
Human Resources

Recording business travel for sponsored staff

This page provides information for sponsored staff on how to record their business travel. This is separate to requesting annual leave and sickness absence, information for which can be found here.
How to record your business travel on MyView

1. Choose ‘Book new leave’ from the dropdown menu on your dashboard.

 A screenshot of the myivew dashboard with the "Book new leave" button circled

2. Click on Sponsored staff only – Business Travel

A screenshot of the different types of leave requestable in MyView, with "Sponsored staff - Business travel" circled

  1. Add relevant information in the comments section, such as ‘conducting research at Berlin University’ or ‘attending the National Space Conference’
  2. Add the dates of the travel
  3. Choose the relevant activity from the list
  4. Choose the country (there is reminder here to add information to the comments section).

 A screenshot of the leave request screen, with the Comments box and the Submit button circled

3. Click Submit at the bottom of the page and you and your line manager will receive a notification that the business travel has been recorded.

4. If your dates change or need to be deleted please contact hrcompliance@sussex.ac.uk to advise them and then go to My Leave and team Calendar, click on the business travel date and then click EDIT and then DELETE.

Frequently asked questions

Who should use the business travel recording module?

All staff who hold a sponsored visa should use the module to record all their business travel.

How do I know if I'm on a sponsored visa?

If the University issued you with a Certificate of Sponsorship and you used this to obtain a Skilled Worker or Temporary Worker (GAE) visa, then you are on a sponsored visa.

Why do I need to record my business travel?

As a sponsor license holder, we are obligated to report certain changes in our sponsored employee's circumstances to UKVI. Carrying out work in a location other than the University campus is considered a change in employee circumstances and therefore something that we need to report. In order to enable us to carry out these duties, we require all sponsored staff to notify us of any work-related travel.

What type of travel should I be recording?

Any travel that is related to your work here at the University. This might include research visits, fieldwork, or a conference. You should not use the business travel module to record annual leave, sick leave, or unpaid leave.

How much detail should I provide?

You only need to give a very brief summary, including the purpose of the travel and any relevant place or event names. For example: "Traveling for a research visit to Harvard University."

Who will be notified when I use the business travel module?

When you submit information through the business travel module, a copy will be sent to you, your line manager, and the HR Compliance team. Please note that you should not use this as a way of requesting approval from your manager. All travel should be authorised before being recorded in the module.

What will the HR Compliance team do with the information I provide?

The HR Compliance team will review the information provided on a regular basis, and where appropriate use it to make reports to UKVI as per our sponsor obligations. Generally we will only report to UKVI if the travel period is long enough to represent a significant change to your usual work location, for example if you're spending two months away on fieldwork.