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For new appointment a c.v for the post holder must be attached, together with original references where available. 1 New  FORMCHECKBOX 2 Extension  FORMCHECKBOX 3 Replacement  FORMCHECKBOX School/Unit: FORMTEXT      Department: FORMTEXT      Job title:  FORMTEXT      Grade: FORMTEXT      Salary: FORMTEXT      Surname: FORMTEXT      Title: FORMTEXT      First Name FORMTEXT       Date of Birth: FORMTEXT      Nationality: FORMTEXT      Start date: FORMTEXT      End Date: FORMTEXT      Probation (8 months): FORMCHECKBOX State days or hours per week for non-faculty or percentage time for faculty: FORMTEXT      If part-year state weeks per year: FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      Principal Investigator: FORMTEXT      Grant Code: FORMTEXT      Title of Project: FORMTEXT      If fixed term please tick the relevant box and expand under the section below (see notes over leaf for options). 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