
Sussex Researcher School

Welcome to Doctoral Connections

Welcome to new doctoral researchers, welcome back to those returning and congratulations to the doctoral students who were awarded their degree in 2013-14. 

On the 6th October, it was a real pleasure to meet over 110 members of the new doctoral researchers at the Doctoral School induction and to welcome them into what is now a doctoral community of ~1,300 researchers.   

This year, the Doctoral School is seeking to improve its communication both inside and outside of the University.  The most important group was to start with yourselves!  We have developed Doctoral Connections to try and drawn together Doctoral School opportunities and messages into a monthly digest to complement our web-page and presence on and .

Our aims are not just to provide news, but to highlight funding schemes the Doctoral School administers and opportunities for meeting fellow doctoral researchers, personal development and to celebrate some of your successes and achievements.  This is a new initiative for us, so we would welcome feedback and will be discussing Doctoral Connections with the newly elected Chair of the Students’ Union’s Postgraduate Association and the postgraduate reps elected.

With best wishes for your research,

Paul Roberts - Assistant Director of the Doctoral School

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk