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Copper Archive

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1. Personal Life

This first section of the catalogue brings together items that document BC’s life away from his singing and writing career. The various notepads found in this section contain a mix of rough notes and diary entries. BC didn’t consistently keep a day to day diary and many of his diaries stop halfway through. BC also liked to insert rough notes, press cuttings and other items into his notepads, the significance of these items is not always clear. BC belonged to some clubs throughout his life and correspondence relating to those club memberships are also found in this section. Highlights of this section include documentation relating to the honorary degree conferred upon BC in the year 2000 from the University of Sussex.

Journal of BC and his wife Jean Copper, May 1941. A 7" record by James Last ‘Last the whole night through’ has been inserted into diary. Box 1/1

1969 Diary. Press Cuttings inserted:
    Evening Argus. 28/5/1968
    Brighton and Hove Gazette. 19/4/1968
    Evening News. 18/4/1968 
Note book. Items inserted:
    PC to Mrs Copper possibly from Jim Copper. Undated c1910-36.
    Application for Central Club membership for Ann. F. Hounsell.
    Miscellaneous notes.
    Instructions on how to erect the ‘Sompting Portable Garage’
First Aid Certificates awarded to BC:
    October 1937
    May 1939 Box 1/2

Recipes (9) and shopping lists. Box 1/3

Correspondence congratulating BC on MBE. 2004
Speech by BC.
2 BC’s Driving Licences. 9/10/1967 - 8/10/1973; 6/1/1994 - 5/1/1997
BC’s Certificate of service in the army. 27/12/1933
Rough Sketch
Notebook with diary entries from 13/2/1950.
2 notebooks with notes written in the 1950s.
Portrait of BC. By Fleur Sidaway
Diary 1955. Mostly unused. Items inserted: Insurance documents ;Other miscellaneous notes. Box 1/4

Red note book: ms Notes written by BC about aspects of police work. Undated, most likely from late 1930s.
Other items inserted:
   Income tax assessment 17/9/1938
   Miscellaneous notes.
   Letter to BC from the Superintendent of Police 2/8/1940
Application forms to join police force.
3 copies of Parade Journal February 1946; March 1946; July 1947 Box 1/5

Notepad. Item inserted:
   Notes on police duties written by BC
Letter of certification from West Sussex constabulary 2/8/1940.
Letter from West Sussex constabulary concerning Defence Medal awarded to BC. Box 1/5

The Worthing and District Calendar 1991. Box 1/6

Sussex Book Club Newsletter. Box 1/7

Hillaire Belloc Society Membership: Correspondence, flyers and journals relating to BC’s membership. Box 2/1

Peacehaven and Telscombe Historical Society: Correspondence, newsletters and minutes of meetings relating to membership Box 2/2

Correspondence, photographs, press cuttings and programme relating to conferment of Honorary Degree to BC by 探花精选. Box 2/3

探花精选 Honorary Degree Certificate. BC 2000 Box 2/4

A5 Zipped Leather document holder: Contains 2 note pads full of rough notes. Press cuttings. 2 Photographs of ‘Cross-in-hand Windmill’. An official guide to Cricklade. 2 songs words: The Echoing Horn and Warlike Seamen. Box 2/5

BC’s Passport 1993 - 2003 Box 2/6

Memo book. With other notes inserted. Box 2/7

Note pad containing some diary entries and song words. Box 2/8

Note pad with rough notes inserted. Box 2/9

Red cash book containing rough notes. Box 2/10

G. K. Chesterton Society: Correspondence, journals and newsletters relating to membership. Box 3/1

Correspondence, flyers and newspaper cuttings relating BC’s ownership of the Central Club. Dating from 1959 -1966 Box 3/2

Correspondence and invoices relating to ownership of Central Club Box 3/3

Coursework and notes from a ‘Local History Course’ Box 3/4

Correspondence relating to ‘Local History Course’ Box 3/5

2. Correspondence thematic Sequence

BC’s correspondence is organised into two sections, though there is some overlap between these categories. This first section contains correspondence with individuals or organisations with whom BC had ongoing contact. He kept these letters separate from the rest of his correspondence which is ordered chronologically. BC also kept items together that related to a particular theme, for example, correspondence relating to the recording of the Copper Family CD: ‘Coppersongs’, as well as financial papers and household bills. Items within these files are in no particular order.

Correspondence 1965-72. Relating to:
   Production of LPs during this period, including suggested song lists.
   Arranging performances and appearances.
   Publication of articles. Box 4/1

Correspondence 2001 - 2002. Relating to recording of CD Come Write Me Down. Box 4/2

Coppersongs Royalty Statement for period 01/01/2002 -30/06/2002 Box 4/3

Correspondence 1960 and 1964 with The English Folk Dance and Song Society. Box 4/4

Advice of Remittance of copyright royalty. From Electric and Musical Industries Ltd. 1963. and BBC 9/8/1971 Box 4/5

Finance papers 1971-1972 Box 4/6

Household bills 1974-1980 Box 4/7

Correspondence 1976 - 2004 with Mechanical Copyright Protection Society and The Performing Right Society Limited. Box 4/8

Correspondence 1970 - 1998 with the Mechanical copyright Protection Society and The Performing Right Society Limited. Box 4/9

Correspondence, statements and invoices 1974 - 1974 relating to:
   Performances and appearances.
   Saltdean Barn Ltd Box 4/10

Correspondence with Saydisc records, 1993 -2003. Box 4/11

L. Mason to BC. 1988 - 2000. Also includes some carbon copies of letters from BC to L. Mason Box 5/1

Correspondence with individuals from Japan, Australia and USA. Mostly with Atsushi Takeuchi. 1989 - 2003. (See box 55 for books by Atsushi Takeuchi.) Box 5/2

Correspondence and photographs relating to the ‘Shepherds Lambing Hut Survey’. Box 5/3

Correspondence relating to the book Peacehaven A Pictorial History by Bob Poplett Box 5/4

Obituaries for Alan Lomax. Letter of condolence from BC to Anna Lomax. (undated) Box 5/5

Correspondence, Christmas cards and photographs to BC from Atsushi Takeuchi and Ken Ichi. Box 6/1

Correspondence, Christmas cards and photographs to BC from Atsushi Takeuchi Box 6/2

D. Webb to BC 1990 - 1992 (includes slide show presentation by John Burgess) Box 6/3

John Seymour to BC 1988 - 1999 Box 7/1

Dr W. F. J Cuthbertson to BC. 1999 - 2003 Box 7/2

Correspondence to BC from individuals from USA. Box 7/3

Anne Warner - to BC and some carbon copies of BC to AW. 1987- 1994 Box 7/4

Buck Taylor to BC 1981 - 1999. Box 7/5

Keith Parker to BC 1983 - 1985. Mostly relating to an adaptation Box 7/6

3. Correspondence chronological sequence

Following on from the thematic sequence is a chronological list of BC’s correspondence from the late 1940s to 2004. There is a very small quantity of letters from the 40s, 50s and 60s and each item as been listed from these years individually. Although the arrangement is chronological, in many cases dates can only be established by inference. Quite often there are items interleaved with a set of correspondence with no obvious relation, but an concerted effort has been made to keep the correspondence and these objects in the order that BC kept them.

1940s - 1950s
   Sketch Pad
   1 ts (?) to Central Club. 28/1/1948
   Calendar 1948
   1 ts The English Folk Dance and Song Society, Director (?) to BC. 8/2/1955
   1 als Howard Hastings to BC. no date
   Press Cutting. Everybody’s Weekly. 10/1/1955
   1 ms unidentified. 3 pages.
   1 als D. Bolinson TO BC. 2/11/1954
   Rough draft of script: ‘As I roved out’
   Rough draft of script: “‘One mans song book’ or ‘Jim Coppers Song
   Unidentified rough draft.
   Song Words: ‘The Lawyer Bold’
   1 ts draft: ‘A pretty good days work’
   1 ts draft: ‘Too little or too much’
   1 als K. N. Macdermott to BC. 06/02/1948
   1 als L. Cook to BC. 6/9/1954
   1 als L. Cook to BC. 19/9/1954
   1 als F. Bolinson to BC. 21/9/1954
   Press cutting: Daily Mail undated.
   Petty cash voucher.
   12 photographs of Latin parchments. Box 8/1

   1 als BW to BC. 15/8/1952
   1 als F. Bollinson to BC. Re Central Club. 13/9/52
   1 als (?) to BC. 15/3/1952
   1 als L. Cook to BC. 13/6/1952
   1 ts E. F. Bozman to E. Holloway 24/6/1955
   1 ts E. Holloway to E. F. Bozman. 28/6/1955
   Rural Economy News letter June 1955
   1 ts E. F. Bozman to E. Holloway. 30/6/1955
   Dennis Lower (BBC) to BC. 13/2/1959
   Magazine Articles by BC: Serialisation of ‘Downland Diary’
    Memorandum A. Pauper to (?) 23/8/1948.
   Photocopy of Music and song words for song: ‘War like Seamen’.
   Written on top right hand side: ‘From James Copper Rottingdean: 1949.
   Booklet about ‘Ye Olde House’ in Seaford
   1 ts R. Cawston (BBC) to BC. 22/08/1956
   1 als M. Horley to BC. 10/2/1959
   PC to BC. Advising of date of Elms Committee Meeting.
   Car insurance certificate. 8/9/1954
   Hotel Bill. 5/7/1954
    Christmas Card from ‘Bill’. Christmas 1954
   1 ts H. Blyth to BC. 4/11/1951 Box 8/2

   1 ts Horsham Urban District Council to BC. 28/2/1966
   Borough of Arundel to BC. 25/2/1966
   County Borough of Hastings to BC. 2/3/1966
   City of Chichester to BC. 3/3/1966
   Borough of Rye to BC. 17/3/1966
   Borough of Lewis to BC. 28/4/1966
   Copy of Grant of Arms to Horsham Urban District Council.
   Tom Sobey to BC. 21/10/1966
   TS to BC 5/1/1967
   PE/JR to BC. 14/2/1968 Box 8/3

1970 Box 9/1
1971 Box 9/2
1972 Box 9/3
1973 Box 9/4
1974 Box 9/5
1975 Box 9/6
1976 Box 9/7
1977 Box 9/8
Miscellaneous 1970s Box 9/9
1976 Box 10/1
1977 - 1978 Box 10/2
1979 - 1980 Box 11/1
1979 - 1980 Box 11/2
1981 - 1984 Box 11/3
1983 Box 11/4
1984 Box 11/5
1985 Box 11/6
1985 Box 11/7
1985 - 1988 Box 12/1
1986 - 1987 Box 12/2
1986 Box 13/1
1986 - 1987 Box 13/2
1988 Box 13/3
1989 Box 13/4
1990 Box 14/1
1990 Box 14/2
1991 1 of 2 Box 14/3
1991 2 of 2 Box 14/4
1992 - 1993 Box 15/1
1994 - 1995 Box 15/2
1994 - 1995 including some correspondence relating to BC book ASWB Box 15/3
1995 - 1996. Mostly 1995 Box 16/1
1996 - 1997 Box 16/2
1997 - 1998 Box 17/1
1998 Box 17/2
1999 Box 17/3
2000 (Some 1999) Box 17/4
2001 Box 17/5
2003 Box 17/6
2003 Box 17/7
2004 Box 17/8

4. Principal writings

Drafts, notes and correspondence relating to BC’s five books form a very large part of the collection and are listed here in chronological order by publication date. Also included in this section are texts, both in typescript and handwritten, of unpublished works. Many manuscripts remain unidentified and these are collated at the end of the section along with miscellaneous other writings. BC contributed work to books by other authors, these are listed at the end of this sequence.

Published works

A Song for Every Season
A Song for Every Season. Calendar 1983 Box 18/1

Memorandum of Agreement. Contract with Heinemann publishers; als to Heinemann to BC 24/7/1970; Photograph of book shop window displaying ASFES; Photograph used in book shop display window. Box 18/2

ASFES Draft. Including song words and music. Box 18/3

ASFES. Draft. Box 18/4

ASFES. Correspondence Box 18/5

Reviews of ASFES: BC review of CD ‘Prison Songs’ recorded by Alan Lomax Box 18/6

ASFES Radio Programmes. Box 18/7

ts ASFES Draft. Box 18/8

ts ASFES Draft. Box 18/9

Posters advertising Song for Every Season; 2 Book Covers; proofs for book cover for 1997 edition. Box 19/1

2Ts ‘Pup Bites Back’ Extract from ASFES; Sketches, unidentified ms draft. Box 19/2

Play adaptation of ASFES by Keith Parker Box 19/3

Suggested captions for photographs. (Photographs missing) Box 19/4

ASFES Draft. Mix of ts and ms.Box 19/5

ASFES Draft. Mix of ts and ms. Box 19/6

ASFES draft introduction written in 1983.; 2 Songs. ‘A Week Before Easter’ written out by James Dale Copper (1882 - 1954); ‘Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy’ written out by James Copper (1845 - 1924); Rough draft of letter. From BC to unknown recipient; als to BC from Worthing Connaught Theatre re: play adaptation of ASFES; als to BC from Felicity Naumann (William Heinemann) Box 20/1

ASFES Draft. Mix of ts and ms. Box 20/2

ASFES Draft. Mix of ts and ms. Including ‘Pup bites back’, (an excerpt from ASFES). Box 20/3
ts draft ASFES. Box 20/4

Proof of ASFES (1997 Coppersongs) ts introduction to ASFES (New edtion) by BC Box 20/5

ts ASFES Draft; ASFES First Edition book cover. Box 20/6

Proof of ASFES (1997 Coppersongs) Box 20/7

Part draft of ASFES and sketches and musical notes. Box 20/8

Songs and Southern Breezes
SASB draft. Mix of ts and ms. Box 21/2

ts SASB draft. Illustrations and songs. Box 21/2

SASB. Correspondence. Box 21/3

ts SASB draft. Box 21/4

ts SASB draft; Als Helen Fry (BBC) to B.C.; Collection of Poems by Rudyard Kipling; Rough notes. Box 21/5

Photographs and descriptions for SASB. Box 22/1

SASB draft. Mix of ts and ms. Box 22/2

ts SASB draft. Box 22/3

SASB 50 songs. Handwritten music. Box 22/4

SASB Proof. Box 22/5

SASB press reviews. Box 22/6

Early to Rise
ETR Correspondence. Box 23/1

ts ETR draft. Box 23/2

ts ETR draft. Box 23/3

ETR Photographs for consideration with suggested captions. Box 24/1

Draft (partial) of E2R. Mix of ts and ms. Box 24/2

ETR Press reviews. Box 24/3

ETR draft. Mix of ts and ms. Box 24/4

ts ETR draft. Box 24/5

Across Sussex With Belloc: In the Footsteps of “The Four Men”

ts ASWB draft. Box 25/1

ts ASWB draft. Box 25/2

Short story. “In the Footsteps of ‘The Four Men’. ts and ms. Box 25/3

Adaptations of ASWB. Box 25/4

Photographs and sketches relating to ASWB Box 25/5

Assortment of papers relating to ASWB, including: Outline of routes; Adaptation and correspondence. Box 25/6

Assortment of papers relating to ASWB, including: Photographs, Adaptation
and songs. Box 25/7

ASWB Pamphlet; The Four Men - In prose, verse and song; ts ASWB draft. Box 26/1

Adaptation of The Four Men by Hillaire Belloc. Box 26/2

ASWB Proof Box 26/3

Assortment of papers relating to ASWB. Mileage and map references, route plans, places of interest. Box 26/4

Ephemera mostly relating to ASWB; ms ASWB draft; Non related songs, correspondence, play. Box 26/5

ms ASWB draft. Box 27/1

ts ASWB first draft. Box 27/2

ASWB artwork. Box 27/3

Radio 2 Adaptation of ASWB. ‘On Sussex Hills’ Box 27/4

ASWB Correspondence. Possible sketches for ASWB. Box 27/5

ms ASWB draft and notes. Box 28/1

ASWB Correspondence. (see also item number 151 in box 15/3) Box 28/2

ts ASWB first draft. Box 28/3

ts ASWB draft. Box 28/4

ASWB correspondence with S. B. Publications. Box 28/5

ms ASWB draft. Box 29/1

ms ASWB draft. Box 29/2

ms ASWB draft with notes inserted. Box 29/3

ts ASWB draft. Box 29/4

ts ASWB draft.Box 29/5

Bob Copper’s Sussex
Sketches and ts draft of BCS. Box 30/1

BCS Correspondence. Box 30/2

ts BCS draft. Box 30/3

ts BCS draft. Box 30/4

BCS sketches. Box 30/5

BCS proof. Box 30/6


Copper Family Song Book
ts Copper Family Song Book draft. Box 30/7

Unpublished Works

Downhill All the Way/ A Man of No Consequence: A Memoir
DATW draft. Mix of ms and ts. Box 31/1

ts DATW draft. Box 31/2

ts DATW draft. Box 31/3

ts AMONC draft. Box 31/4

ts AMONC draft. Box 31/5

AMONC draft. Mix of ms and ts. Box 31/6

The Green Bay Tree
ts TGBT draft. Box 31/7

ms TGBT draft. Box 31/8

Rhymes for many Reasons
RFMR draft. Mix of ts ad ms. Box 32/1

s RFMR draft. Box 32/2

Magazine Classmate December 1945; Jan 1946; June 1946 Box 32/3

ts RFMR draft. 32/4

ts RFMR draft. Box 32/5

Miscellaneous and Unidentified Manuscripts
10 Red autographed note books. Box 33/1

Unidentified notes and works. Mix of ts and ms. Box 33/2

Miscellaneous notes, songs, correspondence. Mix of ts and ms. Box 34/1

4 autographed note books. Box 34/2

‘A Country Man Remembers. Mix of ts and ms. Work about Jim Copper by BC. Box 34/3

Unarranged mix of ts and ms titled: Downland Diary; The Last of the Sussex Sheep-Steelers; Rough draft of Script for As I Roved Out Box 34/4

Unidentified ms notes. Box 34/5

Unidentified ms notes. Box 34/6

Unidentified notes. Mix of ts and ms. Box 34/7

Unidentified ms notes. Box 34/8

Christmas in Old Rottingdean. ms and ts with handwritten corrections. Box 34/9

Mix of ts and ms including works titled: A Living Tradition in Rottingdean, Traditional Songs from Rottingdean and Rural Economy June 1955. Box 34/10

ts story Always Some Carrot Dangling Box 34/11

Contributions to Other Publications
ts Water Colours of Sussex Past by Mick Bensley. Verse by Bob Copper. Box 35/1

Sketches and Drawings for Water Colours of Sussex Past. Box 35/2

ts foreword to book by Peter Sharp (title unknown) Box 35/3

The Downland Shepherds by Gordon Beningfield, Richard Pailthorpe, Shaun Payne. Foreword by Bob Copper. Ephemera, drafts and correspondence relating to book. Box 35/4

ts draft Saltdean Story by Douglas D’Enno. Foreword by BC Box 35/5

5. Songs and Performances

This section gathers together items relating to BC’s performing career. The Archive contains songs that BC collected in the 1950’s, both written down and recorded. Items relating to radio plays and other live performances are also shown here. A significant amount of material is available in relation to Christmas.

Words of songs (various sources), collected from Sussex and Hampshire. Box 36/1

Words and music of songs. Box 36/2

Green folder. Box 37/1

Items from green folder:
   Lists of songs from trip to USA in 1994.
   Song words and ephemera. Box 37/2

Words of songs from green folder. Box 37/3

Blue folder. Box 37/4

Items from blue folder:
   Photograph of farmer ploughing a field.
   Photocopy of article: ‘Some experiences of a folk singer’. By K. Lee
   Press cuttings.
   Song words to unknown song.
   Als unidentified to BC. 6/10/1976 Box 37/5

Words of songs from blue folder. Box 37/6

Green folder. Box 37/7

Items from green folder.
Rough notes, lists of songs for performances. Song words, ephemera Box 37/8

Words of songs from green folder. Box 37/9

Photocopies of songs written down by James ‘Brasser’ Copper Box 38/1

Transcripts of Copper songs from the ‘Frank Collinson collection’. Box 38/2

Song words and music. Box 38/3

Index to song book and words to songs.Box 38/4

Words of songs, mix of ts and ms. Box 38/5

Words of songs, mix of ts and ms.; words of songs written in notebook. Box 38/6

Blue folder. Contains: rough notes about the origins of songs, correspondence and other notes.Box 38/7

Words of songs and script for a mummers play given in Rottingdean.Box 38/8

Words for the song ‘The New Ghost’, written out multiple times. Sketches. Box 38/9

Coppersongs album song words. Promotional article for album. (5 copies) Box 38/10

Song words for 4 songs. Box 38/11

2 illustrated song books of Gaelic songs. Titled: Songs from ‘The Four Winds of Eirinn’ Box 38/12

Unidentified sheet music. Box 38/13

Song Collecting for the BBC
Folk Music Documentation: details of who/where songs were collected from. Box 39/1

BC correspondence with BBC Box 39/2

2 BBC pads of copyright permission forms. Box 39/3

2 Reel to Reel tapes of collected songs. Box 39/4

3 CDs of collected songs. Box 39/5

Presentation: Collecting days with the BBC in Sussex and Hampshire. Box 39/6

Booklet: Five songs from Hampshire and one from Sussex Box 39/7

BBC Contract with BC to collect folk music. 22/06/1955 Box 39/8

ms and ts ‘Collecting Folk Songs in Sussex’ by BC Box 39/9

Script for Radio play The life of Jim Copper aired 11/9/1951. See also Reg Hall collection for audio recording of this play. Box 40/1

Copy of script for Radio play The life of Jim Copper aired 11/9/1951. Box 40/2

Script for Radio play Dark-Eyed Sailor Box 40/3

Script for Radio Programme I Like My Job Box 40/4

Correspondence with the BBC. 1950s and 1970s; Various notes and ts and ms interleaved. Box 40/5

Scripts for BBC Radio Sussex. Box 40/6

Miscellaneous scripts, drafts and correspondence with the BBC. Box 40/7

Script for Radio play By land and Sea aired 22/3/1955. Box 40/8

Script for Radio programme The Ballad Story: Programme 4 Box 40/9

Radio concert running order Country Dancing aired 25th February. Year unknown. Box 40/10

Radio concert running order Country Dance Party aired 26/01/1960 Box 40/11

Radio programme script Bookcase aired 5-6 January 1974 Box 40/12

Front cover of script for programme Harvest Number 1950 aired 1/10/1950; Cast list for unknown play; Page of script from unknown programme. Box 40/13

Transcript of Radio Show about BC. Radio National 07/06/2003 Box 41/1

AV Presentation at Amberley Chalk Pits Museum 11/01/1989. BC as Narrator. Box 41/2

Scripts, notes, flyers, correspondence relating to various speeches, concerts and other appearances. Box 41/3

Script for performance for the Sussex Singers’ Week-end in Seaford 03/03/2001. Box 41/4

Booking forms, Programme, Correspondence relating to performance called: The Lord of the Dance’ Box 41/5

Scripts for musical Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy Box 41/6

Draft script, correspondence and songs for a programme called On Butser Hill. Box 41/7

Extract from Rottingdean Mummers Play. Box 41/8

Correspondence and programmes regarding the First Brighton International Folk Festival in 1977 Box 41/9

Scripts, notes, flyers, correspondence relating to various speeches, concerts and other appearances. Box 41/10

Script The Folk Music Tradition in Rural Life Box 41/11

Draft for a Warner Video. 21/3/1995 Box 41/12

Miscellaneous and unidentified notes and scripts relating to performances. 6 Pages. Box 41/13

Rough notes of set lists, running orders and other information relating to various concerts. Box 41/14

Scripts for concerts and church services. Songs. All relating to Christmas. Box 42/1

Draft for A Christmas Company Box 42/2

Christmas songs Box 42/3

Order of performance for concert Angels in the Sussex Air. Various ephemera. Box 42/4

Draft for A Christmas Company Box 42/5

Correspondence relating to A Christmas Company Box 42/6

Rough sketches. Box 42/7

Draft of a Mummers Play Box 42/8

Photographs (no descriptions) Box 42/9

Christmas Carols and Orders of service for various Christmas services. Box 43/1

Christmas Carols. Box 43/2

Christmas Carols. Northgate Carols from Christmas 1976 Box 43/3

Scripts for Christmas performance at Worthing Library Theatre. 17/12/1994; Scripts for Christmas performance: A Celebration of Cosy inn, Hearty Eating, Jovial Drinking and Genial Company; Christmas Carols Box 43/4

Christmas Carols Box 43/5

Order of service for Shepherds Arise! A Candlelit Sussex Christmas; Celebration Box 43/6

Flyers Box 44/1

Programmes and posters for folk festivals. Box 44/2

Programmes Box 44/3

Flyers and programmes Box 44/4

Flyers and magazines. Box 44/5

Signs and posters. Box 44/6

Other Items
Adverts for guitars.Box 45/1

Handwritten guitar chords. Box 45/2

A Sussex Tune Book; Handbook for English Concertina; Handbook for Melodeon Box 45/3

Reviews of Copper events and albums; Photocopies of album cassette covers; The Reason Why by Ken Pelmear and Pasties and Cream by Brenda Wootton Box 45/4

Press release for concert in May 2003 Box 45/5

Reviews of Copper events/ publications. Box 45/6

6. Rottingdean

BC had a great affection for his home village of Rottingdean and this is reflected in all of his books. Collated here are unpublished articles and notes as well as some ephemera relating to BC’s connection with Rottingdean. Items are in no particular order.

Rottingdean parish newspaper. Rottingdean Parish Magazine January 1951 Box 46/1

Draft of article titled A Summer at Rottingdean. Illustrated by Scetches. Box 46/2

Programme for the: Festival of Rottingdean - Rottingdean through the ages 18/7/1951 - 24/8/1951; BC Notebook titled Rottingdean Facts and References Book Box 46/3

Photographs of shepherds with captions. Box 46/4

BC Notes about land in Sussex. Box 46/5

Part of draft for A Living Tradition at Rottingdean Box 46/6

Photocopy of an article about Rottingdean. Box 46/7

Postcards from Rottingdean. Box 46/8

2 BC notebooks about land in Sussex. Box 46/9

ts Draft for A Living Tradition at Rottingdean and Traditional Songs from Rottingdean. Box 46/10

18 pages of hand written notes about Rottingdean. Box 46/11

7. Jim Copper

The collection contains a small amount of items relating to BC’s father Jim. Jim Copper had a big influence in the folk revival in the 1950s and was the subject of a BBC 探花精选 Service programme ‘The life of Jim Copper’ There are recordings of this programme kept here, as well as other notes written down by Jim Copper about farming life in the early 20th century.

2 Notebooks written by David Thomson containing material written down from Jim Copper. Box 47/1

2 reel to reel tapes of The life of James Copper Box 47/2

Cassette recording. Extract from Evening Magazine on Spirit FM; Programme: Coppers/ Muncaster/ Aitchison Box 47/3

Radio Times article about Jim Copper. 07/09/1951 Box 47/4

Farming notes written by Jim Copper. (Photocopies) Box 47/5

Handwritten Songs. Most likely Jim Copper’s handwriting. Box 47/6

Jim Copper’s handwritten notes and printed maps of the South Coast. Box 47/7

2 note books. Box 47/8

Note book. Contains notes written by Jim Copper and then later by Bob Copper; Inserted: Notes and music hand written by BC Box 47/9

Note book contains story: Last of the Sussex Sheep Steelers. Written by Jim Copper. Box 47/10

Loan Book for Jim Copper. Box 47/11

Note pad containing 11 Songs written down by Jim Copper. Press cutting regarding the International Folk Music Conference. (date unknown) Box 47/12

8. USA

Bob Copper made several trips to the USA during his lifetime. He had ongoing relations with individuals there and this is reflected in the correspondence contained in this section. Also included are details about various performances the Copper family made in the States.

BC correspondence with people from the USA 1993-99, mostly relating to performances by the Copper Family in the USA; Flyers. Box 48/1 & 48/2

BC correspondence with people from the USA 1993-99. Magazine extracts, scripts and ephemera. Box 48/3

Programmes, songs and song lists for performances in the USA 1994-96. Box 48/4

BC Diary notes written in June 1998 about a trip to California. California, Here I went.
Keynote Address - Brooklyn. U.S.A.. 26.3.1999 Box 48/5

Across the Divide. Radio 4 programme with BC and Pete and Peggy Seeger. Correspondence and scripts. Box 48/6

9. Collected Recordings and Publications

This section is a miscellaneous selection of items that BC collected. It includes 25 reel to reel tapes, some of which are unlabelled and their contents as yet unknown. There are also 2 boxes of unsorted newspapers and press cuttings, magazines and books. The relevance of these items is not always clear. There are often articles written about the Copper family or that have been written by BC within these publications.

Reel to Reel tapes
a, 12 tapes, 9 of which of are labelled:
      BC talk with R. Crutchley on publication of ‘A Song Lonely Season’
      BC & JC
      The Boys - (after the Shepherds Song) 24.2.70
      Bob & John Come Write Me Down
      Turp + Kipling
      Going Down the Road - Then High Speed Something
      Irish Fiddle
      John? Bill? Dillon. Box 49

b, 13 tapes, 3 of which are labelled:
      Copper Family - Brighton 4.9.77
      US singing
      B & J!! Box 50

Newspapers : Boxes 51& 52

Other Collected Printed Material
The Country Gentlemen’s Magazine May 1974 - June 1976
The Country Gentlemen’s Catalogue 1974/5
The Country Gentlemen’s Catalogue 1975/6
Magazine: Folk Review, October 1973, October 1974, December 1974 and
August 1975 - January 1976, July 1977
Rural Economy News Letter January 1955 - April 1956
Multiple copies of June 1955 and July - August 1955 which contain an article by BC: ‘Downland Diary’
Guides, fliers, programmes.
Magazine : Folkroots, February 1989
Brochure for Country Gentlemen’s association.
Brochure about France
Weald & Downland Open Air Museum Newsletter.
Sussex Notes and Queries. May 1947, May 1955. Index to Volume XIII 1950-53.
The Story of Rottingdean Church.
Top & Trad. ed Eric Winter
Musical Score: Bless this House. Words by Helen Taylor. Music by May H. Brahe Box 53

Magazine: English Dance and Song. Spring 1974 and 7 issues from 1981 - 1984
Magazine: Country Walking December 1997. (2 copies)
Magazine: Country, The magazine of the Country Gentlemen’s society. April 1986
Magazine: Sussex life, January 1969, February 1998.
Magazine: The Observer, February 13 1966
Magazine: The Artist, July 1961
Magazine: East Anglian Magazine, October 1953.
Magazine: Traditional Music
Magazine: Plum Heave
Magazine: Weald and Downland Open Air Museum
Readers Digest, November 1965 Box 54

Singers Night Folk Poetries From Britain Vol I, III, IV. Compiled and edited by Atsushi Takeuchi.
Book: Sussex Police Forces, A pictorial history from 1836 to 1986. Neville Poulsom, Mike Rumble and Keith Smith.
Book: Here We Were. Some pictorial reminders of life from 1934 to 1984 - the Golden Jubilee of the Granada Group of companies.
A History of the Newhaven Bridge 1784 - 1974 Box 55

10. Sketches

Sketches and paintings by BC. Box 56
Larger sketches. (Held in Artworks and Bookstore plan chest) Box 56/a

11. Other Items

This section of the catalogue lists items that are either unidentified or don’t fit suitably into the previous sections of the hand list. There is no particular order imposed on the items and they remain in the situation that BC kept them.

Project for a Certificate in Life History Studies by June S Polden, titled From Melodies to Moguls. Includes an Interview with BC. Box 57/1

Transcription of an interview with Shirley Collins. In German with English translation. Box 57/2

Notebook, some diary entries, notes and sketches. Box 57/3

Unidentified notes both TS and MS. Correspondence to BC from the 1950s; Songs written in TS Box 57/4

Unidentified notes, songs, correspondence, ephemera. Box 57/5

‘Look Stranger’ Notes for Miss Bridget Winter. Ts & ms; Ts letter from BC to Miss Bridget Winter. 19/04/1971. Box 57/6

Unidentified handwritten notes. Box 57/7

Unidentified handwritten notes, press cuttings; Song list of album: ‘Folklore and Songs from Sussex’. Recorded 6th August 1985, Sidmouth by Sean Goddard. Photograph of unknown man in hat. Box 57/8

Unidentified notes, ms and ts. Hotel flyers. Photocopies of maps Sussex. Lists of place names. Box 57/9

Photocopies of Hieroglyphs, with English translation, on Egyptian drinking. Box 57/10

Proofs of book Country Life by John S. Creasey and The Countryside Remembered by Sadie Ward Box 57/11

Draft of article to be submitted to the Sunday Times Magazine by Sue Corbett. Sent to the Copper family for editing 12/11/2002. Box 57/12

ms & ts draft of an article by W. S. Green and correspondence relating to this.
Picture of Tractor. Box 57/13

Flyers for books by Bob Roberts. Correspondence from Sheila Roberts. Words to songs. Box 57/14

Green foolscap folder containing 20 handwritten songs, short story about BC going rabbit hunting with his father Jim. Rough notes. Box 58/1

Interview in magazine Musical traditions with Reg Hall and Tony Engle on the Voice of the People. Box 58/2

Song book: Folk Songs from the Broadwood Collections. ed. Lewis Jones; Pamphlet: A Summer in Rottingdean. Historical observations written in 1814. ed Stanley Bernard, Tony Payne.
Programme: An evening out with the Holme Valley Tradition and their guests, the Copper Family, Bob Davenport and the Rakes, Martin Carthy and Norma Waterson. Correspondence relating to recording of the songs played at this event. Box 58/3

Green folder. Containing 2 press cuttings, letter from Alan J Moultrie to BC at Sussex live magazine. Notes on Rottingdean. Extract from History and Antiquities of Lewes by Rev T. W. Horsfield. Directions for ASWB walk, September 1984. Box 58/4

Mix of ts & ms letters, drafts, rough notes and ephemera, mostly dating from the 1950s. Box 58/5

Maps of Sussex, and alphabetical list of places. Possibly in relation to ASWB. Box 58/6

Article: Trustees of the Brighton Jubilee Fund, in aid of the expenses incurred by the construction of the Cliff-crane. Relates to the construction of a cliff crane in 1786. Diagrams and pictures of the Crane. Box 58/7

Photocopies of legal documents pertaining to the sale of the Newhaven Brewery and The Bridge Inn, Newhaven in May 1829,
Title deed of Mrs Dorothy Neville for premises in Rottingdean and Telscombe. 1930
Photocopy of handwritten song ‘Lunch of the H.M.S Brazen’. BC handwritten transcrpt.
Photocopy extract: Annual Report of The Royal Humane Society 1842
Photocopy extract: Act for allotting lands in the Parish of Telscombe. Box 58/9

ts & ms unsorted drafts for AMONC. Unrelated correspondence, Flyers, notes, sketches and performance scripts. Box 58/9

Empty black note pad. Box 58/10

Photograph: of BC with Great Uncle John Copper, Cousin Ron Copper and father Jim Copper.
Portrait of BC by Juliet Pannett 1994 Box 58/11

Letter Peter Marlow to BC. 2000. Relating to the ‘Bodmin Wassailers’, and related information Box 58/12

Passport application for John James Copper. c1961 Box 58/13

Empty envelopes addressed to BC. Box 59

12. Additions

3 Cds of interviews conducted by Sean Goddard February and March 2005. Box 60





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