
Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER)

Events Archive: 2012/13

Date: 29th May 2013
Venue: Room 203, Fulton
Speaker: David J. Helfand, President & Vice Chancellor, Quest University, Canada
Title: Undergraduate education for the new millennium: Starting from scratch

Universities built on a nineteenth century model are being asked to educate twenty-first century students to address twenty-first century problems. It's not always a perfect match. In this seminar, Dr Helfand presents an alternative model for an undergraduate educational institution which has been designed from scratch and put into practice with these issues in mind. The institution is Quest University, Canada.

At Quest there are no departments. A single faculty resides in a circular building in which offices are assigned by lottery. Faculty is not ranked and members are referred to as tutors, rather than professors. All classes are seminars with fewer than than 20 students, and students take four courses per term which are studied serially, rather than in parallel. Two thirds of students spend time abroad during their studies.

The result is graduates who have an international outlook, are skilled in communications, imbued with quantitative reasoning skills, inherently trans-disciplinary in their approach to problems, instinctively collaborative, and engaged in their local - as well as global - communities.

Seminar Promo: Occasional Speaker Seminar Promo: 29may13 [DOC 140.50KB]



Date: 13th May 2013
Venue: Room 104, Fulton
Speaker: Professor Mike Neary, Dean of Teaching & Learning, Centre for International Research & Development, University of Lincoln
Title: Student as Producer: Reinventing the undergraduate curriculum

Student as Producer is a model of curriculum development, a strategy for institutional change and a social movement to reinvent the university as a radical political project. In this seminar, Professor Neary will present some of the ideas that lie beyond Student as Producer, and ways in which these ideas are being put into practice at the University of Lincoln.

Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo: 13may13 [DOC 141.50KB]


CANCELLED: Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. We hope to hear more of Professor Acker's work in the future.

Date: 29th April 2013
Speaker: Sandra Acker, Professor Emerita, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice Education, University of Toronto & Michelle Webber, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Brock University, Ontario, Canada
Title: Have you ever heard of quality assurance? How Ontario academics understand accountability and their work in the contemporary university


Date: 20th March 2013
Venue: Room 104, Fulton
Speaker: Professor Gill Crozier - University of Roehampton, Professor Becky Francis - King's College, London, Dr Barbara Read - University of Glasgow
Title: Formations of Gender and Higher Education Pedagogies

This seminar was jointly hosted by CHEER and the Paulo Freire Institute, UK

The policy agenda to widen participation raises key questions about teaching and learning approaches and the extent to which inclusion, difference and diversity can be addressed through pedagogic interventions. This research illuminates the intimate relationship between pedagogies, gendered identity formations and inclusions, exclusions and inequalities. It also highlights the profound need for spaces of critical reflexivity to be provided in higher education, not only in terms of enriching approaches to widening participation, but also in valuing teaching and learning and lecturer' and students' pedagogic relations and experiences.

Widening participation presents rich pedagogical opportunities, but also complex challenges. The research also sheds light, therefore, on ways in which institutions and policy-makers must acknowledge these challenges and support lecturers in developing inclusive pedagogies that address questions of difference and inequality.

Seminar Promo: Occasional Speaker Seminar Promo: 20mar13 [DOC 140.50KB]


Date: 28th January 2013
Venue: Room 104, Fulton
Speaker: Dr David Mills, Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Education, University of Oxford
Title: Managing (or trying to manage) Uncertainty: Making sense of Doctoral Training 'Centres'

In this seminar, Dr Mills will address the changing ways in which the UK's research councils organise and fund research training in universities, with a particular focus on Doctoral Training Centres (DTCs) funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Responding to the policy targets and funding constraints placed on them by Government, the UK research councils now define themselves not just as funders but as 'empowered' partners, actively working with their chosen 'network' of universities to reshape research training provision nationally.

Engaging with recent work on the governance of science to explore the role of complexity in this policy process, Dr Mills will draw on interviews with academic managers of the ESRC DTCs, describing their diverse responses to fluidity and unpredictability, and the implications for institutional autonomy and national doctoral training 'policy'.

Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo: 28jan2013 [DOC 141.50KB]
NOTE: Some technical difficulties were experienced during the recording of this seminar, ie. the camera is not 'live' at the start and slides do not align with the speaker's verbage. The audio, however, is accurate throughout. Apologies for the inconvenience.


CHEER Symposium at the 2012 SRHE Conference, Celtic Manor, Newport
Theorising Affect in Academia
This symposium will take place in the Caernarfon Room on Thursday 13th December from 2.15-4.30pm and will include:
- Professor Valerie Hey: Stand and Deliver?: Affect Overload and Intersected Antagonisms
- Professor Louise Morley: Is Higher Education Leadership an Identity Cage for Women?
- Jannie Roed: The Collegial Gaze in Doctoral Supervision
- Discussant: Janice Malcolm, Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Kent


Date: 19th November 2012
Time: 5-6:30pm
Venue: Room 203, Fulton
Speaker: Professor Barbara Bagilhole, Loughborough University, UK & Professor Kate White, Ballarat University Australia
Title: Gender, Power and Management: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Higher Education.

Professor Bagilhole and Dr White together analysed the status of women in senior management and identified skill requirements for effective management. Their research generated interest from other feminist researchers and, by 2007, led to the formation of the Women in Higher Education Management Network.

Their co-authored book, the title of this seminar, is also the Network's first research project. It is the first multi-country study of how men and women work together in higher education senior management teams within a broader organisational context. Their research explores pathways into senior management, perceptions of how women and men regard each other's performance, and their influence on universities. It questions where women fit in university senior management, whether or not they can make a distinctive contribution to university decision-making, and the impact of organisational cultures on their effectiveness as managers and leaders.

Finally, their research explores why interventions need to be developed for women who wish to apply for higher education senior management positions.

Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo - 19nov2012 [DOC 141.00KB]



Date: Thursday 18th October 2012
Time: 12pm
Venue: Room 203, Fulton
Speaker: Dr Barbara Grant, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Title: Pleasure, pride, compliance, resentment, shame, anger: Women academics' responses to NZ research audit

In this seminar, Dr Grant draws on data from 16 interviews with female academics to examine the emotions they expressed in New Zealand's Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF).

Partly stimulated by Professor Louise Morley's argument about audit technologies producing a psychic economy symptomatic of gendered identity construction (2007), Dr Grant's study uncovered a complex an unpredictable array of emotional responses which, she feels, must nuance our understanding of the fabrication of gendered researcher identity, as well as provide food for thought when considering the criticisms (Davies & Petersen, 2005) of academics' complicity with neo-liberalism in the academy.

Seminar Promo: OS Seminar Promo: 18oct2012 [DOC 140.00KB]