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TC 12: 16 boxes


12/1/A: First Venereal Disease Survey, November-December 1942

Handwritten four-point questionnaire on attitudes to a press information campaign on VD

8 pages of handwritten of investigators' impressions of effectiveness of Survey

Details of age, sex and class of those who refused to answer questionnaire

Analysis sheets, stencilled and handwritten

Typed report of survey results with handwritten comments, 15.1.43. (EL); amended 26.1.43.(GD)

12/1/B-E: First Venereal Disease Survey, November-December 1942

Approximately 350 written questionnaire replies. Interviews were conducted in Balham, Wandsworth, Poplar, Tooting and Fulham. (CG, MH, KK, DH, FHB, GB, EW)

12/1/F: Second Venereal Disease Survey, February-March 1943

Typed five point questionnaire, with instructions to investigators, on public awareness of venereal disease

Stencilled analysis sheets

Handwritten summary of replies

12/1/G: Second Venereal Disease Survey, February-March 1943

Approximately 80 written and typed interview replies collected in Balham, Hampstead, Camden, Fulham, Wandsworth, Chalk Farm and Newport (Mon). (VS, EG, GST, GB, NW)

3 indirect interviews on the subject of VD (VT)

Handwritten notes on refusals and general impressions of Survey. (VS)

12/1/H: Venereal Disease: Information and Statistics

"Some Psychological Aspects of Sexual Promiscuity", article reprinted from Psychosomatic Medicine , Oct 1944

"VD in the Army", handwritten report on VD in sections of the British Army 1945-46. (Unknown author, 1946?)

Leaflet, What are the Venereal Diseases?, issued by the Central Council for Health Education, Dec 42

Typed report, VD Meeting on Friday 26.2.43, of attendance and subjects of a meeting held at the Friends' Meeting House, Euston Rd, London. Speakers included the Minister of Health and the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1.3.43. (DB)


12/2/A: Correspondence between M-O and Sunday Pictorial

The M-O Sex Survey was carried out firstly with the intention of serialising its results in the Sunday Pictorial. This file contains a substantial correspondence between LE and staff of the newspaper, including survey organisation, preliminary reports, the appointment of independent assessors, draft letters to panel members and possible commissions for further surveys on sex and on politics. Amendments by M-O staff to the six reports submitted for publication are also included

12/2/B: Correspondence between M-O and Survey Assessors

Typed agenda and minutes of first meeting of Assessors. Topics discussed include Survey techniques, publication of results and the role of the Assessors themselves

Stencilled letters from LE to Assessors on Survey progress (April and May 49)

"First Results of Mass-Observation's Survey of Sexual Morality", stencilled progress report

"Comments on Interviewing", stencilled 'deposition' by C. Bibby on Survey techniques

12/2/C-H: Correspondence between M-O and individual Assessors

A substantial body of correspondence dealing mainly with Survey progress and the publication of results. Many of those letters sent by M-O are duplicated in the files, which are divided as follows:

12/2/C: Mrs MC Hulme 13.10.47-31.3.48

12/2/D: C Bibby 13.1.49-28.5.51

12/2/E: Dr D Mace (National Marriage Guidance Council) 14.1.49-5.10.49

12/2/F: Dr C Allen 13.1.49-6.3.51

12/2/G: Mrs E Hubback 11.1.49-8.8.49

12/2/H: Rev GL Russell (Church of England Moral Welfare Council) 13.1.49-31.8.49

12/2/I: Correspondence with solicitors

Subjects include the legality of questionnaires and the letter of introduction carried by M-O Survey staff. Draft and final copies of this letter are included

12/2/J: Correspondence with other public figures

Short correspondences with The Archbishop of York, Mrs M Pyke (Family Planning Association) and Claude Mullins, informing them of the Survey and its aims

12/2/K: Miscellaneous correspondence

Mostly formal responses to the two articles in 12/2/L; but also one very personal letter about writer's (male) sexual problem

12/2/L: "A British Sex Survey" article by LE

Photocopy of article reproduced from International Journal of Sexology, Vol III No 3, 1950

Photocopy of article reproduced from Public Opinion Quarterly Winter 1949-50 (LE)

12/2/M: Draft M-O articles submitted for publication to the Sunday Pictorial

6 typed drafts: "The Private Life of John Bull", "Are Our Morals on the Decline?", "Marriage-Love Outside Marriage-Divorce", "Sex Education" , "Family Planning", "Prostitution"

12/2/N: Articles published by the Sunday Pictorial/M-O Bulletin 29

7 articles including 2 publicity articles. (19.6.49-31.7.49)

Draft ? of M-O Bulletin 29, July 1949: "Sex Education"


12/3/A: Indexes and Preface

4 typed draft indexes

"Suggested Outline for a Report on Sex", final working index. One pencil draft and two typed copies

Typed preface, 8.6.49 (TH)

12/3/B: Chapter 1 "Sex Surveyed"

Handwritten draft

12/3/C: Chapter 2 "The Facts of Life"

Early typed draft, "Discovering Sex"; handwritten draft; typed draft; incomplete typed draft, revised by hand

12/3/D: Chapter 3 "Sex Education"

Handwritten draft; typed final version

12/3/E: Chapter 4 "Birth Control"

Handwritten draft; typed final version

12/3/F: Chapter 5 "Marriage"

Handwritten draft, typed final version

12/3/G: Chapter 6 "Divorce"

Handwritten draft; typed copy; typed copy, revised by hand


12/4/A: Chapter 7 "Sex Outside Marriage"

Handwritten draft; typed copy, revised by hand

12/4/B: Chapter 8 "Prostitution"

Early handwritten draft, "Commercial Sex"; typed and revised draft; typed draft; typed copy revised by hand

12/4/C: Chapter 9 "The Psychology of Sex"

Typed copy; typed copy revised by hand (incomplete)

12/4/D: Chapter 10 "Sexual Morality"

Handwritten copy; typed copy

12/4/E: Appendix 1 "Abnormality"

Typed copy, revised by hand. Includes incomplete handwritten account of visit to Brighton by group of homosexual men (GP)

12/4/F: Early draft chapters, discarded

Chapter 4: "The Institutions of Sex": Typed copy, revised

Chapter 4: "The Sex Habits of a Group": Typed and revised

Chapter 5: "Sex in its Social Setting": Typed and revised

Chapter 7: "The Less Orthodox": Handwritten draft

Chapter 15: "Van-Guards and Resistance Forces": Typed and revised

12/4/G-H: Miscellaneous and unsorted draft material


This questionnaire, was used to gain information on a national level, completed by investigators interviewing members of the public. It consisted of 19 questions about personal background and opinions of prevailing morality and aspects of sexual relationships

12/5/A: First Pilot, London area, 29.12.48

13 point typed questionnaire. Handwritten note (LB) assessing the effectiveness of questionnaire, 12.48

20 handwritten interview replies. (BS, DH, LB, LPS)

Handwritten analysis notes

12/5/B: Second Pilot, London area, 31.12.48

19 point typed questionnaire

18 handwritten interview replies. (BS, DH)

12/5/C: Third Pilot, London area, 14.1.48

22 point typed questionnaire

20 handwritten interview replies. (BS, DH, LB)

12/5/D: Organisational Material

Typed list of 54 numerically coded interview areas

"Instructions to Investigators on the Sex Survey", typed 3-page document

Typed letter of introduction carried by M-O staff engaged on the survey. Jan 49

Typed coding sheet for completed questionnaires

12/5/E-H: Approx 400 questionnaires (London area)


12/6/A-C: Approx 400 questionnaires (South East)

12/6/D-F: Approx 300 questionnaires (South and South West)


12/7/A: Approx 100 questionnaires (South and South West)

12/7/B-D: Approx 300 questionnaires (North and North East)

12/7/E-F: Approx 200 questionnaires (North West)


12/8/A: Approx 100 questionnaires (North West)

12/8/B-E: Approx 350 questionnaires (Midlands)

12/8/F: Approx 100 questionnaires (Scotland)

BOX 9: A9/1 SEX SURVEY (PUBLIC), JAN-APRIL 1949 (Continued)

12/9/A-B: Approx 150 questionnaires (Scotland)

12/9/C-E: Analysis sheets

12/9/F: Survey quota sheets returned by invs. (LB, JW, BL, JB, IP-G, BS, HDR, GE)

12/9/G: A9/4 Sex Survey (Public), June 1949

The 28-point A9/4 questionnaire was 'follow-up' to the A9/1, with copies sent to respondents of the latter questionnaire who agreed to receive it. The questions were personal ones, concerned with what M-O described as "habit". They relate entirely to the personal life of the respondent

Approx 60 completed forms inviting members of the public completing questionnaire A9/1 to participate in the later survey

Stencilled covering letter sent with questionnaire

Approx 20 completed A9/4 questionnaires

BOX 10: A9/2 QUESTIONNAIRE (PANEL D93/2), 1949

This questionnaire was sent to members of the panel in the Spring of 1949. It was similar to the A9/1 questionnaire

12/10/A-E: Approx 500 questionnaires

BOX 11: A9/1 QUESTIONNAIRE (PANEL D93/2),1949 (Continued)

12/11/A-C: Approx 250 questionnaires

12/11/D: Analysis sheets

BOX 12: A9/2 QUESTIONNAIRE (PANEL D94/3), 1949

Copies were sent to those members of the panel who volunteered to receive a 'further questionnaire' after completing the A9/2 (Panel D93/2) questionnaire. Similar to the A9/4 "habit" questionnaire (12/9/G) it contained a further 10 questions on personal background

12/12/A-E: Approx 200 questionnaires

BOX 13: A9/2 QUESTIONNAIRE (PANEL D94/3), 1949 (Continued)

12/13/A-C: Approx 150 questionnaires

12/13/D: Coding sheets

Draft and final copies

12/13/E: Analysis sheets


An eight point questionnaire sent to clergymen, doctors and teachers. Questions included attitudes to sexual morality, marriage, pre-and extra-marital sexual intercourse, divorce, prostitution, sex education and birth control

12/14/A: approx 120 replies from teachers

12/14/B: approx 100 replies from the clergy

12/14/C: approx 50 replies from the clergy

12/14/D: approx 50 replies from doctors

12/14/E: approx 60 replies from doctors

12/14/F: Mailing schedules

First and second copies with handwritten posting and returns schedules

12/14/G: Coding sheets


12/15/A: M-O material predating 1949 Sex Survey

Typed account of the trial of an abortionist at the Old Bailey, 17.10.42. (LB)

Typewritten note on prostitution during air raids on London, 15.9.40. (HP)

Handwritten note of interviews with London prostitutes, 30.8.39. (TH)

Typed notes: marriage 29.8.39 and sexual behaviour among hospital staff, 20.11.39. (TH)

3 typed overheard from Worcester 9.8.40. (JA/DA)

Handwritten notes on couvade; 7 pages, 1938? (TH)

Handwritten note, "Mother, How Was I Born?" (TH). Includes extracts from Radiant Motherhood by Marie Stopes

"The Use of Sex Slang", 7 page handwritten booklet, 1.5.43. (LF)

12/15/B: Manuscript by TH

"Pseudo-Personality in Prostitution", article (10.4.47) for Polemic (see also File Report 2465)

12/15/C: Cuttings and extracts from publications

"Courtship and Mating in an Urban Community", extract from Eugenics Review, April 46

Typed extract from "The Sexual Development of Boys" in American Journal of Psychology, 1.43

"An Experiment in the Treatment of Promiscuous Girls", typed extract

Cuttings book containing photographs of couples appearing in the Daily Mirror, 1935, with notes on similarity of appearance within couples. Sent to M-O

"America Today", 4 page handwritten review of USA sex laws

Typed extract from Sexual Life in Great Britain, by Ivan Bloch

12/15/D: Sex Survey, 1949: supportive material (general)

"Directive for Penetrative Work on Sex Survey", typed 4-page directions to invs on collection of supportive material

"Suggestions for Field Work on Projected Survey on Sex", 3 pages, handwritten. Author and date unknown

"Suggestions for Middlesbrough A9/1 Penetration". 5 pages, handwritten, March 49. (GP)

12/15/E: Sex Survey, 1949: supportive material (London)

3-page handwritten note of shops selling books about sex, 7.1.49 (DH)

Handwritten reports of film, "Body Beautiful" at a London cinema, 2.2.49. (BS, DH). Includes counts and details of audiences at this and other cinemas

12/15/F: Sex Survey, 1949: supportive material (Worcester)

14 handwritten reports of conversations and interviews with local dignitaries, those concerned with aspects of moral welfare and health, and members of the public in Worcester, March 49. (BL)

12/15/G: Sex Survey, 1949: supportive material (Worcester)

8 handwritten reports of social events and organisations in Worcester

12/15/H: Sex Survey, 1949: other supportive material

Series of handwritten anecdotes entitled "Lesbians", Feb 49. (DH)

"Sex", handwritten anecdote, 15.1.49. (DH)

Handwritten account of prostitution in Middlesbrough, 27.3.49. (GP)

Two handwritten anecdotes, "Case history of M29B" and "Peeping Tom in Village", 30.12.48. (BS)

Handwritten series of jokes, Jan 49. (DH, ?)

Typewritten note of jokes from ITMA broadcast 6.1.49. (ML)


12/16/A: Published material on sex

Advertising material consisting of booklets, pamphlets and letters and representing Southern Mail Order, London Medical Manufacturing Company, Direct Book Supply , CF Charles. Subjects include sex manners and technique. Photograph of naked boy

47th Annual Report (1949-50) of "The Alliance", a society for the promotion of sex education

12/16/B: Contraceptive and surgical products

Material on contraception, prophylactics and sex aids collected from Blakoe, Le Brasseur and the London Medical Manufacturing Company. Included are booklets, "A Guide for Husbands and Wives" and "Wedlock and Birth Control"

12/16/C: Bodybuilding, Diet and Fitness

Material from organisations including Charles Atlas, TW Standwell and Slimswift

Health and Strength magazine, 9.3.50

12/16/D: Hypnotism

Publicity material for hypnotism correspondence courses

12/16/E: 'Lonely Hearts' and Friendship Clubs

Publicity material and ephemera from three organisations

12/16/F: Proprietary Medicines and Tonics: notes

"Formulas of Some Glandular Preparations"; typed 7 page note

Handwritten note on the Hormonal Research Company, 7.4.50. (ML)

Handwritten 5 page note of an interview with the Chief Pharmacist at a London hospital about the contents of 'hormonal' remedies

Damaged handwritten copy of letter sent by ML to manufacturers of preparations

12/16/G: Proprietary Medicines and Tonics: advertising

Advertising material and booklets from producers of 'glandular' and 'hormonal' preparations. These include GA Hutton, Hygienic Supplies, Mayfair Laboratories, Le Brasseur, AS Howard, and British Glandular Products

Mass-Observation Studies 1937-55

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