ࡱ> <?;  bjbjVV <$<<q 8-ID| &((((((IX(||(=ZZZR&Z&ZZZ0ysFZS0ZC>CZCrZ((ZC : UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX Request to engage or extend a Temporary Agency Worker A new form should be completed for each new assignment and/or each extension to an assignment. This process has been introduced in response to the Agency Workers Regulations 2010, which came into force on 1 October 2011. Department Division/School  If engaging a temporary agency worker: Start date End date*Duration (weeks)**Purpose of temporary assignment  If extending a temporary agency worker: Original start dateOriginal end dateNew end date*Total duration (weeks)** Reason for extension  Manager name Manager signatureDateHOS/Director name HOS/Director signatureDate *End dates must be specified. **Where a temporary agency workers assignment is expected to last longer than 12 weeks, the agency worker will, after the 12 week qualifying period, be entitled to the same basic terms and conditions as if they had been recruited directly as a member of staff. This will significantly increase the agency fee. Managers are therefore encouraged to consider at the outset whether another casual and/or short-term resourcing method would be more appropriate. Advice can be sought from Human Resources. Please note that if the temp has been working in a similar role in another area of University, their time in this role may count towards the 12 week qualifying period.     HR/SC Oct 2011 LMOR' ( ) * + I J K L O W r t ˻˰ˢ{n{aTaTaGTh$'hAiOJQJaJh$'hMOJQJaJh$'hu!OJQJaJhu!5>*OJQJaJhu!5OJQJaJhMOJQJaJhu!h$'hu!5OJQJaJhghg6OJQJaJh$6OJQJaJhghg6>*OJQJaJhg6OJQJaJhu!OJQJaJh1OJQJaJhc(OJQJaJh15OJQJaJLM* + 6 7 8 H I J K L s $a$gd1Tkd$$Ifl0#  t644 layt$' $$Ifa$gd$'$a$gdg$a$gd1s t  ]kdn$$IflF #   t06    44 layt$' $$Ifa$gd$'$a$gd1    $ ) 2 : ? @ T U W Z [ \ ^ еЉ{w{wgXhshMCJOJQJaJhshM5CJOJQJaJhMh$'hM5OJQJaJhM5OJQJaJ hu!hMh$'hAiOJQJaJh$'hMOJQJaJh$'hM>*OJQJaJhu!5>*OJQJaJhu!5OJQJaJhMOJQJaJhu!OJQJaJhu!h$'hu!OJQJaJ"   $ = > ? $a$gd1hkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 layt$' $$Ifa$gd$'? @ U V W X Y Z ^RRRRRR $$Ifa$gd$'kdx$$Ifl\y#-6 t0644 layt$'Z [ \ ] ^ k l m  $$Ifa$gd$'$a$gd1hkd)$$Ifl#$ t0644 layt$' qeeeee $$Ifa$gd$'kd$$IflFu#: t06    44 layt$' q s t v w y z | qiiiggggggg$a$gd1kdO$$IflFu#: t06    44 layt$' D j n z p q r t u w x z { } Ź౭h hMhxjhxUh%3CJOJQJaJhshAiCJOJQJaJh3CJOJQJaJhshMCJOJQJaJhshM>*CJOJQJaJ| } $a$gd1:PP1h:p]. 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