
Centre for World Environmental History

Prof Roy Macleod


AB, summa cum laude, Harvard University; PhD, Cambridge University; LittD., Cambridge University; Laurea (honoris causa), University of Bologna; FSA, FAHA, FASSA, FRHistS; Corresp. Memb. Internat. Acad Hist. Sci;

Present Position: Professor Emeritus of History, The University of Sydney, since 2003;

Career: Hon. Prof. School of Physics, Univ Sydney, since 2009; Hon. Prof. Centre for International Security Studies (CISS), Univ Sydney, 2007; Prof. Hist. Univ. Syd. 1982-2003; Prof. Sci. Educ. Inst. Education, London Univ. 1978-82; Reader  in Hist. and Soc. Studies of Sci. Univ. Sussex, 1970-78; Res. Fell. Sci. Policy Res. Unit (SPRU). Univ.Sussex 1966-78; Junior Res. Fell. Churchill Coll. Cambridge, 1966-70;

Vstg Appointments: Fellow-in-Residence, Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 2011; Charles A Lindbergh Chair, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 2010; Fernand Braudel Sen. Fell. in History and Civilisation, European University Institute, Florence, 2009; Gordon Cain Fell. Chemical Heritage Foundn (CHF) Philadelphia, 2008; Leverhulme Vstg Prof. in History, Univ. Oxford 2006-07; Vstg Fell. Strategic and Def. Studies Centre ANU, 2004-08; Vstg. Prof.Swedish Foundn for Internat. Cooperation in Res. and Higher Educ. (STINT) Royal Inst. Tech. (Stockholm) 2006; Cecil and Ida Green Vstg Prof. Univ. British Coll. 2005; Sen.Vstg Fell, Magdalen Coll. Oxford 2004;Sen Vistg Fellow, St John's Coll. Oxford 2004; Vstg Scholar, Pembroke Coll. Cambridge 2003; Vstg. Prof. Univ. Bologna 2003; Fell. Centre for Res. in the Arts, Soc. Scs and Humanities (CRASSH) Cambridge Univ. 2003; Chercheur associé CNRS and Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie (Paris) 2001; Fowler Hamilton Fell. Christ Church Oxford 2000; Directeur d'etudes associé, Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris) 1996 and 1998; Vstg Prof. Univ. Calif. at Santa Cruz 1998; Vstg Prof. Univ. Umea (Sweden) 1998; Wolfsonian Foundation Fell. 1998; Edelstein Internat. Fell. Chemical Heritage Foundn Hebrew Univ. and Univ. Pennsylvania 1996; Vstg Prof. Sc. Policy Res. Unit Univ. Sussex 1995;,Vstg Fell. Hist. of Ideas Unit ANU 1992 and 1990;Vstg Fell. Clare Hall Cambridge 1988; Vstg Scholar, Pembroke Coll. Cambridge 1986; Fell. Woodrow Wilson Centre (Washington DC) 1982 and 1980; Vstg Fell. Inst. Advanced Studies ANU 1980; Fell. Charles Warren Center Harv. 1977; CNRS Fell. Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) 1976; Vstg Prof. Free Univ. Amsterdam 1975 and 1974; Vstg Prof. Indiana Univ. 1969; Fulbright Scholar, Cambridge University, 1963-65;

Honours: Bernal Lecturer, Univ London, 2008; Centenary of Australia Medal for Contribution to History, 2003; Humboldt Prize, Alexander von Humboldt Foundn (Berlin) 2001, Regents' Fell., Smithsonian Inst. (Washington, DC), 1989;  

Publications: Archives of British Men of Science (Co-Ed, 1972,1974); Wellsprings of British Science: The Corresponding Societies of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1880-1920, 1974; John Tyndall, Natural Philosopher, 1820-1893: A Catalogue of Correspondence, Journals and Collected Papers (Co-Ed), 1974; Perspectives on the Emergence of Scientific Disciplines (Co-Ed.) 1976; Natural Knowledge in Social Context: The Journals of Thomas Archer Hirst (Co-Ed.) 1979;The Parliament of Science: Essays in Honour of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1831-1981 (Co-Ed.) 1981; Days of Judgement: Science Examinations and the Codification of Knowledge in Victorian Britain (Ed.) 1982;Technology and the Human Prospect (Ed.) 1986;Government and Expertise: Specialists Administrators and Professionals, 1860-1919 (Ed.), 1988; The Commonwealth of Science: ANZAAS and the Scientific Enterprise in Australasia 1888-1988 (Ed.)1988; Nature in Its Greatest Extent: Western Science in the Pacific (Co-Ed.) 1988; Disease Medicine and Empire: Perspectives on Western Medicine and the Experience of European Expansion (Co-Ed.) 1988; Darwin's Laboratory: Evolutionary Theory and Natural History in the Pacific (Co-Ed.) 1994; Dominions Apart: Reflections on the Culture of Science and Technology in Canada and Australia, 1850-1945 (1995); Technology and the Raj: Technical Transfers and Technological Change to British India, 1780-1945 (Co-Ed.) 1995; Public Science and Public Policy in Victorian Britain, 1995; The `Boffins' of Botany Bay: Radar at the University of Sydney (Ed.) 1999; Science and the Pacific War,1939-45 (Ed.) 2000; The Library of Alexandria: Visions and Legacies (Ed.) 2000, 2004; The Creed of Science in Victorian England, 2000; Nature and Empire: Science and the Colonial Enterprise (Ed.), 2000;  Science, History and Social Concern: Essays in Honor of Everett Mendelsohn (Co-Ed.) 2001; American Foundations in Europe 1920-1980 (Co-Ed.) 2004; Frontline and Factory: Comparative Perspectives on the Chemical Industry at War, 1914-1924 (Co-Ed.) 2007; Archibald Liversidge, FRS: Imperial Science under the Southern Cross, 2009;  120 articles in learned jrnls, govt and consultancy reports;

Editorships: Ed.-in-Chief, Minerva, 2000-08; Co-Ed, Social Studies of Science, 1971-91.

Married (1) 1970 Dr Kay Andrews, Baroness Andrews of Southover, OBE (diss. 1991), 1 son; (2) 1996 Dr Kimberley Webber;

Recreations: travel, books, scientific instruments;

Clubs: Harv. Club of Aust. (Crimson Fellow, 2008), Savile (Lonon);

Address: Department of History, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW  2006.