Anne 1 letter. 1977. Encl.

EVANS, Ifor 1 letter. 1960

EVENING STANDARD 1 letter. 1968

EVERYBODY'S 1 letter. 1957. With 1 letter from GG

EZRIEL, Henry 1 letter. 1956. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

FAIRWEATHER, C.C. 1 letter. 1971

FALL, J.H. 2 letters. 1974, 1980

FARNES, D.N.: see ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Rhododendron and Camellia Group

FARRELL, Warren T. 1 letter. 1974

FAULKNER, Terence 3 letters. 1973-1974

FAVELL, Billy 1 pc. 1962

FEAVER, George 5 letters. 1966-1970

FEAVER, Nancy 7 letters, pcs. 1965-[197-]. Encl.

FELDMAN, Roy E. 1 letter. 1966

FELKIN, Elliot 6 pcs. 1961-1967

FELLOWES, P.E.L. 1 letter. 1971. Encl.

FENDALL, William 7 letters, pcs. 1956-1978. With 1 letter from GG

FIELD, Frank 2 letters. 1970


FIRTH, Raymond 3 letters. 1953-1960

FITZGERALD, Sara 2 letters. 1966

FITZGIBBON, Constantine 2 letters. 1958, 1962. With 1 letter from GG

FLEMING-WILLIAMS, Ian 3 letters. 1964-1965

FLETCHER, Ronald 2 letters. 1972. Encl.

FLUGEL, Ingeborg 16 letters, pcs. 1953-1966

FLUGEL, Jack 1 letter. [1955]

FOERSTEL, Lenora 1 letter. 1980

FORD, Eddy & Joe 19 letters. [196-]-1982. Encl.

FOREIGN OFFICE 1 letter. 1950. Encl.

FORGE, K.B. 2 letters. 1935

FORSTER, E.M. 1 letter. 1961

FORSTER, Peter 1 letter. 1961

FORTES, Meyer 4 letters. 1955-1962. With 1 letter from GG

FOSTER, B. Maud 2 letters. 1958. With 1 letter from GG

FOSTER, Maurice L. 1 pc. [n.d.]

FOX, Robin 2 letters. 1973, 1974. Encl. With 2 letters from GG

FRAMPTON, K. 1 letter. 1982

FRASER, Ronald 1 letter. 1926

FREMANTLE, Anne 2 letters. 1979

FREUBEL-BRUNSWICK, Else 1 letter. [n.d.]

FREUD, Anna 2 letters. 1948. Encl.

FRY, E. Maxwell 4 letters. 1965-1967. Encl.

FRYER, Peter 1 letter. 1966

FULLER, Helen 2 letters. 1954, [n.d.]

FURNAS, J.C. 3 letters. 1957

FURZE, Peter 1 letter. 1977

FYVEL, T.R. 1 letter. 1982. With 1 letter from GG

FYVIE, Gordon 1 letter. 1978

FYVIE, Kay 5 letters. 1961-[197-]

GALLAGHER, J.T. 1 letter. [n.d.]

GALLAGHER, John 2 letters. 1975

GALLAGHER, S.R. 1 letter. [n.d.]

GARDENERS' SUNDAY 1 letter. 1969

GARVAN, Anthony N.B. 1 letter. 1955

GASKELL, Austin 2 letters. 1960

GASTON, Jerry 2 letters. 1976

GATES, Alan 3 letters. [n.d.]

GATES, Sylvester 1 letter. 1971

GATHORNE-HARDY, Jonathan 3 letters. 1973-1978. With 1 letter from GG

GENERAL POST OFFICE 1 letter. 1963

GEOFFROY, Allan 1 letter. 1976

GEORGE, A.F. 1 pc. [n.d.]

GIBBS, David 3 letters. [n.d.]

GILLIAT, Veronica 6 letters. 1946-1962. Encl.

GILLIN, John P. 1 letter. 1966

GILMOUR, John S.L. 2 letters. 1955, 1956

GLASS, John 1 letter. 1966

GLEESON-WHITE, Betty 3 letters. 1964-1967

GLELE, Aho Justin prince 1 letter. 1939

GLENDINNING, Victoria 2 letters. 1978-1980. Encl.

GLENKINGLES, Allan 1 letter. 1977

GLUCKMAN, Max 1 letter. 1960. With 1 letter from GG

GODMAN, C. Edith 6 letters. 1970-1972

GOFF, Susan 4 letters. 1971. Encl.

GOLDE, Peggy 1 letter. 1963

GOLDING, Louis 2 letters. 1956

GOLESTAN, Ebrahim 2 letters. 1965, [n.d.]

GOLLANCZ, VICTOR (firm) 3 letters. 1959-1966

GONCHAROFF, Nicholas T. 5 letters. 1971-1975

GOODFELLOW, C.W. 1 letter. 1969. With 1 letter from GG

GOODFIELD, June 1 pc. [n.d.]

GOODISON, Billy 1 letter. 1954

GOODISON, Mona 1 letter. 1970

GORDON, Douglas H. 2 letters. 1961

GORDON, Michael 3 letters. 1959-[197-]

GORDON-HILL, Tony 7 letters. 1964-1966

GORER, Donald 17 letters. 1955-1966. Encl. With 2 letters from GG

GORER, Edgar 1 cablegram to Gorer, Rachel. 1915

GORER, Elizabeth ('Lib') 158 letters, pcs. [195-]-1982. Encl. With 6 letters from GG

GORER, Maureen 7 letters. [196-]-1976. With 1 letter from GG

GORER, Peter (brother) 1 letter. 1958. With 12 letters from GG

GORER, Peter (brother) 3 letters to Gorer, Rachel and Edgar (parents). [191-]. Encl.

GORER, Peter (nephew) 118 letters, pcs. 1956-1982. Encl. With 3 letters from GG

GORER, Rachel (mother). 1 letter to Gorer, Peter. 1943. 6 letters to Gorer, Geoffrey, Peter & Richard. 1940-1943. With 2 letters from GG

GORER, Rachel (niece) 187 letters, pcs., telegram. [195-]-1982. Encl.

GORER, Richard 1 letter to Gorer, Rachel (mother). [192-]

GORER, Richard 85 letters. [195-]-[197-]. Encl. With 4 letters from GG

GOSLING, Robert 6 letters. 1961-1970

GRAFF, Karen 1 letter. 1967

GRAHAM, D.M. 1 letter. [n.d.]. Encl.

GRAINGER, Roger 1 letter. 1972

GRAY, Ronald 1 letter. [n.d.]

GRAZIA, Alfred de 1 letter. 1970. Encl.

GREBENIK, E. 1 letter. 1962. With 1 letter from GG

GREEN, D. 1 letter. 1955. With 1 letter from GG

GREEN, Julian (i.e. Julien Green, the French writer) 1 pc. [n.d.]

GREEN, Peter 2 letters. 1957

GREENSTEIN, Fred I. 1 letter. 1963

GREGERSEN, Edgar A. 1 letter. 1980

GREIFER, Elisha 1 letter. 1951

GRIFFITHS, Jack 2 letters. 1965

GRIMES, Robert William 1 letter. 1963. Encl.

GROLLMAN, Earl A. 1 letter. 1966


GROSS, Peter 2 letters. 1982

GROSS, Rachel: see under maiden name GORER, Rachel

GROVES, Cicely 2 letters. [n.d.]

GROWTH & CHANGE 1 letter. 1969

GRYGIER, T. 1 letter. 1951. With 1 letter from GG

GUARDIAN 1 letter. 1976

GUILLEBAUD, Philomena 4 letters, pc. 1976-1980

GUILLON-LAFFAILLE, Fanny 2 letters. 1980

GUITON, Micheline 3 letters. 1969-1971. Encl.


GWATKIN-WILLIAMS, Phyllis 5 letters. 1973-[197-]


HADDON, Alfred C. 1 letter. 1938

HADFIELD, Miles 1 letter. 1960

HAEFELI-WOOLF, Helen 15 letters, pcs. 1955-1970

HAEFLI, Ann 104 letters, pcs. 1966-1982. Encl.

HAEFLI, John 2 letters. 1979

HAFFENDEN, John 2 letters. 1980

HAIG-BROWN, Ann E. 1 letter. [n.d.]

HAIGH, Charles R. 1 letter. 1961

HAKANSSON, Tore 1 letter. 1975

HALDANE, Charlotte 1 letter. 1965

HALDANE, J.B.S. 1 letter. 1934

HALLE, Kay 11 letters, pcs. 1963-1976

HAMBLING, John 1 letter. 1960. Encl.

HAMILTON, C.D. 2 letters. 1959. Encl.

HAMILTON, Hamish 2 letters. 1964

HAMILTON, HAMISH, LTD. 1 letter. 1961

HAMILTON, I.M. 1 letter. 1958. With 1 letter from GG

HAMMOND, A.P. 1 letter. 1972

HANAU, Herbert 1 letter. 1948

HARDING, John 1 letter. 1955

HARING, Douglas G. 1 letter. 1955. With 1 letter from GG

HARLOW, Harry F. 1 letter. 1951. Encl.

HARMAN, J.&E. 1 letter. 1953

HARRIS, Brooke G. 1 letter. 1975

HARRIS, Walter 1 letter. 1968

HARRIS, CHETHAM & CO 87 letters. 1947-1959. Encl. With 12 letters from GG. to LM 8/87'

HARRISON, Eric 3 letters. 1967-1972

HARRISON, Roza M.: see under maiden name STEVENSON, Roza M.

HARRISSON, Tom 14 letters, pcs. [193-]-1976. Encl.

HARRODS (firm) 1 letter. 1979

HART, Bill 2 letters. 1955, 1961

HART, Dorothy 55 letters, pcs. [195-]-1982

HARTLEY, Anthony 1 letter. 1961

HARTLEY, Wesley S. 1 letter. 1974

HARVARD-WATTS, John 1 letter. 1964

HARVEST, Hazel 13 letters, pcs. 1969-1982

HAWKES, Jacquetta 1 letter. 1951

HAYDEN, Hugh 1 letter. 1970



HEARFIELD, David 13 letters, pcs. 1963-[197-]

HEGEDUS, Adam de: see DE HEGEDUS, Adam

HEIMANN, Paula 2 letters. 1974-1975

HEINEMANN, Frances 1 letter. 1974

HEINEMANN, WILLIAM LTD. 4 letters. 1961-1972

HELLER, Carl G. 1 letter. 1968

HELLYER, A.G.L. 1 letter. 1978

HELME, E.R. 129 letters, pcs. 1951-1965. Encl.

HELME Tim 1 letter. [n.d.]

HENNESSY, Jossleyn 2 letters. 1971

HENRIQUES, Fernando 1 letter. 1970

HEPLER, Harold R. 1 letter. 1968

HERLING, Reiner 3 letters. 1979-1980. Encl.



HERRELL, Sophia 1 letter. [n.d.]

HERZ, Martin 50 letters, pcs. 1955-1982. Encl.

HICKS & DON 4 letters. 1978. With 1 letter from GG

HIGGINS, Helen 1 letter. 1955

HIGHAM, David 6 letters. 1961-1978

HIGHAM, DAVID, ASSOCIATES 63 letters. 1958-1959. For affairs before 13.08.58 see PEARN, POLLINGER & HIGHAM

HIGHAM, Nell 8 letters. [197-]-1982

HILL, J.C. 1 letter. 1972

HILL, Thomas Saint Quentin 5 letters. 1941-1942. Encl.


HILLIER & SONS 36 letters. 1970-1979. With 1 letter from GG

HILTON, Ronald 1 letter. 1969

HILTON, W.C. 2 letters. 1958. Encl.

HIROSHI, Wagatsuma 1 letter. 1974

HIRSCH, Nathaniel D.M. 1 letter. 1969


HIXSON, Vivian S. 1 letter. 1978

HOBHOUSE, Penelope 1 pc. [n.d.]

HODGKINS, Eliot 3 letters. 1969-1970

HODGKINS, Frances. 6 letters (photocopies); 1 letter (ms original). 1940-1941; [n.d.]. Encl. include: photographs and illus. pc 17 letters (photocopies) to Gorer, Rachel (Ree). 1934-1940 approx. File also includes 1 illus. pc. & 8 photographs See also correspondence of CORNER, Frank; CORNER, Lynette; McCORMICK, E.H

HOGGART, Richard 2 letters, pc. 1957

HOLLAND, Jan 5 letters. [n.d.]


HOPE, Clare 2 letters. 1962. 1970

HOPE, STANTON, LTD. 1 letter. 1974

HOPKINS, Harold 39 letters. 1973-1982


HOTBLACK, H.S. ('Bertie') 5 letters, pcs. 1962-1971

HOTBLACK, Mary Anne 3 letters. 1965-[197-]


HOUSTON, Jean 1 letter. [n.d.]

HOW, Anita 2 letters. 1976

HOWARD, Jane T. 2 letters. 1979


HUBBARD, Lorna M. 2 letters. 1958, 1966

HUCKEL, Helen 1 letter. 1969

HUDSON, Bradford B. 1 letters pc. 1959. Encl.

HUGHES, John A. 2 letters. 1951-1952

HUGHES, Mary J. 4 letters. 1958-1970

HUGHES-HALLETT, R. 1 letter. [n.d.]

HULL, Bertha 1 letter. 1952

HULL, Clark L. 2 letters. 1944, 1950. Encl.

HUMFREY, Mary 1 letter. [n.d.]

HUMMEL, Siegbert 4 letters. 1963-1968

HUMPHREYS, M.E. (Mrs) 2 letters. 1960. With 1 letter from GG

HUMPHRYS, Joy 1 pc. 1956


HUNT, Gwen 1 letter. 1967

HUNT, Noelle 1 letter. 1972

HUNTING, Diana 2 letters. [195-]-1967. With 1 letter from GG

HUTCHISON, Dorothy E. 1 letter. [n.d.]

HUTCHISON, Peter 2 letters. 1965

HUXLEY, Anthony J. 4 letters. 1969-1970

HUXLEY, Elspeth 2 letters. 1966

HYDON NURSERIES 1 letter. 1975


IDENBURG, Ph. J. 1 letter. 1959

INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF AUTHORS 3 letters. 1941. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

INGLIS, Ken 1 letter. 1966


INSTITUTE OF COMMUNITY STUDIES 3 letters. 1958-1968. Encl. See also: WILLMOTT, Peter; YOUNG, Michael






IRION, Paul E. 4 letters. 1969-1971. Encl.

ISAAC, R.J. 5 letters. 1957-1960

ISAACS, J. 1 letter. 1950

ISAACS, Margot 1 letter. 1977

JACOBSON, Dan 2 letters. 1956. 1970. With 1 letter from GG

JACOBSON, S. 1 letter. 1966

JAMES, Anatole 6 letters. 1952-1953. Encl.

JAMES, William H. 2 letters. [n.d.]

JAMIESON, Margaret 7 letters. 1964-1978

JARVIS, D.W.S. 2 letters. 1953-1954. With 2 letters from GG


JELINEK, Gus 40 letters, pcs. 1954-1980. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

JESSEL, Betty (Lady Jessel) 3 letters. [n.d.]

JESSEL, George (Sir) 3 pcs. 1972-1975

JOHNSON, A.F. 1 letter. 1950

JOHNSON-POENSGEN, Howard 2 letters. 1976

JOHNSTON, F.E.F. 1 letter. 1946

JOHNSTONE, Alison 4 letters. 1962-1971


JONES, Hilda D. 1 letter. [n.d.]

JONES, Kenneth R. 2 letters. 1968

JORDAN, Anne L. 2 letters. 1960

JOSSELSON, Michael 1 letter. 1960

JUDSON, Geoffrey 3 letters. 1971-1972

JUSTIN-BESANCON, L. 1 letter. 1969

KAHN, Harry 3 letters. 1949. Encl.

KALLMAN, Chester 9 letters. 1949-1972. Encl. See also W.H. Auden's letters to GG, which contain additions by Kallman

KAMEN-KAYE, D. 1 letter. 1950

KAPLAN, Bert 1 letter. 1958. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

KASSARJIAN, Cathy: see BATESON, Mary Catherine

KEARY, STOKES & WHITE: see MOORE, Nancy 1957-1958

KEHL, Siegfried 1 pc. 1979

KEIR, R. 1 letter. 1966

KELLERMAN, Henry 1 letter. 1979

KENCHER, Ethel 1 letter, pc. 1961

KENNEL CLUB 1 letter. 1950

KERR, Madeline 1 letter, pc. 1952, 1958. With 1 letter from GG

KHAN, M. Masud R. 130 letters, pcs. 1959-1980. Encl. With 8 letters from GG

KHAN, Svetlana: see KHAN, M. Masud R.

KID, Charles 1 letter. 1975

KIEV, Ari 1 letter. 1962

KING, Francis 3 letters. 1954-[195-]

KINGS HEALTH DISTRICT 5 letters. 1978-1980

KIRKER, Anne 1 letter. 1979

KIRSTEIN, Lincoln 2 letters. 1949-1950

KLEIN, Melanie 1 letter. 1949

KLEIN, Viola 1 letter. 1954

KLUCKHOHN, Clyde 1 letter. 1955

KNOPF, ALFRED A. (firm) 2 letters. 1936. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

KNOX, B. 1 letter. 1954

KNUTSON, Jeanne N. 1 letter. 1979

KOLLENG, Edgar 1 letter. 1956

KREEGER, Irving 2 letters. 1967

KRONENBERG, Ruth 1 letter. 1951

KRONENBERGER, Emmy 8 letters, pcs. 1963-1977

KUCERA, Otakar 4 letters. 1964-1969. Encl.

LAGACHE, Daniel 7 letters. 1949-1954

LAMBERT, S.C. 2 letters. 1958-1962. Encl. With 1 letter from GG


LANE, JOHN, THE BODLEY HEAD LTD. 3 letters. 1956 With 1 letter from GG

LANE, R.E. 1 letter. 1956. Encl. With 4 letters from GG

LANGLEY MOORE, Doris 1 pc. 1961

LASKI, Marghanita 1 letter. 1955

LASKY, Melvin J. 17 letters, telegram. 1953-1971. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

LASLETT, Peter 1 letter. 1966. With 1 letter from GG

LASSWELL, Harold D. 4 letters. 1948-1962. Encl.

LAWRIE, Rex 2 letters. 1968

LEACH, David G. 1 letter. 1975

LEACH, Edmund 1 letter. 1975

LEBANESE EMBASSY 1 letter. 1972

LEES, Howard 1 letter. 1955

LEGMAN, Gershon 29 letters. 1945-1975. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

LEHMANN, John 8 letters. 1966-1968

LEIGH, Walter 1 letter. 1928

LERNER, Jeffrey 2 letters. 1978-1979

LEROY DELIN, Jean 4 letters. 1966-1968. See also HIGHAM, DAVID, ASSOCIATES

LEVIN, E.I. 2 letters. 1974, 1977

LEWIS, Frank A. 1 letter. 1936

LEWIS, Linda 1 letter. [n.d.]

LIFE (periodical) 1 letter. 1966

LILLIPUT (periodical) 2 letters. 1958. With 1 letter from GG

LILTS, Eileen 1 letter, pc. 1967

LIMERICK, Angela (Lady Limerick) 1 letter. 1967. Encl.

LIMERICK, Edmund Colquhoun 5th earl 9 letters. 1953-1966

LINDSAY, William 8 letters. 1951-1968. With 3 letters from GG

LINEBARGER, Genevieve 15 letters, cards. [196-]-[197-]

LINEBARGER, Paul 2 letters. 1965, 1972. With 1 letter from GG

LINEMAN, A.F. 2 letters. 1953, 1954

LIP, Gerald 1 letter. 1974. Encl.

LIPSET, David 1 letter. 1975

LISTENER (periodical) 4 letters. 1963-1967. See also ACKERLEY, Joe Randolph

LLEWELYN-DAVIES, Melissa 4 letters. [197-]

LLEWELYN-DAVIES, Richard 3 letters. 1964-1966. Encl. With 1 letter from GG




LONG, Joseph K. 1 letter. 1974. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

LONGSTAFF, John 3 letters. [n.d.]

LORT-PHILLIPS, V. 1 letter. 1978

LOWMAN, David 4 letters. 1955-1957

LYNES, Carlos 3 letters. 1953


MABEE, Carleton 1 letter. 1979

McCARTY, George 1 letter. 1969

McCLELLAND, W.D. 2 letters. 1954, 1955

McCLINTOCK, David 1 letter. 1982

McCORKLE, Thomas 1 letter. 1952

McCOMICK, E.H. 6 letters. 1951-1979. With 1 letter from GG

MACDONALD, Dwight 5 letters. [195-]

MACDONALD, Gloria 1 pc. 1961

McDOUGAL, Edward D. 1 letter. 1963

MACHEN, Arthur 1 letter. 1925

MACKENZIE, Allan 1 letter. [n.d.]

MACKENZIE, Elizabeth 370 letters, pcs. 1954-1982

MACKENZIE, Lucy 1 letter. 1972

MACKIE, Vera 1 letter. 1967



MacLEHOSE, Christopher: see BARRIE & ROCKLIFF

McNEIL, Donald R. 2 letters. 1959

MAGEE, David 1 letter. 1980

MAGNUSSEN, P. 2 letters. 1964

MAGOR, Walter 17 letters. 1974-1980. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

MALINOWSKA, Valetta 22 letters. 1951-1973

MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY. Psychological Society 1 letter. 1956

MANN, W.N. 3 letters. 1964. With 1 letter from GG

MARCUS, Joachim 1 letter. 1950


MARGETTS & COOKE LTD. 2 letters. 1974-1975. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

MARLBOROUGH FINE ART 11 letters. 1957-1961. With 3 letters from GG

MARNHAM, Patrick 2 letters. 1980

MARRIS, Peter 2 letters. [n.d.], 1971

MARS LTD. 3 letters. 1961. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

MARSH, Claudia H. 1 letter. 1965

MARSH, John 3 letters. 1957

MARSHALL, Charlotte 7 letters. 1970-1982. Encl.

MARSHALL, John 54 letters, telegrams. 1959-1980. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

MARSHALL, Shirley 2 letters. 1966

MARTIN, Michael 6 letters. 1965-1979

MARTINDALE, Don 2 letters. 1966

MARVICK, Elizabeth W. 1 letter. 1979


MASSINGHAM, Betty 1 letter. 1978

MATHER, Shirley 3 letters. 1962-1971

MATHERS, David 5 letters. 1954-1959

MATTOCK, David 1 letter. 1982. With 1 letter from GG

MAUGHAM, William Somerset 1 letter. [n.d.]

MAURICE MASON, L. 2 letters. 1978

MAYER, Tony 1 letter. 1957

MAYERS, Dan E. 2 letters. 1972

MAYNARD, Augusta 109 letters. [196-]-[198-]

MAYNARD, Walter 12 letters. [196-]-1971

MAYNE, Peter 3 letters. 1960

MAYOR, F.H. 1 letter. 1935

MEAD, Margaret 436 letters, telegrams, pcs. 1935-1978. With 52 letters from GG. See also EICHELBERGER, Marie E.; GOFF, Susan; SPERLING, Barbara

MEDAWAR, Peter 7 letters. 1961-1965. Encl. With 1 letter from GG


MEDLEY, Robert 32 letters, pcs. [195-]-1980

MEEKS, Carroll 6 letters, pcs. [196-]-[197-]

MELLOW, James R. 1 letter. 1974. With 1 letter from GG

MELNICK, Burton A. 2 letters. 1980

MENEFEE, Selden 25 letters, pcs. 1950-1982

MENELLY, Judy 2 letters. 1967

MENNINGER FOUNDATION 4 letters. 1962-1963. Encl.

MEREDITH, Bill 3 letters, pc. 1962-1969

MERRICK, Doris 2 letters. 1969

METRAUX, Daniel 62 letters, pcs. [196-]-1982

METRAUX, Rhoda 149 letters. 1948-1982. Encl.: bulletins; field letters; research papers. With 6 letters from GG

MID-SUSSEX JOINT WATER BOARD 9 letters. 1958. Encl. With 4 letters from GG

MID-SUSSEX WATER CO. 1 letter. 1979

MIDDLEMISS, J. Howard 1 letter. 1967

MILES, Bernard 1 letter. 1959

MILLER, Beatrice D. 1 letter. 1958


MILLER, Madeline 1 letter. 1957. Encl.

MILLER, William J. 4 letters. 1966

MILLS, Enid C. 1 letter. 1958

MILNER, Marion 18 letters. 1955-1971

MINISTRY OF WORKS 1 letter. 1966

MIROGLIO, Abel 6 letters. 1959. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

MISCHEL, Florence 1 letter. 1970

MITCHELL, Leslie 9 letters. 1972-1982. Encl. to LM 8/87

MO, Timothy 1 letter. 1982

MOLESWORTH, Ena 4 letters, pcs. 1965

MOLONY, Eileen 1 letter. [n.d.]

MOLONY, James Clark 1 letter. 1949. Encl.

MONDADORI, ARNOLDO (firm) 5 letters. 1974-1979. With 2 letters from GG

MONEY, David 1 letter. 1973

MONEY-KYRLE, Roger 1 letter. 1951


MONTAGU, Ashley 3 letters. 1967

MONTAGUE, Joel B. 1 letter. 1955

MONTAGUE SALES 1 letter. [n.d.]

MOORE, Marjory 5 letters. 1958-1966

MOORE, Nancy 88 letters, pcs. 1949-1982. Encl. With 1 letter from GG to LM 8/87

MOORE, STEPHENS & CO. Chartered Accountants 83 letters. 1938-1959. Encl. With 5 letters from GG. See also MOORE, Nancy 1957-1958. to LM 8/87

MORRIS, Ben 219 letters, pcs. 1953-1982. Encl. With 2 letters from GG

MORRIS, Carol 7 letters. [196-]-[197-]. Later ROOLEY

MORRIS, John 1 letter. 1936

MORRIS, John 11 letters, pcs. [197-]

MORRIS, Margaret 6 letters. 1961-1966

MORRIS, Steve 36 letters, pcs. 1958-1982

MOSLEY, Diana 2 letters. 1966

MOUTON Publishers 1 letter. 1976. With 1 letter from GG

MOXON, Paul 2 letters. 1960

MUGGERIDGE, Malcolm 2 letters. 1953, 1955

MYERS, A.C. 1 letter. 1961

MYERS, R.B. 2 letters. 1965

NABAVI, E. 1 letter. 1967

NAMGYAL, Tashi 1 letter. 1937

NARAIN, D. 3 letters. 1958-1968

NASH, Edith 1 letter. 1955

NASH, Philleo 1 letter. 1976

NATHANSON, Richard 11 letters. 1971-1980. With 1 letter from GG



NATIONAL GARDENS SCHEME 14 letters. 1968-1978. See also: SMITH, Josepha Aubrey


NATIONAL TRUST 16 letters. 1953-1981

NAYLOR, Vera 1 letter. 1968. With 1 letter from GG

NEBESKY-WOJKOWITZ, R. 2 letters. 1950

NEHER, Donald A.: see MENNINGER, Karl

NELSON, Billy 1 letter. 1969

NEW LEADER 1 letter. 1951. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

NEW SCIENTIST 1 letter. 1958

NEW STATESMAN 5 letters, pcs. 1966-1976

NEW YORK TIMES 11 letters. 1959-1975. With 1 letter from GG

NEW ZEALAND HIGH COMMISSION 12 letters. 1969-1976. With 1 letter from GG

NEWELL, John 4 letters. 1969

NEWLAND, TOMPKINS & TAYLOR (firm) 16 letters. 1958. Encl.. With 6 letters from GG

NEWMAN, P.E. 1 letter. 1974

NEWTON, Robert 1 letter. 1962

NICHOLAS, Clover 1 letter, pc. [196-]

NICHOLSON, Thomas L. 1 letter. 1963

NIESSEN, Carl 1 letter. 1951

NOBBS, C.L. 1 letter. 1970

NOBUKI 1 letter. 1969

NOLTE, Richard H. 1 letter. 1965

NOSTRAND, Howard Lee 2 letters. 1962

NOTT, Kathleen 1 letter. 1971

NOVY, Henry 1 letter. 1975

NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 3 letters. 1968. With 1 letter from GG

OBSERVER 4 letters. 1962-1970. Encl.

ODLINE, Bunty 2 letters. 1962. With 1 letter from GG

O'DONNELL Terence 2 letters. 1972

O'FERRALL: Roderic 4 letters. 1978-1979

OFFER, E.M. 2 letters. 1969

OGILVY, John 1 letter. 1959

OLDHAM, H.W. 1 letter. 1949

OLSEN, Erling C. 22 letters. 1940-1943. With 11 letters from GG

OPIE, June 9 letters. 1968-1970. Encl.

ORWELL, Sonia 186 letters, pcs, telegram. 1959-1980. With 1 letter from GG

ORWELL ARCHIVE, University College Library 1 letter. 1963

OSGOOD, Cornelius 16 letters. 1960-1980. Encl.

OSGOOD, Harriett 4 letters. [196-]

OSMOND, Humphry 1 letter. 1950

OUGHTON, Frederick 2 letters. 1960

OWEN, PETER (firm) 1 letter. 1957


PADEL, John 3 letters. 1953-1968

PAGE, Russell 1 letter. 1968

PAINTER, George D. 1 letter. 1960

PALMER, Anne 19 letters. 1972-1980. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

PALMER, J.W. & W.S., & CO. 1 letter. 1954

PANTHER BOOKS 1 letter. 1964

PAPPEN, Fred 1 letter. 1977. to LM 8/87

PAREKH, B.C. 4 letters. 1973-1974. With 1 letter from GG

PARKER, Graham E. 1 letter. 1961

PARKER, Jameson 1 letter. 1969

PARKES, Colin Murray 7 letters. 1964-1973

PARRISH-MARTIN, Woody 3 letters, pc. 1944-1955. Encl.


PARRY, Glenys M. 1 letter. 1964

PARSONS, Anne countess Rosse 1 letter. [n.d.]

PARSONS, Laurence Michael Harvey 6th earl Rosse 2 letters. 1960

PARTRIDGE, Eric 1 pc. 1961

PAUL, Norman L. 1 letter. 1969

PAYNE, Donald 1 pc. 1971

PEARCE-HIGGINS, John D. 2 letters. 1965. With 1 letter from GG

PEARCY, Pauline 1 letter. 1948

PEARN, POLLINGER & HIGHAM LTD. 103 letters. 1938-1958. Encl. For affairs after 13.08.58 see: HIGHAM, DAVID, ASSOCIATES. With 4 letters from GG

PEARSE, A.M. 1 letter. 1964

PEARSON, John 6 letters, pcs. 1963-1978

PEARSON, Robert 2 letters. 1962

PECK, Ann 2 letters. 1980. With 1 letter from GG

PECKITT, Christine M. 1 letter. 1979


PELL, Duncan Clarkson 13 letters, pcs. 1969-1978. Encl.

PENFIELD, Anne 1 letter. 1950

PENGUIN BOOKS LTD. 3 letters. 1947-1982. Encl. With 2 letters from GG

PENNETHORNE, Gwyneth 2 letters. 1953, 1956

PENROSE, Roland 1 letter, pc. 1966, 1969

PERELMAN, S.J. 1 letter. 1959

PERISTIANY, J.G. 2 letters. 1966

PERRING, F.H. 1 letter. 1977. Encl.

PERROUX, Francois 4 letters. 1969

PEVSNER, Nikolaus 1 letter. 1965

PHILLIPS, Sidney 1 letter. 1956

PHILLIPSON, H. 12 letters. 1966-1969. With 1 letter from GG

PICHOTKA, Jos. 1 letter. 1966

PIDSLEY, Audrey 1 letter. 1959

PILLINGER, G.C. & CO. 1 letter. 1952

PITT-RIVERS, Julian 22 letters, pcs. 1961-1980

PITT-RIVERS, Margot 5 letters, pcs. 1963-1969

PITT-RIVERS, Michael 7 letters, pc. [n.d.]

PITT-RIVERS, Sonia: see under better known name ORWELL, Sonia

PITTS, Jesse R. 1 letter. 1952. Encl.

PLATT, Washington 5 letters, pc. 1959-1964. With 1 letter from GG

PLOWRIGHT, Oliver 1 letter. 1962

PLUMER, Eleanor 51 letters, pcs. 1960-1967

PLUMPTRE, George 1 letter. 1982

POMERANCE, Stephen M. 1 letter. 1962

PONDER, Dorothy 1 letter. 1962

PORTER, Erika 1 letter. 1972


POYNTER, Henrietta (Henry) 44 letters. 1951-1968. Encl.

POYNTER, Marion K. 2 pcs. 1972, 1978

POYNTER, Nelson 27 letters, telegram. 1960-1977. Encl.

PRICE, David 2 letters. 1977

PRICE, John 8 letters, pcs. 1965-[197-]

PRINCES, Liz 2 letters. 1973. Encl.

PRIOR, Jon 1 letter. 1968

PRITCHETT, V.S. 1 pc. 1955


PRUITT, Ida 10 letters. 1944-1960. With 1 letter from GG


PRYOR, Frederic L. 2 letters. 1974

PUBLIC TRUSTEE OFFICE 4 letters. 1958-1974. Encl. To LM 8/87

PUDDLE, Charles 33 letters, pcs. 1959-1976. Encl.. See also INTERNATIONAL CAMELLIA SOCIETY

PUNCH (periodical) 2 letters. 1962

PUTNAM'S, G.P. (firm) 2 letters. 1964

PUTTE, Marc Van de 1 letter. 1982



RAPOPORT, Robert N. 2 letters. 1977. Encl.

READ, Herbert 4 letters. 1959-1960

REES, J.R. 2 letters. 1959. With 1 letter from GG

REES, Stanley 2 letters. 1962

REEVE, Peter 4 letters, pc. 1955

REICH, Warren T. 1 letter. 1975

REID, David R. 5 letters. 1956-1958

RENDEL, R.M. 1 letter. 1949

REUTHE, G. 1 letter. 1968

RHINE, J.B. 2 letters. 1949


RIAS (broadcasting organisation) 5 letters. 1955-1960. With 1 letter from GG

RICHARDS, Denis 1 letter. 1956

RICHARDS, G.C. 1 letter. 1956

RICKETT, Alys 56 letters, pcs. 1960-1982. Formerly ACWORTH

RICKETT, John 1 letter. [1967?]. See also SOTHEBY & CO.

RICKMAN, John 5 letters. 1947-1951

RICKMAN, Lydia L. 6 letters. 1953-1956

RIES, Arthur 5 letters. 1964-1979. to LM 8/87

RIESMAN, David 14 letters. 1954-1965

ROAZEN, Paul 20 letters. 1965-1979

ROBERTSON, Seonaid 5 letters. 1969

ROCHLIN, Gregory 1 letter. 1968

RODERICK, G.W. 1 letter. 1970. Encl.

RODGER, T. Ferguson 2 letters. 1956

ROLPH, C.H. 1 letter. 1962

ROOLEY, Carol 16 letters, pcs. [196-]-1978. Encl. Formerly MORRIS

ROSENTHAL, Judith L. 1 letter. 1979

ROSS, Alan 2 letters, pc. 1961

ROSS, Norman 4 pcs. [n.d.] Encl.

ROSS WILLIAMSON, Allsebrook 1 letter, [n.d.]

ROSSE (countess): see PARSONS, Anne countess Rosse

ROSSE (earl): see PARSONS, Laurence Michael Harvey 6th earl Rosse

ROSSETTO, Maria 1 letter. 1976

ROSTEN, Leo C. 11 letters. 1950-1972. With 1 letter from GG

ROSTEN, Madeline 2 letters. [n.d.]

ROTA, BERTRAM, LTD. 10 letters. 1967-1975. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

ROUSE, Mary 1 letter, pc. 1964

ROUSE, Sue T. 1 letter. 1965

ROUTLEDGE & KEGAN PAUL LTD. 10 letters. 1961-1972. See also READ, Herbert

ROWSE, E.A.A. 2 letters. 1957


ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, Edinburgh 22 letters. 1959-1980

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, Kew 31 letters. 1969-1979. Encl.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, Wakehurst Place 4 letters. 1970-1977


ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 35 letters, pcs. 1956-1981. Encl. With 4 letters from GG

ROYAL NATIONAL ROSE SOCIETY 2 letters. 1978. Encl.



ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE 4 letters. 1976-1982


RUSSELL, Vera 1 letters [n.d.]

RYCROFT, Charles 13 letters. 1966-[197-]

SALISBURY, Leah 1 letter. 1949

SALMON, Cyril 2 letters. 1971. to LM 8/87

SALMON, Molly 15 letters. 1961-1982. Encl. to LM 8/87

SALT, Olive 15 letters. 1947-1969

SALTER, Elizabeth 1 letter. 1965

SANAI, Mahmoud 4 letters. 1967-1971

SANDERS, Edward 1 letter. [n.d.]

SANDERS, John 3 letters. 1982

SANDLER, Joseph 4 letters. 1952. With 2 letters from GG

SANSOM, George 6 letters. [195-]-1960

SANSOM, Katharine 80 letters, pcs. 1952-1972. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

SAVAGE, Brian 2 letters. 1980


SCHAFFNER, Bertram 1 letter. 1949

SCHARF, Betty R. 2 letters. 1972


SCHNEIDER, David M. 117 letters. 1942-1982. Encl. With 5 letters from GG

SCHUSTER, M. Lincoln 1 letter. 1957

SCHWARTZ, Ted 1 letter. 1958. With 1 letter from GG

SCHWARZ-ALEXANDROVA, Vera 1 letter. 1952. Encl.

SCOTT, George W. 3 letters. 1965-1976. Encl.

SCOTT, J.D. 1 letter. 1956

SCOTT-JAMES, Anne 5 letters. 1969

SEARLE, Alan 3 letters. 1957-1968

SEARLE, Gillen 1 letter. 1953

SECKER & WARBURG 2 letters. 1966. With 1 letter from GG


SELBY, Ruby 4 letters. 1954-1975

SELWART, Tonio 20 letters, pcs. 1963-1982. Encl.

SELZNICK, Philip 1 letter. 1971

SHAWCROSS, Simon 1 letter. 1955. With 1 letter from GG


SHILS, Edward 7 letters. 1943-1961. Encl.

SHIRLEY, Dorothy 1 letter. 1964

SHOOTER, Antonia 2 letters. [n.d.]

SHORT, Howard A. 1 letter. 1969

SHOTTER, Edward 3 letters. 1976. With 1 letter from GG

SILBERMAN, Bernard S. 2 letters. 1961. Encl.

SILVERMAN, Myron 26 letters, pcs. 1961-[198-]

SILVERMAN, Sidney 2 letters. 1975, 1978

SIMMONS, Annette 1 pc. 1956

SIMONS, John 1 letter. 1972

SIMONS, Veronika 1 pc. 1972

SIMPLE, D.A.T. 1 letter. [n.d.]

SINGHEUR, [?] 1 letter. 1934. Forename unknown

SITWELL, Edith 12 letters, 2 pcs, 4 telegrams. [193-]-1961. Encl. include: ms, ts & pr verse

SITWELL, Georgia 5 letters, pcs. 1967-1969

SITWELL, Osbert 6 letters. [193-]-1965

SITWELL, Reresby 1 letter. 1964

SITWELL, Sacheverell 11 letters. 1937-1981

SLAPPEY, George Hiley 1 letter. 1955

SLOCOCK, Walter C. 2 letters. 1905, 1966

SMART, James 2 letters. 1968

SMART, Margaret H. 2 letters. 1980

SMITH, Harry E. 1 letter. 1964

SMITH, Josepha Aubrey 28 letters. 1967-[197-]

SMITH, Marian W. 3 letters. 1958-1960

SMITHERS, Peter 1 letter. 1977

SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1 letter. 1977. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

SNELL, George D. 1 letter. 1961

SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDERSTANDING 3 letters. 1966. With 1 letter from GG




SOCIETY OF AUTHORS 3 letters. 1967-1976. See also CRESSET PRESS

SOLOMON, Victor 1 letter. 1975

SOTHEBY & CO. 52 letters. 1961-1982. Encl. With 7 letters from GG. to LM 8/87



SOUTH EASTERN GAS 2 letters. 1974, 1977. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

SOUTHERN WATER 1 letter. 1982

SPEED, G.R. 1 letter. 1972

SPEIER, Hans 1 letter. 1952. With 1 letter from GG

SPENDER, Stephen 3 letters. [n.d.], 1957, 1962. With 1 letter from GG

SPERLING, Barbara 61 letters. 1974-1982. Encl.

SPINK & SON LTD. 4 letters. 1963

SPIRALS, Lawrence E. 1 pc. 1945

SPRIGGE, Elizabeth 1 letter. 1956. With 1 letter from GG

SPROTT, Jack 2 letters. 1959, 1969

SPROTT, W.J.H. 1 letter. 1950

STAMM, T.T. 1 letter. 1963

STANLEY, Martin 1 letter. 1970

STATLENDER, Allanah 1 letter. 1926

STEAD, Evelyn 1 letter. 1964

STEAD, John Sumner 5 letters. 1971-1974

STEDMAN, I.M. 1 letter. 1974

STEPHEN, Karin 3 letters. [1950?]

STERBENZ, J.Q. (Mrs) 1 letter. 1936

STERN, James 6 pcs. 1967-1972

STEVENSON, Roza M. 45 letters, pcs. 1955-1966

STOKES, Adrian 32 letters, pcs. 1951-1968. With 4 letters from GG

STONES, Margaret 8 letters. 1970-1971

STORR, Anthony 1 letter. 1973. With 1 letter from GG

STRACHEY, Rosemary 2 letters. [n.d.], 1974

STREATFIELD, Noel 1 letter. 1959

STREET, Frederick 1 letter. 1955

STRICKLAND, Donald A. 1 letter. 1964

STRUPP, Hans H. 1 letter. 1967

STRUTHERS, L.G. (Leslie) 22 letters, pcs. 1957-1975

STRUTT & PARKER 1 letter. 1967

SULLIVAN, Shirley 3 letters. 1964

SUMERFORD, W.T. 1 letter. 1965

SUMMERSCALE, John 3 letters. 1961

SUMMERSCALE, Nell 1 letter. [n.d.]

SUMPSTER, J.R. 1 letter. 1971

SUN (newspaper) 1 letter. 1971

SUNDAY TIMES 1 letter. 1964


SUSSEX POLICE 2 letters. 1980

SUTHERLAND, Anne 3 letters. 1970

SUTHERLAND, Douglas 1 pc, 1 letter. 1975, 1977

SUTHERLAND, John D. 81 letters, pcs. 1957-1982. With 1 letter from GG

SWEET, Victoria M. 1 letter. 1967

SWIDLER, Warren 1 letter. 1961

SYNGE, Patrick M. 16 letters. 1970-1982. See also ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY

SYNGE, Peggy 23 letters. [n.d.]


SZABO, Emese and Csaba 3 letters. 1971-1979

TANNENBAUM, Frank and Jane 1 letter. 1949

TANNENBAUM, Jane 2 letters, pc. 1947-1965. With 1 letter from GG

TANNER, Jim 3 letters. 1956-1958

TATE GALLERY 3 letters. 1955-1959



TAYLOR, Basil 1 letter. 1956

TAYLOR, Ken 6 letters. 1961-1962

TAYLOR, Michael 1 letter. 1960

TCHELITCHEW, Pavel 31 letters, pcs. [193-]-1958. Encl.

TEMPLE, Peter 2 letters, [n.d.]

TENTORI, Tullio 1 letter. 1952

TERNES, Barbara: see under maiden name SPERLING, Barbara

TEXTILE INSTITUTE 2 letters. 1956. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

THAMES TELEVISION 1 letter. 1976

THANNES, David F. 1 letter. 1936

THOMAS, N. 1 letter. 1960. With 1 letter from GG

THOMPSON, D. 1 letter. 1973


TIGER, Lionel 3 letters. 1967

TIMES (newspaper) 1 letter. 1967


TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT 5 letters. 1957-1976

TODD, Lorraine M. 1 letter. 1971


TOMKINSON, Cyril E. 184 letters, pcs. [c.1950]-1965. Encl.

TOMLINSON, David V. 3 letters. 1963-1964. Encl.

TOMLINSON, F.S. ("Tommy") 54 letters, pcs. 1956-1982. Encl.

TOMLINSON, Nancy 47 letters, pcs. 1962-1982

TONGE, W. Lawton 1 letter. 1972

TONNESMANN, Margret 5 letters. 1973-1977. With 1 letter from GG

TOOLY, John 5 letters. 1976-1977

TRAIN, Keith 1 letter. 1979

TREHANE, David 4 letters. 1969-1972

TRIGG, G. 1 letter. [n.d.]

TROJAN, Richard H. 2 letters. 1966

TROTMAN, G.T. 2 letters. [n.d.]

TURNBULL, Colin M. 1 letter. 1969

TURNELL, Martin 1 letter. 1951

TURNER, Alan 2 pcs. 1980, 1982

TURNER, R.R. 2 letters. 1962

TWENTIETH CENTURY (periodical) 2 letters. 1961, 1964

TWIDELL, Thomas L. 3 letters. 1964

TYSON, James 1 letter. 1970


UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Center for Continuing Education 1 letter. 1963. Encl.


USBORNE, Richard 1 letter. [n.d.]

VALLENCY PRESS 1 letter. 1938

VAN DE PUTTE, Marc: see PUTTE, Marc Van de

VAN DER HOEF, George T. 1 letter. 1959

VAN DER LEE, J.J. 1 letter. 1964

VAN DRUTEN, John 2 letters. 1948, [n.d.]

VENISON, A.H. (Tony) 3 letters. 1965

VIGEVENO, Arnold 1 letter. 1967

VIGONI, Ignazio 1 letter. 1969

VINCENT, E.M.OE. 1 letter. 1968

VINSON, Billy 19 letters, pcs. 1952-1978. Encl.

VOLKAN, Vamik D. 1 letter. 1980. Encl.

WAAL MALEFIJT, Pim de 1 letter. 1963

WADA, K. 5 letters. 1977-1978. With 1 letter from GG

WADE, Marshall 3 letters. 1973

WAGG, David 1 letter. [n.d.]

WAGHORN, G. 2 letters. 1963. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

WAGNER, Anthony (Sir) 2 letters. 1966

WAKEFIELD, Geoffrey R. 2 letters. 1964, 1975. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

WALEY, Alison 12 letters, pcs. 1975-1982. Encl.

WALEY, Arthur 1 pc. 1957

WALKER, Ian G. 7 letters. 1959-1962. Encl. with 3 letters from GG

WALKER, Milton 2 letters. 1970. Encl.

WALKER, Philip R. 1 letter. 1977

WALKER, Robert 1 letter. [n.d.]

WALLACE, James W. 1 letter. 1955

WALTER, Grey 3 letters. 1959-1961. With 1 letter from GG

WALTER, W. 1 letter. 1938

WALTON, David 3 letters. 1978. Encl. With 2 letters from GG

WARD LOCK (firm) 1 letter. 1971

WARNER, Marina 2 pcs, [n.d.]

WASSERMAN, Marion 40 letters, pcs. [195-]-1982. Encl.

WASSERMAN, William 1 letter. 1965

WATERHOUSE, Dick 1 letter. 1961

WATERHOUSE, E.G. 1 letter. 1975

WATKINS, ANN (firm) 5 letters. 1940-1948. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

WATT, Ian 2 letters. 1961

WAUGH & CO. 4 letters. 1975-1976. Encl. With 3 letters from GG

WEDDERBURN, K.W. 2 letters. 1955

WEDGWOOD, Julian 2 letters. 1973

WEIGHTMAN, John 1 letter. 1974

WEINREB, Ben 1 letter. 1976. With 1 letter from GG

WELCH, Colin 1 letter. 1958

WELLES, Sam 23 letters. 1952-1982. Encl.


WELSTEAD, Gillian 1 letter. 1979

WENGER, G. Clare 2 letters. 1975


WEST, Graham 1 letter. [n.d.]

WEST, H. (Mrs) 2 letters. 1957. With 1 letter from GG

WEST, Katharine 1 letter. [n.d.]

WEST, Martha 4 letters. 1980

WEST, Nancy 10 letters. 1967-1971

WEST, Rebecca 2 letters, pc. 1959-1968

WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL. Social Services Dept. 2 letters. 1978

WHICH? (periodical) 1 letter. 1970

WHINNOM, Arthur 1 letter. 1938

WHITE, Gilbert F. 1 letter. 1949

WHITE, James R. 1 telegram. 1947. With 1 letter, 1 telegram from GG

WHITE, Katharine S. 5 letters. 1959

WHITE-SWIATEK, Lucie G. 1 letter. 1950

WHITEHEAD, W.J. 1 pc. 1974

WHITEHOUSE, Audrey 31 letters, pcs. [195-]-1980. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

WHITEHOUSE, Morris 19 letters. 1971-1980. Encl.

WHITNEY, June 1 letter. 1976

WHITWELL, P.H. (Penelope) 6 letters. 1954-1963. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

WICKENDEN, James 1 letter. 1959

WILDER, Isabel 20 letters, pcs. 1951-1979

WILDER, Thornton 3 letters. 1941

WILKES, Eric 8 letters. 1972-[197-]

WILLETT, Dorothy 1 letter. 1969

WILLIAMS, Antonia 2 letters. 1976

WILLIAMS, Elwyn 1 letter [n.d.]

WILLIAMS, Gerald 3 letters. 1971-1978

WILLIAMS, Joan 1 letters [n.d.]

WILLIAMS, Virginia 1 letter. 1966

WILLIG, Warren C. 2 letters. 1976

WILLMOTT, Nigel 1 letter. 1956

WILLMOTT, Peter 31 letters. 1958-1978. Encl. With 4 letters from GG

WILLMOTT, Phyllis 46 letters, pcs. [195-]-1982. Encl.

WILLMOTT, Prue 2 letters. 1957-1958

WILSON, Angus 2 letters. 1952, [n.d.]

WILSON, T.L. Rodney 2 letters. 1979. With 1 letter from GG

WINE SOCIETY 4 letters. 1975-1978. Encl. to LM 8/87

WINSOR, Rita 2 letters. 1966

WITHERS, Carl 1 letter. 1958

WIX LTD. 1 letter. [197-]

WOLF, Stewart 1 letter. 1966

WOLFENSTEIN, Martha 19 letters, pcs. 1964-1975

WOLKONSKY, Peter 5 letters. [197-]. Encl.

WOLLHEIM, Richard 1 letter. 1971

WOODLAND, P. 2 letters. 1969

WOODS, George P. 17 letters. 1939-1942. Encl. With 4 letters from GG

WOOLSEY, A.G. 1 letter. 1954

WRIGHT, H.B. 3 letters. 1976-1979

WRIGHT, Tom 3 letters. 1976

WYKEHAM-MARTIN, Rose Mary 17 letters, pc. 1953-1976. With 3 letters from GG. to LM 8/87

WYLIE, Lawrence 2 letters. 1950. Encl.

YALE UNIVERSITY. President 1 letter. 1970

YEARSLEY, G.G. 6 letters. 1968-[197-]

YORK, Catherine 2 letters. 1966. With 1 letter from GG

YOUNG, Michael 39 letters. 1957-1966. Encl. With 1 letter from GG

ZOHRAB, B.D. 1 letter. 1951

Correspondents identified only by forename

Angela 5 letters. 1972-1979. to LM 8/87

Angus 1 letter. 1925

Austin 1 letter, 2 pcs. 1979

Barbara 3 letters. [n.d.]. to LM 8/87

Bertie 7 letters, 1 telegram. 1968-1977. to LM 8/87

Bob 1 letter. 1936

Charles 1 letter. 1943

Charlie 1 pc. 1957

Constant 1 letter. [n.d.]

Cyril 1 letter. 1961. to LM 8/87

Decca 1 letter, pc. 1967, 1970

Dickie 1 letter. [n.d.]

Dora 1 letter. 1971

Elizabeth (Washington) 1 letter. 1980

Elizabeth (14 Blandford Street, Wl) 1 letter. 1969

Evelyn (friend of Edith Sitwell) 1 letter. [n.d.]

Frank 1 letter. 1971

Freddie 1 letter. [n.d.]

Harold 2 letters. [n.d.]. to LM 8/87

Humphry (mentioned without surname in Edith Sitwell's letter of Jan 1958) 5 letters. [n.d.]

Isa 10 pcs. [195-]-[196-]

Janet 1 letter. 1961. to LM 8/87

Jennie 1 letter. [n.d.]

Jessie 1 letter. 1957. to LM 8/87

John (1 Ranelagh Cottages, Pimlico) 1 letter. 1974

John (46 Hornton Court, Kensington) 1 pc. 1957

John (Radlett) 1 letter. [n.d.]

Judy 2 letters. 1972

Julia 6 pcs. 1973-1980

Margaret Ann 6 letters, pcs. 1964-1979

Maria 2 letters. 1953. Encl.

Maria [distinct from the above] 1 pc. 1980

Mary 4 letters. 1977

Michael 1 letter. 1973

Michelle 4 letters, pcs. 1979-[1982]

Natasha 3 letters. [n.d.], 1977

P 1 letter. [n.d.] (To GG?)

Polly 6 letters, pcs. [n.d.]

Rebecca 1 letter. [n.d.]

Roland 1 letter, pc. 1966

Rosemary 1 letter. [n.d.]. to LM 8/87

Sally 3 letters. [n.d.]

Sara 11 letters, pcs. [197-]

Sebastian 1 letter. [n.d.]

Stan 1 letter. 1957

Susan 2 letters. 1971

Toby 1 letter. 1966

Ursula 1 letter. [n.d.]


23 letters. 1947-1973

Folder of unidentified correspondence. to LM 8/87


Christmas cards, post cards: 1 box, unsorted, unindexed.

C. Letters from GG: by recipient

ABERCONWAY, Charles Melville McLaren 3rd baron 1 letter. 1974

AGNEW, Colin 1 letter. 1947

ALLEN, David Elliston 1 letter. 1968

ALLSOP & CO. 1 letter. 1976

AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY 8 letters. 1970-1978. (Letters relating to membership written on GG's behalf)

ANDERSON, Rachel 1 letter. 1974

ARDREY, Robert 1 letter. 1972

ARMSTRONG, Neville 1 letter. 1960


ATHENAEUM 2 letters. 1968

AUDEN, W.H. 1 letter. 1955

BAKER, Charles 1 letter. 1966

BANKERS TRUST CO. 1 letter. 1947

BANNISTER, T. & CO. 3 letters. 1958

BANTON, Michael 1 letter. 1973

BARCLAYS BANK LTD. 1 letter. 1947

BARRETT, William 1 letter. 1950

BARRIE & ROCKLIFF 1 letter. 1967

BATESON, Mary Catherine (Cathy) 1 letter. 1972

BEALES, B.J. 1 letter. 1980

BELL, Richard H. 1 letter. 1959

BENEDICT, Ruth 2 letters. 1939, 1948

BLACK, Michael 1 letter. 1972

BLAKER, May 1 draft letter. [n.d.]

BOWLBY, John 1 letter. 1959

BRADLEY & VAUGHAN 1 letter. 1958

BREWSTER SMITH, M. 1 letter. 1953


BROCKWAY, J.M. 1 letter. 1979

BRUMELL, Mary 1 letter. 1979

BURFIELD (forename unknown) 1 letter. 1950

CASAGRANDE, Joseph B. 2 letters. 1957

CATROUX, Raffaella ('Lelly') 1 letter. 1971

CHANDOS, John 1 letter. 1961

COGGAN, Annie 1 draft letter. 1954

COLEMAN, R.E. 7 letters. 1954-1955

COLEMAN, Ursula 1 letter. 1979

CORY, Wm. & SON 2 letters. 1974-1975

CROMPTON, Rosamund 1 letter. 1947



CURTIS, Gerald 1 letter. 1948

DEBENHAM, W.W.J. 1 letter. 1953

DEUTSCH, Andre (firm) 1 letter. 1965

DEVEREUX, George 4 letters. 1968

DOUBLEDAY & CO. 1 letter. 1965

DURRANT, Charles 2 letters. 1958


ELLYS, G.A. 10 letters. 1973-1988

ELLIS, Olive 1 letter. 1980

EMBREE, John 1 letter. 1948

EVERYBODY'S 1 letter. 1957

EZRIEL, Henry 1 letter. 1956

FENDALL, William 1 letter. 1956

FITZGIBBON, Constantine 1 letter. 1958

FORBES, Detective-Superintendent 1 letter. 1967

FORTES, Meyer 1 letter. 1962

FOSTER, B. Maud 1 letter. 1958

FOX, Robin 2 letters. 1973

FYVEL, T.R. 1 letter. 1982

GARDENERS CHRONICLE 1 letter. 1963. Encl.

GATHORNE-HARDY, Jonathan 1 letter. 1973

GLUCKMAN, Max 1 letter. 1960

GOODFELLOW, C.W. 1 letter. 1967

GORER, Donald 2 letters. 1958

GORER, Elizabeth 6 letters. 1979-1980

GORER, Maureen 1 letter. 1976

GORER, Peter (brother) 12 letters. 1940-1943

GORER, Peter (nephew) 3 letters. 1967-1979

GORER, Rachel (mother) 2 letters. [192-], [194-]

GORER, Rachel & Edgar (parents) 6 letters. [191-]

GORER, Richard 4 letters. 1964-1977

GREBENIK, E. 1 letter. 1962

GREEN, D. 1 letter. 1955

GRYGIER, T. 1 letter. 1951

HAMILTON, I.M. 1 letter. 1958

HARING, Douglas G. 1 letter. 1948

HARRIS, CHETHAM & CO. 12 letters. 1955-1959

HICKS & DON 1 letter. 1978

HILLIER & SONS 1 letter. 1970

HOBART (forename unknown) 1 letter. [193-]

HUMPHREYS, M.E. (Mrs) 1 letter. 1960

HUNTING, Diana 1 letter. 1956


JACOBSON, Dan 1 letter. 1970

JAMES, C. 1 letter. 1953

JARVIS, D.W.S. 2 letters. 1953-1954

JELINEK, Gus 1 letter. 1967

JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES 1 letter. 1955. Encl.

KAPLAN, Bert 1 letter. 1958

KERR, Madeline 1 letter. 1952

KHAN, M. Masud R. 8 letters. 1959-1971

KINSEY, Alfred C. 1 letter. 1948

KNOPF, Alfred A. 1 letter. 1936

LAMBERT, S.C. 1 letter. 1958


LANE, R.E. 4 letters. 1956

LASKY, Melvin J. 1 letter. 1957

LASLETT, Peter 1 letter. 1965

LEGMAN, Gershon 1 letter. 1967

LILLIPUT 1 letter. 1958

LINDSAY, William 3 letters. 1958-1966

LINEBARGER, Paul 1 letter. 1948

LLEWELYN-DAVIES, Richard 1 letter. 1966

LONG, Joseph K. 1 letter. 1974

McCORMICK, E.H. 1 letter. 1979

MAGOR, Walter 1 letter. 1977

MANN, W.N. 1 letter. 1964

MARGETTS & COOKE LTD. 1 letter. 1974

MARLBOROUGH FINE ART 3 letters. 1957-1958

MARS LTD. 1 letter. 1961

MARSHALL, John 1 letter. 1951

MATHER, Richard 1 letter. 1977

MATTOCK, David 1 letter. 1982

MEAD, Margaret 52 letters. 1936-1976. Encl.

MEDAWAR, Peter 1 letter. 1961

MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1 letter. 1951. Encl.

MELLOW, James R. 1 letter. 1974

METRAUX, Rhoda 6 letters. 1951-1972


MIROGLIO, Abel 1 letter. 1959

MONDADORI, Arnoldo (firm) 2 letters. 1974

MOORE, Nancy 1 letter. 1959

MOORE, STEPHENS & CO. (Chartered Accountants) 5 letters. 1942-1959

MORRIS, Ben 2 letters. 1957

MOUTON (Publishers) 1 letter. 1976

NATHANSON, Richard 1 letter. 1979

NAYLOR, Vera 1 letter. 1956. Encl.

NEW LEADER 1 letter. 1951

NEW YORK TIMES 1 letter. 1964

NEW YORKER 2 letters. 1952


NEWLAND, TOMPKINS & TAYLOR (firm) 6 letters. 1958


ODLINE, Bunty 1 letter. 1940

OLSEN, Erling C. 11 letters. 1940-1942

ORWELL, Sonia 1 letter. 1967

PALMER, Anne 1 letter. 1978

PAREKH, B.C. 1 letter. 1973

PARKES, M.D. 1 letter. 1956

PEARCE-HIGGINS, John D. 1 letter. 1965

PEARN, POLLINGER & HIGHAM LTD. 4 letters. 1948-1958

PECK, Ann 1 letter. 1980

PENGUIN BOOKS LTD. 2 letters. 1947

PHILLIPSON, H. 1 letter. 1968

PLATT, Washington 1 letter. 1959

PRUITT, Ida 1 letter. 1945

REES, J.R. 1 letter. 1959

RIAS (broadcasting organisation) 1 letter. 1960

ROSTEN, Leo C. 1 letter. 1951

ROSTEN, Priscilla 1 letter. 1947

ROTA, Bertram, Ltd. 1 letter. 1967


SANDLER, Joseph 2 letters. 1952

SANSOM, Katharine 1 letter. 1969

SCHNEIDER, David M. 5 letters. 1947-1952

SCHWARTZ, Ted 1 letter. 1958

SECKER & WARBURG 1 letter. 1966

SHAWCROSS, Simon 1 letter. 1955

SHOTTER, Edward 1 letter. 1976



SOTHEBY & CO. 7 letters. 1964-1977

SOUTH EASTERN GAS 1 letter. 1977

SPECTATOR 1 letter. 1958

SPEIER, Hans 1 letter. 1952. Encl.

SPENDER, Stephen 1 letter. 1958

SPRIGGE, Elizabeth 1 letter. 1957

STOKES, Adrian 4 letters. 1957-1959

STORR, Anthony 1 letter. 1973

SUTHERLAND, John D. 1 letter. 1966

TANNENBAUM, Jane 1 letter. 1947

TAYLOR, A. Cecil 1 letter. 1948

TEGEN, Eimar 1 letter. 1948

TEXTILE INSTITUTE 1 letter. 1956

THOMAS, N. 1 letter. 1960

TONNESMANN, Margret 1 letter. 1973

UNDERHILL, A. 1 letter. 1949

WADA, K. 1 letter. 1977

WAGHORN, G. 1 letter. 1963

WAKEFIELD, Geoffrey R. 1 letter. 1964

WALKER, Ian G. 3 letters. 1959-1961

WALTER, Grey 1 letter. 1959

WALTERS, Raube 1 letter. 1948

WALTON, David 2 letters. 1978

WARNER, H.C. 1 letter. 1954. Encl.

WATKINS, ANN (firm) 1 letter. 1948

WAUGH & CO. 3 letters. 1975-1976


WEINREB, Ben 1 letter. 1976


WEST, H. (Mrs) 1 letter. 1957

WHITE, James R. 1 letter, 1 telegram. 1947. Encl.

WHITEHOUSE, Audrey 1 letter. 1978

WHITWELL, P.H. (Penelope) 1 letter. 1954

WILLIS, Richard W. 1 letter. 1948

WILLMOTT, Peter 4 letters. 1966-1975

WILSON, T.L. Rodney 1 letter. 1979

WOODRUFF (forename unknown) 1 letter. 1957

WOODS, George P. 4 letters. 1940-1941

WYKERAM-MARTIN, Rose Mary 3 letters. 1958-1963

YORK, Catherine 1 letter. 1966

YOUNG, Michael 1 letter. 1962



This appendix lists published editions of GG's works received by the Library as part of the Gorer Bequest. It is not a catalogue of all GG's writings in book form. For example, the Library holds no copy of Hot strip tease (1937) and has only a photocopy of the published version of Bali and Angkor (1936). In addition certain works (notably the UK edition of Death, grief and mourning in contemporary Britain, 1965) are available only in the Library's general stock.

A. The revolutionary ideas of the Marquis de Sade (1934)

The revolutionary ideas of the Marquis de Sade. With a foreword by J.B.S. Haldane. London: Wishart, 1934. 79 copies.

The Marquis de Sade: a short account of his life and work. With a foreword by J.B.S. Haldane. New York.. Liveright, 1934.

The devil's disciple: the revolutionary theories of the Marquis de Sade. Preface by J.S. Haldane. Paris: Editions du Courrier Graphique, [1939].

The life and ideas of the Marquis de Sade. Enlarged and revised ed. London: Owen, 1953. Also 1962 reprint (2 copies).

Marquis de Sade: Schicksal und Gedanke. Wiesbaden: Limes, 1959. 2 copies. Translated from the 1953 edition.

The life and ideas of the Marquis de Sade. New York: Norton, 1963. Further revised from the edition of 1953. Also paperback ed.

B. Africa dances (1935)

Africa dances: a book about West African Negroes. London: Faber, 1935. 2 copies.

Africa dances: a book about West African Negroes. New York: Knopf, 1935. 2 copies.

Africa dances: a book about West African Negroes. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1945. 17 copies.

Africa dances: a book about West African Negroes. London: Lehmann, 1949. "Revised, with a new introduction by the author" (Publisher's note). 2 copies.

Geheimes Afrika und seine Tanze. Bern: Scherz, 1950. 2 copies.

Danze africane. Milano: Garzanti, 1953. 2 copies.

Africa dances: a book about West African Negroes. New York: Norton, 1962. "With a new introduction by the author" (publisher's note). 2 copies.

Africa dances. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983.

C. Himalayan village (1938)

Himalayan village: an account of the Lepchas of Sikkim. London: Michael Joseph, 1938. 9 copies. There are two distinct versions of the first edition of this work, identical in content but with differences in the binding and dust jacket.

Himalayan village: an account of the Lepchas of Sikkim. 2nd ed., with a new foreword by the author. London: Nelson, 1967. Imperfect copy: lacks pp.183-210.

Himalayan village: an account of the Lepchas of Sikkim. Gloucester: Sutton, 1984. Reprint of the 2nd ed.

D. The Americans (1948)

The Americans: a study in national character. London: Cresset Press, 1948. 2 copies.

The American people: a study in national character. New York: Norton, 1948. US ed. of The Americans. 5 copies.

Les Américains (The Americans): étude d'un caractère national. Traduit de l'anglais par Hélène Claireau. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1949. 2 copies.

Die Amerikaner: eine volkerpsychologische Studie. Zurich: Manesse, 1949. 3 copies.

Gli Americani., studio del carattere nazionale. [Milano]: Garzanti, 1950. 2 copies.

Slik er Amerikanerne: en studie i folkekarakter. Til norsk ved Louise Bohr-Nilsen og Leif Kristiansen. Oslo: Cappelen, 1953. Also paperback ed.

Die Amerikaner: eine volkerpsychologische Studie. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1956.

The Americans: a study in national character. Edited with notes by Hideo Nakanishi. Tokyo: Kaibunsha, 1958. Chapters 1-4 of the original edition, with preface and notes in Japanese. 3 copies.

The Americans: a study in national character. London: Arrow, 1959. 10 copies.

A study in American character. Edited with notes by Hideo Nakanishi. Tokyo: Kaibunsha, 1968. Chapters 5-7 of the original edition of The Americans, with preface and notes in Japanese. 3 copies.

The American people: a study in national character. Revised ed. New York: Norton, 1964. Also paperback ed. (2 copies).

E. The people of Great Russia (1949)

The people of Great Russia: a psychological study. By GG and John Rickman. London: Cresset Press, 1949. 4 copies.

The people of Great Russia: a psychological study. By GG and John Rickman. New York: Norton, 1962. "With a new introduction by Geoffrey Gorer" (publisher's note). 2 copies.

F(i). Exploring English character (1955)

Exploring English character. Standard ed. London: Cresset Press, 1955. 16 copies.

Exploring English character. Complete ed. London: Cresset Press, 1955. "The Complete Edition includes, as an appendix, 150 pages of statistical tables..." (publisher's note). 2 copies.

Exploring English character. Standard ed. New York: Criterion Books, 1955. 4 copies.

Exploring English character. Complete ed. New York: Criterion Books, 1955. 2 copies.

F(ii). Modern types (1955)

Modern types. [Illustrated by] Ronald Searle. London: Cresset Press, 1955. 19 copies.

G. Death, grief, and mourning in contemporary Britain (1965)

Death, grief, and mourning. New York: Anchor Books, 1967. 3 copies.

H. Sex & marriage in England today (1971)

Sex & marriage in England today: a study of the views and experience of the under-45s. London: Nelson, 1971. 5 copies.

Sex & marriage in England today: a study of the views and experience of the under-45s. St. Alban's: Panther, 1973. 2 copies.

I. Psychoanalysis observed (1966)

Psychoanalysis observed. [By] GG, Anthony Storr, John Wren-Lewis, Peter Lomas. Edited with an introduction by Charles Rycroft. London: Constable, 1966. 2 copies. Also paperback ed.

Psychoanalyse onder het mes. Charles Rycroft (red). GG, Peter Lomas, Anthony Storr, John Wren-Lewis. Meppel: Boom, 1968.

Psykoanalysen i sokelyset. GG, Anthony Storr, John Wren-Lewis, Peter Lomas. Redaksjon og innledning ved Charles Rycroft. [Oslo]: Cappelen, 1968.

A psicanalise hoje: rumos e problemas. GG, Anthony Storr, John Wren-Lewis, Peter Lomas. Organizacao e introducao de Charles Rycroft. Sao Paulo: Editora Cultrix, 1969.

Psykoanalys, alienation och existentialism: en kritisk granskning av psykoanalysens stallning och mojligheter. Under redaktion av Charles Rycroft. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1969.



This appendix lists offprints, working papers, memoranda, etc., by the anthropologist Margaret Mead (much the most prolific of GG's correspondents), who forwarded many of her professional writings to him, either as drafts or offprints. These papers are listed chronologically with brief source details where available.


"Reference list: Margaret Mead" (1947). Reprinted from Psychiatry 10 (1), Feb 1947 [3 copies].

"Margaret Mead bibliography [1947-1953]" (1953?). Mimeographed.

B. OFFPRINTS, ETC., 1928-1976

1. Before 1930

"A lapse of animism among a primitive people" (1928).

2. 1930-1939

"An ethnologist's footnote to 'Totem and taboo'" (1930). Reprinted from The Psychoanalytic Review 17 (3) 9 July 1930.

"The primitive child" (1931). Offprint of Chapter 22 of A handbook of child psychology. Worcester, Mass., 1931.

"An investigation of the thought of primitive children, with special reference to animism" (1932). Reprinted from Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 62, Jan-June 1932.

"More comprehensive field methods" (1933). Reprinted from American Anthropologist 35 (1), Jan-March 1933.

"Kinship in the Admiralty Islands" (1934). Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History 34 (2) 9 1934.

"[Review of] The riddle of the Sphinx, by Geza Roheim" (1934). Character and personality, 1935.

"The use of primitive material in the study of personality" (1934). Offprint from Character and personality 3 (l), Sept 1934.

"On the institutionalized role of women and character formation" (1936). Offprint from Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschung 5 (1), 1936.

"Introduction" [to Cooperation and competition among primitive peoples, ed. MM] (1937). Typescript.

"The mountain Arapesh. 1. An importing culture" (1938). Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History 36 (3). 1938.

"Competitive and cooperative habits among the Manus of the Admiralty Islands" (1939?). Typescript.

"Native languages as field-work tools" (1939). Reprinted from American Anthropologist 41 (2). April-June 1939.

"[Review of] Himalayan village, by Geoffrey Gorer" (1939). Reprinted from Oceania 9 (3), March 1939 (3 copies).

3. 1940-1949

"Cultural backgrounds for the care of children in the programs of foreign relief and rehabilitation" (194-). Typescript memorandum written for the Council on Intercultural Relations.

"Conflict of cultures in America" (1940). Reprint from Proceedings of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, 1940.

"On behalf of the sciences" (1940). Paper contributed to the symposium "Toward an honorable world", Wilson College, 1940. Wilson College bulletin 3 (4). December 1940.

"Social change and cultural surrogates" (1940). Journal of educational sociology 14 (2), Oct 1940.

"The mountain Arapesh. 2. Supernaturalism" (1940). Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History 37 (3), 1940.

"Administrative contributions to democratic character formation at the adolescent level" (1941). Reprinted from Journal of the National Association of Deans of Women, Jan 1941.

"Principles of morale building", by Gregory Bateson and MM (1941). Journal of educational sociology 15 (4). Dec 1941.

"Anthropological data on the problem of instinct (abstract)" (1942). Reprinted from Psychosomatic medicine 4 (4), Oct 1942.

"Customs and mores" (1942). Reprinted from the American journal of sociology 47 (6), May 1942.

"Anthropological techniques in war psychology" (1943). Reprinted from Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 7 (4), July 1943.

"Art and reality from the standpoint of cultural anthropology" (1943). Reprinted from College art journal 2 pt.l (4), May 1943.

"Example of basic table of cultural diversity within a country: Jugoslavia" (1943?). Typescript.

"Our educational emphases in primitive perspective" (1943). Reprinted from the American journal of sociology 48 (6), May 1943.

"Cultural approach to personality: anthropological comment on the frame of reference of Andras Angyal" (1944). Typescript. Published in Transactions, New York Academy of Sciences, ser. 2, 6, 1944.

"Preparing children for a world society" (1944). Reprinted from the April 1944 issue of Childhood education.

"The American troops and the British community: an examination of the relationship between the American troops and the British" (1944).

"Abstract of paper on the implications for anthropology of the Gesell-Ilg approach to maturation" (1945). Listed but not read at meeting of American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, 1945. Typescript.

"On the implications for anthropology of the Gesell-Ilg approach to maturation" (1945). Reprinted from American anthropologist 49 (1), Jan-March 1947.

"Wellesley School of Community Affairs" (1945). Reprinted from the February 1945 issue of Progressive education.

"Cultural aspects of women's vocational problems in post World War II" (1946). Offprinted from the Journal of consulting psychology 10 (1), Jan-Feb 1946.

"Professional problems of education in dependent countries" (1946). Reprinted from Journal of Negro education 15 (3), Summer 1946.

"Age patterning in personality development" (1947). Reprinted from The American journal of orthopsychiatry 17 (2), April 1947.

"The application of anthropological techniques to cross-national communication" (1947). Reprinted from Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series II, 9 (4) Feb 1947.

"The concept of culture and the psychosomatic approach" (1947). Reprinted from Psychiatry 10 (1), Feb 1947. Also typescript.

"The implications of culture change for personality development" (1947). Reprinted from The American journal of orthopsychiatry 17 (4), Oct 1947.

"What is happening to the American family ?" (1947). Reprinted from Journal of social casework, Nov 1947.

"A case history in cross-national communication"; "Some cultural approaches to communication problem" (1948). Offprints from The communication of ideas, ed. Lyman Bryson, New York, 1948.

"Collective guilt" (1948). Paper delivered at an International Conference on Medical Psychotherapy, 1948. Printed text and typescript.

"The contemporary American family as an anthropologist sees it" (1948). Reprinted from The American journal of sociology 53 (6). May 1948.

"Cultural patterning of nutritionally relevant behavior" (1949). Reprinted from Journal of the American Dietetic Association 25 (8), August 1949.

"Primitive cultures" (1949). Offprint from Encyclopedia of vocational guidance, Philosophical Library, 1949.

"Psychologic weaning: childhood and adolescence" (1949). Reprinted from Psychosexual development in health and disease, New York, 1949.

"Ruth Fulton Benedict 1887-1948" (1949). Reprinted from American anthropologist 51 (3). July-Sept 1949.

"Social anthropology and its relation to psychiatry" (1949). Typescript.

"The International Preparatory Commission of the London Conference on Mental Hygiene" (1949). Reprinted from Mental hygiene 33 (1). Jan 1949.

4. 1950-1959

"The comparative study of culture and the purposive cultivation of democratic values" (1950). Paper delivered to a Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life. Typescript. With ts comments by GG pp.4.

"The comparative study of cultures and the purposive cultivation of democratic values, 1941-1949" (1950).

"Towards mutual responsibility" (1950). Reprinted from Journal of social issues 6 (3), 1950.

"Training in community relations: a critical appreciation of a book by Ronald Lippitt" (1950). Reprinted from Human relations 3 (2), June 1950. Part 2 is by MM.

"Unique possibilities of the melting pot" (1950). Reprinted from The social welfare forum. New York, 1950.

"L'étude du caractère national" (1951). Extrait de "Les 'Sciences de la Politique' aux Etats-Unis". Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques , 19, 1951.

"Mental health problems in a changing world" (1951). Reprinted from Tasmanian education, Dec 1951.

"Research in contemporary cultures" (1951). Reprinted from Groups, leadership and men, ed. Harold Guetzkow. Pittsburgh, 1951.

"The impact of culture on personality development in the United States today" (1951). Reprinted from Understanding the child 20 (1), Jan 1951.

"What makes the Soviet character ?" (1951). Reprint from Natural history magazine, Sept 1951.

"Family relationships" (1952). Reprinted from Tasmanian education Feb 1952.

"Out of the things I read" (1952). Reprinted from Moments of personal discovery, ed. R.M. Maciver. New York, 1952.

"Personality adjustment in a changing world" (1952). Reprinted from Tasmanian education, Feb 1952.

"[Review of] Don't be afraid of your child, by Hilde Bruch" (1952). Offprint from American journal of orthopsychiatry.

"[Review of] Methods in structural linguistics, by Zellig S. Harris" (1952). Reprinted from International journal of American linguistics, Oct 1952.

"Sharing child development insights around the globe" (1952). Reprinted from Understanding the child 21 (4), Oct 1952.

"Teacher-pupil relationships" (1952). Reprinted from Tasmanian education, Feb 1952.

"Cultural bases for understanding literature" (1953). Reprinted from PMLA 68 (2). April 1953.

"National character" (1953). Reprinted from Anthropology today, ed. A.L. Kroeber. Chicago, 1953. Also typescript.

"Spiritual issues in the problem of birth control" (1953). Reprinted from Pastoral psychology, May 1953.

"Cultural discontinuities and personality transformation" (1954). Journal of social issues. Supplement series, no.8, 1954.

"Manus restudied: an interim report" (1954). Reprinted from Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, ser.2. 16 (8). June 1954.

Research on primitive children" (1954). Preprint from Manual of child psychology, 2nd ed., ed. Leonard Carmichael, 1954.

"Some theoretical considerations on the problem of mother-child separation" (1954). Reprinted from The American journal of orthopsychiatry 24 (3). July 1954.

"The swaddling hypothesis: its reception" (1954). Reprinted from American anthropologist 56 (3), June 1954.

"Energy changes under conditions of cultural change" (1955). Reprinted from Sociometry and the science of man 18 (4), Dec 1955.

"Implications for the world" (1955). Draft of final chapter of New lives for old (1956). Typescript.

"Summary" (1955). Reprinted from Education and anthropology, ed. George D. Spindler. Stanford, Calif., 1955. Conference paper.

"Cultural determinants of behavior" (1956). Paper delivered to the Second Conference on the Evolution of Behavior, May 1956. Mimeographed.

"Our documentary culture" (1956). Reprinted from The American scholar 25 (4), Autumn 1956.

"Some uses of still photography in culture and personality studies" (1956). Tear sheets from Personal character and cultural milieu, 3rd ed., ed. Douglas G. Haring, 1956.

"A meta-conference: Eastbourne, 1956" (1957). Reprinted from Etc.: a review of general semantics 15 (2), Winter 1957-58.

"Changing patterns of parent-child relations in an urban culture" (1957). Reprinted from The international journal of psycho-analysis 38 (6), 1957.

"Growing up in different cultures" (1957). Reprinted from Growing up in a changing world.

"Image of the scientist among high-school students. a pilot study" (1957). Reprinted from Science, August 30, 1957. By MM and Rhoda Metraux.

"The immortality of man" (1957). Reprinted from Pastoral psychology, June 1957.

"The impact of automation on ethics and culture" (1957). Lecture delivered to a Religion and Labor Foundation conference on automation, New York, April 1957.

"The pattern of leisure in contemporary American cultures" (1957). Reprinted from Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 313, Sept 1957.

"The study of social evolution" (1957). Reprinted from Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain 36 (164), 1957.

"Towards more vivid utopias" (1957). Reprinted from Science, November 8. 1957.

"Up from the pavements" (1957). Architectural forum, August 1957. Contribution to a panel discussion on urbanisation held by the World Federation of Mental Health.

"Values for urban living" (1957). Reprinted from Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 314, Nov 1957.

"Cultural determinants of behavior" (1958). Offprint from Behavior and evolution, ed. A. Roe & G.G. Simpson, New Haven, Conn., 1958.

"From the journal of Ruth Benedict" (1958). Offprinted from The American scholar 28 (1). Winter 1958-59. Edited by MM.

"Germany's new flagellants" (1958). Offprinted from The American scholar 27 (2), Spring 1958.

"The group as the unit of social evolution" (1958). Reprinted from Man, 1958, 233. Summary of a communication to the Royal Anthropological Institute.

"Thinking ahead: why is education obsolete ?" (1958). Reprinted from Harvard business review 36 (6), Nov-Dec 1958.

"Apprenticeship under Boas" (1959). Reprinted from American anthropologist 61 (5), Part 2, Oct 1959.

"Closing the gap between the scientists and the others" (1959). Reprinted from Daedalus 88 (1), 1959.

"Cultural contexts of puberty and adolescence" (1959). Freud Memorial Lecture presented to the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis, 1 May 1959.

"Discussion of the symposium papers" (1959). Reprinted from Anthropological linguistics March 1959. The symposium has not been identified.

"Independent religious movements" (1959). Reprinted from Comparative studies in society and history 1 (4), June 1959.

"Mental health in world perspective" (1959).

"Psychosocial synthesis: reply to Kardiner" (1959). Reprinted from Science, 25 Dec 1959. Part of an exchange between MM and A. Kardiner, whose reply to an earlier letter of MM is also included in the file.

"Significance of the individual" (1959). Reprinted from What's new 215, Christmas 1959.

5. 1960-1969

"Anthropology and an education for the future" (196-).

"Perspectives on anthropological teaching".

"Problems of cultural accommodation" (1960). Reprinted from Assignment in Israel, ed. B. Mandelbaum. New York, 1960.

"Work, leisure, and creativity" (1960). Reprinted from Daedalus 89 (1), Winter 1960.

"Anthropology among the sciences" (1961). Reprinted from American anthropologist 63 (3), June 1961.

"Continuities in cultural evolution" (1961). The Terry Lectures. Typescript drafts, etc.

"Cultural determinants" (1961). Reprinted from American journal of public health 51 (10), Oct 1961.

"Micro- and macro-cultural models for cultural evolution" (1961). Reprinted from Anthropological linguistics, Jan 1961. By Theodore Schwartz and MM.

"Questions that need asking" (1961). Reprinted from Teachers College Record 63 (2), Nov 1961.

"Reply to Rajkumari Amrit Kaur" (1961). Reprinted from Excerpta medica, International Congress Series No.45. Paper delivered at the 6th International Congress on Mental Health, Paris, 1961.

"[Review of] Bali: studies in life. thought and ritual, by H.J. Franken and others" (1961). Reprinted from American anthropologist 63 (5). Part 1, Oct 1961.

"[Review of] The child buyer, by John Hersey" (1961). Reprinted from Science, 24 Feb 1961. 2 copies.

"Science and human survival" (1961). Reprinted from Science, 29 Dec 1961.

"Some anthropological considerations concerning natural law" (1961). Reprinted from Natural law forum 6. 1961.

"The Institute for Intercultural Studies and Japanese studies" (1961). Reprinted from American anthropologist 63 (1), Feb 1961. Letter to the editor.

"The Menninger Foundation: a center of innovation" (1961). Menninger quarterly 15 (1). Spring 1961.

"The young adult" (1961). Reprinted from Values and ideals of American youth, ed. E. Ginzberg. New York, 1961.

"Brushes of comets' hair" (1962). Menninger quarterly 16 (2), Summer 1962.

"Human capacities" (1962). A reprint from Man, science, learning and education ed. S.W. Higginbotham.

"Mental health and the wider world" (1962). Reprinted from The American journal of orthopsychiatry 32 (1), Jan 1962.

"Must capitalism crawl ?" (1962), Reprinted from Harvard business review 40 (6), Nov/Dec 1962.

"[Review of] Psychological anthropology: approaches to culture and personality ed. L.K. Hsu (1962). Reprinted from American anthropologist 64 (3), Part 1. June 1962.

"[Review of] Television and the child, by H.T. Himmelweit and others" (1962). Source unknown.

"The social responsibility of the anthropologist"(1962). Reprinted from Journal of higher education 33 (1), Jan 1962.

"The underdeveloped and the overdeveloped" (1962). Reprinted from Foreign affairs, Oct 1962.

"Enough of the right kind of food" (1963). The church woman 29 (7). Aug/Sept 1963.

"Geneva: helping the less-developed nations - lessons from the UN conference" (1963). Reprinted from International science and technology, April 1963.

"Scientist reviewers beware" (1963). Reprinted from Science, 26 July 1963.

"Socialization and enculturation" (1963). Reprinted from Current anthropology 4 (2), April 1963.

"Totem and taboo reconsidered with respect" (1963). Reprinted from Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 27 (4), July 1963.

"Violence in the perspective of cultural history" (1963). Reprinted from Science and psychoanalysis - Masserman, 1963.

"Cultural factors in the cause and prevention of pathological homicide" (1964). Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 28 (1), Jan 1964.

"This island then" (1964). Crucible, July 1964. Review of This island now, by G.M. Carstairs (1963).

"Vicissitudes of the study of the total communication process" (1964). Reprinted from Approaches to semiotics. The Hague, 1964.

"The future as the basis for establishing a shared culture" (1965). Reprinted from Daedalus, 94 (1), Winter 1965.

The ritual expressions of the cosmic sense (1966). "This booklet is the transcription of an address given ... to the New York Liturgical Conference".

"A letter from Tambunam" (1968). Redbook magazine August 1968.

"Comments on 'The split-off male and female elements to be found clinically in men and women: theoretical inferences'" (1968). Psychoanalytic forum, Nov 1968 (?). Typescript.

"Initiation in the changing needs of American culture" (1968). Typescript memorandum to the Chairman of the Committee on Christian Initiation.

"The road to racial irrelevance in America" (1968). Photocopied excerpt from the New York Times, 20 April 1968.

6. 1970-1976

"Peoples of the Pacific" (1971?). Natural history magazine special supplement, edited by MM and P. McClanahan.

"Remarks by Margaret Mead in acceptance of the Kalinga Prize, at Unesco in Paris, December 2, 1971" (1971). Typescript.

"Towards a human science" (1976). Reprinted from Science, 5 March 1976.


1 file of papers of committees of which MM was a member:

AAAS Committee on Science in the Promotion of Human Welfare.

Ad Hoc Committee [of the American Anthropological Association] to Evaluate the Controversy Concerning Anthropological Activities in Relation to Thailand.

Committee on Ethics of the Society for Applied Anthropology.

National Research Council Committee on Food Habits.

See also the papers of the Columbia University Research in Contemporary Cultures project and its offshoots with which MM was involved between 1947 and 1953.


For MM's letters to and from GG see section IV of this handlist.



This is a simple finding lists with no pretension to bibliographic adequacy. Arrangement is by author, and within each author alphabetically by title. Dates - known or suppositious - are supplied, but form and source details can only be ascertained by examination of the item itself.

An asterisk placed after a title denotes a ts or mimeographed draft, pre-print, restricted circulation document, etc., possibly not published in this form.

ABEL, T.M. & HSU, F.L.K. Some aspects of personality of Chinese as revealed by the Rorschach test (1949)

ABEL, T.M. The dreams of a Chinese patient (195-?)

ABRAMS, M. The pattern of the modern adolescent mind (1959)*

ADAMS, M. The uses of biology (1961)

ADAMS, R.M. The origin of cities (1960)

ADORNO, T.W. Uber den Fetischcharakter in der Musik und die Regression des Horens (1938)

ALLWOOD, M.S. Kalle anka, stalmannen och VI (1956)

ALLWOOD, M.S. The impact of the comics on a European country (1956)

ALT, H. Basic principles of child rearing in the Soviet Union: firsthand impressions of an American observer (1957)*

ANDERSON, B.G. Bereavement as a subject of cross-cultural inquiry: an American sample (1965)

ARGYLE, M. & KENDON, A. The experimental analysis of social performance (1967)*

ASTRACHAN, A. Lovely old Russia lingers amid factories (1970)

BANKER, J.R. Mourning a son: childhood and paternal love in the Consolateria of Giannozzo Manetti (1976)

BARNETT, H.G. The innovative process (1961)

BASCOM, W.R. Literary style in Yoruba riddles (1949)

BASCOM, W.R. Ponape: the cycle of empire (1950)

BASCOM, W.R. Ponape: the tradition of retaliation (1950)

BASCOM, W.R. Ponapean prestige economy (1948)

BASCOM, W.R. Social status, wealth and individual differences among the Yoruba (1951)

BASCOM, W.R. The principle of seniority in the social structure of the Yoruba (1942)

BASCOM, W.R. Two forms of Afro-Cuban divination (1952)

BASCOM, W.R. West Africa and the complexity of primitive cultures (1948)

BASCOM, W.R. Yoruba food and cooking (1951)

BATES, M. On being mean (1966)

BATESON, G. Arts of the South Seas (1946)

BATESON, G. Cultural and thematic analysis of fictional films (1943)

BATESON, G. Experiments in thinking about observed ethnological material (1941)

BATESON, G. From one social scientist to another (1946)

BATESON, G. Human dignity and the varieties of civilization (194-)*

BATESON, G. Physical thinking and social problems (1946)

BATESON, G. Sex and culture (1947)

BATESON, G. Some systematic approaches to the study of culture and personality (1942)

BATESON, G. & RUESCH, J. Structure and process in social relations (1949)

BATESON, G. The pattern of an armaments race: an anthropological approach (1946)

BATESON, G. The science of decency (1943)

BATESON, M.C. "A riddle of two worlds": an interpretation of the poetry of H.N. Bialik (1966)

BATESON, M.C. "If the angel should ask...": a study of the poetry of Haim Nahman Bialik (1962)

BATESON, M.C. The paradox of ritual innovation (1971)*

BEAGLEHOLE, E. Character structure: its role in the analysis of interpersonal relations (1944)

BEARDSLEY, M.C. Dostoyevsky's metaphor of the "Underground" (1942)

BENEDICT, P.K. Tibetan and Chinese kinship terms (1942)

BENEDICT, R. American welfare concepts annotated in terms of Norwegian culture (194-)*

BENEDICT, R. Child rearing in certain European countries (1949)

BENEDICT, R. Continuities and discontinuities in cultural conditioning (1938)

BENEDICT, R. Japanese behavior patterns (1945) [2 copies]*

BENEDICT, R. Recognition of cultural diversities in the postwar world (1943)

BENEDICT, R. Rumanian culture and behavior (1943)*

[BENEDICT, R.] Ruth Fulton Benedict: a memorial (1949) [Record of a memorial meeting]

BENEDICT, R. Some comparative data on culture and personality with reference to the promotion of mental health (1938)*

BENEDICT, R, Thai culture and behavior (1943) *

BENEDICT, R. The study of cultural patterns in European nations (1946)

BENNETT, J.W. Interdisciplinary research and the concept of culture (1954)

BERGER, M. "Understanding national character" - and war: the psychological study of peoples (195-)

BERMAN, L. An appraisal of the works of the Marquis de Sade and of his portrayal of man (abstract) (1960)

BERRYMAN-SIMPSON, E. Psychoanalysis in Paris today (1967)

BIRDWHISTELL, R.L. Family structure and social mobility (1958)

BIRDWHISTELL, R.L. Paralanguage: 25 years after Sapir (1959)*

BIRKET-SMITH, K. The rice cultivation and rice-harvest feast of the Bontoc Igorot (1952)

BLACK, P. Bifocal democracy (1951)

BOON, J.A. & SCHNEIDER, D.M. Kinship vis-a-vis myth: contrasts in Levi-Strauss' approaches to cross-cultural comparison (1974)

BOULDING, K. Notes on the information concept (1955)

BOWLBY, J. Separation anxiety (1959)*

BRAIDWOOD, R.J. The agricultural revolution (1960)

BRAIN, J.L. The filthiest show in town: initiation, sexuality and mortality (1976?)*

BRAIN, W.R. (Baron Brain). Medicine and government (1967)

BROAD, C.D. Personal identity and survival (1958)

BRODBECK, A.J. & WHITE, D.M. How to read Li'l Abner intelligently (195-?)

BRODBECK, A.J. Religion and art as socializing agencies: a note on the revision of Marxist and Freudian theories (1957)

BRODERSEN, V.A. Der russische Volkscharakter: neuere englisch-amerikanische Forschungen (1956)

BUTTERFIELD, H. The scientific revolution (1960)

CABANAC, M. Physiological role of pleasure (1971)

CATROUX, D. La crise de l'energie au Comite de la Mediterranee (1973)*

CATROUX, D. La question du Proche Orient (1973) *

CATROUX, D.Les puissances et la question d'Orient (1970)

CATROUX, D. L'Europe des realités: grandes firmes et pouvoir d'innovation (1971)

CATROUX, D. Monnaies: echanges exterieurs entre les Etats-Unis, 1'Europe et les pays petroliers (197-?)*

CATROUX, D. Propos sur l'innovation: l'innovation-processus et l'horizon de creativité (1971)

CHILD, I.L. Morale: a bibliographical review (1941)

CHRISTENSEN, H.T. Cultural relativism and premarital sex norms: research bases for moral decision (1970)*

COBB, E. The ecology of imagination in childhood (1959)

COLLIER, K.G. The inheritance of values (1948)

COLLINS, D. Prehistoric art (1965)

COLORADO RIVER WAR RELOCATION CENTER, Sociological Research Project The psychiatric approach in problems of community management (1943)

CONANT, J.B. The role of science in our unique society (1947)

COUNT, E.W. A.L. Kroeber: a memorial address (1960)

COUPLAND, R. Britain and India, 1600-1941 (1941?)

COX, P. China: past and present difficulties of collecting (1975?)

CRANE, R. Dionysus, orality, and culture (197-)*

CRANKSHAW, E. Russia in Europe: the conflict of values (1946)

CREEDY, F. The virtues needed for freedom: a summary of western anthropology (1961)

CULTURAL The dynamics of physical disability in army basic training (194-?) [Authorship unknown]*

CURTIS, A. Listeners appraise a college station: Station WOI, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa (1940)

DAI, B. Religions in China (answers to a questionaire [sic]) (1933)*

DAI, B. The Chinese etiquette (answers to a questionaire [sic]) (1933)*

DAI, B. The Chinese family (an answer to questionaire [sic]) (1933)*

DAVIDSON, W.D. & MONTVILLE, J.V. Foreign policy according to Freud (1981)

DAVIS, R.G. The mind of man: Soviet view: "normal" and "abnormal" in the USSR (195-?)

DE GRAZIA, S. A note on the psychological position of the chief executive (1945)

DE GRAZIA, S. About Chuang Tzu (1974)

DE GRAZIA, S. God's friends and Machiavelli's (196-?)*

DE GRAZIA, S. Machiavelli's transfer travels (196-?)*

DE GRAZIA, S. Senses of republic: Machiavelli and Bodin (196-?)*

DE GRAZIA, S. Shostakovich's seventh symphony: reactivity-speed and adaptiveness in musical symbols (1943)

DE GRAZIA, S. Status as a political motive (1947)

DE GRAZIA, S. The dura lex of legalism and the first empire (197-)*

DE ZENGOTITA, T. "If Jimmy Carter becomes President..." (1976) [Untitled]*

DEEVEY, E.S. The human population (1960)

DEUTSCH, K.W. The growth of nations: some recurrent patterns of political and social integration (1953)

DEVEREUX, G. A note on the feminine significance of the eyes (1956)

DEVEREUX, G. A psychoanalytic study of contraception (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. An ethnopsychiatric note on property-destruction in cargo cults (1964)

DEVEREUX, G. An unusual audio-motor synesthesia in an adolescent (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. Art and mythology. Part 1: a general theory (1959)

DEVEREUX, G. Considerations ethnopsychanalytiques sur la notion de parente (196-?)

DEVEREUX, G. Cultural and characterological traits of the Mohave related to the anal stage of psychosexual development (1951)

DEVEREUX, G. Cultural factors in hypnosis and suggestion: an examination of some primitive data (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. Denial of the anus in neurosis and culture (1954)

DEVEREUX, G. Ethnopsychological aspects of the terms "deaf" or "dumb" (1964)

DEVEREUX, G. Fausse non-reconnaissance: clinical sidelights on the role of possibility in science (1967)

DEVEREUX, G. Greek pseudo-homosexuality and the 'Greek miracle' (1967)

DEVEREUX, G. 探花精选r's wild she-mules (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. La delinquance sexuelle des jeunes filles dans une societe "puritaine" (1964) [2 copies]

DEVEREUX, G. La nature du stress (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. La psychanalyse et l'histoire: une application a l'histoire de Sparte (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. La renonciation a l'identite: defense contre l'anéantissement (1967)

DEVEREUX, G. Laws to live by - not under (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. Les origines sociales de la schizophrenia ou la schizophrenia sans larmes (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. L'image de l'enfant dans deux tribus: Mohave et Sedang et son importance pour la psychiatrie de l'enfant (1968)

DEVEREUX, G. Loss of identity, impairment of relationships, reading disability (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. Manifestations de l'inconscient dans Sophokles: Trachiniai 923 SQQ. (197-?)

DEVEREUX, G. Mumbling: the relationship between a resistance and frustrated auditory curiosity in childhood (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. Normal and abnormal: the key problem of psychiatric anthropology (1956)

DEVEREUX, G. Notes sur une "Introduction a l'éthnologie" (1967) [Comment on the book of this title by A. Kardiner & E. Preble]

DEVEREUX, G. Observation and belief in Aischylos' accounts of dreams (1967)

DEVEREUX, G. Pathogenic dreams in non-western societies (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. Penelope's character (1957)

DEVEREUX, G. Primitive psychiatric diagnosis: a general theory of the diagnostic process (196-?)

DEVEREUX, G. Quelques traces de la succession par ultimogeniture en Scythie (1972)

DEVEREUX, G. Rapports cliniques et phylogenetiques entre les odeurs et lea emotions dans la nevrose caracterielle d'un Hottentot Griqua (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. Reflexions ethno-psychanalytiques sur la fatigue nevrotique (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. Sociopolitical functions of the Oedipus myth in early Greece (1963)

DEVEREUX, G. Some unconscious determinants of the use of technical terms in psychoanalytic writing (1950)

DEVEREUX, G. The abduction of Hippodameia as "aition" of a Greek animal husbandry rite (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. The cannibalistic impulses of parents (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. The Enetian horse of Alkman's Partheneion (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. The Enetian horses of Hippolytos (1964)

DEVEREUX, G. The exploitation of ambiguity in Pindaros 0.3.27 (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. The Kolaxaian horse of Alkman's Partheneion (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. The logical foundations of culture and personality studies (1945) [2 copies]

DEVEREUX, G. The nature of Sappho's seizure in Fr. 31 LP as evidence of her inversion (1970)

DEVEREUX, G. The perception of motion in infancy related to development of physical theory of motion (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. The psychological "date" of dreams (1949)

DEVEREUX, G. The realistic basis of fantasy: its relation to testicular castration anxiety and the unconscious equation: testicles=breasts (1968)

DEVEREUX, G. The significance of the external female genitalia and of female orgasm for the male (1958)

DEVEREUX, G. The structure of tragedy and the structure of the psyche in Aristotle's Poetics (197-?)

DEVEREUX, G. The voices of children: psychocultural obstacles to therapeutic communication (1965)

DEVEREUX, G. Transference, screen memory and the temporal ego (1966)

DEVEREUX, G. Two types of modal personality models (1959?)

DEVEREUX, G. Une theorie ethnopsychiatrique de l'adaptation (196-)*

DEVEREUX G. Weeping, urination and grand mal (1965)

DEXTER, L.A. A dialogue on the social psychology of colonialism and on certain Puerto Rican professional personality patterns (1949)

DEXTER, L.A. Reconstruction begins now; or, How we can avoid what we are likely to get (1944?)

DEXTER, L.A. The legend of William Lloyd Garrison (1939)

DICKS, A.R. A dream of eastern wisdom (1967)*

DICKS, A.R. A new leaf (1965)*

DICKS, A.R. Chinese attitudes to international law (1) (1964) [2 copies]*

DICKS, A.R. Chinese law: an inheritance? (1963)*

DICKS, A.R. Exploratory talks with Mr. Lu (1963)*

DICKS, A.R. Hong Kong and the Cultural Revolution (1966)*

DICKS, A.R. Macao: gunboat diplomacy (1967)*

DICKS, A.R. Macao: legal fiction (1967)*

DICKS, A.R. May Day in Peking (1965)*

DICKS, A.R. Raising the stakes (1966)*

DICKS, A.R. Sick men of China (1965)*

DICKS, A.R. Sinologues in Turin (1963)*

DICKS, A.R. Some Chinese entertainments (1966)*

DICKS, A.R. Staying in Hong Kong (1964)*

DICKS, A.R. Sun v. Wang: an undivorce (1965)*

DICKS, A.R. The China trade revisited (1964)*

DICKS, A.R. The Hong Kong situation I: impasse (1967)*

DICKS, A.R. The needle's eye (1965)*

DICKS, A.R. The non-agreement in actions. Sino-Japanese trade (1968)*

DICKS, H.V. Experiences with marital tensions seen in the psychological clinic (1953)

DICKS, H.V. Intra-personal conflict and the authoritarian character (1966)

DICKS, H.V. National loyalty, identity and the international soldier (1963) [2 copies]

DICKS, H.V. Object relations theory and marital studies (1963)

DICKS, H.V. Observations on contemporary Russian behaviour (1952)

DICKS, H.V. Personality traits and National Socialist ideology: a war-time study of German prisoners of war (1950)

DICKS, H.V. Personality traits and political ideology: a field study on German prisoners of war (1947)*

DICKS, H.V. Strains within the family (1954)

DICKS, H.V. The predicament of the family in the modern world (1955)

DILLON, W.S. A South African journey (1970?)

DILLON, W.S. Anthropological perspectives on violence (197-?)

DILLON, W.S. Chio-San and the fox (1965)

DILLON, W.S. Recalling Klein, blue (197-?)

DILLON, W.S. Shaping structures for world citizenship (1976)

DINERSTEIN, H.S. Leadership in Soviet agriculture and the Communist Party (1952)

DOBBS, H.A.C. Operational research and action research (1947)

DOBZHANSKY, T. The present evolution of man (1960)

DOLLARD, J. A method for the sociological study of infancy and preschool childhood (1935)

DOLLARD, J. Culture, society, impulse, and socialization (1939)

DOLLARD, J. Mental hygiene and a "scientific culture" (1935)

DOLLARD, J. The family: needed viewpoints in family research (1935)

DOLLARD, J. The life history in community studies (1938)

DOLLARD, J. The psychotic person seen culturally (1934)

DOLTO-MARETTE, F. Hypothese nouvelle concernant les reactions dites de jalousie a la naissance d'un puine (1947)

DOOB, L.W. Some factors determining change in attitude (1939?)

DOOB, L.W. War reactions of a rural Canadian community (1941)

DRUCKER, P.F. The myth of American uniformity (195-?)

EDWARDS, A.L. Rationalization in recognition as a result of a political frame of reference (1941)

ELWIN, V. Newsletter 5/Tribal Welfare and Research Unit (1953)

EMBREE, E.E. Living together (1941)

EMBREE, J.F, Democracy in postwar Japan (1944)

EMBREE, J.F. Military occupation of Japan (1944)

EMBREE, J.F. Sanitation and health in a Japanese village (1944)

EMBREE, J.F. Some social functions of religion in rural Japan (1941)

EMBREE, J.F. The relocation of persons of Japanese ancestry in the United States: some causes and effects (1943)

ERIKSON, E.H. Comments on anti-Nazi propaganda (1942?)*

ERIKSON, E.H. Comments on Hitler's speech of September 30, 1942 (1942?)*

ERIKSON, E.H. Hitler's imagery and German youth (1942)

ERIKSON, E.H. Letter from California: to members of the Joint Committee on Post War Planning (1943?)*

ERIKSON, E.H. Observations on the Yurok: childhood and world image (1943)

ERIKSON, E.H. Problems of infancy and early childhood (1940)

ERIKSON, E.H. Studies in the interpretation of play: 1. Clinical observation of play disruption in young children (1940)

EZRIEL, H. The psycho-analytic session as an experimental situation (1951)

FARBER, M.L. English and Americans: a study in national character (1951)

FARBER, M.L. English and Americans: values in the socialization process (1953)

FARBER, M.L. The problem of national character: a methodological analysis (1950)

FINDLATER, R. What are writers worth ? (1963)

FIRTH, R. An appraisal of modern social anthropology (1975)

FISCHER, E. Kunstler der Dan (196-?)

FLETCHER, R. Ethology and sociology (1973) [Review article]

FLETCHER, R. The marriage of good friends (1972)

FLUGEL, I. Some psychological aspects of a fox-hunting rite (1931)

FLUGEL, J.C. Humor and laughter (195-?)

FORD, C.S. Culture and human behavior (1942)

FORD, C.S. Society, culture, and the human organism (1939)

FORTES, M. & MAYER, D.Y. Psychosis and social change among the Tellensi of Northern Ghana (1965?)

FOULKES, S.H. Illness as a social process (1966)

FOULKES, S.H. Psychotherapy 1961 (1961)

FRANK, L.K. Adolescence and public health (1941)

FRANK, L.K. Can we curb the irresponsibles ? (1946) [2 copies]

FRANK, L.K. Cultural coercion and individual distortion (1939)

FRANK, L.K. Dilemma of leadership (1939)

FRANK, L.K. Education for world community through cultural dynamics (1953)

FRANK, L.K. Freud's influence on western thinking and culture (1940)

FRANK, L.K. Mental security (1937)

FRANK, L.K. Projective methods for the study of personality (1939)

FRANK, L.K. Psycho-cultural approaches to medical care (1952)

FRANK, L.K. Social order and psychiatry (1941)

FRANK, L.K. The arts in reconstruction (1946)

FRANK, L.K. The rising stock of Dr. Hayek: American business has found a shining new prophet (1945)

FRANK, L.K. Time perspectives (1939)

FREEMAN, J.D. The family system of the Iban of Borneo (1957)*

FREEMAN, J.D. Siegfried Frederick Nadel, 1903-1956 (1956)

FRENKEL-BRUNSWIK, E. A study of prejudice in children (1948)

FRENKEL-BRUNSWIK, E. Intolerance of ambiguity as an emotional and perceptual personality variable (1949)

FRENKEL-BRUNSWIK, E. Psychoanalysis and the unity of science (1954)

FRIEDRICH, C.J. & FOSTER, H.S. Letters to the editor as a means of measuring the effectiveness of propaganda (1937)

FRIEDRICH, C.J. & SAYRE, J. The development of the control of advertising on the air (1940)

GADOFFRE, G. Education nazie et civilisation autrichienne (1947)

GALLUP, G. The new science of public opinion measurement (1939?)

GARDNER, F. Lingualization in Austronesian languages: an unusual consonantal shift (1942)

GARVIN, P.L. Standard average European and Czech (195-?)

GASKELL, J.H.A. Children and punishment: a Scottish attitude survey (1960)

GEIGER[?], J. [Analysis of A.C. Kinsey's Sexual behavior in the human female] (195-?) [Title illegible]*

GILLIN, J. Emergent races and cultures in South America (1941)

GLAZER, N. Cross-section of the 'Shtetl' (1952) [Review of Life is with people, by M. Zborowski & E. Herzog]

GLENN, E.S. Semantic difficulties in international communication (1954)

GOLDFRANK, E.S. Historic change and social character: a study of the Teton Dakota (1943)

GOLDFRANK, E.S. & WITTFOGEL, K.A. Some aspects of Pueblo mythology and society (1943)

GOLDMAN, I. Competitive and cooperative habits among the BaThonga of South Africa (193-?) [Bound with Goldman's study of the Zuni Indians (below)]*

GOLDMAN, I. Competitive and cooperative habits among the Zuni Indians of New Mexico (193-?)*

GOLDSTEIN, J. & PASTORE, N. Sexual behavior in the American male: a special review of the Kinsey Report (1948)

GORDON, D.H. Books in pictures (1962)

GOSNELL, H.F. & DE GRAZIA, S. A critique of polling methods (1942)

GOSNELL, H.F. & COHEN, M.H. Progressive politics: Wisconsin an example (1940)

GOSNELL, H.F. [Voting maps] (193-?) [GG's title: folder also includes a questionnaire]*

GREEN, A.W. Sociological analysis of Horney and Fromm (1946)

GREEN, A.W. The middle class male child and neurosis (1946)

GRUENBERG, B.C. The search for unity (1941)

GUITON, M. Le bercement: son role dans le developpement du nourrisson: quelques hypotheses psychanalytiques (1953)*

GUITON, M. Torture and related behaviour (1970) *

HAKANSSON, T. Art and dance, sex in primitive (1961)

HAKANSSON, T. Strindberg and the arts (1971)

HALL, R. A. English loan-words in Micronesian languages (1945)

HALL, R. A. The vocabulary of Melanesian Pidgin English (1943)

HARING, D.G. Is "culture" definable? (1949)

HARLOW, H.F. Analysis of discrimination learning by monkeys (1950)

HARLOW, H.F. & MEYER, D.R. The development of transfer of response to patterning by monkeys (1949)

HARRIS, J.S. Human relationship to the land in southern Nigeria (1942)

HARRIS, J.S. Some aspects of slavery in southeastern Nigeria (1942)

HARVIE, R. [Review of] The medium, the mystic, and the physicist, by L. LeShan (1974)

HEINE-GELDERN, R. Research on Southeast Asia: problems and suggestions (1946)

HEINE-GELDERN, R. Research on Southeast Asia: problems and suggestions (1946) [Contains small differences from the above]

HELLERSBERG, E.F. Social and cultural aspects in guidance work and psychotherapy (1947)

HERMA, H. Goebbels' conception of propaganda (1943)

HERZ, M.F. Some psychological lessons from leaflet propaganda in World War II (1949)

HERZOG, H. On borrowed experience: an analysis of listening to daytime sketches (1941)

HOEBEL, E.A. Anthropological perspectives on national character (1967)

HOEBEL, E.A. Fundamental legal concepts as applied in the study of primitive law (1942)

HOEBEL, E.A. Primitive law and modern (1942)

HOEBEL, E.A. The authority systems of the Pueblos of the South-western United States (1960)

HOEBEL, E.A. The character of Keresan Pueblo law (1968)

HOLCOMBE, A.N. The international trusteeship system (1946)

HOLMES,R. The university seminar and the primal horde: a study of formal behaviour (1966)*

HOPPAL, M. Az "igezes"-hiedelemkor alkoto elemei (1970)

HOPPAL, M. Models in the research of forms of social mind: Round Table Conference, Budapest, 1968 (1968)

HOWELLS, W.W. The distribution of man (1960)

HOYT, N.D. Educational reform in France (1948)

HULL, C.L. Clark L. Hull (1952) [Reprinted from A history of psychology in autobiography v.4]

HULL, C.L. Conditioning: outline of a systematic theory of learning (1942)

HULL, C.L. "Correction" vs. "non-correction" method of trial-and-error learning in rats (1938)

HULL, C.L. Explorations in the patterning of stimuli conditioned to the G.S.R. (1940)

HULL, C.L. Knowledge and purpose as habit mechanisms (1930)

HULL, C.L. Learning: II. The factor of the conditioned reflex (1934)

HULL, C.L. Mind, mechanism, and adaptive behavior (1937)

HULL, C.L. Simple trial-and-error learning - an empirical investigation (1939)

HULL, C.L. The goal-gradient hypothesis applied to some 'field-force' problems in the behavior of young children (1938)

HULL, C.L. The mechanism of the assembly of behavior segments in novel combinations suitable for problem solution (1935)

HULL, C.L. The problem of stimulus equivalence in behavior theory (1939)

HULSE, F.S. Convention and reality in Japanese culture (1948)

HUMMEL, S. Die Herren der Berge: Probleme der lHa-mo (1962)

HUMMEL, S. [Reviews of three books on Tibet] (1965?)

HUMPHREY, B.M. Paranormal occurrences among preliterate peoples (1944)

HUNT, D.R. Rhododendron valentinianum (1972)

HUNT, D.R. Tecomanthe speciosa (1972). 3 copies

HUNT, D.R. Tecomanthe venusta (1975)

HURSTON, Z. Hoodoo In America (1931)

HUTCHINSON, G.E. Marginalia (1950)

HUXLEY, J.S. Evolution, cultural and biological (1956)

IVANOV, N.V. A Soviet view of group therapy (1966) [2 copies]

JAMES, H.E.O. & TENEN, C. Grievances and their displacement (1946)

JAMES, W.S. Cycle day of insemination, coital rate, and sex ratio (1971)

JANIS, I.L. & FADNER, R.H. A coefficient of imbalance for content analysis (1942)*

JANIS, I.L. The reliability of a content analysis technique (1942)*

JARCHO, S. Some observations on disease in prehistoric North America (1964)

JOFFE, N.F. The dynamics of benefice among East European Jews (1949)

JONES, J. [John Hurkan] To the end of thought (1955)

JUNKER, B.H. What 探花精选town thought about the war in 1940 (1940)*

KAPLAN, A. & GOLDSEN, J.M. Reliability of certain categories for classifying newspaper headlines (1943)*

KAPLAN, A. & GOLDSEN, J.M. Reliability of "favorable" and "unfavorable" symbol classification in newspaper headlines (1943)*

KELNAR, J. The psychological effect of upbringing and education on Japanese morale (1944)*

KERR, M. An experimental investigation of national stereotypes (1943)

KERR, M. The study of personality deprivation through projection tests (1955)

KERR, M. The validity of the mosaic test (1939)

KERTESZ, S.D. The United Nations: a hope and its prospects (1963)

KHAN, M.M.R. Aspects cliniques de la personnalité schizoide: affects et technique (1959)

KHAN, M.M.R. Clinical aspects of the schizoid personality: affects and technique (1960)

KHAN, M.M.R. Dream psychology and the evolution of the psycho-analytic situation (1962)

KHAN, M.M.R. Ego ideal, excitement and the threat of annihilation (1963)

KHAN, M.M.R. Foreskin fetishism and its relation to ego pathology in a male homosexual (1965?)*

KHAN, M.M.R. Homosexuality and the sexual nursing of self and object (196-?)*

KHAN, M.M.R. L'alliance perverse (1973)

KHAN, M.M.R. L'oeil entend (1971)

KHAN, M.M.R. On D.W. Winnicott (1972)

KHAN, M.M.R. On the clinical provision of frustrations, recognitions, and failures in the analytic situation: an essay on Dr Michael Balint's researches on the theory of psycho-analytic technique (1968)*

KHAN, M.M.R. Regression and integration in the analytic session: a clinical essay on the transference and counter-transference aspects of these phenomena (1959)*

KHAN, M.M.R. Reparation to the self as an idolised internal object (a contribution to the theory of perversion formation) (1968)

KHAN, M.M.R. Silence as communication (1963)

KHAN, M.M.R. The catalytic role of crucial friendship in the epistemology of self-experience in Montaigne, Rousseau and Freud (1970)

KHAN, M.M.R. The concept of cumulative trauma (1963) [Also draft]

KHAN, M.M.R. The function of intimacy and acting out in perversions (196-?)

KHAN, M.M.R. The politics of subversion and rage (1972)

KHAN, M.M.R. The role of polymorph-perverse body-experiences and object relations in ego-integration (1962)

KHAN, M.M.R. Toucher pour voir (1971)

KILBORNE, B.J. Moroccan dream interpretation and culturally constituted defense mechanisms (1981)

KIRSTEIN, L. Siqueiros in Chillan (1943)

KLINEBERG, O. A science of national character (1944)

KLUCKHOHN, C. A comparative study of values in five cultures (1951)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Anthropological research and world peace (194-?)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Bronislaw Malinowski 1884-1942 (1943)*

KLUCKHOHN, C. Covert culture and administrative problems (1943)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Culture and behavior (195-?)

KLUCKHOHN, C. & MOWRER, O.H. "Culture and personality": a conceptual scheme (1944)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Myths and rituals: a general theory (1942)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Navaho witchcraft (1944)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Politics, history and psychology (1955)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Recent studies of the "national character" of Great Russians (1955)

KLUCKHOHN, C. & MORGAN, W. Some notes on Navaho dreams (195-?)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Southwestern studies of culture and personality (1954)

KLUCKHOHN, C. The influence of psychiatry on anthropology in America during the past one hundred years (1944)

KLUCKHOHN, C. The Ramah project (1949)

KLUCKHOHN, C. & ROSENZWEIG, J.C. Two Navaho children over a five-year period (1949)

KLUCKHOHN, C. Universal categories of culture (1953)

KLUCKHOHN, F.R. Dominant and substitute profiles of cultural orientations: their significance for the analysis of social stratification (1950)

KREEGER, I.S. Cancer (1966) [Contribution to an exchange of letters in King's College Hospital Gazette]

KREEGER, I.S. Cancer, should you tell? (196-?)*

KRIS, E. Approaches to art (194-?)

KRIS, E. Art and regression (1944)

KRIS, E. HARTMANN, H. & LOEWENSTEIN, R.M. Comments on the formation of psychic structure (1946)

KRIS, E. Designed for the Germans (1945) [Review of Germany between two wars, by L. Fraser]

KRIS, E. & KAPLAN, A. Esthetic ambiguity (1948)

KRIS, E. German censorship instructions for the Czech press (1941)

KRIS, E. On psychoanalysis and education (1948)

KRIS, E. Opening remarks on psychoanalytic child psychology [from Psychoanalytic study of the child vol.6] (195-)*

KRIS, E. Psychoanalysis and the study of creative imagination (1953)

KRIS, E. Public opinion and world order (1945)

KRIS, E., HARTMANN, H. & LOEWENSTEIN, R.M. Some psychoanalytic comments on "Culture and personality" (195-)

KRIS, E. The covenant of the gangsters (1943)

KRIS, E. The "danger" of propaganda (1941)

KRIS, E. The development of ego psychology (1951)

KRIS, E. & HARTMANN, H. The genetic approach in psychoanalysis (1945)

KRIS, E. The nature of psychoanalytic propositions and their validation (1947)

LA BARRE, W. Aymara folktales (1950)

LA BARRE, W. Child care and world peace (1949)

LA BARRE, W. Folklore and psychology (1948)

LA BARRE, W. Some observations on character structure in the Orient (1945)

LA BARRE, W. The apperception of attitudes: responses to "The Lonely Ones" of William Steig (1949)

LA BARRE, W. Toward world citizenship (1949)

LA BARRE, W. Wanted: a pattern for modern man (1949)

LAGACHE, D. Contribution á la psychologie de la conduite criminelle: commentaire psychoanalytique d'une expertise d'homicide (1948)

LAGACHE, D. Psychologie clinique et methode clinique (1949)

LANG, W.S. Notes on "Threefold Democracy" (1948)

LAPLANCHE, J. & PONTALIS, J.-B. Fantasy and the origins of sexuality (1968)

LASSWELL, H.D., GELLER, A. & KAPLAN, D. An experimental comparison of four ways of coding editorial content (1942)

LASSWELL, H.D. Analyzing the content of mass communication: a brief introduction (1942)*

LASSWELL, H.D. Current studies of the decision process: automation versus creativity (1955)

LASSWELL, H.D. "Inevitable" war: a problem in the control of long-range expectations (1949)

LASSWELL, H.D. Legislative policy, conformity and psychiatry (1955)

LASSWELL, H.D. & BESSE, J. Our columnists on the A-bomb (1950)

LASSWELL, H.D. Propaganda and mass insecurity (1950)

LASSWELL, H.D. & DESSION, G.H. Public order under law: the role of the adviser-draftsman in the formation of code or constitution (1955)

LASSWELL, H.D. The politically significant content of the press: coding procedures (1942)

LASSWELL, H.D. The relation of ideological intelligence to public policy (1942)

LASSWELL, H.D. The strategy of Soviet propaganda (1951)

LASSWELL, H.D. The World Attention Survey (1941) [2 copies]

LAZARSFELD, P.F. The change of opinion during a political discussion (1939) 13 copies]

LAZARSFELD, P.F. & FISKE, M. The "panel" as a new tool for measuring opinion (1938)

LEE, D. Being and value in a primitive culture (1949)

LEGMAN, G. Models of madness (1967)*

LEGMAN, G. Sex-censorship in the U.S.A. (1945)

LEGMAN, G. The fake revolt (1967)

LEITES, N. & DE SOLA POOL, I. On content analysis (1942)*

LEITES, N. Psycho-cultural hypotheses about political acts (1948)

LEITES, N. & KECSKEMETI, P. Some psychological hypotheses on Nazi Germany (1945)*

LEITES, N. Trends in affectlessness (194-?)

LEITES, N. Trends in moral temper (1947)

LESSA, W.A. The social effects of Typhoon Ophelia (1960) on Ulithi (1964)

LEVIN, E.I. Dental esthetics and the golden proportion (1978)

LEWIN, B.D. Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead: Balinese character, a photographic analysis (1945) [Comments on the Bateson/Mead paper]

LEWIS, O. Plow culture and hoe culture - a study in contrasts (1949)

LIBER, B. How intelligent are we?: an essay on the mental inferiority of Americans...(1948)

LINDBLOM, G. The one-leg resting position (Nilotenstellung). in Africa and elsewhere (1949)

LINDSAY, M. Changes in Chinese Communist thought (1961)

LINTON, R. Culture, society, and the individual (1938)

LOWENSTEIN, R.M. The historical and cultural roots of anti-semitism (1947)

LOMAX, A. Singing (1974)

LOMAX, A. & BERKOWITZ, N. The evolutionary taxonomy of culture (1972)

MACDONALD, D. By Cozzens possessed: a review of reviews (195-) [Survey of reviews of J.G. Cozzens' novel By love possessed (1957)1

MACDONALD, D. Profiles: a caste, a culture, a market - 1 (1958)

MACDONALD, D. The candidates and I (1960)

MACLEAN, P.D. Cerebral evolution and emotional processes: new findings on the striatal complex (1972)

MACRAE, N. The risen sun (1967)

MALINOWSKI, B. An anthropological analysis of war (1941)

MALINOWSKI, B. Man's culture and man's behavior (1941)

MALINOWSKI, B. The group and the individual in functional analysis (1939)

MARCUS, J. Structures familiales et comportements politiques (l'autorité dans la famine et dans l'etat) (1949)

MARSHALL, J. "The greatest living French poet" (Review of Seamarks, by St.-John Perse) (1958)

MATHISON, J.K. Northanger Abbey and Jane Austen's conception of the value of fiction (1957)

MEADOW, A. An analysis of Japanese character structure, based on Japanese film plots and thematic apperception tests on Japanese Americans (1944)*

MEDAWAR, P.B. The phenomenon of man, by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1961) [Review]*

MEEKS, C.L.V. Creative eclecticism (195-?)

MEEKS, C.L.V. Romanesque before Richardson in the United States (1953)

METRAUX, A. Les deux enigmes de l'ile de Paques (1939)

METRAUX, A. Myths and tales of the Matako Indians (1939)

METRAUX, D. "Japan's left-wing student movement.." (1970) [Untitled]*

METRAUX, R. Introduction: 1968 [to Themes in French culture?] (1968)*

METRAUX, R. Malinowski, Bronislaw (1968) [Article on Malinowski from International encyclopedia of the social sciences]

METRAUX, R. Some aspects of hierarchical structure in Haiti (1952)

METRAUX, R. The Caine mutiny (1955)

MILNER, M. The sense in non-sense: Freud and Blake's Job (1956)

MISHKIN, B. Competitive and cooperative habits among the Maori of New Zealand (193-?) [Bound with I. Goldman's studies of the Zuni Indians and the BaThonga]*

MOLONEY, J.C. Authoritarianism and intolerance (1948)

MOLONEY, J.C. Escape (194-?)

MOLONEY, J.C. On Oriental stoicism (1946)

MOLONEY, J.C. Some observations of the relation between infant care and adult neurosis among the Okinawans (194-?)*

MOLONEY, J.C. The Cornelian Corner (1946) [With editorial comment from the same issue of The psychiatric quarterly]

MOLONEY, J.C., MONTGOMERY, J.C. & TRAINHAM, G. The newborn, his family and the modern hospital (1946)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. A cursory examination of the relations between physical and social anthropology (1940)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. A spurious portrait of Robert Hooke (1635-1703) (1941)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. & MUSICK, W.J. A Yankee doctor in England in 1859 (1943)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Adolescent sterility (1939)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Ales Hrdlicka, 1869-1943 (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Anthropology and genetics (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Anthropology in medicine (1947)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Bloody: the natural history of a word (1943)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942) (1942)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Climate and reproduction (1939)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Comments on comparative studies in human biology (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Conditioning and reconditioning in the psychotherapeutic situation (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Contributions of anthropology to psychosomatic medicine (1956)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. & MERTON, R. Crime and the anthropologist (1940)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Four on war (1943)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Freedom and discipline: a reply to Dr Alexis Carrel (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Ignorance of physiological maternity in Australia (1941)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Ignorance of physiological paternity in secular knowledge and orthodox belief among the Australian aborigines (1940)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Infibulation and defibulation in the old and new worlds (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Intelligence of northern Negroes and southern whites in the First World War (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Karl Pearson and the historical method in ethnology (1943)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Knowledge of the ancients regarding the ape (1941)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Man - and human nature (1955)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Meet Tarsius (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Mr Simple on racial equality (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. & DOBZHANSKY, T. Natural selection and the mental capacities of mankind (1947)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Neoteny and the evolution of the human mind (1956)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Nescience, science, and psycho-analysis (1941)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. On the origin of the domestication of the dog (1942)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. On the phrase "ethnic group" in anthropology (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. On the physiology and psychology of swearing (1942)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. On the relation between body size, waking activity, and the origin of social life in the primates (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Origins of the American Negro (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Physical anthropology and anatomy (1941)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Physical characters of the American Negro (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Physiology and the origins of the menstrual prohibitions (1940)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Race and other kindred delusions (194-?)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Race, caste and scientific method (1941)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Racism, the bomb and the world's people (1946)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. [Review of] The stone age of Mount Carmel, vol.2, by T.D. McCown and Sir A. Keith (1940)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. [Review of works by G.L. Walls, S.L. Polyak and S.R. Detweiler] (1943)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Sociometric methods in anthropology (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Some anthropological terms: a study in the systematics of confusion (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Some factors in family cohesion (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Suggestions for the better correlation of literature and science (1946)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The acquisition of sexual knowledge in children (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The biologist looks at crime (1941)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The concept of race in the human species in the light of genetics (1941)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The cultural determinance of sexual status (1940)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. & PETERSON, C.B. The earliest account of the association of human artifacts with fossil mammals in North America (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The improvement of human relations through education (1947)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The myth of blood (1943)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The nature of race relations (1947)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The nature of war and the myth of nature (1942)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The physical characters of African and other non-American Negroids (1945)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The race problem: what is the solution? (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The significance of the variability of the upper lateral incisor teeth in man (1940)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. The skillful skull (1943)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Time binding and the concept of culture (1953)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Tyson's Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris and Swift's Gulliver's travels (1944)

MONTAGU, M.F.A. Vesalius and the Galenists (1955)

MONTGOMERY, J.C. & TRAINHAM, G. Developmental factors in learning bowel and bladder control (1946)

MONTGOMERY, J.C. & TRAINHAM, G. Self-demand feeding for babies (1946)

MOORE, U. & CALLAHAN, C.C. Law and learning theory: a study in legal control (1943)

MORRIS, B. Whither the savage mind?: notes on the natural taxonomies of a hunting and gathering people (197-?)

MORRIS, B.S. Aim and curriculum (1949)

MORRIS, B.S. Arts and sciences in education (1961)

MORRIS, B.S. Community studies and community education in relation to social change (1949)

MORRIS, B.S. Education and individuality (1952)

MORRIS, B.S. General curricular studies and experiments (1956?)*

MORRIS, B.S. How does a group learn to work together? (196-?)

MORRIS, B.S. Officer selection in the British Army, 1942-1945 (1949)

MORRIS, B.S. Psycho-analysis and education (1973?) *

MORRIS, B.S. Sigmund Freud - Promethean man: reflections on reading Ernest Jones' biography (1958)

MORRIS, B.S. Some concepts and techniques for facilitating social change (1948)*

MORRIS, B.S. The contribution of psychology to education (196-?)*

MORRIS, C.W. Semiotic, the socio-humanistic sciences, and the unity of science (1939)

MORRIS, S.D. The ritual of schooling (196-?)*

MOSELY,P.E. The Nineteenth Party Congress (1953)

MOWRER, O.H. A stimulus-response analysis of anxiety and its role as a reinforcing agent (1939)

MOWRER, O.H. Anxiety-reduction and learning (1940)

MURDOCK, G.P. Rank and potlatch among the Haida (1936)

MURDOCK, G.P. The cross-cultural survey (1940)

MURRAY, H.A. The personality and career of Satan (1962)

NADEL, S.F. Culture and personality: a reexamination (1956)

NASH, E. The story of an integrated school (1967)

NASH, P. Ethnohistorical reconstruction of a culture: model building in culture conflict (1976)*

NEWMAN,C.J., DEMBER,C.F. & KRUG, O. "He can but he won't": a psychodynamic study of so-called "gifted underachievers" (1973)

OKA, T. [Newsletters contributed to the Institute of Current World Affairs] (1968)

OLDHAM, C.H.G. China in retrospect (1965)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. China miscellanea (1964)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. Conversations with Communist Chinese cadres (1965)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. Entertainment and politics in China (1965)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. O.E.C.D. & science aid: a case history (1966)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. Religious encounters in China (1964)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. Shanghai episodes (1965)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. The Peking Science Symposium - part II (1965)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. The scientific revolution and China (1964)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. Visits to Chinese communes (1965)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. Visits to Chinese research institutes and scientific instrument factories (1965)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. Visits to Chinese schools (1965)*

OLDHAM, C.H.G. Visits to Chinese universities (1965)*

OLSEN, E.C. An interpretation of the Hephaisteion reliefs (1938)

OSCHINSKY, L. A reappraisal of recent srological, genetic and morphological research on the taxonomy of the races of Africa and Asia (1959)

OSGOOD, C.E. & STAGNER, R. An experimental analysis of a nationalistic frame of reference (1941)

OSGOOD, C.E. Ease of individual judgment-processes in relation to polarization of attitudes in the culture (1941)

OSGOOD, C.E., KARWOSKI, T.F. & ODBERT, H.S. Studies in synesthetic thinking: II. The role of form in visual responses to music (1942)

OSIS, K. Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses (1961)

O'BRIEN, C.C. Some encounters with the culturally free (1966?)

PARKES, C.M. Accuracy of predictions of survival in later stages of cancer (1972)

PARKES, C.M. Bereavement and mental illness (1965) [Also draft]

PARKES, C.M., BENJAMIN, B. & FITZGERALD, R.G. Broken heart: a statistical study of increased mortality among widowers (1969)

PARKES, C.M. Components of the reaction to loss of a limb, spouse or home (1972)

PARKES, C.M. Determinants of outcome following bereavement (197-)*

PARKES, C.M. Factors determining the persistence of phantom pain in the amputee (1972)

PARKES, C.M. Grief as an illness (1964)

PARKES, C.M. Health after bereavement: a controlled study of young Boston widows and widowers (1972)

PARKES, C.M. Psycho-social transitions: a field for study (1971)

PARKES, C.M. Psycho-social transitions: comparison between reactions to loss of a limb and loss of a spouse (1975)

PARKES, C.M. & WILLIAMS, R.M. Psychosocial effects of disaster: birth rate in Aberfan (1975)

PARKES, C.M. Recent bereavement as a cause of mental illness (1964)

PARKES, C.M. "Seeking" and "finding" a lost object: evidence from recent studies of the reaction to bereavement (1970)

PARKES, C.M. The first year of bereavement: a longitudinal study of the reaction of London widows to the death of their husbands (1970)

PARKES, C.M. What becomes of redundant world models?: a contribution to the study of adaptation to change (1975)

PARSONS, T. Certain primary sources and patterns of aggression in the social structure of the western world (1947)

PARSONS, T. Cultural patterns of Japan (1944) [Outline of lecture]*

PARSONS, T. General outline of Japanese social structure (1944) [Outline of lecture]*

PAUL, N.L. & GROSSER, G.H. Operational mourning and its role in conjoint family therapy (1965)

PAUL, N.L. The role of mourning and empathy in conjoint marital therapy (1967)

PAUL, N.L. The use of empathy in the resolution of grief (1967)

PEAR, T.H. Charles S. Myers (1947)

PEAR, T.H. Charles Samuel Myers: 1873-1946 (1947)

PEAR, T.H. Personality in its cultural context (1946)

PEAR, T.H. Psychological implications of the culture-pattern theory (1945)

PERHAM, M. African facts and American criticisms (1944)

PIECZENIK, S.R. [Review of] The cultural drama, ed. W.S. Dillon (1975)

PITT-RIVERS, J. La loi de l'hospitalité (1967)

PITT-RIVERS, J. Ritual kinship in Spain (1958)

PLATT, W. National character: a vital factor in foreign intelligence and international relations (1959?)*

POSINSKY, S.H. Instincts, cultures and science (1958)

POSINSKY, S.H. The death of Maui (1957)

PRUITT, I. Child care and development (1944)*

PUTTE, M. van de. Le monde moderne á la recherche de l'egalité (1981)

RAESTAD, A. Quisling: the master episode of an age of political bewilderment (1941?) *

RHINE, J.B. Some selected experiments in extra-sensory perception (1936)

RICKMAN, J. & BION, W.R. Intra-group tensions in therapy: their study as the task of the group (1943)

RICKMAN, J. Psychology in medical education (1947)

RICKMAN, J. The factor of number in individual- and group-dynamics (1950)

RICKMAN, L.L. Random impressions of Russia, forty years after (1958)

RIESMAN, D. A career drama in a middle-aged farmer (1954)

RIESMAN, D. A discussion of the recent Cambridge-London "Pugwash" meetings (1962)

RIESMAN, D. Is America by nature a violent society? (196-?)

RIESMAN, D. Marginality, conformity and insight (1953)

RIESMAN, D. Psychological types and national character: an informal commentary (1953)

RIESMAN, D. Recreation and the recreationist (1954)

RIESMAN, D. Some informal notes on American churches and sects (1955)

RIESMAN, D. Some observations on changes in leisure attitudes (1952)

RIESMAN, D. Some observations on intellectual freedom (1953)

RIESMAN, D. Some problems of a course in "culture and personality" (1951)

RIESMAN, D. Some reflections on the U-2 affair (1962?)

RIESMAN, D. Some relationships between technical progress and social progress (1953)

RIESMAN, D. Teachers amid changing expectations (1954)

RIESMAN, D. The cold war and the west (1962)

RIESMAN, D. & BENNEY, M. The sociology of the interview (1955)*

RIESMAN, D. The study of Kansas City: an informal overture (1953)

ROAZEN, P. A savant and servant of the law (197-?) [Review of the diaries of Felix Frankfurter]

ROAZEN, P. Freud: political and social thought (1968) [Advance proofs]*

ROAZEN, P. Freud and America (1972)

ROAZEN, P. Freud and Reich (1968)

ROAZEN, P. Othodoxy on Freud: the case of Tausk (1977)

ROAZEN, P. Psychology and politics (1976)

ROAZEN, P. Psychology and politics: the case of Erik H. Erikson (1975)

ROAZEN, P. [Review of] Harry Stack Sullivan: the man and his work, by A.H. Chapman (1976)

ROAZEN, P. The impact of psychoanalysis on values (197-?)

ROCHLIN, G. Grief and aggression (1969)*

ROSTEN, L. The intellectual and the mass media: some rigorously random remarks (1960)

RUMKE, H.C. Solved and unsolved problems in mental health (1955)

SAHLINS, M.D. The origin of society (1960)

SANAI, M. An empirical study of political, religious, and social attitudes (1952)

SAYRE, J. Progress in radio fan-mail analysis (1939)

SCHAFFNER, B. Analysis of a spontaneous story in postwar Germany (1947)

SCHAFFNER, B. & HOHMAN, L.B. The sex lives of unmarried men (1947)

SCHNEIDER, D.M. Abortion and depopulation on a Pacific island (1955)

SCHNEIDER, D.M. Kinship, nationality and religion in American culture: toward a definition of kinship (1969)*

SCHNEIDER, D.M. & HOMANS, G.C. Kinship terminology and the American kinship system (1955) [Also ts draft]

SCHNEIDER, D.M. Notes toward a theory of culture (1976?)

SCHNEIDER, D.M. Political organization, supernatural sanctions and the punishment for incest on Yap (1957)

SCHNEIDER, D.M. Rivers and Kroeber in the study of kinship (1968)

SCHNEIDER, D.M. Some observations on army basic training (1945)*

SCHNEIDER, D.M. The meaning of incest (1976)

SCHNEIDER, D.M. The nature of kinship (1964)

SCHNEIDER, D.M. Typhoons on Yap (195-?)

SCHNEIDER, D.M. What is kinship all about? (1972) [2 copies]

SCHNEIDER, D.M. & ROBERTS, J.M. Zuni kin terms (1956)

SCHWARTZ, T. The Paliau movement in the Admiralty Islands - 1946 to 1954 (1957)

SEARS, R.R. Success and failure: a study of motility (1942)

SEGAL, H. A psycho-analytical approach to aesthetics (1952)

SHEPARD, P. Place and human development (1975)*

SHILS, E.A. Authoritarianism: "right" and "left" (1954)

SHILS, E.A. & JANOWITZ, M. Cohesion and disintegration in the Wehrmacht in World War II (1948)

SHILS, E.A. L'étude du groupe elementaire (195-?)

SHILS, E.A. Self-esteem and the status of the academic intellectual (1958)

SHILS, E.A. The legislator and his environment (1951)

SHILS, E.A. & YOUNG, M. The meaning of the Coronation (1953?)

SOUTHALL, A. Nuer and Dinka are people: ecology, ethnicity and logical possibility (197-?)

SPEIER, H. German rearmament and the old military elite (1954)

SPILSBURY, R.J. Comments on the article 'Experimentation within the psycho-analytic session' [by Henry Ezriel] (1956?) [With Ezriel's reply)*

SPOEHR, A. Camp, clan, and kin among the Cow Creek Seminole of Florida (1941)

STAPLETON, T. Mourning in childhood (1965)

STARR, R. Identification of the soldier (1945) [With other Institute of Intercultural Studies papers]*

STOKES, A. A game that must be lost (1960)

STOKES, A. Listening to cliches and individual words (1957)

STOKES, A. Psycho-analytic reflections on the development of ball games, particularly cricket (1956)

STOKES, A. Three essays on the painting of our time (1961)

STREVENS, P. British and American English (1970)*

STREVENS, P. The medium of instruction (mother tongue/second language) and the formation of scientific concepts (1969)*

STURMTHAL, A. National patterns of union behavior (1948)

SUPATMO, R. Animistic beliefs and religious practices of the Javanese (194-?)*

SUTHERLAND, J.D. The place of psychotherapy in community mental health (1966)*

SUTHERLAND, J.D. The psychotherapeutic clinic and community psychiatry (1966)

SZASZ, T.S. How sick is sick ? (1967)

TANNENBAUM, F. On certain characteristics of American democracy (1945)

TANNENBAUM, F. The American tradition in foreign relations (1951)

TANNENBAUM, F. The balance of power in society (1946)

TANNENBAUM, F. The social function of trade unionism (1947)

THAMPI, P. The birth of a baby - Moscow style (1956)

THEIN PE, M. What happened in Burma: the frank revelations of a young Burmese revolutionary leader who has recently escaped from Burma to India (1943)

TOMASIC, D. Abstract of Personality development in the Zadruga society and Personality development of the Dinaric warriors (194-?)*

TOMASIC, D. Constitutional changes in Yugoslavia (1940)

TOMASIC, D. Croatia in European politics (1942)

TOMASIC, D. Personality development in the Zadruga society (1942)

TOMASIC, D. Reconstruction in central Europe (1943)

TOMASIC, D. The struggle for power in Jugoslavia (1941)

TUAN, Y.F. Experience and appreciation (197-)*

VALENTINE, C.W. Some present-day trends, dangers, and possibilities in the field of psychology (1948)

VOLKAN, V.D. Mourning and adaptation after a war (1977)

VOLKAN, V.D. Symptom formations and character changes due to upheavals of war: examples from Cyprus (1979)

VOLKAN, V.D. The linking objects of pathological mourners (1972)

WADDINGTON, C.H. The biological effects of bomb tests (1957)

WAGATSUMA, H. Ishiwara Shintaro's early novels and Japanese male psychology (1973)

WAGNER, G. On Kenner's Wyndham Lewis (1954?)

WAGNER, G. Talus (1950)

WAGNER, G. The decline of book reviewing (1956)

WAGNER, G. Wyndham Lewis and Bergson (1955)

WAGNER, G. Wyndham Lewis and the Vorticist aesthetic (1954)

WALTER, W.G. The relation between neurophysiological and psycho-social aspects of human mentality and behavior (1961)*

WAPLES, D. Studies of public communications and public opinion with reference to national defence (194-)*

WARE, C.F. The cultural approach to history: draft of introduction (1940)*

WASHBURN, S.L. The study of race (1962)

WASHBURN, S.L. Tools and human evolution (1960)

WASSERMAN, W. A new approach to the problem of gold and liquidity (196-?)*

WEAKLAND, J.H. Family imagery in a passage by Mao Tse-Tung: an essay in psycho-cultural method (1958)

WEAKLAND, J.H. Method in cultural anthropology (1951)

WEAKLAND, J.H. The organization of action in Chinese culture (1950)

WEBB, M.C. The culture concept and cultural change in the work of Margaret Mead (1968)

WEINER, J.S. Beyond physical anthropology (1978)

WHITING, J.W.M. & REED, S.W. Kwoma culture: report on field work in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea (1938)

WHITING, J.W.M. The frustration complex in Kwoma society (1944)

WHORF, B.L. Linguistics as an exact science (1940)

WHORF, B.L. Science and linguistics (1940)

WILLMOTT, P. Housing density and town design in a new town: a pilot study of Stevenage (1962)

WILLMOTT, P. Kinship and social legislation (1958)

WILLMOTT, P. Some social trends (196-?)

WINICK, C. Taste and the censor in television (1959)

WINNICOTT, D.W. The split-off male and female elements to be found clinically in men and women: theoretical inferences (1968)*

WINNICOTT, D.W. Transitional objects and transitional phenomena: a study of the first not-me possession (1953)

WOLFENSTEIN, M. A phase in the development of children's sense of humor (195-?)

WOLFENSTEIN, M Death of a parent and death of a president: children's reactions to two kinds of loss (1964)

WOLFENSTEIN, M Goya's dining room (1966)

WOLFENSTEIN, M How is mourning possible? (1966) [Also draft]

WOLFENSTEIN, M Loss, rage, and repetition (1969)

WOLFENSTEIN, M. & LEITES, N. Some aspects of love in American films (194-?)*

WOLFENSTEIN, M Some variants in moral training of children (195-?)

WOLFENSTEIN, M The emergence of fun morality (1951)

WOLFENSTEIN, M. The image of the lost parent (196-?)*

WOODCOCK, G. The trade union and the community (1969)

WYLIEV P. Memorandum on anti-semitism (1945)

YATSUSHIRO, T, ISHINO, I & MATSUMOTO, Y. The Japanese-American looks at resettlement (1943)

YOUNG, M. & ARMSTRONG, M. New look at comprehensive schools (1964)

YOUNG, P.T. Reversal of food preferences of the white rat through controlled pre-feeding (1940)

YUKICHI, F. Excerpts from The autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi (1943)*

ZBOROWSKI, M. Cultural components in responses to pain (1952)

ZBOROWSKI, M. The place of book-learning in traditional Jewish culture (1949)

ZELIGS, R. Abstract of excerpts on national stereotypes from Trends in children's inter-group attitudes (194-?)*

ZIEGLER, J. Edgar Morin on 'Homo Sapiens - Demens' (1973?)

ZUBEK, J.P. & WILGOSH, J.P. Prolonged immobilization of the body: changes in performance and in the electroencephalogram (1963)

List of Additions

Ad.1: 3 boxes of additional papers received from Geoffrey Gorer's solicitors, 1992.

1. Articles, lectures, reviews of GG

1 file ms, ts, papers
Contains: "Children's bed time" ts. pp.11; "Cultural parameters to some psychoanalytic hypotheses" ts. pp.25; "Fairy stories" ts. p. 1; "For Goldsmith's School" ts. p.1; "Hungary" ts. pp.2; "MM's range of scale" ts. p.1; "Notes on Ceylonese character" ts. pp.4; "Short history of Sunte House" ts. pp.2; "The sleeping habits of infants and young children" ts. pp.8; "The steady state" ts. pp.3; "Thoughts about hate" ts. pp.6.
Medical history of GG
4 files ms, ts papers
Contain diary and other accounts of his final illnesses, correspondence with consultants etc.
Justine, or the misfortunes of virtue by D.A.F. de Sade. Translated from the French by Helen Weaver. Ts. pp.351. Xerox copy.

2. Photographs

4 files assorted photographs from all periods, chiefly black and white.
(i-ii) Studio portraits of GG and other members of the Gorer family including child studies (50 items)
(iii) Snapshots and informal portraits of family and friends (68 items)
(iv) Margaret Mead. Single portraits and group photographs. (23 items)

3. Photographs and snapshots of Sunte House, the garden and plants. Black and white, and coloured. (250 items)



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