Borrowing information

Loan Information

Loan TypeLength of loanCharges for late returnRenewals
Books 6 weeks* (automatically renews) N/A

Items automatically renew unless requested by another user.

Audiovisual 7 days (automatically renews) N/A
Documents 6 weeks* (automatically renews) N/A
Interlibrary Loans**

3-4 wks (depending on loan policy of lending library)

50p per item per day

£4 charge to renew items. Contact the ILR team

Chromebook Loans 6 hrs £3 initial fee then £3 per day Renewals are not possible
Headphones / HDMI Cables / Locker Keys 24 hrs N/A Renewals are not possible

* If someone places a reservation on book or document you have borrowed it will reduce your loan period to one week; we will send you an email letting you know. Don't forget that items may be reserved and recalled over the vacations too. Make sure you check your university email regularly to avoid missing any notices.

** There is an individual limit of 50 interlibrary requests each academic year for postgraduates and faculty, 20 requests for undergraduates and 5 for Associate members.


Library Charges

We have removed fines from all 探花精选 Library books 

  • We have replaced fines with a new system to make sure any books required by another user are returned on time. All of our books automatically renew so you only need to bring them back when you are finished with them, or if you get an email from us asking for them. If you don’t bring them back on time when asked you will not be able to borrow anything else until you do. 

  • We want to keep things fair for everyone so please play your part by bringing books back promptly when requested to ensure everyone has access to the books they need. We all rely on books being returned on time, help us make our library work for the whole community.

  • Charges will remain on overdue chromebooks and InterLibrary loans from other libraries.  

  • You could receive a Library Charge for a replacement copy if you do not return overdue items within 28 days, or if they are returned in an unsatisfactory condition.
Library Charges
Public Library Membership

£20/£0 dependent on membership type.

Please see our public membership pages for more details

Overdue Chromebooks 

£3 initial fine, £3 per day thereafter, to a maximum of £15 per item

Lost/Unreturned Locker keys

£11 to replace

Lost/Unreturned HDMI Cables

£11 to replace

Lost/Unreturned Headphones

£15 to replace 

Interlibrary loan charges
Initial Interlibrary loan request Free
Renewal Free
Overdue Interlibrary loan 50p per days to a maximum of £10 per item
Lost Interlibrary loan £214.30 British Library standard invoice charge
International Interlibrary loan £20
International article photocopy £10
Interlibrary loan request for
external borrowers (Library use only)


Article photocopy for external borrowers


Once the annual limit for Interlibrary loans is reached, students and staff will be charged at the full rate for external borrowers. Please see the Interlibrary requests page for more details of the annual limits.

Non-library charges
Replacement University ID card Please see the Print Unit's ID card page for information on
how to get a replacement
Printing, photocopying, scanning Please see the ITS printing page for details and charges

Unpaid Library charges:

Borrowers with unpaid charges over £25 will have their cards temporarily blocked and will be unable to borrow items until paid.