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INDUSTRY 1944-55

TC 75: 12 boxes

Introductory Notes

Most of the early material in this collection was acquired in the course of the 1941-42 Industrial Survey carried out by Mass-Observation, which resulted in the publication of People in Production (Advertising Services Guild 'Change' series, No.4, 1942) and War Factory (1943). Both these books are available for consultation in the Archive, and researchers are referred to them for further information about the aims, scope, and results of this major survey. (NB: references to these books in the handlist appear as PP and WF.) There is also material acquired in the course of a number of specifically targetted, unpublished, surveys during 1943-44, for example the major study 'Tube Investments'. The later part of the collection is not extensive: between 1945-49 there are reports on Strikes and Disputes; and there is a single file from 1955 at the end of the sequence. The small amount of pre-war material has been integrated on the whole with the rest of the collection, and will be found under subject headings, as it would appear to have been collected as background material for the Industrial Survey of 1941-42 (There are much fuller collections of pre-war material in other TCs held in the Archive)

The bulk of the collection has been organised either by content or by form. Generally speaking, the researcher may assume that where one is prioritised over the other, the choice followed indications of original M-O intentions

An exception has been made in the case of the very large amount of secondary source material found in this collection, which will usually be found to be sorted by form, and sub-divided under subject headings. This was done to retain a clear sense of the extent of primary source material collected by M-O, and also because there are indications that a great deal of the secondary source material was used/collected by one or two individuals as background reference for the M-O books, and was not collected by fieldworkers as part of the Survey (see 75/7/E, 'Wyatt & Langdon', for example). The majority, also, of Tom Harrisson's notes have been collected in a separate file, because in most cases they are so nearly illegible that, except where they were found physically attached to another item, it has been impossible to relate them with any certainty to specific areas of the collection. To that extent, they remain unsorted

In the material dating from 1944 onwards, sorting by form and chronology predominates, as in most cases it consists of separately identifiable surveys

Because of wartime secrecy about industrial locations as well as M-O's consistent use of code numbers/names, it is often difficult to identify or cross reference places and people mentioned in this material. The reader may find the notes attached to individual files or entered in the handlist, useful in this respect

Duplicates: As a rule, where duplicated documents are found in the same file, the extra copies will be (a) annotated by M-O personnel-Roman numerals often refer to Chapters in People in Production-or are (b) clearer versions than the topcopy

Some material not on Industry has been retained where it was collected, eg 75/11/G, replies to qq on baby clinics and infant feeding, 1949

VJ Allanson, 25.11.87


75/1/A: Introductory Material

Draft of Introduction to People in Production (tss)

Draft of page 264, Ch XLVII for People in Production

Diary extract re publication of People in Production; 16.5.42

Planning notes (mss) for overall survey (RF) 19.1.42

'Industrial Investigation' (tss) 13.11.41

'Location of Centres for Investigation' (carbon tss) 22.10.41

List of completed M-O reports (ms)

Note of Inv arrival times (ms)

Note (ts), undated, on recruitment and secondary sources

Pencilled note on secondary sources (LRD) 22.1.42

Memo (ms) on speech (RF) 18.3.42

Chart of unemployment figures in 1921 and 1931: undated (ML)

Unemployment figures in GB, 1919-42 (RF) 4.2.42

75/1/B: Introductory Material

Two typed copies of an early draft (?) of the Industrial Questionnaire, undated

Typed and annotated copies of the Industrial QQ: 7.1.42 (2 copies), 8-9.1.42 and 23.1.42 (2 copies)

Investigators' (mss) copies of the Industrial QQ, various versions: 7.1.42, 9.1.42, 13-14.1.42

Typed 'Notes for Investigators on Industrial Questionnaire'

Handwritten comments on the QQ by Investigators: (RF, EG) Jan 1942

Miscellaneous notes, calculations, etc.; various Inv (mss)

Typed report on responses to QQ: (CF) 3.2.42

'General Impressions' of Industry QQ Survey: (EG, RCC) Jan 1942 (mss & tss)

75/1/C: Responses to Questionnaire: London and South

Handwritten Investigators' notes of verbal responses to QQ gathered in Acton; Battersea; Clapton; Croydon; Great West Road; Hackney; Harrow Rd; Hendon; 探花精选rton; Kentish Town; Kings Cross; Maidenhead; Notting Hill Gate; Putney; Shepherd's Bush, Walthamstow; Wandsworth; Watford, and Wembley. Jan 1942. (CM, RCC, JS, MC, VT, MS, EG, MT, CF, DH)

75/1/D: Responses to Questionnaire: London and Coventry

Responses to Industrial QQ in Coventry, Hammersmith, and Shepherd's Bush (VT) Feb 1942; and unidentified QQ responses-probably Industrial QQ-in CF's handwriting

75/1/E: Responses to Questionnaire: Luton

Investigators' notes (mss & tss) of verbal responses to QQ, Jan 1942 (MT, CM, EG, MS, DH)

75/1/F: Responses to Questionnaire: Welwyn Garden City

Mostly handwritten Investigators' notes of verbal responses to Questionnaire, Jan 1942 (MT, CM, EG, MS, DH)

75/1/G: Extracted Responses

Mostly typed quotes extracted from responses to Questionnaire


75/2/A-D: Industrial Feelings QQ


Analysis Sheets: London


Analysis Sheets: Luton and Welwyn Garden City


Analysis Sheets: Chester


Correlations/Totals: London, Luton and Chester (JFF)

75/2/E: Other QQs: Replies, Totals, Summaries, and related material

Main Inconveniences QQ (BW) 20.2.42

Postwar Expectations QQ (JF) 11.8.42

Single page sketch (ts) for article 'What The People Want' (BW) 11.12.41

8 page draft for same article; also carbon copy with first page missing. (BW) 27.12.41

75/2/F: Jobs QQ Replies

Anonymous article (2 ts copies) 'Ideas About Jobs After The War', 15.9.41

QQ replies from London: Islington, Kilburn, Camden Town, Fulham, Kings Cross (MS VT CF DH CM) Sept 1941

75/2/G: Jobs QQ Replies

Replies from Worcester (MS VT DH CF) Sept 1941

75/2/H: Jobs QQ Analysis Sheets

Most (probably all) from Worcester survey


75/3/A: Women's War Work

Short QQ, with responses, on Bevin's appeal for women workers in the factories. (mss 9pp). (DH) 31.3.41

Report based on observations at Camden Town Labour Exchange. (ts 10pp). (CF) 18.4.41

Report based on observations at Brook Green and Marylebone Road Employment Exchanges. (ts 8pp). Printed leaflet attached (GH) 19.4.41

Report based on observations at Maidenhead Labour Exchange (mss 5pp). (DH) 19.4.41

Report based on observations at Fulham Labour Exchange (ts 2pp). (DS) 19.4.41

Report based on observations at Letchworth Employment Exchange (ts 2p). (BW) 20.4.41

Report based on observations at Fulham Labour Exchange (mss 3pp). (VW) 21.4.41

'Note on Women' s Registration' (ts 2pp), at Shepherd's Bush Labour Exchange. (RL) 28.10.41

Report for Scotland 'Women and War Work', 6.2.42; with Diary extract on Glasgow and West Scotland Women's Parliament, 25.1.42

74 M-O Diary extracts on conscription of women

Letter/report (ts) to TH from Osram Works, 5.11.42

Duplicate Osram report (ts 14pp): 'Recruitment of Women Workers to Factories' with graph showing labour turnover. 28.8.42

Printed memo from E Bevin on Women's Employment. 24.3.41

See also more reports from Labour Exchanges in TC 27: Work

75/3/B: Women's War Work: Full-time Observers' Reports

'General Industrial Attitudes' (2pp ts) Chester 15.1.42 (CF)

'Women Workers' report (7pp ts) annotated in pencil, Chester 15.1.42 (CF)

Draft of 'Women Workers' report (ts 6pp), titled 'Some Special Problems of Women Workers', Chester (CF)

'Women's War Work' (ts 2pp) Chester 19.1.42 (CF)

Indirect interviews (3pp mss) with women in Chester, Jan 1942 (CF, DH)

Notes (mss) on interviews with Coventry women, 18-20.11.41 (CF)

'Feelings of the Week' interview (ts lp), Wembley 17.1.42 (MS)

Transcript (4pp mss) of interviews with the Chairman of Supply Committee and the Manager of Coventry Labour Exchange, 24.11.41 (MS)

2 Unidentified extracts (ts) on women in factory work

Report (9pp ts) on Oldbury: 'General Background', 10.12.41 (CF)

Posters, Oldbury (MS) 6.10.41; 'Morale', Oldbury (CF)

Oldbury report (7pp ts): 'Women's War Work' 17.12.41 (CF)

Overheards, Chester Jan 1942 (MS, CF)

2 reports (tss 3pp):'Typical Day in a Factory' 11.2.42, and 'Arrival of a New Employee' 7.2.42 (CF)

Warwork, notes and indirects (mss), Oldbury July/Dec 1941 (DH, VT, MS)

Indirects, Bristol 12.2.42 (DH)

Welfare of Women Workers: list concerning 21 factories, Birmingham (?) Sept 1941

Luton War Work Exhibition report, April 1942 (CM), including 4 leaflets

Diary extracts on attitudes to women in war work

75/3/C: Women's War Work: Shopping

Shopping in Chester (4pp mss), 13.1.42 (MS)

Transcript (2pp ms) of an interview with the Secretary of St Pancras Chamber of Commerce on a shopping scheme for war workers, 29.1.42 (MT)

Report (20pp mss) on women's shopping in Acton and Hammersmith, 10.2.42 (VT)

Indirect interview with a woman munitions worker, Bristol 13.2.42 (MS)

Memo (ts) to G Chelioti (Osram) from CWC about a shopping experiment at the factory. 11.3.42

Leaflet 'Shopping For War Workers', Industrial Welfare Society, 10.3.42

5 Diary extracts on shopping; and Indirect from Notting Hill 9.2.42 (DH)

75/3/D: Wartime Rest Breaks for Women Workers

Letter (ts) to TH from Ruth Lever of the Liverpool Union of Girls' Clubs 23.2.42

Brochure, with insert, for a women's holiday hostel

Report (2pp ts):'Wartime Rest Breaks for Industrial Workers (women and girls): an Experiment', by Katherine Andrew, HM Inspector of Factories. 25.2.42

Circular letter (ts): 'Wartime Rest Breaks for Industrial Workers: an Additional Health Service for the Workers' by Ruth Lever

Printed article: 'Rest Breaks for Women and Girls' by E W Fox, July-Aug 1941. Also one typed copy of same

Osram circular 'Leave for Married Women', 9.2.42

75/3/E: Women's War Work, Secondary Sources (see also 75/6-8)

Extract from Ministry of Labour memo on publicity for women's war work. Dec 1941

Extract from Committee of National Expenditure: 'Female Labour'

Typed ex newspapers and journals

Article (ts): 'Employment of Women on Part-time Work' July 1941

Labour Management articles: 'The Problem of Shopping' (plus newscutting); 'Registration for Employment Order (Women) 1941'

Extract from a letter in Factory Manager, on creche arrangements

75/3/F: Health Survey

Report (2pp ts) on the effect of war on health, 3.2.42 (BW)

Indirect interviews on health in London (34pp tss & mss)

Indirect interviews (14pp mss) on health and transport, Bayswater 24.1.42 (EA)

Typed ex from M-O diaries (21), Oct 41-Feb 42

Indirects, 3.2.42 (EL)

QQ correlations/totals (ms) on health: London 4-18.2.42 (JFF), and London, Chester & Luton (HP)

QQ replies, Question 9. Unidentified but probably Health QQ

75/3/G: Billeting War Workers; Training for War Work

Report (3pp ms) on billeting in Chester, 11.1.42 (DH)

Report (2pp ms) on billeting in Coventry, 21.11.41 (DH)

Extract from a report (3pp ts) on Bristol Aeroplane Company, Bristol, by DRS Bassil (M-O Observer) (see also 75/5/F)

Ex from M-O diaries (7), Oct 41-Feb 42

3 pencilled notes on cards

Feelings about billets; pencilled notes

Indirect interview (ms) Chester, 11.1.42 (CF)

Ex Woodward letter (ts) 27.1.42

Printed Govt leaflet: 'Going Away On War Work' 20.5.41

6 extracts from secondary sources

'Hounslow Govt Training Centre' (ts) report 24.9.41 (PG)

Daily Express clipping 21.1.42: 'Bevin Closes 15 of his Centres'

Govt pamphlets: 'Training... Courses in Technical Colleges' Jan 41; and 'Training for War Work in the Engineering Industry' June 1941 (2 copies)

Copy of Sunday Dispatch article: 'Wife Learned Men-Only Job in 16 Weeks' 25.1.42

2 Extracts on 'Training', from Committee on National Expenditure 1940-41, and Planning Feb 42

Standard letter from E Bevin to male civilians exempted from call-up

75/3/H: Works Canteens/British Restaurants; Welfare Committees

Report (4pp mss) on the British Restaurant in Chester, 11.1.42 (DH)

Duplicated statement on the canteen at Rotol Airscrews Ltd from Rotol Shop Stewards committee 25.2.42 (D. Bassil)

Letter (2pp ms) from Eleanor Umney (Welfare Officer M-O Observer) at the Works Canteen, Hanwell Optical Co Ltd, Letchworth

6 copies (ts) of letters from E Umney, Jan-Feb 1942

Indirect Interview with a factory worker, Notting Hill Gate, 9.1.42 (DH)

Part of (ts) unidentified report on Works Canteen boycott

31 typed M-O diary extracts, Sept 41-Feb 42

Report (2pp ts) on 'Sports and Social Activities Available to Accles & Pollock Employees.' Oldbury 20.11.41

Description (ts) of the Welfare Committee of Air Ducts Ltd, Brentford, Jan 1942

Extract (ts) from letter from E Richardson, Nottingham Jan 1942

Letter/report from a Factory Welfare Officer (to TH from E Umney, probably), 5.2.42

5 (ts) Welfare Society/Club reports/extracts: Oxford, Donnington, Blackburn, Grantham

Threads the House Journal of Spirella Co, Letchworth. Booklet dated Nov 1941

Table of answers to 'Music While You Work' QQ, taken at Purfleet Works, 1938

Survey material on Works Magazines, 1940: Analysis sheets; Totals (2pp ts) 23.4.40 (JA); and copy of Report 8.3.40 (SS)

75/3/I: Industrial Welfare and Conditions of Work; Safety and Accident Prevention

Extracts from Annual Report of Chief Inspector of Factories 1940

Letter (2pp ts) to TH from Mary B? of the Industrial Welfare Society

Letter to TH from the Institution of Gas Engineers, 11.2.42

Carbon copy of letter from TH (?) to H C Weston 12.2.42

Letter (ms) to TH from H C Weston, 16.2.42

Carbon copy of letter from TH to Joint Committee for Gas Industries, 22.1.42

Letter to TH from Joint Lighting Committee, 11.2.42

Duplicated handout (3pp ms): 'Callard & Bowser Ltd: Conditions of Employment', Jan 1942

2 leaflets from Industrial Welfare Society

Clippings from Nature, Labour Management, news cutting 'Conditions in a War Factory'

Printed booklet Transactions of the Illuminating Engineering Society Jan 1941; and leaflet concerning industrial lighting 'Statutory Rules and Orders, 1941 No 94'

'Indirects on Industry: Accidents' (EL) 3.2.42

Interviews (3pp ms) on safety and work hours (MS) 20.1.42

Letter to TH from ICI official, 15.1.42

Interview (2pp ts) with Mr Winbolt of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RF) 30.1.42

3 typed M-O diary extracts, Nov 41-Jan 42

3 pages of ms notes on: the incidence of preventable accidents, accidents in shipyards, and dermatitis in major industries in 1940. (RF) 31.1.42

Note (ms) on frequency and severity of accidents at work in six major industries in 1938. (RF) 2.2.42

Extract from Stanton Works Safety Committee accident report

Secondary sources (pamphlets, leaflets etc.) sent to M-O by Mr Winbolt, 3.2.42:

Ministry of Labour:

'Works Safety in Wartime'

'Factory Workers' Accident Prevention Code'

'We Don't Want to Lose You So...'

'The Foreman's Leaflet'

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and National Safety - First Association:

'Works Safety Committees'

'17th Annual Report'

'The Causes of Everyday Accidents in Heavy Industries'

'A Practical Analysis of...Accidents in Heavy Industries'

'Works Safety Organisation'

'The Display of Posters'

'Works Accidents Statistics'

'Order form for leaflets and pamphlets'

Industrial Safety Bulletin:

2 issues, Aug 1939 and Nov 1941

75/3/J: Workers' Holidays

HMSO printed booklet Report of the Committee on Holidays With Pay April 1938

HMSO printed booklet Holidays With Pay-Collective Agreements March 1939

3 reports (ts) from 1940 Committee on Workers' Holidays

Report (ts) from 1941 Committee: 'Holidays In 1941'

Industrial Welfare Society report (ts): 'Rest Centres... for Tired Workers' Dec 1941

14 typed extracts from M-O diaries, Sept 1941-Jan 1942


75/4/A: Docks and Seamen's Welfare

Admiralty memo

'Bristol Channel Ports Investigation: Matters for Investigation' typed note with pencil comments (DMW)

Letter to TH from W Bennett-Hamley, with observations and interviews (2pp ts) with Liverpool dockers, 13.6.41

Letter to TH from WBH, with report (4pp) on 'Dockers and Seamen', 9.6.41

Printed leaflet 'The Government's Plan for Shipyard Labour' 27.6.41

Visit of Commander Dorling to the S Wales shipyards, June 1941:

  • Letter to TH from N Bamforth (Admiralty)
  • Letter and observations to TH from ?Rees (Consolidated Fisheries Swansea)
  • Memo from N Bamforth to Mr Westwood, May 1940

Report (9pp ts): 'Enquiry into Seamen's Welfare in Ports: International Labour Recommendation, Number 461, 2-10.2.39

Report (2pp ts): 'Seamen's Welfare in the Ports of Cardiff and Barry, (Seamen's Welfare Officer) April 1941

Report (16pp ms) on 'Foreign Seamen's Organisations', (Miss Kicks) Liverpool 11.8.41

2 letters concerning the welfare and pay of African seamen in Liverpool, (Miss Kicks) 18.8.41

Photocopy of 'Memorandum by Ministry of War Transport', re rates of pay for cargo-handling

75/4/B: Posters/Propaganda (See also TC 43: Propaganda)

Builders Posters, QQ responses

  • 30.7.41-Finsbury Park (JB); Mill Hill & Bleasden (JS); Holland Park Road & Notting Hill (MS)
  • 2.8.41-Mill Hill (JS); Eastcote & Ruislip (MS)

'Personal Opinion' (ms) (JFF) 6.8.41

Notes (ms) on government advertising technique (JFF) 9.4.41

3 pencilled notecards (TH)

'Morale' note, typed, from JRK Tyre, 19.11.41

'The Idle Poor' typed comments from A Snape, 9.1.42

M-O diary extracts (65), Sept 41-Jan 42

75/4/C: Wages And Taxation

Report (12pp ms) on reactions to the idea of a wartime standard wage (DB) 2.3.42

Letter to TH from Geo Dickson of Winget Ltd, Rochester, with 8 photocopies of wages sheets, 5.2.42

Letter to TH from C W A Garland of EK Cole Ltd, Malmesbury, with sheet of wages samples, 5.2.42. (Documents from a senior executive of EK Cole Ltd. are held by the Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick)

Copy of letter circulated to all Osram managers concerning hours and wages, 12.1.42

Annotated table of rates of pay at GEC (Osram), 2.2.42

Table of National Savings collected at GEC factories, 8.2.42

Letter to TH from Lewis Berger & Sons Ltd, with list of sample wages, 28.1.41

Letter to TH from C J Bartlett of Vauxhall Motors Ltd (Luton) giving details of rates of pay and earnings, 29.1.42

Letter to TH from Davis Gas Stove Co. Ltd (Luton), with (ms) payroll table, 30.1.42

Letter (ms) to TH from Accles & Pollock Ltd (Oldbury), with sample of wages, 24.2.42

Letter from ditto, and 2 schedules of National Savings subscribers and non-subscribers

Accles & Pollock list of subscribers to War Savings Scheme, March 1941

Names/addresses of factory employees, 21.11.41 (A & P?)

3 (ms) cards from Inv on the subject of wages

Note of average wages from Howell Everson (RL) 12.2.42 and pencilled cover note 10.2.42

Unidentified report (2pp) giving examples of wages and tax deductions

'Workers Income Tax and Savings': interviews from 8-12.12.41, at factories in Leeds, Sheffield, and Nunhead Colliery. Sent in by Prof J Hilton

Letter from Coventry Labour Party re earnings, 4.2.42

Indirects on Industry/wages (EL) 3.2.42

M-O Diary extracts (39), Sept 41-Jan 42

Ex Bulletin of Oxford Institute of Statistics, Jan 1942: report on relative wages in different occupations (ts & annototated carbon)

Ex 'Intelligence Report for Scotland' 6.2.42: 'Income Tax'

75/4/D: Excess Profits Tax/Production Incentive

Unidentified typed report on 'Incentives and War Production'

Ex New Statesman pamphlets: 'The Defects of EPT'

'Money Incentive & The War Effort'-(T Balogh) 30.10.41, with accompanying note

Report (ms) 'Bankruptcies, ERW' (RF) 6.2.42

Ex article by A Snape (A.S.A.A. Manchester), 24.11.41

Annotated extract from The Finance Act 1941: 'Excess Profits Tax and the National Defence Contribution'

Finance Act 1941 (ch 30) HMSO

75/4/E: Hours of Work

QQ on Hours of Work: replies and totals

Pencilled card on hours (TH)

BBC announcement re hours (TH) 20.9.39

'Hours of Work' (ms) single page (ML), Feb 1941

Indirect on hours and shifts (EL) 3.2.42

M-O Diary extracts (6), Nov/Dec 41

3 Letters: from Mr G Chelioti (Osram) to TH and to Industry Illustrated, 7-3.2.42; and from R Edmunson to G R Gauntlett (1941 Committee), 26.12.41

Copy of message from Dr S Walpole to Mr C Davies, about disinterest in 'overtime' work, 10.2.42

75/4/F: Absenteeism

Note (ms) from RF on statistics, 6.2.42

'Measures to Deal with Bad Timekeeping' Jan 1942

'Measures to Combat Absenteeism' Jan 1942

Notes (2 copies) on Speech to Birmingham Labour Supply Committee, 4.10.41

Note from Howell Everson (RL) on absenteeism, 10.2.42

Comments (2pp) on absenteeism, Sheffield (CF) 20.1.42

Indirects on absenteeism (EL) 3.2.42

'Note From a Personnel Manager' 2.2.42

2 Sheets of absence/illness figures: unidentified Dec 1941, Birmingham Electrical Engineers 1939-41

Ex 2 letters to Industrial Welfare Society, Jan 1942

Copy of management circular at Osram GEC Lampworks, with a cross-sectional study of absenteeism at a Wembley factory on a Saturday morning, (Chelioti) 27.11.41

Copy of letter to Works Management Association at Osram with 3 pages of figures on absenteeism, (Chelioti) 15.8.41

Letter to TH from G Chelioti (Osram), 20.2.42

2 graphs illustrating absenteeism figures: Osram, Hammersmith (women) Feb-Mar 1942; Springvale (women) Nov 41-Mar 42

List of percentage of women absentees, Osram

Copy of management circular on absenteeism from G Chelioti, including 4 pages of tables. 2.3.42

5 Letters from G Chelioti (Osram) to TH, written between 9.3.42-6.5.42

Photocopy of management circular from G Chelioti, 24.3.42

Accles & Pollock Ltd, (Oldbury) statement of absenteeism, 24.11.41

Absenteeism figures for the weekend (2.11.41) at Accles & Pollock Ltd, with statement of absenteeism and lateness, 9.12.41; and accompanying letter to TH

Letter to TH from CWA Garland of EK Cole Ltd, Malmesbury, 5.2.42

4 Letters to TH from Oliver Roskill (Industrial Consultant), 27.1.42-6.3.42

Letter to TH from Prof TH Pear of Manchester University, 20.1.42

Unidentified graph on absenteeism

Letter (ms) to TH from (?) including absenteeism figures, 4.6.42

QQ on absenteeism: 34 responses with notes, (CF) 3.2.42

M-O Diary extracts (29), Nov 41-Feb 42

Ex 4 letters concerning absenteeism, Jan 1942

Letter to TH from W C Woodward (Worcester), 27.1.42

Works Management Association Report, 16.12.41

75/4/G: Industry Indirects (General)

Summary of findings (ts 2pp), plus draft and final (?) version of longer summary, (EL) Feb 1942

Unidentified overheards, (1p ms), 11.12.41

Indirects:on transport, health, wages, profits, income tax and savings, accidents, head lice, music at work, firewatching. Collected in: Welwyn (DH), train from St Albans to Watford (MS), Hendon (EPAG, JS), Harrow (RCC, EPAG), Bayswater (EA, EG, LB); Notting Hill Gate (DH, Nov 41-Jan 42)

Notecards (20) with indirect, all from different areas

Notes on Reserved Occupations, Shepherd's Bush Labour Exchange, May 1941

2 Copies Government forms 'Essential Work Order' (1941) Application Forms: 1 each for employer and employee

75/4/H: Correspondence (TH) relating to Industrial Survey

2 Letters (ms) from the Assistant Manager (E Richardson) in a pharmaceutical company (designated an essential industry) in Nottingham, 21.11.41 and 23.1.42

Letter from D J Darknell (Glastonbury area), 24.1.41

2 Letters between TH and Standard Telephone & Cables Ltd, Nov/Dec 1941

Notes (?) for a letter/article (?) on Industrial War Effort, unsigned (probably TH) on headed paper from a Cardiff hotel, 10.7.41

Letter from Managing Director of Brand Co Ltd (London), 18.11.41

Response from J H Snell, Ham River Grit Co Ltd (Surrey), 24.11.41

2 Letters between TH and Berger Paints, also list of employees

Letter from someone at Rodbourne House, Malmesbury (probably Mr Lipman, Manager of EKCo Radio parts), 3.11.42

Letter from A C Chalk (Metal Box), 31.10.42

Letter (ms) from F E Smith (research chemist with Bayer), 25.1.42

2 Letters from Robert True (PDA), 18.2.42

Note (ms) from Veronica Tester (VT), 13.2.42

Letters/notes (ms) from 1941 Committee, the Tribune newspaper, and Mr Bassil, 26.4.42

Note (ms) to 'Margaret' from (?), 12.11.42

Note (ms) from HW re public opinion on aircraft production, 15.11.41

Note (ms) from RL about message from Mr Everson re wages/hours, 10.2.42


75/5/A: Special Reports I

Letter (ms) and report from Fleet, (C W Smallbones) Jan 1942

Letter (ms) and report from ICI Stockton, (Schuil) Jan 1942

Letters (ms) and report (ts) from Birmingham, (H Harrison) Jan 1942

Report from Donnington, (LE) 16.1.42

75/5/B: Special Reports II

Reports (ts) on Industry in Liverpool, Labour Demonstration, 'Russia Today' Society, Shop Stewards Conference. Handwritten single-page summary. (Joan Baskerville) 27.9.41

2 Copies, extracts, from report on English Electrical Co, Bradford (E D Tirrell)

Report, probably incomplete, on Gloucester Aircraft Industry, (D R S Bassil) Jan 1942

Newspaper advert for Rolls Royce: January 1942

75/5/C: Miscellaneous Questionnaires

Beaverbrook QQ results, (EL) 22.1.42

2pp Question on Ministry of Production, (EL) 26.1.42

Shareholders QQ results, summary. 2 copies (EL) 3.2.42

Manpower/Conscription QQ results, (BI) 11.12.41, and (EL) 4.12.41

Length of Service QQ comments (RF) Feb 1942

Unidentified (Shareholders?) QQ replies apparently on Wages and Excess Profits Tax, undated, (CF's handwriting)

75/5/D: Cornish Tin Mining Survey

Report, (CF) Jan 1942. (This survey was included in the Murray ed of People in Production)

Ex from non M-O sources: Daily Mail, Hansard; and Daily Express news clipping 19.1.42

Copy of Picture Post article: 'Tin Mining', undated

75/5/E-F: Tube Investments Investigation

(This major Observer-participant study, even larger than War Factory, was never published, but was written up as File Reports Nos. 1390/1393)

Interview with Capt Scott of Tube Investments

Report: conversation/amusements

Drafts (ms 80+pp) of report (VT), 18-27.7.42

'Notes': single page, author unknown, annotated by TH (WFFS?) 17.11.41

Foolscap ms in red ink: 'Tubes, Introduction and Summary'

'Layout for Preparation of Final Report' (ts 11pp)

'Tube Investments Report by M-O' (ts 156pp)

Letter (ms) to Celia (Fremlin) from D B L

Summary (ts 85pp) of Investigation, (VT) 12.8.42; and Report (VT) 27.7.42

4 page carbon copy of Summary Report on Billets (See also 75/3/G)


75/6/A: National Organisation of Industrial Effort

'Civilian War work' : M-O Bulletin Sept 1942, with compliments slip from censor

'War Work': list of advertising personnel from T B Waddicor, annotated in pencil by TH, Oct 1941

2 large charts, 'Centralised' and 'Decentralised', showing UK industrial management organisation

Letter to TH from Geo Dickson, with 2 copies of letters from District Advisory Committees to Mr S Marks of the Regional Board (London & SE); Jan-March 1942

Chart 'The Regional Needs of the Nation' (16.9.41), with letter to Everett Jones from the Management Research Group, and compliments slip (28.2.42)

Letter to TH from Stanley Walpole (28.11.41 ), with article 'The Background to the Production Problem'

Letter to TH from Stanley Walpole (Nov 41 ) with article 'A New Dispensation for National Production'

Letter to TH from A L C Chalk (19.12.41), with draft memo on National War Production, and 2 addenda sheets

2 Copies, annotated, of 'Production Policy' pamphlet of the 1941 Committee; insert sheet enclosed

Table plan for RAF Club luncheon 20.11.41; with compliments slip from Dr S Walpole, and diagram (photographic) of chain of responsibility in Industry

List of M-O secondary sources (ms)

List of towns used by Ministry of Information (2pp ts)

'Star Plan' chart, annotated in pencil on reverse side (29.10.41 )

Report 'Notes on National Production-Press Launch Jan 15th 1942'; table/seating plan attached

'Memo on National War Production-Jan 1942'

Letter to TH from Dr S Walpole, with copies of Press articles on 'The Production Front' (19.1.42)

75/6/B: Regional Management

Notice from Management to Dept Heads etc, Portsmouth 24.6.41

Interview (ms 4pp) with Manager of Brookhurst Factory, Chester (DH) 9.1.42

Accles & Pollock 'chain of responsibility' chart, 1.9.41

Notes to TH from T B Waddicor '... A & P War Effort Potential', 13.11.41

Report from Aylesbury (C A Smith) Jan 1942

Letter (ms) to TH from J H Millington, Leek, 21.1.42

Letter from Managing Director of Brand Co Ltd, 18.11.41

75/6/C: Works Councils

Letter to TH from Stanley Walpole (2.3.42) with Masseeley Bulletin (27.2.42)

Typed extracts (3) from M-O Diaries; Nov/Dec 1941

Joint Works Council document (2 damaged pp), 20.5.42

Report of '1st Works Council Meeting July 14 1942' (ms)

Ex 'Works Council Scheme', Gibson & Lumgair Ltd. Undated

Copy of note from Courtaulds Ltd, Jan 1942

32 Answers to unidentified QQ, on worker participation in management

Ex 'Works Councils and Committees', published by Industrial Welfare Society, revised ed 1941

2 Ex '23rd Annual Report of Works Committee at the Chloride Electrical Storage Co Ltd', Dec 1940; and 'Report of 5th Annual Conference of Representatives of Works Councils', October 4-6.10.35

Masseeley 'Works Council Plan' booklet; with insert sheet of amendments, Feb 1942

75/6/D: Trade Unions

Letter to G Heywood Hill from the General Secretary of the AEU, 21.2.41

Report of Tribunal Hearing into AEU Wages Claim, (CM) 9.12.41

Note on Interview with AEU General Secretary, 4/2/42

Shop Stewards Meeting report, Coventry (JB) 18.1.42

Letter to TH from Geo Hodgkinson (Coventry Labour Party) with unpublished letter 'Leapfrog Industry' attached, 7.2.42

Letter to TH from General Secretary of the National Fireman's Association, 26.1.42

Coventry Shop Stewards delegation statement at Holborn Hall meeting 22.1.42, with 2pp which are possibly part of the same

Shipbuilding Shop Stewards delegation statement at Holborn Hall meeting

Interview with Len Powell (RF) 26.1.42

List (ms) of Trade Unions (RF) 28.1.42

TU membership list (ms) (RF) 29.1.42

Ex speeches at ASW Conference (RF) 11.1.42

Report (ms) on TUC meeting for Russian delegates, Earl's Court (CM) 25.1.42

M-O diary extracts (18) on Trade Unions (Sept 41-Jan 42)

75/6/E: Wartime Strikes & Industrial Disputes

Ex from Ministry of Labour Gazette, list of principal disputes, Oct 1941

Intelligence report for Scotland for fortnight ending 6.2.42

'Trades Disputes in 1941' (DB) 24.2.42. (red ms with blue copy)

Report (ms 15pp) on trial of Shop Stewards (CF) 16.5.41

Report on visit to Smithfield (RCC) 2.3.42

Report on Carters' strike, London (EG) 21.2.42; and overheards on same

Strikes and Lockout figures 1900-40 (RF) 2.2.42

75/6/F: Complaints and Suggestions

Note on improving construction delays (Obs Mac.7, Coventry) 6.2.42

Ex article by Coventry motor trader, 1941

Ex article 'Off The Record' by Chas Graves, undated, about a speech by Bevin

Letters and comments from various people, possibly sent to 1941 Committee, Nov 41-Jan 42

Part of report (?), detail concerning Essential Works Order

Part of report (?), detail concerning dismissal procedures

75/6/G: Secondary Sources: Unions

'Arms & Wages' pamphlet, with compliments insert dated 6.12.41

Cutting from 'Arms And The Man', report of AEU Conference at Stoll Theatre on 4.10.41

Ex Labour: 'Speed-up... of War Production' Nov 1941

Ex articles in Labour Monthly: Dec 41, Jan 42, Mar 42

Ex Report of Proceedings at the 73rd Annual TUC: 1-4.9.41

Ex 'The TUC In Wartime' by Sir Walter Citrine, March 1940; and news cutting about Citrine, 19.1.42

Ex 2 articles in Electrical Review, 3.10.41, 10.10.41

Ex Electrical Trades Journal Oct/Nov 1941

Ex New Propellor Dec 41, Jan 42

Association of Scientific Workers pamphlet, Dec 41

TUC journal Labour, Dec 41

TUC pamphlet 'Unemployment and the Cost of Living' by Sir Walter Citrine, 1937

75/6/H: Secondary Sources: Leftwing Publications/Reports

Ex Labour Research, Nov 1941

Ex "Wartime Developments in Government-Employer-Worker Collaboration": report of the ILO Conference, New York October 41

Ex Labour Monthly: 'Production Front' by Maurice Dobb. Undated

Ex 'Industry Must Be Democritized' by Arthur Hemstock, Secretary Co-op Co-Partnership Propaganda Committee. Undated

Ex 'Take Over The War Industries' published by Socialist Propaganda Committee. Undated

Ex Fabian Quarterly: 'The Trade Unions And The War" by John Price, Autumn 1941

Fabian Quarterly, pages from Feb 1942 (?) issue: 'War Production' by A H Brockhurst

Engineers Study Group Newsletter, Nov 1938

"Report on Welfare and Health in Relation to Hours of Work and Output in Wartime", published by Association for Labour Legislation, October 1941 (with single page typed extract attached)

2 Fabian Society pamphlets: 'Letter to a Shop Steward', and 'Letter to an Industrial Manager'

Booklet 'On Organisation' by Joseph Stalin Review copy, annotated by TH (?), with insert slip from publishers, May 1942

Advertising leaflet 'Pamphlets for the People', from Labour Research Dept

The Co-operators' Year Book, 1942

Bulletin of the People's Convention (1 page); 12.1.42

Pamphlet (4pp) of the Daily Worker Leagues: 'The Arsenals of Britain'; 14.1.42

75/6/I: Secondary Sources: Management

Ex 4 letters to Factory Manager, Aug 41, and 2 letters Dec 41

Ex report on Absenteeism from Works Management Association

Ex Business Sept/Nov 41 issues, on Output and Absenteeism

Stevenson Jordan & Harrison Ltd, Oct 41 issue of Monthly Digest of Business Conditions

Ex 6 articles from above, Nov-Dec 41

Ex Labour Management, Journal of the Institute of Labour Management: torn copy of cover, and 4pp, Oct 1941

Ex article in above 'Human Problems of Management', Oct 41; and from various articles Aug/Dec 41

3pp from Annual Conference report of Institute of Labour Management, Nov 41

Ex article in Planning No.185 Feb 42, on part-time work

Planning booklet, Dec 41: 'Building For The Nation'

Ex Contractors' Record and Municipal Engineering, 8.10.41 and 26.11.41

Ex EIA pamphlet 'War Production'

Ex 'The Engineers Production Policy (Leeds)', Dec 41

Ex Engineering: 3.10.41, 31.10.41, 21.11.41. Also 1 original page from the journal, 24.10.41

Doublepage spread from Engineering, 24.10.41

75/6/J: Second Sources: National Organisation

Ministry of Labour Gazette, 2 issues, Aug and Sept 1942

Leaflet: 'Control of Civil Building/Constructional Operations' from HM Office of Works, 1940

HMSO pamphlet 'Schedule of Reserved Occupations', revised ed Dec 1941

Ministry of 探花精选 Security leaflet 'Working After The Siren' (Air Raid Precautions Memo No 16), 1940

Poster 'Shop Stewards Call To All Workers' (Lewis Berger & Sons Ltd)

Booklet 'Comrades In Arms: Britain and the USSR' (Ministry of Information), 1942

'A Critical Examination of One Aspect of Paper Control' by C H Foyle

Imperial Policy Group report extract (?), Dec 1941

'Reflections on Compulsion': article from Vigilance-For-Victory Group Bulletin, Feb 41

National Institute of Economic and Social Research. Wartime Social Survey: 36th Interim Report, 2 copies (June 1940)

Ex Minutes of 14th, 15th meetings of 1941 Committee (Leeds)


75/7/A: Diaries

Typed extracts on general Industry Survey topics, Sept 1941-Feb 1942

75/7/B: Diaries

Typed extracts on general Industry Survey topics, Sept 1941-Feb 1942

75/7/C: Institutional/Committee Reports

'Industrial Health in War' (Emergency Report 1940)

Industrial Health Research Board: 'Incentives' by C A Mace, undated 'Hours of Work, Lost Time and Labour Wastage', 1942

Ex report of BMA Committee on Industrial Health, 1941

Ex Report No 75 of Medical Council, Industrial Health Research Board: 'Sickness, Absence, and Labour Wastage' (1 page only)

Ex Occupational Psychology: 'Accident Proneness' (Farmer) July 1940; 'Problems of Wartime Attendance' (Raphael) 1941

Ex British Journal of Psychology: 'Some Socio-psychological Problems of Factory Life' (Jahoda) 1941. (Used as background for War Factory as well as People in Production)

Oxford Economic Paper No.5: 'A Survey of Industrial Development' (P W S Andrews)

Ex International Labour Review: short extract re hours/efficiency

Nuffield College Social Reconstruction Survey: 'Development Projects in Great Britain During the War', Dec 1941

75/7/D: Contextual Material

Extracts from Management and the Worker, (Roethlisberger & Dickson) (cf p238, People in Production)

75/7/E: Contextual Material

Extracts from Wyatt & Langdon (cf p158 People in Production))

75/7/F: Contextual Material

Extracts from Economics of Fatigue and Unrest, 1924; and A Scientific Policy for Industrial Plants, 1941 (P Sargent Florence) (cf p158 People in Production)

75/7/G: Secondary Sources

Extracts from the Beveridge Report 1942: 'The Use of Skilled Men in the Services'

75/7/H: Secondary Sources

Extracts from the report of the Select Committee on National Expenditure (SNCE) 1940-41

Copy of SCNE Memorandum on munitions output

Oxford Institute of Statistics Bulletin, Jan 1942: articles on wages, USA Defence Production, Far East oil supplies, etc

Ex Royal Economic Society memo No. 88, November 1942: (cost of living, price/wage indices)

Ex (3) Board of Trade Retail Trade Committee Report 1942: war impact on retail trades



Newspaper Typed Extracts 1939; Newspaper Cuttings 1939 (Strikes; Unions)


Newspaper Cuttings Sept 41-July 42:

Propaganda and Moral

Hours of Work



Newspaper Cuttings Sept 41-July 42:

Strikes & Disputes

Trade Unions

Wages & Taxation

Women's War Work

Work Councils


Newspaper Typed Extracts Nov 41-Jan 42


Newspaper Typed Extracts Feb 42-March 42


Hansard/Parliamentary Debates Nov 41-Feb 42


75/9/A: War Factory

'Report on War Factory' (CF) 112pp, incomplete

'Arrival of a New Employee' (CF) 7.2.42

'Workshop' by Mass-Observation; 24pp annotated, mostly carbon copies

75/9/B: War Factory

Early draft of War Factory ms, with CF/TH annotations, 164pp

75/9/C: War Factory

Final draft of War Factory ms, incorporating footnotes by Works Manager, and appendix (128pp)

75/9/D: Industrial Feelings Questionnaire 1943

4 Copies of QQ, dated May-June 43

Analysis charts, correlation sheets

2 Copies of (ts) summary of QQ results (EL) 13.5.43

75/9/E: Industrial Feelings QQ

2 Cards (ms) of responses to QQ, Bristol and Chippenham, March 1943

6 Small pages (ms) of responses to QQ, Wiltshire and Welwyn Garden City, June 1943

Typed, completed QQ forms, June 1943

75/9/F: Industrial Feelings QQ

Answers to QQ, London, June 1943

75/9/G: Miscellaneous

Indirects and responses to QQs on current news, warwork, controls in industry etc; London and unidentified; Oct/Nov 1943

Potteries correspondence, (concerning a survey which was never completed)
to HDW from AG Flint (Stoke) 15.4.44
to HDW from TB Barclay (Wolverhampton) 15.4.44
to HDW from H Lovatt (Stoke) 17.4.44
to HDW from EG Gardner (Stoke) 19.4.44
to HDW from EG Gardner (Stoke) 24.4.44
Copy of extracts from Lovatt and Flint letters, 24.4.44
Telegram to BW from Gardner
2 Letters to Gardner and Lovatt from HDW, 23.5.44

75/9/H: Muirhead's Exhibition 'Us And The User' 1944

Notes on proposed M-O Survey of 'Impact of Muirhead's Exhibition' 17.5.44. A factory survey in Elmer's End, London

Comments (ms) and QQ responses on the Exhibition, (KM) 16-17.5.44

Comments (ts) and QQ responses on the Exhibition, (LB) 16.5.44

QQ answers (ms) from Beckenham, (D Ivey) 16.5.44

3 Sheets (quarto) of overheards and indirects on Muirhead's Exhibition, (LB) 17.5.44


75/10/A: Dockers' Strike 1945

Handwritten notes (TH?): 'Factors determining outside public opinion on the strike', 'Feeling among workers' etc

M-O draft report: 'Docks Strike Investigation'

Analysis sheets (foolscap) with (ms) comments on reverse

'For/Against' totals; and pencilled notes on wives' attitudes

Copy of Socialist Appeal Nov 1945

75/10/B: Dockers Strike 1945

Report (fscap) of dockers' meeting: 'Royal Docks: Dockers' Strike' (GST) 29.10.45

Report on Dockers' meeting, Canning Town, (30 or 31.10.45)

Report on Dockers' meeting, Tower Hill, (GST) 1.11.45

Report on Dockers' meeting, Victoria Park, (GST) 2.11.45)

'Interview with Dockie's Wife', (LB) 12.10.45

Indirects, Albert Docks, (LB) 11.10.45

Indirects/overheards, London, (GST, LB) Oct 1945

75/10/C: Hotel Workers' Strike, 1946

Invs reports, London:
'The Hotel Staff Strike' (HS?) 9/10/46
Regents Palace (IPG) 11.10.46
Claridges Hotel (IPG) 11.10.46
Savoy & Simpson's Hotels, Dorchester & Claridges (HS) 8.10.46

75/10/D: Building Trades Strike and Railwaymen's 'Go-Slow' 1945-46

Observations on Demonstration in London, (GST) 8.10.45; and unidentified newspaper clipping

2 M-O Reports on Paddington Go-Slow, (Hermione Silverstone and IPG) Nov 1946

75/10/E: Transport Strike 1947

Strike QQ replies on 6 questions: attitudes to strike, feelings about Princess Elizabeth and her engagement, papers read, and voting preference

Analysis sheets for Strike QQ

75/10/F: Transport Strike 1947

Overheards (small cards, ms)

'The Housewife's Point of View' (HS) 14.4.47

Overheards (ML) 10.1.47

Observations in Smithfield, (BL's writing) 13.1.47; and (ML) 13.1.47

Pencilled observations, Smithfield and Billingsgate, 13.1.47

Observations in shopping centre, Willesden, (LB) 13.1.47

'Transport Strike', (ts, incomplete, undated)

75/10/G: Battle for Output Study, 1947

Printed booklet: Battle for Output 1947 (Govt White Paper: Economic Survey for 1947), popular ed, COI

2 Annotated copies of White Paper: Economic Survey for 1947 (HMSO)

2 Copies of 'Underproduction' article from The Times (newspaper proofs), 22.2.47

Top copy (annotated) and carbon (p4 missing) of 'The Language of Leadership', an M-O Report sent by TH and HDW to (?) a Govt Office

Notes in TH writing, single sheet (fscap)

General impressions/QQ replies from 7 M-O Investigators, in a London survey of public awareness and understanding of the Battle for Output booklet, (MT, BS, MM, BL, IP, TN, SB)

75/10/H: Trade Unions Report

Duplicated ms, non M-O, probably PEP (Political and Economic Planning, a research organisation established in 1931): description of unions, membership, conciliation machinery, industrial relations, shop stewards, joint production committees etc. (Reference to Mr Madge is possibly John Madge, cf Reconstruction Group report) Undated, by inference probably 1945/46

75/10/I: Bristol Aeroplane Factory Investigation

Report, non M-O, probably Reconstruction Research Group. 3 Factories covered, all Bristol Aeroplane Company, Probably June-Aug 1944. (Note in pen in TH writing says 'J Madge x.46')

Letter to TH from J Madge, concerning EKCo (Malmesbury) survey, 16.11.46; and 4 blank QQ sheets for EKCo survey


75/11/A: Railwaymen's 'Go-Slow'

Correspondence: 5 letters to M-O about the 'Go-Slow' movement, from Harrogate, Northwich, Uxbridge, Glamorgan & Leeds

QQ replies to attitudes to 'Go-Slow', Croydon (unidentified) 30.6.49

'Opinions on.... Go-Slow Policy', (ms unidentified, undated)

Observations/comments at London Railway Stations, on 'Go-Slow' policy, (LB) 30.6.49-6.7.49

5 Analysis sheets and 1 percentage sheet, on 'Go-Slow' survey

Overheards and indirects, various

75/11/B: The Dock Strike

Investigator's (BL) observations:
Trafalgar Square Meeting, 17.7.49
Surrey Docks, 18.7.49
Blackfriars, 6.7.49
'Outside... Surrey Commercial Docks', 4.7.49

75/11/C: Strikes QQs: Survey 07 (8 Ques)

Totals, coding sheet and carbon list of Ques

M-O percentage sheets (14) and analysis sheets (18)

QQ replies: Hammersmith, Euston, Hampstead, Kensington, Bayswater (BS); Woking (JB); unidentified (BL)

75/11/D: Strikes QQs: Survey 07

QQ replies from: Kings Cross, Shepherd's Bush, Bethnal Green (NF); Shepherd's Bush (DM); unidentified (IPG); July 1949

75/11/E: Strikes QQs: Survey 09 (13 Ques)

Single sheet, carbon Survey 09/A QQ 5.7.49 (The ques are those which were answered in Survey 07)

Single sheet, carbon Survey 09/B QQ 17.7.49 (The ques are those which were answered in Survey 07/2)

Survey 09 coding sheet and totals

Survey 09/B coding sheet and totals

75/11/F: Strikes QQs: Survey 07/2 (13 Ques) and similar

QQ responses: (IPG, DM), July 1949

QQ responses to Survey 05/B (appears to be the same as 07/2), (BL) 19.7.49

QQ responses to Survey 09/B ((appears to be the same as 07/2)), (CH) 19.7.49

M-O analysis sheets (20) and percentage sheets (17) for Survey 09/B

75/11/G: Unidentified QQ replies (retained in this collection, where orginally located)

Survey B5/1: ms results on baby clinics, infant feeding, Camden Town (BS) 16.2.49



Pencilled notes in Tom Harrisson's handwriting


Unidentified pieces


British Sales Promotion Association Poll, 1955 (M-O Ltd)

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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