
Centre for Global Health Policy

Guest Lecture: Dr Claire Marris

Synthetic Biology & Global Health: How to move beyond the promises versus perils framing?

29th January 2015, 16:00-17:30
Arts C, Room C233, 探花精选

In a speech announcing the UK’s “eight great technologies” in 2012, Chancellor George Osborne stated that “synthetic biology will heal us, heat [us] and feed us”. Against this articulation of synthetic biology’s promise, concerns are routinely raised around narrowly defined “potential risks” and “ethical issues”, but the main concern amongst institutions promoting synthetic biology seems to be that its grand destiny is in danger of being subverted by irrational public perceptions and fears. In this seminar Claire Marris will discuss her efforts to try to shift discussions away from this ‘promises versus perils’ framing.

Dr Claire Marris is Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Social Science, Health and Medicine at King’s College London. She is deputy leader of SSHM’s Research Group Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals and Public Policy and leads SSHM’s research on the social dimensions of synbio.

All are very wellcome.

Co-organised with STEPS Centre and the Centre for Bionetworking

For inquiries: a.v.ely@sussex.ac.uk


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