
Centre for Global Health Policy


Why study global health?

"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane." - Martin Luther King, Jr

In the 21st century, improving health and achieving equity in health is one of the world’s greatest challenges. At a time of unprecedented integration and interdependence of economies, environments, societies and cultures, these global processes interact with national, through to local and personal factors to impact the health of individuals and populations.

The MSc in Global Health at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) aims to develop students’ understanding of these global health determinants and their potential solutions in order to produce individuals who are equipped to contribute to the improvement of health and the achievement of equity in health worldwide.

The course brings together experts from disciplines within and beyond the health sciences to deliver a vibrant programme that will appeal widely, covering topics such as: poverty; inequalities and health; cultural understandings of health and healing; emerging infectious diseases; global disease burden of infectious and non-communicable disease; climate change and health; and the relationship between disease, globalisation and global governance.