
Centre for World Environmental History

Remembering Richard

CWEH Activists Blog: 23 June 2021
Carol Yong

Richard Grove PaintingPaintings © Richard Grove. Photography: Carol Yong


The astronomical summer in Europe has just begun, as I write this article in remembering the date of Richard’s passing on 25 June 2020.

I recall that Richard had given me a video in early 2006 – ‘The Life and times of El Niño’ – and more particularly he spoke with such insight and authority on connections between the El Niño currents and oscillations and long-term relationships of climate change and global warming.

It was true: a lot of what Richard talked, researched, wrote and published is coming to life in observing climatic conditions and meteorological events in Europe over the recent decades. Evidently, there is more frequent occurrence of extreme or chaotic weather events. For example, for several years vast areas of Germany suffered from very unusual drought conditions while the Southern side of the Alps has recently seen frequent extreme rains and snowfall.

Richard’s work on environmental history and global climate among others, and the video on El Niño had reminded me of several interesting conversations with him about such issues, until 2006. Sadly, in December that year, Richard was severely disabled as a result of a tragic car accident.

I didn’t really know Richard very well, having met him for two years or so only, Besides he hardly spoke much about himself, the person. However, he was often ready to tell you in a detailed manner about his research interests and work, particularly relating to environmental history and the historical impact of El Niño events, and more, which was why I liked to go over to his cluttered office at the Centre for World Environmental History (CWEH) at Sussex University. Only sometimes he wasn’t too keen to talk to me, or even Vinita his spouse, when a small boy was with us. He gave his full attention to that boy, their son Edwin, who is today a young bright university undergraduate.

There is a special painting hanging on the wall of their house in Lewes. Edwin had proudly showed it to me during my visit on 10 March 2019 – the last time I saw Richard. Edwin told me then: “My dad paints again, with a bit of help from me, and sometimes his carers, in supporting his hands. He has actually made a few good paintings.” For those who knew Richard they would also know him as a talented and passionate painter.

It is full of consolations for me to be thinking of Vinita and Edwin at this moment, who I knew were giving their best creative and loving care for Richard to find moments of happiness.

Throughout the past year, I read from Vinita’s messages to me, and see from the photos and videos she sometimes shares, how Richard was not given to despair with infections and other ailments, until finally the severity dragged him down. I also saw the video of the memorial service for Richard, and Edwin’s moving dedication to his father and his reflection upon his personal experiences and life with his father, who was his role model and confidant.

Richard was always full of interesting stories, always had a jovial face, exuded excitement and joy whenever he talked about Edwin’s accomplishments and intelligent questions to him, enjoyed doodling with Edwin on a servíette during meals together while Vinita passionately talked about the various research projects they were doing, and so much more knowledge and information which they never hesitated to share, generously. These are the things that makes me happy to cherish the memories about Richard.

It is an especially poignant day remembering Richard is no longer with us, but it is also a reminder that we must do him justice by being true to the knowledge, research and significant contributions he has imparted.

We miss you, Richard and thank you for your time with me/us. May your soul rest in eternal peace and may you continue to watch over your family.


Richard Hugh Grove (21 July 1955 – 25 June 2020)

Historian, geographer, environmental activist-advocate-campaigner, and painter par excellence