
Centre for World Environmental History

Archival history

Specimen, Herbarium Kew Gardens Specimen collected by Charles Darwin, Kew Gardens

Historical materials have been and will continue to be consulted to gain a greater understanding of both landscape dynamics and tree planting efforts and attitudes. Histories of tree introductions are also being traced.

Archives consulted/to be consulted:


Public Record Office

Rhodes House, Oxford (banner image, above)

Plant Sciences Library, Oxford

Royal Botanical Gardens library, Kew

Pietermaritzburg Botanical Garden Oldest tree in the the Pietermaritzburg Botanical Garden


Défap:Service Protestant de Mission Library, Paris


Morija Archives and Museum, Morija, Lesotho

South Africa

Cape Colony Archives, Cape Town, South Africa

Oblate Archives. Pietermaritzberg, South Africa


17th Century Franschhoek The Source of the Berg River - The Franschhoek Mountains reproduction of aquarelle by Johannes Schumacher 1776 Huguenot Memorial Museum, Franschhoek, South Africa

Franschhoek, South Africa 2008 Looking towards the Berg River and Franschhoek Mountains, Franschhoek, South Africa 2008. Tree planting intensified since 1776 image