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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%3Normal % 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title I}% <TotalMTotal %OO= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`#·Initial data survey results&]Names of ships mentioned at ANoSheet3 File No Acc No DateTitle 1957/0018984633/90pForwards some additional notes on climate rainfall of Selangor in connection wirh Burdett's Official Inteligence6Report on the climate and natural features of Selangor MED 5540/90 1957/0020530Secretary of States will be very glad to recieve the pamphlet promised By F.A. Swettenham RE the climate of the Federated Malay States 578A/1899 1957/0088402 1957/0088725 906A/1899JPamphlet containing info relative to the climate and conditions of the FMS 1957/0000460 C.S. 228/77<Asks that met obs may be regularly furnished for publication Selangor, KL 1957/0012101 KL 2287/88fEncloses Annual Report on the MET obs in the Straits Settlements for 1887. Swettenham, Welch, Sinclair 1957/0099380 5783/19010Thermometer for MET obs, Kajang French SyndicatePlaceNotes 1957/0134896 1498/1907$Returns of MET obs taken during 1906 1957/0274378SEL: SEC: G 693/1932Abstract of MET obs 1957/0283009SEL:SEC: G155/1934SEL:SEC:G 149/1935 1957/0284462 1957/0346209426-1352 3780-1352 1957/0349134 1957/0421845 3960-1353 1957/0422892 1957/0518867Kelantan. 197/1933Monthly abstract of MET obs Kelantan 1957/0519784Kelantan. 62/1934 1957/0140246510/1908Asks that the harbourmaster and coast district officers be directed to forward copies of their annual reports on trade and shipping and customs with returnsSelangor 1992/0007711 299/BHG.10 Typhoon Committee Review Mission 1957/00149811384/89cB/L for 1 case Thermometers and 1 case Barometers for the medical dept Selangor per SS Pembrokshire 1957/003970976/1892CB/L FOR 1 CASE Barometer for Royal Dept Selangor per SS Gleneagles 4036/1898 1957/0078991 1957/0252130SEL:SEC:F. 410/1928&Indent on Crown Agents for a Barometer 2006/0028237 Publication 1999/00203552John Randall, Voyages in South-east Asia 1750-1930 1999/0023664John Randall, The Eastern Voyages in the Indian Archipelago in 1832-4, comprising a tour of the island of Java, Borneo, Malay Peninsula, Siam etc 1957/0003150 kl 656/84iInforming that the Lords of the Admiralty have appointed Lt Belam and Douglas to carry out naval surveys on the coast line of Perak and Selangor 1957/0016088 CS 2495/89Requests that info RE alterations to Buoying or Lighting of the river channels may be supplied to the Colonial Secretary for the Hydrographer of the Admiralty 1957/0141140 1441/1908kNew Light House Kuala Selangor-asks for certain info to be sent to the Hydrographer of the admiralty London 1957/0144370 4847/1908BInfo acquired for the connection of various Admiralty publications 1957/0148120 2227/19099Catalogue of Admiralty charts and sailing directions 1909 1957/0158706 3445/1911Secretary of State's Circular Dispatch forwarding copy of an order of the King in Council RE the registry of Government ships in the service of the Admiralty 1957/0179628secretariat selangor 6201/1914RAdmiralty Notice on London Gazette Supplement publishing dispatches from the Fleet 1957/0235390SEL:SEC: 1475/1925Asks that copies of certain reports relating to shipping in the Selangor Harbours be forwarded to the Board of Trade and the AdmiraltyTB/L of Lading for 2 cases Barometers etc for Med Dept per Straits Steamship Benalder glenstraeBorneoBenalder GleneaglesMoyunepeshawur telemachusglenfrog 1999/0035358WJohn Randall, ̽ѡ Port Singapore, A History of Straits Steamship Company Ltd 1890-19652006/0000774-801 2006/0036576Sailings Straits Steamship Co. glenesk Promethenscarmartheshire monmouthshireformosamalaccasapphosamoalaudanra bennvorlich benlawerscalypsoshanghaicarlylepenangbenlargmachaon ban whatt hinhabalanbetsyjava hye leongbesetang glenartucybenmohr glenlochybengloemalta denbighshireganymedekapal 1957/0111085 5074/1903 1957/0112997 7019/1903?Docking of SS Malacca (plus other similar docs for other ships)9Sailing of SS bentong (plus similar docs for other ships)seagulljason idomeneus benlomondmemnonkistnaglenearn bencleuchmerionethshirethongwapriamglamorganshireching-wo radnorshire 1957/0352204 2427/1330Kepala Steamship CompanyOcean Steamship Company290/1343 1957/0389127 1957/0593322H.C.O.NO. MISC: 1330/1911(Petition from the Hoe Aik Steamships Ltd 1957/0612841H.C.O.MISC:1256/1930JArrest of Mr Cheng Guan Director of the Hua (Khions) Steamship Co. At Muar 1997/0014522C/1169:Ellerman & Bucknall Steamships Co Ltd Registered in the UKMF 0377 (M 250/72)MCD Survey for Singapore, Navy A very useful pamphlet containing info on all the Straits Steamships companies and their HQ's in operation in 1937. These are: Hua Khiow Steamship Co. Kelantan Literage Syndicate, Sabah Steamship Co, Siam Steam Navigation Co, Sarawak Steamship Co. Also lists agents in operation at each port. Suspect that if any ship records survive, these are held with the agents or companies if still in existance. Mainly too late in time i.e. 1970s-80s. Info largely about flood damage and mitigation and the activities of the commission. No data.WDocument is simply a written notice of the ship leaving harbour and its intended voyage;Document is simply a written reciept of the ships docking. vAn excellent volume, actually by K G Tregonning, not Randall. However, the preface states that nearly all the records of the company were lost in the Pacific War. Much of the info was gained from oral testimonies from surviving captains (the text was written in the 1960s), available correspondance and company files and reports. Nowhere is any mention of logs or MET data. MF M271/77-276/77 MF M277/77 MF M 278/77, M110/773D.I.D. Hydrological Data Rainfall Record, 1879-1965 MF 2274: 2234A slim volume of info and data relating to temperature and rainfall. Begins with an account of instruments used, p.16 -21 gices account of soil temperature with charts and graphs, pp.21-24 air temp taken from the 'experiment station' using dry bulb readings of EDNEY hygrometer, humidity p. 24, and barometer pp. 24-5. Might be worth a copy but mainly summaries. Book may be available in UK: W.G. Haines, summary of MET records, soil division (1931),Docket acknowledging contents submitted to the Office of the Superintendant General. Contains the info still-inc. several large printed table of abstract of obs of the Malayan MET service for Jan, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 1932, Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, 1933 for each state in Malaya by city and for hill stations with lat and long. Inc. means, extremes for air and humidity, with rainfall and sunshine. Printed in KL and signed by the Superintendant for the MET Branch. Also contains a chart of the MET stations. SDocket acknowledging contents submitted to the Resident General. Contents missing. 1957/00107'MET Return with temp chart for Dec 1891pDocket only, contents missing, contents delivered to the Government Secretary at KL from the Residency Surgeon. The Blue Books are large printed volumes which give statistical data for various aspects of Malayan life from labour to climate. Each one has a section on MET Obs for the year with a summary. There are obs taken at each weather station: Malacca, Singapore, District Hospital, Penang, Province Wellesley. There are also accounts of cloud, rainfall, humidity, wind, weather, pressure. They are largelt means for each month, but with highs and lows also recorded with specific dates. They appear to be taken 3xdaily. Covers approx 5 pages of tables per book. May well have copies of these in UK as British publications printed in Singapore. Copies for 1897, 1898 are missing-record is for the docket only, acknowledging its reciept. Possible that more are missing. hBlue Books of the Colonies from 1897 into mid 1900s-various repositories for both Malaya and Singapore. seems that many of the records are simply the receipt dockets for the contents and the contents is not t< here. Where was it going? Resident General Office, Goivernment Secretary KL, and the Office of the Superintendant General. Other info may be with the MET Office, or with the steam companies if still in exisitance-if not where might their records have gone? Also need to look up where the records of those MET stations went. bHave done keyword searches for resident's general and Government secretary to no avail. Although there are in eccess of 100 entries, the climate data is elusive.Some later records suggest that 700 annual reports of the Resident General were sent to the Stationer's Office in the UK for printing and circulation in UK-this may be where the info ended up. 2006/0013109TAdministration Reports of the Resident General and the Resident of the FMS FOR 1902. 2006/0037557 1957/0082783 1020/1899Annual MET REPORT 1898Annual MET REPORT 1900Annual MET REPORT 1903Annual MET REPORT 1904Annual MET REPORT 1907Annual MET REPORT 1908 1957/0114379 1082/1904 1957/0097454 1943/1901 1957/0121256sel:sec: 1169/1905 1957/0141268 1573/1908 1957/0147268 1337/1909 1957/0150651850/1910Annual MET REPORT 1909 1957/0156604 1296/1911ANNUAL met report 1910 1957/0404253910/1347)Colonial Annual Reports inc. MET reports 1719/1349 1957/0412632Blue Book Report 1886 CS 1087/87 1957/00018 Resident General's Annual Report 906A/1897 1957/0074699Docket only, contents missing. Blue Book for 1901 6261/1902 1957/0105646SFrom Colonial sec-docket only contents missing. From Government House in Singapore. 1957/0004994MEDICAL 363/863MET Report for 1885 from Residency Surgeon's OfficeKLDocket with contents. Contains summaries of rainfall, temp, wind for various rivers and KL with specified dry bulb then monthly tables for dry and wet bulb, pressure and humidity. Monthly wind and rainfall. Worth a copy. From state surgeon. Detailed summary and then printed abstracts of temp and rainfall at each of the 6 stations for each month. Max and min recorded with range and mean for each month of year. Separate table of barometer and attached thermometer, dry bulb and wet bulb, humidity and acqueous vapour 3xdaily 9am, 3pm, 9pm but only for each month. worth a copy. Also inc. a chart of mean range of barometer at KL from 1885-1898. Abstract of 20 years rainfall, and mean annual temps for KL 1885-98 in table format. Nothing of interest. 1957/0341839 R.C. 122/1946Actually contains more than it states. Inc. Malayan MET Service monthly abstract for May 1949 which has 3 x daily air temp in a printed chart for each major city in each state. Plus rainfall. The rest of the file is rainfall. 1957/00255A.P. NO. 720-1350CAbstract of MET Obs Jan 1932 with index map of Malayan MET stationsBy the Surveyor General. One printed sheet of obs for each city in each state with 3 x daily air temp, humdity and rainfall. Printed sheets as before.Docket acknowledging contents submitted to the Office of the Superintendant General. Contains the info still-inc. several large printed table of abstract of obs of the Malayan MET service for each state in Malaya by city and for hill stations with lat and long. Inc. means, extremes for air and humidity, with rainfall and sunshine. Printed in KL and signed by the Superintendant for the MET Branch. Also contains a map of the MET stations. JIndex of Resident Generals Orders and Colnial Secretaries Office 1896-19241920-46 Blue Books-collection of books for 1920s and 30s which give info on shipping etc in the Straits Settlements and 1 for Singapore 1946TRubber Research Institute of Malaya Summary of MET records, Soil Division, 1928-1931f1931-6 Malayan MET service summary of Observations. This series also continues into the 1960s and 70s.1932-3 Abstract of MET obsM1932-6 Malayan MET service Report on upper wind roses from Pilot Balloon Obs.41937-50 Malayan MET service summary of Observations E 1946-8 MET Station, Kuala Trengganu, Monthly Summary of Obs 1946-8. +1951-65 MET Survey Pilot Balloon Data on MFA slim volume of drawings by sea captains: would be useful for trying to find out more about the voyages and their captains in the region. Not all the drawings are relevant, i.e. Simply drawings of harbours etc.MF of a printed volume (is it available?) first page has map of the major cities. This volume is of real value. It gives monthly, daily and sub daily temp for each station, hours of sunlight, analysis of the equipment, weather, and summaries of each. Very detailed. observations at fixed hours, vapour pressure, etc between 1930-1. Following books for 32-6. On microfilm already-could be easily digitised. This must be the printed summary of the info contained in the handwritten books held at the MET Dept. 1957/16818 1957/0016969 1957/0018539 1957/0018616 1957/0018681 1957/0025704 1957/0030742 1957/0031219 1957/0031511 1957/0032189 1957/0033738 1957/0033963 1957/0035164 1957/0035726 1957/0036357 1957/0037185 1957/0039686 1957/0040231 1957/0040343 1957/0040482 1957/0040570 1957/0040637 1957/0040703 1957/0040769 1957/0041463 1957/0044048 1957/0045970 1957/0046080 1957/0046107 1957/0046278 1957/0046340 1957/0046560 1957/0046677 1957/0047465 1957/0053220 1957/0053525 1957/0053894 1957/0055983 1957/0060038 1957/0084694 1957/0386108 1957/0389881 1957/0426955 1957/0428332 1957/0500870 1957/0001140 1957/0002092 1957/0002549 1957/0003636 1957/0003799 1957/0004022 1957/0012073 19570479071 2002/0002322 2002/0002323 2002/0002324 2002/0002325 2002/0002326 2002/0005745 2007/0031470 1957/0017582 1957/005334 MED3225/89MEDICAL3378/89236/90205/90362/90 MD4058/91MEDICAL1772/92MEDICAL2263/92MEDICAL2573/92MEDICAL4179/92MEDICAL5813/92MEDICAL6050/92MEDICAL7398/92MEDICAL7961/92MEDICAL8611/92 MEDICAL652/9352/1892593/1892706/1892851/1892945/1892 1011/1892 1075/1892 1140/1892MEDICAL2305/1893MEDICAL5104/1893 171B/1893283/1893 311A/1893484/1893546/1893781/1893894/1893MEDICAL248/189451A/1894361/1894 738A/1894MEDICAL2140/1895 132A/1895 3000-1899129-1342 1074-1343MEDICAL482-1893MISC3004-F461899KELANTAN36/1921 C.S237/8029/831333/83 KL1712/84 MED2013/84MD327/85 MED2258/88 A.P.301-1345G( C )/NRP()05.0011894G( C )/NRP()05.0011895G( C )/NRP()05.0011896G( C )/NRP()05.0011897B(SP).132(-.-)05.002US4003891551894LForwards meteorological returns for the month of July with temperature chartWForwards meteorological returns for the month of August together with temperature chartDForwards meteorological returns with temperature chart February '90@Forwards meteorological returns with temperature chart March '90<Forwards meteorological returns with temperature chart April?Forwards meteorological returns with temperature chart May 1891XForwards the meteorological Return together with Temperature cahrt for the month Jan '92]Forwards the meteorological Return together with Temperature cahrt for the month February '92[Forwards the meteorological Return together with Temperature cahrt for the month March 1892VForwards the meteorological Return together with Temperature cahrt for the month April[Meteorological return together with temperature chart for the month of June 1892 - forwards[Meteorological return together with temperature chart for the month of July 1892 - forwards`Meteorological return together with temperature chart for the month of September 1892 - forwards^Meteorological return together with temperature chart for the month of October 1892 - forwards_Meteorological return together with temperature chart for the month of November 1892 - forwards_Meteorological return together with temperature chart for the month of December 1892 - forwardsTMeteorological return together with temperature chart for the month of December 1891\Meteorological return together with temperature chart for the month of April 1892 - forwardsHMeteorological return together with te<Bmperature chart for May - forwardsNMeteorological return together with temperature chart for July 1892 - forwardsPMeteorological return together with temperature chart for August 1892 - forwardsSMeteorological return together with temperature chart for September 1892 - forwardsWMeteorological return of KL together with temperature chart for October 1892 - forwardsXMeteorological return of KL together with temperature chart for NOvember 1892 - forwardsUMeteorological return of KL together with temperature chart for March 1893 - forwardsTMeteorological return of KL together with temperature chart for July 1893 - forwardsGMeterorological return with Temperature chart for February 1893 forwardDMeterorological return with Temperature chart for March 1893 forward;Meterorological return with Temperature chart for May 1893 EMeterorological return with Temperature chart for June 1893. forwards?Meterorological return with Temperature chart for August 1893. @Meterorological return with Temperature chart for October 1893. DMeterorological return with Temperature chart for November Forwards PMeterorological return of KL with Temperature chart for November 1893 Forwards ?Meterorological return with Temperature chart for February 18946Meterorological return with Temperature chart for July<Meterorological return with Temperature chart for March 1895>Meterorological return with Temperature chart for January 1895FMap of Selangor with Rainfall and Temperature Charts for 1897 and 1898XAsk for certain Temperature Information- Pohon Kenyataan di atas sekian-sekian Hawa hawaforwards a copy of:-" Observer promer of short instruction in the method of taking and reporting readings of temperature and rainfallJReport for March with Returns of sick treated and Temperature nad rainfallRRainfall and Temperature chart of Negeri Sembilan and info use in the FMS handbookRainfall and Temperature 1920LLetter- HE Governor approves of the observayions being taken at Kuala Lumpur$Rules for the guidance of obserrvers1Meteorological returns for August 1883 Swettenham/Meteorological returns for August 1883 SinclairLetter requesting weather measuring instruments be returned to KL from Kuala Selangor- reporting of 'a raining situation' on the 9th december.. 1884\Forwards meteorological : Observations of the year 1884 Klang,m Kajang, Negeri Selangor 18845Forward meterorological returns for the month of June1Rain and meteorological returns for 1927 forwardsMPenanhg Maritime Hournal and General News, George Town Nove 19 1894 Positive OStraits Maritime Journal and General News, George Town May - Dec 1895 Positive ZStraits Maritime Journal and General News, George Town Dec 7 1894- April 26 1895 Positive QStraits Maritime Journal and General News, George Town Jan- April 1896 Positive OStraits Maritime Journal and General News, George Town May- Oct 1896 Positive LStraits Maritime Journal and General News, George Town May- Dec 1895 100'POS_Devt of Maritime Trade and the Earky chinese sea chart, Seminar Sarbica singapore, 6-8 Nov 19918Monthly letter for october A Keyser with 'Catatan Suhu'rNotes by Commander Field HMS Egeria on port Klang chart of Kuala Klang recently recently surveyed commander field creceipt only. No actual returns attached& maybe look in met office or maybe trace resident's officegFrom Surveys, infor sent t the residents office, this is simply the accompanying administrative docket.rContains one page of temp twice daily at 9am and 3pm. However no contextual info as to equipment or placing etc. KContains no data, only the letter and a summary o what the data had contained. Letter notes a volcanic disturbance which had been ongoing in Java increased after the 27th and an extreme high of 96-all for the month of Sept 1883. Signed of by Swettenham in KL going to the Residents Office. Presume this is where the data ended up. $Meteorological Returns for August 84&Meteorological Return for January 1885 1957/00040762Forwards Meteorological returns for December 1886. 1957/0007241>Meterorological return with Temperature chart for January 1893 1957/0098674rSupply of copy of the monthly Meteorological. 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