
Centre for World Environmental History

Research Visitors

Recent research visitors to the Centre

Visitors to the centre 2017-2018 included the following:

  • Dr Sangeeta Das Gupta (JNU)
  • James Simpson (Asia Scotland Trust)
  • Antonia Moon (British Library)
  • Ravi Rajan (University of Santa Cruz)
  • Alex Mcguiness (University of McGill)
  • Raymond Ruhaak (University of Liverpool)
  • Rob Allan (Met Office)
  • Shanshan Ye (Tsingua University China)
  • Felix Padel (JNU)
  • Samarandra Das (Foil Vedanta)
  • Mirian Rose (Foil Vedanta)

Visitors to the centre in 2014 included the following:

  • Subir Dey, a visiting researcher from JNU.
  • Prof Juan Martinez Alier (University of Barcelona)
  • Dr Bhojvaid (Director, Forest reserach Institute of India)
  • Dr Venugopal (Director, Calcutta Museum)
  • Dr Penny Brook (British Library)
  • Dr Antonia Moon (British Library)
  • Prof Georgina Enfield (University of Nottingham)
  • Prof David Nash (University of Brighton)
  • Prof Roy Maclead (University of Sydney)

Visitors to the centre in 2013 included the following:

  • Dr Minoti Chakravarty Kaul, University of Delhi
  • Prof Deepak Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • Dr Fiona Wilkinson, University of Malaysia
  • Prof Tim Bonyhady, Australian National University
  • Dr Sebastian Joseph, Union Christian College, Aluva, Kerala

Visitors to the centre in 2012 included the following:

  • Dr Iqbal, Institute of Fundamental Stdies, Sri Lanka
  • Dr Rob Allan, Met Office , U.K.
  • Dr Andrea Janku, SOAS, London
  • Prof Sharon Nicolson, Florida State University
  • Prof David Nash, Brighton University

Visitors to the centre in 2011 included the following:

  • Prof Deepak Kumar, JNU, India, June 2011
  • Dr Greg Barton, ANU, Canberra, June 2011
  • Dr Brett Bennett, University of Sydney, June 2011

Visitors to the centre in 2010 included the following:

  • Chris Mills (Head of Collections) and Kiri Ross-Jones (archivist), Kew
  • Dr Jodi Frawley, UTS, Sydney
  • Dr Heather Goodall, UTS Sydney
  • Dr Shapan Adnan, (Independent Scholar)
  • Prof Mei Xue-Qin, School of History BNU, October 2010
  • Dr Sujit Sivasundaram, University of Cambridge, November 2010

Visitors to the centre in 2009 included the following:

  • Ilina Sen, Mahatma Gandhi International University, Wardha  and Kavita Srivastava, IDS Jaipur, March 2009
  • Henry Noltie, Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, June 2009
  • James Beattie, University of Waikato, New Zealand, July 2009
  • Dr Felix Padel, September 2009
  • Tristam Stuart, November 2009

Research visitors to the Centre, Summer 2008

The Centre had 3 visitors this summer

Two Lesotho visitors for the entire month of July 2008 were:
Dr. Taelo Letsela, Head, Department of Biology, National University of Lesotho
Dr. Tumelo Tsikoane, Lecturer, Development STudies, National University of Lesotho

Along with interdisciplinary discussion and data analysis, Dr. Letsela and Dr. Showers visited herbaria and libraries at Oxford and Kew, Dr. Tsikoane used the IDS Development Studies library, and the team travelled to Wales where we were hosted by Mr. Peter Henry, the last Director of the Lesotho Woodlot Project.

Mr. Henry took us on a tour of the Forest of Dean and surrounding landscape to look at and discuss land use, forest policy (modern and ancient), tree planting and ideas about 'correct trees' (mixed hardwood woodlots vs introduced timber species planted in monoculture for wood production). Mr. Henry's generosity was profound, as he provided not only transport but also meals and accoodation in his beautiful and interesting house full of (largely wooden) antiques, which helped extend the conversation about time and historical dimensions of land use.

In September 2008, Professor Deepak Kumar (Historian of science, Jawaharlal Nehru University) met faculty and research students. He had a productive time discussing possible collaborative research projects between JNU and Sussex.