
Centre for World Environmental History

Prof Richard Grove

Please note that for the mean time please address all emails for Richard Grove to Vinita Damodaran v.damodaran@sussex.ac.uk


Richard GroveRichard Grove has an extensive publications and teaching record on many areas of the British Empire and Commonwealth, and a specialist knowledge of the political, environmental and economic history of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mauritius and other Indian Ocean islands, Malawi, Ghana, Nigeria, the Southern Caribbean (especially St Vincent, Montserrat, Dominica and Tobago), Australia and New Zealand. He is a pioneer of the relatively new field of environmental history, a field which is of increasing importance in the highly stressed conditions of many Commonwealth countries. It is probably worth pointing out that his work in this field has benefited from, and was possibly actually enabled by, a distinctly interdisciplinary background.  

Published books

1987 (Paperback 1989 ) edited (with D. Anderson) Conservation in Africa; people, policies and practices, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

1995 edited with J. MacGregor, Environment and History: Zimbabwe, White Horse Press, Cambridge 120 pp

1995 (Paperback 1996). Green Imperialism; colonial expansion, tropical island Edens and the origins of environmentalism 1600-1860 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, Studies in Environment and History series, 550pp; published in India, Pakistan and SE Asia by Oxford University Press.

1997 Ecology, climate and empire; colonialism and global environmental history 1400-1940 White Horse Press, Cambridge, 236 pp. Hardback and paperback

1998 with V. Damodaran and S. Sangwan, Nature and the Orient: the Environmental History of South and South east Asia, Oxford University Press, Oxford and Delhi, 1056pp. (This is Volume One of the OUP Environmental History of the World). Issued in Paperback, July 2000.

2000 edited with John Chappell, El Nino: History and Crisis: Studies from the Asia-Pacific Region, White Horse Press, Cambridge UK.

Published articles

ChaibasaEastern India

1996 ' Indigenous knowledge and the significance of south-east India in Portuguese and Dutch constructions of tropical nature', Modern Asian Studies, 30, 1, pp 21-42

1997 'The island as a metaphor in the history of environmentalism', in R. Porter and M Teich, eds., Nature and Society in Historical Context, Cambridge University Press, pp 23-56

1997 'Scotland in South Africa; John Croumbie Brown and the origins of settler environmentalism', in L. Robin and T. Griffith, Ecology and empire; environmental history in settler societies, Edinburgh University Press

1998 'The East India Company, the Raj and the El Nino: the critical role played by colonial scientists in establishing the mechanisms of global climate teleconnections 1770-1930' in R. Grove, V. Damodaran, and S. Sangwan, Nature and the Orient; the environmental history of South and Southeast Asia, Oxford University Press, 1998 pp. 123-154

1998 'The global drought footprint of the 1789-1793 El Nino/Southern Oscillation: a model for severe ENSO events', Nature (London) Issue of May 28th 1998

1999 'Les oceans, les iles, et l'histoire de l'environnement', Cahiers de Science et Vie, April 1999, pp. 25-40.

1999 'Criando ilhas femininas; o genero das ilhas e dos oceanos no processo da descoberta europeia' in Alberto Vieira, ed., Historia e meio-ambiente o impacto da expansao europeia, Centro de estudos de historia do Atlantico, Funchal, Madeira

2000 'El Nino events and economic crises in South and Southeast Asia 800AD to 1900 AD' in Y.K. Abrol, Land Use Change in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Oxford University Press, New Delhi

Prof Richard Grove with Prof Mahesh RangarajanProf Richard Grove with Prof Mahesh Rangarajan

2001 'The origins and current status of environmental history', in Peter Burke, ed., New perspectives on historical writing', Polity Press, Cambridge.

2001 'Globalisation and the history of environmentalism', Harvard International Review, Autumn

2005 Revolutionary Weather: The Climatic and Economic Crisis EPW of 1788-95 and the Discovery of El Nino in T. Sherratt, T. Griffith and L. Robbin A Change in the Weather: Climate and Culture in Australia

2005 'The British empire and the forests of the eastern Caribbean' in R. Anderson and R. Grove, eds., Islands, forests and botanic gardens; St Vincent, the Caribbean and the global environment, 2005

2006 Atholl Anderson, John Chappell, Michael Gagan, and Richard Grove
Prehistoric maritime migration in the Pacific islands: an hypothesis of ENSO forcing. The Holocene 2006 16: 1-6.

2006 Integrating socioenvironmental Interactions over centennial timescales-needs and issues
R. Constanzas, L. Graumlich and W. Steffen ed., Sustainability or collapse

2007 The Great El Niño of 1789-93 and its global consequences : Reconstructing an extreme climatic event in world environmental history. The Medieval History Journal 10: 43-66.