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TC 63: 9 boxes

BOX 1: Smoking Enquiry 1937

63/1/A-D: Smoking Habits

Reports from female members of M-O panel in reply to two sets of questions on smoking habits:

First questionnaire (duplicated, 3 copies enclosed)

6 questions: objects in the home connected with smoking, expenditure on smoking and smoking etiquette

Second questionnaire (printed, 4 copies enclosed)

5 sub-divided questions: starting and continuing to smoke, brand preferences, smoking etiquette, pipe smoking and snuff taking

BOX 2: Smoking Enquiry 1937

63/2/A-D: Smoking Habits

Reports from male members of M-O panel to two sets of questions on smoking habits:

First questionnaire (duplicated, 3 copies enclosed)

6 questions: objects in the home connected with smoking, expenditure on smoking and smoking etiquette

Second questionnaire (printed, 4 copies enclosed)

5 sub-divided questions: starting and continuing to smoke, brand preferences, smoking etiquette, pipe smoking and snuff taking

BOX 3: Smoking Enquiry 1937

63/3/A-D: Smoking Habits

Reports from male members of M-O panel to two sets of questions on smoking habits:

First questionnaire (duplicated, 3 copies enclosed)

6 questions: objects in the home connected with smoking, expenditure on smoking and smoking etiquette

Second questionnaire (printed, 4 copies enclosed)

5 sub-divided questions: starting and continuing to smoke, brand preferences, smoking etiquette, pipe smoking and snuff taking


63/4/A: Increase in Smoking 1939

Handwritten tabulations comparing advertisements on smoking in Punch magazine from 1866 to 1936

Typed quotation from Evening Standard 5.10.39 about increase in cigarette and pipe smoking since beginning of war

Typed note to BW (of M-O) from an observer on problem of carrying out smoking counts

63/4/B: Smoking Survey 1941

Questionnaire (typed carbon copy) designed for men: 2 introductory questions on amount and type of smoking, 7 questions for pipe smokers, 7 questions for cigarette smokers, 3 questions for those smoking both cigarettes and pipes

Handwritten responses to above questionnaire, June-July 1941, Worcester (CF, DH, VT)

Handwritten notes and analysis of questionnaire, 8.7.41

63/4/C: Plans for M-O Publication

Typed summary of contents: "Smoking Book-Draft 2": covers social significance of smoking, history, habits and conventions of smoking, attitudes to non-smokers

Extracts (typed and handwritten) on history of rail lines and railway carriages and smoking in railway carriages, includes: "The Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company Bye-law for the Prevention of the Smoking of Tobacco"

Extracts (typed and handwritten) on smoking and tobacco from 19th century publications, includes: Tobacco and our Revolution 1688 and Farewell to Tobacco (poem by Charles Lamb)

Handwritten notes on smoking rituals and customs, effect on health, cigarette cards, snuff taking, perfumed cigarettes

Overheards (handwritten): cigarette shortage, 9.5.41 (NM)

Handwritten informal interviews

Report (handwritten): "Cigarettes After The Budget" includes informal interviews and observations at a tobacconist shop, 27.4.42 (PJ)

Report (typed and handwritten, incomplete): "Cigarette Supplies Post-Budget"-note on decline in sales, Camden Town, London, 27.4.42 (PJ)

63/4/D: Smoking Survey 1943: Most Popular Brands and Sales

Instructions (2 typed sheets) for M-O investigators outlining method and object of survey to be carried out: 2 part questionnaire enclosed-Part 1 for use with tobacconists and Part 2 for smokers

Handwritten notes and chart related to questionnaire

Responses (typed and handwritten) in 2 parts corresponding to questionnaire; includes 1 set of responses from non-smokers; London areas, 1 set from Manchester, Jan-Feb 1943 (EG, MT, MH, VS, GB, MS, CM, JM)

63/4/E: Smoking Survey 1949: History of Smoking and Tobacco

Informal interview (handwritten) with manager of several tobacco shops, on state of tobacco trade, 6.5.47 (LB)

Correspondence (typed) between MB Tarrant of M-O and a Methodist Minister, an author and tobacco companies, including Carreras; attached: history of Carreras, origin of the Baron Cigarette Machine and letter from Customs & Excise regarding figures related to importation of tobacco over a period, (period referred to is not mentioned), Nov-Dec 1949

Catalogue: Cartophilic Auction London, 28.6.47, (Western Auctions Ltd, Cardiff)

Account (typed) of interview about cigarette cards, 1.11.49 (LE)

Directive September 1949 (duplicate copy enclosed) to ascertain smoking habits and changes since 1937

Report (typed): "Cigarette Advertisements", 1.11.49 (LE)


63/5/A-B: M-O Publication 1949

Typescript: "Man and his Cigarette", Dec 1949, (incomplete): psycho-sociological aspects of smoking, attitudes, statistics

63/5/C: Smoking Survey 1957: Cigarette Brands (M-O: 412)

4-point questionnaire (2 duplicate copies) testing knowledge of cigarette brands

Tabulated results (handwritten) of above questionnaire

Correspondence (typed) between LE (investigator) and G Cooper related to survey results and costs, Nov-Dec 1957

63/5/D: Press Cuttings 1957: Smoking and Health

Articles from local and national newspapers and British Medical Journal: health and smoking-related diseases

Correspondence and overheards (handwritten) on smoking and health

Informal interview (typed) with a publican about cigarette sales, 4.7.57 (MT)

63/5/E: 1960 Survey: Tipped Cigarettes

Report (typed) of meeting about launching new brand of cigarette, especially tipped cigarette, includes draft questionnaire for consumer research, J Wix & Sons (Cigarette Company), 6.9.60

Report (typed): "A Preliminary Note on the Launching of a new Cigarette"-refers to above meeting with J Wix & Sons, 7.9.60 (SJCS-Everetts Marketing & Statistical Dept, London)

Follow-up report: "The Launching of a New Brand of Cigarette", 16.9.60 (SJCS-Everetts Marketing & Statistical Dept, London)

Follow-up report: "Notes on the Launching of a New Cigarette", 20.9.60 (SJCS-Everetts Marketing & Statistical Dept, London)


63/6/A: Journals on Cigarettes and Tobacco 1949

The Cigar and Tobacco World: monthly trade journal for wholesalers and retailers issued by Imperial Tobacco Co Bristol; 10 journals January-October 1949

63/6/B: Journals on Cigarettes and Tobacco 1949

Tobacco: monthly trade journal for importers, exporters, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of tobacco issued by Imperial Tobacco Co London; 8 journals February-June and August-October 1949


63/7/A: Pamphlets

Tobacco Bondage-and the Way Out: a treatise on the "tobacco habit" by GS Stanley issued by the Stanley Institute London

Smoking and Personality: by HJ Eysenck, Institute of Psychiatry London; reprinted from British Medical Journal, 14.5.60

Pamphlet about "Apal" cure for smoking issued by Health Culture Association London

Newsletter: Rothman Tobacco Leaves, Oct 1949 issued by Rothmans Ltd London

Newspaper public announcement: An Appeal "to the smoking public" on reducing cigarette hoarding and consumption, Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, 9.7.41

63/7/B: Books (not dated)

Tobacco Leaves: history and uses of tobacco, by Bewlay issued by Bewlay & Co London (hard back)

Cigarettes in Fact and Fancy: anecdotes about cigarette smoking, by John Bain issued by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton Kent & Co Ltd London (hard back)

Cope's Tobacco Plant: rhymes and essays, by James Thomson, issued by Cope's Tobacco Works, Liverpool and London (soft back)

From Plantation to Players: history of tobacco industry, tobacco leaves, manufacture of cigarettes, Players factory; issued by Imperial Tobacco Co Ltd (soft back)


63/8/A: Gift Coupon Preferences, 1962

Report of survey and tabulated results (typed and handwritten): "Kensitas-Gift Coupon Preferences" by J Wix Ltd, M-O and Everett's Advertising Ltd, August 1962

7 index cards (handwritten) giving details of smoking habits of voluntary contributors

63/8/B-E: Gift Coupon Preferences: Questionnaires, 1962

3-point questionnaire (typed) on preferences amongst gift coupons in cigarette packets; also guidance for investigator and handwritten responses to questionnaire

63/8/F: Attitudes towards Kensitas, Coupons and Free Gifts (M-O: 1087), May 1962


  • Instructions for investigators
  • Brief on methods and object of survey
  • Direct in-depth interviews about smoking Kensitas and attitudes towards gift coupons (free gifts); ascertaining family affluence, composition and ethos, standard of housing

Tabulated results (some handwritten)


63/9/A: Pipe Smoking Questionnaire 1962 (M-O: 1101)

25-point questionnaire (typewritten) on pipe smoking, and responses (handwritten), various parts of UK, June 1962

63/9/B: Report

Report (typed and bound): "M-O Survey into Pipe Smoking Preliminary - Information", M-O London, Nov 1962

63/9/C: Senior Service and Nelson Cigarettes 1963 (M-O: c.575)

8-point questionnaires (2 duplicated copies) to test knowledge, recognition and popularity of various types of Nelson and Senior Service cigarettes and comparisons between them

Instructions (typed) for investigators on carrying out survey

Tabulated results (handwritten) from questionnaires

63/9/D-F: Benson & Hedges, Dunhill, Marlboro 1965 (M-O: c.1124)

Detailed instructions (typed) for investigators on carrying out 2-part survey: Part 1 designed for investigators to act as customers to see which brand they are given when asking for the "gold pack"; Part 2 for observation at tobacconists, listening to customers enquiring about and purchasing cigarettes

Questionnaires (typed) with results (handwritten) of visits to retailers, M-O London

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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