
Centre for World Environmental History

Circularity, Entropy, Ecological Conflicts and 鈥淯nburnable Fuel"

Joan Martinez Alier

Claims for climate justice and reparations for ecological debt have been put forward by environmentalists from the Global South since 1991, together with strategy of leaving fossil fuels in the ground led by bottom-up movements. In this context, Joan Martinez-Alier will discuss his work on Ecological Distribution Conflicts (EDC) and reducing of carbon dioxide emissions. Join us for this online talk and discussion.

Joan Martinez-Alier is a leading ecological economist, grassroots environmental activist and long-standing friend of the Centre for Environmental History, who in recent years has inspired the work of scholars, institutions and the environmental movements worldwide, talking to power and visiting ecological conflict sites. Joan’s 2014 intervention in CWEH focused its strategy of work, outlining effective intervention in scholarship and on the ground, based on international solidarity networks of activism and new knowledge. Joan is author of Environmentalism of the Poor (2002) and EJAtlas.org an innovative website that maps ecological conflicts worldwide.