
Centre for World Environmental History

Anna Winterbottom


Dr Anna Elizabeth Winterbottom.
PhD, University of London, Queen Mary College; MA, SOAS, University of London; BA, University of Oxford

Present Position: British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, 探花精选 (2014-2017)

Research interests: History of the Indian Ocean, History of Science, Medicine and Environment, Histories of Colonialism and Development, Digital Humanities

Academic Career: 2012-2014 - Postdoctoral Scholar, McGill University, Canada; 2010-12 – Teaching Fellow, 探花精选


(a) Books

Anna Winterbottom, Hybrid Knowledge in the Early East India Company World (Palgrave, 2016)

Anna Winterbottom and Facil Tesfaye ed. Histories of Medicine and Healing in the Indian Ocean World, 2 vols. (Palgrave, 2015)

Vinita Damodaran, Anna Winterbottom, and Alan Lester ed. The East India Company and the Natural World (Palgrave, 2014)

(b) Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Anna Winterbottom, ‘Of the China root: a case study of the circulation of early modern materia medica’, Social History of Medicine, Vol. 28, (2015), pp. 22–44

Anna Winterbottom, ‘Auto-Ethnography and Self-Fashioning in Samuel Baron’s Description of Tonqueen’, Journeys: The International Journal of Travel & Travel Writing, Vol. 14, no. 2 (December 2013) pp. 85–105.

Anna Winterbottom, 'Producing and Using the Historical Account of Ceylon: Robert Knox, the East India Company and the Royal Society', British Journal for the History of Science, Vol, 42, no, 04, (December 2009) pp. 515-538.

Anna Winterbottom, Jonneke Koomen, and Gemma Burford, 'Cultural Rights and Rites of Defiance: FGC in Northern Tanzania', African Studies Review, Vol. 52, no. 2 (April 2009), pp. 47-71.

Anna Winterbottom, ‘Seventeenth Century Records in the St Helena Archives’, Lives and Letters, Vol. 1, no. 1, Spring 2009.  URL: http://journal.xmera.org/lives-and-letters-volume-1-no-1-spring –2009/articles/winterbottom.pdf  

Anna Winterbottom and James North 'Building an African Studies Repository Using Web 2.0 Principles', First Monday, Volume 12, Number 4 (2007). URL: .

(c) Chapters in edited volumes

Anna Winterbottom, ‘Medicine and botany in the making of Madras’, in Damodaran, Winterbottom and Lester eds. The East India Company and the Natural World.

Anna Winterbottom, ‘From Hold to Foredeck: Slave Professions in the Maritime World of the East India Company 1660-1720’, Maritime History as Global History, Series: Research in Maritime History No. 43 (St. John's: International Maritime Economic History Association, 2011).

(d) Book reviews

Anna Winterbottom ‘Hybrid Knowledge’, Review essay on Simon Schaffer, Lissa Roberts, Kapil Raj and James Delbourgo, The Brokered World: Go-Betweens and Global Intelligence, 1770-1820, Sagamore Beach, 2010. History Workshop Journal  (Issue 71, Spring 2011).

(e) Reports

Anna Winterbottom and David Robey, 'Overview of Outputs of AHRC-Funded Data Resources', Report to the AHRC, August 2010. 

Academic awards and grants

2014 – British Academy Fellowship; 2012 – IOWC Postdoctoral Fellowship; 2008 – Central University of London Research Grant: Award for archival work in St Helena March-May 2008; 2006 – Royal Society Hooke Folio scholarship for transcribing and digitizing the Hooke Folio; 2004-2005 – British Institute in Eastern Africa Graduate Attachment for archival research in East Africa.

Conferences organised

7-9 April 2011: ' The East India Company and Language in Asia' - symposium co-organised with Professor Kingsley Bolton and Samuli Kaislaniemi, City University, Hong Kong;  15 June 2010: 'The East India Company and Language' – symposium co-organised with Samuli Kaislaniemi at the British Library. 26 June 2007: ‘Exploring Mercantile Knowledge’, QMUL. Co-organised with Professor Miles Ogburn and Samuli Kaislaniemi.

Other work

2009-10 – Research Assistant, University of Oxford; 2007-2008 – Freelance writer for Nature Network London; 2005-2006 – Library and Information Officer at the International NGO Training and Research Centre; 2002-present – Freelance Academic Editor, With Ltd.

Voluntary work

2006 – Fundraiser: Aang Serian, Tanzania; 2004-5 – Researcher: Global Witness, London; 2001-2006 – Fairtrade for Oxford Campaigner


Swimming, sailing, walking, painting, drawing and photography

