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Signed: .. Date:  Line managers authorisation: I confirm that the above variations are correct and authorise the adjustments. Signed: .. Date: Name (print): Position: .. When completed and signed this form should be submitted to Human Resources (Payroll). (Please see overleaf for overtime rates.) Overtime rates for staff on defined working hours (grades 1-6) Additional hours worked by part-time staff on any day of the week up to 36.5 hours per week: single time Hours worked beyond 36.5 hours on days 1-5 inclusive that an individual works in his/her working week: time and a half. Hours worked beyond 36.5 hours on either or both of the 6th or 7th day worked in a week: time and three quarters. Bank and public holidays and minimum service days: Double time will be paid for all hours worked on a bank/public holiday/minimum service day, plus time off in lieu (TOIL) up to a maximum of an individuals normal working day, irrespective of the 36.5 hour threshold having been reached. Bank/public holidays and minimum service days will be deemed to start at 12 midnight and end at 12 midnight, 24-hours later. Notes: Where possible, time off in lieu (TOIL) will be granted as an alternative to paid overtime. Where this occurs, TOIL will be for the actual hours worked. Overtime will be paid where, after a 12-month period, the individuals line manager agrees that it has not been possible for the individual to take his/her TOIL. Overtime is not payable to staff on grades 7 and above. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enhanced pay for staff on defined working hours (grades 1-6) Normal hours worked by all staff on bank & public holidays and minimum services days: single time (ie in addition to normal pay) Notes: 1. Staff who work on bank & public holidays and minimum service days as part of their normal working week will be paid single time for these hours in addition to the normal pay they will receive for that day. They will also be given time off in lieu, effectively being paid double time plus time off in lieu.     /0CLZ[efopqrwx}qcWhgkh*Pw6CJaJhgkh*Pw56CJaJhgkh45CJaJhgkhr5CJhgkh45CJ h*PwCJhgkhX=CJaJhgkhvCJaJh-OdCJaJhgkh*PwCJaJh*PwhX=CJhJh45aJhJh*Pw5aJ hr5aJ hX=5aJhJhL)5aJhJhX=5aJ!0qryYkd$$Ifl0/# t0644 lapytgk $IfgdX= $Ifgd?gdX=$a$gdJ $Ifgd?nkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgkxvj $$Ifa$gdgkkd$$Ifl0/# t0644 lapytgk $IfgdX=nkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgk   / B K R b l s u    * 5 6 @ ˿{maaaUhgkh1s6CJaJhgkh*Pw6CJaJhgkh*Pw56CJaJhgkh"r?CJaJhgkh tCJaJhgkhvCJaJhgkh*PwCJaJhgkh*Pw5CJaJhgkh t6CJaJhgkh I56CJhgkh I6CJhgkh t56CJhgkh t6CJhgkhuv6CJhgkh*Pw6CJ! $IfgdX=nkd8$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgk `WWW $IfgdX=kd$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `WWW $IfgdX=kdz$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `WWW $IfgdX=kdd$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `WWW $IfgdX=kd@$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `WWW $IfgdX=kd$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `WWW $IfgdX=kd$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk B `W $Ifgd;kd$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk@ A B C ~      J N R V ´©ОykykybyVKhgkh tCJaJhgkh1s5CJaJhgkh1saJhgkh1s6CJH*aJhgkh1s6CJaJhgkh1s56CJaJhgkh"r?CJaJhgkh1sCJaJh35CJ\aJhMqhMq5CJ\aJhMqh-Od5CJ\aJhgkh*PwCJaJhgkh*Pw5CJaJhgkh t6CJaJhgkh*Pw6CJaJB C P ] y $Ifgd;nkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgky z { | } `WWW $IfgdX=kdN $$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk} ~  `WWWWWWWWW $IfgdX=kd $$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `WWW $IfgdX=kd $$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `WWJ $IfgdMq $IfgdX=kd $$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `WWW $IfgdX=kd@ $$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk  ^U $Ifgdfckd $$IflPFN#N t06    44 lapytMq  - I $Ifgdfcnkd $$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgkI J K L M `WWW $IfgdX=kdF$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgkM N O P Q `WWW $IfgdX=kd$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgkQ R S T U `WWW $IfgdX=kd$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgkU V `W $Ifgd;kdx$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgkV a s t   4 A B l m t v ~  ڷ}}}th]Qh]hQhhgkh5CJaJhgkhWgQCJaJhgkhWgQ5CJaJh4h4CJhgkh*PwCJaJhgkh4CJaJhgkh45CJaJh4h*PwCJh1shgkh1sCJaJhgkh*Pw5CJaJhgkh taJhgkh t56CJaJhgkh t6CJaJhgkh*Pw6CJaJhgkh*Pw56CJaJ $Ifnkd8$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgk `ZZZ$Ifkd$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk `ZZZ$Ifkdl$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk  4 `^R $$Ifa$gdgkkd,$$IflFN#N t06    44 lapytgk4 5 B m u $IfgdX=nkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgku v w x y `WWW $IfgdX=kdn$$IflF: /#   t06    44 lapytgky z { | } `WWW $IfgdX=kd $$IflF: /#   t06    44 lapytgk} ~  `^R $$Ifa$gdgkkd$$IflF: /#   t06    44 lapytgk ypp $Ifgd $IfgdWgQ $$Ifa$gdgkqkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgk F==== $IfgdX=kd $$Ifl\/#[@y  t0644 lap(ytgk E F v FD>>>>$Ifkd$$Ifl\/#[@y  t0644 lap(ytgk u w x JKLM:Qbmxyzؾص}wqkaqaXQ huv5aJhuvhzaJhURhz5aJ hURaJ hzaJ huvaJ hz5aJhJhz5CJaJ h*Pw5aJh"r?5CJaJhVB5CJaJhVBhVB5CJaJhL)5CJaJhgkhL)CJaJ hL)CJhgkh^CJhgkh^CJaJhgkh^5CJaJ h4CJhgkhWgQCJaJv w x K||||| $IfgdX= $Ifgd^nkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgkKLMyzgh |ti $ & Fa$gdj & Fgdjgduv & FgdL)gdX=pkd$$Ifl#$ t0644 lap ytgk z(,-/346ANRefgh   #$/0OPࣸ𙣬࣓ hraJ hJaJ h)u aJ hzaJhURhz5aJhURhzaJ hjaJ hb4^aJ hz5aJhzhURaJhURhUR5H*aJh1sh1s5H*aJhURhURaJ h1s5aJhURhUR5aJ hURaJ1   PQ;<gdr$a$gdr$a$gd)u $ & F 8vv^v`a$gdj$a$gdUR$ & F 8vv^v`a$gdUR$a$gdz$h^h`a$gdURgdX=;<\]   h?jh?UhzhraJ hJaJhURhr5aJ hr5aJhuvhr5aJhuvhraJ hraJhJhr5CJaJ<    $0^`0a$gdr$h^h`a$gdrgdr & Fgdr>PP&P 1:pL). 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